Éva Petrőczi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Éva Petrőczi

Research paper thumbnail of Két sztoikus hős. Pápai Páriz Ferenc és Pierre Du Moulin

Magyar sztoikusok. Tanulmányok az újsztoicizmus magyarországi történetéről, szerk. Bene Sándor, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2024

In this paper I am talking about two seventeenth-century „athleta Christi”, the Huguenot Pierre d... more In this paper I am talking about two seventeenth-century „athleta Christi”, the Huguenot Pierre du Moulin and Francis(Ferenc) Pápai Páriz, who, by the choice of the latter, a scholar of philisophy and medical sciences, ‘found’ each other, as author and throughout the pages of the ‘Pax animae’. Their biographies have a great deal in common. Joachim Du Moulin, the son of a Huguenot pastor, was trained as a protestant minister, in London and Cambridge, but his real honour came not from his native France, but from the Netherlands (where he studied and taught for a time in Leiden) and then from England. James I, the ‘King of the Bible’ (John Donne’s patron!), gave him a doctorate in theology and in 1615 he was made the prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral. In 1621, however, when the position and acceptance of French Protestants in his homeland came under serious threat, he returned home and taught at the theology of Sedan. In 1624 he returned briefly to England, where he received an ’ecclesiastical sinecure’ from James I, and with it a sort of honorary English citizenship. Due to this English background, and relative shelter, he returned to Sedan, served there form the year 1625, and died there in 1658. As for Francis Pápai Páriz, I will now emphasize some parallels with Pierre Du Moulin. The first is that he was, as his portraits and and his books show, a man of complete peace and stoic tranquillity. So, writer and translator found each other, without any personal contact.

Research paper thumbnail of Szenci Molnár Albert, mint "irodalmi hős"

"...Az Úristen vagyon mivelünk..." Szenczi Molnár Albert emlékkonferencia. Konferenciakötet, szerk. Somogyi Alfréd, 2024

Albert Szenci Molnár as a “literary hero” On the occasion of the 450th birthday of Albert Szenci... more Albert Szenci Molnár as a “literary hero”
On the occasion of the 450th birthday of Albert Szenci Molnár, I presented in a long paper, the topic of which is several literary works about him, from 1915 (beginning with two poems by Endre Ady) to the present day, to the recently deceased Ferenc Kovács András Kovács, an internationally renowned Transylvanian poet, or a Szenc-born Catholic priest-poet, Jenő Farkas. Also analysing the psalm paraphrases and lyrical portraits of Ágnes Nagy Nemes and Miklós Veres, Domokos Szilágyi and Sándor Kányádi. In addition, to give due emphasis to the works of prose writers – from Magay Mária, wife of a Calvinist pastor, Tamás Vargha, to András Sütő and Miklós Tóth Máthé – I have evaluated all the novel and essay fragments of theirs, which are sometimes accurate, sometimes with minor or major errors, but in all cases with much value, commemorating the great native of Szenc. His varied life, from his youth, his constant “snuggling”, his countless genres, from his Psaltery to writing a Diary, dictionaries or prayer books, is not an easy and simple task to portray in modern literary works. But it is precisely this diversity and variability that makes the Christian citizen and native of Senc an interesting literary hero, offering innumerable solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobkowitz Poppel Évától Lady Mary Wortley Montagu-ig

A kora újkori női diskurzus lehetőségei Női tapasztalat a hosszú reformáció kontextusában, szerk. Gesztelyi Hermina, Móré Tünde, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of A magyarvalkói templom és parókia kisvilága Jékely Zoltán életművében

Hagyomány, identitás, történelem, 2024

Zoltán Jékely, poet, essayist, novelist and literary translator, son of the poet Lajos Áprily, sp... more Zoltán Jékely, poet, essayist, novelist and literary translator, son of the poet Lajos Áprily, spent the summers of 1933-1936 in Magyarvalkó, in Transylvania, as a guest of his uncle, the local pastor, and his aunt, the famous embroiderer. Numerous Jékely writings document these summers, the daily life and the holy events of the parish of Magyarvalkó. In my paper, I intend to analyse the novel “Medardus”, published in 1936, and especially its holy supper-episode. I will also comment on Jékely’s essay “The Confession of the Death Record”, in which the poet, like his self-styled double in the novel, Iván Tenger, becomes familiar with the death records of the two Reverends Miháltz, father and son, and is amazed by the personal voice of these two noble souls. Analysing the relationship between Magyarvalkó and Jékely, I have also used a study by Lujza Tari, a professor at the Academy of Music. The comparative part of my investigation presents some parallels between “Medárdus” and Pál Szabó’s novel “Priests, Sundays”. Finally, I will present two Jékely-poems evoking Magyarvalkó, which can easily be related to the world-famous American poet Edgar Lee Masters’ poetic cycle “The Spoon River Anthology”.

