Euston - Community Engagement | Iluka Resources (original) (raw)


The Euston Critical Minerals Project is located approximately 25km east of Mildura and includes five separate deposits, which largely run adjacent to one another over a combined distance of 62km. The project will contribute to Iluka’s portfolio offering for high-grade, high quality critical minerals, including zircon, titanium feedstocks and rare earths.

The project is in an early planning phase with a number of assessments underway to determine the preferred mining method, deposit viability and to assess the potential environmental impacts. A Social Impact Assessment is also being undertaken to help understand key social impacts and opportunities within the region.

If the project is approved, construction is scheduled to commence in 2026, with commissioning expected in 2028.


Phone: 1800 305 993 (Enquiries and Complaints)
Email: [email protected]

Stakeholder Engagement


Who is Iluka?

Iluka Resources is a global critical minerals company with expertise in exploration, development, mining, processing, marketing and rehabilitation.

With over 70 years of industry experience, Iluka is a leading global producer of zircon and the high grade titanium dioxide feedstocks rutile and synthetic rutile. Additionally, Iluka has an emerging portfolio in rare earth elements (rare earths).

Iluka’s portfolio includes active mine sites and processing facilities in Australia.

What is the Euston Critical Minerals Project?

Iluka Resources proposes to develop a mineral sands resource known as the Euston Critical Minerals Project in south-western New South Wales (NSW).

The project is approximately 25 kilometres (km) east of Mildura, Victoria and includes five separate deposits, which largely run adjacent to one another over a combined distance of 62km.

The project involves the development of mining and mineral processing infrastructure, including mine pits, processing plant, water storage dams for water and clay fines management, material stockpiles and associated supporting infrastructure. Progressive rehabilitation will be undertaken as mining progresses.

What will be mined and what will it be used for?

Zircon and titanium feedstocks are critical minerals that are essential for many of the everyday products we use including ceramics, paints, plastics and titanium metal.

Rare earths are essential to produce the permanent magnets in electric motors, used most notably in electric vehicles, as well as wind turbines and defence applications.

What is the project footprint size?

At this early planning phase of the project, the proposed disturbance area is approximately 3,400 ha.

The final size of the project development envelope will be determined once various environmental and technical studies are completed.

What stage is the project at?

The project is in the select stage, an early planning phase that involves a wide range of investigations and assessments, before a recommendation for approval is made to the Iluka Board of Directors.

If approved, the project will progress to the define stage, followed by a final decision by the Iluka Board about whether to proceed with execution of the project.

If the project proceeds, when would Iluka start mining at Euston?

If the project is approved, construction is scheduled to commence in 2026, with commissioning expected in 2028.

What is the expected life of the project?

The project has an anticipated mine life of up to 12 years, including construction, mining and rehabilitation.

Mined areas will be progressively restored and rehabilitated as the mine advances, with the aim of restoring land to be similar to its pre-mining capability, or to another end land-use as agreed with landowners and regulators.

Is the project subject to government approvals?

Yes, the project is defined as State Significant Development (SSD) pursuant to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021 (SEPP 2021), and approval is required under Part 4, Division 4.7 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). the

The project is subject to approvals and ongoing regulation under a number of Commonwealth and New South Wales State laws and regulations, these include but are not limited to:

Will there be any environmental impacts?

As part of the SSD approvals process, Iluka is required to conduct a range of technical studies addressing potential impacts.

The technical studies must show a detailed understanding of baseline, or pre-mining conditions and explain how potential impacts will be avoided, remedied or managed. These studies will support and inform the overarching Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which shall be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning (DPE) for assessment.

The regulatory obligations the project are likely to be subject to include ongoing environmental monitoring, management plans, reporting and auditing.

How will Iluka rehabilitate the project area once mining is completed?

A Rehabilitation and Closure Assessment (RCA) will be undertaken to assess rehabilitation and closure objectives for open-cut mining.

The project will be progressively rehabilitated and monitored with the aim of restoring land to be similar to its pre-mining capability, or to another end land-use as agreed with landowners and regulators.

A Rehabilitation Management Plan will also be developed in accordance with the Rehabilitation Reform process.

How will product be transported from Euston?

The heavy mineral concentrates will be separated at a concentrating plant to be built on site, before being transported to Western Australia for upgrading at one of Iluka’s processing assets.

Will the project create jobs for locals?

Iluka expects the project to support up to 350 people during construction and up to 250 during operations, including contractors.

Where will Iluka’s workforce be accommodated?

Iluka will consult with the DPE and the Wentworth and Balranald Shire Councils to identify options for establishing a workforce accommodation facility within close proximity to the project site.

How will Iluka protect Aboriginal cultural heritage sites within the development envelope and surrounds?

Iluka acknowledges that sites of cultural significance provide Aboriginal people and all Australians with a crucial link to our shared past, present and future health and wellbeing. Sites of significance are of immense historical, cultural, scientific, educational, economic, conservation, environmental and social importance to us all and especially to Aboriginal people.

The local Traditional Owners of those sites have a deep cultural and spiritual connection to Country that comes with a responsibility to act as protectors and custodians which Iluka respects. To ensure sites are protected and managed appropriately partnerships based on trust, integrity, respect and transparency are essential.

To that end Iluka has and will continue to maintain positive relationships with the Traditional Owners via a range of internal and external protocols.

Iluka will seek to engage local Traditional Owner business groups to support all phases of the project. Iluka will also fund the extensive Cultural Heritage assessment of the project area.

Will there be opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the project?

Yes, Iluka values the views of all our stakeholders and will continue to provide a range of opportunities to engage with community members as the project progresses.

A Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is also being undertaken for the project to help us better understand key social impacts and opportunities within the region. The SIA will also form part of the EIS submission to the DPE in Q3 2024.

Stakeholders can also participate in the State EPA and Commonwealth DAWE government approvals public comments processes.

Has Iluka spoken with local landowners?

We have been in ongoing discussions with landowners regarding the project and access to undertake environmental monitoring, investigations and assessments.

Discussions with landholders to secure access for construction and mining are unlikely to commence until Iluka's Board of Directors approves the project.

How can we keep informed about the project?

Please register your details at the top of this page, to keep up to date with the project.

Alternatively, you can contact Iluka on our 24-hour community line 1800 305 993 or by email at [email protected]

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