Luka Nakhutsrishvili | Ilia State University (original) (raw)

Papers by Luka Nakhutsrishvili

Research paper thumbnail of Own body and body technique(s): Jean-Luc Nancy and phenomenology

[Research paper thumbnail of შტრაიკბრეხერი [Streikbrecher] : ortlos im georgischen Fremdwortschatz](

Der georgischen Sprache fehlt es nicht an mehr oder weniger alltäglich gebrauchten deutschen Frem... more Der georgischen Sprache fehlt es nicht an mehr oder weniger alltäglich gebrauchten deutschen Fremdwörtern. Den meisten haftet ihr Umweg durch das Russische an, den sie während der kaiserlichen und späteren sowjetischen Herrschaft über Georgien gemacht haben. [...] Allerdings stößt man in dem prägenden sowjetgeorgischen Fremdwörterbuch, das zwischen 1964 und 1989 dreimal aufgelegt wurde, gerade beim Eintrag 'schtraikbrecheri' auf eine durchaus seltsame Bestimmung: "schtraikbrecher-i (dt. 'Streikbrecher') - in kapitalistischen Ländern: eine Person, die während des Streiks arbeitet und den Streik stört." Die stillschweigende Voraussetzung, Streikbrecher existierten nur "in kapitalistischen Ländern", weil es in den sozialistischen keine Streiks gebe, wirft in ihrer Verlogenheit erst recht die Frage nach der Vor- und Nachgeschichte dieses Begriffs auf

Research paper thumbnail of Corporality in Levinas

Student's Administration OfficeStudijní odděleníFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

Research paper thumbnail of Orthodox Ethics and the Spirit of Unfreedom

Research paper thumbnail of Richard Wagner als Kulturheros : Metonymien und Inflationen einer brüchigen Identität

Zeitgenossen und Nachfolger Wagners griffen die von ihm selbst akzeptierte Inszenierungsstrategie... more Zeitgenossen und Nachfolger Wagners griffen die von ihm selbst akzeptierte Inszenierungsstrategie als nationaler Kulturheros auf. Wagners "außerordentliche Verflechtung mit der deutschen Geschichte" war von ihm selbst beabsichtigt und vom Ehrgeiz bestimmt, "mit seinem Werk an der Nationwerdung der Deutschen im 19. Jahrhundert mitzuwirken. Dies ist ihm in einem Ausmaß gelungen, wie es bei keiner anderen Gestalt der deutschen Kulturgeschichte seit Luther festzustellen ist." Das Wagnersche Werk wie seine Selbstinszenierungen wurzeln sowohl in der europäischen Moderne als auch im spezifisch deutschen kulturell-politischen Kontext des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Beide Bereiche verraten allerdings eine gewisse interne Brüchigkeit, wie sie schon Adorno als Wagners Grundmerkmal diagnostiziert hatte. Er konstatierte eine den Wagnerschen künstlerisch-theatralischen und politisch-selbstrepräsentativen Gesten inhärente Tendenz zur Selbstde(kon)struktion. Nachfolgend wir...

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Orthodox Ethics and the Spirit of Unfreedom

Research paper thumbnail of Zaal Andronikashvili, Tatjana Petzer, Andreas Pflitsch, Martin Treml (eds.), Die Ordnung pluraler Kulturen. Figurationen europäischer Kulturgeschichte, vom Osten her gesehen

Kadmos, 2014

This anthology aims to explore the broad cultural-symbolic context, resp. foundations of the rece... more This anthology aims to explore the broad cultural-symbolic context, resp. foundations of the recent major geopolitical phenomenon called “the shift of Europe towards the East”.

Research paper thumbnail of Peasant Oaths, Furious Icons and the Quest for Agency: Tracing Subaltern Politics in Tsarist Georgia on the Eve of the 1905 Revolution. Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland

Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2021

This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgia... more This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgian Social-Democrat Grigol Uratadze regarding the oath pledged by protesting peasants from Guria in 1902. The oath inaugurated their mobilization in Tsarist Georgia in 1902, culminating in full peasant self-rule in the “Gurian Republic” by 1905. The study aims at a historical-anthropological assessment of the asymmetries in the alliance formed by peasants and the revolutionary intelligentsia in the wake of the oath as well as the tensions that crystallized around the oath between the peasants and Tsarist officials. In trying to recover the traces of peasant politics in relation to multiple hegemonic forces in a modernizing imperial borderland, the article invites the reader to reconsider the existing assumptions about historical agency, linguistic conditions of subjectivity, and the relationship between politics and the material and customary dimensions of religion. The ultimate aim is to ...

