Önder Uysal - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Önder Uysal

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Karaburhan krom açık ocağı kaya birimlerinin kazılabilirlik sınıflaması ve örtükazı birim maliyet analizi

Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, Sep 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability Analysis of Draglines’ Mechanical Failures

W nowoczesnych kopalniach, w których wykorzystuje się różnego typu wysokiej klasy maszyny/sprzęt ... more W nowoczesnych kopalniach, w których wykorzystuje się różnego typu wysokiej klasy maszyny/sprzęt o wysokiej zdolności produkcyjnej i inwestycyjnej, takie jak koparki zgarniakowe, ważne jest aby maszyny te były obsługiwane w sposób niezawodny, zapewniający maksymalizację zysku. Dlatego też, zastosowanie analizy niezawodnościowej, która jest niezbędna do oceny niezawodności użytkowania i częstotliwości uszkodzeń , pozwala na planowanie czynności serwisowych pomagając utrzymać maszyny w stanie gotowości do pracy. W niniejszym artykule zamodelowano, na podstawie Procesu Odnowy (Renewal Process, RP), uszkodzenia mechaniczne dwóch koparek zgarniakowych. Podstawowe założenia RP o niezależność i identyczności rozkładu danych sprawdzono za pomocą wykresów funkcji autokorelacji. Oceny niezawodności dla różnych przedziałów czasowych dokonano według rozkładu najbardziej odpowiadającego danym, którym okazał się rozkład Weibulla. Dodatkowo, rozkładu tego użyto także do określenia przerw konserwac...

Research paper thumbnail of Hava yastıkları ve Karadon müessesinde uygulaması

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Karaburhan Krom Açık Ocağı Kaya Birimlerinin Kazılabilirlik Sınıflaması ve Örtü Kazı Birim Maliyet Analizi Diggability Classification of Rock Units Encountered in eskişehir Karaburhan Open

Açık ocak projelendirme çalışmalarında ve ekipman seçiminde cevher modeli ile birlikte cevher ve ... more Açık ocak projelendirme çalışmalarında ve ekipman seçiminde cevher modeli ile birlikte cevher ve yankayaçlann sağlamlık ve kazı zorluğu dereceleri, gözönüne alınması gereken en önemli parametrelerdir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Eskişehir-Karaburhan krom açık ocağında yer alan kaya birimlerinin, bazı kütle ve malzeme özellikleri belirlenmiş ve mevcut sınıflama sistemleri kullanılarak kazı zorluğu sınıflamaları yapılmıştır. Bunun yanısıra, yerinde yapılan gözlem ve performans ölçümleri ile birim operasyonlar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerle yapılan ekonomik analiz sonucunda örtükazı birini maliyeti belirlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Mechanical Properties of Rock on the Performance of Down-The-Hole Drills Wpływ Właściwości Mechanicznych Skał Na Pracę Wiertnic Głębinowych

In this study, the performance of a down-the-hole drill in a quarry was investigated. The investi... more In this study, the performance of a down-the-hole drill in a quarry was investigated. The investigation area was divided into fi ve areas, and the net penetration rate in each area measured. The mechanical properties of rock from each area were determined in the fi eld and the laboratory, including uniaxial compressive strength, Brazilian tensile strength, point load test, Schmidt hammer test, and triaxial compressive test. Relationships between rock properties and net penetration rate were determined by means of regression analysis. It was found that relationships exist and are inverse. In particular, Schmidt hammer and friction angle show very good correlation with net penetration rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Yeralti Li̇nyi̇t İşletmesi̇nde 2018 Yilinda Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarinin Anali̇zi̇

