Željko Vaško - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Željko Vaško

Research paper thumbnail of Food loss and waste reduction – a new challenge for all stakeholders in food supply chain

Сажетак: У складу са трендом раста броја становника у свијету, повећање производње хране постаје ... more Сажетак: У складу са трендом раста броја становника у свијету, повећање производње хране постаје императив за сектор пољопривреде, тим више што је, и са досадашњим бројем становника, милијарда становника била неухрањена или гладна. Могућност за повећање производње хране углавном се своди на повећање приноса и мање је базирано на повећање обрађених површина и броја грла домаћих животиња. Продуктивност пољопривреде повећава се кроз њено интензивирање, односно већу примјену вјештачких произведених инпута (ђубрива, пестицида, антибиотика и сл.), што угрожава здравствену безбједност тако произведене хране и доводи до повећања загађења природе. Тако се затвара један круг у којем је опстанак човјечанства условљен смањењем здравствене безбједности хране и деградацијом животне средине. Као логична протутежа појавио се еколошки покрет који заговара производњу хране на одрживим принципима, употребном природних инпута и процеса, те очувањем природе. Та логика била би прихватљива свима да се не материјализује у контрадикцији "више екологије, мање (скупље) хране". Поред еколошких активиста, циљ производње Цитирање: Вашко Ж, Јалић Н (2024) Смањење губитака и отпада од хране-нови изазов за све учеснике и ланцу снабдијевања храном. У: Остојић А, Вашко Ж, Пржуљ Н (уредници) Агроекономски аспекти одрживог развоја пољопривреде. Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске, Бања Лука, Монографија LVIII: 553-595 Cite as: Vaško Ž, Jalić N (2024) Food loss and waste reduction-new challenge for all stakeholders in food supply chain. In: Ostojić A, Vaško Ž, Pržulj N (eds) Agroeconomic aspects of sustainable agricultural development. Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska,

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Economics of Cattle Fattening - A Case of Bangladesh

Paper "Economics of Cattle Fattening-A Case Study from Bangladesh" is a useful paper, primarily d... more Paper "Economics of Cattle Fattening-A Case Study from Bangladesh" is a useful paper, primarily due to (according to the author's findings) the fact that until now there have been no studies on that topic. The authors applied their own methodology for determining economic efficiency, which is not completely consistent in some parts. Some terms used in the text are not familiar to English-speaking people. E.g., I understood that bepars are middlemen in the livestock trade. This should be clearly indicated on the first use of the term or replaced by some more common substitute. The same

Research paper thumbnail of A Roadmap to Consolidate Research and Innovation In Agricultural Water Management In Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research paper thumbnail of Export competitiveness of milk and dairy products of the Republic of Srpska on the international market


The aim of this research is an analysis of the export competitiveness of the milk and dairy produ... more The aim of this research is an analysis of the export competitiveness of the milk and dairy products of the Republic of Srpska on the international market. Indicators analysed in the paper are the net trade index (NTI) and the index of contribution to the trade balance (CTBI). Additionally, the paper investigates the type of external competitiveness of the milk and dairy products according to four criteria based on a comparison of export and import unit prices. All indicators have been calculated based on statistical data about the foreign trade of milk and dairy products and referred to the period 2015-2021. In the total export structure of the agri-food sector, milk and dairy products have significant participation in an average of 10.40%. CEFTA and EU countries as the major market destinations for milk and dairy products have recorded an average share of 20.30% and 4.81% in the total agri-food export of the Republic of Srpska. Unlike the EU countries, the analysis of the NTI show...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Agricultural Trade Complementarity of the Czech Republic and Countries in Western Balkan

Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Instruments of economic measures of agricultural policy of the Republic of Srpska

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture in BaH at the end of the first decade of XXI century - the balance of production and consumption of major agricultural products

Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Subsidies as a Factor in the Competitiveness of Domestic Agricultural Production

