Dedi Irawan | IKIP PGRI Pontianak (original) (raw)
Papers by Dedi Irawan
VPN (Virtual Private Network) in its implementation is divided into two types namely VPN remote a... more VPN (Virtual Private Network) in its implementation is divided into two types namely VPN remote access and site-to-site VPN. VPN Remote access is a VPN that is used to remotely host a server or private host through a public network. Whereas site-to-site VPN is used to connect networks that have long distances through the public network so that it seems to be on a local network, for example between Field Ubeb Adera premises Field Prabumulih. In this case the occurrence of communication or sharing of data between the two fields of surviving with field Prabumulih through VPN (Virtual Private Network) site to site technology, it requires a security (security) to maintain the confidentiality of these data. The Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) security protocol is a security protocol capable of meeting the criteria of security support and has a better security level that is most widely used to improve the security of site to site VPNs in PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera Pengabuan.
PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera is one company that uses computer networks and the internet as a medium ... more PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera is one company that uses computer networks and the internet as a medium to support work activities. PT. Ubeb Adera Pengabuan has 8 rooms based on its function, namely Room Tank 1, HSE / IT, Field Manager, House Staff, Transport, DWO, Finance and Logistics. Each room is located apart from the distance of each room 10-20 meters, where the network topology used is now connected in parallel from Tank 1 room to the Logistics room, so that it becomes a problem for administrators when developing the network and the problem when the network connection is interrupted due to hardware (cables, switches and routers) as well as the problematic routing (routing) can be disconnected. Overcoming this using the experimental method with the stages of the initial experiment, observation, initial hypothesis, verification, evaluation, the authors make "Design of Multi VLAN-based LAN Network (Virtual Local Area Network) at PT. Pertamina Ubep Adera Pengabuan "as the solu...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Mura, 2020
Perkembangan teknologi yang Semakin hari semakin meningkat, kita di tuntut untuk meningkatkan sys... more Perkembangan teknologi yang Semakin hari semakin meningkat, kita di tuntut untuk meningkatkan system keamanan jaringan yang kita miliki, karena semakin mudahnya orang bisa mengetahui tentang hacking dan cracking dan juga didukung oleh tools yang mudah didapatkan secara gratis. Dan untuk mencegah hal itu kita harus megamankan jaringan yang kita gunakan, untuk mengamankan jaringan tersebut peneliti menggunakan sebuah metode keamanan yang bernama Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), merupakan media yang banyak digunakan dalam membangun sebuah system keamanan komputer, lalu IPS di gabungkan dengan menggunkan Teknik firewall dan metode Intrusioan Detection System, dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan sistem operasi Linux yaitu Ubuntu dan CentOS, karena linux merupakan software yang bersifat free/opensource sehingga untuk memperolehnya dapat diunduh secara gratis. Pada awalnya linux merupakan system operasi yang cocok untuk jaringan tapi sekarang linux sudah berubah menjadi system ope...
POSITIF : Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, 2019
Internet adalah salah satu bentuk kecanggihan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Internet memung... more Internet adalah salah satu bentuk kecanggihan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Internet memungkinkan seseorang untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah. Karena itu, internet adalah hal yang sangat penting yang harus dikuasai dan dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Mengingat bahaya yang ada di internet, seperti pisau bermata dua, di satu sisi internet dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan positif dan di sisi lain internet juga dapat digunakan untuk hal-hal negatif. Tujuan penulis untuk melakukan penelitian ini untuk membangun jaringan internet positif di PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera dengan memfilter konten negatif berdasarkan daftar 773 ribu konten negatif yang diblokir di situs web trust + ™ Positif oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi sehingga sumber daya internet dapat digunakan secara efektif dan efisien, Menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan serta metode respon policy zone, penulis dapat membangun internet yang positif di lingkup Perusahaan PT.Pertamina Ubeb Adera.