Research paper thumbnail of Bernard Adams. Egy brit műfordító a magyar hitvalló irodalom világában

Kiss Réka – Lányi Gábor (szerk.): Hagyomány, Identitás, Történelem 2022, KRE HTK Egyháztörténeti Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 2023

Bernard Adams (born in 1937) has lived for a long time now in Zánka and has a double – English-Hu... more Bernard Adams (born in 1937) has lived for a long time now in Zánka and has a double – English-Hungarian – citizenship. At the age of 55, he gave up his leading teacher position in one of the historical grammar schools in London, and from that time on, he became an ardent “ferryboat-man” between the Hungarian and the English culture. Adams is a widely recognised and awarded translator of our greatest classical and modern writers, but his greatest and noblest effort is the excellent and hilologically impeccable translation of the most important authors of the Hungarian Calvinist literature. He started his translating activity with his personal favourite, Márton Szepsi Csombor’s Europica Varietas, which was followed by masterpieces like the Autobiography of Miklós and Kata Bethlen, the Letters of Kelemen Mikes. The culmination of his cultural mission is the translation of some of our most important Reformed Confessions. In this presentation one of his lyrical bravados, the English version of Zoltán Jékely’s In the church of Marosszentimre will also be analysed. The somehow unusual, but necessary part of this paper is a short “built in” interview with a collegial friend of the author, in order to bring him closer to the theologians of the Hungarian Reformed Church.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermann Boerhaave (1668-1738) a Leideni Egyetem professzora és Telekiné Bethlen Júlia

Kaleidoscope Vol. 13. No. 26., 2023

The topic of this study is the life and oeuvre of Hermann Boerhaave MD, the first famous polyhist... more The topic of this study is the life and oeuvre of Hermann Boerhaave MD, the first famous polyhistor and professor of the 18th century at the Medical School of Leiden University. He was a descendant of a Calvinist priest family, had a multifarious career with an international reputation and among others he was in contact with Count Alexander Teleki and his wife, Countess Julia Bethlen, members of the higher aristocracy in Transylvania. Boerhaave treated, among his foreign patients, carefully and professionally also the young countess Julia who suffered from tuberculosis, and in his letters supported her by psychotherapy too. The couple Teleki-Bethlen enjoined an easy correspondence mediated by many Calvinist Transylvanian students at Leiden University. In this study, I used a number of contemporary letters and scientific German and English literature. In English research prof. Rina Knoeff’s NWO Vidi project (2012–2017, University of Groningen), and her e-mails and publications provided me with a significant support.

Research paper thumbnail of A Pápai Páriz Ferenc-i „Szent Hagyaték”

Betegség és gyógyulás a kora újkori irodalomban (1450–1760), szerk. Draskóczy Eszter és Etlinger Mihály, reciti, Budapest, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Medgyesi Pál szépunokája

Hagyomány - Identitás - Történelem, szerk Kis Réka, Lányi Gábor, KRE HTK, 113-125, 2022

This paper summarizes the family heritage of the most fruitful and most popular Puritan author, P... more This paper summarizes the family heritage of the most fruitful and most
popular Puritan author, Pál Medgyesi. The author of this paper has published a bilingual (Hungarian-English) book and some further analytical works based on Medgyesi’s works. Now she abandons the world of the 17th century for the late 18th and the first decades of the 19th century. The central figure of this work is the great-great-grandson of Medgyesi, i.e., Pál Medgyessy Jr., who used the noble form of their surname, but otherwise followed in the footsteps of his famous ancestor. After his peregrination abroad that was quite usual at the time, he became a prominent person, teacher and pastor in the town Nagykőrös. His merits appear in a Lament, a longer poem in classical metres, published in 1826 in the popular periodical of his age „Hasznos Mulatságok” – „Useful Amusements.” Its author is anonymous; though, István Czeglédi, the headmaster of the Reformed School in Cegléd is believed to have written it. In this paper a parallel is drawn between the style of one of his published pulpit orations, and that of his highly honoured ancestor: besides the deep belief, first of all the rich and vivid metaphors illustrate their nearness, not only as relatives, but also as fellow-preachers.

Research paper thumbnail of Két tizenhetedik századi anglikán nagykövet: Sir Henry Wotton és John Donne

„…TANÁCSAID HŰSÉG ÉS IGAZSÁG” TISZTELGŐ ÍRÁSOK DIENES DÉNES PROFESSZOR ÚR 65. SZÜLETÉSNAPJÁRA, szerkesztette: Csorba Dávid – Szatmári Emília, Budapest - Sárospatak, 2021

Éva Petrőczi: Two Anglican Ambassadors of the 17th Century – Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne The ... more Éva Petrőczi: Two Anglican Ambassadors of the 17th Century
– Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne
The main characters of the present paper – Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne – are two „ambassadors” of England, the very country of insularity where keeping distance is required by all means. Sir Henry Wotton was a diplomat, a representative of his country, John Donne became an ardent „ambassador”, however, in a figurative sense only. Their life-long friendship is deeply rooted in the local colour of their alma mater, the University of Oxford, and in their intense sympathy with the Calvinist circles on the continent. Wotton was a true-born Protestant, while John Donne was originally a member of a Catholic family. However, his conversion proved to be much more than mere „social climbing”. The portrayal of the ambassadors could be illustrated with several quotations from Izaak Walton’s brilliant biographies: The Life of Sir Henry Wotton, and The Life of John Donne. Some of the author’s literary translations, excerpts from Wotton’s applied and less known, and from Donne’s world-famous pieces of poetry and some lines from one of his most important Sermons, will probably bring these two key-personalities of the Anglican church closer to the reader. Two unique English gentlemen who lived in the very tempestuous 17th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Angolszász és magyar puritán líra – párhuzamok és különbözőségek

