Aleksandra Vuletić | The Institute of History (original) (raw)
Papers by Aleksandra Vuletić
Зборник Матице српске за историју, 2022
Рад се бави утврђивањем стопа смртности на порођају у Србији 1888-1910. године. Писан је на основ... more Рад се бави утврђивањем стопа смртности на порођају у Србији 1888-1910. године. Писан је на основу података званичне статистике публикованих у Краљевини Србији крајем 19. и почетком 20. века. Осим утврђивања стопа смртности на порођају, смртност породиља посматана је и у контексту опште смртности жена, смртности жена у репродуктивном периоду, у компарацији са смртношћу мушкараца, као и према типу насеља и окружној подели.
Историјски часопис , 2022
Апстракт: У раду се на основу статистичких података о природном кретању становништва у Србији кра... more Апстракт: У раду се на основу статистичких података о природном кретању становништва у Србији крајем 19. и почетком 20. века анализира структура морталитета по полу. Презентоване су опште стопе смртности мушкараца и жена за период 1862-1910. године, потом стопе смртности за оба пола разврстане према старосним групама (1896-1905), просечне године смрти жена и мушкараца, опште и разврстане по типу насеља (1888-1910), као и просечне године смрти за оба пола са становишта брачног статуса (1897-1910). Посебна пажња усмерена је на разлике у смртности мушкараца и жена у градским и сеоским срединама, као и у различитим фазама живота-раном детињству и фертилном периоду.
Urbanization in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Collections of Articles of the II International Scientific Conference, ed. A. A. Gordin, A. Rastović, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Institute oh History Belgrade, 2021
During the Ottoman rule in Serbia, the Serbian population was largely excluded from the urban lif... more During the Ottoman rule in Serbia, the Serbian population was largely excluded from the urban life and economy. At the beginning of the 19 th century the Serbs lived predominantly in rural areas and dealt with agriculture, while urban areas were inhabited by the Turks/Muslims and members of other ethnic groups-the Greeks, Cincars, Jews etc., who engaged in activities typical of the urban economy-trade and artisanship. The uprisings against the Ottoman Empire (1804-1815) and the political struggle for autonomy (1815-1833) brought about major demographic changes in urban environments: instead of the Turks/Muslims as the hitherto majority population in Serbia's urban settlements, new inhabitants came, mainly the Serbs (along with the members of other ethnic groups such the Greeks, Cincars and Jews, who had already lived in those settlements during the Ottoman rule). At the time when Serbia gained autonomy, the urban population was scarce. According to the 1835 census, the largest urban settlements were those in the north of the country, on the border or close to the border with the Habsburg Empire-Belgrade (7,033 inhabitants), Šabac (3,018), Smederevo (2,450) and Požarevac (2,303). [3, p. 233; 21, p. 41, 64, 69, 110;] Kragujevac, the capital of Serbia at that time, had only 2,235 inhabitants. Kragujevac was chosen as the capital in 1818, at the start of the struggle for political autonomy, for strategic reasons: it was located in the interior of the country, far from main transportation lines and Turkish military garrisons. After Serbia gained autonomy, the capital was transferred to Belgrade (1841), the largest urban centre. Owing to its geostrategic position-it bordered the Habsburg Monarchy, Belgrade was particularly important for the Serbian state-it was through Belgrade that the bulk of trade with the neighbouring Monarchy took place, and European cultural
Публицистика у развоју друштва и државе, I: Од новинског извештаја до објективне историје. Карановац - Краљево у српским новинама 1835-1918, Зборници радова, књ. 1, главни и одговорни уредник Дарко Гучанин, уредник Љубодраг П. Ристић, Краљево 2023., 2023
По броју становника и положају у административно-управној хијерархији Кнежевине/Краљевине Србије ... more По броју становника и положају у административно-управној хијерархији Кнежевине/Краљевине Србије Карановац/Краљево је спадао у ред мање развијених урбаних насеља. Свој идентитет и препознатљивост у широј јавности градио је у знатној мери на културно-историјским знаменитостима и природним ресурсима у свом непосредном окружењу. Међу најважнијим факторима препознатљивости ове варошице у домаћој јавности у 19. и почетком 20. века били су Манастир Жича и река Ибар. Овај рад се бави анализом новинских написа о Жичи и Ибру и њиховим релацијама са Карановцем/Краљевом у 19. и почетком 20. века.
