bsplus (original) (raw)

One of the goals of bsplus is to provide access to some useful Bootstrap components for rmarkdown html-documents and shiny apps:

Another goal is to provide some tools to help build shiny apps.

The philosophy of this package is to allow you to work with Bootstrap JavaScript components using HTML, while smoothing some of the rough edges. Even though some of the functions here are useful only in shiny apps, please note that none of the functions in this package depend on the server side of shiny - only the UI side.


This family of functions is used to build some stand-alone components.


bs_button("This button does nothing", button_type = "warning")


A collapsible element is attached to a button or link, which is used to show (or hide) the element.

The first step is to create the collapsible element, using [bs_collapse()](../reference/bs%5Fcollapse.html) with an id. By default, this element is initially hidden.

  id = "ex_collapse", 
  content = tags$div(class = "well", "Yeah Yeah Yeah")

Next, you create a tag, like a button, a then attach the id of the collapsible element to it.

To see more of the collapse function-family, please see its article.


An accordion is a set of collapsible panels constructed such that one panel, at most, is open at a time.

There are two main functions:

Generally, title will be text, and content can be HTML.

bs_accordion(id = "meet_the_beatles") %>%
  bs_append(title = "John", content = "Rhythm guitar, vocals") %>%
  bs_append(title = "Paul", content = "Bass guitar, vocals") %>%
  bs_append(title = "George", content = "Lead guitar, vocals") %>%
  bs_append(title = "Ringo", content = "Drums, vocals")

To see more of the [bs_accordion()](../reference/bs%5Faccordion.html) function-family, including how to make the entire banner “clickable” and how to change the class of the panels, please see its article.

Modal windows are a great way to deliver help-documentation, although they certainly have other uses.

The first step is to define a modal widow, giving it an id. The shiny function [includeMarkdown()]( can be useful to compose the content.

To allow activation of the modal window, attach its id to a button (or link).

The verb attach implies that you can attach an id to as many links you like. Thus:

To see more of the [bs_modal()](../reference/bs%5Fmodal.html) function-family, including how to specify the size of the modal, please see its article.


A popover can be used to embed a longer note into a tag; by default they are activated by clicking on the tag. A popover has a title, which is generally text, and content, which can be HTML.

bs_button("John Lennon", button_type = "default") %>%
    title = "More information",
    content = "Although he wrote \"I Am the Walrus\", 
               he later insisted that the Walrus was Paul."

According to the Bootstrap site, popovers are not activated automatically; to activate them you can call use_bs_popovers() once on your page.

To see more of the [bs_embed_popover()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Fpopover.html) function, including how to specify the placement of the popover, please see its article.

An carousel can be useful to cycle through slides with related content. There like the accordion, there are two main functions:

bs_carousel(id = "the_beatles", use_indicators = TRUE) %>%
    content = bs_carousel_image(src = image_uri("img/john.jpg")),
    caption = bs_carousel_caption("John Lennon", "Rhythm guitar, vocals")
  ) %>%
    content = bs_carousel_image(src = image_uri("img/paul.jpg")),
    caption = bs_carousel_caption("Paul McCartney", "Bass guitar, vocals")
  ) %>%
    content = bs_carousel_image(src = image_uri("img/george.jpg")),
    caption = bs_carousel_caption("George Harrison", "Lead guitar, vocals")
  ) %>%
    content = bs_carousel_image(src = image_uri("img/ringo.jpg")),
    caption = bs_carousel_caption("Ringo Starr", "Drums, vocals")

John Lennon

Rhythm guitar, vocals

Paul McCartney

Bass guitar, vocals

George Harrison

Lead guitar, vocals

Ringo Starr

Drums, vocals

Previous Next

I think the carousel has potential not shown in this example. The content of each slide is HTML, so a carousel could contain images (as shown here), shiny inputs or outputs. Another possibility may be to use the the frame aesthetic offered by gganimate to cycle through ggplot2 plots.

To see more of the [bs_carousel()](../reference/bs%5Fappend.bsplus%5Fcarousel.html) framework, including its helper functions [bs_carousel_image()](../reference/bs%5Fcarousel%5Fimage.html) and [bs_carousel_caption()](../reference/bs%5Fcarousel%5Fcaption.html), please see its article.

If you want to include help links in your shiny app, some functions in this package can help you do that.

Let’s consider a shiny input. One way to put unobtrusive help into a shiny input is to embed a help icon into its label, having associated the help icon with the help documentation. This suggests three steps:

  1. Create a help icon. You can use [shiny::icon()]( or [shiny_iconlink()](../reference/shiny%5Ficonlink.html) (which simply wraps the icon in an HTML link).
  2. Associate the help icon with your help documentation. Here, you can use [bs_embed_tooltip()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Ftooltip.html), [bs_embed_popover()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Fpopover.html) or [bs_attach_modal()](../reference/bs%5Fmodal.html).
  3. Embed your help icon into the shiny input. You can use [shinyInput_label_embed()](../reference/shinyInput%5Flabel%5Fembed.html).

Here’s an example of everything put together:

As of writing, I don’t know how to include operable shiny inputs in an html document, outside of the shiny runtime. To see these functions in action, you can refer to this shiny app, which you can also run locally using:

Here’s what it looks like:

To see more of the help-link framework, including more examples and a proposed convention for icons, please read this article.

Helper functions

Finally, there are a couple of helper functions for customizing Bootstrap tags: [bs_set_data()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html) and [bs_set_aria()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html). These can be useful because not all of the options for Bootstrap components are represented in the arguments of functions in this package.

Consider the options for popovers; there are close to a dozen. The only one that I thought might be commonly used was placement, so this became an explicit argument to [bs_embed_popover()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Fpopover.html).

Let’s say that you want to be able to dismiss a popover by clicking anywhere in the browser window other than the button. To do this, you have to set the attribute data-trigger to the value "focus". The function [bs_set_data()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html) makes things a little easier for you by prepending "data-" to each name and serializing the values to the format specified by the Bootstrap API.

The [bs_embed_popover()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Fpopover.html) function has a ... argument; any such additional arguments are passed to [bs_set_data()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html). Thus, you can add this trigger argument to [bs_embed_popover()](../reference/bs%5Fembed%5Fpopover.html).

bs_button("Click for popover", button_type = "primary") %>%
    title = "To dismiss",
    content = "Click anywhere in the browser window, except the button.",
    trigger = "focus"

Both of these functions are used to set attributes on tags; [bs_set_data()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html) is used for attributes that start with "data-", [bs_set_aria()](../reference/bs%5Fset%5Fdata.html) is used for attributes that start with "aria-". To see more of these helper functions, please read their reference.