Hagyomány - Identitás - Történelem 2020. Szerk. Kiss Réka – Lányi Gábor, 2021

Anglo-Saxon and Hungarian Puritan Lyrics – Similarities and Differences Spiritualized courtly li... more Anglo-Saxon and Hungarian Puritan Lyrics – Similarities
and Differences

Spiritualized courtly life and spiritualized everyday life. This is how we
can describe the poetry of the quasi-Puritan English quartier-soldier-poet’s religious works, most of all his Psalm translations. The everyday life enriched with plenty of Puritan features can be witnessed in the oeuvre of Mátyás Nógrádi, a Hungarian Calvinist bishop and well-known author. The paper, in which the author presents some of her new translations from English and American Puritan lyrics, concentrates on the „salvific function” of Puritan poetry, referring to the very wise and apt expression of Robert Daly, in England, New England and Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Kívül a barokk kánonon, belül a hétköznapokon. A tizenhetedik századi magyar puritán költészet

ZRÍNYI MIKLÓS ÉS A MAGYARORSZÁGI BAROKK KÖLTÉSZET Tudományos konferencia Eger, 2020. szeptember 3–5. Szerkesztette: Bene Sándor és Pintér Márta Zsuzsanna, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Zsurnalizmus és poézis – Medgyesi Pál Dialogus politico-ecclesiasticusának stilisztikai rétegei

A dialógus formái a magyar régiségben, szerk. Farmati Anna, Gábor Csilla, Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó - Bolyai Társaság, Kolozsvár, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Drégelypalánki János: Praxis pietatis contracta

Imitáció és parafrázis - Szövegváltozatok a magyar régiségben. Tudományos konferencia, Pécs, 2019. május 23–25. Szerk. Bartók István, Jankovits László, Pap Balázs, Pécs, PTE - Verso, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Erdély végnapjai két Basirius-levél tükrében

Református Szemle, 2019

This study on Dr. Isaac Basire discusses two letters written by him during the final and most tra... more This study on Dr. Isaac Basire discusses two letters written by him during the final and most tragic days of the history of Transylvania. Both letters are dated to the final period of the younger Prince George Rákóczi’s reign. Basire was a true-born royalist, one of the nearest „best men” of King Charles I, who was beheaded by the Puritans. That was the reason why he had to leave England, his wife and 5 children for 15 years. His correspondence was edited and partially translated by an English theologian, W. N. Darnell. Through this great work, albeit not a spotless one, we learn that Isaac Basire was not only a cruel rival of János Apáczai Csere, the illustrious representative of Transylvanian Christian pedagogy, but a man deeply sympathis-ing with and loyal to Translyvania and the Rákóczi family during the hard, final days of their rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Bethlen Miklós, a puritán apa és nagyapa

Fajt Anita; Szilágyi Emőke Rita; Tóth Zsombor (szerk.), Börtön, exilium és szenvedés. Bethlen Miklós élettörténetének kora újkori kontextusai, Budapest, Magyarország, Reciti Kiadó, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Holisztikus vonások Pápai Páriz Ferenc „Pax animae” és „Pax corporis” című műveiben

Bajáki Rita; Báthory Orsolya; Bogár Judit; Déri Eszter; Kónya Franciska; Maczák Ibolya; Szádoczki Vera (szerk.), Lelkiség és irodalom : Tanulmányok Szelestei N. László tiszteletére, Budapest, Magyarország : MTA-PPKE Barokk Irodalom és Lelkiség Kutatócsoport, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Miért éppen – Nagybánya?: Egy bibliai tárgyú iskoladráma margójára

Czibula Katalin; Demeter Júlia; Pintér Márta Zsuzsanna (szerk.) A szövegtől a szcenikáig. Tanulmányok a dráma és színháztörténet köréből. (I.-II. kötet) Eger, Magyarország: Líceum Kiadó, 2016

On István Eszéki’ s School Drama: A Holy Debate in Rhymes I had already written shortly about Ist... more On István Eszéki’ s School Drama: A Holy Debate in Rhymes
I had already written shortly about István Eszéki’s drama, in an earlier work of mine, entitled „The Puritanized Balassi – Case Study on György Diószegi’s Applied Poem from 1670.” Now I give a more detailed analysis on this drama which was performed on the Christmas evening of this year, and at the same time I try to draw the intellectual panorama of Nagybánya (Rivulinum), in the second part of the 17th century. The text and the documents of the performance are in the focus of my present paper. Besides, I try to „unveil” the fact, why István Nánási Lovász, a Puritan priest of this important town of the Parts (Partium) played one of the leading roles, the Evangelist, though he was educated in the basically not „theatre-friendly” Dutch university towns of Utrecht and Leiden, for three years (1666-1667). Was he just individually brave, daring and modern or was it just part of unusual the couleur locale of Nagybánya? We know from several – mainly Lutheran – documents that this very town was more „poetry accepting and cultivating” (in the form of rhymed prayers and passions) than any of the towns in the region. It’s a remarkable fact that in his drama he felt the poetical form a stronger weapon against the counter-Messianic sect of Sabbathai Cvi than the usual prose polemics of his age.