There are often claims that one of the main causes of poor competitiveness of agricultural produc... more There are often claims that one of the main causes of poor competitiveness of agricultural production of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH) is lower level of subsidies in relation to other countries. In addition, the problem stated is too big and too rapid liberalization of imports of agricultural and food products. Subsidies and custom duties increase competitiveness of domestic producers, which ultimately depends on the level of indirect subsidies and tariff protection enjoyed by their competitors in the domestic and international market. Budgetary constraints in developing countries do not allow payment of the same subsidies to farmers as in developed countries. Because of the different systems of distribution of subsidies it is difficult to make direct comparison of the levels of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH)/The Republic of Srpska (RS) with other countries. Therefore, the level of subsidies in agriculture is measured by a single indicator, and one of the most common is the OECD's PSE (Producer Support Estimate) indicator. It expresses the average level of subsidies to agricultural producers at the level of the EU and amounted to 19.8% in 2010. In the Republic of Srpska (RS), the level of agricultural subsidies (including incentives for longGterm investment and rural development) in 2010 was 12.2% of its agriculture gross value added (GVA). In the last five years, livestock production is more subsidized (in average with 7.6% of agriculture GVA) with a tendency to increase subsidies to that group. Crop production is subsidized in average with 5.3% of agriculture GVA, with the tendency to decrease support to this group. The above suggests that the domestic producers are handicapped in free market competition because they are receiving lower level of subsidies, which combined with lower productivity, reduced their competitive position in relation to imported products, i.e. the imports are not charged by any or by very low customs. The paper further elaborates on policies of subsidizing agriculture in RS and BaH and makes some comparison with the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the level of subsidies in the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of the production volume on the honey sales channels

46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Croatia, 14-18 February 2011. Proceedings, 2011

Cilj rada je bio ustanoviti na koje načine članovi Udruženja pčelara Trebinje prodaju med na podr... more Cilj rada je bio ustanoviti na koje načine članovi Udruženja pčelara Trebinje prodaju med na području općine Trebinje i koji faktori imaju utjecaja na odluku o izboru kanala prodaje. Podaci dobiveni iz ankete obrađeni su jednovarijantnim analizama podataka (distribucije i frekvencije) i komparativne analize. Proizvođači meda u Trebinju koriste više načina prodaje meda. Manji proizvođači do 2.000 kg meda kao kanal prodaje koriste isključivo prodaju na gospodarstvu, dok oni s više od 3.000 kg koriste veći broj alternativnih načina prodaje. Najveći stupanj zadovoljstva je iskazan prodajom na imanju posrednicima (prekupcima), prosječna ocjena 4,7, dok prodaja putem zadruge i veleprodaja imaju nisku prosječnu ocjenu (3,0).

Research paper thumbnail of Agrarian guarantee fund as an instrument of expansion of agricultural lending in the Republic of Srpska

Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Financing agricultural development

The state of food and agriculture, Jun 8, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of agricultural policy developments in the Western Balkan countries

Research Papers in Economics, 2017

This reports provides the analysis of agricultural policies in the Western Balkans (WB) countries... more This reports provides the analysis of agricultural policies in the Western Balkans (WB) countries. This reports attempts to show (i) the main development patterns in production and trade in WB; (ii) an overview of the new policy framework (new programming documents from the period 2013-2015) and its implementation; (iii) the scope and structure of budgetary transfers to agriculture in regional comparison and also in terms of approximation with the CAP; and (iv) the main characteristics of direct producer support in the region. The analyses cover primarily the period 2010-2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural policy developments and EU approximation process in the Western Balkan countries

EUR 29475 EN This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Europ... more EUR 29475 EN This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification of the rural economy as a function of the sustainability of rural areas

Agriculture and Forestry, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Dependence between the level of financial incentives and the level of gross value added of agriculture in the Republic of Srpska in the period 2000-08

Research paper thumbnail of InteractIon between unemployment and the cultIvatIon of arable land – regIonal approach

VASKO, Z., A. OSTOJIC, S. MIRJANIC and L. J. DRINIC, 2013. Interaction between unemployment and t... more VASKO, Z., A. OSTOJIC, S. MIRJANIC and L. J. DRINIC, 2013. Interaction between unemployment and the cultivation of arable land – regional approach. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19: 995-1002 It is historical trend that the labor force from rural areas migrate to urban areas. Employment in agriculture is decreasing because of the intensification of agricultural production, and because of the lack of economic interest to deal with this production. In less developed countries, this trend is so obvious that a significant portion of agricultural land remains uncultivated. In situations of high unemployment and its increase, there is the argument that agriculture is an opportunity for a temporary selfemployment labour force that lost jobs in the industry and other non-agricultural activities. Therefore, the working hypothesis tested whether the increase in unemployment reduces overall uncultivated agricultural land, as one of the logical consequences of engagement one part of unemployed labour fo...