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Is guvenligi kulturunu icsellestirmis kurum ve kuruluslarin calisma hayatinda daha basarili oldug... more Is guvenligi kulturunu icsellestirmis kurum ve kuruluslarin calisma hayatinda daha basarili oldugu yadsinamaz bir gercektir. Her ne kadar teknolojide ortaya cikan gelismeler, isin daha kisa surede ve modern yontemlerle yapilmasina destek olsa da halen is kazalarinin gundemdeki yerini ciddiyetle muhafaza ettigine sahit olmaktayiz. Ayrica, mevzuattaki gelismelerin dahi is kazalarinin onlenmesine cok fazla katki sagladigini soyleyemeyiz. Bu durum, ozellikle madencilik sektorunde de farkli degildir. Personelin kalifiye olmasi, isletmelerde proaktif yaklasima onem verilmesi, kaza kayitlarinin istatistiki olarak tutulmasi ve neden-sonuc iliskilerin irdelenmesi, isletmelerin kurumsal geleceklerine olumlu anlamda yon verecektir. Bu calisma kapsaminda Isiklar Yeralti Linyit Isletmesi (Soma/Manisa)’nde 2018 yilinda hem yeralti hem de yerustu tesislerinde meydana gelen is kazalarinin analizi yapilmistir. Kaza turleri incelenerek soz konusu kazalar, kaza siklik, kaza agirlik ve kaza olabilirlik oranlarinin hesaplanmasi sonucunda ortaya cikan bilgiler isiginda yorumlanmaya calisilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017

This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in o... more This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in open-pit blasting operations. The study was conducted at an overburden removal site at the Garp Lignite Enterprise open pits. The number of holes used in the blasts throughout the study was grouped as 10-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151-250 holes and each group was analyzed separately. The same hole pattern and non-electric delay detonators were used in all blasts, and each hole was loaded with an equal amount of explosive. In the study, seismographs were used to measure ground vibrations. A separate analysis was carried out for each hole group in addition to an overall analysis encompassing all the measurement data. In statistical analysis, Scaled Distance-Peak Particle Velocity graphs were plotted, equations and coefficients of determination were computed, and finally, a comparison was made. In conclusion, the study results showed that the number of holes did not affect blast-induced ground vibration level.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of artificial discontinuities on blast induced vibrations in open pit mines

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of blast-induced ground vibration predictors in Seyitomer coal mine

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011

12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics -- OCT 17-21, 2011 -- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the effects of blasting design parameters and rock properties on blast-induced ground vibrations

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014

This study addresses the effects of rock characteristics and blasting design parameters on blast-... more This study addresses the effects of rock characteristics and blasting design parameters on blast-induced vibrations in the Kangal open-pit coal mine, the Tülü open-pit boron mine, and the Kırka open-pit boron mine. In this study, multiple vibration measurements have been conducted, and the related data have been analyzed and evaluated. Several artificial neural network (ANN) and regression models based on the same blasting design parameters, resistivity, and Pwave and S wave velocities of the surrounding rocks have been constructed to estimate the peak particle velocities and the frequencies of related blast-induced vibrations. The data derived from these models and the classical evaluations indicate that ANNs provide more reliable results than the other methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Reply to the comments by Tarkan Erdik on ‘Barrier holes and trench application to reduce blast induced vibration in seyitomer coal mine’

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2009

... in seyitomer coal mine' Kaan Erarslan • O¨ nder Uysal • Ercan Arpaz • M. Akif Cebi ... W... more ... in seyitomer coal mine' Kaan Erarslan • O¨ nder Uysal • Ercan Arpaz • M. Akif Cebi ... Wiley, London, pp 203–207 Bilgin A, Esen S, Kılıç M (1998) TK˙IC¸an Linyit ˙Isletmesi'nde Patlatmaların Yol Açtıg˘ı C¸ evre Sorunlarının Giderilmesi ˙Için Arastırma. Final report. ...

