İlter Uzel - (original) (raw)
Papers by İlter Uzel
Belleten, Aug 1, 1988
~l Genel Kütüphanesi t~p yazmalan yönünden oldukça zengindir ve bunlar içinde tek nüsha olan eser... more ~l Genel Kütüphanesi t~p yazmalan yönünden oldukça zengindir ve bunlar içinde tek nüsha olan eserler de mevcuttur. Bu nadir yazmalara hekim ve ~air Ahmedi (1334?-1413)'nin Tarvih al-Ervah 1 ve Beynini' (973-105)'nin Farsça Kitab-al Saydala Tercümesi 2 örnek gösterilebilir. Burada tamtmaya çal~~aca~~m k~salt~lm~~~ Zahravf tercümesi de bu ünik yazmalardan bir tanesidir. As~l ad~~ Abi~'l-Kâsim Khalaf ~bn `Abbas al-Zahrâvi olan ve ~spanya'da Kurtuba'da ~~ o. yüzy~lda ya~ayan (Ölm. ~~ o ~~ 3) ünlü islâm cerrahi Abulkas~m Zavrahrnin 30 ciltten te~ekkül eden Kitâb al-tasrif li-man cacaza Can al-tacalif eserinin cerrahiye ayr~lan son cildi çok tan~nm~~t~r 3. Zahravi bir cerrah~n anatomi bilmesini ~srarla isteyen ve yüksek bir gözlem kabiliyetine sahib olan, hastan~n yaln~z ameliyat amnda postoperatif safhada da takibini isteyen, prensip sahibi yüksek bir hekimdi. Yazm~~~ oldu~u eser, gelmi~~ geçmi~~ cerrahi eserler aras~nda üstün bir yer i~gal etmi~tir ve buldu~u baz~~ teknikler bugün bile geçerlidir. K~sacas~~ kendisi bir cerrahta bulunmas~~ gereken bütün meziyedere sahipti. T~p Tarihi incelendi~inde cerahinin bir t~p dal~~ olarak di~erleri aras~nda en geç geli~eni oldu~u görülür. Anatomide 15-16. yüzy~llarda ilerlemeler; temel t~p bilimlerindeki geli~meler ve nihayet asepsi ve antisepsi'nin ke~fi ve bu sayede ameliyat sonu enfeksiyonlar~mn önüne geçilmesi cerrahiyi günümüzdeki seviyesine getirebilmi~tir. Dolay~s~yla yukanda belirtilen bilgi ve teknoloji birikimine sahip olmayan ortaça~m cerrahi oldukça ~anss~z insand~, çünkü anatomik bilgisi s~n~rl~~ idi, ameliyat sonras~~ bak~m yetersizdi ve hastalar~n ço~u ameliyat sonras~~ komplikasyon-* Gülhane Askeri T~p Fakültesi Ö~retim Üyesi-ANKARA. 1973'de yapt~~~m çal~~mada Manisa'da 171 t~p yazmas~~ tespit ettim. Bunlardan g~l'i Arapça, 20'si Farsça, 53'ü de Türkçedir. Kütüphanede Klasik ~slam T~bb~mn hemen hemen bütün kaynak eserleri ve bu arada ~bni Sina'n~n üç tane Kanun istinsah~~ vard~r. 2 Tarih al-Arvah. (Ahmedi) Manisa ~l Genel Kütüphanesi Kay~t no: 0.1852 Kitab al-Saydala. (Beyruni) Kay~t no: 1789 3 Bu cerrahi eser 1519'da Augsburg'da "Liber Theoricae Nec non Praticas Alsaharavii" ad~yla bas~lm~~t~r.
Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Derg.(. Clinical Dentistry and Research), 2001
Revue d'orthopédie dento-faciale, Sep 1, 1987
... Quant aux sujets vivants, les téléradiographies sont prises par les méthodes conventionnelles... more ... Quant aux sujets vivants, les téléradiographies sont prises par les méthodes conventionnelles, mais en respectant la distance de la ligne médiane à la cassette, soit : 12,5 cm. Rev Orihop Demo Faciale 21: 467-474, 1987 ... 3 - Hauteur faciale inférieure (ENA-Xi-Pm), en degrés. ...
