Łukasz Samoliński - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Łukasz Samoliński
Evidence-Based Practice Profile (EBP2) Questionnaire. Polska wersja językowa kwestionariusza. (PD... more Evidence-Based Practice Profile (EBP2) Questionnaire. Polska wersja językowa kwestionariusza. (PDF 830 kb)
Data analysis. (XLSX 26 kb)
Testing the assumptions of linear regression. (DOCX 95 kb)
A summer professional internship is compulsory part of the education programme in the field of Pu... more A summer professional internship is compulsory part of the education programme in the field of Pub-lic Health. Organisation of internships for Public Health students differs from one university to another. The study was an attempt to assess the organisation and course of professional internships among students of Public Health at the Faculty of Health Science, Warsaw Medical University.
Od 1 stycznia 2016 r. określone grupy pielegniarek i poloznych w Polsce uzyskają uprawnienia w za... more Od 1 stycznia 2016 r. określone grupy pielegniarek i poloznych w Polsce uzyskają uprawnienia w zakre-sie wystawiania recept i samodzielnego kierowania pacjentow na badania diagnostyczne.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2016
rzegląd piśmiennictwa pielęgniarskiego na przykładzie czasopisma "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" A lite... more rzegląd piśmiennictwa pielęgniarskiego na przykładzie czasopisma "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" A literature review in nursing at the example of the journal "Nursing Topics" Praca powstała przy wsparciu finansowym Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (Grant Młodego Badacza, NZD/PM1/16). STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Czasopismo "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" jest oficjalnym pismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Pielęgniarskiego, w którym są publikowane recenzowane artykuły poglądowe, oryginalne prace badawcze z dziedziny pielęgniarstwa i dziedzin pokrewnych, sprawozdania, komentarze, recenzje oraz oficjalne stanowiska międzynarodowych stowarzyszeń zawodowych. Cel. Celem pracy była ilościowa i jakościowa analiza publikacji zamieszczonych w czasopiśmie "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa". Materiał i metody. Do analizy włączonych zostało 613 artykułów elektronicznych, opublikowanych w latach 2007-2015, wydanych w 34 zeszytach czasopisma. Średnio w jednym numerze czasopisma publikowanych jest 18 artykułów. Największy odsetek spośród wszystkich publikacji dotyczył prac oryginalnych i artykułów poglądowych. Wyniki/Wnioski. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy dostępnych materiałów źródłowych zauważono znaczący rozwój tendencji do wydawania pozycji specjalistycznych i klinicznych w obszarze pielęgniarstwa, jednak rosnąca ich liczba nie jest tożsama ze wzrostem jakości. W ostatnich latach na łamach "Problemów Pielęgniarstwa" ukazuje się coraz więcej prac oryginalnych, co jest dobrym prognostykiem na przyszłość i świadectwem coraz większego zainteresowania pielęgniarek prowadzeniem badań naukowych.
Nursing and Public Health, 2017
Background. Starting on January 1, 2016, specific groups of nurses and midwives have gained right... more Background. Starting on January 1, 2016, specific groups of nurses and midwives have gained rights with respect to writing out prescriptions on medical orders and prescribing certain drugs, including writing out prescriptions for these medicines, as well as referring patients for diagnostic tests independently. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of MUW students about the expanding professional competence of nurses and midwives. Material and methods. Four hundred seventeen students, 83% women; mean age: 23 years (min. 18, max. 58, median: 23) took part in this study. Among them were students of: Medicine 35%, Nursing 25%, Public Health 20%, Midwifery 19%. First-year students comparised 30% of the participants, third-year-28%, fourth-year-14%, second-year-12%, fifth-year-10%, and sixth-year-5%. Forty-three per cent of the study participants had already taken part in a medical law course. A voluntary and anonymous questionnaire study, a questionnaire developed by the authors, consisted of 3 parts: 13 close-ended questions on knowledge, 26 statements concerning attitudes assessed using the Likert scale, 8 demographic questions. The approval of the Ethical Review Board of Warsaw Medical University was not necessary. Results. Forty-two per cent of the students knew which legal act had been amended and 31% of the total knew the date of its entry into force. Fifty-three per cent knew that the new regulations were their rights. Twenty-five per cent of the study participants knew that their new powers concerned prescribing medicines, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and medical devices.