Research paper thumbnail of ETİBANK 100. YIL GÜMÜŞ MADENİ İŞLETMESİNDE NEM KONTROLÜ VE CEVHER STOKLAMASI Moisture Control and Stockpiling in Etibank 100. Yil Silver Mine

İn this study, the problems in the Eti Gümüş Co. Silver Mine due to high moisture content of feed... more İn this study, the problems in the Eti Gümüş Co. Silver Mine due to high moisture content of feed ore to the plant are studied..The plant was designed for 6.5-7 %. moisture content However in practice the moisture content of run of mine ore is around 15-30 % leading to considerable decrease in performance and efficiency of crusher. For solving these problems, drying and stockpiling applied in reducing the moisture content before feeding the high moisture run of mine ore to the plant are investigated. The stockpiles constructed during drying and feeding them to the plant are explained in detail. Increases in recovery depending on these applications are assessed.

Research paper thumbnail of Mermerleri̇n Kali̇te Kontrol Süreci̇ Açisindan Tekno-Mekani̇k Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n Önemi̇

Tuikey has high quality and reserve amounts oi marble orebodies in difteient colours and patterns... more Tuikey has high quality and reserve amounts oi marble orebodies in difteient colours and patterns In order to compete in international markets this rich marble potential should be evaluated bestly The evaluation of this potantiel means quality improve

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of barrier holes on blast induced vibration

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2008

Blasting is one of the key elements of open pit mining. However, explosive usage may cause an env... more Blasting is one of the key elements of open pit mining. However, explosive usage may cause an environmental problem such as blast-induced seismic vibration. One of the solutions to the problem may be opening an artificial discontinuity as a barrier to shock waves. Such a phase is formed by lightly charging the barrier holes and firing them. This research is aimed at investigating the effect of empty barrier holes alone on seismic vibration. For this purpose, a series of field experiments were conducted in a dragline panel, Seyitomer Coal Enterprise, Kütahya, Turkey. In order to form a barrier at the centre of the panel, 30 holes were drilled on three parallel rows. The spacing between the rows was 1m. In each row, 10 holes 1m apart were drilled. The barrier holes were not charged and they were left empty. On the other hand, blast holes were charged and fired for rock fragmentation. Progress direction of the operation was from the ends of the panel toward the centre. At each firing, peak particle velocity (PPV) values were measured by two instruments located just in front of and behind the empty barrier holes. In this way, it could be possible to see how the empty barrier holes act. In total, 121 PPV values were recorded and analysed. Besides, in a number of experiments the barrier holes were filled with water. Analysis of data has revealed that a decrease in PPV of up to 18% has been detected just behind the barrier holes.

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on the effect of burden width on blast-induced vibration in open-pit mines

Environmental Geology, 2007

This study concerns the correlation between burden and blast-induced vibrations in open-pit mines... more This study concerns the correlation between burden and blast-induced vibrations in open-pit mines. For this purpose, two different mines were studied. In these mines, the vibrations caused by explosions at burdens having widths ranging from 3 to 14 m were measured from various distances. From the results, it was found for these cases that burden width has a significant impact on vibrations. Consequently, it was proven that vibrations decrease as burden increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement an Cost Analysis of Blasting Operations at Western Lignite Open Cast Mine

Drilling and blasting operations have a great importance in mining operations. By means of drilli... more Drilling and blasting operations have a great importance in mining operations. By means of drilling and blasting operations, ease of excavability is provided and production can be made in desired particle sizes especially for ore. In this study, state-operated blasting operations in Western Lignite Corporation mining sites and problems encountered in these blasting operations are investigated. It was aimed to solve the problem of encountering blocks after blasting by using nitroglycerine based cast boosters instead of emulsion based cast boosters. The blasting shots and excavation loading works in the blasting area were recorded. The muckpile images obtained after blasting operations were examined with WipFrag software and particle size distributions were checked. According to the data obtained, cost analyzes related to blasting and transportation were performed. It was found that after the change, the problems decreased and the company economically gained 25% annually in terms of b...