PubMed, Apr 1, 1990
In this study, tele radiographs of 52 military academy students neutral occlusion were taken in o... more In this study, tele radiographs of 52 military academy students neutral occlusion were taken in order to establish the deep facial structure standards of our society. Anterior and posterior lengths of cranial base, ramus height and mandibular length were measured from the cephalometric lines of these pictures. Likewise, measurements were made of Cella, Articular and Gonion angles. Average values, standard deviations and errors were obtained of all these results. These measurements were compared through biometric methods with those previously made by Björk. The anterior and posterior lengths and the ramus height show biometrically insignificant differences in these two studies. The same also applies for the Cella and Articular angles. On the other hand, the ramus height which we determined is somewhat greater and significantly different from that of Björk from the biometrical viewpoint. Furthermore, our Gonion angle is less than that of Björk, and significantly different from the biometrical standpoint. In conclusion, it is suggested that the Ramus height and Gonion angle found through our study should be utilized for our purposes in all dental interventions to be made on the individuals of this society.
Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, Sep 1, 2014
Anadolu bitki florasının zenginliği her dönemde bilim insanlarının dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu nedenl... more Anadolu bitki florasının zenginliği her dönemde bilim insanlarının dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu nedenle iyileştirmede kullanılan bitkisel droglar halk hekimliği yanında bilimsel tıpta da yerini almıştır. Bu bitkileri tanımak ve bulunduğu yerleri saptamak bilim adamlarının amaçlarından birisidir. Bu çalışmada 1815 yılında Viyana Tıp Fakültesi adına Anadolu'da toplanmış tıbbi bitkilerin çok iyi korunmuş herbaryumu tanıtılmış ve tartışılmıştır.
PubMed, Nov 1, 1989
Examinations were based on lateral cephalometric changes in sagittal extent. For this purpose, Th... more Examinations were based on lateral cephalometric changes in sagittal extent. For this purpose, The FR-3 appliance was tried out on total 13 patients (5 female and 8 male) Who have skeletal Angle Class III malocclusion due to maxillary inadequacy. The changes in the sagittal direction on lateral cephalograms and the findings obtained as a result of treatment, were compared with the usual grow up and maturation values. Then, whole data were evaluated biostatistically. Consequently, all results showed that, although FR-3 appliance can be used on this type of malocclusions, good patient cooperation and knowing the individual optimal grow-up models are extremely important and necessary.
PubMed, Apr 1, 1990
The main purpose of this investigation was to study the shape and size of the mandibular condyles... more The main purpose of this investigation was to study the shape and size of the mandibular condyles for any correlation with type of mandibular rotation. 40 mandibular bones that belongs to modern man, and late Roman stage were examined regarding the size and shape of condyles. The cephalograms of the mandibles were taken and the type of mandibular rotation was recorded on them according to Leiba analysis. The Leiba analysis results showed statistically significant differences while, the differences between the condyle sizes were found to be insignificant between the groups.
PubMed, Nov 1, 1997
From the 7th to the 11th centuries Arabic authors translated ancient Greek and Roman medical text... more From the 7th to the 11th centuries Arabic authors translated ancient Greek and Roman medical textbooks into their own languages. In the 11th and 12th centuries, noted authors used these early translations when writing other classical texts. One of these was that of the Andalusian surgeon, Albulcasis (936-1013), whose famous work is entitled, at-Tasrif (4,6). It has been used as a reference book for centuries and was translated into Latin in the 15th century and into Turkish by me when I discovered a manuscript of it in the Manisa Library in Turkey (14). The best interpreter of it, however, was Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1365-1468). He used the classification of at-Tasrif, but improved on it by adding original observations and three original chapters. His book is entitled, Cerrahiyyetu'l Haniyye which means The Imperial Surgery (15).
PubMed, Mar 1, 2006
The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the temperature changes in the pulp chamber... more The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the temperature changes in the pulp chamber during bracket bonding using three different light sources. Bracket bonding was performed on one lower first premolar and one lower central incisor at two different distances (surface and 10 mm). The measurements were taken with a J-type thermocouple wire, placed in the pulp chamber and connected to a data logger. Analysis of variance revealed that pulp chamber temperature changes were influenced by the light source, the tooth type, and the distance from the tip of the light guide to the bracket surface. Halogen induced significantly higher intrapulpal temperature changes than light-emitting diode and Xenon Plasma Arc (PAC) (P = .000). The temperature increase was significantly higher when the light-guide tip was positioned at the surface of the teeth than at the 10-mm distance with all light-curing units (P = .000). All light-curing units produced higher intrapulpal temperature increase in the mandibular incisor than in the premolar. Power PAC produced significantly higher heat changes in the incisor than in the premolar. Orthodontic bonding with different light-curing units did not exceed the critical 5.5 degrees C value for pulpal health.
