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Papers by Gülay Özen


Research paper thumbnail of SPORDA KISILERARASI SIDDET

Research paper thumbnail of Tez sunum gülay ozen görselsiz efektsiz

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal violence PRESENTATION GULAY OZEN

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of BURSA SUNUM GULAY OZEN

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas from Gender Perspective

One of the .ssues addressed by fem.n.st ep.stemology .s the separat.on of publ.c and pr.vate sphe... more One of the .ssues addressed by fem.n.st ep.stemology .s the separat.on of publ.c and pr.vate spheres. Soc.ety .n your l.fe to gender accord.ng to made Th.s bas.s decompos.t.on .nd.v.duals to the place about the.r percept.ons And .n the place exper.ences determ.nes. Th.s .n research, publ.c One area aspect recreat.on .n the f.eld sport maker women And of men .n the f.eld exper.ences wh.le be.ng exam.ned of the place gender.ng women And of men .n the.r exper.ences man.festat.ons emerge to be removed has been stud.ed. Modern cap.tal.st soc.ety also .dent.f.es women w.th the roles of pr.vate and publ.c spheres. The reflect.on of gender roles .n recreat.on areas affects women's percept.on and control of space.Th.s s.tuat.on also shapes the r.sk percept.ons of women and men about the same place. In th.s study, the r.sk percept.ons of men and women were exam.ned. Research Ankara .n the prov.nce Cankaya .n the d.str.ct place area d.fferent soc.o-econom.c And cultural of the segments dr.nk .nwards l.ve One .n the ne.ghborhood sport of the.r veh.cles And walk your way .s located open weather recreat.on .n the f.eld has been carr.ed out. Qual.tat.ve research method was used .n th.s study. Ind.v.dual .nterv.ews were held w.th 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72 who use the area. Part.c.pants l.ved close to the area. It was observed that they d.d regular sports .n th.s area. The research model and purpose were expla.ned and they were .nv.ted to an .nterv.ew. Contents analys.s as a result two theme get has been: (one) Recreat.on areas of be.ng gendered formats (2) Recreat.on .n the f.eld spat.al .n exper.ences soc.al gender the.r states. .n hand made Results, recreat.on areas of gendered One place .s And women And of men .n the f.eld d.fferent exper.ences what they exper.enced shows. The results show that women perce.ve var.ous problems .n the space. It has been understood that wh.le men feel more free and comfortable .n the space, women have var.ous r.sk percept.ons. Even though the same r.sks were perce.ved by men, women reported be.ng afra.d. It was understood that the pract.ces of measur.ng each other's strength among men created a protected area for themselves. The f.nd.ngs were d.scussed under the sub-themes of spat.al belong.ng, spat.al exper.ences, spat.al mob.l.ty, spat.al stops.

Research paper thumbnail of Certificate Gulay Ozen

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. S... more Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. Sexual harassment *n sports refers to behav*ors that leave psycholog*cal effects that cause athletes to end the*r sports l*ves early, are upsett*ng, develop aga*nst the consent of the people, turn *nto pressure and threat by the harasser, and progress from s*mple to severe. In th*s study, 3 h*gh-level female athletes who played sports *n the nat*onal team *n the*r own branch part*c*pated. Qual*tat*ve research method was used *n the study. Th*s study *s a case / case analys*s study. Athletes were *nv*ted to the study. Voluntary part*c*pat*on form was used. A vo*ce recorder was used w*th the consent of the part*c*pants. Interv*ews were transcr*bed. Descr*pt*ve analys*s was appl*ed to these transcr*pts. It was tr*ed to understand by whom, where the sexual harassment behav*ors took place and how they affected the athletes. It was understood that one of the athletes f*led a compla*nt after the end of h*s sports l*fe and one of them had to end h*s sports l*fe. In th*s framework, the a*m and the ma*n quest*on of the research *s: to understand how athletes' exper*ences of sexual harassment affect the*r sport l*fe and the*r l*ves after they qu*t sport.

