Elena Badea | University of Craiova (original) (raw)
Papers by Elena Badea
Leather and Footwear Journal
The paper presents the influence of a mixture of elastomeric and protein waste from the footwear ... more The paper presents the influence of a mixture of elastomeric and protein waste from the footwear industry on the properties of elastomeric compounds based on NBR (butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) rubber, as well as their obtaining and characterization. The mixture of leather and rubber waste was cryogenically ground, in three grinding cycles, and the selected size was 0.35 mm, and the rotation speed of 14,000 rpm. After grinding, the leather and rubber waste mixture was functionalized with potassium oleate at a temperature of 60°C. The polymer compounds based on butadiene-co-acrylonitrile rubber (NBR) and the mixture of protein and elastomeric waste (in the ratio of 15, 20, 40, 50%) from the footwear industry were processed by mixing on an internal Brabender mixer, tested from a rheological, physical and mechanical point of view (hardness, elasticity and tensile strength) after conditioning for 24 h at room temperature according to the standards in force, but also by FT-IR spectroscopy p...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
The art of bookbinding requires not only skills in the old craft of bookbinding but also material... more The art of bookbinding requires not only skills in the old craft of bookbinding but also materials that can transform a simple book into a high-quality artistic product. Due to its unique properties, leather still remains the first-choice material in the case of art and archival bindings. However, the long-term durability of modern leather is not known since there is little commercial interest in long periods of durability and the market of leather for art, design and archival purposes is very small. It is worth noting that deterioration is influenced by the manufacturing technology, and especially by the chemical ingredients used in the various steps of leather making, from dehairing to tanning and finishing. It is therefore very likely that modern and contemporary artworks made of/with modern leather undergo faster degradation than ancient and medieval artworks. Thus, leather finishing is very important for both artistic and sustainable points of view. In fact, finishes with speci...
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2015
Cercetări Arheologice
Recente cercetări arheologice realizate pe platoul aflat la est de cetatea medievală de la Oratea... more Recente cercetări arheologice realizate pe platoul aflat la est de cetatea medievală de la Oratea (Podu Dâmboviței, județul Argeș) au avut ca rezultat evidențierea unei poziții fortificate romane. Printre descoperiri se remarcă un fragment destul de mare din piele, aparținând primei faze de amenajare (începutul sec. II d.Chr). Descoperirea este una foarte rară, condițiile de sol și climatice adecvate prezervării obiectelor din piele fiind rareori întâlnite în România. Contactul cu atmosfera a determinat un proces rapid de deshidratare, conducând la fragmentarea materialului colagenic. Prin urmare, extragerea unor informații utile din aceste fragmente a necesitat o abordare multianalitică, primul pas constând în evaluarea stării de degradare. În acest scop au fost utilizate tehnici spectroscopice de analiză moleculară (spectroscopia în infraroșu cu reflexie totală atenuată, FTIR-ATR) și elementară (spectroscopia cu fluorescență cu raze X, XRF), microscopia de scanare cu electroni (SEM) și analiza prin micro-calorimetrie diferențială dinamică (micro-DSC). Analiza comportamentului componentelor spectrale ale colagenului a permis detecția superficială a gelatinei, punând în evidență o pierdere aproape completă a structurii helicoidale a colagenului, în timp ce analiza micro-DSC a furnizat și o evaluare cantitativă a gradului de deteriorare a colagenului prin de-tabăcire, gelatinizare și transformare în masă amorfă. Caracteristicile morfologice și microstructura fragmentelor de piele au fost puse în evidență prin intermediul observațiilor SEM. Analiza XRF a furnizat și informații privind compoziția solului. În general, toate probele arheologice analizate prezintă o fragilitate extrem de mare și tendința de a se transforma în pulbere la uscare. Acest comportament este datorat structurii gelatino-amorfe a pielii, stabilizată doar de prezența componentelor minerale ale solului. Pentru a evita riscul pierderii acestor probe, autorii recomandă consolidarea prin încorporare de haloizit sau alte nanoargile, cât mai curând posibil după descoperire.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, 2020
Fur and leather have been among the first materials used for clothing and bodily decoration. It i... more Fur and leather have been among the first materials used for clothing and bodily decoration. It is known that Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis used fur clothing. Even though the invention of inexpensive synthetic textiles for insulating clothing led to fur clothing falling out of fashion, fur is still worn in most cool climates around the world such due to its superior warmth and durability. In addition, a huge number of furs exists in the ethnography and anthropology museums around the world. The storage and conservation of furs, old and modern, is still challenging for both conservators and population because most commercial products are highly toxic for humans and environment. We therefore tried to control or limit the damage caused by external factors and insects by using green finishing and maintenance treatments. It is known that essential oils, known for their special perfume, can be used to repel insects. Mint, cedar, lavender oils were hence tested to treat sheepskin ...