Research paper thumbnail of L'écriture du corps entre philosophie et littérature : une lecture de Corpus de Jean-Luc Nancy

Http Www Theses Fr, Jul 12, 2013

L’objet de cette these est le projet d’ecriture du corps tel qu’il s’esquisse dans le livre Corpu... more L’objet de cette these est le projet d’ecriture du corps tel qu’il s’esquisse dans le livre Corpus de Jean-Luc Nancy, qui affirme la necessite d’une resistance aux tendances, inscrites au sein de la culture occidentale, a interioriser et, par consequent, a effacer ce qui, du corps, est son exteriorite, c’est-a-dire la materialite et la fragmentarite memes de l’existence, ainsi que l’impossibilite de son assujettissement a un sens existentiel totalisant. Etant donne que Nancy entrevoit ladite tendance tant dans la discursivite philosophique que dans la narrativite litteraire occidentales auxquelles il reproche de transformer systematiquement les corps en signes ou incarnations de principes spirituels, il envisage une ecriture du corps qui irait au-dela des deux modes d’articulation en les fragmentant et les privant de toute linearite et de toute unite. Or, comme Corpus se veut uniquement projet d’une nouvelle ecriture encore a realiser, la presente these aborde non seulement les implications philosophiques de l’ouvrage (notamment les influences derridienne, barthienne, heideggerienne), mais aussi son potentiel (anti)litteraire tel qu’il se laisse penser a partir du projet qu’est le livre realise intitule Corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Corps propre et corps technique(s): Jean-Luc Nancy et la phénoménologie

Studia Phaenomenologica, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The promising ruins of the German prima donna. Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and German musical discourse in the nineteenth century

Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte Hg. von Galili Shahar (i. A. des Minerva Instituts für deutsche Geschichte der Universität Tel Aviv), Nov 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Peasant Oaths, Furious Icons and the Quest for Agency: Tracing Subaltern Politics in Tsarist Georgia on the Eve of the 1905 Revolution Part I: The Prose of the Intelligentsia and Its Peasant Symptoms; Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland

Theoretical Practice, 2021

This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgia... more This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgian Social-Democrat Grigol Uratadze regarding the oath pledged by protesting peasants from Guria in 1902. The oath inaugurated their mobilization in Tsarist Georgia in 1902, culminating in full peasant self-rule in the “Gurian Republic” by 1905. The study aims at a historical-anthropological assessment of the asymmetries in the alliance formed by peasants and the revolutionary intelligentsia in the wake of the oath as well as the tensions that crystallized around the oath between the peasants and Tsarist officials. In trying to recover the traces of peasant politics in relation to multiple hegemonic forces in a modernizing imperial borderland, the article invites the reader to reconsider the existing assumptions about historical agency, linguistic conditions of subjectivity, and the relationship between politics and the material and customary dimensions of religion. The ultimate aim is to set the foundations for a future subaltern reading of the practices specific to the peasant politics in the later “Gurian Republic”.
The first part of the article starts with a reading of Uratadze’s narration of the 1902 inaugural oath “against the grain”. The second part of the article delves into Uratadze’s account of the aftermath of the inaugural oath and the conflicts it triggered between peasants, intelligentsia and the Tsarist administration.

Part I: The Prose of the Intelligentsia and Its Peasant Symptoms:

Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland:

Research paper thumbnail of Pein und Zeit. Fünf geschichtsphilosophische Fragmente aus Georgien, Oct 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The promising ruins of the German prima donna. Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and German musical discourse in the nineteenth century

Geschichte und Repräsentation. Sinne - Sprache - Bilder., Nov 2018

Research paper thumbnail of ფრაგმენტები დაუწერელი საჩვიდმეტმაისო მანიფესტისთვის

ქვიარ პოლიტიკა: ევროპეიზაცია, ლოკალური კონტექსტი და აქტივიზმის გამოწვევები,, 2017

[Research paper thumbnail of შტრაიკბრეხერი [Streikbrecher]. Ortlos im georgischen Fremdwortschatz](