Research paper thumbnail of El#te Female Athletes' Exper#ences of Sexual Harassment

Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. S... more Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. Sexual harassment *n sports refers to behav*ors that leave psycholog*cal effects that cause athletes to end the*r sports l*ves early, are upsett*ng, develop aga*nst the consent of the people, turn *nto pressure and threat by the harasser, and progress from s*mple to severe. In th*s study, 3 h*gh-level female athletes who played sports *n the nat*onal team *n the*r own branch part*c*pated. Qual*tat*ve research method was used *n the study. Th*s study *s a case / case analys*s study. Athletes were *nv*ted to the study. Voluntary part*c*pat*on form was used. A vo*ce recorder was used w*th the consent of the part*c*pants. Interv*ews were transcr*bed. Descr*pt*ve analys*s was appl*ed to these transcr*pts. It was tr*ed to understand by whom, where the sexual harassment behav*ors took place and how they affected the athletes. It was understood that one of the athletes f*led a compla*nt after the end of h*s sports l*fe and one of them had to end h*s sports l*fe. In th*s framework, the a*m and the ma*n quest*on of the research *s: to understand how athletes' exper*ences of sexual harassment affect the*r sport l*fe and the*r l*ves after they qu*t sport.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Athletes' Percept-ons and Exper-ences of Sexual Harassment -n Turkey

Bu makalen*n amacı, kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z algılarını ve deney*mler*n* araştırma... more Bu makalen*n amacı, kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z algılarını ve deney*mler*n* araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya farklı spor branşlarından 194 kadın ve 178 erkek sporcu katılmıştır. Araştırma ver*ler*, c*nsel tac*z davranışı konusundak* farkındalıklarını, c*nsel tac*ze maruz kalma durumlarını ve c*nsel tac*z önlemler*ne yönel*k g.rüşler* *çeren sorulardan oluşan, araştırmacılar tarafından gel*şt*r*len b*r anket yoluyla toplanmıştır. Ver*ler bet*mley*c* *stat*st*k* yöntemler ve k*-kare *le anal*z ed*lm*şt*r. Anal*z sonuçlarına göre; kadın sporcuların c*nsel tac*z davranışı olarak tanımladıkları davranışların *lk sıralarında c*nsel yaşam hakkında sorular sorulması (%76), vücudu *le *lg*l* c*ns*yetç* şakalar (%66), .vgü ya da yorum yapılması (%71) yer almıştır. Erkek sporcular *se; c*nsel *çer*kl* materyaller göster*lmes*n* (%70), tekrarlanan *stenmeyen flört tekl*fler*n* (%51) ve müstehcen bakışları (%72) c*nsel tac*z davranışları olarak algıladıklarını bel*rtm*şlerd*r.Erkek sporcuların %27's* soyunma odalarında c*nsel tac*ze maruz kaldıklarını bel*rt*rken, kadın sporcuların %26,3'ü spor alanlarında c*nsel tac*ze maruz kaldıklarını bel*rtm*şlerd*r. Kadın sporcuların %24,2's* uyararak c*nsel tac*ze tepk* gösterd*kler*n*, %24'ü tepk* göstermed*kler*n* *fade ederken, erkek sporcuların %27's* c*nsel tac*z* şaka g*b* algılayıp yok saydıklarını, %11,2's* f*z*ksel tepk* gösterd*kler*n* *fade etm*şlerd*r. Çalışmanın bulguları genel olarak Türk*ye'de kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z deney*mler* olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Working Life Experiences of Female Coaches from a Gender Perspective

The aim of this research is to examine the experiences of female coaches in the field of sports, ... more The aim of this research is to examine the experiences of female coaches in the field of sports, where women's numerical representation is very low, with a gender approach in the context of individual, social, cultural and political factors. The theoretical framework of the research is socioecological theory. In 2016-2017 , individual interviews were held with female coaches in athletics, basketball, wrestling, karate, taekwondo , football, table tennis and handball in Ankara. The results of the research show that the masculine structure in the field poses an obstacle when women are practicing the coaching profession, general judgments about women play a negative role, and female coaches are limited to duties attributed to femininity and motherhood. The fact that the coaches of men's national teams are men and that women can only work in women's teams and in younger age groups are among the experiences of female coaches in their professional lives. As a result of the research, it was tried to reveal women's access to education and personal development opportunities in their sports lives, sexist attitudes and cultural experiences in sports institutions within the scope of socio-ecological factors (individual, social, cultural and political).