Polish Journal of Public Health, 2016
The profession of a nurse should be practised along with the standards of the most recent medical... more The profession of a nurse should be practised along with the standards of the most recent medical knowledge and law.The authors aimed at assessing the relationship between nurse’s education and their knowledge of the legal regulations, taking into account nurses’ performance at work.A total of 91 nurses were included in the study group. The mean age of the nurses was 34 years (min. 22, max. 63). Group 1: 32 nurses with medium-level education, group 2: 59 nurses with higher-level education. The study tool was a voluntary and anonymous survey questionnaire the authors’ own design, consisting 36 questions. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using STATISTICA 10.0 (Medical University of Warsaw licence), nonparametric U Mann-Whitney Test α<0.05).69 nurses declared they knew the legal acts regulating their profession, Group 2 members were significantly more likely to know them (p<0.007). Nurses with higher education were statistically more likely to be aware ...
BMC Medical Education, 2017
Background: Evaluation of the predictive validity of selected sociodemographic factors and admiss... more Background: Evaluation of the predictive validity of selected sociodemographic factors and admission criteria for Master's studies in Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). Methods: For the evaluation purposes recruitment data and learning results of students enrolled between 2008 and 2012 were used (N = 605, average age 22.9 ± 3.01). The predictive analysis was performed using the multiple linear regression method. In the proposed regression model 12 predictors were selected, including: sex, age, professional degree (BA), the Bachelor's studies grade point average (GPA), total score of the preliminary examination broken down into five thematic areas. Depending on the tested model, one of two dependent variables was used: first-year GPA or cumulative GPA in the Master program. Results: The regression model based on the result variable of Master's GPA program was better matched to data in comparison to the model based on the first year GPA (adjusted R 2 0.413 versus 0.476 respectively). The Bachelor's studies GPA and each of the five subtests comprising the test entrance exam were significant predictors of success achieved by a student both after the first year and at the end of the course of studies. Conclusions: Criteria of admissions with total score of MCQs exam and Bachelor's studies GPA can be successfully used for selection of the candidates for Master's degree studies in Public Health. The high predictive validity of the recruitment system confirms the validity of the adopted admission policy at MUW.
BMC Medical Education, 2017
Background: Decisions about patient care in clinical practice should be made based on proven scie... more Background: Decisions about patient care in clinical practice should be made based on proven scientific evidence of efficacy and safety (i.e., evidence-based practice [EBP]). Currently, there are no available tools in Poland for assessing the knowledge and attitudes of specialists in health sciences towards EBP. Therefore, by validating the Polish version of the original English Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire (EBP 2 Q), we may provide an appropriate instrument for assessing EBP. Methods: The validation group consisted of 1,362 people, including nurses and midwives taking the specialization exam, second-degree students in nursing/midwifery, and staff of selected municipal and clinical hospitals in Warsaw, Pruszkow, and Chelm. The study was conducted from March to June 2014. The following psychometric properties of the EBP 2 Q were assessed: reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and test-retest), validity (exploratory factor analysis, Spearman's r correlation coefficient, and assessment of inter-group differences), as well as unidimensionality of domains (principal component analysis). Results: All domains of the EBP 2 Q were characterized by high reliability (Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.800 to 0.972). The Polish version showed a strong similarity of factor structure with the original English EBP 2 Q, indicating that the condition for theoretical validity is fulfilled. Maintenance of the theoretical and discriminative validity and unidimensionality of five domains of the EBP 2 Q was confirmed. Conclusions: The Polish version of the EBP 2 Q is comparable in terms of psychometry to the original English version. This questionnaire can be used to assess knowledge, attitudes, and skills concerning EBP among students and practicing professional nurses and midwives. The future validation of the EBP 2 Q in other groups of specialists in health sciences may increase the scope of applicability of this tool.
