Željka Bedić | Institute for anthropological research, Zagreb (original) (raw)
Papers by Željka Bedić
Tihi svjedoci vjere baštine i raskoši, 2017
Crkva Sv. Nikole izgrađena je tijekom druge polovine 13. stoljeća kao župna crkva žumberačkog vla... more Crkva Sv. Nikole izgrađena je tijekom druge polovine 13. stoljeća kao župna crkva žumberačkog vlastelinstva knezova Spanheima. Arheološka istraživanja oko crkve sv. Nikole Biskupa pomogla su u tumačenju u Hrvatskoj slabo poznatog novovjekovnog načina života i običaja. Do sada je istraženo 254 ukopa iz kojih čitamo odnos prema životu i smrti tadašnjih stanovnika Žumberka. Prema nalazima iz grobova saznali smo o religioznosti Žumberčana, ali i o pučkim običajima vezanim uz praznovjerje, o modi onoga vremena, o hodočasničkoj aktivnosti, o svetačkim pobožnostima te bolestima i teškom načinu života. U kripti u svetištu crkve nađena su dva lijesa, u većem je bila sahranjena starija žena, u manjem djevojčica. Danas s velikom sigurnošću tvrdimo da je ukopana žena bila pripadnica visokog plemstva, sahranjena negdje polovinom 17. ili početkom 18. stoljeća, odjevena u luksuzni svileni prsluk izrađen u talijanskoj ili francuskoj radionici, ukrašena pamučnom maramom bojanom tzv. turskom crvenom bojom, u kožnim cipelama čiju izradu možemo sigurno smjestiti u 17. stoljeće. O djevojčici možemo samo zaključiti da je bila sahranjena u skladu s običajima 17. i 18. stoljeća, posebno se to odnosi na povijanje ruku ukrasnom mašnom, i maramom oko glave, a zahvaljujući DNA analizi znamo da je također bila pripadnica visokog plemstva. Iako je pregledano svo dostupno arhivsko gradivo, na žalost nismo uspjeli saznati o kojim dvjema plemkinjama se radi.
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 2023
This paper discusses the importance of adopting and applying new technologies in scientific field... more This paper discusses the importance of adopting and applying new technologies in scientific fields to increase the rate of progress. It emphasises the need for networking and multidisciplinary collaboration to apply technologies developed for other purposes to solve scientific or professional issues. The paper reviews modern technologies used in archaeology and bioarchaeology, including ground penetrating radar, LiDAR, drones, 3D printing, remote sensing, GIS, and portable X-ray fluorescence. It also presents modern technologies in bioarchaeology such as DNA analysis, stable isotope analysis, radiocarbon dating, microscopic analysis, CT and MRI, and proteomics. The paper introduces palaeoradiology, a branch of radiology that uses imaging technologies to examine bioarchaeological or even archaeological material, and discusses its importance in gaining knowledge about the health, lifestyle, and causes of death of past populations.
Izdanja Hrvatskog arheološkog društva, 2023
Od 2012. godine provode se sustavna arheološka iskopavanja nekadašnjeg benediktinskog samostana s... more Od 2012. godine provode se sustavna arheološka iskopavanja nekadašnjeg benediktinskog samostana sv. Margarete kod sela Bijela, jugoistočno od Daruvara. U dosadašnjh pet kampanja istražuje se samostanska crkva koja se nalazi na sjevernom dijelu ovalnog uzvišenja. Južno od nje prostire se samostanski sklop. Samostan je bio dodatno utvrđen obrambenim zidom i jarkom. Redovnička zajednica u Bijeli poznata je neposredno iz pisanih vrela od prve četvrtine 14. stoljeća te s prekidima vodi samostan do sredine 16. stoljeća. Iskopavanjima je utvrđena obnova samostanske crkve tijekom 15. stoljeća te uporaba i intervencije u crkvi nakon osmanskog osvajanja. U dosadašnjim iskopavanjima u lađi crkve istraženo je šest grobnih cjelina kod kojih je antropološka analiza pokazala visoku učestalost perimortalnih i antemortalnih trauma.
The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4 th centur... more The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4 th century AD) skeletal sample from Tekić-Treštanovačka gradina near Požega. Skeletal and dental remains of 28 individuals were examined for the possible presence of caries, alveolar bone disease, cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia, degenerative osteoarthritis of the vertebrae and major joints, Schmorl's nodes on vertebrae, periostitis, and bone trauma. The analysed sample is characterised by relatively high frequency of caries and alveolar bone disease, most probably as a result of poor oral health and diet mostly based on cereals. High frequencies of cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia and periostitis suggest relatively frequent episodes of physiological stress such as starvation and infectious diseases, while the distribution and prevalence of bone fractures indicate a relatively low level of interpersonal violence in the studied community.
Starohrvatska prosvjeta 48/2021, 2021
This paper analyses a stone-built tomb (Grave 76) discovered in 2011 in the Church of St Mary at ... more This paper analyses a stone-built tomb (Grave 76) discovered in 2011 in the Church of St Mary at the site Pakoštane – Crkvina, which belonged in the Middle Ages to the settlement of Zablaće. The archaeological excavations established four strata of burials in which the osteological remains of 24 individuals were found, as well as numerous items of jewellery, dress accessories and coins. Among the osteological remains, worth highlighting are two decedents with interesting traumas, one of which was caused by trepanation. The grave was built in the first half of the 15th century, and successive burials in it were carried out for somewhat more than a hundred years.
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu
Iz sakristije crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Gori analizirano je 50 kostura koji se dat... more Iz sakristije crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Gori analizirano je 50 kostura koji se datiraju od samoga početka XI. pa sve do kraja XVI. ili početka XVII. stoljeća te su kronološki podijeljeni u četiri faze ukopavanja. U svim je fazama kod žena uočena visoka prosječna doživljena starost te je, osim u prvoj fazi, primjetna njihova podzastupljenost u odnosu na muškarce. Najveći mortalitet djece zabilježen je između 2. i 8. godine života kada je fiziološki stres najveći. Pokazatelji subadultnog stresa zabilježeni su u svim fazama te ukazuju na loše životne uvjete i neadekvatnu prehranu. Na to upućuju i slučajevi skorbuta zabilježeni i u prvoj i u drugoj fazi te pojava zaraznih bolesti u prvoj (lepre) i četvrtoj fazi (tuberkuloze). S druge strane, u gorskom je uzorku zabilježena niska učestalost trauma, a većina prisutnih odnosi se na slučajne ozljede. Ipak, o prisutnosti namjernoga nasilja govori perimortalna trauma kod djeteta iz prve faze te antemortalna trauma na nosnim kos...