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas From a Gender Perspective

One of the main issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private... more One of the main issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private spheres. This basic separation based on gender in social life determines individuals' perceptions of space and their experiences in space. In this research, while examining the experiences of women and men doing sports in the recreation area as a public space, It has been tried to reveal the manifestations of gender in the experiences of women and men. Despite the conditions of women being subject to the duality of private and public spaces within the framework of modern capitalist social relations, it was aimed to trace the reflections of the practices of existing in the space on the recreation areas, and in this context, efforts were made to understand the risks of the space and to look at the differences in exposure of women and men using the same space. The research was carried out in an open-air recreation area with sports equipment and walking paths in the Çankaya district of Ankara, a neighborhood where different socioeconomic and cultural segments live together. The participants of the qualitative study, in which data were collected through individual interviews and field observation, consisted of 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72, who lived close to the recreation area and did sports in the area. As a result of the content analysis, two themes were obtained: (1) Are Open Sports Fields as Public Spaces Gendered Spaces? (2) I do not use or like sports equipment , I come because the doctor recommends it. Is Sports a Necessity? The findings show that recreation areas are gendered spaces. The findings were discussed under four main emphasis in terms of women in space: spatial belonging, spatial experiences, spatial mobility, and spatial stops .

Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Thesis

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers. Athletes who were exposed to any form of violence stated that they changed clubs or coaches. Some athletes said they had to quit the sport. We understood that training of trainers, sports managers, policy documents and practices that protect athletes will play a role in reducing violent behavior in the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of the Employment Status of Graduates of Recreation Department

Today, it is clearly understood that the graduates of Physical Education and Sports Academies fac... more Today, it is clearly understood that the graduates of Physical Education and Sports Academies face the problem of employment and if the present structure of Physical Education and Sports Academies is maintained and the present understanding of the education is preserved then in the near future this problem shall turn into a crisis of employment. In preparing the Post Graduate Thesis, common rules and regulations that both The Ministry of Education and The General Directorate of Youth and Sports apply for the employment implementations are analyzed as well as special rules and regulations that these institutions apply for their own employment procedures. As a result while expecting the studies and regulations related with the studies and regulations related with the Physical Education and Sports Academies graduates employment problems from respective public and private sectors, from the first year it is necessary that the preparation of new alternative education programmes must be ad...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk spor yönetimindeki mevcut sorunlara ilişkin akademisyenlerin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi

Bu calisma, Ankara’daki universitelerde Beden Egitimi ve Spor alaninda gorev yapmakta olan akadem... more Bu calisma, Ankara’daki universitelerde Beden Egitimi ve Spor alaninda gorev yapmakta olan akademisyenlerin, Turk Spor Yonetimindeki mevcut sorunlar ve sorunlara iliskin goruslerinin tespit edilmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini rastgele secilmis 70 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada Turk spor yonetimindeki mevcut sorunlari belirlemek amaciyla arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan anket formu kullanilmistir. Hazirlanan anket 40 maddeden olusmaktadir. Anketin guvenirliligi icin hesaplanan Alpha ic tutarlilik katsayisi .91 olarak bulunmustur. Arastirmada elde edilen verilerin, Kolmogorov- Simirnov testi ile normal dagilim gosterip gostermedigine bakilmistir. Ogretim elemanlarinin yas, kidem ve unvanlarina ait verilerin analizinde Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak akademisyenler, Turk Spor Yonetiminde devlet okullarinin ve yerel yonetimlerin spora tesis ve malzeme olarak katilimlarinin oldukca az oldugu, sporu yayginlastirma calism...


Research paper thumbnail of SPORDA KISILERARASI SIDDET

Research paper thumbnail of Tez sunum gülay ozen görselsiz efektsiz

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal violence PRESENTATION GULAY OZEN