Polish Journal of Public Health, 2016
Introduction. Since January 1st, 2016, particular groups of nurses and midwives in Poland are all... more Introduction. Since January 1st, 2016, particular groups of nurses and midwives in Poland are allowed to write prescriptions and refer patients to diagnostic procedures without doctors’ involvement. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess what university students know about the changes that expanded the professional competencies of nurses and midwives. Material and methods. The study group comprised of 535 students of three different universities. The group was 82% female and the mean age was 23 years (min.=19; max.=58, SD=4.780). Nursing students were the largest group among the study participants (177 individuals which meant 33% of the total), followed by Medicine students (145 individuals, 27% of all), Midwifery (107 persons, 20% of the total), and Public Health (100 persons, 19% of all). As many as 324 respondents (60%) had never participated in any medical law-related courses. A voluntary and anonymous survey containing 39 questions divided into 3 parts: 13 questions about know...
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2016
róba szacowania edukacyjnej wartości dodanej jako miary efektywności kształcenia studentów pielęg... more róba szacowania edukacyjnej wartości dodanej jako miary efektywności kształcenia studentów pielęgniarstwa-badanie wstępne jednoośrodkowe An attempt to estimate educational value-added as a measurement of effectiveness in nursing training-a preliminary one-centre study STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Jedną z miar służących do oceny efektywności nauczania jest szacowanie edukacyjnej wartości dodanej (EWD), zdefiniowanej jako przyrost wiedzy studentów w wyniku prowadzenia procesu edukacyjnego. Cel pracy. Zbudowanie i wstępna walidacja modelu predykcyjnego o potencjalnym zastosowaniu w ocenie EWD. Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowano wyniki kształcenia z toku studiów na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym (WUM): zbiór danych uczących [się?] (n = 1539) i testowych (n = 139); średnia wieku 19,6 ± 2,40 lat; 90% kobiet. Zastosowano model liniowej regresji wielorakiej z siedmioma predyktorami: oceny egzaminacyjne uzyskane przez studentów z zakresu nauk podstawowych i podstaw opieki pielęgniarskiej; zmienna wynikowa: średnia ocen z egzaminów dotyczących opieki specjalistycznej; jakość prognozy: współczynnik korelacji r-Pearsona; oszacowanie EWD na podstawie średniej różnicy między wynikiem przewidywanym a rzeczywistym. Wyniki. Model regresji wielorakiej był istotny statystycznie (F [7,1526] = 346,72; p < 0,0001), a poszczególne predyktory wyjaśniały w sumie ponad 60% wariancji średniej ocen. Jedynie oceny z przedmiotu fizjologia nie wykazywały istotnego statystycznie wpływu na wartość średniej ocen. Najwyższy wpływ na osiągnięcia studentów z zakresu opieki specjalistycznej miały wyniki kształcenia z przedmiotów farmakologia (b stand. = 0,326) i podstawowa opieka (b stand. = = 0,325). Otrzymany w toku analizy korelacyjnej wynik wskazuje na dobre parametry predykcyjne testowanego modelu regresji (korelacja r-Pearsona 0,772). EWD jako średnia z różnic między wynikami oczekiwanymi a uzyskanymi z modelu predykcyjnego wyniosła-0,038. Wnioski. 1. Proponowany model regresji może stanowić podstawę do szacowania EWD na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na WUM. 2. Przedstawiona metodologia budowania i walidacji modelu predykcyjnego może być stosowana przez inne uczelnie kształcące studentów na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na studiach pierwszego stopnia.
Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century, 2016
Aim. The first issue of Nursing in the 21st Century was published in 2002. The journal is dedicat... more Aim. The first issue of Nursing in the 21st Century was published in 2002. The journal is dedicated to provide information on innovations in nursing, midwifery, as well as other health sciences. It includes peer-reviewed meta-analyses and review papers, original research studies on nursing and related areas, case reports, as well as discussions, comments, and reviews. The study aimed to perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of articles published in Nursing In the 21st Century. Materials and Methods. In the study, the authors looked at a total of 247 articles published between 2010 and 2015. Results. As many as 247 articles were published in 19 issues of Nursing In the 21st Century during the period that the authors looked at. There were some 13 articles per every single issue on average. Original papers and meta-analyses were most frequently published types of publication. There were also other types of articles, like reports, communications, reviews, and case studies but ...
Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, 2016
Z regulacjami prawnymi w swojej pracy zawodowej pielęgniarki spotykają się wielokrotnie, dlatego ... more Z regulacjami prawnymi w swojej pracy zawodowej pielęgniarki spotykają się wielokrotnie, dlatego aspekty te są często przedmiotem prac naukowych. Autorzy uznali za stosowne przeprowadzenie przeglądu piśmiennictwa poświęconego tym zagadnieniom. Przegląd obejmował 37 artykułów, które ukazały się w latach 2012-2015 w polskich czasopismach pielęgniarskich. Tematyka prawna stanowi istotne zagadnienie w polskim piśmiennictwie naukowym z zakresu pielęgniarstwa. Wśród prac więcej ma charakter poglądowy (27) niż badawczy (10). Najczęściej poruszanymi zagadnieniami są prawo medyczne, prawo w zawodzie pielęgniarki oraz prawo pracy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zjawiska tzw. mobbingu. W części prac zdarzają się pewne niedociągnięcia merytoryczne w zakresie zgodności treści artykułów czy stosowanego narzędzia badawczego z aktualnym stanem prawnym. Dlatego też wydaje się zasadne tworzenie interdyscyplinarnych zespołów badawczych z udziałem zarówno prawnika, jak i pielęgniarki lub lekarza. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: prawo, pielęgniarka, prawo medyczne, prawo w pielęgniarstwie.
INTED2016 Proceedings, 2016
Nursing practice based on a modern nursing model obliges nurses to participate in continuing educ... more Nursing practice based on a modern nursing model obliges nurses to participate in continuing education and develop their professional skills, which is also required by the Nurses and Midwives Act of July 15, 2011. The use of the most recent scientific literature that is the source of reliable information about nursing contributes significantly to improve knowledge of nurses, inspires the research career development and participation in continuing education. Aim The aim of the study was to analyse attitudes of nurses towards using scientific literature in everyday clinical practice based on evidence (Evidence-based Nursing Practice). Materials and Methods 1027 nurses (33 men, 3.2% of the total), mean age was 42.60 years (min. 21, max. 69, SD=8.16), mean length of service of 20.86 years (min. 0, max. 40, SD=9.32). As many as 32.23% of the study participants had secondary medical education (n=331), almost half of the total (44.79%, n=460) worked full-time in a town hospital, 31.84% of all (n=327) worked as a senior nurse; most study participants (61.73%, n=634) completed a postgraduate training. An anonymous standardised questionnaire called "Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire" from the University in Southern Australia. Four domains of the questionnaire (two of them were based on the Likert scale, the remaining two were based on a nominal scale) were used in the present analysis, 37 questions out of 74 were close-ended questions. Statistical analysis: Cronbach's α coefficient, STATISTICA 12.
Introduction Educational diagnostics on university level is currently based on evaluation of a st... more Introduction Educational diagnostics on university level is currently based on evaluation of a student’s progress with particular attention placed on measuring the achieved learning outcomes. In case of Public Health Faculty, we are faced with a broad and interdisciplinary field of skills and knowledge. A process of education that has been carried out properly and comprehensive assessment of the gained competences is the basis for further research into the learning outcomes and it also allows to analyse the fate of graduates of a given major. Evidence-based assessment should be applied as good practice at any university which attempts to adjust their educational policy to the changing needs and requirements of labour market. Aim of study Analysis of assessment in the subjects that are completed with an exam on the second degree studies at the faculty of Public Health. Materials and Methods Examination data of 565 students from the faculty of Public Health who qualified to the studie...