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Apr 1, 2004
Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD) was a Turkish surgeon who lived in the Ottoman Empire durin... more Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD) was a Turkish surgeon who lived in the Ottoman Empire during the fifteenth century, a time of progressive expansion. When in his eighties, he wrote Cerrahiyyetü'l-Haniyye, which means Imperial Surgery. His book is the first example of an illustrated surgical textbook in the Turkish-Islamic medical literature. The importance of his book rests upon the inclusion of colour miniatures of the surgical procedures, incisional techniques and instruments, all drawn by Sabuncuoğlu himself. Only three hand-written copies exist, two of which were originally written by the author and are currently exhibited in Paris and Istanbul. The book was rediscovered in 1936, but some parts of it are still suspected to be missing. At present, the book consists of three chapters divided into 193 known sections. The sections deal with all fields of surgery including ophthalmology, and cite relevant Greek, Arabic and Persian textbooks. In this historical article the sections of Cerrahiyyetü'l-Haniyye pertinent to ophthalmology are critically reviewed, including a selection of the coloured drawings.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics-Law and History, 1995
Bu çalışmada, tıp çevrelerinin ve genel olarak toplu mun gündeminde giderek önem kazanan "malprak... more Bu çalışmada, tıp çevrelerinin ve genel olarak toplu mun gündeminde giderek önem kazanan "malpraktis" (meslek kusuru; yaygın kullanımı ile hekimlikte meslek kusuru) etik, deontolojik ve hukuki yönlerden ele alınıp değerlendirilmiş ve dişhekimliği özelinden örneklerle açık lanmıştır. Ayrıca dişhekimliğinde karşılaşılan meslek ku surlarının nedenleri ile bu soruna yönelik çözüm önerileri de incelenip irdelenmiştir.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Jul 1, 2005
Introduction: The relationship between total mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular t... more Introduction: The relationship between total mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular teeth is an important factor in orthodontic treatment planning. The purposes of this article are to report a mathematical tooth-size ratio specifically designed for patients needing the extraction of 4 first premolars and to compare the anterior "6" and overall "12" ratio values reported by Bolton with the calculated anterior "6" and overall "10" ratio values obtained from data in this study. Methods: This study was conducted in 3 phases. In the first 2 phases, we used the peer assessment rating and ideal cephalometric norms to select 53 ideal posttreatment models of patients who had had 4 premolars extracted. In the third phase, the mean overall "10" ratio and the mean anterior "6" ratio were calculated for the selected models. Bolton's mean overall "12" (91.3%) and anterior "6" ratios (77.2%) were compared statistically with calculations derived from this study by using 1-sample t test. Results: The mean overall "10" ratio and the mean anterior "6" ratio were found to be 89.28 Ϯ 1.07% and 77.68 Ϯ 1.12%, respectively. Although the difference in anterior ratio was not significantly different from Bolton's anterior "6" ratio, there was a statistically significant difference between Bolton's study and our study in overall ratio. Conclusions: The mathematical tooth size overall ratio of 89.28% was determined for patients requiring the extraction of 4 first premolars and is recommended for use in diagnosis and treatment planning.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2014
Beşinci yüzyılda İstanbul'da yazılan ve halen Avusturya Milli Kütüphanesi'nde korunan "Codex Cons... more Beşinci yüzyılda İstanbul'da yazılan ve halen Avusturya Milli Kütüphanesi'nde korunan "Codex Constantinopolitensis" Anavarzalı Dioskorides'in "Materia Medica"sının bilinen en noksansız nüshası idi. Ancak bu nüshadan başka gene İstanbul'da yazılan ve Dioskorides'in yanında Antonius Musa ve Apuleius gibi Antikçağ yazarlarının da eserlerini içeren "Codex Vindebonensis-93"ün de Antikçağ tıbbında önemli bir yeri vardır. Bu çalışmada bu nüsha tanıtılacak ve bilimsel değeri tartışılacaktır.