Краљево - град и људи, ур. Александар Растовић и Весна Милојевић, Историјски институт Београд, Зборник радова књ. 44, Историјски архив Краљево, Београд - Краљево 2023. , 2023
У раду се разматра демографски развој Карановца/Краљева у 19. и почетком 20. века. Акценат је на ... more У раду се разматра демографски развој Карановца/Краљева у 19. и почетком 20. века. Акценат је на квантитативним и квалитативним обележјима становништва овог насеља на почетку и на крају разматраног раздобља. Демографски параметри Карановца/Краљева сагледани су у контексту мреже урбаних насеља у Србији како би се стекао увид у његову позицију у тој мрежи.
Мешовита грађа (Miscellanea) , 2011
У раду је презентован попис становника Шапца из 1819. године који се чува у Архиву Србије у Фонду... more У раду је презентован попис становника Шапца из 1819. године који се чува у Архиву Србије у Фонду Кнежева канцеларија. Овај документ је један од најранијих извора за демографску историју Шапца у 19. веку и стога је значајан за проучавање не само историје становништва Шапца, већ и градског становништва у Србији 19. века.
Elites, Groups, and Networks in East-Central and South-East Europe in the Long 19th Century, ed. by Judit Pal, Vlad Popovici, Oana Sorescu-Iudean, Brill Schoningh, 2022
War, Peace and Nation-Building (1853-1918), ed. in chief Aleksandar Rastović, Andrea Carteny; ed. Biljana Vučetić, Belgrade, The Institute of History; Roma, Sapienza University of Rome, Research center CEMAS, 2020
Statistics was introduced in the state administration of Serbia in the early second half of the 1... more Statistics was introduced in the state administration of Serbia in the early second half of the 19th century with the assumption of Western European knowledge and techniques of state management. At the time, statistics was considered a means that could contribute to social progress and the achievement of national objectives. Given the universal character of data it used, statistics was also considered capable of contributing to the increased visibility of Serbia in the international public. This paper focuses on the use of statistics as a means of national representation and the achievement of national objectives.
Крагујевац престоница модерне Србије од 1818. до 1841. године: зборник радова, Шумадијски анали IX , 2018
Pirot - od turske kasabe do modernog grada, preko Berlina i Versaja: zbornik radova, 2018
BELGRADE 1521–1867, 2018
Based on data on the demographic structure and movements in the Serbian capital dating back to th... more Based on data on the demographic structure and movements in the Serbian capital dating back to the mid-19th century, contemporary literature contains the most important data about the population of Belgrade in 1815-1867, but without a significant focus on the context in which those data were created. Our interest in this paper concerns primarily the historical and social context in which the first data on demographic capacities of Belgrade appeared in the mid-19th century. Shifting the focus from "dry" demographic data to the background of their appearance enables us to gain insight into a broader historical picture of the time. The collection, analysis and presentation of data about the population of Belgrade were one of the first examples of incorporating contemporary scientific knowledge and administrative methods according to the Western European model in the autonomous Serbian state. The first analyses of the demographic structure of Belgrade and comparisons with analogous data from other European cities showed a demographic "deficit" of the Serbian capital compared to the capitals in the region. Presentation of those data was to serve the function of improving population management policies, so that the observed lag behind European cities be overcome as soon as possible. The categorisation of population made at the time (based on ethnic, religious, professional affiliation etc.) reveals the first social divisions in the capital. The exemption of the Turkish part of the population from the competence of Serbian authorities and roundabout ways in which they obtained data about the number of Turkish inhabitants testify to the existence of two parallel worlds in Belgrade in the mid-19th century-Serbian and Turkish. /
Држава и политике управљања (18-20. век), Историјски институт Београд, 2017, 227-246/ State and Governing Policies (18-20th Centuries), Collection of Works, Institute of History Belgrade, 227-246, 2017
Abstract: Paper is about the role of statistics and development of statistical service in 19th ce... more Abstract: Paper is about the role of statistics and development of statistical service in 19th century Serbia. Activities of Vladimir Jakšić, the founding father of Serbian statics, and his successor Bogoljub Jovanović, have been analysed. Development of statistical service and its activities have been studied as a part of the modernization process in 19th century Serbia.