The methods for processing raw hides over time, have been numerous: smoke, fat, fermented milk, e... more The methods for processing raw hides over time, have been numerous: smoke, fat, fermented milk, egg, volcanic soils, plants (shells, fruits, leaves) and so on. The books binding with leather has its origins in the Orient and are known various types of goatskin and calfskin, tanned with sumac finished marbled (sapphire), in black (Moroccan), by floating and dyeing in various colors (Cordoba leathers). Preoccupations regarding the assurance of optimal characteristics for the binding leathers, respectively the durability of the leathers for the restoration of the patrimony objects or of the modern binding were of the most topicality in the last decades, abroad and also in our country. The paper describes the finishing of vegetable and alum tanned leather samples that have been functionalized with titanium dioxide (TiO2) or nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide (N-TiO2) nanopowders, in different concentrations. To simulate soiling in real conditions, four types of soiling agents were applied:...
Leather and Footwear Journal, 2018
This paper presents an overview of the conservation state of the tawed white leather, parchment a... more This paper presents an overview of the conservation state of the tawed white leather, parchment and reused parchment bookbindings from the Rare Book Collection of the Romanian Academy Library. The transdisciplinary study was jointly conducted by the researchers of INCDTP-ICPI and Manuscripts and Rare Book Department of the Romanian Academy Library. Over 50 bindings in alum-tawed (white) leather, parchment and reused parchment were analyzed in situ using specific non-invasive or micro-invasive analysis methods such as visual and microscopic analyses, thermal microscopy (imageMHT method), attenuated total reflection (ATR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF). Based on these results, conservation sheets have been drawn up including damage status, threats and conservation recommendations for each investigated bookbinding. Two conservation sheets are illustrated for alum-tawed and re-used parchment bindings. This is the first Romanian study dedicated both to the artistic and material aspects of rare book bindings so far. KEY WORDS: bookbinding, alum-tawed leather, parchment, damage status, conservation reccommendations LEGĂTURI DE CARTE RARĂ DIN COLECŢIILE BIBLIOTECII ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE-STUDIU MULTIDISCIPLINAR REZUMAT. Această lucrare prezintă o imagine de ansamblu asupra stării de conservare a legturilor de carte din piele albă argăsită, pergament şi pergament reutilizat din Colecţia de Carte Rară a Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Studiul transdisciplinar a fost realizat în comun de către cercetătorii din cadrul INCDTP-ICPI şi din cadrul Departamentului de Manuscrise şi Cărţi Rare al Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Peste 50 de legături din piele argăsită cu alaun (albă), pergament şi pergament refolosit au fost analizate in-situ utilizând metode specifice de analiză neinvazivă sau microinvazivă, cum ar fi analize vizuale şi microscopice, microscopie termică (metoda imageMHT), reflexie totală atenuată (ATR), spectroscopie în infraroşu cu transformată Fourier (FTIR) şi spectrometrie de fluorescenţă de raze X (XRF). Pe baza acestor rezultate, au fost întocmite fişe de conservare, care includ starea de deteriorare, riscuri şi recomandări de conservare pentru fiecare legătură de carte studiată. Două fişe de conservare sunt ilustrate pentru legături din pergament argăsite cu alaun şi reutilizate. Acesta este primul studiu românesc de până acum dedicat atât aspectelor artistice, cât şi aspectelor materiale ale legăturilor de carte rară. CUVINTE CHEIE: legătură de carte, piele argăsită cu alaun, pergament, stare de deteriorare, recomandări de conservare RELIURES DE LIVRES RARES DES COLLECTIONS DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE L'ACADÉMIE ROUMAINE-ÉTUDE MULTIDISCIPLINAIRE RÉSUMÉ. Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble de l'état de conservation des reliures en cuir blanc tanné à l'alun, en parchemin et en parchemin réutilisé de la Collection de Livres Rares de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Roumaine. L'étude transdisciplinaire a été menée conjointement par les chercheurs de l'INCDTP-ICPI et du Département des Manuscrits et des Livres Rares de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Roumaine. Plus de 50 reliures en cuir (blanc) tanné à l'alun, en parchemin et en parchemin réutilisé ont été analysées in situ à l'aide de méthodes d'analyse non invasives ou micro-invasives telles que les analyses visuelles et microscopiques, la microscopie thermique (méthode imageMHT), la réflexion totale atténuée (ATR), la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et la spectrométrie de fluorescence des rayons X (XRF). À partir de ces résultats, des fiches de conservation ont été élaborées, indiquant notamment l'état de détérioration, les menaces et les recommandations de conservation pour chaque reliure explorée. Deux fiches de conservation sont illustrées pour les reliures en parchemin tanné à l'alun et réutilisé. Cet article est la première étude roumaine consacrée à la fois aux aspects artistiques et matériels des reliures de livres rares. MOTS CLÉS : reliure, cuir tanné à l'alun, parchemin, l'état de détérioration, recommandations en matière de conservation
The thermally-induced structural collapse of collagen fibres in collagen-based historical materia... more The thermally-induced structural collapse of collagen fibres in collagen-based historical materials and artefacts such as leather, parchment and skin is currently measured through the Micro Hot Table (MHT) method. This method, widely used in conservation-restoration for characterising historical materials' deterioration, is based on a combined thermal and microscopic technique which evaluates the motion behaviour of the collagen fibres dispersed in aqueous milieu and heated at 2°C/min inside a thermostatically controlled heating cell. The collagen fibre motion observed by a stereomicroscope and digitally-recorded with a camera is called shrinkage activity and has been defined by a sequence of five temperature intervals. The intrinsic main limitations of this method, i.e. time consuming and human eye assessment variability causing high errors and making it impossible the inter-laboratory comparison, can be overcome by the use of image processing techniques for the automatic detec...
Leather and Footwear Journal
The paper presents the influence of a mixture of elastomeric and protein waste from the footwear ... more The paper presents the influence of a mixture of elastomeric and protein waste from the footwear industry on the properties of elastomeric compounds based on NBR (butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) rubber, as well as their obtaining and characterization. The mixture of leather and rubber waste was cryogenically ground, in three grinding cycles, and the selected size was 0.35 mm, and the rotation speed of 14,000 rpm. After grinding, the leather and rubber waste mixture was functionalized with potassium oleate at a temperature of 60°C. The polymer compounds based on butadiene-co-acrylonitrile rubber (NBR) and the mixture of protein and elastomeric waste (in the ratio of 15, 20, 40, 50%) from the footwear industry were processed by mixing on an internal Brabender mixer, tested from a rheological, physical and mechanical point of view (hardness, elasticity and tensile strength) after conditioning for 24 h at room temperature according to the standards in force, but also by FT-IR spectroscopy p...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
The art of bookbinding requires not only skills in the old craft of bookbinding but also material... more The art of bookbinding requires not only skills in the old craft of bookbinding but also materials that can transform a simple book into a high-quality artistic product. Due to its unique properties, leather still remains the first-choice material in the case of art and archival bindings. However, the long-term durability of modern leather is not known since there is little commercial interest in long periods of durability and the market of leather for art, design and archival purposes is very small. It is worth noting that deterioration is influenced by the manufacturing technology, and especially by the chemical ingredients used in the various steps of leather making, from dehairing to tanning and finishing. It is therefore very likely that modern and contemporary artworks made of/with modern leather undergo faster degradation than ancient and medieval artworks. Thus, leather finishing is very important for both artistic and sustainable points of view. In fact, finishes with speci...
