Screen-Safe Stunners: Dreamers Sleep and Screen Glasses - Improb (original) (raw)

Dreamers sleep and screen glasses are the perfect cool gift for the trendy techie or stylish screenhound in your life. Designed by twin male models (that’s right) with help from a prominent Yale Ph.D holder, Dreamers are ready for the runway as well as fortified by the latest in sleep science.

Two types of glasses — one for better sleep and one for blocking blue screen light — are available to help increase melatonin production and build a healthy foundation with quality sleep.

Smart and good-looking? Ooh-la-la.

dreamers sleep and screen glasses

Dreamers Sleep and Screen Glasses Concept

Twin brothers and international male model superstars Jordan and Zac Stenmark dreamed up their screen safety glasses as a solution to their own problem. The Sydney-born, New York-based brothers kept finding themselves pulling long hours and enduring red-eyes but still needing to look better than 99.99999% of humans alive while working worldwide for big hitters like Amex and Armani. They realized they could soothe their tired eyes (and potentially hit fashion pay dirt) by designing glasses to improve their sleep and de-claw their screen time.

Implementing the Dream(ers)

It’s pretty clear aesthetics are no problem for these guys, but they would need help with the nuts and bolts of producing glasses that achieved their health goals. Enter the third-best-looking male in the Dream team, Dr. Stafford Sheehan. Dr. Sheehan brings a physical chemistry Ph.D. from Yale to the table. There are many feathers in his hat; for instance, he once won the Wolfgang Prize, which Yale awards to the author of its best chemistry dissertation.

The Dream team assembled, each member simply did their job and viola!: scientifically-backed, fashion-forward blue light glasses.

dreamers sleep and screen glasses

Why I Want a Pair of Dreamers (and Why You Should Too)

The obvious reason to want a pair of Dreamers glasses is that they’re marketed by Platonically beautiful people. Chiseled jaw lines and radiant skin are as prominent on the website as invitations to like & follow.

But the fact is we’re all vulnerable to the health detriment of excessive screen time, and it’s a reality for more and more of us. To quote legendary male model Derek Zoolander: “a male model’s life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn’t mean that we too can’t die in a freak [blue light exposure] accident.” (Slight edits for clarity in brackets).

Actually, Zoolander’s poignant words speak for all of us: we all breathe the same air and pump the same blood. We’re all vulnerable to freak blue light exposure accidents. If you’re a digital nomad like us here at Improb, you get a lot of screen time. I’ve noticed I wake up more haggard than ever (which is saying something) ever since I became a keyboard jockey. If you feel the same way, maybe it’s time to treat yourself with a pair of high-fashion, scientifically-backed blue light glasses.

Each pair of Dreamers glasses costs a category-average $135 MSRP.


dreamers sleep and screen glassesdreamers sleep and screen glassesdreamers sleep and screen glasses