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 2008
Bu çalışmada yüz protezlerinin tarihsel gelişimine kısaca değinilmiş ve geçmişten günümüze kadar ... more Bu çalışmada yüz protezlerinin tarihsel gelişimine kısaca değinilmiş ve geçmişten günümüze kadar kullanılan yüz protez materyalleri açıklanmıştır. Bugün ulaşılan başarı, bu materyallerdeki gelişime bağlıdır.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 2, 2014
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 5, 1996
Belleten, Aug 1, 1988
~l Genel Kütüphanesi t~p yazmalan yönünden oldukça zengindir ve bunlar içinde tek nüsha olan eser... more ~l Genel Kütüphanesi t~p yazmalan yönünden oldukça zengindir ve bunlar içinde tek nüsha olan eserler de mevcuttur. Bu nadir yazmalara hekim ve ~air Ahmedi (1334?-1413)'nin Tarvih al-Ervah 1 ve Beynini' (973-105)'nin Farsça Kitab-al Saydala Tercümesi 2 örnek gösterilebilir. Burada tamtmaya çal~~aca~~m k~salt~lm~~~ Zahravf tercümesi de bu ünik yazmalardan bir tanesidir. As~l ad~~ Abi~'l-Kâsim Khalaf ~bn `Abbas al-Zahrâvi olan ve ~spanya'da Kurtuba'da ~~ o. yüzy~lda ya~ayan (Ölm. ~~ o ~~ 3) ünlü islâm cerrahi Abulkas~m Zavrahrnin 30 ciltten te~ekkül eden Kitâb al-tasrif li-man cacaza Can al-tacalif eserinin cerrahiye ayr~lan son cildi çok tan~nm~~t~r 3. Zahravi bir cerrah~n anatomi bilmesini ~srarla isteyen ve yüksek bir gözlem kabiliyetine sahib olan, hastan~n yaln~z ameliyat amnda postoperatif safhada da takibini isteyen, prensip sahibi yüksek bir hekimdi. Yazm~~~ oldu~u eser, gelmi~~ geçmi~~ cerrahi eserler aras~nda üstün bir yer i~gal etmi~tir ve buldu~u baz~~ teknikler bugün bile geçerlidir. K~sacas~~ kendisi bir cerrahta bulunmas~~ gereken bütün meziyedere sahipti. T~p Tarihi incelendi~inde cerahinin bir t~p dal~~ olarak di~erleri aras~nda en geç geli~eni oldu~u görülür. Anatomide 15-16. yüzy~llarda ilerlemeler; temel t~p bilimlerindeki geli~meler ve nihayet asepsi ve antisepsi'nin ke~fi ve bu sayede ameliyat sonu enfeksiyonlar~mn önüne geçilmesi cerrahiyi günümüzdeki seviyesine getirebilmi~tir. Dolay~s~yla yukanda belirtilen bilgi ve teknoloji birikimine sahip olmayan ortaça~m cerrahi oldukça ~anss~z insand~, çünkü anatomik bilgisi s~n~rl~~ idi, ameliyat sonras~~ bak~m yetersizdi ve hastalar~n ço~u ameliyat sonras~~ komplikasyon-* Gülhane Askeri T~p Fakültesi Ö~retim Üyesi-ANKARA. 1973'de yapt~~~m çal~~mada Manisa'da 171 t~p yazmas~~ tespit ettim. Bunlardan g~l'i Arapça, 20'si Farsça, 53'ü de Türkçedir. Kütüphanede Klasik ~slam T~bb~mn hemen hemen bütün kaynak eserleri ve bu arada ~bni Sina'n~n üç tane Kanun istinsah~~ vard~r. 2 Tarih al-Arvah. (Ahmedi) Manisa ~l Genel Kütüphanesi Kay~t no: 0.1852 Kitab al-Saydala. (Beyruni) Kay~t no: 1789 3 Bu cerrahi eser 1519'da Augsburg'da "Liber Theoricae Nec non Praticas Alsaharavii" ad~yla bas~lm~~t~r.
Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Derg.(. Clinical Dentistry and Research), 2001
Revue d'orthopédie dento-faciale, Sep 1, 1987
... Quant aux sujets vivants, les téléradiographies sont prises par les méthodes conventionnelles... more ... Quant aux sujets vivants, les téléradiographies sont prises par les méthodes conventionnelles, mais en respectant la distance de la ligne médiane à la cassette, soit : 12,5 cm. Rev Orihop Demo Faciale 21: 467-474, 1987 ... 3 - Hauteur faciale inférieure (ENA-Xi-Pm), en degrés. ...