Research paper thumbnail of Barrier holes and trench application to reduce blast induced vibration in Seyitomer coal mine

Environmental Geology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Ddd

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Karaburhan krom açık ocağı kaya birimlerinin kazılabilirlik sınıflaması ve örtükazı birim maliyet analizi

Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, Sep 1, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Reliability Analysis of Draglines’ Mechanical Failures

W nowoczesnych kopalniach, w których wykorzystuje się różnego typu wysokiej klasy maszyny/sprzęt ... more W nowoczesnych kopalniach, w których wykorzystuje się różnego typu wysokiej klasy maszyny/sprzęt o wysokiej zdolności produkcyjnej i inwestycyjnej, takie jak koparki zgarniakowe, ważne jest aby maszyny te były obsługiwane w sposób niezawodny, zapewniający maksymalizację zysku. Dlatego też, zastosowanie analizy niezawodnościowej, która jest niezbędna do oceny niezawodności użytkowania i częstotliwości uszkodzeń , pozwala na planowanie czynności serwisowych pomagając utrzymać maszyny w stanie gotowości do pracy. W niniejszym artykule zamodelowano, na podstawie Procesu Odnowy (Renewal Process, RP), uszkodzenia mechaniczne dwóch koparek zgarniakowych. Podstawowe założenia RP o niezależność i identyczności rozkładu danych sprawdzono za pomocą wykresów funkcji autokorelacji. Oceny niezawodności dla różnych przedziałów czasowych dokonano według rozkładu najbardziej odpowiadającego danym, którym okazał się rozkład Weibulla. Dodatkowo, rozkładu tego użyto także do określenia przerw konserwac...

Research paper thumbnail of Hava yastıkları ve Karadon müessesinde uygulaması

Research paper thumbnail of Eskişehir Karaburhan Krom Açık Ocağı Kaya Birimlerinin Kazılabilirlik Sınıflaması ve Örtü Kazı Birim Maliyet Analizi Diggability Classification of Rock Units Encountered in eskişehir Karaburhan Open

Açık ocak projelendirme çalışmalarında ve ekipman seçiminde cevher modeli ile birlikte cevher ve ... more Açık ocak projelendirme çalışmalarında ve ekipman seçiminde cevher modeli ile birlikte cevher ve yankayaçlann sağlamlık ve kazı zorluğu dereceleri, gözönüne alınması gereken en önemli parametrelerdir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Eskişehir-Karaburhan krom açık ocağında yer alan kaya birimlerinin, bazı kütle ve malzeme özellikleri belirlenmiş ve mevcut sınıflama sistemleri kullanılarak kazı zorluğu sınıflamaları yapılmıştır. Bunun yanısıra, yerinde yapılan gözlem ve performans ölçümleri ile birim operasyonlar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerle yapılan ekonomik analiz sonucunda örtükazı birini maliyeti belirlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Mechanical Properties of Rock on the Performance of Down-The-Hole Drills Wpływ Właściwości Mechanicznych Skał Na Pracę Wiertnic Głębinowych

In this study, the performance of a down-the-hole drill in a quarry was investigated. The investi... more In this study, the performance of a down-the-hole drill in a quarry was investigated. The investigation area was divided into fi ve areas, and the net penetration rate in each area measured. The mechanical properties of rock from each area were determined in the fi eld and the laboratory, including uniaxial compressive strength, Brazilian tensile strength, point load test, Schmidt hammer test, and triaxial compressive test. Relationships between rock properties and net penetration rate were determined by means of regression analysis. It was found that relationships exist and are inverse. In particular, Schmidt hammer and friction angle show very good correlation with net penetration rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Yeralti Li̇nyi̇t İşletmesi̇nde 2018 Yilinda Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarinin Anali̇zi̇