Research paper thumbnail of The Ahp Quantification of Student Population Attitudes in Wine Purchasing

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2022

According to the FAO (2021), slightly less than 6 litres of wine is consumed per capita. (2016) c... more According to the FAO (2021), slightly less than 6 litres of wine is consumed per capita. (2016) confirmed, based on the North Macedonian National Strategy for Viticulture and Wine production, that the wine market in the country has two consumer groups: middle-aged who have lower purchasing power and consume larger quantities of cheaper wine and younger to middle-aged with higher purchasing power who prefer smaller quantities of high-quality wine. [...]the research was conducted among students of Banja Luka University. (2017) stated that of all the factors analyzed in relation to consumers' behavior and preference, the dominant factors identified are demographic factors-age, region, family size and place of living, social factorseducation and income, and behavioral factors-price importance, place of purchase and product characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of attitudes of honey consumers in the municipality of Novi Grad (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2017

Beekeeping is one of the important branches of animal husbandry, and it is also important in the ... more Beekeeping is one of the important branches of animal husbandry, and it is also important in the municipality of Novi Grad in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH). Honey producers should be interested in what consumers think of honey and which factors are crucial for their commitment to purchase honey. Therefore, there has been a study of honey consumer attitudes conducted by a survey of 100 randomly selected consumers. The subject of the survey was to determine the consumers' attitudes regarding the amount of honey they consume, honey types, prices, quality, purchasing and other characteristics. Systematization of data from surveys and their statistical processing led to the result that more than a half of consumers consume honey every week, with a high average consumption of 1.33 kg per month. Women consume honey more often than men, older people more frequently than younger ones. The largest number of consumers purchase honey directly from beekeepers. The commitment of consumer's choice to buy honey is greatly influenced by the quality of honey, and it is followed by the price. These and other attitudes of consumers of honey are compared with the attitudes of consumers of similar studies in other countries and it was found that there is sometimes a greater or lesser coincidence among them, and sometimes there are significant differences. Honey producers, taking into account the views and preferences of consumers, should focus their future marketing activities for better promotion of their products and look ahead trying to establish direct contacts with consumers.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic goals of development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region: support programs for the improvement of agricultural and rural development, 14 - 15 December 2017, Belgrade, Serbia. Thematic Proceedings, 2018

The strategic goals of the development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina ... more The strategic goals of the development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia
and Herzegovina have been defined in the medium term, by 2020 i.e. 2019, in
both of its entities (the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina), and they have not been established at the level of BIH yet.
Current development goals came down to ensuring the stability of agricultural
producers' income; raising the technical and technological level and
productivity in agriculture; increasing competitiveness; sustainable
management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change;
improvement of quality of life in rural areas, and improvement of the
institutional and legislative framework, i.e. providing systematic support to the
agriculture sector. As in many other cases, there is gap in a more serious
systematic analysis of the implementation of strategic documents, so the
conclusions are based on personal observations and preliminary analysis of
available data and occasional reports. The conclusion, after the analysis of the
content of strategic documents and the results achieved, by the combination of
rapid assessment, analytical-synthetic methods and benchmarking, is that the set
of strategic goals has been implemented, but to a much lesser extent than
planned. The reasons are, in most cases, difficulties to find appropriate solutions
and responses to challenges such as: free trade, competitiveness, diversification,
subsidy policy, depopulation of rural areas, climate change, knowledge transfer,
EU integrations, institutional and legislative environment, etc. In the function of
developing agriculture and rural areas should be used by establishing a
stronger link between planned strategic documents and concrete activities
undertaken, including periodic analysis of the achieved results in the function of
affirmation of the management by the goals.

Research paper thumbnail of No social distancing from food: How the COVID-19 pandemic shaped student food-related activities in the Western Balkans

Nutrition and Health

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced food preparation and consumption habits, as well ... more Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced food preparation and consumption habits, as well as food wastage. The pandemic also affected the lives of university students worldwide; their learning and living environments changed, influencing their eating habits. Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ food-related activities in four countries in the Western Balkans: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. Methods The research draws upon an online survey gathered through the SurveyMonkey platform in four Balkan countries—viz. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro—and used a structured questionnaire. The information was collected during the second wave of COVID-19 in October–November 2020. A total of 1658 valid responses were received. Descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests were used to analyze the survey findings. Results The research results suggest that the pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Food loss and waste reduction – a new challenge for all stakeholders in food supply chain