Зборник Матице српске за историју/ Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History, 2012
Summary: This article explores the public attitude towards the divorce of King Milan. In the mid-... more Summary: This article explores the public attitude towards the divorce of King Milan. In the mid-1880s the divorce of the Serbian monarch became a key political issue which attracted attention of both the political and general public. The majority of the public sided with the queen, condemning the king of his moral impropriety. Political parties took the opportunity to further undermine the reputation of the unpopular monarch. Public opinion could not prevent the king from divorce but, in the end, negative publicity which has emerged in the divorce case contributed to his abdication.
Зборник Матице српске за историју/ Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History, 2016
Summary: This paper analyzes the age structure of the population in Serbia in the 19th century. ... more Summary: This paper analyzes the age structure of the population in Serbia in the 19th century. The analysis, based on the data from the censuses carried out in 1854 and 1890, shows that Serbia in the 19th century had a large share of the young population and proportionally smaller share of the adult and old population. These demographic characteristics ranked it among the countries with demographically progressive population. The young age structure was primarily the result of high fertility rates. High mortality rates contributed to a smaller share of the adult and old population. Until the beginning of the 1880s, Serbia, like most countries in the Eastern and Southeastern Europe, was in pre-transitional stage of demographic development, characterized by high birth and mortality rates. Slight decrease of birth rates started only in 1880s. Such trends of demographic development contributed to the maintenance of the young age structure of the Serbian population throughout the whole 19th century. The age structure was not identical in urban and in rural areas. Adult, working age population was much more represented in cities and there was proportionally lesser population under 15 years of age then in villages. These differences were largely the result of intensive migration to urban areas, since most of the urban immigrants were adult males. Given that the vast majority of the population in Serbia lived in rural areas, the age structure of rural population significantly influenced the configuration of age structure of the whole country.
Српске студије/ Serbian Studies, 2012
Abstract: Paper deals with the average number of members of the village household in Serbia 1834-... more Abstract: Paper deals with the average number of members of the village household in Serbia 1834-1910. The published census data were the main source of information for this analyses. We have shown also the structure of the village households at the level of married couples they comprised of. The results of analyses were examined in the geographical, demographic and economic context, as well as in the context of ethnographic descriptions of family and household.
Српске студије/ Serbian Studies, 2016
Summary: From the 1860s to 1880s the birth and death rates in Serbia, compared to other European ... more Summary: From the 1860s to 1880s the birth and death rates in Serbia, compared to other European countries, were pretty high. High death rate (over 30%) was counterbalanced by a higher birth rate (over 40%), which resulted in a natural increase in the population. The population increase was taking place in a tense demographic environment – a large number of marriages, births and deaths. A fact that an accelerated life cycle had an adverse effect on the material and cultural prosperity was something that the academic circles indicated already in the mid-19th century.
The natural population increase was also geographically disproportionate: the highest increase rates were in the Morava river region and in the north of the country, while the lowest rates were registered in the south-west and south- east regions of Serbia. Furthermore, the local environmental features had their impact on the natural changes in the population, primarily on the death rate, as the state interventionism in this area was just in its initial phase (through the healthcare system, improvement of sanitation, etc.).
High birth and death rates, great fluctuations in the death rate figures and the regional disproportion in the rate values are quite characteristic to the pre- transitional phase in the demographic development. In that phase, natural fac- tors bear a dominant effect on the changes in the population. In the early 1880s, the mortality rates started to dwindle gradually. The decrease was followed by lower fluctuations between the highest and lowest rate values, as well as by a slight increase in the birth rate, thereby leading to higher rates in the natural increase when compared to the previous period. The said demographic changes marked a start of the next phase in the demographic transition in Serbia. In that following phase, the natural demographic changes started to be impacted by the external factors, the most important being those aimed at improving the living conditions of the population and a decrease in death rate.