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2015
Cercetări Arheologice
Recente cercetări arheologice realizate pe platoul aflat la est de cetatea medievală de la Oratea... more Recente cercetări arheologice realizate pe platoul aflat la est de cetatea medievală de la Oratea (Podu Dâmboviței, județul Argeș) au avut ca rezultat evidențierea unei poziții fortificate romane. Printre descoperiri se remarcă un fragment destul de mare din piele, aparținând primei faze de amenajare (începutul sec. II d.Chr). Descoperirea este una foarte rară, condițiile de sol și climatice adecvate prezervării obiectelor din piele fiind rareori întâlnite în România. Contactul cu atmosfera a determinat un proces rapid de deshidratare, conducând la fragmentarea materialului colagenic. Prin urmare, extragerea unor informații utile din aceste fragmente a necesitat o abordare multianalitică, primul pas constând în evaluarea stării de degradare. În acest scop au fost utilizate tehnici spectroscopice de analiză moleculară (spectroscopia în infraroșu cu reflexie totală atenuată, FTIR-ATR) și elementară (spectroscopia cu fluorescență cu raze X, XRF), microscopia de scanare cu electroni (SEM) și analiza prin micro-calorimetrie diferențială dinamică (micro-DSC). Analiza comportamentului componentelor spectrale ale colagenului a permis detecția superficială a gelatinei, punând în evidență o pierdere aproape completă a structurii helicoidale a colagenului, în timp ce analiza micro-DSC a furnizat și o evaluare cantitativă a gradului de deteriorare a colagenului prin de-tabăcire, gelatinizare și transformare în masă amorfă. Caracteristicile morfologice și microstructura fragmentelor de piele au fost puse în evidență prin intermediul observațiilor SEM. Analiza XRF a furnizat și informații privind compoziția solului. În general, toate probele arheologice analizate prezintă o fragilitate extrem de mare și tendința de a se transforma în pulbere la uscare. Acest comportament este datorat structurii gelatino-amorfe a pielii, stabilizată doar de prezența componentelor minerale ale solului. Pentru a evita riscul pierderii acestor probe, autorii recomandă consolidarea prin încorporare de haloizit sau alte nanoargile, cât mai curând posibil după descoperire.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, 2020
Fur and leather have been among the first materials used for clothing and bodily decoration. It i... more Fur and leather have been among the first materials used for clothing and bodily decoration. It is known that Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis used fur clothing. Even though the invention of inexpensive synthetic textiles for insulating clothing led to fur clothing falling out of fashion, fur is still worn in most cool climates around the world such due to its superior warmth and durability. In addition, a huge number of furs exists in the ethnography and anthropology museums around the world. The storage and conservation of furs, old and modern, is still challenging for both conservators and population because most commercial products are highly toxic for humans and environment. We therefore tried to control or limit the damage caused by external factors and insects by using green finishing and maintenance treatments. It is known that essential oils, known for their special perfume, can be used to repel insects. Mint, cedar, lavender oils were hence tested to treat sheepskin ...
The methods for processing raw hides over time, have been numerous: smoke, fat, fermented milk, e... more The methods for processing raw hides over time, have been numerous: smoke, fat, fermented milk, egg, volcanic soils, plants (shells, fruits, leaves) and so on. The books binding with leather has its origins in the Orient and are known various types of goatskin and calfskin, tanned with sumac finished marbled (sapphire), in black (Moroccan), by floating and dyeing in various colors (Cordoba leathers). Preoccupations regarding the assurance of optimal characteristics for the binding leathers, respectively the durability of the leathers for the restoration of the patrimony objects or of the modern binding were of the most topicality in the last decades, abroad and also in our country. The paper describes the finishing of vegetable and alum tanned leather samples that have been functionalized with titanium dioxide (TiO2) or nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide (N-TiO2) nanopowders, in different concentrations. To simulate soiling in real conditions, four types of soiling agents were applied:...