Wörter aus der Fremde. Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of ხელოვანი ბოდლერისა და ვაგნერის ეპოქაში და “ტანჰოიზერის“ სკანდალი პარიზის ოპერაში (The Artist in the Epoch of Baudelaire and Wagner and the "Tannhäuser" Scandal in Paris)

შესავალი ესე თარგმანისა: შარლ ბოდლერი, “რიხარდ ვაგნერი და 'ტანჰოიზერი' პარიზში“ (მთარგმნ. ლუკა ნა... more შესავალი ესე თარგმანისა: შარლ ბოდლერი, “რიხარდ ვაგნერი და 'ტანჰოიზერი' პარიზში“ (მთარგმნ. ლუკა ნახუცრიშვილი) (Introductory essay to the translation of Charles Baudelaire's "Richard Wagner and 'Tannhäuser' in Paris", trans. Luka Nakhutsrishvili)

Research paper thumbnail of Gesamtkunstwerk mit Stimmendämmerung. Für eine aporetische Perspektive der Wagner-Rezeption

Gesamtkunstwerk mit Stimmendämmerung. Für eine aporetische Perspektive der Wagner-Rezeption, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of სხეული და ფიგურა. საზოგადოებრივი სივრცის ორი ონტოლოგიური მოდელის შესახებ (Body and Figure. Two ontological models of social space)

პროფ. ზურაბ კიკნაძის 75 წლის იუბილისადმი მიძღვნილი კრებული, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Richard Wagner als Kulturheros. Metonymien und Inflationen einer brüchigen Identität

Research paper thumbnail of Own body and body technique(s): Jean-Luc Nancy and phenomenology

[Research paper thumbnail of შტრაიკბრეხერი [Streikbrecher] : ortlos im georgischen Fremdwortschatz](

Der georgischen Sprache fehlt es nicht an mehr oder weniger alltäglich gebrauchten deutschen Frem... more Der georgischen Sprache fehlt es nicht an mehr oder weniger alltäglich gebrauchten deutschen Fremdwörtern. Den meisten haftet ihr Umweg durch das Russische an, den sie während der kaiserlichen und späteren sowjetischen Herrschaft über Georgien gemacht haben. [...] Allerdings stößt man in dem prägenden sowjetgeorgischen Fremdwörterbuch, das zwischen 1964 und 1989 dreimal aufgelegt wurde, gerade beim Eintrag 'schtraikbrecheri' auf eine durchaus seltsame Bestimmung: "schtraikbrecher-i (dt. 'Streikbrecher') - in kapitalistischen Ländern: eine Person, die während des Streiks arbeitet und den Streik stört." Die stillschweigende Voraussetzung, Streikbrecher existierten nur "in kapitalistischen Ländern", weil es in den sozialistischen keine Streiks gebe, wirft in ihrer Verlogenheit erst recht die Frage nach der Vor- und Nachgeschichte dieses Begriffs auf

Research paper thumbnail of Corporality in Levinas

Student's Administration OfficeStudijní odděleníFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

Research paper thumbnail of Orthodox Ethics and the Spirit of Unfreedom

Research paper thumbnail of Richard Wagner als Kulturheros : Metonymien und Inflationen einer brüchigen Identität

Zeitgenossen und Nachfolger Wagners griffen die von ihm selbst akzeptierte Inszenierungsstrategie... more Zeitgenossen und Nachfolger Wagners griffen die von ihm selbst akzeptierte Inszenierungsstrategie als nationaler Kulturheros auf. Wagners "außerordentliche Verflechtung mit der deutschen Geschichte" war von ihm selbst beabsichtigt und vom Ehrgeiz bestimmt, "mit seinem Werk an der Nationwerdung der Deutschen im 19. Jahrhundert mitzuwirken. Dies ist ihm in einem Ausmaß gelungen, wie es bei keiner anderen Gestalt der deutschen Kulturgeschichte seit Luther festzustellen ist." Das Wagnersche Werk wie seine Selbstinszenierungen wurzeln sowohl in der europäischen Moderne als auch im spezifisch deutschen kulturell-politischen Kontext des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Beide Bereiche verraten allerdings eine gewisse interne Brüchigkeit, wie sie schon Adorno als Wagners Grundmerkmal diagnostiziert hatte. Er konstatierte eine den Wagnerschen künstlerisch-theatralischen und politisch-selbstrepräsentativen Gesten inhärente Tendenz zur Selbstde(kon)struktion. Nachfolgend wir...