Forensic Science International Supplement Series, 2009
Documenta Praehistorica, 2021
The paper provides a detailed overview of new radiocarbon dates, stable isotopes, and anthropolog... more The paper provides a detailed overview of new radiocarbon dates, stable isotopes, and anthropological information obtained on prehistoric human remains (mostly Neolithic) from the Balkans and southwestern Carpathian Basin. It covers a large chronological sequence from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age (9746–2628 cal BC), which encompasses different archaeological cultures. In total 76 radiocarbon dates deriving from 27 sites were obtained, coupled with new isotopic (n=34) and anthropological (n=33) data. The results filled the gaps in some of the older interpretations, but also produced new insights regarding chronology, health, and diet, leaving a strong baseline for all future research into Neolithic lifestyles.
Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture, katalog izložbe, 2021
Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje... more Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje - Kliškovac nastala je suradnjom autorice izložbe i stručnih suradnika - akademika Željka Tomičića, dr. sc. Marka Dizdara, dr. sc. Siniše Krznara i dr. sc. Željke Bedić, koji su svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom i radom na spomenutim lokalitetima, odnosno na području srednjovjekovne arheologije dali velik doprinos prilikom organizacije ove izložbe i kataloga. Naglasak koncepcije izložbe je na prikazivanju materijalnih i duhovnih tragova bjelobrdskog kulturnog kruga na području međuriječja Drave, Save i Dunava te njegovo integriranje u srednjoeuropski kulturni krug. Razdoblje srednjeg, pa tako i novog vijeka, zbog slabe istraženosti često pada u zaborav, stoga je ova izložba nastala kao podsjetnik na materijalno i kulturno bogatstvo srednjovjekovlja te kao poticaj na veća, posebice arheološka istraživanja potonjeg razdoblja. Ovim putem želim uputiti zahvale svojim stručnim suradnicima na izložbi i katalogu, a posebno akademiku Željku Tomičiću.
The exhibition Artistic Heritage of the Bijelo Brdo Culture: Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje and Suhopolje - Kliškovac sites was created in collaboration with the author of the exhibition and professional associates - academician Željko Tomičić, Ph.D. Marko Dizdar, Ph.D. Siniša Krznar, Ph.D. Željka Bedić, who with their many years of experience and work on the mentioned sites, ie in the field of medieval archeology, made a great contribution during the organization of this exhibition and catalog. The emphasis of the concept of the exhibition is on showing the material and spiritual traces of the Bijelo Brdo cultural circle in the area between the Drava, Sava and Danube interfluve and its integration into the Central European cultural circle. The Medieval period, including the New Age, is neglected due to poor research, so this exhibition was also created as a reminder of the material and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages and as an incentive for larger, especially archaeological research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professional associates at the exhibition and catalog, and especially academician Željko Tomičić.
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 2021
The Anthropological Center of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts received human bone remai... more The Anthropological Center of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts received human bone remains from the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period site of Bijela - St. Margaret derived from research conducted in 2019. The human remains found in grave number 22 caught the attention due to the atypical position of a male aged between 40 and 50 years at the time of death and trauma visible on the anterior region of the mandibular bone. In the same region pathological changes
were also visible microscopically and on the X-Ray scan. In this case report the description of the changes on the mandibular bone and the possible etiology is presented.
Vjesnik arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, 2021
Human skeletal remains from Bijelo Brdo-Venice Street and Vukovar-Lijeva Bara have previously bee... more Human skeletal remains from Bijelo Brdo-Venice Street and
Vukovar-Lijeva Bara have previously been anthropologically
analysed and published, but in this paper cranial traumas are
studied for the first time. The sample consists of 84 adult skulls
curated in the Natural History Museum and the Archaeological
Museum in Zagreb. Results showed a high frequency of cranial
trauma (19.0 %) recorded in 16 out of 84 well-preserved skulls.
Although males exhibit twice as many traumas as females (24.4 %
vs. 12.8 %) the difference is not statistically significant. Trauma is
present most frequently on the left side of the skull, and there
is perimortem trauma in both sites, as well as in both sexes; this
indicates the existence of interpersonal violence in these populations.
Diadora, 2017
An anthropological analysis was carried out on 11 skeletons – six adult male skeletons, one adult... more An anthropological analysis was carried out on 11 skeletons – six adult male skeletons, one adult female skeleton and four subadults. The results of the analysis were compared with the sample from Relja site, given the latter’s identical geographical location and climate-environmental system. Compared with the Relja sample, the analyses results showed that the individuals buried in Glagoljaška Street had been of poorer health in all categories – primarily a consequence of bad nourishment and hard living conditions, which are particularly reflected in the high frequency of biological stress indicators, dental health and hard labor. The traumas observed on the males were mostly caused by accidents, while signs of interpersonal violence were not noticed. Based on the criteria observed and in accordance with the archaeologists’ line of thought, it can be concluded it was indeed an isolated group of people who led a different (lower-quality) way of life and had different burials after death.
Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 2013
The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4th century... more The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4th century AD) skeletal sample from Tekić – Treštanovačka gradina near Požega. Skeletal and dental remains of 28 individuals were examined for the possible presence of caries, alveolar bone disease, cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia, degenerative osteoarthritis of the vertebrae and major joints, Schmorl’s nodes on vertebrae, periostitis, and bone trauma. The analysed sample is characterised by relatively high frequency of caries and alveolar
bone disease, most probably as a result of poor oral health and diet mostly based on cereals. High frequencies of cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia and periostitis suggest relatively frequent episodes of physiological stress such as starvation and infectious diseases, while the distribution and prevalence of bone fractures indicate a relatively low level of interpersonal violence in the studied community.
Among 89 skulls from the Bijelo Brdo site in mainland Croatia dated between the 10th and 11th cen... more Among 89 skulls from the Bijelo Brdo site in mainland Croatia dated between the 10th and 11th centuries, two show osteological features characteristic for lepromatous leprosy. Both skulls have female traits. An adult individual exhibits inflammatory changes on the palatine process, the alveolar process of the maxilla, the inferior nasal aperture, and on the anterior nasal spine. A younger individual, between 15 and 17 years at the time of death, exhibits less pronounced changes on the inferior nasal aperture, and the anterior nasal spine. Differential diagnosis excluded fungal infections (aspergillosis, mucormycosis), bacterial infections (actinomycosis, tuberculosis), and granulomatous disorders (sarcoidosis, and treponemal diseases). Molecular genetic analysis targeting the repetitive elements RLEP (37 copies/cell) and RepLep (15 copies/cell) of the M. leprae genome confirmed the presence of the disease in the adult individual. The possible geography of the spread of this infectious disease in Croatia is discussed.
HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2013
Examination and comparison of the morphological features of tooth crown in archaeological and rec... more Examination and comparison of the morphological features of tooth crown in archaeological and recent samples can be difficult due to the different levels of tooth wear seen both within and between populations. These differences make the comparison of frequency data for Carabelli trait problematic. The aim of the present study is to detect the frequency and degree of expression of Carabelli's trait in Croatian populations from late antiquity to recent times and to use these data as supplementary evidence of complex population migration. A total of 1287 individuals from the late antiquity, medieval, early modern and modern periods were examined. Correlation between the presence of Carabelli's trait and tooth crown size was tested. The results of our analyses show that the frequency of Carabelli's trait is significantly greater in the early modern period (51.3%) and in the 21st century (43.1%) than in the late antiquity (20.4%) and medieval periods (23.4%). These results are consistent with historical evidence of migration and population change in the territory of present-day Croatia throughout the almost 1800 years covered by this study. The results also provide additional evidence for the complex nature of population change in the transition from the late antiquity to the early medieval period.
Na arheološkom nalazištu Žumberak u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj istra¬živana je crkva sv. Nikole bi... more Na arheološkom nalazištu Žumberak u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj istra¬živana je crkva sv. Nikole biskupa, pripadajuće župno groblje te kosturnica. Groblje uz crkvu datira se u kasnosrednjovjekovno i novovjekovno razdo¬blje, a istražuje se od 2006. godine. Od ukupno istraženih 254 grobova, ana¬lizirano je 246 kostura. Spol je određen na 217 kostura (62 djece, 67 žena te 88 muškaraca) dok se kod preostalih kostura spol nije mogao odrediti sa sigurnošću. Vrlo je malo trauma zabilježenih na odraslim osobama (1, 4%) i većina njih se može pripisati nesretnim slučajevima. Samo se jedna trauma može sa sigurnošću pripisati namjernom nasilju. Riječ je o perimortalnoj tra¬umi (nastaloj u/oko trenutka smrti) evidentiranoj na lijevoj parijetalnoj kosti muškarca starosti između 35 i 40 godina. U kosturnici su pohranjenje kosti sakupljene vjerojatno tijekom širenja postojećeg ili formiranja novog groblja. Najveći broj pronađenih kostiju od¬nosi se na lubanje, a antropološkom je analizom ustanovljeno da je riječ o najmanje 223 osobe od čega su 193 odrasle osobe i 30 djece. Na većini je lubanja bilo moguće precizno odrediti spol (85 muških i 75 ženskih). Ono što je najupečatljivije na lubanjama iz kosturnice i razlikuje se od uzorka pokopanog na groblju je velik broj antemortalnih (zaraslih) trauma (24, 3%, odnosno 37 trauma na 152 lubanje). Distribucija trauma na odraslim osoba¬ma kao i prisutnost trauma na nekoliko dječjih lubanja u populaciji čije su kosti pohranjene u kosturnici sugerira namjerno nasilje te se u ovom trenutku postavlja pitanje da li se namjerno nasilje odvijalo unutar populacije ili je bila riječ o nekom vanjskom neprijatelju.
Archaeologia Adriatica 13, 2021
Life and Death in Mediaeval and Early Modern Times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 6th and 7th June 2018, 2020
In 2015 the Department of Archaeology at the University of Zadar, during one of the campaigns at ... more In 2015 the Department of Archaeology at the University of Zadar, during one of the campaigns at site Pakoštane – Crkvina, detected a new archaeological site just outside the enclosed complex. Under the stone mound two graves were excavated, and they are part of a bigger graveyard with specific medieval tombstones – kamici (or stećci). Both graves contained more than one individual ; ten were found in Grave 1 and twelve in Grave 2. This paper gives a new insight and a rounded view of the community by analyzing graves, osteological remains and artefacts. According to these finds and historical sources the necropolis can be attributed to Vlachs who found their burial place beside the existing sacral complex in turbulent times at the turn of the Middle Ages to the modern era.
Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju 14, 2020
The convent church of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret in Bijela was used for the burial... more The convent church of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret in Bijela was used for the burial of, not only the members of the convent , but also for other lay people. The majority of the analyzed burials contain male skeletons. A central, stone tomb is identified as a burial place for the abbots, which is corroborated by the position of skeletons and age of death. The majority of male skeletons could indicate a monastic community, but the radiocarbon dates suggest presence of other members of the society. The monastery was used as a fortification at the cross of the 15 th and 16 th century. It was thought that the monastery and its church were abandoned after the Ottoman conquest in the mid-16 th century. Some graves are dated from the second half of the 16th century on, and indicate that the old monastic church retained the same burial symbolism as in the medieval period. Altogether 26 skeletons were uncovered from 16 graves (20), and outside of the grave units (6). The sample comprising of 19 males, 3 females and 4 subadults shows evident underrepresentation of females and subadults. In order to interpret how people buried in Bijela lived, several pathological conditions (indicators of subadult stress, hard physical labour, dental pathologies, and trauma), were recorded. High frequencies of certain pathologies (80% of linear enamel hypoplasia, 72.2% of non-specific periostitis, and 30.4% of Schmorl's nodes) suggest poor living conditions and low health standard. Furthermore, particularly high frequencies of antemortem and peri-mortem trauma in adults show that members of this community were subjected to high levels of intentional violence.
Tihi svjedoci vjere baštine i raskoši, 2017
Crkva Sv. Nikole izgrađena je tijekom druge polovine 13. stoljeća kao župna crkva žumberačkog vla... more Crkva Sv. Nikole izgrađena je tijekom druge polovine 13. stoljeća kao župna crkva žumberačkog vlastelinstva knezova Spanheima. Arheološka istraživanja oko crkve sv. Nikole Biskupa pomogla su u tumačenju u Hrvatskoj slabo poznatog novovjekovnog načina života i običaja. Do sada je istraženo 254 ukopa iz kojih čitamo odnos prema životu i smrti tadašnjih stanovnika Žumberka. Prema nalazima iz grobova saznali smo o religioznosti Žumberčana, ali i o pučkim običajima vezanim uz praznovjerje, o modi onoga vremena, o hodočasničkoj aktivnosti, o svetačkim pobožnostima te bolestima i teškom načinu života. U kripti u svetištu crkve nađena su dva lijesa, u većem je bila sahranjena starija žena, u manjem djevojčica. Danas s velikom sigurnošću tvrdimo da je ukopana žena bila pripadnica visokog plemstva, sahranjena negdje polovinom 17. ili početkom 18. stoljeća, odjevena u luksuzni svileni prsluk izrađen u talijanskoj ili francuskoj radionici, ukrašena pamučnom maramom bojanom tzv. turskom crvenom bojom, u kožnim cipelama čiju izradu možemo sigurno smjestiti u 17. stoljeće. O djevojčici možemo samo zaključiti da je bila sahranjena u skladu s običajima 17. i 18. stoljeća, posebno se to odnosi na povijanje ruku ukrasnom mašnom, i maramom oko glave, a zahvaljujući DNA analizi znamo da je također bila pripadnica visokog plemstva. Iako je pregledano svo dostupno arhivsko gradivo, na žalost nismo uspjeli saznati o kojim dvjema plemkinjama se radi.
