(original) (raw)
[ | mood | | | devious | ] |
Hey, I'm a new member. I love to rock hard, hehe. I've been playing drums in school and such since I was 9. I've been playing piano since I was 9. I've been playing guitar for about five years. And I took up bass three years ago when my jazz band needed a new bassist. I'm a jack of all trades :D
I play percussion in school, and I play snare in drumline. I marched snare for my school but now I'm drum major of the marching band (I conduct the whole band, scary!). I like to sing too, in ensembles and in bands. I fool around with piano on my own. Guitar too, I try and write stuff. I play bass in a jazz band and a jazz combo (love the funk riffs).
Currently I play bass in a four piece rock band called The Prophettes. You can go check us out at
Music is basically my life, lol. But I do do other things, lol. I love taking naps, curling up in a good blanket in such. I am like an owl, stay up really late. Especially to watch Adult Swim, even when they play stuff the second time around (hehe, if reruns bore me I watch Food Network). I'm also really into photography. I recently got a deviantart account and posted some stuff there. I also have work posted in my other LJ writtenoffagain. It's friends only though.
I don't know what else to say, that's pretty much it about me, hehe. I try to write stuff, and I love writing. I'm going to be on newspaper. And I'll probably be covering the elections in November (muahahaha, Bush will suffer in my polls).