Српска револуција и обнова државност Србије, Историјски нститут Београд, Међуопштински историјски архив Чачак, Београд 2016, 151-166/ Serbian Revolution and Renewal of Serbian Statehood, Collection of Works, 2016
Abstract: Paper deals with the development of census policy in Serbia from the end of The Second ... more Abstract: Paper deals with the development of census policy in Serbia from the end of The Second Uprising against the Ottoman Empire till the gain of political autonomy and abolition of feudal system. By the analyses of the census policy we have shown the development of the state administration and the process of taking control over the human and material resources by the emerging Serbian state.
Село Балкана - континуитети и промене кроз историју, Зборник радова, Историјски институт Београд, Музеј на отвореном "Старо село" Сирогојно, Београд 2017, 57-73/ The Balkan Village. Continuities and Changes through History, Collection of Works, 2017
Summary: The forms of entering into the first marriage and habitation of a young married couple a... more Summary: The forms of entering into the first marriage and habitation of a young married couple are usually observed as the key factors in defining the prevalent system of formation and structure of a family household. The principle of patrilocality implied joint habitation and earning of a young married couple and the groom’s primary family, at least at the start of the marriage, which led to the appearance of extended and complex family households. However, a change in the household structure was influenced also by relatively high mortality of the population in the fertile and working age, and remarrying of widowed persons. In the early 1880s, a fifth of marriages were those where one or both partners had previously been widowed. High mortality rates indirectly led to higher nuptiality, while remarriages contributed to higher natality. Widowed persons thus accelerated the dynamics of structural changes of family households, while their remarriages served the functions of maintenance and reproduction of biological and economic functions of the family. A large number of remarriages also made the family network more complex. Affinal kinship, established through remarriages between members of two families, was not always respected in practice in the extent to which other forms of kinship were respected, which complicated mutual relations in village communities.
Istorijski časopis/Historical Review, 2015
Abstract: The paper analyses the developmental cycle of a family household in a chronological per... more Abstract: The paper analyses the developmental cycle of a family household in a chronological perspective, on the example of the village of Gostilje in western part of Serbia. The analysis draws on population censuses of 1849, 1857 and 1863. We identified the majority of families registered in 1849 in the following two censuses and compared their structures.
Зборник Матице српске за историју, 2022
Рад се бави утврђивањем стопа смртности на порођају у Србији 1888-1910. године. Писан је на основ... more Рад се бави утврђивањем стопа смртности на порођају у Србији 1888-1910. године. Писан је на основу података званичне статистике публикованих у Краљевини Србији крајем 19. и почетком 20. века. Осим утврђивања стопа смртности на порођају, смртност породиља посматана је и у контексту опште смртности жена, смртности жена у репродуктивном периоду, у компарацији са смртношћу мушкараца, као и према типу насеља и окружној подели.
Историјски часопис , 2022
Апстракт: У раду се на основу статистичких података о природном кретању становништва у Србији кра... more Апстракт: У раду се на основу статистичких података о природном кретању становништва у Србији крајем 19. и почетком 20. века анализира структура морталитета по полу. Презентоване су опште стопе смртности мушкараца и жена за период 1862-1910. године, потом стопе смртности за оба пола разврстане према старосним групама (1896-1905), просечне године смрти жена и мушкараца, опште и разврстане по типу насеља (1888-1910), као и просечне године смрти за оба пола са становишта брачног статуса (1897-1910). Посебна пажња усмерена је на разлике у смртности мушкараца и жена у градским и сеоским срединама, као и у различитим фазама живота-раном детињству и фертилном периоду.