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 2023
This paper discusses the importance of adopting and applying new technologies in scientific field... more This paper discusses the importance of adopting and applying new technologies in scientific fields to increase the rate of progress. It emphasises the need for networking and multidisciplinary collaboration to apply technologies developed for other purposes to solve scientific or professional issues. The paper reviews modern technologies used in archaeology and bioarchaeology, including ground penetrating radar, LiDAR, drones, 3D printing, remote sensing, GIS, and portable X-ray fluorescence. It also presents modern technologies in bioarchaeology such as DNA analysis, stable isotope analysis, radiocarbon dating, microscopic analysis, CT and MRI, and proteomics. The paper introduces palaeoradiology, a branch of radiology that uses imaging technologies to examine bioarchaeological or even archaeological material, and discusses its importance in gaining knowledge about the health, lifestyle, and causes of death of past populations.
Izdanja Hrvatskog arheološkog društva, 2023
Od 2012. godine provode se sustavna arheološka iskopavanja nekadašnjeg benediktinskog samostana s... more Od 2012. godine provode se sustavna arheološka iskopavanja nekadašnjeg benediktinskog samostana sv. Margarete kod sela Bijela, jugoistočno od Daruvara. U dosadašnjh pet kampanja istražuje se samostanska crkva koja se nalazi na sjevernom dijelu ovalnog uzvišenja. Južno od nje prostire se samostanski sklop. Samostan je bio dodatno utvrđen obrambenim zidom i jarkom. Redovnička zajednica u Bijeli poznata je neposredno iz pisanih vrela od prve četvrtine 14. stoljeća te s prekidima vodi samostan do sredine 16. stoljeća. Iskopavanjima je utvrđena obnova samostanske crkve tijekom 15. stoljeća te uporaba i intervencije u crkvi nakon osmanskog osvajanja. U dosadašnjim iskopavanjima u lađi crkve istraženo je šest grobnih cjelina kod kojih je antropološka analiza pokazala visoku učestalost perimortalnih i antemortalnih trauma.
The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4 th centur... more The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4 th century AD) skeletal sample from Tekić-Treštanovačka gradina near Požega. Skeletal and dental remains of 28 individuals were examined for the possible presence of caries, alveolar bone disease, cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia, degenerative osteoarthritis of the vertebrae and major joints, Schmorl's nodes on vertebrae, periostitis, and bone trauma. The analysed sample is characterised by relatively high frequency of caries and alveolar bone disease, most probably as a result of poor oral health and diet mostly based on cereals. High frequencies of cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia and periostitis suggest relatively frequent episodes of physiological stress such as starvation and infectious diseases, while the distribution and prevalence of bone fractures indicate a relatively low level of interpersonal violence in the studied community.
Starohrvatska prosvjeta 48/2021, 2021
This paper analyses a stone-built tomb (Grave 76) discovered in 2011 in the Church of St Mary at ... more This paper analyses a stone-built tomb (Grave 76) discovered in 2011 in the Church of St Mary at the site Pakoštane – Crkvina, which belonged in the Middle Ages to the settlement of Zablaće. The archaeological excavations established four strata of burials in which the osteological remains of 24 individuals were found, as well as numerous items of jewellery, dress accessories and coins. Among the osteological remains, worth highlighting are two decedents with interesting traumas, one of which was caused by trepanation. The grave was built in the first half of the 15th century, and successive burials in it were carried out for somewhat more than a hundred years.
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu
Iz sakristije crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Gori analizirano je 50 kostura koji se dat... more Iz sakristije crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije u Gori analizirano je 50 kostura koji se datiraju od samoga početka XI. pa sve do kraja XVI. ili početka XVII. stoljeća te su kronološki podijeljeni u četiri faze ukopavanja. U svim je fazama kod žena uočena visoka prosječna doživljena starost te je, osim u prvoj fazi, primjetna njihova podzastupljenost u odnosu na muškarce. Najveći mortalitet djece zabilježen je između 2. i 8. godine života kada je fiziološki stres najveći. Pokazatelji subadultnog stresa zabilježeni su u svim fazama te ukazuju na loše životne uvjete i neadekvatnu prehranu. Na to upućuju i slučajevi skorbuta zabilježeni i u prvoj i u drugoj fazi te pojava zaraznih bolesti u prvoj (lepre) i četvrtoj fazi (tuberkuloze). S druge strane, u gorskom je uzorku zabilježena niska učestalost trauma, a većina prisutnih odnosi se na slučajne ozljede. Ipak, o prisutnosti namjernoga nasilja govori perimortalna trauma kod djeteta iz prve faze te antemortalna trauma na nosnim kos...
Forensic Science International Supplement Series, 2009
Documenta Praehistorica, 2021
The paper provides a detailed overview of new radiocarbon dates, stable isotopes, and anthropolog... more The paper provides a detailed overview of new radiocarbon dates, stable isotopes, and anthropological information obtained on prehistoric human remains (mostly Neolithic) from the Balkans and southwestern Carpathian Basin. It covers a large chronological sequence from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age (9746–2628 cal BC), which encompasses different archaeological cultures. In total 76 radiocarbon dates deriving from 27 sites were obtained, coupled with new isotopic (n=34) and anthropological (n=33) data. The results filled the gaps in some of the older interpretations, but also produced new insights regarding chronology, health, and diet, leaving a strong baseline for all future research into Neolithic lifestyles.
Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture, katalog izložbe, 2021
Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje... more Izložba Umjetničko nasljeđe bjelobrdske kulture: nalazišta Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje i Suhopolje - Kliškovac nastala je suradnjom autorice izložbe i stručnih suradnika - akademika Željka Tomičića, dr. sc. Marka Dizdara, dr. sc. Siniše Krznara i dr. sc. Željke Bedić, koji su svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom i radom na spomenutim lokalitetima, odnosno na području srednjovjekovne arheologije dali velik doprinos prilikom organizacije ove izložbe i kataloga. Naglasak koncepcije izložbe je na prikazivanju materijalnih i duhovnih tragova bjelobrdskog kulturnog kruga na području međuriječja Drave, Save i Dunava te njegovo integriranje u srednjoeuropski kulturni krug. Razdoblje srednjeg, pa tako i novog vijeka, zbog slabe istraženosti često pada u zaborav, stoga je ova izložba nastala kao podsjetnik na materijalno i kulturno bogatstvo srednjovjekovlja te kao poticaj na veća, posebice arheološka istraživanja potonjeg razdoblja. Ovim putem želim uputiti zahvale svojim stručnim suradnicima na izložbi i katalogu, a posebno akademiku Željku Tomičiću.