PubMed, Apr 1, 1990
In this study, tele radiographs of 52 military academy students neutral occlusion were taken in o... more In this study, tele radiographs of 52 military academy students neutral occlusion were taken in order to establish the deep facial structure standards of our society. Anterior and posterior lengths of cranial base, ramus height and mandibular length were measured from the cephalometric lines of these pictures. Likewise, measurements were made of Cella, Articular and Gonion angles. Average values, standard deviations and errors were obtained of all these results. These measurements were compared through biometric methods with those previously made by Björk. The anterior and posterior lengths and the ramus height show biometrically insignificant differences in these two studies. The same also applies for the Cella and Articular angles. On the other hand, the ramus height which we determined is somewhat greater and significantly different from that of Björk from the biometrical viewpoint. Furthermore, our Gonion angle is less than that of Björk, and significantly different from the biometrical standpoint. In conclusion, it is suggested that the Ramus height and Gonion angle found through our study should be utilized for our purposes in all dental interventions to be made on the individuals of this society.
Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, Sep 1, 2014
Anadolu bitki florasının zenginliği her dönemde bilim insanlarının dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu nedenl... more Anadolu bitki florasının zenginliği her dönemde bilim insanlarının dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu nedenle iyileştirmede kullanılan bitkisel droglar halk hekimliği yanında bilimsel tıpta da yerini almıştır. Bu bitkileri tanımak ve bulunduğu yerleri saptamak bilim adamlarının amaçlarından birisidir. Bu çalışmada 1815 yılında Viyana Tıp Fakültesi adına Anadolu'da toplanmış tıbbi bitkilerin çok iyi korunmuş herbaryumu tanıtılmış ve tartışılmıştır.
PubMed, Nov 1, 1989
Examinations were based on lateral cephalometric changes in sagittal extent. For this purpose, Th... more Examinations were based on lateral cephalometric changes in sagittal extent. For this purpose, The FR-3 appliance was tried out on total 13 patients (5 female and 8 male) Who have skeletal Angle Class III malocclusion due to maxillary inadequacy. The changes in the sagittal direction on lateral cephalograms and the findings obtained as a result of treatment, were compared with the usual grow up and maturation values. Then, whole data were evaluated biostatistically. Consequently, all results showed that, although FR-3 appliance can be used on this type of malocclusions, good patient cooperation and knowing the individual optimal grow-up models are extremely important and necessary.
PubMed, Apr 1, 1990
The main purpose of this investigation was to study the shape and size of the mandibular condyles... more The main purpose of this investigation was to study the shape and size of the mandibular condyles for any correlation with type of mandibular rotation. 40 mandibular bones that belongs to modern man, and late Roman stage were examined regarding the size and shape of condyles. The cephalograms of the mandibles were taken and the type of mandibular rotation was recorded on them according to Leiba analysis. The Leiba analysis results showed statistically significant differences while, the differences between the condyle sizes were found to be insignificant between the groups.
PubMed, Nov 1, 1997
From the 7th to the 11th centuries Arabic authors translated ancient Greek and Roman medical text... more From the 7th to the 11th centuries Arabic authors translated ancient Greek and Roman medical textbooks into their own languages. In the 11th and 12th centuries, noted authors used these early translations when writing other classical texts. One of these was that of the Andalusian surgeon, Albulcasis (936-1013), whose famous work is entitled, at-Tasrif (4,6). It has been used as a reference book for centuries and was translated into Latin in the 15th century and into Turkish by me when I discovered a manuscript of it in the Manisa Library in Turkey (14). The best interpreter of it, however, was Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1365-1468). He used the classification of at-Tasrif, but improved on it by adding original observations and three original chapters. His book is entitled, Cerrahiyyetu'l Haniyye which means The Imperial Surgery (15).
PubMed, Mar 1, 2006
The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the temperature changes in the pulp chamber... more The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the temperature changes in the pulp chamber during bracket bonding using three different light sources. Bracket bonding was performed on one lower first premolar and one lower central incisor at two different distances (surface and 10 mm). The measurements were taken with a J-type thermocouple wire, placed in the pulp chamber and connected to a data logger. Analysis of variance revealed that pulp chamber temperature changes were influenced by the light source, the tooth type, and the distance from the tip of the light guide to the bracket surface. Halogen induced significantly higher intrapulpal temperature changes than light-emitting diode and Xenon Plasma Arc (PAC) (P = .000). The temperature increase was significantly higher when the light-guide tip was positioned at the surface of the teeth than at the 10-mm distance with all light-curing units (P = .000). All light-curing units produced higher intrapulpal temperature increase in the mandibular incisor than in the premolar. Power PAC produced significantly higher heat changes in the incisor than in the premolar. Orthodontic bonding with different light-curing units did not exceed the critical 5.5 degrees C value for pulpal health.