Research paper thumbnail of Prédikáció - „kométa” nélkül.: Lippóci Miklós igehirdetése a kassai nagytemplomban,1683. augusztus 17-én

Peter, Kónya; Annamária, Kónyová (szerk.) Od reformácie po založenie cirkvi. A reformációtól egyházalapításig. Presov * : Vydavatelstvo Presovskej Univerzity, (2015), 2015

Nicholas Lippóci was courteous preacher of Imre Thököly. A few weeks before his well-known sermon... more Nicholas Lippóci was courteous preacher of Imre Thököly. A few weeks before his well-known sermon in the temple of Kaschau, Thököly married Ilona Zrínyi. At present, it is a great loss that there was preserved only one sermon in printed form, in spite of the fact it has become very important for the history of Hungarian Protestant homiletics. In my analysis, I tried to balance various historical (memories connected with the cast of Kaschau and short Protestant, restaurant), literary-historical and theological perspectives. The sermon of Lippóci on Thököly did not put a symbolic name "comet" as it was in the case of many of his peers, contemporaries or many church-historical and historical documents, seeking to clarify the controversial status of the prince. On the one hand, Thököly tried to be a defender of Luthers faith all over Europe; he has been recognized as the "Defensor Fidei". On the other hand, his contemporaries and followers criticized him that many military successes-the conquest of Kaschau-were held solely by Ottoman, pagan and policy support. The study mentions that the image of Thököly has been changed several times, depending on the policy. In the 80s, the emphasis was put on his role, as Kuruc leader and anti-Habsburg warrior and his religious motives were suppressed into the background. Therefore, we considered it important that famous Lippóci's sermon of Kaschau should become a part of better understanding and interpretation of Thököly.

Research paper thumbnail of István Czeglédi, the Martyr-Preacher of Kassa and a Faithful Student of the Netherlands

Historia Ecclesiastica, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Menny és pokol Pápai Páriz Ferenc "Pax sepulchri"-jában

Sárospataki Füzetek, 2013

Ferenc Pápai Páriz was a most versatile character of the spiritual-intellectual life of Transylva... more Ferenc Pápai Páriz was a most versatile character of the spiritual-intellectual life of Transylvania, a professor of the Reformed College of Nagyenyed, a doctor of theology and medical sciences. He was the son of a famous Puritan preacher and theological author, Imre Pápai Páriz; his influence can be witnessed most evidently in his popular Pax- series. The Pax sepulchri was published in 1698, in Clausenburg (Kolozsvár, today; Cluj). Its not his original work, but a translation-paraphrase from the Lutheran Martin Möllers ars bene moriendi, a classical tract on good death, entitled Heilsame und sehr nützliche Betrachtung.(1539)(A Healing and Very Useful Tract...) His text is less horrifying than the majority of „dies irae” descriptions as healing and helping was the very core of his life. Therefore in this Pax-volume stress was laid rather on the chances of being saved, on heavenly grace, than on the torments of hell. Compared to the other Hungarian version of Möllers text, composed by Boldizsár Zólyomi Perinna, the metaphors and expressions of Pápai Páriz are full of hope and peace, as illustrations of his double calling; being a person who sacrificed his life to the healing of the human body and the human soul.

Research paper thumbnail of Két sztoikus hős. Pápai Páriz Ferenc és Pierre Du Moulin

Magyar sztoikusok. Tanulmányok az újsztoicizmus magyarországi történetéről, szerk. Bene Sándor, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2024

In this paper I am talking about two seventeenth-century „athleta Christi”, the Huguenot Pierre d... more In this paper I am talking about two seventeenth-century „athleta Christi”, the Huguenot Pierre du Moulin and Francis(Ferenc) Pápai Páriz, who, by the choice of the latter, a scholar of philisophy and medical sciences, ‘found’ each other, as author and throughout the pages of the ‘Pax animae’. Their biographies have a great deal in common. Joachim Du Moulin, the son of a Huguenot pastor, was trained as a protestant minister, in London and Cambridge, but his real honour came not from his native France, but from the Netherlands (where he studied and taught for a time in Leiden) and then from England. James I, the ‘King of the Bible’ (John Donne’s patron!), gave him a doctorate in theology and in 1615 he was made the prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral. In 1621, however, when the position and acceptance of French Protestants in his homeland came under serious threat, he returned home and taught at the theology of Sedan. In 1624 he returned briefly to England, where he received an ’ecclesiastical sinecure’ from James I, and with it a sort of honorary English citizenship. Due to this English background, and relative shelter, he returned to Sedan, served there form the year 1625, and died there in 1658. As for Francis Pápai Páriz, I will now emphasize some parallels with Pierre Du Moulin. The first is that he was, as his portraits and and his books show, a man of complete peace and stoic tranquillity. So, writer and translator found each other, without any personal contact.

Research paper thumbnail of Szenci Molnár Albert, mint "irodalmi hős"

"...Az Úristen vagyon mivelünk..." Szenczi Molnár Albert emlékkonferencia. Konferenciakötet, szerk. Somogyi Alfréd, 2024

Albert Szenci Molnár as a “literary hero” On the occasion of the 450th birthday of Albert Szenci... more Albert Szenci Molnár as a “literary hero”
On the occasion of the 450th birthday of Albert Szenci Molnár, I presented in a long paper, the topic of which is several literary works about him, from 1915 (beginning with two poems by Endre Ady) to the present day, to the recently deceased Ferenc Kovács András Kovács, an internationally renowned Transylvanian poet, or a Szenc-born Catholic priest-poet, Jenő Farkas. Also analysing the psalm paraphrases and lyrical portraits of Ágnes Nagy Nemes and Miklós Veres, Domokos Szilágyi and Sándor Kányádi. In addition, to give due emphasis to the works of prose writers – from Magay Mária, wife of a Calvinist pastor, Tamás Vargha, to András Sütő and Miklós Tóth Máthé – I have evaluated all the novel and essay fragments of theirs, which are sometimes accurate, sometimes with minor or major errors, but in all cases with much value, commemorating the great native of Szenc. His varied life, from his youth, his constant “snuggling”, his countless genres, from his Psaltery to writing a Diary, dictionaries or prayer books, is not an easy and simple task to portray in modern literary works. But it is precisely this diversity and variability that makes the Christian citizen and native of Senc an interesting literary hero, offering innumerable solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Lobkowitz Poppel Évától Lady Mary Wortley Montagu-ig