The exhibition Artistic Heritage of the Bijelo Brdo Culture: Zvonimirovo - Veliko polje and Suhopolje - Kliškovac sites was created in collaboration with the author of the exhibition and professional associates - academician Željko Tomičić, Ph.D. Marko Dizdar, Ph.D. Siniša Krznar, Ph.D. Željka Bedić, who with their many years of experience and work on the mentioned sites, ie in the field of medieval archeology, made a great contribution during the organization of this exhibition and catalog. The emphasis of the concept of the exhibition is on showing the material and spiritual traces of the Bijelo Brdo cultural circle in the area between the Drava, Sava and Danube interfluve and its integration into the Central European cultural circle. The Medieval period, including the New Age, is neglected due to poor research, so this exhibition was also created as a reminder of the material and cultural heritage of the Middle Ages and as an incentive for larger, especially archaeological research. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professional associates at the exhibition and catalog, and especially academician Željko Tomičić.
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 2021
The Anthropological Center of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts received human bone remai... more The Anthropological Center of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts received human bone remains from the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period site of Bijela - St. Margaret derived from research conducted in 2019. The human remains found in grave number 22 caught the attention due to the atypical position of a male aged between 40 and 50 years at the time of death and trauma visible on the anterior region of the mandibular bone. In the same region pathological changes
were also visible microscopically and on the X-Ray scan. In this case report the description of the changes on the mandibular bone and the possible etiology is presented.
Vjesnik arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, 2021
Human skeletal remains from Bijelo Brdo-Venice Street and Vukovar-Lijeva Bara have previously bee... more Human skeletal remains from Bijelo Brdo-Venice Street and
Vukovar-Lijeva Bara have previously been anthropologically
analysed and published, but in this paper cranial traumas are
studied for the first time. The sample consists of 84 adult skulls
curated in the Natural History Museum and the Archaeological
Museum in Zagreb. Results showed a high frequency of cranial
trauma (19.0 %) recorded in 16 out of 84 well-preserved skulls.
Although males exhibit twice as many traumas as females (24.4 %
vs. 12.8 %) the difference is not statistically significant. Trauma is
present most frequently on the left side of the skull, and there
is perimortem trauma in both sites, as well as in both sexes; this
indicates the existence of interpersonal violence in these populations.
Diadora, 2017
An anthropological analysis was carried out on 11 skeletons – six adult male skeletons, one adult... more An anthropological analysis was carried out on 11 skeletons – six adult male skeletons, one adult female skeleton and four subadults. The results of the analysis were compared with the sample from Relja site, given the latter’s identical geographical location and climate-environmental system. Compared with the Relja sample, the analyses results showed that the individuals buried in Glagoljaška Street had been of poorer health in all categories – primarily a consequence of bad nourishment and hard living conditions, which are particularly reflected in the high frequency of biological stress indicators, dental health and hard labor. The traumas observed on the males were mostly caused by accidents, while signs of interpersonal violence were not noticed. Based on the criteria observed and in accordance with the archaeologists’ line of thought, it can be concluded it was indeed an isolated group of people who led a different (lower-quality) way of life and had different burials after death.
Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 2013
The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4th century... more The paper presents the results of the bioarchaeological analysis of the late antique (4th century AD) skeletal sample from Tekić – Treštanovačka gradina near Požega. Skeletal and dental remains of 28 individuals were examined for the possible presence of caries, alveolar bone disease, cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia, degenerative osteoarthritis of the vertebrae and major joints, Schmorl’s nodes on vertebrae, periostitis, and bone trauma. The analysed sample is characterised by relatively high frequency of caries and alveolar
bone disease, most probably as a result of poor oral health and diet mostly based on cereals. High frequencies of cribra orbitalia, dental enamel hypoplasia and periostitis suggest relatively frequent episodes of physiological stress such as starvation and infectious diseases, while the distribution and prevalence of bone fractures indicate a relatively low level of interpersonal violence in the studied community.
Among 89 skulls from the Bijelo Brdo site in mainland Croatia dated between the 10th and 11th cen... more Among 89 skulls from the Bijelo Brdo site in mainland Croatia dated between the 10th and 11th centuries, two show osteological features characteristic for lepromatous leprosy. Both skulls have female traits. An adult individual exhibits inflammatory changes on the palatine process, the alveolar process of the maxilla, the inferior nasal aperture, and on the anterior nasal spine. A younger individual, between 15 and 17 years at the time of death, exhibits less pronounced changes on the inferior nasal aperture, and the anterior nasal spine. Differential diagnosis excluded fungal infections (aspergillosis, mucormycosis), bacterial infections (actinomycosis, tuberculosis), and granulomatous disorders (sarcoidosis, and treponemal diseases). Molecular genetic analysis targeting the repetitive elements RLEP (37 copies/cell) and RepLep (15 copies/cell) of the M. leprae genome confirmed the presence of the disease in the adult individual. The possible geography of the spread of this infectious disease in Croatia is discussed.
HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 2013
Examination and comparison of the morphological features of tooth crown in archaeological and rec... more Examination and comparison of the morphological features of tooth crown in archaeological and recent samples can be difficult due to the different levels of tooth wear seen both within and between populations. These differences make the comparison of frequency data for Carabelli trait problematic. The aim of the present study is to detect the frequency and degree of expression of Carabelli's trait in Croatian populations from late antiquity to recent times and to use these data as supplementary evidence of complex population migration. A total of 1287 individuals from the late antiquity, medieval, early modern and modern periods were examined. Correlation between the presence of Carabelli's trait and tooth crown size was tested. The results of our analyses show that the frequency of Carabelli's trait is significantly greater in the early modern period (51.3%) and in the 21st century (43.1%) than in the late antiquity (20.4%) and medieval periods (23.4%). These results are consistent with historical evidence of migration and population change in the territory of present-day Croatia throughout the almost 1800 years covered by this study. The results also provide additional evidence for the complex nature of population change in the transition from the late antiquity to the early medieval period.
