Wings (1927) ⭐ 7.5 | Drama, Romance, War (original) (raw)

Clara Bow and Charles 'Buddy' Rogers in Wings (1927)

Two young men, one rich, one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.Two young men, one rich, one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.Two young men, one rich, one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.


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Dated, true...but entertaining

You could justifiably criticize WINGS lesser moments: the naive, "gee-whiz" dialog...the less than comedic "champagne" sequence in Paris...any of the romantic scenes...the idealized view of military life.... But as light entertainment, WINGS manages to hold its own, despite the passage of years. The battle scenes, easily the highlight of the film, may not have the intensity of later films, but the narrative is clear and precise. And this was not meant to be the last word in documentary accuracy: it's an adventure film tinged with romance, with engaging aerial fight scenes that capture your attention whenever they occur.

And personally, I felt that the music from the Wurlitzer organ tied together the film's various themes, musical and narrative, quite tidily.


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