Urbanization in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Collections of Articles of the II International Scientific Conference, ed. A. A. Gordin, A. Rastović, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Institute oh History Belgrade, 2021
During the Ottoman rule in Serbia, the Serbian population was largely excluded from the urban lif... more During the Ottoman rule in Serbia, the Serbian population was largely excluded from the urban life and economy. At the beginning of the 19 th century the Serbs lived predominantly in rural areas and dealt with agriculture, while urban areas were inhabited by the Turks/Muslims and members of other ethnic groups-the Greeks, Cincars, Jews etc., who engaged in activities typical of the urban economy-trade and artisanship. The uprisings against the Ottoman Empire (1804-1815) and the political struggle for autonomy (1815-1833) brought about major demographic changes in urban environments: instead of the Turks/Muslims as the hitherto majority population in Serbia's urban settlements, new inhabitants came, mainly the Serbs (along with the members of other ethnic groups such the Greeks, Cincars and Jews, who had already lived in those settlements during the Ottoman rule). At the time when Serbia gained autonomy, the urban population was scarce. According to the 1835 census, the largest urban settlements were those in the north of the country, on the border or close to the border with the Habsburg Empire-Belgrade (7,033 inhabitants), Šabac (3,018), Smederevo (2,450) and Požarevac (2,303). [3, p. 233; 21, p. 41, 64, 69, 110;] Kragujevac, the capital of Serbia at that time, had only 2,235 inhabitants. Kragujevac was chosen as the capital in 1818, at the start of the struggle for political autonomy, for strategic reasons: it was located in the interior of the country, far from main transportation lines and Turkish military garrisons. After Serbia gained autonomy, the capital was transferred to Belgrade (1841), the largest urban centre. Owing to its geostrategic position-it bordered the Habsburg Monarchy, Belgrade was particularly important for the Serbian state-it was through Belgrade that the bulk of trade with the neighbouring Monarchy took place, and European cultural
Публицистика у развоју друштва и државе, I: Од новинског извештаја до објективне историје. Карановац - Краљево у српским новинама 1835-1918, Зборници радова, књ. 1, главни и одговорни уредник Дарко Гучанин, уредник Љубодраг П. Ристић, Краљево 2023., 2023
По броју становника и положају у административно-управној хијерархији Кнежевине/Краљевине Србије ... more По броју становника и положају у административно-управној хијерархији Кнежевине/Краљевине Србије Карановац/Краљево је спадао у ред мање развијених урбаних насеља. Свој идентитет и препознатљивост у широј јавности градио је у знатној мери на културно-историјским знаменитостима и природним ресурсима у свом непосредном окружењу. Међу најважнијим факторима препознатљивости ове варошице у домаћој јавности у 19. и почетком 20. века били су Манастир Жича и река Ибар. Овај рад се бави анализом новинских написа о Жичи и Ибру и њиховим релацијама са Карановцем/Краљевом у 19. и почетком 20. века.
Краљево - град и људи, ур. Александар Растовић и Весна Милојевић, Историјски институт Београд, Зборник радова књ. 44, Историјски архив Краљево, Београд - Краљево 2023. , 2023
У раду се разматра демографски развој Карановца/Краљева у 19. и почетком 20. века. Акценат је на ... more У раду се разматра демографски развој Карановца/Краљева у 19. и почетком 20. века. Акценат је на квантитативним и квалитативним обележјима становништва овог насеља на почетку и на крају разматраног раздобља. Демографски параметри Карановца/Краљева сагледани су у контексту мреже урбаних насеља у Србији како би се стекао увид у његову позицију у тој мрежи.
Мешовита грађа (Miscellanea) , 2011
У раду је презентован попис становника Шапца из 1819. године који се чува у Архиву Србије у Фонду... more У раду је презентован попис становника Шапца из 1819. године који се чува у Архиву Србије у Фонду Кнежева канцеларија. Овај документ је један од најранијих извора за демографску историју Шапца у 19. веку и стога је значајан за проучавање не само историје становништва Шапца, већ и градског становништва у Србији 19. века.
Elites, Groups, and Networks in East-Central and South-East Europe in the Long 19th Century, ed. by Judit Pal, Vlad Popovici, Oana Sorescu-Iudean, Brill Schoningh, 2022
War, Peace and Nation-Building (1853-1918), ed. in chief Aleksandar Rastović, Andrea Carteny; ed. Biljana Vučetić, Belgrade, The Institute of History; Roma, Sapienza University of Rome, Research center CEMAS, 2020
Statistics was introduced in the state administration of Serbia in the early second half of the 1... more Statistics was introduced in the state administration of Serbia in the early second half of the 19th century with the assumption of Western European knowledge and techniques of state management. At the time, statistics was considered a means that could contribute to social progress and the achievement of national objectives. Given the universal character of data it used, statistics was also considered capable of contributing to the increased visibility of Serbia in the international public. This paper focuses on the use of statistics as a means of national representation and the achievement of national objectives.