Evidence-Based Practice Profile (EBP2) Questionnaire. Polska wersja językowa kwestionariusza. (PD... more Evidence-Based Practice Profile (EBP2) Questionnaire. Polska wersja językowa kwestionariusza. (PDF 830 kb)
Data analysis. (XLSX 26 kb)
Testing the assumptions of linear regression. (DOCX 95 kb)
A summer professional internship is compulsory part of the education programme in the field of Pu... more A summer professional internship is compulsory part of the education programme in the field of Pub-lic Health. Organisation of internships for Public Health students differs from one university to another. The study was an attempt to assess the organisation and course of professional internships among students of Public Health at the Faculty of Health Science, Warsaw Medical University.
Od 1 stycznia 2016 r. określone grupy pielegniarek i poloznych w Polsce uzyskają uprawnienia w za... more Od 1 stycznia 2016 r. określone grupy pielegniarek i poloznych w Polsce uzyskają uprawnienia w zakre-sie wystawiania recept i samodzielnego kierowania pacjentow na badania diagnostyczne.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2016
rzegląd piśmiennictwa pielęgniarskiego na przykładzie czasopisma "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" A lite... more rzegląd piśmiennictwa pielęgniarskiego na przykładzie czasopisma "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" A literature review in nursing at the example of the journal "Nursing Topics" Praca powstała przy wsparciu finansowym Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (Grant Młodego Badacza, NZD/PM1/16). STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Czasopismo "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa" jest oficjalnym pismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Pielęgniarskiego, w którym są publikowane recenzowane artykuły poglądowe, oryginalne prace badawcze z dziedziny pielęgniarstwa i dziedzin pokrewnych, sprawozdania, komentarze, recenzje oraz oficjalne stanowiska międzynarodowych stowarzyszeń zawodowych. Cel. Celem pracy była ilościowa i jakościowa analiza publikacji zamieszczonych w czasopiśmie "Problemy Pielęgniarstwa". Materiał i metody. Do analizy włączonych zostało 613 artykułów elektronicznych, opublikowanych w latach 2007-2015, wydanych w 34 zeszytach czasopisma. Średnio w jednym numerze czasopisma publikowanych jest 18 artykułów. Największy odsetek spośród wszystkich publikacji dotyczył prac oryginalnych i artykułów poglądowych. Wyniki/Wnioski. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy dostępnych materiałów źródłowych zauważono znaczący rozwój tendencji do wydawania pozycji specjalistycznych i klinicznych w obszarze pielęgniarstwa, jednak rosnąca ich liczba nie jest tożsama ze wzrostem jakości. W ostatnich latach na łamach "Problemów Pielęgniarstwa" ukazuje się coraz więcej prac oryginalnych, co jest dobrym prognostykiem na przyszłość i świadectwem coraz większego zainteresowania pielęgniarek prowadzeniem badań naukowych.
Nursing and Public Health, 2017
Background. Starting on January 1, 2016, specific groups of nurses and midwives have gained right... more Background. Starting on January 1, 2016, specific groups of nurses and midwives have gained rights with respect to writing out prescriptions on medical orders and prescribing certain drugs, including writing out prescriptions for these medicines, as well as referring patients for diagnostic tests independently. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of MUW students about the expanding professional competence of nurses and midwives. Material and methods. Four hundred seventeen students, 83% women; mean age: 23 years (min. 18, max. 58, median: 23) took part in this study. Among them were students of: Medicine 35%, Nursing 25%, Public Health 20%, Midwifery 19%. First-year students comparised 30% of the participants, third-year-28%, fourth-year-14%, second-year-12%, fifth-year-10%, and sixth-year-5%. Forty-three per cent of the study participants had already taken part in a medical law course. A voluntary and anonymous questionnaire study, a questionnaire developed by the authors, consisted of 3 parts: 13 close-ended questions on knowledge, 26 statements concerning attitudes assessed using the Likert scale, 8 demographic questions. The approval of the Ethical Review Board of Warsaw Medical University was not necessary. Results. Forty-two per cent of the students knew which legal act had been amended and 31% of the total knew the date of its entry into force. Fifty-three per cent knew that the new regulations were their rights. Twenty-five per cent of the study participants knew that their new powers concerned prescribing medicines, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and medical devices.