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Banyaknya produk makanan yang beredar baik yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan skala nasional maupun ... more Banyaknya produk makanan yang beredar baik yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan skala nasional maupun lokal serta produk makanan yang diproduksi secara illegal menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul yaitu kemampuan masyarakat dalam memilih produk makanan yang baik atau berizin untuk diedarkan sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan. Untuk itu didalam peneltian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi izin produk makanan yang dapat digunakan masyarakat dalam mencari informasi sebuah produk makanan. Didalam proses pengembangan sistem informasi digunakan extreme programming sebagai metode pengembangan dengan tahapaneksplorasi, perencanaan, iterasi pengembangan, produksi, dan pemeliharaan. Dari hasil penelitian menujukkan bawah metode extreme programming mampu menghasilkan sistem infomrasi yang dapat berfungsi secara baik yang ditunjukkan dari hasil pengujian
Barakuda 45: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan
Tembakul or mudskipper has the ability to adapt the condition of tidal area trough walking on the... more Tembakul or mudskipper has the ability to adapt the condition of tidal area trough walking on the mud. The purpose of this research, wich held on February – March 2019 at Pasir Village Mempawah Regency, are to found out the species of tembakul on that area, with its abundance and the characteristic of its habitat. Sample taken from 3 sampling sites wich determinated by purposive method with the help of net for caught tool. The result of this research found 3 species of mudskipper, i.e Boleophthalmus boddarti, Periophthalmus schlosseri and P. chrysospilos. P. Schlosseri had the highest abundance (0,82 Ind/m²), followed by B. Boddarti 0,74 Ind/m² and P. Chrysospilos (0,52 Ind/m²). Site I had the highest abundance of mudskippers (0,94 Ind/m²), while site II was the lowest (0,53 Ind/m²). Based on the regression analysis of enviromental actors of its habitat, salinity had the big impact for mudskipper.
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Artikel ini membahas mengenai pengembangan tata usaha sekolah yang berbasis teknologi informasi. ... more Artikel ini membahas mengenai pengembangan tata usaha sekolah yang berbasis teknologi informasi. Untuk menunjang kelancaran proses pembelajaran di Lembaga Pendidikan diperlukan suatu bagian yang mendukung kegiatan tersebut yaitu tata usaha sekolah. Tata usaha lembaga pendidikan merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan jasa pendidikan suatu lembaga, karena sebagai badan administrasi sekolah yang secara langsung menangani pelayanan di dalam internal maupun eksternal sekolah. Akan tetapi staf tata usaha masih belum cukup baik melayani administrasi ketatausahaan. Adapun tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengulas mengenai bagaimana sistem tata usaha berbasis teknologi informasi agar mengefisiensikan kinerja tata usaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengamati gejala dari situasi yang nyata.
2015 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2015
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015
Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Informatika, Jun 6, 2012
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
Fiber coupler model for any source port with two and more output ports having five waveguides is ... more Fiber coupler model for any source port with two and more output ports having five waveguides is proposed. A new model of multiple junction of 1X5 monolithic fiber coupler is introduced. During fusion process of 1X5 fiber coupler, the coupling length varies to obtain the output power. The calculation of power transfer using matrix transfer has been modeled and shown the agreement in output ports. The power is launched from three good possible input waveguide (WG) ports that are into WG1, WG2, and WG3. Inserting input power into WG1 or WG3 shows that it will distribute light intensity to others waveguides with the various values. However, by launching input power into the center waveguides (WG3), 1X5 monolithic fiber coupler acts as power divider and power splitter. The input power will be distributed with the same value to the others waveguides. At certain phase, light intensities will split completely into initial waveguides. The way to control the coupling ratio is by adjusting coupling coefficient of each fibers so that it can be suitable and control for kinds of coupling applications such as multi optical switches, splitters, and power divides.