Крагујевац престоница модерне Србије од 1818. до 1841. године: зборник радова, Шумадијски анали IX , 2018
Pirot - od turske kasabe do modernog grada, preko Berlina i Versaja: zbornik radova, 2018
BELGRADE 1521–1867, 2018
Based on data on the demographic structure and movements in the Serbian capital dating back to th... more Based on data on the demographic structure and movements in the Serbian capital dating back to the mid-19th century, contemporary literature contains the most important data about the population of Belgrade in 1815-1867, but without a significant focus on the context in which those data were created. Our interest in this paper concerns primarily the historical and social context in which the first data on demographic capacities of Belgrade appeared in the mid-19th century. Shifting the focus from "dry" demographic data to the background of their appearance enables us to gain insight into a broader historical picture of the time. The collection, analysis and presentation of data about the population of Belgrade were one of the first examples of incorporating contemporary scientific knowledge and administrative methods according to the Western European model in the autonomous Serbian state. The first analyses of the demographic structure of Belgrade and comparisons with analogous data from other European cities showed a demographic "deficit" of the Serbian capital compared to the capitals in the region. Presentation of those data was to serve the function of improving population management policies, so that the observed lag behind European cities be overcome as soon as possible. The categorisation of population made at the time (based on ethnic, religious, professional affiliation etc.) reveals the first social divisions in the capital. The exemption of the Turkish part of the population from the competence of Serbian authorities and roundabout ways in which they obtained data about the number of Turkish inhabitants testify to the existence of two parallel worlds in Belgrade in the mid-19th century-Serbian and Turkish. /
Држава и политике управљања (18-20. век), Историјски институт Београд, 2017, 227-246/ State and Governing Policies (18-20th Centuries), Collection of Works, Institute of History Belgrade, 227-246, 2017
Abstract: Paper is about the role of statistics and development of statistical service in 19th ce... more Abstract: Paper is about the role of statistics and development of statistical service in 19th century Serbia. Activities of Vladimir Jakšić, the founding father of Serbian statics, and his successor Bogoljub Jovanović, have been analysed. Development of statistical service and its activities have been studied as a part of the modernization process in 19th century Serbia.
Зборник Матице српске за историју/ Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History, 2012
Summary: This article explores the public attitude towards the divorce of King Milan. In the mid-... more Summary: This article explores the public attitude towards the divorce of King Milan. In the mid-1880s the divorce of the Serbian monarch became a key political issue which attracted attention of both the political and general public. The majority of the public sided with the queen, condemning the king of his moral impropriety. Political parties took the opportunity to further undermine the reputation of the unpopular monarch. Public opinion could not prevent the king from divorce but, in the end, negative publicity which has emerged in the divorce case contributed to his abdication.
Зборник Матице српске за историју/ Proceedings of Matica Srpska for History, 2016
Summary: This paper analyzes the age structure of the population in Serbia in the 19th century. ... more Summary: This paper analyzes the age structure of the population in Serbia in the 19th century. The analysis, based on the data from the censuses carried out in 1854 and 1890, shows that Serbia in the 19th century had a large share of the young population and proportionally smaller share of the adult and old population. These demographic characteristics ranked it among the countries with demographically progressive population. The young age structure was primarily the result of high fertility rates. High mortality rates contributed to a smaller share of the adult and old population. Until the beginning of the 1880s, Serbia, like most countries in the Eastern and Southeastern Europe, was in pre-transitional stage of demographic development, characterized by high birth and mortality rates. Slight decrease of birth rates started only in 1880s. Such trends of demographic development contributed to the maintenance of the young age structure of the Serbian population throughout the whole 19th century. The age structure was not identical in urban and in rural areas. Adult, working age population was much more represented in cities and there was proportionally lesser population under 15 years of age then in villages. These differences were largely the result of intensive migration to urban areas, since most of the urban immigrants were adult males. Given that the vast majority of the population in Serbia lived in rural areas, the age structure of rural population significantly influenced the configuration of age structure of the whole country.