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Is guvenligi kulturunu icsellestirmis kurum ve kuruluslarin calisma hayatinda daha basarili oldug... more Is guvenligi kulturunu icsellestirmis kurum ve kuruluslarin calisma hayatinda daha basarili oldugu yadsinamaz bir gercektir. Her ne kadar teknolojide ortaya cikan gelismeler, isin daha kisa surede ve modern yontemlerle yapilmasina destek olsa da halen is kazalarinin gundemdeki yerini ciddiyetle muhafaza ettigine sahit olmaktayiz. Ayrica, mevzuattaki gelismelerin dahi is kazalarinin onlenmesine cok fazla katki sagladigini soyleyemeyiz. Bu durum, ozellikle madencilik sektorunde de farkli degildir. Personelin kalifiye olmasi, isletmelerde proaktif yaklasima onem verilmesi, kaza kayitlarinin istatistiki olarak tutulmasi ve neden-sonuc iliskilerin irdelenmesi, isletmelerin kurumsal geleceklerine olumlu anlamda yon verecektir. Bu calisma kapsaminda Isiklar Yeralti Linyit Isletmesi (Soma/Manisa)’nde 2018 yilinda hem yeralti hem de yerustu tesislerinde meydana gelen is kazalarinin analizi yapilmistir. Kaza turleri incelenerek soz konusu kazalar, kaza siklik, kaza agirlik ve kaza olabilirlik oranlarinin hesaplanmasi sonucunda ortaya cikan bilgiler isiginda yorumlanmaya calisilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017

This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in o... more This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in open-pit blasting operations. The study was conducted at an overburden removal site at the Garp Lignite Enterprise open pits. The number of holes used in the blasts throughout the study was grouped as 10-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151-250 holes and each group was analyzed separately. The same hole pattern and non-electric delay detonators were used in all blasts, and each hole was loaded with an equal amount of explosive. In the study, seismographs were used to measure ground vibrations. A separate analysis was carried out for each hole group in addition to an overall analysis encompassing all the measurement data. In statistical analysis, Scaled Distance-Peak Particle Velocity graphs were plotted, equations and coefficients of determination were computed, and finally, a comparison was made. In conclusion, the study results showed that the number of holes did not affect blast-induced ground vibration level.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of artificial discontinuities on blast induced vibrations in open pit mines

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of blast-induced ground vibration predictors in Seyitomer coal mine

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011

12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics -- OCT 17-21, 2011 -- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the effects of blasting design parameters and rock properties on blast-induced ground vibrations

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014

This study addresses the effects of rock characteristics and blasting design parameters on blast-... more This study addresses the effects of rock characteristics and blasting design parameters on blast-induced vibrations in the Kangal open-pit coal mine, the Tülü open-pit boron mine, and the Kırka open-pit boron mine. In this study, multiple vibration measurements have been conducted, and the related data have been analyzed and evaluated. Several artificial neural network (ANN) and regression models based on the same blasting design parameters, resistivity, and Pwave and S wave velocities of the surrounding rocks have been constructed to estimate the peak particle velocities and the frequencies of related blast-induced vibrations. The data derived from these models and the classical evaluations indicate that ANNs provide more reliable results than the other methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Reply to the comments by Tarkan Erdik on ‘Barrier holes and trench application to reduce blast induced vibration in seyitomer coal mine’

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2009

... in seyitomer coal mine' Kaan Erarslan • O¨ nder Uysal • Ercan Arpaz • M. Akif Cebi ... W... more ... in seyitomer coal mine' Kaan Erarslan • O¨ nder Uysal • Ercan Arpaz • M. Akif Cebi ... Wiley, London, pp 203–207 Bilgin A, Esen S, Kılıç M (1998) TK˙IC¸an Linyit ˙Isletmesi'nde Patlatmaların Yol Açtıg˘ı C¸ evre Sorunlarının Giderilmesi ˙Için Arastırma. Final report. ...