Na arheološkom nalazištu Žumberak u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj istra¬živana je crkva sv. Nikole bi... more Na arheološkom nalazištu Žumberak u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj istra¬živana je crkva sv. Nikole biskupa, pripadajuće župno groblje te kosturnica. Groblje uz crkvu datira se u kasnosrednjovjekovno i novovjekovno razdo¬blje, a istražuje se od 2006. godine. Od ukupno istraženih 254 grobova, ana¬lizirano je 246 kostura. Spol je određen na 217 kostura (62 djece, 67 žena te 88 muškaraca) dok se kod preostalih kostura spol nije mogao odrediti sa sigurnošću. Vrlo je malo trauma zabilježenih na odraslim osobama (1, 4%) i većina njih se može pripisati nesretnim slučajevima. Samo se jedna trauma može sa sigurnošću pripisati namjernom nasilju. Riječ je o perimortalnoj tra¬umi (nastaloj u/oko trenutka smrti) evidentiranoj na lijevoj parijetalnoj kosti muškarca starosti između 35 i 40 godina. U kosturnici su pohranjenje kosti sakupljene vjerojatno tijekom širenja postojećeg ili formiranja novog groblja. Najveći broj pronađenih kostiju od¬nosi se na lubanje, a antropološkom je analizom ustanovljeno da je riječ o najmanje 223 osobe od čega su 193 odrasle osobe i 30 djece. Na većini je lubanja bilo moguće precizno odrediti spol (85 muških i 75 ženskih). Ono što je najupečatljivije na lubanjama iz kosturnice i razlikuje se od uzorka pokopanog na groblju je velik broj antemortalnih (zaraslih) trauma (24, 3%, odnosno 37 trauma na 152 lubanje). Distribucija trauma na odraslim osoba¬ma kao i prisutnost trauma na nekoliko dječjih lubanja u populaciji čije su kosti pohranjene u kosturnici sugerira namjerno nasilje te se u ovom trenutku postavlja pitanje da li se namjerno nasilje odvijalo unutar populacije ili je bila riječ o nekom vanjskom neprijatelju.
Archaeologia Adriatica 13, 2021
Life and Death in Mediaeval and Early Modern Times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 6th and 7th June 2018, 2020
In 2015 the Department of Archaeology at the University of Zadar, during one of the campaigns at ... more In 2015 the Department of Archaeology at the University of Zadar, during one of the campaigns at site Pakoštane – Crkvina, detected a new archaeological site just outside the enclosed complex. Under the stone mound two graves were excavated, and they are part of a bigger graveyard with specific medieval tombstones – kamici (or stećci). Both graves contained more than one individual ; ten were found in Grave 1 and twelve in Grave 2. This paper gives a new insight and a rounded view of the community by analyzing graves, osteological remains and artefacts. According to these finds and historical sources the necropolis can be attributed to Vlachs who found their burial place beside the existing sacral complex in turbulent times at the turn of the Middle Ages to the modern era.
Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju 14, 2020
The convent church of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret in Bijela was used for the burial... more The convent church of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret in Bijela was used for the burial of, not only the members of the convent , but also for other lay people. The majority of the analyzed burials contain male skeletons. A central, stone tomb is identified as a burial place for the abbots, which is corroborated by the position of skeletons and age of death. The majority of male skeletons could indicate a monastic community, but the radiocarbon dates suggest presence of other members of the society. The monastery was used as a fortification at the cross of the 15 th and 16 th century. It was thought that the monastery and its church were abandoned after the Ottoman conquest in the mid-16 th century. Some graves are dated from the second half of the 16th century on, and indicate that the old monastic church retained the same burial symbolism as in the medieval period. Altogether 26 skeletons were uncovered from 16 graves (20), and outside of the grave units (6). The sample comprising of 19 males, 3 females and 4 subadults shows evident underrepresentation of females and subadults. In order to interpret how people buried in Bijela lived, several pathological conditions (indicators of subadult stress, hard physical labour, dental pathologies, and trauma), were recorded. High frequencies of certain pathologies (80% of linear enamel hypoplasia, 72.2% of non-specific periostitis, and 30.4% of Schmorl's nodes) suggest poor living conditions and low health standard. Furthermore, particularly high frequencies of antemortem and peri-mortem trauma in adults show that members of this community were subjected to high levels of intentional violence.
The process of recovering and identifying human remains from individual and mass graves has prove... more The process of recovering and identifying human remains from individual and mass graves has proven to be the most effective method for resolving the fate of missing individuals in the former Yugoslavia. From 1996 to the present, the remains of 388 individuals killed during the 1991 War in Croatia were recovered from the Glina and Petrinja areas, in Sisačko-Moslavačka county. The purpose of this paper is to report on the demographic and taphonomic characteristics of the recovered remains and identify factors responsible for the discrepancy in the identification ratios.The state of preservation of the remains differs between the sexes.The preservation, state and commingling of the remains from the Sisačko-Moslavačka county is strongly correlated with positive identification .
Anthropological analyses were carried out on 46 skeletons (11 subadults, 13 females and 22 males)... more Anthropological analyses were carried out on 46 skeletons (11 subadults, 13 females and 22 males). Analyses carried out on the remains icluded: analyses of the sex and age frequency, frequency and distribution of dental caries, alveolar bone disesase, LEH, cribra orbitalia, periostitis, Scmhmorl's defects, osteoarthritis, and traumas. The results of our analyses place Stranče in the early Croatian cultural horizon.
26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting – Abstract Book, 2020
The Benedictine monastery of St Margaret is situated in Bijela near Daruvar in north-eastern Croa... more The Benedictine monastery of St Margaret is situated in Bijela near Daruvar in north-eastern Croatia. In eight systematic archaeological excavation campaigns conducted from 2012 to 2019 a part of the single – nave monastery church was uncovered revealing numerous ar-chitectural elements, some small finds, and 28 graves. According to radiocarbon analyses of 14 skeletons the burials were dated from 13/14th to 17th centuries.
Anthropological analysis carried out on osteological material showed high frequencies of certain dentoalveolar pathologies (11% of caries, 15.4% of alveolar disease) which is significantly higher in comparison to contemporaneous sites in the region. These values suggest high carbohydrate and low protein diet. The obtained results will be compared to carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses performed on 14 skeletons in order to get more clear insight into dietary habits of this archaeological population. Also, the analyses between sexes and social groups inside the population will be conducted to see if there was a different food consumption pattern among specific groups.