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Apr 1, 2004
Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD) was a Turkish surgeon who lived in the Ottoman Empire durin... more Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD) was a Turkish surgeon who lived in the Ottoman Empire during the fifteenth century, a time of progressive expansion. When in his eighties, he wrote Cerrahiyyetü'l-Haniyye, which means Imperial Surgery. His book is the first example of an illustrated surgical textbook in the Turkish-Islamic medical literature. The importance of his book rests upon the inclusion of colour miniatures of the surgical procedures, incisional techniques and instruments, all drawn by Sabuncuoğlu himself. Only three hand-written copies exist, two of which were originally written by the author and are currently exhibited in Paris and Istanbul. The book was rediscovered in 1936, but some parts of it are still suspected to be missing. At present, the book consists of three chapters divided into 193 known sections. The sections deal with all fields of surgery including ophthalmology, and cite relevant Greek, Arabic and Persian textbooks. In this historical article the sections of Cerrahiyyetü'l-Haniyye pertinent to ophthalmology are critically reviewed, including a selection of the coloured drawings.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics-Law and History, 1995
Bu çalışmada, tıp çevrelerinin ve genel olarak toplu mun gündeminde giderek önem kazanan "malprak... more Bu çalışmada, tıp çevrelerinin ve genel olarak toplu mun gündeminde giderek önem kazanan "malpraktis" (meslek kusuru; yaygın kullanımı ile hekimlikte meslek kusuru) etik, deontolojik ve hukuki yönlerden ele alınıp değerlendirilmiş ve dişhekimliği özelinden örneklerle açık lanmıştır. Ayrıca dişhekimliğinde karşılaşılan meslek ku surlarının nedenleri ile bu soruna yönelik çözüm önerileri de incelenip irdelenmiştir.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Jul 1, 2005
Introduction: The relationship between total mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular t... more Introduction: The relationship between total mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular teeth is an important factor in orthodontic treatment planning. The purposes of this article are to report a mathematical tooth-size ratio specifically designed for patients needing the extraction of 4 first premolars and to compare the anterior "6" and overall "12" ratio values reported by Bolton with the calculated anterior "6" and overall "10" ratio values obtained from data in this study. Methods: This study was conducted in 3 phases. In the first 2 phases, we used the peer assessment rating and ideal cephalometric norms to select 53 ideal posttreatment models of patients who had had 4 premolars extracted. In the third phase, the mean overall "10" ratio and the mean anterior "6" ratio were calculated for the selected models. Bolton's mean overall "12" (91.3%) and anterior "6" ratios (77.2%) were compared statistically with calculations derived from this study by using 1-sample t test. Results: The mean overall "10" ratio and the mean anterior "6" ratio were found to be 89.28 Ϯ 1.07% and 77.68 Ϯ 1.12%, respectively. Although the difference in anterior ratio was not significantly different from Bolton's anterior "6" ratio, there was a statistically significant difference between Bolton's study and our study in overall ratio. Conclusions: The mathematical tooth size overall ratio of 89.28% was determined for patients requiring the extraction of 4 first premolars and is recommended for use in diagnosis and treatment planning.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2014
Beşinci yüzyılda İstanbul'da yazılan ve halen Avusturya Milli Kütüphanesi'nde korunan "Codex Cons... more Beşinci yüzyılda İstanbul'da yazılan ve halen Avusturya Milli Kütüphanesi'nde korunan "Codex Constantinopolitensis" Anavarzalı Dioskorides'in "Materia Medica"sının bilinen en noksansız nüshası idi. Ancak bu nüshadan başka gene İstanbul'da yazılan ve Dioskorides'in yanında Antonius Musa ve Apuleius gibi Antikçağ yazarlarının da eserlerini içeren "Codex Vindebonensis-93"ün de Antikçağ tıbbında önemli bir yeri vardır. Bu çalışmada bu nüsha tanıtılacak ve bilimsel değeri tartışılacaktır.
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 2008
Bu çalışmada yüz protezlerinin tarihsel gelişimine kısaca değinilmiş ve geçmişten günümüze kadar ... more Bu çalışmada yüz protezlerinin tarihsel gelişimine kısaca değinilmiş ve geçmişten günümüze kadar kullanılan yüz protez materyalleri açıklanmıştır. Bugün ulaşılan başarı, bu materyallerdeki gelişime bağlıdır.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Nov 2, 2014
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 5, 1996