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Orthodox Ethics and the Spirit of Unfreedom

Research paper thumbnail of Zaal Andronikashvili, Tatjana Petzer, Andreas Pflitsch, Martin Treml (eds.), Die Ordnung pluraler Kulturen. Figurationen europäischer Kulturgeschichte, vom Osten her gesehen

Kadmos, 2014

This anthology aims to explore the broad cultural-symbolic context, resp. foundations of the rece... more This anthology aims to explore the broad cultural-symbolic context, resp. foundations of the recent major geopolitical phenomenon called “the shift of Europe towards the East”.

Research paper thumbnail of Peasant Oaths, Furious Icons and the Quest for Agency: Tracing Subaltern Politics in Tsarist Georgia on the Eve of the 1905 Revolution. Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland

Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2021

This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgia... more This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgian Social-Democrat Grigol Uratadze regarding the oath pledged by protesting peasants from Guria in 1902. The oath inaugurated their mobilization in Tsarist Georgia in 1902, culminating in full peasant self-rule in the “Gurian Republic” by 1905. The study aims at a historical-anthropological assessment of the asymmetries in the alliance formed by peasants and the revolutionary intelligentsia in the wake of the oath as well as the tensions that crystallized around the oath between the peasants and Tsarist officials. In trying to recover the traces of peasant politics in relation to multiple hegemonic forces in a modernizing imperial borderland, the article invites the reader to reconsider the existing assumptions about historical agency, linguistic conditions of subjectivity, and the relationship between politics and the material and customary dimensions of religion. The ultimate aim is to ...

Research paper thumbnail of L'écriture du corps entre philosophie et littérature : une lecture de Corpus de Jean-Luc Nancy

Http Www Theses Fr, Jul 12, 2013

L’objet de cette these est le projet d’ecriture du corps tel qu’il s’esquisse dans le livre Corpu... more L’objet de cette these est le projet d’ecriture du corps tel qu’il s’esquisse dans le livre Corpus de Jean-Luc Nancy, qui affirme la necessite d’une resistance aux tendances, inscrites au sein de la culture occidentale, a interioriser et, par consequent, a effacer ce qui, du corps, est son exteriorite, c’est-a-dire la materialite et la fragmentarite memes de l’existence, ainsi que l’impossibilite de son assujettissement a un sens existentiel totalisant. Etant donne que Nancy entrevoit ladite tendance tant dans la discursivite philosophique que dans la narrativite litteraire occidentales auxquelles il reproche de transformer systematiquement les corps en signes ou incarnations de principes spirituels, il envisage une ecriture du corps qui irait au-dela des deux modes d’articulation en les fragmentant et les privant de toute linearite et de toute unite. Or, comme Corpus se veut uniquement projet d’une nouvelle ecriture encore a realiser, la presente these aborde non seulement les implications philosophiques de l’ouvrage (notamment les influences derridienne, barthienne, heideggerienne), mais aussi son potentiel (anti)litteraire tel qu’il se laisse penser a partir du projet qu’est le livre realise intitule Corpus.

Research paper thumbnail of Corps propre et corps technique(s): Jean-Luc Nancy et la phénoménologie

Studia Phaenomenologica, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The promising ruins of the German prima donna. Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and German musical discourse in the nineteenth century

Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte Hg. von Galili Shahar (i. A. des Minerva Instituts für deutsche Geschichte der Universität Tel Aviv), Nov 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Peasant Oaths, Furious Icons and the Quest for Agency: Tracing Subaltern Politics in Tsarist Georgia on the Eve of the 1905 Revolution Part I: The Prose of the Intelligentsia and Its Peasant Symptoms; Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland

Theoretical Practice, 2021

This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgia... more This two-part transdisciplinary article elaborates on the autobiographical account of the Georgian Social-Democrat Grigol Uratadze regarding the oath pledged by protesting peasants from Guria in 1902. The oath inaugurated their mobilization in Tsarist Georgia in 1902, culminating in full peasant self-rule in the “Gurian Republic” by 1905. The study aims at a historical-anthropological assessment of the asymmetries in the alliance formed by peasants and the revolutionary intelligentsia in the wake of the oath as well as the tensions that crystallized around the oath between the peasants and Tsarist officials. In trying to recover the traces of peasant politics in relation to multiple hegemonic forces in a modernizing imperial borderland, the article invites the reader to reconsider the existing assumptions about historical agency, linguistic conditions of subjectivity, and the relationship between politics and the material and customary dimensions of religion. The ultimate aim is to set the foundations for a future subaltern reading of the practices specific to the peasant politics in the later “Gurian Republic”.
The first part of the article starts with a reading of Uratadze’s narration of the 1902 inaugural oath “against the grain”. The second part of the article delves into Uratadze’s account of the aftermath of the inaugural oath and the conflicts it triggered between peasants, intelligentsia and the Tsarist administration.

Part I: The Prose of the Intelligentsia and Its Peasant Symptoms:

Part II: Agents and Items of (Counter)Insurgent Political Theology on the Imperial Borderland:

Research paper thumbnail of Pein und Zeit. Fünf geschichtsphilosophische Fragmente aus Georgien, Oct 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The promising ruins of the German prima donna. Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and German musical discourse in the nineteenth century

Geschichte und Repräsentation. Sinne - Sprache - Bilder., Nov 2018

Research paper thumbnail of ფრაგმენტები დაუწერელი საჩვიდმეტმაისო მანიფესტისთვის

ქვიარ პოლიტიკა: ევროპეიზაცია, ლოკალური კონტექსტი და აქტივიზმის გამოწვევები,, 2017

[Research paper thumbnail of შტრაიკბრეხერი [Streikbrecher]. Ortlos im georgischen Fremdwortschatz](

Wörter aus der Fremde. Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of ხელოვანი ბოდლერისა და ვაგნერის ეპოქაში და “ტანჰოიზერის“ სკანდალი პარიზის ოპერაში (The Artist in the Epoch of Baudelaire and Wagner and the "Tannhäuser" Scandal in Paris)

შესავალი ესე თარგმანისა: შარლ ბოდლერი, “რიხარდ ვაგნერი და 'ტანჰოიზერი' პარიზში“ (მთარგმნ. ლუკა ნა... more შესავალი ესე თარგმანისა: შარლ ბოდლერი, “რიხარდ ვაგნერი და 'ტანჰოიზერი' პარიზში“ (მთარგმნ. ლუკა ნახუცრიშვილი) (Introductory essay to the translation of Charles Baudelaire's "Richard Wagner and 'Tannhäuser' in Paris", trans. Luka Nakhutsrishvili)

Research paper thumbnail of Gesamtkunstwerk mit Stimmendämmerung. Für eine aporetische Perspektive der Wagner-Rezeption

Gesamtkunstwerk mit Stimmendämmerung. Für eine aporetische Perspektive der Wagner-Rezeption, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of სხეული და ფიგურა. საზოგადოებრივი სივრცის ორი ონტოლოგიური მოდელის შესახებ (Body and Figure. Two ontological models of social space)

პროფ. ზურაბ კიკნაძის 75 წლის იუბილისადმი მიძღვნილი კრებული, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Richard Wagner als Kulturheros. Metonymien und Inflationen einer brüchigen Identität

Research paper thumbnail of შესავალი კრებულისათვის “ფაშიზმის თეორიები. დოქტრინა და კრიტიკა“ (Introduction to the anthology "Theories of Fascism. Doctrine and critique")

ფაშიზმის თეორიები. დოქტრინა და კრიტიკა, 2015

Anthology of Georgian translations of classic texts and critiques of fascism

Research paper thumbnail of Einleitung - Georgien, neu buchstabiert Politik und Kultur eines Landes auf dem Weg nach Europa

Georgien, neu buchstabiert Politik und Kultur eines Landes auf dem Weg nach Europa, 2018

Product flyer by Transcript Verlag: Georgien – ein Land, das neugierig macht. Christlich geprägt... more Product flyer by Transcript Verlag:

Georgien – ein Land, das neugierig macht. Christlich geprägt, doch bis zur Unabhängigkeit 1991 Teil der Sowjetunion, liegt es auf der Grenze zwischen Ost und West. Jenseits seiner sowjetischen Vergangenheit sucht es seinen ganz eigenen Weg nach Europa – und schaut nach dem Jubiläumsjahr der Oktoberrevolution auf sein kurzes, aber unvergessenes demokratisches Erbe von 1918.