Organic materials of plant and animal origin are a great source of information for the detection ... more Organic materials of plant and animal origin are a great source of information for the detection of changes in dietary habits, rituals, technological practices, trades, and past environmental conditions in different archaeological contexts. Since they are more susceptible to decay and biological oxidation, organic materials are not always preserved in their integral state and can be overlooked during archeological excavation. However, this knowledge is not lost, being “hidden” as micro-remains, organic residues, ancient DNA, chemical structures or isotopic ratios. Developing new technologies, cultural heritage science and interdisciplinary approaches, allow the well of information to be unearthed in laboratories, museums and conservation centers. This potential should not be ignored, but encouraged to build a comprehensive mosaic of human diet in the past, as well as to shed a light on the organic materials employed in sacred rituals.
A wide spectrum of papers with a particular emphasis on methodologies and the use of advanced techniques for the analysis and reconstruction of diet and ritualistic behavior, as well as case studies are welcomed. Papers can address but are not limited to the following topics:
- Best strategies and practices employed for sampling, collection, preservation and conservation of organic materials in different archeological contexts
- Existing methodologies and techniques applied to the study of archeological organic materials as well as pioneer lines of research
- The challenges of the recognition and value of organic materials in the archaeological record
- The preventive aspects for organic materials and their identification in the archaeological record
- Reconstruction of human dietary habits in Europe from Prehistory to Modern Times
- Organic materials as evidence for ritualistic behavior
- The social and spiritual aspects mirrored in archeological materials of organic sources
Book of abstracts 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 2018
The ruins of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret are situated in Bijela, near Daruvar, in n... more The ruins of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret are situated in Bijela, near Daruvar, in northeastern Croatia. A systematic archaeological campaign started in 2012 and, by 2017, six excavation campaigns have been conducted. Thus far, part of the single - naved monastery church has been excavated, revealing numerous architectural elements, some small finds, and graves. During the 14th and 15th centuries the monastery was one of the most important Benedictine centres in Medieval Slavonia, but at the turn of the 15th century it was used as a fortification. It was thought that the monastery and its church were abandoned after the Ottoman conquest in the mid-16th century, but some of the excavated graves within the church date from the second half of the 16th through to the mid-17th century, indicating continued burial at the site. Anthropological analysis was carried out on 26 skeletons (19 males, 3 females and 4 subadults). Most of the pathological conditions (indicators of subadult stress, evidence of hard physical labour, and dental pathologies) suggest poor living conditions and a low standard of health. Many antemortem and perimortem injuries were recorded on the analysed material. In 19 out of 26 individuals (73.1%) 58 injuries and four possible injuries were identified. Some 14 out of 19 complete adult crania (73.7 %), and one out of three complete subadult crania (33.3%) exhibited trauma. Perimortem injuries were observed in four males and two females, while antemortem (healed) sharp force trauma was found in three males. The predominance of craniofacial injuries, as well as the presence of perimortem cranial trauma and healed sharp force lesions suggest that members of this community were subjected to high levels of intentional violence.
The Pakoštane-Crkvina site is located in Dalmatia (Croatia) on the western shore of Lake Vrana al... more The Pakoštane-Crkvina site is located in Dalmatia (Croatia) on the western shore of Lake Vrana along the road which leads from Pakoštane to Vrana. The church of St. Mary belonged to the medieval settlement of Zablaće. After the Knights Templar appeared in nearby Vrana between 1165 and 1169, Zablaće became part of the Vrana preceptory, and from the 13th century it was mentioned as the separate Zablaće preceptory. The entire area was devastated in the 16th century during the wars with the Ottomans. A systematic archaeological campaign started in 2006, and by 2016 several excavation campaigns had been conducted. Two auxiliary rooms, a bell tower and a medieval cemetery were uncovered beside the Church of St. Mary. Since the entire site was walled in, this probably represents the remains of a monastery complex.
Anthropological analysis was conducted on the skeletal material deriving from 78 graves excavated from 2008 to 2014. Most of the graves contained more than one individual. Sex and age were determined for 88 skeletons. The sample comprising of 39 subadults, 9 females, and 40 males shows unequal ratio 0.97 : 0.23 : 1 with the evident underrepresentation of females. Furthermore, for graves containing more than one individual the method of quantification of commingled osteological material was applied. The minimum number of 217 individuals (162 adults and 55 subadults) was present.
Many antemortem (occured before death) and few perimortem (occured at or near the time of death) injuries were recorded on the analyzed material. In 21 out of 88 individuals (23.9%) 39 injuries were evidenced. 19 out of 36 complete adult crania (52.8 %), and 4 out of 22 complete subadult crania (18.2%) exhibited trauma. In adults total long bone fracture frequency is 3.3% while in subadults only one long bone fracture was observed (0.4%). All traumas in adults were noticed only in males. Perimortem traumas were observed in three males and one subadult while antemortem healed sharp force traumas were evidenced in two males. The predominance of frontal craniofacial injuries, as well as the presence of perimortem trauma and healed sharp force lesions suggests the presence of intentional violence in this community.
In comparison with other concurrent sites from Eastern Adriatic coast (Dugopolje, Koprivno and Nin) where frequency of the cranial traumas varies between 20.0 and 23.5%, and frequency of long bone traumas between 1.0 and 1.9%, traumas in Pakoštane show higher prevalence, mostly statistically significant.
Late medieval period in Dalmatia was marked as a turbulent time when the rule of the Hungarian-Croatian kings from the Arpad dynasty came to an end. The Venetians constantly fought for the control of Dalmatia, and the intrusions of Mongols in the 13th and the Ottomans in the 15th century were common. However these circumstances don't fully explain why higher prevalence of traumatic injuries in Pakoštane differs from other similar sites in the area. Perhaps the presence of the Knights Templar and later the Hospitallers played certain role, since the latter were known by providing care for sick, poor or injured.
Changes in weaning practices are considered as one of the possible causes for the fertility incre... more Changes in weaning practices are considered as one of the possible causes for the fertility increase at the advent of the Neolithic. A reduction of the period of breastfeeding -concomitant to the availability of new food (cereal, milk) – may have enabled mothers to be pregnant more often. The Danube Gorges Mesolithic-Neolithic population (9500-5500 BC) provides the opportunity to test this hypothesis by examining the feeding practices of 20 children from several sites of the Lepenski Vir culture. A multi-sampling strategy was performed and stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur (δ15N, δ13C, δ34S) from the collagen of a slow renewing tissue (cortical part of bones) and of a faster renewing tissue (apex of teeth) were analyzed by EA-IRMS. This approach provides information on the diet of each individual at different times of their life; it also offers the possibility to discuss patterns of change, including the timing of the weaning process. Isotopic data are discussed together with macroscopical observations scored on the sample: teeth measurements, teeth wear, presence of hypoplasia, carries or calculus. Results are then interpreted in the light of the current understanding of demographic fluctuations in the Danube Gorges.