Сажетак: У складу са трендом раста броја становника у свијету, повећање производње хране постаје ... more Сажетак: У складу са трендом раста броја становника у свијету, повећање производње хране постаје императив за сектор пољопривреде, тим више што је, и са досадашњим бројем становника, милијарда становника била неухрањена или гладна. Могућност за повећање производње хране углавном се своди на повећање приноса и мање је базирано на повећање обрађених површина и броја грла домаћих животиња. Продуктивност пољопривреде повећава се кроз њено интензивирање, односно већу примјену вјештачких произведених инпута (ђубрива, пестицида, антибиотика и сл.), што угрожава здравствену безбједност тако произведене хране и доводи до повећања загађења природе. Тако се затвара један круг у којем је опстанак човјечанства условљен смањењем здравствене безбједности хране и деградацијом животне средине. Као логична протутежа појавио се еколошки покрет који заговара производњу хране на одрживим принципима, употребном природних инпута и процеса, те очувањем природе. Та логика била би прихватљива свима да се не материјализује у контрадикцији "више екологије, мање (скупље) хране". Поред еколошких активиста, циљ производње Цитирање: Вашко Ж, Јалић Н (2024) Смањење губитака и отпада од хране-нови изазов за све учеснике и ланцу снабдијевања храном. У: Остојић А, Вашко Ж, Пржуљ Н (уредници) Агроекономски аспекти одрживог развоја пољопривреде. Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске, Бања Лука, Монографија LVIII: 553-595 Cite as: Vaško Ž, Jalić N (2024) Food loss and waste reduction-new challenge for all stakeholders in food supply chain. In: Ostojić A, Vaško Ž, Pržulj N (eds) Agroeconomic aspects of sustainable agricultural development. Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska,

Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Economics of Cattle Fattening - A Case of Bangladesh

Paper "Economics of Cattle Fattening-A Case Study from Bangladesh" is a useful paper, primarily d... more Paper "Economics of Cattle Fattening-A Case Study from Bangladesh" is a useful paper, primarily due to (according to the author's findings) the fact that until now there have been no studies on that topic. The authors applied their own methodology for determining economic efficiency, which is not completely consistent in some parts. Some terms used in the text are not familiar to English-speaking people. E.g., I understood that bepars are middlemen in the livestock trade. This should be clearly indicated on the first use of the term or replaced by some more common substitute. The same

Research paper thumbnail of A Roadmap to Consolidate Research and Innovation In Agricultural Water Management In Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research paper thumbnail of Export competitiveness of milk and dairy products of the Republic of Srpska on the international market


The aim of this research is an analysis of the export competitiveness of the milk and dairy produ... more The aim of this research is an analysis of the export competitiveness of the milk and dairy products of the Republic of Srpska on the international market. Indicators analysed in the paper are the net trade index (NTI) and the index of contribution to the trade balance (CTBI). Additionally, the paper investigates the type of external competitiveness of the milk and dairy products according to four criteria based on a comparison of export and import unit prices. All indicators have been calculated based on statistical data about the foreign trade of milk and dairy products and referred to the period 2015-2021. In the total export structure of the agri-food sector, milk and dairy products have significant participation in an average of 10.40%. CEFTA and EU countries as the major market destinations for milk and dairy products have recorded an average share of 20.30% and 4.81% in the total agri-food export of the Republic of Srpska. Unlike the EU countries, the analysis of the NTI show...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the Agricultural Trade Complementarity of the Czech Republic and Countries in Western Balkan

Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Instruments of economic measures of agricultural policy of the Republic of Srpska

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture in BaH at the end of the first decade of XXI century - the balance of production and consumption of major agricultural products

Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Subsidies as a Factor in the Competitiveness of Domestic Agricultural Production

There are often claims that one of the main causes of poor competitiveness of agricultural produc... more There are often claims that one of the main causes of poor competitiveness of agricultural production of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH) is lower level of subsidies in relation to other countries. In addition, the problem stated is too big and too rapid liberalization of imports of agricultural and food products. Subsidies and custom duties increase competitiveness of domestic producers, which ultimately depends on the level of indirect subsidies and tariff protection enjoyed by their competitors in the domestic and international market. Budgetary constraints in developing countries do not allow payment of the same subsidies to farmers as in developed countries. Because of the different systems of distribution of subsidies it is difficult to make direct comparison of the levels of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH)/The Republic of Srpska (RS) with other countries. Therefore, the level of subsidies in agriculture is measured by a single indicator, and one of the most common is the OECD's PSE (Producer Support Estimate) indicator. It expresses the average level of subsidies to agricultural producers at the level of the EU and amounted to 19.8% in 2010. In the Republic of Srpska (RS), the level of agricultural subsidies (including incentives for longGterm investment and rural development) in 2010 was 12.2% of its agriculture gross value added (GVA). In the last five years, livestock production is more subsidized (in average with 7.6% of agriculture GVA) with a tendency to increase subsidies to that group. Crop production is subsidized in average with 5.3% of agriculture GVA, with the tendency to decrease support to this group. The above suggests that the domestic producers are handicapped in free market competition because they are receiving lower level of subsidies, which combined with lower productivity, reduced their competitive position in relation to imported products, i.e. the imports are not charged by any or by very low customs. The paper further elaborates on policies of subsidizing agriculture in RS and BaH and makes some comparison with the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the level of subsidies in the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of the production volume on the honey sales channels

46th Croatian and 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, Croatia, 14-18 February 2011. Proceedings, 2011

Cilj rada je bio ustanoviti na koje načine članovi Udruženja pčelara Trebinje prodaju med na podr... more Cilj rada je bio ustanoviti na koje načine članovi Udruženja pčelara Trebinje prodaju med na području općine Trebinje i koji faktori imaju utjecaja na odluku o izboru kanala prodaje. Podaci dobiveni iz ankete obrađeni su jednovarijantnim analizama podataka (distribucije i frekvencije) i komparativne analize. Proizvođači meda u Trebinju koriste više načina prodaje meda. Manji proizvođači do 2.000 kg meda kao kanal prodaje koriste isključivo prodaju na gospodarstvu, dok oni s više od 3.000 kg koriste veći broj alternativnih načina prodaje. Najveći stupanj zadovoljstva je iskazan prodajom na imanju posrednicima (prekupcima), prosječna ocjena 4,7, dok prodaja putem zadruge i veleprodaja imaju nisku prosječnu ocjenu (3,0).

Research paper thumbnail of Agrarian guarantee fund as an instrument of expansion of agricultural lending in the Republic of Srpska

Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Financing agricultural development

The state of food and agriculture, Jun 8, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of agricultural policy developments in the Western Balkan countries

Research Papers in Economics, 2017

This reports provides the analysis of agricultural policies in the Western Balkans (WB) countries... more This reports provides the analysis of agricultural policies in the Western Balkans (WB) countries. This reports attempts to show (i) the main development patterns in production and trade in WB; (ii) an overview of the new policy framework (new programming documents from the period 2013-2015) and its implementation; (iii) the scope and structure of budgetary transfers to agriculture in regional comparison and also in terms of approximation with the CAP; and (iv) the main characteristics of direct producer support in the region. The analyses cover primarily the period 2010-2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural policy developments and EU approximation process in the Western Balkan countries

EUR 29475 EN This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Europ... more EUR 29475 EN This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversification of the rural economy as a function of the sustainability of rural areas

Agriculture and Forestry, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Dependence between the level of financial incentives and the level of gross value added of agriculture in the Republic of Srpska in the period 2000-08

Research paper thumbnail of InteractIon between unemployment and the cultIvatIon of arable land – regIonal approach

VASKO, Z., A. OSTOJIC, S. MIRJANIC and L. J. DRINIC, 2013. Interaction between unemployment and t... more VASKO, Z., A. OSTOJIC, S. MIRJANIC and L. J. DRINIC, 2013. Interaction between unemployment and the cultivation of arable land – regional approach. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19: 995-1002 It is historical trend that the labor force from rural areas migrate to urban areas. Employment in agriculture is decreasing because of the intensification of agricultural production, and because of the lack of economic interest to deal with this production. In less developed countries, this trend is so obvious that a significant portion of agricultural land remains uncultivated. In situations of high unemployment and its increase, there is the argument that agriculture is an opportunity for a temporary selfemployment labour force that lost jobs in the industry and other non-agricultural activities. Therefore, the working hypothesis tested whether the increase in unemployment reduces overall uncultivated agricultural land, as one of the logical consequences of engagement one part of unemployed labour fo...