Српске студије/ Serbian Studies, 2012
Abstract: Paper deals with the average number of members of the village household in Serbia 1834-... more Abstract: Paper deals with the average number of members of the village household in Serbia 1834-1910. The published census data were the main source of information for this analyses. We have shown also the structure of the village households at the level of married couples they comprised of. The results of analyses were examined in the geographical, demographic and economic context, as well as in the context of ethnographic descriptions of family and household.
Српске студије/ Serbian Studies, 2016
Summary: From the 1860s to 1880s the birth and death rates in Serbia, compared to other European ... more Summary: From the 1860s to 1880s the birth and death rates in Serbia, compared to other European countries, were pretty high. High death rate (over 30%) was counterbalanced by a higher birth rate (over 40%), which resulted in a natural increase in the population. The population increase was taking place in a tense demographic environment – a large number of marriages, births and deaths. A fact that an accelerated life cycle had an adverse effect on the material and cultural prosperity was something that the academic circles indicated already in the mid-19th century.
The natural population increase was also geographically disproportionate: the highest increase rates were in the Morava river region and in the north of the country, while the lowest rates were registered in the south-west and south- east regions of Serbia. Furthermore, the local environmental features had their impact on the natural changes in the population, primarily on the death rate, as the state interventionism in this area was just in its initial phase (through the healthcare system, improvement of sanitation, etc.).
High birth and death rates, great fluctuations in the death rate figures and the regional disproportion in the rate values are quite characteristic to the pre- transitional phase in the demographic development. In that phase, natural fac- tors bear a dominant effect on the changes in the population. In the early 1880s, the mortality rates started to dwindle gradually. The decrease was followed by lower fluctuations between the highest and lowest rate values, as well as by a slight increase in the birth rate, thereby leading to higher rates in the natural increase when compared to the previous period. The said demographic changes marked a start of the next phase in the demographic transition in Serbia. In that following phase, the natural demographic changes started to be impacted by the external factors, the most important being those aimed at improving the living conditions of the population and a decrease in death rate.
Српска револуција и обнова државност Србије, Историјски нститут Београд, Међуопштински историјски архив Чачак, Београд 2016, 151-166/ Serbian Revolution and Renewal of Serbian Statehood, Collection of Works, 2016
Abstract: Paper deals with the development of census policy in Serbia from the end of The Second ... more Abstract: Paper deals with the development of census policy in Serbia from the end of The Second Uprising against the Ottoman Empire till the gain of political autonomy and abolition of feudal system. By the analyses of the census policy we have shown the development of the state administration and the process of taking control over the human and material resources by the emerging Serbian state.
Село Балкана - континуитети и промене кроз историју, Зборник радова, Историјски институт Београд, Музеј на отвореном "Старо село" Сирогојно, Београд 2017, 57-73/ The Balkan Village. Continuities and Changes through History, Collection of Works, 2017
Summary: The forms of entering into the first marriage and habitation of a young married couple a... more Summary: The forms of entering into the first marriage and habitation of a young married couple are usually observed as the key factors in defining the prevalent system of formation and structure of a family household. The principle of patrilocality implied joint habitation and earning of a young married couple and the groom’s primary family, at least at the start of the marriage, which led to the appearance of extended and complex family households. However, a change in the household structure was influenced also by relatively high mortality of the population in the fertile and working age, and remarrying of widowed persons. In the early 1880s, a fifth of marriages were those where one or both partners had previously been widowed. High mortality rates indirectly led to higher nuptiality, while remarriages contributed to higher natality. Widowed persons thus accelerated the dynamics of structural changes of family households, while their remarriages served the functions of maintenance and reproduction of biological and economic functions of the family. A large number of remarriages also made the family network more complex. Affinal kinship, established through remarriages between members of two families, was not always respected in practice in the extent to which other forms of kinship were respected, which complicated mutual relations in village communities.
Istorijski časopis/Historical Review, 2015
Abstract: The paper analyses the developmental cycle of a family household in a chronological per... more Abstract: The paper analyses the developmental cycle of a family household in a chronological perspective, on the example of the village of Gostilje in western part of Serbia. The analysis draws on population censuses of 1849, 1857 and 1863. We identified the majority of families registered in 1849 in the following two censuses and compared their structures.