holla if you love manga :O (original) (raw)

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I'm currently selling some manga that I no longer have a need for, they are English manga so you know

Kodacha 1-3 I bought them for 10 each so I'm selling them at 5EachandforthatsetI′dsay5 Each and for that set I'd say 5EachandforthatsetIdsay5 Shipping and Handling for the set together, if you bought them sepreatly I'd say about $1.50 each or so.

Prince of Tennis 1-9 I bought them for about 8eachsoI′msellingthemat8 each so I'm selling them at 8eachsoImsellingthemat4 Each and for the set about $10 Each

Death Note 1 & 2 I bought them for about 8eachsoI′msellingthemat8 each so I'm selling them at 8eachsoImsellingthemat4 and about 3 dollars Shipping and Handling

Cherry Project Vol 3 (It is Japanese and it has the same author as Sailor Moon) I got it for about 8soI′llsellitat8 so I'll sell it at 8soIllsellitat4 dollars.

I'm also selling anime too

Desendants of Darkness/Yami no Matsuei DVD's 1 & 2. I bought them each for 30soI′llsellthemat30 so I'll sell them at 30soIllsellthemat15 each that is 30forbothofthemandabout30 for both of them and about 30forbothofthemandabout5 Shipping and Handling

Weiss Kreuz Hong Kong Boxset (Japanese Language English/Chinese subs) I paid about 30forit,SoIshallsellit30 for it, So I shall sell it 30forit,SoIshallsellit10 and about $7 dollars Shipping and Handling

Scrapped Princess DVD's 1 & 2 I paid 30EachandamSellingthemat30 Each and am Selling them at 30EachandamSellingthemat15 Each or 2 for 30andabout30 and about 30andabout5 Dollars Shipping and Handling

If your interested please leave a comment.

Everything has only been viewed once or never viewed. I don't have pictures I'm sorry, but if anyone would like to give any of this stuff a happy home please let me know ^_^