Özge Çınar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Özge Çınar

Research paper thumbnail of Tenis Oyuncularında Omuz Horizontal Addüksiyon Açısının İnternal Rotasyon Açısına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 2010

ÖZET Amaç: Bu ça lış ma nın ama cı te nis oyun cu la rın da omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı ... more ÖZET Amaç: Bu ça lış ma nın ama cı te nis oyun cu la rın da omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı sı nın in ter nal ro tas yon açı sı nı et ki le yip et ki le me di ği ni araş tır mak tır. Ge reç ve Yön tem ler: 27 pro fes yo nel te nis oyun cu su ve 27 se dan ter er kek üni ver si te öğ ren ci si de ğer len dir me ye alın mış tır. Omuz in ter nal ve eks ter nal ro tas yo nu sır tüs tü ya tar ken omuz 90o ho ri zon tal ab dük si yon da, dir sek 90o flek si yon day ken gon yo met re ile öl çül müş tür. Da ha son ra omuz or ta ro tas yon po zis yo nu na ge ti ri lip, 90o ho ri zon tal ad dük si yo na alı na rak ol gu lar dan in ter nal ve eks ter nal ro tas yon yap ma la rı is ten miş tir. Gon yo met rik öl çüm ya pıl mış tır. Bul gu lar: Ya pı lan is ta tis tik sel de ğer len dir me ler so nu cun da spor cu ve se dan ter grup kar şı laş tı rıl dı ğın da, te nis oyun cu la rı nın do mi nant ol ma yan onuz la rı nın eks ter nal ro tas yon açı la rı se dan ter le re gö re art mış ola rak gö rül müş tür. (p= 0.005). Ab dük si yon ve ad dük si yon po zis yo nun da ya pı lan öl çüm so nuç la rı kar şı laş tı rıl dı ğın da, spor cu grup ta do mi nant ve do mi nant ol ma yan ta raf ta eks ter nal ro tas yon açı la rı an lam lı bu lu nur ken (p= 0.029, p= 0.011), se dan ter ler de ki kar şı laş tır ma so nuç la rı nın an lam lı ol ma dı ğı gö rül müş tür. İnter nal ro tas yon açı la rı na ba kıl dı ğın da, hem spor cu hem de se dan ter grup ta her iki po zis yon da do mi nant ve do mi nant ol ma yan ta raf ta an lam lı bir fark lı lık bu lun muş tur (p< 0.001, p< 0.001). So nuç: Bu ça lış ma nın so nuç la rı na gö re te nis oyun cu la rın da art mış eks ter nal ro tas yon açı sı gö rül me miş tir, fa kat omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı sı nın eks ter nal ro tas yon açı sı nı azalt tı ğı bu lun muş tur. Ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon po zis yo nun da ska pu la nın da ha sta bil ol du ğu dü şü nü le rek, ab dük si yon da gö rü len art mış eks ter nal ro tas yo nun ska pu lar ka tı lım dan kay nak lan dı ğı so nu cu na va rıl mış tır.

Research paper thumbnail of Ön Çapraz Bağ Tamiri Sonrası Gövde Stabilizasyon Egzersizlerinin Postüral Stabilite ve Alt Ekstremite Fonksiyonu Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması

Bu calismanin amaci, on capraz bag tamiri sonrasi govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri ile klasik reh... more Bu calismanin amaci, on capraz bag tamiri sonrasi govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri ile klasik rehabilitasyon protokolunun etkilerini eklem laksitesi, diz ve kalca cevresi kas kuvveti, postural stabilite ve fonksiyonel testler yonunden karsilastirilmasidir. Calismaya hamstring tendon grefti kullanilarak on capraz bag tamiri yapilan 28 hasta dahil edildi. 13 hasta klasik rehabilitasyon programina, 15 hasta govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri programina alindi. Her iki gruba ameliyat sonrasi 16. hafta sonunda postural stabilite degerlendirmesi, govde endurans testleri, izometrik kalca cevresi kas kuvveti, izokinetik diz kas kuvveti, ligament laksitesi testi, fonksiyonel hoplama testleri Lysholm skorlamasi yapildi. Grup ici karsilastirmalar Wilcoxon test, gruplararasi karsilastirmalar Mann-Whitney U, oranlarin karsilastirmasi ise ki-kare test ile yapildi. Govde stabilizasyon grubunda etkilenen ve saglam bacagin postural stabilite skorlari arasinda fark bulunmazken, klasik rehabilitasyon gr...

Research paper thumbnail of AB0841-HPR The effect of active cervical lateral flexion range on shoulder joint range of motion in adhesive capsulitis patients: a pilot study

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2013

ABSTRACT Background Muscles affecting scapulahumeral motion have their orijin on spine. Upper tra... more ABSTRACT Background Muscles affecting scapulahumeral motion have their orijin on spine. Upper trapezius and levator scapula muscles’ orijin is cervical region. In patients with adhesive capsulitis arm elevation is achieved by increased upper trapezius activation. So, scapulahumeral rhythm is affected from increased activity of these muscles.1 These altered muscle activation strategies might affect cervical motion. Objectives The aim of this study is to investigate cervical range of motion in adhesive capsulitis patients. Methods Eight adhesive capsulitis patients without any injury or diagnosis related to spine were evaluated. Patients do not have cervical spine problem prior to adhesive capsulitis. Active and passive shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation range of motions were assessed with universal goniometer.2 Active total elevation measurement was done with goniometer measuring the angle between trunk and arm.3 As a functional test active internal rotation was assessed measuring the distance between fifth toracal processus spinosus and the thumb.4 Active cervical flexion, extension and lateral flexion to affected and healthy side were evaluated with goniometer.5 The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 15.00). The relationship between cervical and shoulder range of motion was analyzed by using Spearman Correlation co-efficient. Significance level was set a p value of ≤.05. Results There were positive relationships between affected side cervical lateral flexion and, active and passive flexion range, respectively (r=.71, p=.04; r=.73, p=.03). Passive external rotation, active and passive internal rotation range of motion was correlated well with affected side cervical lateral flexion, respectively (r=.70, p=.05; r=.95, p&lt;.001; r=.85, p=.007). Also active internal rotation and active total elevation were correlated with affected side cervical lateral flexion, respectively (r=.90, p=.002; r=.77 p=.02). Cervical range of motion in other directions did not correlate with shoulder range of motion (p&gt;.05). Conclusions Limited shoulder range of motion decreases affected side cervical lateral flexion. This relationship highlights that, treatment of cervical region should be considered in adhesive capsulitis patients. Clinical outcomes should be doing stretching exercises to scapular muscles, which have cervical origin to decrease cervical impression. Disclosure of Interest None Declared

Research paper thumbnail of Mild hallux valgus angle affects single-limb postural stability in asymptomatic subjects

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2016

BACKGROUND: Single-limb postural stability is a key component of lower extremity functional statu... more BACKGROUND: Single-limb postural stability is a key component of lower extremity functional status. Factors affecting postural stability should be well defined to prevent injuries. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the hallux valgus angle on postural stability in asymptomatic subjects. METHODS: A total of 19 subjects were included in the study. The hallux valgus angle and postural stability were assessed. Participants were assigned to two groups according to whether the hallux valgus angle was pathological or not. A hallux valgus angle greater than 15 degrees was accepted as pathological. The relationship between the hallux valgus angle and postural stability, and the differences in postural stability scores between the two groups were analyzed. Postural stability was assessed with a stabilometer. The test was performed with the eyes open. RESULTS: We found a significant correlation between the hallux valgus angle and mediolateral and overall stability index (r = 0.484, p = 0.036; r = 0.463, p = 0.046 respectively). Subjects with a pathological mild hallux valgus angle had greater stability index scores than normal subjects (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A mild hallux valgus angle has negative effects on postural stability as a forefoot deformity. This deformity should be taken into account for injury prevention strategies in pain-free younger adults.

Research paper thumbnail of AB0838-HPR Cervical pain and disability in patients with shoulder disorders: pilot study

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2013

ABSTRACT Background Disorders that affect shoulder complex have been associated with increased up... more ABSTRACT Background Disorders that affect shoulder complex have been associated with increased upper trapezius muscular activity [1]could have result in mechanical restrains in cervical spine where muscles origin. It would be possible decreased mobility and increased disability in shoulder can be lead to neck symptoms such as pain and disability. Objectives To investigate the neck pain and disability presence and its relation to shoulder related symptoms and disability status in shoulder disorders. Methods Sixteen patients with shoulder pain (Mean±Standard Deviation; X±SD; pain during activity 3±2.9 cm, age 43.1±14.6 years) without any other injury, diagnosis related to spine or systematic disorders were included to the study. Also, the subjects were excluded if existence of neck pain was prior to shoulder pathology. Shoulder pain was assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS) at rest, during activity and at night. Shoulder flexion, abduction, internal and external range of motion was assessed with standard goniometer [2]. Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) was used with the aim of scoring disability status related to shoulder [3]. Neck pain severity was also evaluated by using VAS scale and disability related to cervical spine was scored with Neck Disability Index (NDI) [4]. Statistical correlations were determined by using the Spearman test and p&lt;.05 was set to indicate a significant correlation. Results Average severity of neck pain was .75±1.3 at rest, 1.9±2.1 during activity, .5±1.4 at night and NDI disability score was 18.04±21.79 in patients with shoulder disorders. Significant correlations were found between neck disability and shoulder abduction range of motion (X±SD; 140.6±33.8; r=-.50 p=.04), SPADI-pain score (r=.912, p&lt;.001), SPADI-disability score (r=.658, p=.006) and total SPADI score (r=.781, p&lt;.001). Conclusions This study showed that neck pain without any injury would appear in patients with shoulder pain. Shoulder elevation angle and disability would be associated with neck pain. In clinical setting neck pain and problems should be assessed in patients with shoulder disorders. Further research with bigger sample size and with more focus on the underlying mechanism of neck pain in such population are needed. Disclosure of Interest None Declared

Research paper thumbnail of The relation of the knee muscle strength with performance tests in orienteering athletes

Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Yelkencilerde Uyluk Deri Sicakliği, Kuvvet, Aerobik Ve Anaerobik Egzersiz Kapasiteleri̇ Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Araştirmasi

Bu calismanin amaci yelkencilerde uyluk deri sicakligi, diz kas gucu, aerobik ve anaerobik egzers... more Bu calismanin amaci yelkencilerde uyluk deri sicakligi, diz kas gucu, aerobik ve anaerobik egzersiz kapasiteleri arasindaki iliskiyi arastirmaktir. Sezon oncesi degerlendirme doneminde 20 yelkenli atlet degerlendirildi. Her iki bacak icin uyluk on ve arka kisimlarindaki cilt sicakligini degerlendirmek amaciyla termal kamera ile goruntuleme yapildi. Diz kasi kuvveti, izokinetik diz kas kuvvetini degerlendirmek icin guvenilir bir cihaz olan izokinetik dinamometre kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Sporcunun aerobik egzersiz kapasitesinin gelisimini izlemek icin kosu bandi VO2max Testi yapildi. Anaerobik egzersiz kapasitesinin iki ana bileseni olan maksimum anaerobik guc ve goreceli anaerobik kapasiteyi degerlendirmek icin Wingate bisiklet ergometresi testi yapildi. Anaerobik guc-kapasite ile aerobik kapasite arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulunamadi (r 0.50). Ayrica deri sicakligi aerobik egzersiz kapasitesiyle (r> 0.50) iliskilidir, ancak anaerobik egzersiz kapasitesi ile iliskili degildi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictors of Low Back Pain in Helicopter Pilots

Gazi Medical Journal, 2015

Objective: Helicopter pilots frequently complain about low back pain (LBP). The aim of this study... more Objective: Helicopter pilots frequently complain about low back pain (LBP). The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of age, body mass index, total flying hours, smoking habit, regular sports participation and core endurance on LBP, and to determine the predictors of LBP in helicopter pilots. Methods: Twenty-one military helicopter pilots (29.09±6.52 years) were assessed. Demographic information and total flying hours were recorded. Low back disability was evaluated with the Oswestry low back disability questionnaire. The prone bridge test, side bridge test, supine isometric chest raise test and Sorenson test were conducted to assess the core endurance. The parameters affecting the Oswestry disability score were analyzed with the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. A multiple linear regression model was used to identify the independent predictors of the Oswestry score. Dependent variable was the Oswestry score, and the independent variable were age, body mass index, total ...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Thigh Skin Temperature, Strength, Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise Capacities in Sailing

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between thigh skin temperature, kne... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between thigh skin temperature, knee muscle strength, aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacities in sailing. 20 sailing athletes were assessed during pre-seasonal assessment period. Thermal camera imaging was performed to assess the skin temperature at anterior and posterior parts of thigh for both legs. Knee muscle strength was evaluated by using isokinetic dynamometer, which was found to be a reliable device to evaluate isokinetic knee muscle strength. Treadmill VO2max Test was performed to monitor the development of athlete's aerobic exercise capacity. The Wingate cycle ergometer test was performed to assess the two major components of anaerobic exercise capacity, namely, maximum anaerobic power and relative anaerobic capacity. No significant relationship was found between anaerobic powercapacity and aerobic capacity (r<0.50). Knee muscle strength is in relationship with skin temperature, aerobic and maximum anae...

Research paper thumbnail of Postural Control of The Elite Deaf Football Players

Childhood hearing impairment is a common chronic condition that may have a major impact on postur... more Childhood hearing impairment is a common chronic condition that may have a major impact on postural control. The aim of this study was to determine the postural control of the elite deaf football players and compare normal-hearing football players and sedentary deaf controls. Eighteen deaf football players, ten deaf sedentary controls, ten normal-hearing sedentary controls were included in study. Postural stability was assessed both on bilateral stance and on single-limb stance with Biodex-Balance System on static surface, in eyes-open condition. Limits of stability testing was performed on bilateral stance. Statistically significant results were found in medial-lateral index (MLI) score of dominant and non-dominant legs among three groups respectively (p=0.027, p=0.045). In limits of stability testing significant differences were found for overall direction (p=0.008) and right direction (p=0.017) among three groups. There was a significant difference in MLI score of non-dominant le...

Research paper thumbnail of Eli̇t Voleybolcularda Servi̇s Çeşi̇di̇, Pozi̇syon Ve Ci̇nsi̇yeti̇n Servi̇s Hizina Etki̇si̇

Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019

Voleybolda sicrayarak kullanilan servisler en sik kullanilan servislerdir. Servis cesitleri arasi... more Voleybolda sicrayarak kullanilan servisler en sik kullanilan servislerdir. Servis cesitleri arasinda en hizlisi smac servistir. Bu calismaya 120 kadin ve 134 erkek voleybol oyuncusu dahil edildi. Toplamda kadin oyuncular 2872 servis (smac servis (SS)=163, sicrayarak yuzen servis (SY)=2163, durarak servis (DS) =546) kullanirken, erkek oyuncular 3296 servis (smac servis (SS)=1546, sicrayarak yuzen servis (SYS)=1745, durarak servis (DS) =5) kullandi. Servis hizlari radar tabanca ile olculdu. Erkek ve kadin oyuncularin kullandigi servis cesitlerinin dagilimindaki fark χ2 testi ile degerlendirildi. Servis hizina cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin etkisinin belirlenmesinde varyans analizi kullanildi. Erkek ve kadin oyuncularin kullandigi servis cesitleri birbirinden farkliydi (p&amp;lt;0,05). Servis hizi ile cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin etkilesimi anlamliydi [F(6,6166)=70,622, p&amp;lt;0,0001]. Cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin servis hizi uzerindeki ana etkileri de anlamli bulundu [ sirasiyla, F(1,6166)=22,848, p&amp;lt;0,0001; F(3,6166)=4,369, p=0,004; ve F(2,6166)=150,916, p&amp;lt;0,0001]. Erkekler kadinlara gore daha etkili servisleri tercih etmislerdir (p&amp;lt;0,0001). Erkeklerde SS hizi SY hizindan daha yuksek bulunmustur (p&amp;lt;0,0001). daha onceki calismalarda kadinlar tarafindan en sik kullanildigi bulunan DS yerine SY servisi tercih etmislerdir. Sonuc olarak kadin voleybolu daha guclu bir oyun stiline donusmektedir. Kadin pasor caprazlari SS ve SY servislerinin gelistirilmesi icin egitilmelidir cunku servis hizlari diger kadin sporculardan genel olarak daha dusuktur.

Research paper thumbnail of Angle-specific knee muscle torques of ACL-reconstructed subjects and determinants of functional tests after reconstruction

Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018

The purposes of this study were to analyse (a) if "angle-specific" (AS) flexor and extensor torqu... more The purposes of this study were to analyse (a) if "angle-specific" (AS) flexor and extensor torques were different between ACL-reconstructed and uninvolved limbs, (b) the difference in peak torque occurrence angles for concentric and eccentric knee flexor and extensor torques between involved and uninvolved limbs and (c) if AS concentric and eccentric knee flexor and extensor torques are determinants of performance in the "single-leg hop test" (SLHT) and "vertical jump and reach test" (VJRT) in ACL-reconstructed legs. Twenty-seven male ACL-reconstructed volunteers were included in the study. Isokinetic knee muscle strength, SLHT and VJRT were performed 6 months after ACL reconstruction. No difference was found in extremity and knee joint angle interaction for concentric and eccentric flexor and extensor torques (p > 0.05). Peak torque occurrence angles were not different between involved and uninvolved limbs (p > 0.05). In involved extremities, concentric knee extensor strength at 90°was a determinant of SLHT performance (R 2 = 0.403, p < 0.05), and concentric knee extensor strength at 60°w as a determinant of VJRT (R 2 = 0.224, p < 0.05). Assessment of AS concentric knee extensor strength at 60°and 90°might be important, because these were determinants of functional test performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Muscle skin temperature responses for hamstring and quadriceps to aerobic and anaerobic test conditions in Turkish Olympic Sailing Athletes

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018

Olympic class sailing is a competitive sport and requires several abilities. An understanding of ... more Olympic class sailing is a competitive sport and requires several abilities. An understanding of the responses to aerobic and anaerobic loading will be useful for assessing the training programs, protective strategies and possibility of injuries. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine lower extremity main muscles skin temperature responses to aerobic and anaerobic test conditions in Turkish Olympic Sailing Athletes. Eighteen sailing athletes were assessed during preseasonal assessment period. Temperatures of quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups were evaluated bilaterally during rest and after Wingate Treadmill tests. Wingate test was accepted as an indicator of anaerobic performance and Treadmill test as an aerobic performance. Infrared thermography was performed to assess the skin temperature at anterior and posterior parts of thigh for both legs. In the triplicate comparison, the temperature changes between the rest, aerobic test and anaerobic test conditions were significant (p \ 0.05). In the analysis to determine the difference between the compared groups; for both muscle groups, temperature change after anaerobic performance was not significant; in contrast to this result the change in muscle temperature after aerobic performance was significant (p \ 0.05). Energetic-metabolic activity of major muscle groups of lower extremities during aerobic and anaerobic performance are important for injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and return to play. Present study shows that aerobic performance or activities requires higher energeticmetabolic activity.

Research paper thumbnail of “Ballistic Six” Upper-Extremity Plyometric Training for the Pediatric Volleyball Players

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2017

The Ballistic Six exercise program includes commonly used upper body exercises and the program is... more The Ballistic Six exercise program includes commonly used upper body exercises and the program is recommended for overhead-throwing athletes. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week The Ballistic Six upper extremity plyometric training program on upper body explosive power, endurance, and reaction time in paediatric overhead athletes. Twenty-eight female paediatric volleyball players participated in the study. The participants were randomly divided into two study groups: an intervention group (upper extremity plyometric training in addition to the volleyball training; n = 14) and a control group (the volleyball training only; n = 14). All of the participants were assessed before and after a 12-week training program for upper body power, strength & endurance, and reaction time. Statistical comparison was performed using an analysis of variance test. Comparisons showed that after a 12-week training program, the Ballistic Six upper body plyometric training program resulted in more improvements in an overhead medicine-ball throwing distance and a push-up performance, as well as greater improvements in the reaction time in the non-throwing arm when compared to control training. In addition, a 12-week training program was found to be effective in 17 achieving improvements in the reaction time in the throwing arm for both groups 18 similarly. Compared to regular training, upper body plyometric training resulted in additional improvements in upper body power and strength & endurance among paediatric volleyball players. The findings of the study provide a basis for developing training protocols for paediatric volleyball players.

Research paper thumbnail of S-22: Upper Extremity Plyometric Training for the Pediatric Overhead Athletes; Randomized Controled Trial

Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Low back pain prevalence in healthcare professionals and identification of factors affecting low back pain

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017

BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal system diseases are commonly observed among nurses, phys... more BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal system diseases are commonly observed among nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, and dieticians. OBJECTIVE: To assess working postures of nurses, physiotherapists, dentists and dieticians, to identify whether low back pain (LBP) is present, and to put forth the correlation between LBP, working posture, and other factors. METHODS: Twenty seven physiotherapists, 34 nurses, 30 dentists, and 16 dieticians were included. Impairment ratings of cases with LBP were analysed with Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (Quebec). Working postures were analysed with Owako Working Posture Analysis System. RESULTS: LBP was observed in 70.09% of healthcare professionals. Of the individuals suffering from LBP, 57.2% were working with a risky posture. 40.63% of individuals without LBP were using risky working postures. Trunk and head posture distribution of individuals with and without LBP was found as different from each other (p < 0.05). LBP prevalence of dentists and nurses were higher compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Quebec scores of professionals with LBP were not different among occupations (p > 0.05). Quebec scores were observed as correlated with various factors in various occupation groups. CONCLUSIONS: Considering that head-neck and trunk postures are changeable factors that are among the factors affecting LBP, correcting the working posture gains importance.

Research paper thumbnail of Donuk Omuzda Ön Ve Arka Kapsül Germe Egzersi̇zleri̇ni̇n Erken Dönem Etki̇leri̇

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2015

Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem ha... more Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem hareket açıklığı üzerine erken dönem etkisini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Donuk omuz tanısı almış 36 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Bireyler gelişigüzel bir biçimde iki gruba ayrıldı; Grup 1'de (n=19) soğuk uygulama ve arka kapsül germe egzersizi, Grup 2'de (n=17) ise soğuk uygulama, arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizi uygulandı. Ağrı derecesi, eklem hareket açıklığı ve arka kapsül kısalığı 1 haftalık izlemle değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Birinci haftanın sonunda Grup 1'de aktivite ağrı derecesinde ve arka kapsül gerginliğinde azalma görülürken, omuz fleksiyon hareket açıklığı ve aktif iç rotasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Grup 2'de ise dinlenme ve gece ağrısı derecesi azalırken, fleksiyon, abduksiyon ve aktif toplam elevasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Araştırılan tüm değişkenlerde oluşan değişim ölçüsü açısından gruplar arasında fark bulunmadı (p>.05). Tartışma: Donuk omuzda uygulanan kısa süreli germe egzersizleri ağrı derecesinde azalma ve eklem hareket açıklığında artışla sonuçlandı. Arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizleri birlikte özellikle işlevsel bir sonuç göstergesi olan aktif toplam elevasyonda artış sağladığı için tedavinin erken döneminden başlayarak donuk omuz tedavisinde kullanılmasını önermekteyiz.

Research paper thumbnail of The presence and influence of posterior capsule tightness on different shoulder problems

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017

In the literature it has been shown that posterior capsule flexibility is a precursor to shoulder... more In the literature it has been shown that posterior capsule flexibility is a precursor to shoulder problems. However, no study thus far has shown the influence of the flexibility of posterior capsule in different shoulder pathologies. This study set about to compare the role of posterior capsule tightness in different shoulder problems. One-hundred-twenty-five patients diagnosed with shoulder subacromial impingement syndrome (n= 52), partial rotator cuff tear (n= 31) or frozen shoulder (n= 42) and 30 asymptomatic peers participated in the study. Horizontal adduction was assessed in side-lying position for posterior capsule tightness. Pain was measured via the visual analogue scale and shoulder range of motion and active total elevation was assessed with goniometer. Hand behind the back test was assessed the active internal rotation by measuring the distance between T5 and the thumb. It was found that the affected side of the posterior capsules of the patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001), partial rotator cuff tear (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001) and frozen shoulder (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001) was stiffer than their healthy side. There were significant differences among groups in the level of tightness in the posterior capsule between the affected and the healthy sides (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). All range of motion of the shoulder including HBB test and the posterior capsule tightness of the affected side are found to be correlated (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05). This study emphasized that the posterior capsule&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s susceptibility to tightness is most evident in frozen shoulder among different shoulder problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Acute effect of kinesiotape muscle technique on hamstring flexibility and pain during stretching

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015

Purpose: Static stretching exercises were generally used to improve hamstring flexibility. Howeve... more Purpose: Static stretching exercises were generally used to improve hamstring flexibility. However it is known that stretching exercises generally create pain that makes stretching uncomfortable. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of kinesiotaping on hamstring muscle flexibility and pain during stretching. Methods: Fifteen voluntary participants (age=23.53±1.55 years) who have bilateral hamstring tightness were included in the study. Each subject's lower extremities were randomized with random number generator software and one included in the study group, the other included in control the group. Kinesiotape® was applied to the study group with muscle technique. After kinesiotape application to the study group, both groups did five repetitions of hamstring stretching exercises. Before and after intervention hamstring tightness and pain during hamstring stretching exercise were evaluated. Results: Analysis of the pre and post intervention assessments showed a significant improvement in the study group in active knee extension test and pain during hamstring stretching exercise (p<.01). Study group gained 10.6 (mean) degrees of flexibility (Cohen's d=0.90). Control group's results were not significant (p>.01). Discussion: Application of kinesiotape® muscle technique both increases muscle flexibility and decreases pain during stretching in acute condition. It could be used in subjects with hamstring tightness by physiotherapists to gain immediate effect.

Research paper thumbnail of Short-term effects of anterior and posterior capsular stretching in frozen shoulder

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015

Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem ha... more Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem hareket açıklığı üzerine erken dönem etkisini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Donuk omuz tanısı almış 36 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Bireyler gelişigüzel bir biçimde iki gruba ayrıldı; Grup 1'de (n=19) soğuk uygulama ve arka kapsül germe egzersizi, Grup 2'de (n=17) ise soğuk uygulama, arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizi uygulandı. Ağrı derecesi, eklem hareket açıklığı ve arka kapsül kısalığı 1 haftalık izlemle değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Birinci haftanın sonunda Grup 1'de aktivite ağrı derecesinde ve arka kapsül gerginliğinde azalma görülürken, omuz fleksiyon hareket açıklığı ve aktif iç rotasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Grup 2'de ise dinlenme ve gece ağrısı derecesi azalırken, fleksiyon, abduksiyon ve aktif toplam elevasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Araştırılan tüm değişkenlerde oluşan değişim ölçüsü açısından gruplar arasında fark bulunmadı (p>.05). Tartışma: Donuk omuzda uygulanan kısa süreli germe egzersizleri ağrı derecesinde azalma ve eklem hareket açıklığında artışla sonuçlandı. Arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizleri birlikte özellikle işlevsel bir sonuç göstergesi olan aktif toplam elevasyonda artış sağladığı için tedavinin erken döneminden başlayarak donuk omuz tedavisinde kullanılmasını önermekteyiz.

Research paper thumbnail of Tenis Oyuncularında Omuz Horizontal Addüksiyon Açısının İnternal Rotasyon Açısına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 2010

ÖZET Amaç: Bu ça lış ma nın ama cı te nis oyun cu la rın da omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı ... more ÖZET Amaç: Bu ça lış ma nın ama cı te nis oyun cu la rın da omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı sı nın in ter nal ro tas yon açı sı nı et ki le yip et ki le me di ği ni araş tır mak tır. Ge reç ve Yön tem ler: 27 pro fes yo nel te nis oyun cu su ve 27 se dan ter er kek üni ver si te öğ ren ci si de ğer len dir me ye alın mış tır. Omuz in ter nal ve eks ter nal ro tas yo nu sır tüs tü ya tar ken omuz 90o ho ri zon tal ab dük si yon da, dir sek 90o flek si yon day ken gon yo met re ile öl çül müş tür. Da ha son ra omuz or ta ro tas yon po zis yo nu na ge ti ri lip, 90o ho ri zon tal ad dük si yo na alı na rak ol gu lar dan in ter nal ve eks ter nal ro tas yon yap ma la rı is ten miş tir. Gon yo met rik öl çüm ya pıl mış tır. Bul gu lar: Ya pı lan is ta tis tik sel de ğer len dir me ler so nu cun da spor cu ve se dan ter grup kar şı laş tı rıl dı ğın da, te nis oyun cu la rı nın do mi nant ol ma yan onuz la rı nın eks ter nal ro tas yon açı la rı se dan ter le re gö re art mış ola rak gö rül müş tür. (p= 0.005). Ab dük si yon ve ad dük si yon po zis yo nun da ya pı lan öl çüm so nuç la rı kar şı laş tı rıl dı ğın da, spor cu grup ta do mi nant ve do mi nant ol ma yan ta raf ta eks ter nal ro tas yon açı la rı an lam lı bu lu nur ken (p= 0.029, p= 0.011), se dan ter ler de ki kar şı laş tır ma so nuç la rı nın an lam lı ol ma dı ğı gö rül müş tür. İnter nal ro tas yon açı la rı na ba kıl dı ğın da, hem spor cu hem de se dan ter grup ta her iki po zis yon da do mi nant ve do mi nant ol ma yan ta raf ta an lam lı bir fark lı lık bu lun muş tur (p< 0.001, p< 0.001). So nuç: Bu ça lış ma nın so nuç la rı na gö re te nis oyun cu la rın da art mış eks ter nal ro tas yon açı sı gö rül me miş tir, fa kat omuz ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon açı sı nın eks ter nal ro tas yon açı sı nı azalt tı ğı bu lun muş tur. Ho ri zon tal ad dük si yon po zis yo nun da ska pu la nın da ha sta bil ol du ğu dü şü nü le rek, ab dük si yon da gö rü len art mış eks ter nal ro tas yo nun ska pu lar ka tı lım dan kay nak lan dı ğı so nu cu na va rıl mış tır.

Research paper thumbnail of Ön Çapraz Bağ Tamiri Sonrası Gövde Stabilizasyon Egzersizlerinin Postüral Stabilite ve Alt Ekstremite Fonksiyonu Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması

Bu calismanin amaci, on capraz bag tamiri sonrasi govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri ile klasik reh... more Bu calismanin amaci, on capraz bag tamiri sonrasi govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri ile klasik rehabilitasyon protokolunun etkilerini eklem laksitesi, diz ve kalca cevresi kas kuvveti, postural stabilite ve fonksiyonel testler yonunden karsilastirilmasidir. Calismaya hamstring tendon grefti kullanilarak on capraz bag tamiri yapilan 28 hasta dahil edildi. 13 hasta klasik rehabilitasyon programina, 15 hasta govde stabilizasyon egzersizleri programina alindi. Her iki gruba ameliyat sonrasi 16. hafta sonunda postural stabilite degerlendirmesi, govde endurans testleri, izometrik kalca cevresi kas kuvveti, izokinetik diz kas kuvveti, ligament laksitesi testi, fonksiyonel hoplama testleri Lysholm skorlamasi yapildi. Grup ici karsilastirmalar Wilcoxon test, gruplararasi karsilastirmalar Mann-Whitney U, oranlarin karsilastirmasi ise ki-kare test ile yapildi. Govde stabilizasyon grubunda etkilenen ve saglam bacagin postural stabilite skorlari arasinda fark bulunmazken, klasik rehabilitasyon gr...

Research paper thumbnail of AB0841-HPR The effect of active cervical lateral flexion range on shoulder joint range of motion in adhesive capsulitis patients: a pilot study

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2013

ABSTRACT Background Muscles affecting scapulahumeral motion have their orijin on spine. Upper tra... more ABSTRACT Background Muscles affecting scapulahumeral motion have their orijin on spine. Upper trapezius and levator scapula muscles’ orijin is cervical region. In patients with adhesive capsulitis arm elevation is achieved by increased upper trapezius activation. So, scapulahumeral rhythm is affected from increased activity of these muscles.1 These altered muscle activation strategies might affect cervical motion. Objectives The aim of this study is to investigate cervical range of motion in adhesive capsulitis patients. Methods Eight adhesive capsulitis patients without any injury or diagnosis related to spine were evaluated. Patients do not have cervical spine problem prior to adhesive capsulitis. Active and passive shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation range of motions were assessed with universal goniometer.2 Active total elevation measurement was done with goniometer measuring the angle between trunk and arm.3 As a functional test active internal rotation was assessed measuring the distance between fifth toracal processus spinosus and the thumb.4 Active cervical flexion, extension and lateral flexion to affected and healthy side were evaluated with goniometer.5 The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 15.00). The relationship between cervical and shoulder range of motion was analyzed by using Spearman Correlation co-efficient. Significance level was set a p value of ≤.05. Results There were positive relationships between affected side cervical lateral flexion and, active and passive flexion range, respectively (r=.71, p=.04; r=.73, p=.03). Passive external rotation, active and passive internal rotation range of motion was correlated well with affected side cervical lateral flexion, respectively (r=.70, p=.05; r=.95, p&lt;.001; r=.85, p=.007). Also active internal rotation and active total elevation were correlated with affected side cervical lateral flexion, respectively (r=.90, p=.002; r=.77 p=.02). Cervical range of motion in other directions did not correlate with shoulder range of motion (p&gt;.05). Conclusions Limited shoulder range of motion decreases affected side cervical lateral flexion. This relationship highlights that, treatment of cervical region should be considered in adhesive capsulitis patients. Clinical outcomes should be doing stretching exercises to scapular muscles, which have cervical origin to decrease cervical impression. Disclosure of Interest None Declared

Research paper thumbnail of Mild hallux valgus angle affects single-limb postural stability in asymptomatic subjects

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2016

BACKGROUND: Single-limb postural stability is a key component of lower extremity functional statu... more BACKGROUND: Single-limb postural stability is a key component of lower extremity functional status. Factors affecting postural stability should be well defined to prevent injuries. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the hallux valgus angle on postural stability in asymptomatic subjects. METHODS: A total of 19 subjects were included in the study. The hallux valgus angle and postural stability were assessed. Participants were assigned to two groups according to whether the hallux valgus angle was pathological or not. A hallux valgus angle greater than 15 degrees was accepted as pathological. The relationship between the hallux valgus angle and postural stability, and the differences in postural stability scores between the two groups were analyzed. Postural stability was assessed with a stabilometer. The test was performed with the eyes open. RESULTS: We found a significant correlation between the hallux valgus angle and mediolateral and overall stability index (r = 0.484, p = 0.036; r = 0.463, p = 0.046 respectively). Subjects with a pathological mild hallux valgus angle had greater stability index scores than normal subjects (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A mild hallux valgus angle has negative effects on postural stability as a forefoot deformity. This deformity should be taken into account for injury prevention strategies in pain-free younger adults.

Research paper thumbnail of AB0838-HPR Cervical pain and disability in patients with shoulder disorders: pilot study

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2013

ABSTRACT Background Disorders that affect shoulder complex have been associated with increased up... more ABSTRACT Background Disorders that affect shoulder complex have been associated with increased upper trapezius muscular activity [1]could have result in mechanical restrains in cervical spine where muscles origin. It would be possible decreased mobility and increased disability in shoulder can be lead to neck symptoms such as pain and disability. Objectives To investigate the neck pain and disability presence and its relation to shoulder related symptoms and disability status in shoulder disorders. Methods Sixteen patients with shoulder pain (Mean±Standard Deviation; X±SD; pain during activity 3±2.9 cm, age 43.1±14.6 years) without any other injury, diagnosis related to spine or systematic disorders were included to the study. Also, the subjects were excluded if existence of neck pain was prior to shoulder pathology. Shoulder pain was assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS) at rest, during activity and at night. Shoulder flexion, abduction, internal and external range of motion was assessed with standard goniometer [2]. Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) was used with the aim of scoring disability status related to shoulder [3]. Neck pain severity was also evaluated by using VAS scale and disability related to cervical spine was scored with Neck Disability Index (NDI) [4]. Statistical correlations were determined by using the Spearman test and p&lt;.05 was set to indicate a significant correlation. Results Average severity of neck pain was .75±1.3 at rest, 1.9±2.1 during activity, .5±1.4 at night and NDI disability score was 18.04±21.79 in patients with shoulder disorders. Significant correlations were found between neck disability and shoulder abduction range of motion (X±SD; 140.6±33.8; r=-.50 p=.04), SPADI-pain score (r=.912, p&lt;.001), SPADI-disability score (r=.658, p=.006) and total SPADI score (r=.781, p&lt;.001). Conclusions This study showed that neck pain without any injury would appear in patients with shoulder pain. Shoulder elevation angle and disability would be associated with neck pain. In clinical setting neck pain and problems should be assessed in patients with shoulder disorders. Further research with bigger sample size and with more focus on the underlying mechanism of neck pain in such population are needed. Disclosure of Interest None Declared

Research paper thumbnail of The relation of the knee muscle strength with performance tests in orienteering athletes

Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Yelkencilerde Uyluk Deri Sicakliği, Kuvvet, Aerobik Ve Anaerobik Egzersiz Kapasiteleri̇ Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Araştirmasi

Bu calismanin amaci yelkencilerde uyluk deri sicakligi, diz kas gucu, aerobik ve anaerobik egzers... more Bu calismanin amaci yelkencilerde uyluk deri sicakligi, diz kas gucu, aerobik ve anaerobik egzersiz kapasiteleri arasindaki iliskiyi arastirmaktir. Sezon oncesi degerlendirme doneminde 20 yelkenli atlet degerlendirildi. Her iki bacak icin uyluk on ve arka kisimlarindaki cilt sicakligini degerlendirmek amaciyla termal kamera ile goruntuleme yapildi. Diz kasi kuvveti, izokinetik diz kas kuvvetini degerlendirmek icin guvenilir bir cihaz olan izokinetik dinamometre kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Sporcunun aerobik egzersiz kapasitesinin gelisimini izlemek icin kosu bandi VO2max Testi yapildi. Anaerobik egzersiz kapasitesinin iki ana bileseni olan maksimum anaerobik guc ve goreceli anaerobik kapasiteyi degerlendirmek icin Wingate bisiklet ergometresi testi yapildi. Anaerobik guc-kapasite ile aerobik kapasite arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulunamadi (r 0.50). Ayrica deri sicakligi aerobik egzersiz kapasitesiyle (r> 0.50) iliskilidir, ancak anaerobik egzersiz kapasitesi ile iliskili degildi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Predictors of Low Back Pain in Helicopter Pilots

Gazi Medical Journal, 2015

Objective: Helicopter pilots frequently complain about low back pain (LBP). The aim of this study... more Objective: Helicopter pilots frequently complain about low back pain (LBP). The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of age, body mass index, total flying hours, smoking habit, regular sports participation and core endurance on LBP, and to determine the predictors of LBP in helicopter pilots. Methods: Twenty-one military helicopter pilots (29.09±6.52 years) were assessed. Demographic information and total flying hours were recorded. Low back disability was evaluated with the Oswestry low back disability questionnaire. The prone bridge test, side bridge test, supine isometric chest raise test and Sorenson test were conducted to assess the core endurance. The parameters affecting the Oswestry disability score were analyzed with the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. A multiple linear regression model was used to identify the independent predictors of the Oswestry score. Dependent variable was the Oswestry score, and the independent variable were age, body mass index, total ...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Thigh Skin Temperature, Strength, Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise Capacities in Sailing

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between thigh skin temperature, kne... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between thigh skin temperature, knee muscle strength, aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacities in sailing. 20 sailing athletes were assessed during pre-seasonal assessment period. Thermal camera imaging was performed to assess the skin temperature at anterior and posterior parts of thigh for both legs. Knee muscle strength was evaluated by using isokinetic dynamometer, which was found to be a reliable device to evaluate isokinetic knee muscle strength. Treadmill VO2max Test was performed to monitor the development of athlete's aerobic exercise capacity. The Wingate cycle ergometer test was performed to assess the two major components of anaerobic exercise capacity, namely, maximum anaerobic power and relative anaerobic capacity. No significant relationship was found between anaerobic powercapacity and aerobic capacity (r<0.50). Knee muscle strength is in relationship with skin temperature, aerobic and maximum anae...

Research paper thumbnail of Postural Control of The Elite Deaf Football Players

Childhood hearing impairment is a common chronic condition that may have a major impact on postur... more Childhood hearing impairment is a common chronic condition that may have a major impact on postural control. The aim of this study was to determine the postural control of the elite deaf football players and compare normal-hearing football players and sedentary deaf controls. Eighteen deaf football players, ten deaf sedentary controls, ten normal-hearing sedentary controls were included in study. Postural stability was assessed both on bilateral stance and on single-limb stance with Biodex-Balance System on static surface, in eyes-open condition. Limits of stability testing was performed on bilateral stance. Statistically significant results were found in medial-lateral index (MLI) score of dominant and non-dominant legs among three groups respectively (p=0.027, p=0.045). In limits of stability testing significant differences were found for overall direction (p=0.008) and right direction (p=0.017) among three groups. There was a significant difference in MLI score of non-dominant le...

Research paper thumbnail of Eli̇t Voleybolcularda Servi̇s Çeşi̇di̇, Pozi̇syon Ve Ci̇nsi̇yeti̇n Servi̇s Hizina Etki̇si̇

Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019

Voleybolda sicrayarak kullanilan servisler en sik kullanilan servislerdir. Servis cesitleri arasi... more Voleybolda sicrayarak kullanilan servisler en sik kullanilan servislerdir. Servis cesitleri arasinda en hizlisi smac servistir. Bu calismaya 120 kadin ve 134 erkek voleybol oyuncusu dahil edildi. Toplamda kadin oyuncular 2872 servis (smac servis (SS)=163, sicrayarak yuzen servis (SY)=2163, durarak servis (DS) =546) kullanirken, erkek oyuncular 3296 servis (smac servis (SS)=1546, sicrayarak yuzen servis (SYS)=1745, durarak servis (DS) =5) kullandi. Servis hizlari radar tabanca ile olculdu. Erkek ve kadin oyuncularin kullandigi servis cesitlerinin dagilimindaki fark χ2 testi ile degerlendirildi. Servis hizina cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin etkisinin belirlenmesinde varyans analizi kullanildi. Erkek ve kadin oyuncularin kullandigi servis cesitleri birbirinden farkliydi (p&amp;lt;0,05). Servis hizi ile cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin etkilesimi anlamliydi [F(6,6166)=70,622, p&amp;lt;0,0001]. Cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis cesidinin servis hizi uzerindeki ana etkileri de anlamli bulundu [ sirasiyla, F(1,6166)=22,848, p&amp;lt;0,0001; F(3,6166)=4,369, p=0,004; ve F(2,6166)=150,916, p&amp;lt;0,0001]. Erkekler kadinlara gore daha etkili servisleri tercih etmislerdir (p&amp;lt;0,0001). Erkeklerde SS hizi SY hizindan daha yuksek bulunmustur (p&amp;lt;0,0001). daha onceki calismalarda kadinlar tarafindan en sik kullanildigi bulunan DS yerine SY servisi tercih etmislerdir. Sonuc olarak kadin voleybolu daha guclu bir oyun stiline donusmektedir. Kadin pasor caprazlari SS ve SY servislerinin gelistirilmesi icin egitilmelidir cunku servis hizlari diger kadin sporculardan genel olarak daha dusuktur.

Research paper thumbnail of Angle-specific knee muscle torques of ACL-reconstructed subjects and determinants of functional tests after reconstruction

Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018

The purposes of this study were to analyse (a) if "angle-specific" (AS) flexor and extensor torqu... more The purposes of this study were to analyse (a) if "angle-specific" (AS) flexor and extensor torques were different between ACL-reconstructed and uninvolved limbs, (b) the difference in peak torque occurrence angles for concentric and eccentric knee flexor and extensor torques between involved and uninvolved limbs and (c) if AS concentric and eccentric knee flexor and extensor torques are determinants of performance in the "single-leg hop test" (SLHT) and "vertical jump and reach test" (VJRT) in ACL-reconstructed legs. Twenty-seven male ACL-reconstructed volunteers were included in the study. Isokinetic knee muscle strength, SLHT and VJRT were performed 6 months after ACL reconstruction. No difference was found in extremity and knee joint angle interaction for concentric and eccentric flexor and extensor torques (p > 0.05). Peak torque occurrence angles were not different between involved and uninvolved limbs (p > 0.05). In involved extremities, concentric knee extensor strength at 90°was a determinant of SLHT performance (R 2 = 0.403, p < 0.05), and concentric knee extensor strength at 60°w as a determinant of VJRT (R 2 = 0.224, p < 0.05). Assessment of AS concentric knee extensor strength at 60°and 90°might be important, because these were determinants of functional test performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Muscle skin temperature responses for hamstring and quadriceps to aerobic and anaerobic test conditions in Turkish Olympic Sailing Athletes

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018

Olympic class sailing is a competitive sport and requires several abilities. An understanding of ... more Olympic class sailing is a competitive sport and requires several abilities. An understanding of the responses to aerobic and anaerobic loading will be useful for assessing the training programs, protective strategies and possibility of injuries. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine lower extremity main muscles skin temperature responses to aerobic and anaerobic test conditions in Turkish Olympic Sailing Athletes. Eighteen sailing athletes were assessed during preseasonal assessment period. Temperatures of quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups were evaluated bilaterally during rest and after Wingate Treadmill tests. Wingate test was accepted as an indicator of anaerobic performance and Treadmill test as an aerobic performance. Infrared thermography was performed to assess the skin temperature at anterior and posterior parts of thigh for both legs. In the triplicate comparison, the temperature changes between the rest, aerobic test and anaerobic test conditions were significant (p \ 0.05). In the analysis to determine the difference between the compared groups; for both muscle groups, temperature change after anaerobic performance was not significant; in contrast to this result the change in muscle temperature after aerobic performance was significant (p \ 0.05). Energetic-metabolic activity of major muscle groups of lower extremities during aerobic and anaerobic performance are important for injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and return to play. Present study shows that aerobic performance or activities requires higher energeticmetabolic activity.

Research paper thumbnail of “Ballistic Six” Upper-Extremity Plyometric Training for the Pediatric Volleyball Players

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2017

The Ballistic Six exercise program includes commonly used upper body exercises and the program is... more The Ballistic Six exercise program includes commonly used upper body exercises and the program is recommended for overhead-throwing athletes. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week The Ballistic Six upper extremity plyometric training program on upper body explosive power, endurance, and reaction time in paediatric overhead athletes. Twenty-eight female paediatric volleyball players participated in the study. The participants were randomly divided into two study groups: an intervention group (upper extremity plyometric training in addition to the volleyball training; n = 14) and a control group (the volleyball training only; n = 14). All of the participants were assessed before and after a 12-week training program for upper body power, strength & endurance, and reaction time. Statistical comparison was performed using an analysis of variance test. Comparisons showed that after a 12-week training program, the Ballistic Six upper body plyometric training program resulted in more improvements in an overhead medicine-ball throwing distance and a push-up performance, as well as greater improvements in the reaction time in the non-throwing arm when compared to control training. In addition, a 12-week training program was found to be effective in 17 achieving improvements in the reaction time in the throwing arm for both groups 18 similarly. Compared to regular training, upper body plyometric training resulted in additional improvements in upper body power and strength & endurance among paediatric volleyball players. The findings of the study provide a basis for developing training protocols for paediatric volleyball players.

Research paper thumbnail of S-22: Upper Extremity Plyometric Training for the Pediatric Overhead Athletes; Randomized Controled Trial

Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Low back pain prevalence in healthcare professionals and identification of factors affecting low back pain

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017

BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal system diseases are commonly observed among nurses, phys... more BACKGROUND: Work-related musculoskeletal system diseases are commonly observed among nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, and dieticians. OBJECTIVE: To assess working postures of nurses, physiotherapists, dentists and dieticians, to identify whether low back pain (LBP) is present, and to put forth the correlation between LBP, working posture, and other factors. METHODS: Twenty seven physiotherapists, 34 nurses, 30 dentists, and 16 dieticians were included. Impairment ratings of cases with LBP were analysed with Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (Quebec). Working postures were analysed with Owako Working Posture Analysis System. RESULTS: LBP was observed in 70.09% of healthcare professionals. Of the individuals suffering from LBP, 57.2% were working with a risky posture. 40.63% of individuals without LBP were using risky working postures. Trunk and head posture distribution of individuals with and without LBP was found as different from each other (p < 0.05). LBP prevalence of dentists and nurses were higher compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Quebec scores of professionals with LBP were not different among occupations (p > 0.05). Quebec scores were observed as correlated with various factors in various occupation groups. CONCLUSIONS: Considering that head-neck and trunk postures are changeable factors that are among the factors affecting LBP, correcting the working posture gains importance.

Research paper thumbnail of Donuk Omuzda Ön Ve Arka Kapsül Germe Egzersi̇zleri̇ni̇n Erken Dönem Etki̇leri̇

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2015

Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem ha... more Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem hareket açıklığı üzerine erken dönem etkisini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Donuk omuz tanısı almış 36 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Bireyler gelişigüzel bir biçimde iki gruba ayrıldı; Grup 1'de (n=19) soğuk uygulama ve arka kapsül germe egzersizi, Grup 2'de (n=17) ise soğuk uygulama, arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizi uygulandı. Ağrı derecesi, eklem hareket açıklığı ve arka kapsül kısalığı 1 haftalık izlemle değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Birinci haftanın sonunda Grup 1'de aktivite ağrı derecesinde ve arka kapsül gerginliğinde azalma görülürken, omuz fleksiyon hareket açıklığı ve aktif iç rotasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Grup 2'de ise dinlenme ve gece ağrısı derecesi azalırken, fleksiyon, abduksiyon ve aktif toplam elevasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Araştırılan tüm değişkenlerde oluşan değişim ölçüsü açısından gruplar arasında fark bulunmadı (p>.05). Tartışma: Donuk omuzda uygulanan kısa süreli germe egzersizleri ağrı derecesinde azalma ve eklem hareket açıklığında artışla sonuçlandı. Arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizleri birlikte özellikle işlevsel bir sonuç göstergesi olan aktif toplam elevasyonda artış sağladığı için tedavinin erken döneminden başlayarak donuk omuz tedavisinde kullanılmasını önermekteyiz.

Research paper thumbnail of The presence and influence of posterior capsule tightness on different shoulder problems

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2017

In the literature it has been shown that posterior capsule flexibility is a precursor to shoulder... more In the literature it has been shown that posterior capsule flexibility is a precursor to shoulder problems. However, no study thus far has shown the influence of the flexibility of posterior capsule in different shoulder pathologies. This study set about to compare the role of posterior capsule tightness in different shoulder problems. One-hundred-twenty-five patients diagnosed with shoulder subacromial impingement syndrome (n= 52), partial rotator cuff tear (n= 31) or frozen shoulder (n= 42) and 30 asymptomatic peers participated in the study. Horizontal adduction was assessed in side-lying position for posterior capsule tightness. Pain was measured via the visual analogue scale and shoulder range of motion and active total elevation was assessed with goniometer. Hand behind the back test was assessed the active internal rotation by measuring the distance between T5 and the thumb. It was found that the affected side of the posterior capsules of the patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001), partial rotator cuff tear (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001) and frozen shoulder (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001) was stiffer than their healthy side. There were significant differences among groups in the level of tightness in the posterior capsule between the affected and the healthy sides (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). All range of motion of the shoulder including HBB test and the posterior capsule tightness of the affected side are found to be correlated (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05). This study emphasized that the posterior capsule&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s susceptibility to tightness is most evident in frozen shoulder among different shoulder problems.

Research paper thumbnail of Acute effect of kinesiotape muscle technique on hamstring flexibility and pain during stretching

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015

Purpose: Static stretching exercises were generally used to improve hamstring flexibility. Howeve... more Purpose: Static stretching exercises were generally used to improve hamstring flexibility. However it is known that stretching exercises generally create pain that makes stretching uncomfortable. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of kinesiotaping on hamstring muscle flexibility and pain during stretching. Methods: Fifteen voluntary participants (age=23.53±1.55 years) who have bilateral hamstring tightness were included in the study. Each subject's lower extremities were randomized with random number generator software and one included in the study group, the other included in control the group. Kinesiotape® was applied to the study group with muscle technique. After kinesiotape application to the study group, both groups did five repetitions of hamstring stretching exercises. Before and after intervention hamstring tightness and pain during hamstring stretching exercise were evaluated. Results: Analysis of the pre and post intervention assessments showed a significant improvement in the study group in active knee extension test and pain during hamstring stretching exercise (p<.01). Study group gained 10.6 (mean) degrees of flexibility (Cohen's d=0.90). Control group's results were not significant (p>.01). Discussion: Application of kinesiotape® muscle technique both increases muscle flexibility and decreases pain during stretching in acute condition. It could be used in subjects with hamstring tightness by physiotherapists to gain immediate effect.

Research paper thumbnail of Short-term effects of anterior and posterior capsular stretching in frozen shoulder

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015

Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem ha... more Bu çalışmanın amacı donuk omuz tanılı hastalarda germe egzersizlerinin ağrı, esneklik ve eklem hareket açıklığı üzerine erken dönem etkisini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Donuk omuz tanısı almış 36 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Bireyler gelişigüzel bir biçimde iki gruba ayrıldı; Grup 1'de (n=19) soğuk uygulama ve arka kapsül germe egzersizi, Grup 2'de (n=17) ise soğuk uygulama, arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizi uygulandı. Ağrı derecesi, eklem hareket açıklığı ve arka kapsül kısalığı 1 haftalık izlemle değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar: Birinci haftanın sonunda Grup 1'de aktivite ağrı derecesinde ve arka kapsül gerginliğinde azalma görülürken, omuz fleksiyon hareket açıklığı ve aktif iç rotasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Grup 2'de ise dinlenme ve gece ağrısı derecesi azalırken, fleksiyon, abduksiyon ve aktif toplam elevasyonda artış bulundu (p<.05). Araştırılan tüm değişkenlerde oluşan değişim ölçüsü açısından gruplar arasında fark bulunmadı (p>.05). Tartışma: Donuk omuzda uygulanan kısa süreli germe egzersizleri ağrı derecesinde azalma ve eklem hareket açıklığında artışla sonuçlandı. Arka ve ön kapsül germe egzersizleri birlikte özellikle işlevsel bir sonuç göstergesi olan aktif toplam elevasyonda artış sağladığı için tedavinin erken döneminden başlayarak donuk omuz tedavisinde kullanılmasını önermekteyiz.