A kora újkori női diskurzus lehetőségei Női tapasztalat a hosszú reformáció kontextusában, szerk. Gesztelyi Hermina, Móré Tünde, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of A magyarvalkói templom és parókia kisvilága Jékely Zoltán életművében

Hagyomány, identitás, történelem, 2024

Zoltán Jékely, poet, essayist, novelist and literary translator, son of the poet Lajos Áprily, sp... more Zoltán Jékely, poet, essayist, novelist and literary translator, son of the poet Lajos Áprily, spent the summers of 1933-1936 in Magyarvalkó, in Transylvania, as a guest of his uncle, the local pastor, and his aunt, the famous embroiderer. Numerous Jékely writings document these summers, the daily life and the holy events of the parish of Magyarvalkó. In my paper, I intend to analyse the novel “Medardus”, published in 1936, and especially its holy supper-episode. I will also comment on Jékely’s essay “The Confession of the Death Record”, in which the poet, like his self-styled double in the novel, Iván Tenger, becomes familiar with the death records of the two Reverends Miháltz, father and son, and is amazed by the personal voice of these two noble souls. Analysing the relationship between Magyarvalkó and Jékely, I have also used a study by Lujza Tari, a professor at the Academy of Music. The comparative part of my investigation presents some parallels between “Medárdus” and Pál Szabó’s novel “Priests, Sundays”. Finally, I will present two Jékely-poems evoking Magyarvalkó, which can easily be related to the world-famous American poet Edgar Lee Masters’ poetic cycle “The Spoon River Anthology”.

Research paper thumbnail of Bernard Adams. Egy brit műfordító a magyar hitvalló irodalom világában

Kiss Réka – Lányi Gábor (szerk.): Hagyomány, Identitás, Történelem 2022, KRE HTK Egyháztörténeti Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 2023

Bernard Adams (born in 1937) has lived for a long time now in Zánka and has a double – English-Hu... more Bernard Adams (born in 1937) has lived for a long time now in Zánka and has a double – English-Hungarian – citizenship. At the age of 55, he gave up his leading teacher position in one of the historical grammar schools in London, and from that time on, he became an ardent “ferryboat-man” between the Hungarian and the English culture. Adams is a widely recognised and awarded translator of our greatest classical and modern writers, but his greatest and noblest effort is the excellent and hilologically impeccable translation of the most important authors of the Hungarian Calvinist literature. He started his translating activity with his personal favourite, Márton Szepsi Csombor’s Europica Varietas, which was followed by masterpieces like the Autobiography of Miklós and Kata Bethlen, the Letters of Kelemen Mikes. The culmination of his cultural mission is the translation of some of our most important Reformed Confessions. In this presentation one of his lyrical bravados, the English version of Zoltán Jékely’s In the church of Marosszentimre will also be analysed. The somehow unusual, but necessary part of this paper is a short “built in” interview with a collegial friend of the author, in order to bring him closer to the theologians of the Hungarian Reformed Church.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermann Boerhaave (1668-1738) a Leideni Egyetem professzora és Telekiné Bethlen Júlia

Kaleidoscope Vol. 13. No. 26., 2023

The topic of this study is the life and oeuvre of Hermann Boerhaave MD, the first famous polyhist... more The topic of this study is the life and oeuvre of Hermann Boerhaave MD, the first famous polyhistor and professor of the 18th century at the Medical School of Leiden University. He was a descendant of a Calvinist priest family, had a multifarious career with an international reputation and among others he was in contact with Count Alexander Teleki and his wife, Countess Julia Bethlen, members of the higher aristocracy in Transylvania. Boerhaave treated, among his foreign patients, carefully and professionally also the young countess Julia who suffered from tuberculosis, and in his letters supported her by psychotherapy too. The couple Teleki-Bethlen enjoined an easy correspondence mediated by many Calvinist Transylvanian students at Leiden University. In this study, I used a number of contemporary letters and scientific German and English literature. In English research prof. Rina Knoeff’s NWO Vidi project (2012–2017, University of Groningen), and her e-mails and publications provided me with a significant support.