Dieser Band mit kritischen Beiträgen vor allem junger georgischer Autorinnen und Autoren zeichnet das Porträt eines faszinierenden Landes voller Geschichte, Kultur und Vitalität.

Research paper thumbnail of ონტოლოგია და ეთიკა ემანუელ ლევინასის ფილოსოფიაში (Ontology and Ethics in Emmanuel Levinas’ Philosophy)

Research paper thumbnail of L'écriture du corps entre philosophie et littérature: une lecture de "Corpus" de Jean-Luc Nancy

Research paper thumbnail of პირველი რესპუბლიკის, როგორც საკვლევი საგნის ძიებაში: შესავლის მაგიერ (In Search of the First Republic as an Object of Inquiry: In Lieu of an Introduction)

საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა ფორმისა და შინაარსის ძიებაში (The Georgian Democratic Republic in Search of Form and Content), 2024

საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკის შესახებ სტატიების ეს კრებული ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ... more საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკის შესახებ სტატიების ეს კრებული ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის სოციალური და კულტურის კვლევების ინსტიტუტის ბაზაზე გაწეული მრავალწლიანი კოლექტიური სამუშაოს შედეგია. განსხვავებით ისტორიოგრაფიული ტიპის გამოკვლევებისაგან, ეს კრებული პირველია როგორც ქართულ, ისე უცხოენოვან აკადემიურ სივრცეში, რომელიც პირველ რესპუბლიკას ჰუმანიტარული და სოციალური მეცნიერებების მრავალი სხვა დარგის გადმოსახედიდან აშუქებს – ანთროპოლოგია, კულტურის კვლევები, კრიტიკული სამართლის თეორია, ცნებათა ისტორია, პოლიტიკური თეორია, რელიგიის სოციოლოგია, ხელოვნების ისტორია, კინომცოდნეობა, პოლიტიკური ეკონომია, ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა, ლინგვისტიკა თუ იკონოლოგია. აქამდე ნაკლებად განხილული მოვლენების, დოკუმენტების, ნაწარმოებებისა თუ ინსტიტუციების
სიღრმისეული ანალიზის საფუძველზე პირველი რესპუბლიკის მოკლე სამი წელი წარმოჩინდება არა როგორც რაღაც „არარადან“ აღმოცენებული და უკვალოდ გამქრალი, არამედ როგორც სამჭედლო, სადაც იმპერიული პერიოდიდან ნამემკვიდრევი ფორმებისა და შინაარსების გადადნობა, ახალ ყალიბში გადასხმა მოხდა, რომელთა ნაწილმა 1921 წლის მერეც განაგრძო, გარდაქმნილი სახით, არსებობა.
დარგობრივი და თემატური მრავალფეროვნების წყალობით, კრებული პირველი რესპუბლიკით დაინტერესებულ ფართო საზოგადოებასაც და სამეცნიერო წრეებსაც ახალი კუთხით დაანახებს ამ ხანმოკლე, მაგრამ უაღრესად დატვირთულ პერიოდს.

This collection of articles about the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) is the result of many years of collective work at the Institute of Social and Cultural Research at Ilia State University Tbilisi. In contrast to the hitherto predominating historiographical analyses on the subject, this collection is the first in both Georgian and foreign language academic space, to cover the First Republic from the perspective of many other fields of humanities and social sciences - anthropology, cultural studies, critical law theory, conceptual history, political theory, sociology of religion, history of art, cinema studies, political economy, literary studies, linguistics or iconology. Based on an in-depth analysis of hitherto less discussed events, documents, works or institutions, the short three years of the First Republic appear not as something that emerged from "nowhere" and disappeared without a trace, but as a forge, where the forms and contents inherited from the imperial period were melted and poured into a new mold, some of them enjoying a certain afterlife after 1921.Thanks to its disciplinary and thematic diversity, the collection will provide both the general public and academic circles interested in the First Republic with a new perspective on this short but highly eventful period.

Research paper thumbnail of Elizabeth A. Behnke, Cristian Ciocan (ed.), Possibilities of Embodiment – Studia Phaenomenologica Volume 12 (2012)

Studia Phaenomenologica, 2012