iLLbury, MA (original) (raw)
iLLbury, MA [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inillbury_ma's LiveJournal:
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Sunday, February 4th, 2007 | |
_11:01 am_[tommiller] |
BAHH! Someone just spammed this community, being the first post in like two years.:D (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
_9:20 am_[sallimac] |
![]() |
Sunday, May 8th, 2005 | |
_10:22 am_[zig_mover] |
Friday, August 13th, 2004 | |
_11:55 pm_[after_waking_up] |
halo hey kids i've just joined, i live in worcester but the family's got some property over by singleterry lake. anyho just wanted to let you know about a bitchin' yard sale happening in worcester tommorrow, SATURDAY the 14th! It's the i'm goin to college and getting rid of tons of shit sale 6 tuxedo rd. worcester (over by Bancroft School) music, movies, sports cards and attire, an insane amount of books, furniture and a kick ass stand up ash tray. hope to see some of you, you get a dollar off if you mention this post! (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, June 13th, 2004 | |
_9:31 am_[stafinskijm] |
???? Ok, what is the point of this community if noone every uses it?? I mean, yeah, people use it - but they rn't very many posts. It was a good idea though, and nice site!!- Me!! (Justin S) (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Friday, May 28th, 2004 | |
_7:25 pm_[ilove_yourmom] |
Seniors So today was the seniors last day.(dead silence)We shall miss all of you dearly.(que the crickets)Make sure you vist, and have fun and a lot of good luck whether you know who the fuck i am or not :) i love you anyway. Later and remember that everyone at MHS loves you. You're a legend in MY mind!much love given kiddaNielle Current Mood: ![]() |
Saturday, May 15th, 2004 | |
_3:09 pm_[ilove_yourmom] |
the weather it's as hot as the devil out!!!!!!!!!feelin hot hot hot hahamuch love given kiddaNielle (Comment on this) |
Friday, May 14th, 2004 | |
_3:53 pm_[ilove_yourmom] |
"cherish truth pardon error" well this is fun!!!!!!!!!!!i just found a poetry book...go read some poetry outside, it's a nice day!!!!daNielle Current Mood: ![]() |
Tuesday, May 11th, 2004 | |
_6:47 pm_[ilove_yourmom] |
Millbury really inspires me, so much that I feel the need to move out of Millbury, and across the country. Thank you Millbury. I appreciate your guidance in life.HHHEEELLLOOOOO CALIFORNIA!!!!!!daNielle Current Mood: ![]() |
Monday, April 12th, 2004 | |
_4:25 pm_[zig_mover] |
illbury dot com. I bought the domain name and am working on setting it up to be a sort of community website. It's going to have a ton of stuff, including:photos of town, school, class eventshomework downloadsteacher rating systemrumors, gossip, news, etcforums for talking to other millburianschat room..and other stuff.What I want to know is, what kinds of things would you guys like to see up there first, or would you use a site like this at all? I can do anything you want on there, just let me know what you'd like to see. Thanks a lot!<3neil (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Thursday, April 1st, 2004 | |
_8:44 am_[maggotmikey] |
fuckin gay this town blows...escially with all this new fucking construction one the roads to bring sewer pipes to wocester. FUCKING BLAHH! Current Mood: ![]() |
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004 | |
_12:18 pm_[tommiller] |
Thursday, March 11th, 2004 | |
_11:41 am_[sweetlove21] |
Just moved to Millbury with my mom woooo hooo... or not. Anything fun to do around here? Current Mood: ![]() |
Thursday, February 26th, 2004 | |
_11:39 am_[crazay_mlo] |
I kill weed Weed kill peepz yo (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Thursday, January 15th, 2004 | |
_12:24 am_[coheed] |
uhhhhh illbury community hehe this is funim not og cuz i moved here from sutton when i was 3...i'm 18 now so i guess i've been here longer than most.representi know what goes on behind the elmsnah i really don'thahah yea (7 Comments |Comment on this) |
Thursday, January 8th, 2004 | |
_9:09 pm_[three_evils] |
Not only will I promote... I'll fuckin post. Millbury MA the only place to be.... or so I'm told. This town makes me want to die. If none of ya'll gangstas haven't hear the HEED yet check that shit out. Coheed and Cambria, best band in the world ever. No lie. (4 Comments |Comment on this) |
_11:06 am_[zig_mover] |
Friday, December 12th, 2003 | |
_5:46 pm_[burnedyourwings] |
umm yeah so neil...happy birthday (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
_4:57 pm_[doubleu] |
illbury represent w00t! (Comment on this) |
_1:10 pm_[three_evils] |
Wow (Comment on this) |
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