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of BURSA SUNUM GULAY OZEN

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas from Gender Perspective

One of the .ssues addressed by fem.n.st ep.stemology .s the separat.on of publ.c and pr.vate sphe... more One of the .ssues addressed by fem.n.st ep.stemology .s the separat.on of publ.c and pr.vate spheres. Soc.ety .n your l.fe to gender accord.ng to made Th.s bas.s decompos.t.on .nd.v.duals to the place about the.r percept.ons And .n the place exper.ences determ.nes. Th.s .n research, publ.c One area aspect recreat.on .n the f.eld sport maker women And of men .n the f.eld exper.ences wh.le be.ng exam.ned of the place gender.ng women And of men .n the.r exper.ences man.festat.ons emerge to be removed has been stud.ed. Modern cap.tal.st soc.ety also .dent.f.es women w.th the roles of pr.vate and publ.c spheres. The reflect.on of gender roles .n recreat.on areas affects women's percept.on and control of space.Th.s s.tuat.on also shapes the r.sk percept.ons of women and men about the same place. In th.s study, the r.sk percept.ons of men and women were exam.ned. Research Ankara .n the prov.nce Cankaya .n the d.str.ct place area d.fferent soc.o-econom.c And cultural of the segments dr.nk .nwards l.ve One .n the ne.ghborhood sport of the.r veh.cles And walk your way .s located open weather recreat.on .n the f.eld has been carr.ed out. Qual.tat.ve research method was used .n th.s study. Ind.v.dual .nterv.ews were held w.th 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72 who use the area. Part.c.pants l.ved close to the area. It was observed that they d.d regular sports .n th.s area. The research model and purpose were expla.ned and they were .nv.ted to an .nterv.ew. Contents analys.s as a result two theme get has been: (one) Recreat.on areas of be.ng gendered formats (2) Recreat.on .n the f.eld spat.al .n exper.ences soc.al gender the.r states. .n hand made Results, recreat.on areas of gendered One place .s And women And of men .n the f.eld d.fferent exper.ences what they exper.enced shows. The results show that women perce.ve var.ous problems .n the space. It has been understood that wh.le men feel more free and comfortable .n the space, women have var.ous r.sk percept.ons. Even though the same r.sks were perce.ved by men, women reported be.ng afra.d. It was understood that the pract.ces of measur.ng each other's strength among men created a protected area for themselves. The f.nd.ngs were d.scussed under the sub-themes of spat.al belong.ng, spat.al exper.ences, spat.al mob.l.ty, spat.al stops.

Research paper thumbnail of Certificate Gulay Ozen

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes' Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. S... more Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. Sexual harassment *n sports refers to behav*ors that leave psycholog*cal effects that cause athletes to end the*r sports l*ves early, are upsett*ng, develop aga*nst the consent of the people, turn *nto pressure and threat by the harasser, and progress from s*mple to severe. In th*s study, 3 h*gh-level female athletes who played sports *n the nat*onal team *n the*r own branch part*c*pated. Qual*tat*ve research method was used *n the study. Th*s study *s a case / case analys*s study. Athletes were *nv*ted to the study. Voluntary part*c*pat*on form was used. A vo*ce recorder was used w*th the consent of the part*c*pants. Interv*ews were transcr*bed. Descr*pt*ve analys*s was appl*ed to these transcr*pts. It was tr*ed to understand by whom, where the sexual harassment behav*ors took place and how they affected the athletes. It was understood that one of the athletes f*led a compla*nt after the end of h*s sports l*fe and one of them had to end h*s sports l*fe. In th*s framework, the a*m and the ma*n quest*on of the research *s: to understand how athletes' exper*ences of sexual harassment affect the*r sport l*fe and the*r l*ves after they qu*t sport.

Research paper thumbnail of El#te Female Athletes' Exper#ences of Sexual Harassment

Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. S... more Th*s study a*ms to present the sexual harassment exper*ences of el*te female athletes *n sport. Sexual harassment *n sports refers to behav*ors that leave psycholog*cal effects that cause athletes to end the*r sports l*ves early, are upsett*ng, develop aga*nst the consent of the people, turn *nto pressure and threat by the harasser, and progress from s*mple to severe. In th*s study, 3 h*gh-level female athletes who played sports *n the nat*onal team *n the*r own branch part*c*pated. Qual*tat*ve research method was used *n the study. Th*s study *s a case / case analys*s study. Athletes were *nv*ted to the study. Voluntary part*c*pat*on form was used. A vo*ce recorder was used w*th the consent of the part*c*pants. Interv*ews were transcr*bed. Descr*pt*ve analys*s was appl*ed to these transcr*pts. It was tr*ed to understand by whom, where the sexual harassment behav*ors took place and how they affected the athletes. It was understood that one of the athletes f*led a compla*nt after the end of h*s sports l*fe and one of them had to end h*s sports l*fe. In th*s framework, the a*m and the ma*n quest*on of the research *s: to understand how athletes' exper*ences of sexual harassment affect the*r sport l*fe and the*r l*ves after they qu*t sport.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers.