Research paper thumbnail of A Pápai Páriz Ferenc-i „Szent Hagyaték”

Betegség és gyógyulás a kora újkori irodalomban (1450–1760), szerk. Draskóczy Eszter és Etlinger Mihály, reciti, Budapest, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Medgyesi Pál szépunokája

Hagyomány - Identitás - Történelem, szerk Kis Réka, Lányi Gábor, KRE HTK, 113-125, 2022

This paper summarizes the family heritage of the most fruitful and most popular Puritan author, P... more This paper summarizes the family heritage of the most fruitful and most
popular Puritan author, Pál Medgyesi. The author of this paper has published a bilingual (Hungarian-English) book and some further analytical works based on Medgyesi’s works. Now she abandons the world of the 17th century for the late 18th and the first decades of the 19th century. The central figure of this work is the great-great-grandson of Medgyesi, i.e., Pál Medgyessy Jr., who used the noble form of their surname, but otherwise followed in the footsteps of his famous ancestor. After his peregrination abroad that was quite usual at the time, he became a prominent person, teacher and pastor in the town Nagykőrös. His merits appear in a Lament, a longer poem in classical metres, published in 1826 in the popular periodical of his age „Hasznos Mulatságok” – „Useful Amusements.” Its author is anonymous; though, István Czeglédi, the headmaster of the Reformed School in Cegléd is believed to have written it. In this paper a parallel is drawn between the style of one of his published pulpit orations, and that of his highly honoured ancestor: besides the deep belief, first of all the rich and vivid metaphors illustrate their nearness, not only as relatives, but also as fellow-preachers.

Research paper thumbnail of Két tizenhetedik századi anglikán nagykövet: Sir Henry Wotton és John Donne

„…TANÁCSAID HŰSÉG ÉS IGAZSÁG” TISZTELGŐ ÍRÁSOK DIENES DÉNES PROFESSZOR ÚR 65. SZÜLETÉSNAPJÁRA, szerkesztette: Csorba Dávid – Szatmári Emília, Budapest - Sárospatak, 2021

Éva Petrőczi: Two Anglican Ambassadors of the 17th Century – Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne The ... more Éva Petrőczi: Two Anglican Ambassadors of the 17th Century
– Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne
The main characters of the present paper – Sir Henry Wotton and John Donne – are two „ambassadors” of England, the very country of insularity where keeping distance is required by all means. Sir Henry Wotton was a diplomat, a representative of his country, John Donne became an ardent „ambassador”, however, in a figurative sense only. Their life-long friendship is deeply rooted in the local colour of their alma mater, the University of Oxford, and in their intense sympathy with the Calvinist circles on the continent. Wotton was a true-born Protestant, while John Donne was originally a member of a Catholic family. However, his conversion proved to be much more than mere „social climbing”. The portrayal of the ambassadors could be illustrated with several quotations from Izaak Walton’s brilliant biographies: The Life of Sir Henry Wotton, and The Life of John Donne. Some of the author’s literary translations, excerpts from Wotton’s applied and less known, and from Donne’s world-famous pieces of poetry and some lines from one of his most important Sermons, will probably bring these two key-personalities of the Anglican church closer to the reader. Two unique English gentlemen who lived in the very tempestuous 17th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Angolszász és magyar puritán líra – párhuzamok és különbözőségek

Hagyomány - Identitás - Történelem 2020. Szerk. Kiss Réka – Lányi Gábor, 2021

Anglo-Saxon and Hungarian Puritan Lyrics – Similarities and Differences Spiritualized courtly li... more Anglo-Saxon and Hungarian Puritan Lyrics – Similarities
and Differences

Spiritualized courtly life and spiritualized everyday life. This is how we
can describe the poetry of the quasi-Puritan English quartier-soldier-poet’s religious works, most of all his Psalm translations. The everyday life enriched with plenty of Puritan features can be witnessed in the oeuvre of Mátyás Nógrádi, a Hungarian Calvinist bishop and well-known author. The paper, in which the author presents some of her new translations from English and American Puritan lyrics, concentrates on the „salvific function” of Puritan poetry, referring to the very wise and apt expression of Robert Daly, in England, New England and Hungary.

Research paper thumbnail of Kívül a barokk kánonon, belül a hétköznapokon. A tizenhetedik századi magyar puritán költészet

ZRÍNYI MIKLÓS ÉS A MAGYARORSZÁGI BAROKK KÖLTÉSZET Tudományos konferencia Eger, 2020. szeptember 3–5. Szerkesztette: Bene Sándor és Pintér Márta Zsuzsanna, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Zsurnalizmus és poézis – Medgyesi Pál Dialogus politico-ecclesiasticusának stilisztikai rétegei

A dialógus formái a magyar régiségben, szerk. Farmati Anna, Gábor Csilla, Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó - Bolyai Társaság, Kolozsvár, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Drégelypalánki János: Praxis pietatis contracta

Imitáció és parafrázis - Szövegváltozatok a magyar régiségben. Tudományos konferencia, Pécs, 2019. május 23–25. Szerk. Bartók István, Jankovits László, Pap Balázs, Pécs, PTE - Verso, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Erdély végnapjai két Basirius-levél tükrében

Református Szemle, 2019

This study on Dr. Isaac Basire discusses two letters written by him during the final and most tra... more This study on Dr. Isaac Basire discusses two letters written by him during the final and most tragic days of the history of Transylvania. Both letters are dated to the final period of the younger Prince George Rákóczi’s reign. Basire was a true-born royalist, one of the nearest „best men” of King Charles I, who was beheaded by the Puritans. That was the reason why he had to leave England, his wife and 5 children for 15 years. His correspondence was edited and partially translated by an English theologian, W. N. Darnell. Through this great work, albeit not a spotless one, we learn that Isaac Basire was not only a cruel rival of János Apáczai Csere, the illustrious representative of Transylvanian Christian pedagogy, but a man deeply sympathis-ing with and loyal to Translyvania and the Rákóczi family during the hard, final days of their rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Bethlen Miklós, a puritán apa és nagyapa