Research paper thumbnail of ETİBANK 100. YIL GÜMÜŞ MADENİ İŞLETMESİNDE NEM KONTROLÜ VE CEVHER STOKLAMASI Moisture Control and Stockpiling in Etibank 100. Yil Silver Mine

İn this study, the problems in the Eti Gümüş Co. Silver Mine due to high moisture content of feed... more İn this study, the problems in the Eti Gümüş Co. Silver Mine due to high moisture content of feed ore to the plant are studied..The plant was designed for 6.5-7 %. moisture content However in practice the moisture content of run of mine ore is around 15-30 % leading to considerable decrease in performance and efficiency of crusher. For solving these problems, drying and stockpiling applied in reducing the moisture content before feeding the high moisture run of mine ore to the plant are investigated. The stockpiles constructed during drying and feeding them to the plant are explained in detail. Increases in recovery depending on these applications are assessed.

Research paper thumbnail of Mermerleri̇n Kali̇te Kontrol Süreci̇ Açisindan Tekno-Mekani̇k Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n Önemi̇

Tuikey has high quality and reserve amounts oi marble orebodies in difteient colours and patterns... more Tuikey has high quality and reserve amounts oi marble orebodies in difteient colours and patterns In order to compete in international markets this rich marble potential should be evaluated bestly The evaluation of this potantiel means quality improve

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of barrier holes on blast induced vibration

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2008

Blasting is one of the key elements of open pit mining. However, explosive usage may cause an env... more Blasting is one of the key elements of open pit mining. However, explosive usage may cause an environmental problem such as blast-induced seismic vibration. One of the solutions to the problem may be opening an artificial discontinuity as a barrier to shock waves. Such a phase is formed by lightly charging the barrier holes and firing them. This research is aimed at investigating the effect of empty barrier holes alone on seismic vibration. For this purpose, a series of field experiments were conducted in a dragline panel, Seyitomer Coal Enterprise, Kütahya, Turkey. In order to form a barrier at the centre of the panel, 30 holes were drilled on three parallel rows. The spacing between the rows was 1m. In each row, 10 holes 1m apart were drilled. The barrier holes were not charged and they were left empty. On the other hand, blast holes were charged and fired for rock fragmentation. Progress direction of the operation was from the ends of the panel toward the centre. At each firing, peak particle velocity (PPV) values were measured by two instruments located just in front of and behind the empty barrier holes. In this way, it could be possible to see how the empty barrier holes act. In total, 121 PPV values were recorded and analysed. Besides, in a number of experiments the barrier holes were filled with water. Analysis of data has revealed that a decrease in PPV of up to 18% has been detected just behind the barrier holes.

Research paper thumbnail of Studies on the effect of burden width on blast-induced vibration in open-pit mines

Environmental Geology, 2007

This study concerns the correlation between burden and blast-induced vibrations in open-pit mines... more This study concerns the correlation between burden and blast-induced vibrations in open-pit mines. For this purpose, two different mines were studied. In these mines, the vibrations caused by explosions at burdens having widths ranging from 3 to 14 m were measured from various distances. From the results, it was found for these cases that burden width has a significant impact on vibrations. Consequently, it was proven that vibrations decrease as burden increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement an Cost Analysis of Blasting Operations at Western Lignite Open Cast Mine

Drilling and blasting operations have a great importance in mining operations. By means of drilli... more Drilling and blasting operations have a great importance in mining operations. By means of drilling and blasting operations, ease of excavability is provided and production can be made in desired particle sizes especially for ore. In this study, state-operated blasting operations in Western Lignite Corporation mining sites and problems encountered in these blasting operations are investigated. It was aimed to solve the problem of encountering blocks after blasting by using nitroglycerine based cast boosters instead of emulsion based cast boosters. The blasting shots and excavation loading works in the blasting area were recorded. The muckpile images obtained after blasting operations were examined with WipFrag software and particle size distributions were checked. According to the data obtained, cost analyzes related to blasting and transportation were performed. It was found that after the change, the problems decreased and the company economically gained 25% annually in terms of b...

Research paper thumbnail of Barrier holes and trench application to reduce blast induced vibration in Seyitomer coal mine

Environmental Geology, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Ddd