This paper presents the estimation of normalized coupling power among multi coupled fibers. Power... more This paper presents the estimation of normalized coupling power among multi coupled fibers. Power transfer between the fibers has been determined based on coupled mode theory using Transfer Matrix Method. Theoretical calculation has shown that power in a fiber is no longer to be completely transferred to other M fibers (M>3). This is caused by the coupling coefficient between them. The coupled power or coupling ratio among M fibers can be controlled by maintaining the coupling parameters. Experimentally, the change of coupling ratio is investigated, and theoretically by applying dc voltage to the coupling region of fiber coupler. In three dimension, the coupling power distribution shows that strongly depends on the coupling coefficient and coupling length. However, by knowing the coupling power parameters, the fiber coupler of MXN fibers are easier to be fabricated and more applicable in optical network system.
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2015
ABSTRACT A directional fiber coupler has been successfully fabricated by using fusion and elongat... more ABSTRACT A directional fiber coupler has been successfully fabricated by using fusion and elongation methods. Two or more single mode fibers (SMFs) were joined by injecting H2 gas at 1 bar and heating the coupling region while they are pulled for various pulling speeds. Coupling mode theory (CMT) in form of transfer matrix was involved to determine the transfer power propagation between fibers. However, coupling coefficient has been derived by using Henkel and Bessel function and assuming that cores of fibers are only touching each other. The periodical propagation of power transfer depends on the coupling coefficient and the coupling length. The increment of coupling coefficient has been exhibited as function of the separation distance between fibers axes and the degree of fusion. The coupling coefficient is also proportional with the increasing the degree of fusion. Good performance of the fiber couplers have been produced with typical of exertion loss is about 0.03 dB by pulling the coupling region at 1300 °C with the pulling speed of 150 μm/s.
Photonic Sensors, 2014
We proposed a compact design of an optical biochemical sensor based on the Mach-Zehnder interfero... more We proposed a compact design of an optical biochemical sensor based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), which was coupled by a ring resonator (RR) as a sensing tool. The sensor sensitivity has been determined by power difference at the output ports. The sensor enhancement has been optimized by numerically evaluating the geometrical parameters of the MZI and RR. A great sensor sensitivity depicted by Fano resonance characteristic has been demonstrated as a function of the round trip phase in the range of 4×10 -4 -4×10 -4 , which was changed by the presence of the sample solution in the sensing area. This optimum sensitivity has been obtained for the values of two coupling coefficients of the MZI 1 2 0.5 / mm κ κ = = and the coupling coefficient between the MZI arm and RR 0.5 / mm. R κ = Furthermore, a good profile of sensitivity exchange has been exhibited by inducing the direct current voltage to the coupling region of R κ . Finally, the output power transmission of the ring-coupled arm was depicted as a function of tunable . R κ
Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications IV, 2010
Fabrication of single-mode fiber coupler has widely expands. However, directional fiber coupler g... more Fabrication of single-mode fiber coupler has widely expands. However, directional fiber coupler geometry always affects the power propagation either two or three ports. This paper describes power launching by NX3 single mode fiber, examined using a matrix transfer for linear and triangle order, calculated from the eigenvalue and the eigenvector. This eigenvalue is referred to the coupling coefficient, where it can be expressed as an effective power transmitted to another fiber. The ratio of coupling coefficient between adjacent axial fibers varies, which can be achieved by adjusting separation of fiber and refractive index of core and cladding. A calculation has been shown in 3D that both power transmission and phase are affected by not only the geometry order, but also the variation of coupling coefficient, assuming the propagation constants, cross section, and separation of coupling length fiber axis are held constant. This calculation can be applied for any sources of wavelength and junction.