Fajt Anita; Szilágyi Emőke Rita; Tóth Zsombor (szerk.), Börtön, exilium és szenvedés. Bethlen Miklós élettörténetének kora újkori kontextusai, Budapest, Magyarország, Reciti Kiadó, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Holisztikus vonások Pápai Páriz Ferenc „Pax animae” és „Pax corporis” című műveiben

Bajáki Rita; Báthory Orsolya; Bogár Judit; Déri Eszter; Kónya Franciska; Maczák Ibolya; Szádoczki Vera (szerk.), Lelkiség és irodalom : Tanulmányok Szelestei N. László tiszteletére, Budapest, Magyarország : MTA-PPKE Barokk Irodalom és Lelkiség Kutatócsoport, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Miért éppen – Nagybánya?: Egy bibliai tárgyú iskoladráma margójára

Czibula Katalin; Demeter Júlia; Pintér Márta Zsuzsanna (szerk.) A szövegtől a szcenikáig. Tanulmányok a dráma és színháztörténet köréből. (I.-II. kötet) Eger, Magyarország: Líceum Kiadó, 2016

On István Eszéki’ s School Drama: A Holy Debate in Rhymes I had already written shortly about Ist... more On István Eszéki’ s School Drama: A Holy Debate in Rhymes
I had already written shortly about István Eszéki’s drama, in an earlier work of mine, entitled „The Puritanized Balassi – Case Study on György Diószegi’s Applied Poem from 1670.” Now I give a more detailed analysis on this drama which was performed on the Christmas evening of this year, and at the same time I try to draw the intellectual panorama of Nagybánya (Rivulinum), in the second part of the 17th century. The text and the documents of the performance are in the focus of my present paper. Besides, I try to „unveil” the fact, why István Nánási Lovász, a Puritan priest of this important town of the Parts (Partium) played one of the leading roles, the Evangelist, though he was educated in the basically not „theatre-friendly” Dutch university towns of Utrecht and Leiden, for three years (1666-1667). Was he just individually brave, daring and modern or was it just part of unusual the couleur locale of Nagybánya? We know from several – mainly Lutheran – documents that this very town was more „poetry accepting and cultivating” (in the form of rhymed prayers and passions) than any of the towns in the region. It’s a remarkable fact that in his drama he felt the poetical form a stronger weapon against the counter-Messianic sect of Sabbathai Cvi than the usual prose polemics of his age.

Research paper thumbnail of Prédikáció - „kométa” nélkül.: Lippóci Miklós igehirdetése a kassai nagytemplomban,1683. augusztus 17-én

Peter, Kónya; Annamária, Kónyová (szerk.) Od reformácie po založenie cirkvi. A reformációtól egyházalapításig. Presov * : Vydavatelstvo Presovskej Univerzity, (2015), 2015

Nicholas Lippóci was courteous preacher of Imre Thököly. A few weeks before his well-known sermon... more Nicholas Lippóci was courteous preacher of Imre Thököly. A few weeks before his well-known sermon in the temple of Kaschau, Thököly married Ilona Zrínyi. At present, it is a great loss that there was preserved only one sermon in printed form, in spite of the fact it has become very important for the history of Hungarian Protestant homiletics. In my analysis, I tried to balance various historical (memories connected with the cast of Kaschau and short Protestant, restaurant), literary-historical and theological perspectives. The sermon of Lippóci on Thököly did not put a symbolic name "comet" as it was in the case of many of his peers, contemporaries or many church-historical and historical documents, seeking to clarify the controversial status of the prince. On the one hand, Thököly tried to be a defender of Luthers faith all over Europe; he has been recognized as the "Defensor Fidei". On the other hand, his contemporaries and followers criticized him that many military successes-the conquest of Kaschau-were held solely by Ottoman, pagan and policy support. The study mentions that the image of Thököly has been changed several times, depending on the policy. In the 80s, the emphasis was put on his role, as Kuruc leader and anti-Habsburg warrior and his religious motives were suppressed into the background. Therefore, we considered it important that famous Lippóci's sermon of Kaschau should become a part of better understanding and interpretation of Thököly.

Research paper thumbnail of István Czeglédi, the Martyr-Preacher of Kassa and a Faithful Student of the Netherlands

Historia Ecclesiastica, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Menny és pokol Pápai Páriz Ferenc "Pax sepulchri"-jában

Sárospataki Füzetek, 2013

Ferenc Pápai Páriz was a most versatile character of the spiritual-intellectual life of Transylva... more Ferenc Pápai Páriz was a most versatile character of the spiritual-intellectual life of Transylvania, a professor of the Reformed College of Nagyenyed, a doctor of theology and medical sciences. He was the son of a famous Puritan preacher and theological author, Imre Pápai Páriz; his influence can be witnessed most evidently in his popular Pax- series. The Pax sepulchri was published in 1698, in Clausenburg (Kolozsvár, today; Cluj). Its not his original work, but a translation-paraphrase from the Lutheran Martin Möllers ars bene moriendi, a classical tract on good death, entitled Heilsame und sehr nützliche Betrachtung.(1539)(A Healing and Very Useful Tract...) His text is less horrifying than the majority of „dies irae” descriptions as healing and helping was the very core of his life. Therefore in this Pax-volume stress was laid rather on the chances of being saved, on heavenly grace, than on the torments of hell. Compared to the other Hungarian version of Möllers text, composed by Boldizsár Zólyomi Perinna, the metaphors and expressions of Pápai Páriz are full of hope and peace, as illustrations of his double calling; being a person who sacrificed his life to the healing of the human body and the human soul.