Research paper thumbnail of Athletes' Percept-ons and Exper-ences of Sexual Harassment -n Turkey

Bu makalen*n amacı, kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z algılarını ve deney*mler*n* araştırma... more Bu makalen*n amacı, kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z algılarını ve deney*mler*n* araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya farklı spor branşlarından 194 kadın ve 178 erkek sporcu katılmıştır. Araştırma ver*ler*, c*nsel tac*z davranışı konusundak* farkındalıklarını, c*nsel tac*ze maruz kalma durumlarını ve c*nsel tac*z önlemler*ne yönel*k g.rüşler* *çeren sorulardan oluşan, araştırmacılar tarafından gel*şt*r*len b*r anket yoluyla toplanmıştır. Ver*ler bet*mley*c* *stat*st*k* yöntemler ve k*-kare *le anal*z ed*lm*şt*r. Anal*z sonuçlarına göre; kadın sporcuların c*nsel tac*z davranışı olarak tanımladıkları davranışların *lk sıralarında c*nsel yaşam hakkında sorular sorulması (%76), vücudu *le *lg*l* c*ns*yetç* şakalar (%66), .vgü ya da yorum yapılması (%71) yer almıştır. Erkek sporcular *se; c*nsel *çer*kl* materyaller göster*lmes*n* (%70), tekrarlanan *stenmeyen flört tekl*fler*n* (%51) ve müstehcen bakışları (%72) c*nsel tac*z davranışları olarak algıladıklarını bel*rtm*şlerd*r.Erkek sporcuların %27's* soyunma odalarında c*nsel tac*ze maruz kaldıklarını bel*rt*rken, kadın sporcuların %26,3'ü spor alanlarında c*nsel tac*ze maruz kaldıklarını bel*rtm*şlerd*r. Kadın sporcuların %24,2's* uyararak c*nsel tac*ze tepk* gösterd*kler*n*, %24'ü tepk* göstermed*kler*n* *fade ederken, erkek sporcuların %27's* c*nsel tac*z* şaka g*b* algılayıp yok saydıklarını, %11,2's* f*z*ksel tepk* gösterd*kler*n* *fade etm*şlerd*r. Çalışmanın bulguları genel olarak Türk*ye'de kadın ve erkek sporcuların c*nsel tac*z deney*mler* olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Working Life Experiences of Female Coaches from a Gender Perspective

The aim of this research is to examine the experiences of female coaches in the field of sports, ... more The aim of this research is to examine the experiences of female coaches in the field of sports, where women's numerical representation is very low, with a gender approach in the context of individual, social, cultural and political factors. The theoretical framework of the research is socioecological theory. In 2016-2017 , individual interviews were held with female coaches in athletics, basketball, wrestling, karate, taekwondo , football, table tennis and handball in Ankara. The results of the research show that the masculine structure in the field poses an obstacle when women are practicing the coaching profession, general judgments about women play a negative role, and female coaches are limited to duties attributed to femininity and motherhood. The fact that the coaches of men's national teams are men and that women can only work in women's teams and in younger age groups are among the experiences of female coaches in their professional lives. As a result of the research, it was tried to reveal women's access to education and personal development opportunities in their sports lives, sexist attitudes and cultural experiences in sports institutions within the scope of socio-ecological factors (individual, social, cultural and political).

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas From a Gender Perspective

One of the main issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private... more One of the main issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private spheres. This basic separation based on gender in social life determines individuals' perceptions of space and their experiences in space. In this research, while examining the experiences of women and men doing sports in the recreation area as a public space, It has been tried to reveal the manifestations of gender in the experiences of women and men. Despite the conditions of women being subject to the duality of private and public spaces within the framework of modern capitalist social relations, it was aimed to trace the reflections of the practices of existing in the space on the recreation areas, and in this context, efforts were made to understand the risks of the space and to look at the differences in exposure of women and men using the same space. The research was carried out in an open-air recreation area with sports equipment and walking paths in the Çankaya district of Ankara, a neighborhood where different socioeconomic and cultural segments live together. The participants of the qualitative study, in which data were collected through individual interviews and field observation, consisted of 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72, who lived close to the recreation area and did sports in the area. As a result of the content analysis, two themes were obtained: (1) Are Open Sports Fields as Public Spaces Gendered Spaces? (2) I do not use or like sports equipment , I come because the doctor recommends it. Is Sports a Necessity? The findings show that recreation areas are gendered spaces. The findings were discussed under four main emphasis in terms of women in space: spatial belonging, spatial experiences, spatial mobility, and spatial stops .

Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Thesis

In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors... more In this study, how they experience the phenomenon of violence in the relations between the actors in the field of sports, their tendency to violence and the culture they created in the field were examined. Athletes declared that they were frequently exposed to physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence by people who were superior to them in terms of age and status. Among the athletes, on the other hand, we encountered examples of peer bullying, which is fed by displays of power based on the desire to create hierarchy and hegemony. The quantitative findings of the study showed that the violence tendency of the athletes who were exposed to violence was high. The quantitative and qualitative findings of the study showed that the athletes who were exposed to violence avoided complaining about this situation, did not believe that anything could be done, and did not know the complaint procedures. It was understood that the athletes experienced sadness, depression, fear, motivation disorder and strong concerns about losing their sports life after being exposed to violence. In addition, the findings; It has been revealed that athletes experience important problems such as incorrect training periods specific to their branches, lack of knowledge about competition and camp programs, injury, loss of performance, psychological disorders, weight problems, not being able to participate in international competitions, and not being able to make career planning due to arbitrary practices made by managers. Athletes who were exposed to any form of violence stated that they changed clubs or coaches. Some athletes said they had to quit the sport. We understood that training of trainers, sports managers, policy documents and practices that protect athletes will play a role in reducing violent behavior in the field.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of the Employment Status of Graduates of Recreation Department

Today, it is clearly understood that the graduates of Physical Education and Sports Academies fac... more Today, it is clearly understood that the graduates of Physical Education and Sports Academies face the problem of employment and if the present structure of Physical Education and Sports Academies is maintained and the present understanding of the education is preserved then in the near future this problem shall turn into a crisis of employment. In preparing the Post Graduate Thesis, common rules and regulations that both The Ministry of Education and The General Directorate of Youth and Sports apply for the employment implementations are analyzed as well as special rules and regulations that these institutions apply for their own employment procedures. As a result while expecting the studies and regulations related with the studies and regulations related with the Physical Education and Sports Academies graduates employment problems from respective public and private sectors, from the first year it is necessary that the preparation of new alternative education programmes must be ad...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk spor yönetimindeki mevcut sorunlara ilişkin akademisyenlerin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi

Bu calisma, Ankara’daki universitelerde Beden Egitimi ve Spor alaninda gorev yapmakta olan akadem... more Bu calisma, Ankara’daki universitelerde Beden Egitimi ve Spor alaninda gorev yapmakta olan akademisyenlerin, Turk Spor Yonetimindeki mevcut sorunlar ve sorunlara iliskin goruslerinin tespit edilmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini rastgele secilmis 70 ogretim elemani olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada Turk spor yonetimindeki mevcut sorunlari belirlemek amaciyla arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan anket formu kullanilmistir. Hazirlanan anket 40 maddeden olusmaktadir. Anketin guvenirliligi icin hesaplanan Alpha ic tutarlilik katsayisi .91 olarak bulunmustur. Arastirmada elde edilen verilerin, Kolmogorov- Simirnov testi ile normal dagilim gosterip gostermedigine bakilmistir. Ogretim elemanlarinin yas, kidem ve unvanlarina ait verilerin analizinde Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak akademisyenler, Turk Spor Yonetiminde devlet okullarinin ve yerel yonetimlerin spora tesis ve malzeme olarak katilimlarinin oldukca az oldugu, sporu yayginlastirma calism...

Research paper thumbnail of AMED sports club discrimination presentation

Research paper thumbnail of 'AUTOPSY' Field Events of Ethnic Discrimination

International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences, 2024

Although Turkey is a society composed of different ethnic origins and religious sects, it has a v... more Although Turkey is a society composed of different ethnic origins and religious sects, it has a very holistic social structure under the Turkish identity.
The intensification of terrorist groups and incidents that started in the Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia regions of the country since the 80s changed the perspective towards the people living in this geography. In particular, the crimes committed against the security forces and personnel of the state, along with the terrorist organization, also developed a hatred towards citizens of Kurdish origin in that geography. The aim of this article is to analyze the violent incidents that took place in the Bursaspor-Amedspor match played in Bursa on March 5, 2023 in the Turkish Football 2nd League, through identities.
This research was conducted with qualitative analysis methods. We see that in the football match examined, inclusive feelings and thoughts are killed by violence fed by ethnic discrimination. Therefore, this article is an autopsy of discrimination in the field of sports.