2012 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 2012
A directional fiber coupler with exertion loss 0.03-dB has been successfully fabricated using fus... more A directional fiber coupler with exertion loss 0.03-dB has been successfully fabricated using fusion technique with typical coupling ratio 1%–90%. The coupling region of two twisted single mode fiber is heated by injecting Hydrogen gas at 2.5 Bar. During fusion process, both two sides of fiber are pulled by stages that are automatically motorized in range of 800–4800μm, and stopped
VPN (Virtual Private Network) in its implementation is divided into two types namely VPN remote a... more VPN (Virtual Private Network) in its implementation is divided into two types namely VPN remote access and site-to-site VPN. VPN Remote access is a VPN that is used to remotely host a server or private host through a public network. Whereas site-to-site VPN is used to connect networks that have long distances through the public network so that it seems to be on a local network, for example between Field Ubeb Adera premises Field Prabumulih. In this case the occurrence of communication or sharing of data between the two fields of surviving with field Prabumulih through VPN (Virtual Private Network) site to site technology, it requires a security (security) to maintain the confidentiality of these data. The Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) security protocol is a security protocol capable of meeting the criteria of security support and has a better security level that is most widely used to improve the security of site to site VPNs in PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera Pengabuan.
PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera is one company that uses computer networks and the internet as a medium ... more PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera is one company that uses computer networks and the internet as a medium to support work activities. PT. Ubeb Adera Pengabuan has 8 rooms based on its function, namely Room Tank 1, HSE / IT, Field Manager, House Staff, Transport, DWO, Finance and Logistics. Each room is located apart from the distance of each room 10-20 meters, where the network topology used is now connected in parallel from Tank 1 room to the Logistics room, so that it becomes a problem for administrators when developing the network and the problem when the network connection is interrupted due to hardware (cables, switches and routers) as well as the problematic routing (routing) can be disconnected. Overcoming this using the experimental method with the stages of the initial experiment, observation, initial hypothesis, verification, evaluation, the authors make "Design of Multi VLAN-based LAN Network (Virtual Local Area Network) at PT. Pertamina Ubep Adera Pengabuan "as the solu...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Mura, 2020
Perkembangan teknologi yang Semakin hari semakin meningkat, kita di tuntut untuk meningkatkan sys... more Perkembangan teknologi yang Semakin hari semakin meningkat, kita di tuntut untuk meningkatkan system keamanan jaringan yang kita miliki, karena semakin mudahnya orang bisa mengetahui tentang hacking dan cracking dan juga didukung oleh tools yang mudah didapatkan secara gratis. Dan untuk mencegah hal itu kita harus megamankan jaringan yang kita gunakan, untuk mengamankan jaringan tersebut peneliti menggunakan sebuah metode keamanan yang bernama Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), merupakan media yang banyak digunakan dalam membangun sebuah system keamanan komputer, lalu IPS di gabungkan dengan menggunkan Teknik firewall dan metode Intrusioan Detection System, dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan sistem operasi Linux yaitu Ubuntu dan CentOS, karena linux merupakan software yang bersifat free/opensource sehingga untuk memperolehnya dapat diunduh secara gratis. Pada awalnya linux merupakan system operasi yang cocok untuk jaringan tapi sekarang linux sudah berubah menjadi system ope...
POSITIF : Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, 2019
Internet adalah salah satu bentuk kecanggihan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Internet memung... more Internet adalah salah satu bentuk kecanggihan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Internet memungkinkan seseorang untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah. Karena itu, internet adalah hal yang sangat penting yang harus dikuasai dan dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Mengingat bahaya yang ada di internet, seperti pisau bermata dua, di satu sisi internet dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan positif dan di sisi lain internet juga dapat digunakan untuk hal-hal negatif. Tujuan penulis untuk melakukan penelitian ini untuk membangun jaringan internet positif di PT. Pertamina Ubeb Adera dengan memfilter konten negatif berdasarkan daftar 773 ribu konten negatif yang diblokir di situs web trust + ™ Positif oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi sehingga sumber daya internet dapat digunakan secara efektif dan efisien, Menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan serta metode respon policy zone, penulis dapat membangun internet yang positif di lingkup Perusahaan PT.Pertamina Ubeb Adera.
Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Banyaknya produk makanan yang beredar baik yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan skala nasional maupun ... more Banyaknya produk makanan yang beredar baik yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan skala nasional maupun lokal serta produk makanan yang diproduksi secara illegal menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul yaitu kemampuan masyarakat dalam memilih produk makanan yang baik atau berizin untuk diedarkan sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan. Untuk itu didalam peneltian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi izin produk makanan yang dapat digunakan masyarakat dalam mencari informasi sebuah produk makanan. Didalam proses pengembangan sistem informasi digunakan extreme programming sebagai metode pengembangan dengan tahapaneksplorasi, perencanaan, iterasi pengembangan, produksi, dan pemeliharaan. Dari hasil penelitian menujukkan bawah metode extreme programming mampu menghasilkan sistem infomrasi yang dapat berfungsi secara baik yang ditunjukkan dari hasil pengujian
Barakuda 45: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan
Tembakul or mudskipper has the ability to adapt the condition of tidal area trough walking on the... more Tembakul or mudskipper has the ability to adapt the condition of tidal area trough walking on the mud. The purpose of this research, wich held on February – March 2019 at Pasir Village Mempawah Regency, are to found out the species of tembakul on that area, with its abundance and the characteristic of its habitat. Sample taken from 3 sampling sites wich determinated by purposive method with the help of net for caught tool. The result of this research found 3 species of mudskipper, i.e Boleophthalmus boddarti, Periophthalmus schlosseri and P. chrysospilos. P. Schlosseri had the highest abundance (0,82 Ind/m²), followed by B. Boddarti 0,74 Ind/m² and P. Chrysospilos (0,52 Ind/m²). Site I had the highest abundance of mudskippers (0,94 Ind/m²), while site II was the lowest (0,53 Ind/m²). Based on the regression analysis of enviromental actors of its habitat, salinity had the big impact for mudskipper.
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Artikel ini membahas mengenai pengembangan tata usaha sekolah yang berbasis teknologi informasi. ... more Artikel ini membahas mengenai pengembangan tata usaha sekolah yang berbasis teknologi informasi. Untuk menunjang kelancaran proses pembelajaran di Lembaga Pendidikan diperlukan suatu bagian yang mendukung kegiatan tersebut yaitu tata usaha sekolah. Tata usaha lembaga pendidikan merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan jasa pendidikan suatu lembaga, karena sebagai badan administrasi sekolah yang secara langsung menangani pelayanan di dalam internal maupun eksternal sekolah. Akan tetapi staf tata usaha masih belum cukup baik melayani administrasi ketatausahaan. Adapun tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengulas mengenai bagaimana sistem tata usaha berbasis teknologi informasi agar mengefisiensikan kinerja tata usaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengamati gejala dari situasi yang nyata.
2015 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2015
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015
Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Informatika, Jun 6, 2012
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015
Fiber coupler model for any source port with two and more output ports having five waveguides is ... more Fiber coupler model for any source port with two and more output ports having five waveguides is proposed. A new model of multiple junction of 1X5 monolithic fiber coupler is introduced. During fusion process of 1X5 fiber coupler, the coupling length varies to obtain the output power. The calculation of power transfer using matrix transfer has been modeled and shown the agreement in output ports. The power is launched from three good possible input waveguide (WG) ports that are into WG1, WG2, and WG3. Inserting input power into WG1 or WG3 shows that it will distribute light intensity to others waveguides with the various values. However, by launching input power into the center waveguides (WG3), 1X5 monolithic fiber coupler acts as power divider and power splitter. The input power will be distributed with the same value to the others waveguides. At certain phase, light intensities will split completely into initial waveguides. The way to control the coupling ratio is by adjusting coupling coefficient of each fibers so that it can be suitable and control for kinds of coupling applications such as multi optical switches, splitters, and power divides.
