Amphitheatre, Caerleon – Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (original) (raw)

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Imperium :: places :: Amphitheatre, Caerleon

Information about the ancient place located at Amphitheatre, Caerleon
id 24083
spatial coverage Amphitheatre, Caerleon
country (ISO 3166) GB
place type unknown
WGS 84 position 51.608078, -2.956923
precision 2000 m
is part of Caerleon
Additional metadata and related external resources
amphi-theatrum 1438
coflein 95650
osm:node 937201502
osm:relation 1206090
satelliteView yes
About this document
created 2013-08-01
modified 2015-01-18
license CC BY-SA 3.0
serialization formats rdf/xml,text/turtle