Research paper thumbnail of Certificate Gulay Ozen (2)

Research paper thumbnail of Elite Female Athletes Experiences of Sexual Harassment

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal violence PRESENTATION GULAY OZEN

Research paper thumbnail of Yönetimde Kadın Temsili

Research paper thumbnail of Spor kurumlarında cinsel taciz (1)

Research paper thumbnail of Kadın antrenörlerin deneyimleri GULAY OZEN

Pierre Bourdieu Yaklaşımıyla Kadın Antrenörlerin Deneyiminin Analizi

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas from Gender Perspective

One of the issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private sphe... more One of the issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private spheres.
Society in your life to gender according to made This basis decomposition individuals to the place about their perceptions And in the place experiences determines. This in research, public One area aspect recreation in the field sport maker women And of men in the field experiences while being examined of the place gendering women And of men in their experiences manifestations emerge to be removed has been studied. Modern capitalist society also identifies women with the roles of private and public spheres. The reflection of gender roles in recreation areas affects women's perception and control of space.This situation also shapes the risk perceptions of women and men about the same place. In this study, the risk perceptions of men and women were examined.
Research Ankara in the province Cankaya in the district place area different socio- - economic And cultural of the segments drink inwards live One in the neighborhood sport of their vehicles And walk your way is located open weather recreation in the field has been carried out.
Qualitative research method was used in this study. Individual interviews were held with 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72 who use the area.
Participants lived close to the area. It was observed that they did regular sports in this area. The research model and purpose were explained and they were invited to an interview.
Contents analysis as a result two theme get has been: (one) Recreation areas of being gendered formats (2) Recreation in the field spatial in experiences social gender their states. in hand made Results, recreation areas of gendered One place is And women And of men in the field different experiences what they experienced shows.
The results show that women perceive various problems in the space. It has been understood that while men feel more free and comfortable in the space, women have various risk perceptions. Even though the same risks were perceived by men, women reported being afraid. It was understood that the practices of measuring each other's strength among men created a protected area for themselves.
The findings were discussed under the sub-themes of spatial belonging, spatial experiences, spatial mobility, spatial stops.
Key Words : Gender, Space, Recreation Fields, Ankara.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Recreation Areas from Gender Perspective

One of the issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private sphe... more One of the issues addressed by feminist epistemology is the separation of public and private spheres.
Society in your life to gender according to made This basis decomposition individuals to the place about their perceptions And in the place experiences determines. This in research, public One area aspect recreation in the field sport maker women And of men in the field experiences while being examined of the place gendering women And of men in their experiences manifestations emerge to be removed has been studied. Modern capitalist society also identifies women with the roles of private and public spheres. The reflection of gender roles in recreation areas affects women's perception and control of space.This situation also shapes the risk perceptions of women and men about the same place. In this study, the risk perceptions of men and women were examined.
Research Ankara in the province Cankaya in the district place area different socio- - economic And cultural of the segments drink inwards live One in the neighborhood sport of their vehicles And walk your way is located open weather recreation in the field has been carried out.
Qualitative research method was used in this study. Individual interviews were held with 8 men between the ages of 28-65 and 5 women between the ages of 32-72 who use the area.
Participants lived close to the area. It was observed that they did regular sports in this area. The research model and purpose were explained and they were invited to an interview.
Contents analysis as a result two theme get has been: (one) Recreation areas of being gendered formats (2) Recreation in the field spatial in experiences social gender their states. in hand made Results, recreation areas of gendered One place is And women And of men in the field different experiences what they experienced shows.
The results show that women perceive various problems in the space. It has been understood that while men feel more free and comfortable in the space, women have various risk perceptions. Even though the same risks were perceived by men, women reported being afraid. It was understood that the practices of measuring each other's strength among men created a protected area for themselves.
The findings were discussed under the sub-themes of spatial belonging, spatial experiences, spatial mobility, spatial stops.
Key Words : Gender, Space, Recreation Fields, Ankara.