Polish Journal of Public Health, 2016
The profession of a nurse should be practised along with the standards of the most recent medical... more The profession of a nurse should be practised along with the standards of the most recent medical knowledge and law.The authors aimed at assessing the relationship between nurse’s education and their knowledge of the legal regulations, taking into account nurses’ performance at work.A total of 91 nurses were included in the study group. The mean age of the nurses was 34 years (min. 22, max. 63). Group 1: 32 nurses with medium-level education, group 2: 59 nurses with higher-level education. The study tool was a voluntary and anonymous survey questionnaire the authors’ own design, consisting 36 questions. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using STATISTICA 10.0 (Medical University of Warsaw licence), nonparametric U Mann-Whitney Test α<0.05).69 nurses declared they knew the legal acts regulating their profession, Group 2 members were significantly more likely to know them (p<0.007). Nurses with higher education were statistically more likely to be aware ...
BMC Medical Education, 2017
Background: Evaluation of the predictive validity of selected sociodemographic factors and admiss... more Background: Evaluation of the predictive validity of selected sociodemographic factors and admission criteria for Master's studies in Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw (MUW). Methods: For the evaluation purposes recruitment data and learning results of students enrolled between 2008 and 2012 were used (N = 605, average age 22.9 ± 3.01). The predictive analysis was performed using the multiple linear regression method. In the proposed regression model 12 predictors were selected, including: sex, age, professional degree (BA), the Bachelor's studies grade point average (GPA), total score of the preliminary examination broken down into five thematic areas. Depending on the tested model, one of two dependent variables was used: first-year GPA or cumulative GPA in the Master program. Results: The regression model based on the result variable of Master's GPA program was better matched to data in comparison to the model based on the first year GPA (adjusted R 2 0.413 versus 0.476 respectively). The Bachelor's studies GPA and each of the five subtests comprising the test entrance exam were significant predictors of success achieved by a student both after the first year and at the end of the course of studies. Conclusions: Criteria of admissions with total score of MCQs exam and Bachelor's studies GPA can be successfully used for selection of the candidates for Master's degree studies in Public Health. The high predictive validity of the recruitment system confirms the validity of the adopted admission policy at MUW.
BMC Medical Education, 2017
Background: Decisions about patient care in clinical practice should be made based on proven scie... more Background: Decisions about patient care in clinical practice should be made based on proven scientific evidence of efficacy and safety (i.e., evidence-based practice [EBP]). Currently, there are no available tools in Poland for assessing the knowledge and attitudes of specialists in health sciences towards EBP. Therefore, by validating the Polish version of the original English Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire (EBP 2 Q), we may provide an appropriate instrument for assessing EBP. Methods: The validation group consisted of 1,362 people, including nurses and midwives taking the specialization exam, second-degree students in nursing/midwifery, and staff of selected municipal and clinical hospitals in Warsaw, Pruszkow, and Chelm. The study was conducted from March to June 2014. The following psychometric properties of the EBP 2 Q were assessed: reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and test-retest), validity (exploratory factor analysis, Spearman's r correlation coefficient, and assessment of inter-group differences), as well as unidimensionality of domains (principal component analysis). Results: All domains of the EBP 2 Q were characterized by high reliability (Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.800 to 0.972). The Polish version showed a strong similarity of factor structure with the original English EBP 2 Q, indicating that the condition for theoretical validity is fulfilled. Maintenance of the theoretical and discriminative validity and unidimensionality of five domains of the EBP 2 Q was confirmed. Conclusions: The Polish version of the EBP 2 Q is comparable in terms of psychometry to the original English version. This questionnaire can be used to assess knowledge, attitudes, and skills concerning EBP among students and practicing professional nurses and midwives. The future validation of the EBP 2 Q in other groups of specialists in health sciences may increase the scope of applicability of this tool.