Research paper thumbnail of Szent hagyaték: Tanulmányok

Hernád Kiadó, Sárospatak, 2022

Minden jog fenntartva. Bármilyen másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való ... more Minden jog fenntartva. Bármilyen másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való tárolás a kiadó előzetes írásbeli hozzájárulásához van kötve.

Research paper thumbnail of Mennyei társalkodások: Újabb tanulmányok

Hernád Kiadó, Sárospatak, 2019

Minden jog fenntartva. Bármilyen másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való ... more Minden jog fenntartva. Bármilyen másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való tárolás a kiadó előzetes írásbeli hozzájárulásához van kötve.

Research paper thumbnail of "Nagyságodnak alázatos lelki szolgája" - Tanulmányok Medgyesy Pálról

Barankovics István Alapítvány - Hernád Kiadó, Budapest, 101 p, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of "Hogy Atyád hírébül semmit is le ne hagyj" - Pápai Páriz Imre és Pápai Páriz Ferenc

Dunántúli Református Egyházkerület, Pápa, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Prédikátorok és poéták

Szlovákiai Református Keresztyén Egyház, Komárom/Komárno, 166 p., 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Holt költők társaságában

Research paper thumbnail of Puritans and Puritanicals

Research paper thumbnail of Puritánia. Tanulmányok a magyar és angol puritanizmus irodalmáról

Research paper thumbnail of Kagylókürttel harangozni. Újabb tanulmányok a puritán irodalomból

Research paper thumbnail of Fél-szentek és fél-poéták. Epizódok a magyar és angolszász puritanizmus irodalmából

Research paper thumbnail of „…mi lelkünknek éltető abraka”. Tanulmányok a magyar és angolszász vallásos irodalomról

Research paper thumbnail of Kuruc(kodó) irodalom. Tanulmányok a kuruc kor irodalmáról és az irodalmi kuruckodásról. Szerkesztette Mercs István, Nyíregyháza, Móricz Zsigmond Kulturális Egyesület, 2013 (Modus Hodiernus, 6), 363 l.

Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Az ötödik és az ötvenedik: Fazakas Gergely Tamás: Siralmas imádság és nemzeti önszemlélet

Alföld, 2014

telmezik egymást, egymás indítékait. A szeretô naivan abban reménykedik, hogy ha bozó, döntésképt... more telmezik egymást, egymás indítékait. A szeretô naivan abban reménykedik, hogy ha bozó, döntésképtelen szerelme más, mint a hasonszôrû férfiak; az ágyban viszszautasított férj azt hiszi, a felesége már nem szereti, holott az asszony "csak" belefá radt a napi robotba; a feleség úgy véli, egykori férje robbantási szándéka mögött a valamikori szeretô hiánya, a fel nem dolgozott szakítás áll, a valódi mozgatórugók homályosak elôtte. Vajon nôi szemszögbôl is oly szellemes a szarkazmus az idôsebb férfiak által kihasznált fiatal lányok, a "Máriák" szeplôtelen fogantatásáról? Akik "tényleg azt hiszik, hogy átélik az angyali üdvözletet, holott csak megdugták ôket." (102.) Roppant felkavaró az egyéni lét teljes céltalanságának megfogalmazása: "Minden cél az elme találmánya, hogy elterelje a figyelmet arról a kibírhatatlan tényrôl, hogy csupán azért vagyunk, hogy elteljen az idô. Hogy elfeledtesse az idôhöz való, az évek során egyre romló viszonyunkat.

Research paper thumbnail of The Autobiography of Miklós Betlehen (Bethlen Miklós élete leírása magától), ford. Bernard Adams, London - New York - Bahrain, Kegan Paul, 2004.

Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of The Croatian Muses in Latin (A Trilingual Anthologhy Latin-English-Croatian) - Musae Croaticae Latini Sermonis (Anthologia trilinguis Latino-Anglico-Croatica) - Hrvatske Muze na Latinskom (Trojezicna antologija latinsko-englesko-hrvatska). Ed. Vladimir Vratovic, Zagreb, 1998.

Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2001

Bene Sándornak, a horvát-magyar literátorkapcsolatok fáradhatatlan kompembe rének jóvoltából juto... more Bene Sándornak, a horvát-magyar literátorkapcsolatok fáradhatatlan kompembe rének jóvoltából jutott el hozzánk a horvát írószövetség reprezentatív, háromnyelvű antológiája, amely a 15-19. század hor vátországi latinistáinak költészetéből ad ízelítőt. A változatos műfajú (epigramma, szatíra, elégia stb.) gyűjteményben a ver sek horvátul és angolul is olvashatók. Az angol fordítások a múlt lingua francájából a jelen lingua francájába ívelnek át, azt jelezve és jelképezve, hogy a nem világ nyelveken alkotó nemzeteknek minden időben szüksége volt, van és lesz legalább egy olyan nyelvre, amelynek segítségével a világirodalom, a világkultúra szerves részévé válhatnak, nemzeti sajátosságaik feladása nélkül.

Research paper thumbnail of Ferencz Győző: A költészet mechanikája. Verselemzések, Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó, 1997.

Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 1999