Examining individual life-histories provide a direct way to understand the mechanisms of populati... more Examining individual life-histories provide a direct way to understand the mechanisms of population’s adaptation to major ecological and socio-cultural changes. The Mesolithic-Neolithic transformations offer a convenient frame to develop this bottom-up approach. The Neolithic transition, the passage from mobile foraging to sedentary farming, was a major shift during human prehistory. Focusing on the Balkan region where Early Neolithic started around 6200 cal BC, this paper presents stable isotope results (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur) of an intra-individual sampling strategy (data on bone and deciduous/permanent teeth) performed on 30 children from Mesolithic and Neolithic sites situated across Serbia and Croatia. Results suggest significant differences in the feeding practices of Mesolithic and Neolithic children as well as regional differences in mother’s dietary choices. This study opens new horizons on the relationship between individuals subsistence strategies and the dynamic of the group, implying that these bio-cultural differences may contribute to the important demographic changes observed at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition.
The fall of Constantinople fundamentally changed the political and military situation in Europe, ... more The fall of Constantinople fundamentally changed the political and military situation in Europe, and was quickly followed by further Ottoman expansion into Europe. In 1463 the Kingdom of Bosnia was conquered leaving Croatia at the mercy of continuous akinji raids. These raids were characterized by the plunder of Christian territories, taking large amounts of slaves while at the same time avoiding fortified towns and direct military conflict. One of these raids resulted in The Battle of Krbava Field in 1493. The battle was fought between Jakub pasha of the Ottoman Empire and an army of Croats under Duke Derenčin. The Croatian army intercepted the Ottoman force but applied poor tactics that resulted in total defeat. From then on, according to local tradition, the field is known as the "Field of Blood". In the last two decades archaeological excavations were conducted in the area near Krbava Field, at the site of St Jacob's Cathedral in Udbina. Across several seasons 308 burials were recovered. Archaeological material dates the use of the cemetery to the Medieval and Modern Period. Osteoarchaeological analysis of the remains shows the presence of 360 individuals. Sex, age at death and pathological conditions were analyzed following standard anthropological criteria. A total of 193 males, 74 females, 90 subadults and 3 skeletons of undetermined sex were recorded. This presentation will focus on 29 males that exhibited perimortem trauma (trauma that occurred around the time of death) most of which were inflicted with sharp-edged instrument e.g. swords, sabres or knifes. Males without perimortem trauma lived five years longer (40.7 yr) than males with perimortem trauma (35.5 yr) which is statistically significant. Considering that younger males exhibited perimortem trauma, there is a possibility that these were soldiers killed during The Battle of Krbava Field.
Trepanation is one of the most spectacular traumas observed on human skeletal remains. Although t... more Trepanation is one of the most spectacular traumas observed on human skeletal remains. Although the procedure was first mentioned and described by Hippocrates, the first osteological evidence of trephining goes back to at least the Neolithic. In the procedure the skull is drilled or scraped by a sharp instrument thus exposing the intracranial contents either to treat health problems or for mystical purposes. So far, only two cases of trepanation were reported from Croatian skeletal series: one from the prehistoric Bezdanjača site, and the other from Ludbreg dated to the Migration period. In the osteological collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts two additional cases from North Dalmatia have recently been acquired. One from the Late Medieval and Early Modern Age archaeological site Škabrnja - St. Mary investigated in 2009 by Archaeological Museum in Zadar. The site yielded 12 graves. The skull was found in grave No 5 which contained one female skeleton and an abundance of dislocated bones. A minimum number of five individuals (four adults and one subadult) was present. An oval shaped defect is located on the right side of the frontal bone of a male skull. It is completely healed indicating that the person survived the surgical procedure and lived for some time. The other case was found during archaeological excavations in Pakoštane - Crkvina conducted by Department of Archaeology, University of Zadar. During systemic archaeological excavations from 2006 to 2015 the remnants of the Church of St. Mary and a medieval cemetery were uncovered. Mass grave 76B contained nine individuals (eight adults and one subadult). One of the male skulls showed a massive lytic defect on the right side of the cranium that was in the process of healing suggesting that the afflicted individual died shortly after the surgical procedure was performed.
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the organization of a scientific conference "Eating ... more Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the organization of a scientific conference "Eating and drinking along ancient roads and rivers: Study opportunities, archaeological sources and open issues about diet habits" (Roads and rivers 3). The conference will be held in Zagreb, Croatia 11 - 12 November 2021.
Please see the attached file for more details.
Istraživanja posljednjih desetljeća su pokazala da se Atanazijeva biografija sv. Antuna ponešto r... more Istraživanja posljednjih desetljeća su pokazala da se Atanazijeva biografija sv. Antuna ponešto razlikuje od stvarnosti i da je napisana ne samo kao prikaz svečevog života, već i kao programski tekst ranog kršćanstva; više o tome:
Izdanja hrvatskog arheološkog društva Vol 32 Bjelovar , 2023
U suradnji Hrvatskog arheološkog društva i Gradskog muzeja Bjelovar, u Bjelovaru je od 3. do 7. ... more U suradnji Hrvatskog arheološkog društva i Gradskog
muzeja Bjelovar, u Bjelovaru je od 3. do 7. listopada
2016. god. po drugi put održan godišnji znanstveni
skup Hrvatskog arheološkog društva. Bila je to prilika
da se nakon točno dvadeset godina ponovno sagledaju
stari nalazi i spoznaje, te da se nadopune i interpretiraju u kontekstu novih arheoloških istraživanja, nalaza i
spoznaja. Sada već tradicionalnim pristupom Hrvatsko
arheološko društvo time se u određenim vremenskim
ciklusima vraća u pojedine dijelove Hrvatske te stručnoj i široj javnosti predstavlja nove rezultate arheoloških
iskopavanja i istraživanja. Tako je u Bjelovaru pod naslovom „Arheološka istraživanja Bjelovarsko-bilogorske
županije i okolnih krajeva” održano 31 predavanje, a u
sklopu skupa organizirane su i sekcije „Posteri” te „Predstavljanje projekata” u okviru kojih je predstavljeno po
tri postera i projekata. U prostorijama Gradskog muzeja Bjelovar uz to je povodom skupa ponovno otvorena
izložba na kojoj je prezentirano arheološko bogatstvo
Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije, obogaćeno rezultatima arheoloških iskopavanja u posljednjih 20 godina.
Izložba je izvanredno nadopunjavala znanstveni skup, a
ujedno se izvanredno nadovezivala na izložbu iz 1996.
godine, na kojoj su prezentirani rezultati arheoloških
istraživanja na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske u posljednjih deset godina. Sudionici skupa imali su i priliku
u jednodnevnom izletu obići arheološka nalazišta i kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti.