emine çatalkaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by emine çatalkaya

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Eye Protrusion in Cats with Acute Trauma

Deleted Journal, May 13, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Racehorses with Sesamoiditis: Case Series

Indian Journal of Animal Research, Apr 25, 2024

Background: Sesamoiditis causes intermittent lameness in horses and is characterized by the enlar... more Background: Sesamoiditis causes intermittent lameness in horses and is characterized by the enlargement of vascular channels, local osteolysis, osteophyte and enthesophyte formation on radiography. This study aimed to report the relationship between the clinical and radiological findings of racehorses diagnosed with sesamoiditis, the treatment applied and long-term results. Methods: The study included a total of 30 Arabian and Thoroughbred racehorses aged 2-7 years diagnosed with sesamoditis based on clinical and radiological examinations. These horses were treated and followed for nine months. Result: Radiographic examination revealed different numbers of enlarged vascular channels in the proximal sesamoid bones in all the cases and osteophytosis (n=3), enthesophytosis (n=9), osteolysis (n=3) and fractures (n=6) in some cases. In addition, low heels were important in 27 cases. The body conformation and low-heeled hoof structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. As a result, body structure and low heel structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. This situation should be tried to be corrected by farriers during the foaling period. Sesamoiditis can have a positive prognosis with appropriate treatment and adequate rest, for this reason, treatment should be started in the early period.

Research paper thumbnail of A Retrospective Study on Pelvic Fractures in Cats and Dogs (2020-2022)

Kocatepe veteriner dergisi, Feb 6, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Distal Extremity Lesions in Racehorses

Revista científica, Jan 22, 2024

Distal extremity lesions are prevalent in racehorses and cause mildto-severe lameness, adversely ... more Distal extremity lesions are prevalent in racehorses and cause mildto-severe lameness, adversely affecting the racing life of horses. This study aimed to determine the incidence of distal extremity lesions in racehorses, to clinically and radiologically assess those lesions. The study included 158 limbs from 140 horses with distal extremity lesions among 282 horses of different breeds, age and sex that were presented to Equine Hospital of the Directorate of Diyarbakir, Turkey, Hippodrome with various clinical complaints during a racing season. Following anamnesis, the horses were clinically examined and lameness was localised. In cases where the lameness could not be localised upon physical examination, regional anaesthesia was performed, followed by radiological assessments based on radiographs acquired from different positions. Clinical and radiological examination revealed that 84.17% of the cases occurred in the forelimb and 15.82% in the rear limb, and the lesions in the forelimb were mostly located in the carpal joint (26.58%), metacarpus (25.31%) and metacarpophalangeal joint (23.41%), whereas those in the rear limb were located in the tarsal joint (7.5%). Therefore, the lesions in the forelimbs were more prevalent than those in the rear limbs of the affected racehorses. Radiography remains a satisfactory imaging technique for the diagnostic imaging of distal limb injuries in horses owing to its cost-effectiveness.

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Evaluation of Survival Rate in Cats Exposed to Trauma

Indian Journal of Animal Research, Jan 24, 2024

Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a complex condition that may be ass... more Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a complex condition that may be associated with sepsis or may progress with trauma, burns, and major surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and survival rate in traumatized cats. Methods: The study material consisted of 34(22.66%) cats diagnosed with SIRS among 150 cats who were traumatized by falling from a height. Cats were monitored and vital signs such as pulse, respiration, arterial blood pressure, oxygen saturation and body temperature were recorded. In addition, laboratory whole blood and biochemical tests were performed. In the treatment of cats with SIRS, it was aimed to provide circulatory support and support measures to keep the animal alive. Result: 27(79.41%) cats with SIRS died due to lung failure or multi-organ failure and 7(20.58%) cats survived. The prognosis in SIRS patients with trauma depends on the patient's response to aggressive treatment and supportive care. SIRS has a high mortality rate. Common causes of death include cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ dysfunction and acute lung injury.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical evaluation of complications after surgical treatment of patella dislocations in dogs: A retrospective study

Patellar luxation is one of the important orthopedic problem in dogs. Patellar luxation, which ha... more Patellar luxation is one of the important orthopedic problem in dogs. Patellar luxation, which has been accepted as a developmental disorder in recent years, usually occurs medially in small breeds and laterally in large breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical treatment (femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transpositions and imbrication techniques together), postoperative complications, early and late results in dogs with patellar luxation. Thirty-two dogs with grade 3 and grade 4 patella luxation were used in this study. While patellar luxation was treated in all cases, tibia fracture was seen in one dog as the most important complication. During tibial tuberosity transpositions technique, attention should be paid to the cutting process and the tibia should not be weakened. In conclusion, the combined use of femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transposition and imbrication techniques can be used for patellar luxation. Complete recovery may not be possible in grade 4 patellar luxations.

Research paper thumbnail of Kedilerde Karşılaşılan Göz Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma (2020-2023)

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Nov 9, 2023

The eye is a sensory organ sensitive to external factors, infections and metabolic disorders and ... more The eye is a sensory organ sensitive to external factors, infections and metabolic disorders and eye diseases have a very important place among surgical diseases. This study aimed to report the distribution of eye diseases encountered in cats brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Hospital in the last 4 years (2020-2023) and to contribute to veterinary practice. The study material consisted of 291 cats of different ages, genders and breeds diagnosed with eye disease, brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital between January 2020 and September 2023. Following the history of the cats, a detailed eye examination was performed and the diagnosed eye problem was recorded. In the cats included in the study, conjunctivitis (21.15%), keratitis (19.59%), corneal ulcer (14.09%), keratoconjunctivitis sicca (9.62%), glaucoma (3.44%), uveitis (4.12%), iris staphyloma (4.12%), symblepharon (3.78%), panophthalmitis (3.44%), corneal necrosis (3.09%), membrane nictitans protrusion (1.72%), chemosis (1.72%), entropion (1.37%), cataract (1.03%), hypopion (0.69%), proptosis (0.34%), local retinal detachment (0.34%) and dermoid cyst (0.34%) were seen. As a result, conjunctiva and corneal diseases were commonly encountered in cats. In order to prevent visual impairment, it is important not to neglect routine eye examinations and to diagnose and treat diseases early.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Deve Kuşu Ventrikulusunda Yabancı Cisimlerin Endoskopik Tanısı ve Ventrikulostomi

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Arthroscopic Approach to the Metacarpal/Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Cattle: A Cadaver Study

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2023

Sığırların metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemi, proksimal falanksların proksimal ucu il... more Sığırların metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemi, proksimal falanksların proksimal ucu ile üçüncü ve dördüncü metakarpal/metatarsal (MC/MT III ve IV) kemiklerin distal uçlarından oluşur. Dorsal olarak, belirgin bir septum lateral ve medial eklem keselerini ayırır. Bu keseler içindeki eklem kıkırdakları, ekstansör tendonların sinovyal kılıflarının altında yer alır. MCP/MTP ekleminin distal palmar/plantar bölgesindeki lateral ve medial sinovyal kese arasındaki bağlantı vakaların %98.9'unda mevcuttur. Bu nedenle sığırlarda MCP/MTP eklemi tek bölmeli olarak ele alınmalıdır (1-3). Artroskopik cerrahi, eklem bozukluklarının tanı ve tedavisi için minimal invaziv bir teknik olarak tanımlanmaktadır (4-6). İntraartiküler yapıların doğru bir şekilde değerlendiril-mesine olanak sağlayarak, eklem patolojilerinin tanımlanmasına yardımcı olur. Genel olarak eklem bozukluklarının tanısı klinik, radyografik, ultrasonografik inceleme ve ardından sinovyal sıvının makroskopik, sitolojik ve mikrobiyolojik analizi için artrosenteze dayanır (4,5). Septik artritisin erken evrelerinde, radyografide spesifik olmayan eklem çevre dokularında şişkinlik ve eklem aralığında genişleme görülürken, subkondral kemik erimesi, osteomiyelitis ve kemik proliferasyonu gibi bulgular ancak 10-14 gün sonra belirgin hale gelebilir. Ultrasonografi, sinovyal sıvıdaki artış durumunda (artmış hacim ve ekojenite), kıkırdak ve subkondral kemik kontürü ve periartiküler dokuların değerlendirilmesine olanak sağladığı için hastalığın erken tanınmasında avantaj sağlar. Bu nedenle ultrasonografi, artroskopik incelemeden önce

Research paper thumbnail of Premedication for intrathecal anesthesia in dogs: xylazine versus propofol

The Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, Dec 1, 2020

Number of Tables: 3 Number of References: 16 This study aimed to compare the effects of xylazine ... more Number of Tables: 3 Number of References: 16 This study aimed to compare the effects of xylazine or propofol before intrathecal (IT) bupivacaine administration in dogs. The study was conducted in two groups of 10 dogs each. In group I (XG), intrathecal injection of 20 mg bupivacaine was administered into the subarachnoid space in the lumbosacral area after treatment with 1 mg/kg intravenous (iv) xylazine. In group II (PG), 4 mg/kg iv propofol was administered before IT bupivacaine administration. The onset, duration, and magnitude of sensory block (scale 0-3) were determined using the pin-prick test throughout the anesthesia. Duration of surgery (XG: 47.20 ± 5.01 min, PG: 50.85 ± 6.97 min) and duration of anesthesia (XG: 92.20 ± 7.02 min, PG: 94.50 ± 7.26 min) were not significantly different between the groups. This study concludes that propofol administration before IT anesthesia with bupivacaine maintains safe levels of IT anesthesia and can therefore be used as an alternative to xylazine treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇yarbakir’Da Kli̇ni̇k Olarak Sağlikli Yariş Atlarinda Oküler Bakteri̇yel Ve Fungal Flora

Van veterinary journal, Apr 25, 2023

Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanı... more Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacını Diyarbakır Hipodromunda yarış koşan ve hipodroma yakın çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan sağlıklı yarış atlarında bakteriyel ve fungal oküler florayı belirlemek ve belirlenen bakteri ve mantar türlerini tanımlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma grubunu değişik yaş ve cinsiyette Diyarbakır Hipodromunda bulunan yarış koşan 28 ve hipodrom yakınlarındaki çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan 28 safkan Arap ve İngiliz atına ait 112 sağlıklı göz oluşturdu. Sağlıklı gözlerin medial kantusundan steril swaplarla sürüntü alınarak soğuk zincirde Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına ulaştırılarak konjunktival florada bulunan bakteri ve fungal etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Hipodrom grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üreme oranının %94.64, fungal üremenin ise %28.57 olduğu, çiftlik grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üremenin %100, fungal üremenin ise %14.29 olduğu tespit edildi. Değerlendirilen konjunktival svap örneklerinin izole ve identifiye edilen bakterilerin hipodrom grubunda %87.79’unun Gram pozitif, %12.21’inin Gram negatif, çiftlik grubunda ise %82.56’sının Gram pozitif, %17.43’ünün de Gram negatif olduğu belirlendi. Her iki grupta da mikrofloranın büyük çoğunluğunu Staphylococcus spp. tarafından oluştuğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, atlarda belirli aralıklarla konjunktival floranın belirlenmesinin olası bir kornea veya göz hasarında izlenecek tedavinin belirlenmesine yardımcı olacağı; ayrıca erken müdahale ile kornea hasarına bağlı görme kayıplarının önüne geçilebileceği düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of “Kuyruk Çekme Yaralanmaları” Üzerine Değerlendirme: 8 Kedilik Vaka Serisi

Harran üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, May 17, 2023

Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition oft... more Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition often causes damage to the nerves that supply the tail, bladder, perineum, and anus. An accurate and good neurological examination is necessary to grade the severity of the injury. The aim of this study in a case series of 8 cats with "Tail Pulling Injuries" was to discuss the clinical results and to provide practical information. Medical records of cats with tail-pulling injuries, loss of voluntary movement of the tail, and loss of pain perception were reviewed retrospectively. Among the cats with tail pull injuries, those with open tail fractures, tail wounds requiring amputation, and spinal trauma were excluded from the study. According to neurological examination findings and tail condition, medical treatment and tail amputation were performed if necessary. Seven of the eight cats in the study had fully recovered by the end of the second week. As a result, in the case of tail pull injuries in cats, if there is no fracture or luxation-related gap, amputation should not be considered immediately. It can be supported by an effective medical treatment. In addition, amputation will be inevitable if there is a gap due to a fracture or luxation in the tail.

Research paper thumbnail of Aggressive behavior in cats exposed to trauma

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, Apr 29, 2022

Aggressive behavior is an important behavioral problem in cats. This issue can occur as a reactio... more Aggressive behavior is an important behavioral problem in cats. This issue can occur as a reaction when there is disease or pain in a normal cat. The aetiology of the agressive behavior is beyond disease and pain.The aim of this study is to evaluate the behavior changes of cats exposed to trauma using behavior scoring system and demeanour scoring system. This study is consisted of 135 cats of different breeds, ages and genders with high rise syndrome and traffic accidents. These cats were given a detailed clinical and radiological examination. Demeanour scoring system, behavior tests, and visual analog scale were used to identify behavior changes and pain in cats. The findings from this study showed that cats exposed to trauma may experience behavioral changes or agression, and this may result from pain or stress from trauma.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and etiologically evaluation of cats with high-rise syndrome: assessment of 72 cases (A retrospective study)

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi, Apr 30, 2022

Surgical problems observed in cats after falling from balconies or windows of buildings are signi... more Surgical problems observed in cats after falling from balconies or windows of buildings are significant, and this phenomenon of falling from a height is known as high-rise syndrome (HRS). The purpose of this study was to clinically evaluate frequently encountered cases of cats falling from a height. Overall, 72 cats of different breeds, ages and sexes brought to Dicle University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery, with complaints of falls from a height in 2019 were included. Falls from a height are more common during summer. Orthopaedic problems are common (58.33%), and femoral fractures (23.61%) constitute an important part of them. The affected cats were aged mostly under the 1 year. Furthermore, the survival rate of these cats was found to be 95.8%. In conclusion, the main purpose for the treatment of cats with HRS should be to stabilise their general condition and subsequently correct orthopaedic and/or soft tissue damage.

Research paper thumbnail of Endoscopic Examination of the Obstructive Upper Respiratory Diseases

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 20, 2022

Obstructive upper respiratory tract diseases are an important cause of poor performance in raceho... more Obstructive upper respiratory tract diseases are an important cause of poor performance in racehorses. Diagnosis of these diseases can be made easily by endoscopic examination. The aim of this study is to emphasize the frequently encountered obstructive respiratory tract diseases in the endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract in thoroughbred Arabian and British racehorses and the importance of endoscopic examination in the diagnosis of these diseases. The study material consisted of 72 horses (37 Arabian, 35 British horses) between the ages of 2-7 who had no respiratory complaints at rest, but had low racing and training performance. No pathology was detected in 32 (44.44%) of 72 horses who underwent clinical and endoscopic examination. it was detected that 19 (47.5%) palatal instability, 10 (25%) dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP), 8 (20%) pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia, 2 (5%) laryngeal hemiplegia, 1 (2.5%) subepiglottic cyst of the remaining horses. As a result, it should be considered that there may be obstructive respiratory tract problems in horses that have a very good general health status at rest and show low racing and training performance. In addition, clinical examination in these horses should be supported by an upper respiratory tract endoscopic examination.

Research paper thumbnail of Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2019

Görme işlevini yüklenmiş olan göz, dış etkenlere karşı vücudun en duyarlı organı olup, oftalmosko... more Görme işlevini yüklenmiş olan göz, dış etkenlere karşı vücudun en duyarlı organı olup, oftalmoskopi ile sinir ve damarları direkt olarak görülebilmektedir (1). Yapısında bulunan hücre ve dokuların olağanüstü yerleşimi ile çevreden gelen ışınları bir kamera gibi görüntüye çevirerek bunların beyin tarafından algılanmasını sağlar (2). Retina, görmeyi sağlayan, ışığa ve renge duyarlı olan bu hücrelerin bulunduğu göz tabakasıdır (3,4,5,6). Beyin ile doğrudan bağlantılı olan retinada şekillenen bozukluk ve patojeniteler görme duyusunu tehdit eder (7). Görme bozukluklarının değerlendirilebilmesi için retinanın fonksiyonlarının ve retinayı etkileyen hastalıkların bilinmesi gerekir (8). Retinada çeşitli nedenlerle albinizm, koloboma, retinal displazi, retinal dejenerasyon, retinal kanama gibi kongenital, herediter ve edinsel bozukluklar şekillenir (9,10). Şekillenen bozukluğun derecesine göre görme olayı Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi http://www.dicle.edu.tr/veteriner-fakultesi-dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Retrospective Evaluation of Spinal Trauma Treatments in 58 Cats and 12 Dogs

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 25, 2023

Traumatic vertebral fractures and/or dislocations in cats and dogs can cause severe spinal cord i... more Traumatic vertebral fractures and/or dislocations in cats and dogs can cause severe spinal cord injury, resulting in severe conditions such as pain, urinary incontinence, paresis or paraplegia. This study involved 58 cats and 12 dogs with external spinal trauma, and it was aimed to present the etiology, treatment and results, retrospectively. After the location of the neurological damage was determined, the patients were treated either conservatively or surgically. One of the surgical methods such as polyaxial screw, locking plate application and external fixation application was decided. In the treated animals, complete recovery was seen in 10 cats and functional recovery in 14 cats and 1 dog, but 12 cats and 2 dogs were in poor condition. Loss of deep pain sensation after spinal trauma is important for prognosis. Although there are many different treatment options, the decision should be made according to the patient's condition and the surgeon's preference. In addition, patients with spinal trauma also require serious trauma management and it is very important that the animal's vital values are stable.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular Bacterial and Fungal Flora in Clinically Healthy Horses in Diyarbakır

Van Veterinary Journal

Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanı... more Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacını Diyarbakır Hipodromunda yarış koşan ve hipodroma yakın çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan sağlıklı yarış atlarında bakteriyel ve fungal oküler florayı belirlemek ve belirlenen bakteri ve mantar türlerini tanımlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma grubunu değişik yaş ve cinsiyette Diyarbakır Hipodromunda bulunan yarış koşan 28 ve hipodrom yakınlarındaki çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan 28 safkan Arap ve İngiliz atına ait 112 sağlıklı göz oluşturdu. Sağlıklı gözlerin medial kantusundan steril swaplarla sürüntü alınarak soğuk zincirde Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına ulaştırılarak konjunktival florada bulunan bakteri ve fungal etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Hipodrom grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üreme oranının %94.64, fungal üremenin ise %28.57 olduğu, çiftlik grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üremenin %100, fungal üremenin ise %14.29 olduğu tespit...

Research paper thumbnail of Arthroscopic Approach to the Metacarpal/Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Cattle: A Cadaver Study

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi

Artroskopi eklem hasarlarının tanı ve tedavisinde önemli yer tutar. Bu çalışmada sığırlarda metak... more Artroskopi eklem hasarlarının tanı ve tedavisinde önemli yer tutar. Bu çalışmada sığırlarda metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemleri için artroskopik yaklaşımı ve anatomisini tanımlayarak klinik pratiğe katkı sağlaması amaçlandı. Çalışma materyalini mezbahada kesimi yapılmış 5 sığırın 10 MCP ve 10 MTP eklemi oluşturdu. Artroskopik olarak bu eklemlere dorsal ve palmar/palantar yönden yaklaşıldı ve intraartiküler yapılar artroskopik olarak görüntülenerek tanımlandı. Dorsal yaklaşımda sinovyal villuslar, metakarpus/metatarsusun distali ve I. falanksın distali, palmar/palantar yaklaşımda ise bu yapıların yanısıra proksimal sesamoid kemikler, çapraz sesamoid ligamentler görüntülendi. Sonuç olarak, diğer birçok eklemde olduğu gibi MCP/MTP eklemlerinde de artroskopik yaklaşım tekniklerinin bilinmesi önemlidir. Bu teknikler intraartiküler yapıların değerlendirilmesine ve görselleştirilmesine yardımcı olabilir. Ancak eklem hasarı olduğu durumlarda eklemin normal anatomisi ve artrosko...

Research paper thumbnail of Kuyruk Çekme Yaralanmaları” Üzerine Değerlendirme: 8 Kedilik Vaka Serisi

Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi

Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition oft... more Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition often causes damage to the nerves that supply the tail, bladder, perineum, and anus. An accurate and good neurological examination is necessary to grade the severity of the injury. The aim of this study in a case series of 8 cats with "Tail Pulling Injuries" was to discuss the clinical results and to provide practical information. Medical records of cats with tail-pulling injuries, loss of voluntary movement of the tail, and loss of pain perception were reviewed retrospectively. Among the cats with tail pull injuries, those with open tail fractures, tail wounds requiring amputation, and spinal trauma were excluded from the study. According to neurological examination findings and tail condition, medical treatment and tail amputation were performed if necessary. Seven of the eight cats in the study had fully recovered by the end of the second week. As a result, in the case of tail ...

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Eye Protrusion in Cats with Acute Trauma

Deleted Journal, May 13, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Racehorses with Sesamoiditis: Case Series

Indian Journal of Animal Research, Apr 25, 2024

Background: Sesamoiditis causes intermittent lameness in horses and is characterized by the enlar... more Background: Sesamoiditis causes intermittent lameness in horses and is characterized by the enlargement of vascular channels, local osteolysis, osteophyte and enthesophyte formation on radiography. This study aimed to report the relationship between the clinical and radiological findings of racehorses diagnosed with sesamoiditis, the treatment applied and long-term results. Methods: The study included a total of 30 Arabian and Thoroughbred racehorses aged 2-7 years diagnosed with sesamoditis based on clinical and radiological examinations. These horses were treated and followed for nine months. Result: Radiographic examination revealed different numbers of enlarged vascular channels in the proximal sesamoid bones in all the cases and osteophytosis (n=3), enthesophytosis (n=9), osteolysis (n=3) and fractures (n=6) in some cases. In addition, low heels were important in 27 cases. The body conformation and low-heeled hoof structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. As a result, body structure and low heel structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. This situation should be tried to be corrected by farriers during the foaling period. Sesamoiditis can have a positive prognosis with appropriate treatment and adequate rest, for this reason, treatment should be started in the early period.

Research paper thumbnail of A Retrospective Study on Pelvic Fractures in Cats and Dogs (2020-2022)

Kocatepe veteriner dergisi, Feb 6, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Distal Extremity Lesions in Racehorses

Revista científica, Jan 22, 2024

Distal extremity lesions are prevalent in racehorses and cause mildto-severe lameness, adversely ... more Distal extremity lesions are prevalent in racehorses and cause mildto-severe lameness, adversely affecting the racing life of horses. This study aimed to determine the incidence of distal extremity lesions in racehorses, to clinically and radiologically assess those lesions. The study included 158 limbs from 140 horses with distal extremity lesions among 282 horses of different breeds, age and sex that were presented to Equine Hospital of the Directorate of Diyarbakir, Turkey, Hippodrome with various clinical complaints during a racing season. Following anamnesis, the horses were clinically examined and lameness was localised. In cases where the lameness could not be localised upon physical examination, regional anaesthesia was performed, followed by radiological assessments based on radiographs acquired from different positions. Clinical and radiological examination revealed that 84.17% of the cases occurred in the forelimb and 15.82% in the rear limb, and the lesions in the forelimb were mostly located in the carpal joint (26.58%), metacarpus (25.31%) and metacarpophalangeal joint (23.41%), whereas those in the rear limb were located in the tarsal joint (7.5%). Therefore, the lesions in the forelimbs were more prevalent than those in the rear limbs of the affected racehorses. Radiography remains a satisfactory imaging technique for the diagnostic imaging of distal limb injuries in horses owing to its cost-effectiveness.

Research paper thumbnail of Management of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Evaluation of Survival Rate in Cats Exposed to Trauma

Indian Journal of Animal Research, Jan 24, 2024

Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a complex condition that may be ass... more Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a complex condition that may be associated with sepsis or may progress with trauma, burns, and major surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and survival rate in traumatized cats. Methods: The study material consisted of 34(22.66%) cats diagnosed with SIRS among 150 cats who were traumatized by falling from a height. Cats were monitored and vital signs such as pulse, respiration, arterial blood pressure, oxygen saturation and body temperature were recorded. In addition, laboratory whole blood and biochemical tests were performed. In the treatment of cats with SIRS, it was aimed to provide circulatory support and support measures to keep the animal alive. Result: 27(79.41%) cats with SIRS died due to lung failure or multi-organ failure and 7(20.58%) cats survived. The prognosis in SIRS patients with trauma depends on the patient's response to aggressive treatment and supportive care. SIRS has a high mortality rate. Common causes of death include cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ dysfunction and acute lung injury.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical evaluation of complications after surgical treatment of patella dislocations in dogs: A retrospective study

Patellar luxation is one of the important orthopedic problem in dogs. Patellar luxation, which ha... more Patellar luxation is one of the important orthopedic problem in dogs. Patellar luxation, which has been accepted as a developmental disorder in recent years, usually occurs medially in small breeds and laterally in large breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical treatment (femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transpositions and imbrication techniques together), postoperative complications, early and late results in dogs with patellar luxation. Thirty-two dogs with grade 3 and grade 4 patella luxation were used in this study. While patellar luxation was treated in all cases, tibia fracture was seen in one dog as the most important complication. During tibial tuberosity transpositions technique, attention should be paid to the cutting process and the tibia should not be weakened. In conclusion, the combined use of femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transposition and imbrication techniques can be used for patellar luxation. Complete recovery may not be possible in grade 4 patellar luxations.

Research paper thumbnail of Kedilerde Karşılaşılan Göz Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma (2020-2023)

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Nov 9, 2023

The eye is a sensory organ sensitive to external factors, infections and metabolic disorders and ... more The eye is a sensory organ sensitive to external factors, infections and metabolic disorders and eye diseases have a very important place among surgical diseases. This study aimed to report the distribution of eye diseases encountered in cats brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Hospital in the last 4 years (2020-2023) and to contribute to veterinary practice. The study material consisted of 291 cats of different ages, genders and breeds diagnosed with eye disease, brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital between January 2020 and September 2023. Following the history of the cats, a detailed eye examination was performed and the diagnosed eye problem was recorded. In the cats included in the study, conjunctivitis (21.15%), keratitis (19.59%), corneal ulcer (14.09%), keratoconjunctivitis sicca (9.62%), glaucoma (3.44%), uveitis (4.12%), iris staphyloma (4.12%), symblepharon (3.78%), panophthalmitis (3.44%), corneal necrosis (3.09%), membrane nictitans protrusion (1.72%), chemosis (1.72%), entropion (1.37%), cataract (1.03%), hypopion (0.69%), proptosis (0.34%), local retinal detachment (0.34%) and dermoid cyst (0.34%) were seen. As a result, conjunctiva and corneal diseases were commonly encountered in cats. In order to prevent visual impairment, it is important not to neglect routine eye examinations and to diagnose and treat diseases early.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Deve Kuşu Ventrikulusunda Yabancı Cisimlerin Endoskopik Tanısı ve Ventrikulostomi

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Arthroscopic Approach to the Metacarpal/Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Cattle: A Cadaver Study

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2023

Sığırların metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemi, proksimal falanksların proksimal ucu il... more Sığırların metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemi, proksimal falanksların proksimal ucu ile üçüncü ve dördüncü metakarpal/metatarsal (MC/MT III ve IV) kemiklerin distal uçlarından oluşur. Dorsal olarak, belirgin bir septum lateral ve medial eklem keselerini ayırır. Bu keseler içindeki eklem kıkırdakları, ekstansör tendonların sinovyal kılıflarının altında yer alır. MCP/MTP ekleminin distal palmar/plantar bölgesindeki lateral ve medial sinovyal kese arasındaki bağlantı vakaların %98.9'unda mevcuttur. Bu nedenle sığırlarda MCP/MTP eklemi tek bölmeli olarak ele alınmalıdır (1-3). Artroskopik cerrahi, eklem bozukluklarının tanı ve tedavisi için minimal invaziv bir teknik olarak tanımlanmaktadır (4-6). İntraartiküler yapıların doğru bir şekilde değerlendiril-mesine olanak sağlayarak, eklem patolojilerinin tanımlanmasına yardımcı olur. Genel olarak eklem bozukluklarının tanısı klinik, radyografik, ultrasonografik inceleme ve ardından sinovyal sıvının makroskopik, sitolojik ve mikrobiyolojik analizi için artrosenteze dayanır (4,5). Septik artritisin erken evrelerinde, radyografide spesifik olmayan eklem çevre dokularında şişkinlik ve eklem aralığında genişleme görülürken, subkondral kemik erimesi, osteomiyelitis ve kemik proliferasyonu gibi bulgular ancak 10-14 gün sonra belirgin hale gelebilir. Ultrasonografi, sinovyal sıvıdaki artış durumunda (artmış hacim ve ekojenite), kıkırdak ve subkondral kemik kontürü ve periartiküler dokuların değerlendirilmesine olanak sağladığı için hastalığın erken tanınmasında avantaj sağlar. Bu nedenle ultrasonografi, artroskopik incelemeden önce

Research paper thumbnail of Premedication for intrathecal anesthesia in dogs: xylazine versus propofol

The Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, Dec 1, 2020

Number of Tables: 3 Number of References: 16 This study aimed to compare the effects of xylazine ... more Number of Tables: 3 Number of References: 16 This study aimed to compare the effects of xylazine or propofol before intrathecal (IT) bupivacaine administration in dogs. The study was conducted in two groups of 10 dogs each. In group I (XG), intrathecal injection of 20 mg bupivacaine was administered into the subarachnoid space in the lumbosacral area after treatment with 1 mg/kg intravenous (iv) xylazine. In group II (PG), 4 mg/kg iv propofol was administered before IT bupivacaine administration. The onset, duration, and magnitude of sensory block (scale 0-3) were determined using the pin-prick test throughout the anesthesia. Duration of surgery (XG: 47.20 ± 5.01 min, PG: 50.85 ± 6.97 min) and duration of anesthesia (XG: 92.20 ± 7.02 min, PG: 94.50 ± 7.26 min) were not significantly different between the groups. This study concludes that propofol administration before IT anesthesia with bupivacaine maintains safe levels of IT anesthesia and can therefore be used as an alternative to xylazine treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇yarbakir’Da Kli̇ni̇k Olarak Sağlikli Yariş Atlarinda Oküler Bakteri̇yel Ve Fungal Flora

Van veterinary journal, Apr 25, 2023

Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanı... more Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacını Diyarbakır Hipodromunda yarış koşan ve hipodroma yakın çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan sağlıklı yarış atlarında bakteriyel ve fungal oküler florayı belirlemek ve belirlenen bakteri ve mantar türlerini tanımlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma grubunu değişik yaş ve cinsiyette Diyarbakır Hipodromunda bulunan yarış koşan 28 ve hipodrom yakınlarındaki çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan 28 safkan Arap ve İngiliz atına ait 112 sağlıklı göz oluşturdu. Sağlıklı gözlerin medial kantusundan steril swaplarla sürüntü alınarak soğuk zincirde Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına ulaştırılarak konjunktival florada bulunan bakteri ve fungal etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Hipodrom grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üreme oranının %94.64, fungal üremenin ise %28.57 olduğu, çiftlik grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üremenin %100, fungal üremenin ise %14.29 olduğu tespit edildi. Değerlendirilen konjunktival svap örneklerinin izole ve identifiye edilen bakterilerin hipodrom grubunda %87.79’unun Gram pozitif, %12.21’inin Gram negatif, çiftlik grubunda ise %82.56’sının Gram pozitif, %17.43’ünün de Gram negatif olduğu belirlendi. Her iki grupta da mikrofloranın büyük çoğunluğunu Staphylococcus spp. tarafından oluştuğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, atlarda belirli aralıklarla konjunktival floranın belirlenmesinin olası bir kornea veya göz hasarında izlenecek tedavinin belirlenmesine yardımcı olacağı; ayrıca erken müdahale ile kornea hasarına bağlı görme kayıplarının önüne geçilebileceği düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of “Kuyruk Çekme Yaralanmaları” Üzerine Değerlendirme: 8 Kedilik Vaka Serisi

Harran üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, May 17, 2023

Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition oft... more Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition often causes damage to the nerves that supply the tail, bladder, perineum, and anus. An accurate and good neurological examination is necessary to grade the severity of the injury. The aim of this study in a case series of 8 cats with "Tail Pulling Injuries" was to discuss the clinical results and to provide practical information. Medical records of cats with tail-pulling injuries, loss of voluntary movement of the tail, and loss of pain perception were reviewed retrospectively. Among the cats with tail pull injuries, those with open tail fractures, tail wounds requiring amputation, and spinal trauma were excluded from the study. According to neurological examination findings and tail condition, medical treatment and tail amputation were performed if necessary. Seven of the eight cats in the study had fully recovered by the end of the second week. As a result, in the case of tail pull injuries in cats, if there is no fracture or luxation-related gap, amputation should not be considered immediately. It can be supported by an effective medical treatment. In addition, amputation will be inevitable if there is a gap due to a fracture or luxation in the tail.

Research paper thumbnail of Aggressive behavior in cats exposed to trauma

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, Apr 29, 2022

Aggressive behavior is an important behavioral problem in cats. This issue can occur as a reactio... more Aggressive behavior is an important behavioral problem in cats. This issue can occur as a reaction when there is disease or pain in a normal cat. The aetiology of the agressive behavior is beyond disease and pain.The aim of this study is to evaluate the behavior changes of cats exposed to trauma using behavior scoring system and demeanour scoring system. This study is consisted of 135 cats of different breeds, ages and genders with high rise syndrome and traffic accidents. These cats were given a detailed clinical and radiological examination. Demeanour scoring system, behavior tests, and visual analog scale were used to identify behavior changes and pain in cats. The findings from this study showed that cats exposed to trauma may experience behavioral changes or agression, and this may result from pain or stress from trauma.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical and etiologically evaluation of cats with high-rise syndrome: assessment of 72 cases (A retrospective study)

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi, Apr 30, 2022

Surgical problems observed in cats after falling from balconies or windows of buildings are signi... more Surgical problems observed in cats after falling from balconies or windows of buildings are significant, and this phenomenon of falling from a height is known as high-rise syndrome (HRS). The purpose of this study was to clinically evaluate frequently encountered cases of cats falling from a height. Overall, 72 cats of different breeds, ages and sexes brought to Dicle University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery, with complaints of falls from a height in 2019 were included. Falls from a height are more common during summer. Orthopaedic problems are common (58.33%), and femoral fractures (23.61%) constitute an important part of them. The affected cats were aged mostly under the 1 year. Furthermore, the survival rate of these cats was found to be 95.8%. In conclusion, the main purpose for the treatment of cats with HRS should be to stabilise their general condition and subsequently correct orthopaedic and/or soft tissue damage.

Research paper thumbnail of Endoscopic Examination of the Obstructive Upper Respiratory Diseases

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 20, 2022

Obstructive upper respiratory tract diseases are an important cause of poor performance in raceho... more Obstructive upper respiratory tract diseases are an important cause of poor performance in racehorses. Diagnosis of these diseases can be made easily by endoscopic examination. The aim of this study is to emphasize the frequently encountered obstructive respiratory tract diseases in the endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract in thoroughbred Arabian and British racehorses and the importance of endoscopic examination in the diagnosis of these diseases. The study material consisted of 72 horses (37 Arabian, 35 British horses) between the ages of 2-7 who had no respiratory complaints at rest, but had low racing and training performance. No pathology was detected in 32 (44.44%) of 72 horses who underwent clinical and endoscopic examination. it was detected that 19 (47.5%) palatal instability, 10 (25%) dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP), 8 (20%) pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia, 2 (5%) laryngeal hemiplegia, 1 (2.5%) subepiglottic cyst of the remaining horses. As a result, it should be considered that there may be obstructive respiratory tract problems in horses that have a very good general health status at rest and show low racing and training performance. In addition, clinical examination in these horses should be supported by an upper respiratory tract endoscopic examination.

Research paper thumbnail of Kars Bölgesinde Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Retinal Anormalite İnsidensinin Fundoskopik Muayene ile Belirlenmesi

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2019

Görme işlevini yüklenmiş olan göz, dış etkenlere karşı vücudun en duyarlı organı olup, oftalmosko... more Görme işlevini yüklenmiş olan göz, dış etkenlere karşı vücudun en duyarlı organı olup, oftalmoskopi ile sinir ve damarları direkt olarak görülebilmektedir (1). Yapısında bulunan hücre ve dokuların olağanüstü yerleşimi ile çevreden gelen ışınları bir kamera gibi görüntüye çevirerek bunların beyin tarafından algılanmasını sağlar (2). Retina, görmeyi sağlayan, ışığa ve renge duyarlı olan bu hücrelerin bulunduğu göz tabakasıdır (3,4,5,6). Beyin ile doğrudan bağlantılı olan retinada şekillenen bozukluk ve patojeniteler görme duyusunu tehdit eder (7). Görme bozukluklarının değerlendirilebilmesi için retinanın fonksiyonlarının ve retinayı etkileyen hastalıkların bilinmesi gerekir (8). Retinada çeşitli nedenlerle albinizm, koloboma, retinal displazi, retinal dejenerasyon, retinal kanama gibi kongenital, herediter ve edinsel bozukluklar şekillenir (9,10). Şekillenen bozukluğun derecesine göre görme olayı Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi http://www.dicle.edu.tr/veteriner-fakultesi-dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Retrospective Evaluation of Spinal Trauma Treatments in 58 Cats and 12 Dogs

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 25, 2023

Traumatic vertebral fractures and/or dislocations in cats and dogs can cause severe spinal cord i... more Traumatic vertebral fractures and/or dislocations in cats and dogs can cause severe spinal cord injury, resulting in severe conditions such as pain, urinary incontinence, paresis or paraplegia. This study involved 58 cats and 12 dogs with external spinal trauma, and it was aimed to present the etiology, treatment and results, retrospectively. After the location of the neurological damage was determined, the patients were treated either conservatively or surgically. One of the surgical methods such as polyaxial screw, locking plate application and external fixation application was decided. In the treated animals, complete recovery was seen in 10 cats and functional recovery in 14 cats and 1 dog, but 12 cats and 2 dogs were in poor condition. Loss of deep pain sensation after spinal trauma is important for prognosis. Although there are many different treatment options, the decision should be made according to the patient's condition and the surgeon's preference. In addition, patients with spinal trauma also require serious trauma management and it is very important that the animal's vital values are stable.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular Bacterial and Fungal Flora in Clinically Healthy Horses in Diyarbakır

Van Veterinary Journal

Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanı... more Oküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacını Diyarbakır Hipodromunda yarış koşan ve hipodroma yakın çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan sağlıklı yarış atlarında bakteriyel ve fungal oküler florayı belirlemek ve belirlenen bakteri ve mantar türlerini tanımlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma grubunu değişik yaş ve cinsiyette Diyarbakır Hipodromunda bulunan yarış koşan 28 ve hipodrom yakınlarındaki çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan 28 safkan Arap ve İngiliz atına ait 112 sağlıklı göz oluşturdu. Sağlıklı gözlerin medial kantusundan steril swaplarla sürüntü alınarak soğuk zincirde Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına ulaştırılarak konjunktival florada bulunan bakteri ve fungal etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Hipodrom grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üreme oranının %94.64, fungal üremenin ise %28.57 olduğu, çiftlik grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üremenin %100, fungal üremenin ise %14.29 olduğu tespit...

Research paper thumbnail of Arthroscopic Approach to the Metacarpal/Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Cattle: A Cadaver Study

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi

Artroskopi eklem hasarlarının tanı ve tedavisinde önemli yer tutar. Bu çalışmada sığırlarda metak... more Artroskopi eklem hasarlarının tanı ve tedavisinde önemli yer tutar. Bu çalışmada sığırlarda metakarpo/metatarsofalangeal (MCP/MTP) eklemleri için artroskopik yaklaşımı ve anatomisini tanımlayarak klinik pratiğe katkı sağlaması amaçlandı. Çalışma materyalini mezbahada kesimi yapılmış 5 sığırın 10 MCP ve 10 MTP eklemi oluşturdu. Artroskopik olarak bu eklemlere dorsal ve palmar/palantar yönden yaklaşıldı ve intraartiküler yapılar artroskopik olarak görüntülenerek tanımlandı. Dorsal yaklaşımda sinovyal villuslar, metakarpus/metatarsusun distali ve I. falanksın distali, palmar/palantar yaklaşımda ise bu yapıların yanısıra proksimal sesamoid kemikler, çapraz sesamoid ligamentler görüntülendi. Sonuç olarak, diğer birçok eklemde olduğu gibi MCP/MTP eklemlerinde de artroskopik yaklaşım tekniklerinin bilinmesi önemlidir. Bu teknikler intraartiküler yapıların değerlendirilmesine ve görselleştirilmesine yardımcı olabilir. Ancak eklem hasarı olduğu durumlarda eklemin normal anatomisi ve artrosko...

Research paper thumbnail of Kuyruk Çekme Yaralanmaları” Üzerine Değerlendirme: 8 Kedilik Vaka Serisi

Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi

Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition oft... more Tail-pulling injuries in cats often occur with trauma or pinching of the tail. This condition often causes damage to the nerves that supply the tail, bladder, perineum, and anus. An accurate and good neurological examination is necessary to grade the severity of the injury. The aim of this study in a case series of 8 cats with "Tail Pulling Injuries" was to discuss the clinical results and to provide practical information. Medical records of cats with tail-pulling injuries, loss of voluntary movement of the tail, and loss of pain perception were reviewed retrospectively. Among the cats with tail pull injuries, those with open tail fractures, tail wounds requiring amputation, and spinal trauma were excluded from the study. According to neurological examination findings and tail condition, medical treatment and tail amputation were performed if necessary. Seven of the eight cats in the study had fully recovered by the end of the second week. As a result, in the case of tail ...