Polish Journal of Public Health, 2016
Introduction. Since January 1st, 2016, particular groups of nurses and midwives in Poland are all... more Introduction. Since January 1st, 2016, particular groups of nurses and midwives in Poland are allowed to write prescriptions and refer patients to diagnostic procedures without doctors’ involvement. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess what university students know about the changes that expanded the professional competencies of nurses and midwives. Material and methods. The study group comprised of 535 students of three different universities. The group was 82% female and the mean age was 23 years (min.=19; max.=58, SD=4.780). Nursing students were the largest group among the study participants (177 individuals which meant 33% of the total), followed by Medicine students (145 individuals, 27% of all), Midwifery (107 persons, 20% of the total), and Public Health (100 persons, 19% of all). As many as 324 respondents (60%) had never participated in any medical law-related courses. A voluntary and anonymous survey containing 39 questions divided into 3 parts: 13 questions about know...
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa, 2016
róba szacowania edukacyjnej wartości dodanej jako miary efektywności kształcenia studentów pielęg... more róba szacowania edukacyjnej wartości dodanej jako miary efektywności kształcenia studentów pielęgniarstwa-badanie wstępne jednoośrodkowe An attempt to estimate educational value-added as a measurement of effectiveness in nursing training-a preliminary one-centre study STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Jedną z miar służących do oceny efektywności nauczania jest szacowanie edukacyjnej wartości dodanej (EWD), zdefiniowanej jako przyrost wiedzy studentów w wyniku prowadzenia procesu edukacyjnego. Cel pracy. Zbudowanie i wstępna walidacja modelu predykcyjnego o potencjalnym zastosowaniu w ocenie EWD. Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowano wyniki kształcenia z toku studiów na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym (WUM): zbiór danych uczących [się?] (n = 1539) i testowych (n = 139); średnia wieku 19,6 ± 2,40 lat; 90% kobiet. Zastosowano model liniowej regresji wielorakiej z siedmioma predyktorami: oceny egzaminacyjne uzyskane przez studentów z zakresu nauk podstawowych i podstaw opieki pielęgniarskiej; zmienna wynikowa: średnia ocen z egzaminów dotyczących opieki specjalistycznej; jakość prognozy: współczynnik korelacji r-Pearsona; oszacowanie EWD na podstawie średniej różnicy między wynikiem przewidywanym a rzeczywistym. Wyniki. Model regresji wielorakiej był istotny statystycznie (F [7,1526] = 346,72; p < 0,0001), a poszczególne predyktory wyjaśniały w sumie ponad 60% wariancji średniej ocen. Jedynie oceny z przedmiotu fizjologia nie wykazywały istotnego statystycznie wpływu na wartość średniej ocen. Najwyższy wpływ na osiągnięcia studentów z zakresu opieki specjalistycznej miały wyniki kształcenia z przedmiotów farmakologia (b stand. = 0,326) i podstawowa opieka (b stand. = = 0,325). Otrzymany w toku analizy korelacyjnej wynik wskazuje na dobre parametry predykcyjne testowanego modelu regresji (korelacja r-Pearsona 0,772). EWD jako średnia z różnic między wynikami oczekiwanymi a uzyskanymi z modelu predykcyjnego wyniosła-0,038. Wnioski. 1. Proponowany model regresji może stanowić podstawę do szacowania EWD na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na WUM. 2. Przedstawiona metodologia budowania i walidacji modelu predykcyjnego może być stosowana przez inne uczelnie kształcące studentów na kierunku pielęgniarstwo na studiach pierwszego stopnia.
Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century, 2016
Aim. The first issue of Nursing in the 21st Century was published in 2002. The journal is dedicat... more Aim. The first issue of Nursing in the 21st Century was published in 2002. The journal is dedicated to provide information on innovations in nursing, midwifery, as well as other health sciences. It includes peer-reviewed meta-analyses and review papers, original research studies on nursing and related areas, case reports, as well as discussions, comments, and reviews. The study aimed to perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of articles published in Nursing In the 21st Century. Materials and Methods. In the study, the authors looked at a total of 247 articles published between 2010 and 2015. Results. As many as 247 articles were published in 19 issues of Nursing In the 21st Century during the period that the authors looked at. There were some 13 articles per every single issue on average. Original papers and meta-analyses were most frequently published types of publication. There were also other types of articles, like reports, communications, reviews, and case studies but ...
Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, 2016
Z regulacjami prawnymi w swojej pracy zawodowej pielęgniarki spotykają się wielokrotnie, dlatego ... more Z regulacjami prawnymi w swojej pracy zawodowej pielęgniarki spotykają się wielokrotnie, dlatego aspekty te są często przedmiotem prac naukowych. Autorzy uznali za stosowne przeprowadzenie przeglądu piśmiennictwa poświęconego tym zagadnieniom. Przegląd obejmował 37 artykułów, które ukazały się w latach 2012-2015 w polskich czasopismach pielęgniarskich. Tematyka prawna stanowi istotne zagadnienie w polskim piśmiennictwie naukowym z zakresu pielęgniarstwa. Wśród prac więcej ma charakter poglądowy (27) niż badawczy (10). Najczęściej poruszanymi zagadnieniami są prawo medyczne, prawo w zawodzie pielęgniarki oraz prawo pracy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zjawiska tzw. mobbingu. W części prac zdarzają się pewne niedociągnięcia merytoryczne w zakresie zgodności treści artykułów czy stosowanego narzędzia badawczego z aktualnym stanem prawnym. Dlatego też wydaje się zasadne tworzenie interdyscyplinarnych zespołów badawczych z udziałem zarówno prawnika, jak i pielęgniarki lub lekarza. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: prawo, pielęgniarka, prawo medyczne, prawo w pielęgniarstwie.
INTED2016 Proceedings, 2016
Nursing practice based on a modern nursing model obliges nurses to participate in continuing educ... more Nursing practice based on a modern nursing model obliges nurses to participate in continuing education and develop their professional skills, which is also required by the Nurses and Midwives Act of July 15, 2011. The use of the most recent scientific literature that is the source of reliable information about nursing contributes significantly to improve knowledge of nurses, inspires the research career development and participation in continuing education. Aim The aim of the study was to analyse attitudes of nurses towards using scientific literature in everyday clinical practice based on evidence (Evidence-based Nursing Practice). Materials and Methods 1027 nurses (33 men, 3.2% of the total), mean age was 42.60 years (min. 21, max. 69, SD=8.16), mean length of service of 20.86 years (min. 0, max. 40, SD=9.32). As many as 32.23% of the study participants had secondary medical education (n=331), almost half of the total (44.79%, n=460) worked full-time in a town hospital, 31.84% of all (n=327) worked as a senior nurse; most study participants (61.73%, n=634) completed a postgraduate training. An anonymous standardised questionnaire called "Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire" from the University in Southern Australia. Four domains of the questionnaire (two of them were based on the Likert scale, the remaining two were based on a nominal scale) were used in the present analysis, 37 questions out of 74 were close-ended questions. Statistical analysis: Cronbach's α coefficient, STATISTICA 12.
Introduction Educational diagnostics on university level is currently based on evaluation of a st... more Introduction Educational diagnostics on university level is currently based on evaluation of a student’s progress with particular attention placed on measuring the achieved learning outcomes. In case of Public Health Faculty, we are faced with a broad and interdisciplinary field of skills and knowledge. A process of education that has been carried out properly and comprehensive assessment of the gained competences is the basis for further research into the learning outcomes and it also allows to analyse the fate of graduates of a given major. Evidence-based assessment should be applied as good practice at any university which attempts to adjust their educational policy to the changing needs and requirements of labour market. Aim of study Analysis of assessment in the subjects that are completed with an exam on the second degree studies at the faculty of Public Health. Materials and Methods Examination data of 565 students from the faculty of Public Health who qualified to the studie...