Research paper thumbnail of The Ahp Quantification of Student Population Attitudes in Wine Purchasing

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2022

According to the FAO (2021), slightly less than 6 litres of wine is consumed per capita. (2016) c... more According to the FAO (2021), slightly less than 6 litres of wine is consumed per capita. (2016) confirmed, based on the North Macedonian National Strategy for Viticulture and Wine production, that the wine market in the country has two consumer groups: middle-aged who have lower purchasing power and consume larger quantities of cheaper wine and younger to middle-aged with higher purchasing power who prefer smaller quantities of high-quality wine. [...]the research was conducted among students of Banja Luka University. (2017) stated that of all the factors analyzed in relation to consumers' behavior and preference, the dominant factors identified are demographic factors-age, region, family size and place of living, social factorseducation and income, and behavioral factors-price importance, place of purchase and product characteristics.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of attitudes of honey consumers in the municipality of Novi Grad (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2017

Beekeeping is one of the important branches of animal husbandry, and it is also important in the ... more Beekeeping is one of the important branches of animal husbandry, and it is also important in the municipality of Novi Grad in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BaH). Honey producers should be interested in what consumers think of honey and which factors are crucial for their commitment to purchase honey. Therefore, there has been a study of honey consumer attitudes conducted by a survey of 100 randomly selected consumers. The subject of the survey was to determine the consumers' attitudes regarding the amount of honey they consume, honey types, prices, quality, purchasing and other characteristics. Systematization of data from surveys and their statistical processing led to the result that more than a half of consumers consume honey every week, with a high average consumption of 1.33 kg per month. Women consume honey more often than men, older people more frequently than younger ones. The largest number of consumers purchase honey directly from beekeepers. The commitment of consumer's choice to buy honey is greatly influenced by the quality of honey, and it is followed by the price. These and other attitudes of consumers of honey are compared with the attitudes of consumers of similar studies in other countries and it was found that there is sometimes a greater or lesser coincidence among them, and sometimes there are significant differences. Honey producers, taking into account the views and preferences of consumers, should focus their future marketing activities for better promotion of their products and look ahead trying to establish direct contacts with consumers.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic goals of development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region: support programs for the improvement of agricultural and rural development, 14 - 15 December 2017, Belgrade, Serbia. Thematic Proceedings, 2018

The strategic goals of the development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina ... more The strategic goals of the development of agriculture and rural areas in Bosnia
and Herzegovina have been defined in the medium term, by 2020 i.e. 2019, in
both of its entities (the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina), and they have not been established at the level of BIH yet.
Current development goals came down to ensuring the stability of agricultural
producers' income; raising the technical and technological level and
productivity in agriculture; increasing competitiveness; sustainable
management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change;
improvement of quality of life in rural areas, and improvement of the
institutional and legislative framework, i.e. providing systematic support to the
agriculture sector. As in many other cases, there is gap in a more serious
systematic analysis of the implementation of strategic documents, so the
conclusions are based on personal observations and preliminary analysis of
available data and occasional reports. The conclusion, after the analysis of the
content of strategic documents and the results achieved, by the combination of
rapid assessment, analytical-synthetic methods and benchmarking, is that the set
of strategic goals has been implemented, but to a much lesser extent than
planned. The reasons are, in most cases, difficulties to find appropriate solutions
and responses to challenges such as: free trade, competitiveness, diversification,
subsidy policy, depopulation of rural areas, climate change, knowledge transfer,
EU integrations, institutional and legislative environment, etc. In the function of
developing agriculture and rural areas should be used by establishing a
stronger link between planned strategic documents and concrete activities
undertaken, including periodic analysis of the achieved results in the function of
affirmation of the management by the goals.

Research paper thumbnail of No social distancing from food: How the COVID-19 pandemic shaped student food-related activities in the Western Balkans

Nutrition and Health

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced food preparation and consumption habits, as well ... more Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced food preparation and consumption habits, as well as food wastage. The pandemic also affected the lives of university students worldwide; their learning and living environments changed, influencing their eating habits. Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ food-related activities in four countries in the Western Balkans: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. Methods The research draws upon an online survey gathered through the SurveyMonkey platform in four Balkan countries—viz. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro—and used a structured questionnaire. The information was collected during the second wave of COVID-19 in October–November 2020. A total of 1658 valid responses were received. Descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests were used to analyze the survey findings. Results The research results suggest that the pa...