Leather and Footwear Journal, 2018
This paper presents an overview of the conservation state of the tawed white leather, parchment a... more This paper presents an overview of the conservation state of the tawed white leather, parchment and reused parchment bookbindings from the Rare Book Collection of the Romanian Academy Library. The transdisciplinary study was jointly conducted by the researchers of INCDTP-ICPI and Manuscripts and Rare Book Department of the Romanian Academy Library. Over 50 bindings in alum-tawed (white) leather, parchment and reused parchment were analyzed in situ using specific non-invasive or micro-invasive analysis methods such as visual and microscopic analyses, thermal microscopy (imageMHT method), attenuated total reflection (ATR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF). Based on these results, conservation sheets have been drawn up including damage status, threats and conservation recommendations for each investigated bookbinding. Two conservation sheets are illustrated for alum-tawed and re-used parchment bindings. This is the first Romanian study dedicated both to the artistic and material aspects of rare book bindings so far. KEY WORDS: bookbinding, alum-tawed leather, parchment, damage status, conservation reccommendations LEGĂTURI DE CARTE RARĂ DIN COLECŢIILE BIBLIOTECII ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE-STUDIU MULTIDISCIPLINAR REZUMAT. Această lucrare prezintă o imagine de ansamblu asupra stării de conservare a legturilor de carte din piele albă argăsită, pergament şi pergament reutilizat din Colecţia de Carte Rară a Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Studiul transdisciplinar a fost realizat în comun de către cercetătorii din cadrul INCDTP-ICPI şi din cadrul Departamentului de Manuscrise şi Cărţi Rare al Bibliotecii Academiei Române. Peste 50 de legături din piele argăsită cu alaun (albă), pergament şi pergament refolosit au fost analizate in-situ utilizând metode specifice de analiză neinvazivă sau microinvazivă, cum ar fi analize vizuale şi microscopice, microscopie termică (metoda imageMHT), reflexie totală atenuată (ATR), spectroscopie în infraroşu cu transformată Fourier (FTIR) şi spectrometrie de fluorescenţă de raze X (XRF). Pe baza acestor rezultate, au fost întocmite fişe de conservare, care includ starea de deteriorare, riscuri şi recomandări de conservare pentru fiecare legătură de carte studiată. Două fişe de conservare sunt ilustrate pentru legături din pergament argăsite cu alaun şi reutilizate. Acesta este primul studiu românesc de până acum dedicat atât aspectelor artistice, cât şi aspectelor materiale ale legăturilor de carte rară. CUVINTE CHEIE: legătură de carte, piele argăsită cu alaun, pergament, stare de deteriorare, recomandări de conservare RELIURES DE LIVRES RARES DES COLLECTIONS DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE L'ACADÉMIE ROUMAINE-ÉTUDE MULTIDISCIPLINAIRE RÉSUMÉ. Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble de l'état de conservation des reliures en cuir blanc tanné à l'alun, en parchemin et en parchemin réutilisé de la Collection de Livres Rares de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Roumaine. L'étude transdisciplinaire a été menée conjointement par les chercheurs de l'INCDTP-ICPI et du Département des Manuscrits et des Livres Rares de la Bibliothèque de l'Académie Roumaine. Plus de 50 reliures en cuir (blanc) tanné à l'alun, en parchemin et en parchemin réutilisé ont été analysées in situ à l'aide de méthodes d'analyse non invasives ou micro-invasives telles que les analyses visuelles et microscopiques, la microscopie thermique (méthode imageMHT), la réflexion totale atténuée (ATR), la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et la spectrométrie de fluorescence des rayons X (XRF). À partir de ces résultats, des fiches de conservation ont été élaborées, indiquant notamment l'état de détérioration, les menaces et les recommandations de conservation pour chaque reliure explorée. Deux fiches de conservation sont illustrées pour les reliures en parchemin tanné à l'alun et réutilisé. Cet article est la première étude roumaine consacrée à la fois aux aspects artistiques et matériels des reliures de livres rares. MOTS CLÉS : reliure, cuir tanné à l'alun, parchemin, l'état de détérioration, recommandations en matière de conservation
The thermally-induced structural collapse of collagen fibres in collagen-based historical materia... more The thermally-induced structural collapse of collagen fibres in collagen-based historical materials and artefacts such as leather, parchment and skin is currently measured through the Micro Hot Table (MHT) method. This method, widely used in conservation-restoration for characterising historical materials' deterioration, is based on a combined thermal and microscopic technique which evaluates the motion behaviour of the collagen fibres dispersed in aqueous milieu and heated at 2°C/min inside a thermostatically controlled heating cell. The collagen fibre motion observed by a stereomicroscope and digitally-recorded with a camera is called shrinkage activity and has been defined by a sequence of five temperature intervals. The intrinsic main limitations of this method, i.e. time consuming and human eye assessment variability causing high errors and making it impossible the inter-laboratory comparison, can be overcome by the use of image processing techniques for the automatic detec...