This paper presents the estimation of normalized coupling power among multi coupled fibers. Power... more This paper presents the estimation of normalized coupling power among multi coupled fibers. Power transfer between the fibers has been determined based on coupled mode theory using Transfer Matrix Method. Theoretical calculation has shown that power in a fiber is no longer to be completely transferred to other M fibers (M>3). This is caused by the coupling coefficient between them. The coupled power or coupling ratio among M fibers can be controlled by maintaining the coupling parameters. Experimentally, the change of coupling ratio is investigated, and theoretically by applying dc voltage to the coupling region of fiber coupler. In three dimension, the coupling power distribution shows that strongly depends on the coupling coefficient and coupling length. However, by knowing the coupling power parameters, the fiber coupler of MXN fibers are easier to be fabricated and more applicable in optical network system.
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2015
ABSTRACT A directional fiber coupler has been successfully fabricated by using fusion and elongat... more ABSTRACT A directional fiber coupler has been successfully fabricated by using fusion and elongation methods. Two or more single mode fibers (SMFs) were joined by injecting H2 gas at 1 bar and heating the coupling region while they are pulled for various pulling speeds. Coupling mode theory (CMT) in form of transfer matrix was involved to determine the transfer power propagation between fibers. However, coupling coefficient has been derived by using Henkel and Bessel function and assuming that cores of fibers are only touching each other. The periodical propagation of power transfer depends on the coupling coefficient and the coupling length. The increment of coupling coefficient has been exhibited as function of the separation distance between fibers axes and the degree of fusion. The coupling coefficient is also proportional with the increasing the degree of fusion. Good performance of the fiber couplers have been produced with typical of exertion loss is about 0.03 dB by pulling the coupling region at 1300 °C with the pulling speed of 150 μm/s.
Photonic Sensors, 2014
We proposed a compact design of an optical biochemical sensor based on the Mach-Zehnder interfero... more We proposed a compact design of an optical biochemical sensor based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), which was coupled by a ring resonator (RR) as a sensing tool. The sensor sensitivity has been determined by power difference at the output ports. The sensor enhancement has been optimized by numerically evaluating the geometrical parameters of the MZI and RR. A great sensor sensitivity depicted by Fano resonance characteristic has been demonstrated as a function of the round trip phase in the range of 4×10 -4 -4×10 -4 , which was changed by the presence of the sample solution in the sensing area. This optimum sensitivity has been obtained for the values of two coupling coefficients of the MZI 1 2 0.5 / mm κ κ = = and the coupling coefficient between the MZI arm and RR 0.5 / mm. R κ = Furthermore, a good profile of sensitivity exchange has been exhibited by inducing the direct current voltage to the coupling region of R κ . Finally, the output power transmission of the ring-coupled arm was depicted as a function of tunable . R κ
Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications IV, 2010
Fabrication of single-mode fiber coupler has widely expands. However, directional fiber coupler g... more Fabrication of single-mode fiber coupler has widely expands. However, directional fiber coupler geometry always affects the power propagation either two or three ports. This paper describes power launching by NX3 single mode fiber, examined using a matrix transfer for linear and triangle order, calculated from the eigenvalue and the eigenvector. This eigenvalue is referred to the coupling coefficient, where it can be expressed as an effective power transmitted to another fiber. The ratio of coupling coefficient between adjacent axial fibers varies, which can be achieved by adjusting separation of fiber and refractive index of core and cladding. A calculation has been shown in 3D that both power transmission and phase are affected by not only the geometry order, but also the variation of coupling coefficient, assuming the propagation constants, cross section, and separation of coupling length fiber axis are held constant. This calculation can be applied for any sources of wavelength and junction.
2012 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 2012
A directional fiber coupler with exertion loss 0.03-dB has been successfully fabricated using fus... more A directional fiber coupler with exertion loss 0.03-dB has been successfully fabricated using fusion technique with typical coupling ratio 1%–90%. The coupling region of two twisted single mode fiber is heated by injecting Hydrogen gas at 2.5 Bar. During fusion process, both two sides of fiber are pulled by stages that are automatically motorized in range of 800–4800μm, and stopped