ΕΙΡΗΝΗ ΛΥΚΟΥ-ΧΑΪΔΗ - Academia.edu (original) (raw)



Research paper thumbnail of ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΛΑΡΙΣΑΑΝΑΣΚΟΠΗΣΗ.doc

Research paper thumbnail of The 'Reading the Mind in the Voice'test-revised: a study of complex emotion recognition in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions

Journal of autism and …, Jan 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Executive functioning and theory of mind in children clinically referred for attention and behavior problems

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Jan 1, 2003

The present study examined the interrelations of the theory of mind (ToM), executive functioning,... more The present study examined the interrelations of the theory of mind (ToM), executive functioning, and social problems in children referred to an outpatient clinic for attention and behavior problems. ToM tasks consisted of mistaken identity and contents tasks, two versions of unintended transfer tasks, and an emotional false-belief task. Attention problems were assessed using parent and teacher reports of behavior and child omission errors on the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Auditory working memory was assessed using two subtests of the Woodcock–Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery—Revised. Impulsivity was assessed using parent and teacher reports of behavior, the Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS), commission errors on the CPT, and Luria's Hand Game (LHG). Controlling for age, language, and socioeconomic status (SES), ToM was significantly related to aggregate scores for attention problems, memory, impulsivity, and an overall executive functioning aggregate of all three components. In addition, parent and teacher ratings of social problems were negatively related to both ToM and overall executive functioning. Executive functioning and ToM may be indicators of metacognitive deficits that underlie social problems in clinical samples of children with disruptive behavior and attention problems.

Research paper thumbnail of The teleological origins of mentalistic action explanations: A developmental hypothesis

Developmental Science, Jan 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Domain-general contributions to social reasoning: Theory of mind and deontic reasoning re-explored

Research paper thumbnail of Executive function abilities in autism and Tourette syndrome: An information processing approach

Journal of child …, Jan 1, 1994

This study used information processing paradigms to provide a detailed examination of executive f... more This study used information processing paradigms to provide a detailed examination of executive function abilities in autism. The performance of non-retarded autistic children was compared with that of two matched control groups, one with Tourette Syndrome and the other developmentally normal. Autistic subjects performed as well as controls on tasks requiring global-local processing and inhibition of neutral responses. In contrast to both control groups, however, the autistic sample was significantly impaired on a measure of cognitive flexibility. The performance of children with Tourette Syndrome did not differ from that of normal controls on any task. These results refine our knowledge about executive dysfunction in autism and suggest a new conceptual framework and general method for investigating the cognitive underpinnings of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of How the mind reads other minds

Research paper thumbnail of The systemizing quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high–functioning autism, and normal sex differences

… of the Royal …, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Interactive multimedia systems for students with autism

Journal of Educational Media, Jan 1, 2000

... then becomes one of evaluating for satisfactory engagement with the software by the ... and M... more ... then becomes one of evaluating for satisfactory engagement with the software by the ... and Murray (1997) that “the educational, and in particular auto didactic, possibilities are ... Computer-Based Simulations in the Education and Assessment of Autistic Children, in: Rethinking the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Counting abilities in autism: Possible implications for central coherence theory

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Jan 1, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Using video modeling to teach perspective taking to children with autism

Journal of Positive Behavior …, Jan 1, 2003

... Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy Claremont McKenna College Sabrina Daneshvar Claremont Graduate Un... more ... Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy Claremont McKenna College Sabrina Daneshvar Claremont Graduate University 12 ... The BarneyTM and Bugs BunnyTM task (similar to the Sally–Anne task) was used as both a pretest and a posttest. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The neuroanatomy of autism: a voxel-based whole brain analysis of structural scans

Research paper thumbnail of Are there subgroups within the autistic spectrum? A cluster analysis of a group of children with autistic spectrum disorders

Journal of Child …, Jan 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of The role of control functions in mentalizing: Dual-task studies of Theory of Mind and executive function

Research paper thumbnail of Limits on theory of mind use in adults

Research paper thumbnail of Autism: The Empathizing–Systemizing (E‐S) Theory

Annals of the New York Academy of …, Jan 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Dissociation betweentheory of mind'and executive functions in a patient with early left amygdala damage

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging the intentional stance in a competitive game

Research paper thumbnail of Children's early understanding of mind: Origins and development

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive development: Children's knowledge about the mind

Annual review of psychology, Jan 1, 1999

This chapter reviews theory and research on the development of children's knowledge about... more This chapter reviews theory and research on the development of children's knowledge about the mental world, focusing especially on work done during the past 15 years under the rubric of theory-of-mind development. The three principal approaches to explaining this development--theory theory, modular theory, and simulation theory--are described first. Next comes a description of infant precursors or protoforms of theory-of-mind knowledge in infancy, including a beginning awareness of the intentionality and goal-directedness of human actions. This discussion is followed by a summary of the postinfancy development of children's understanding of visual perception, attention, desires, emotions, intentions, beliefs, knowledge, pretense, and thinking. Briefly considered next are intracultural, intercultural, and interspecies differences in theory-of-mind development. The chapter then concludes with some guesses about the future of the field.

Research paper thumbnail of ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΛΑΡΙΣΑΑΝΑΣΚΟΠΗΣΗ.doc

Research paper thumbnail of The 'Reading the Mind in the Voice'test-revised: a study of complex emotion recognition in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions

Journal of autism and …, Jan 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Executive functioning and theory of mind in children clinically referred for attention and behavior problems

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Jan 1, 2003

The present study examined the interrelations of the theory of mind (ToM), executive functioning,... more The present study examined the interrelations of the theory of mind (ToM), executive functioning, and social problems in children referred to an outpatient clinic for attention and behavior problems. ToM tasks consisted of mistaken identity and contents tasks, two versions of unintended transfer tasks, and an emotional false-belief task. Attention problems were assessed using parent and teacher reports of behavior and child omission errors on the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Auditory working memory was assessed using two subtests of the Woodcock–Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery—Revised. Impulsivity was assessed using parent and teacher reports of behavior, the Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS), commission errors on the CPT, and Luria's Hand Game (LHG). Controlling for age, language, and socioeconomic status (SES), ToM was significantly related to aggregate scores for attention problems, memory, impulsivity, and an overall executive functioning aggregate of all three components. In addition, parent and teacher ratings of social problems were negatively related to both ToM and overall executive functioning. Executive functioning and ToM may be indicators of metacognitive deficits that underlie social problems in clinical samples of children with disruptive behavior and attention problems.

Research paper thumbnail of The teleological origins of mentalistic action explanations: A developmental hypothesis

Developmental Science, Jan 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Domain-general contributions to social reasoning: Theory of mind and deontic reasoning re-explored

Research paper thumbnail of Executive function abilities in autism and Tourette syndrome: An information processing approach

Journal of child …, Jan 1, 1994

This study used information processing paradigms to provide a detailed examination of executive f... more This study used information processing paradigms to provide a detailed examination of executive function abilities in autism. The performance of non-retarded autistic children was compared with that of two matched control groups, one with Tourette Syndrome and the other developmentally normal. Autistic subjects performed as well as controls on tasks requiring global-local processing and inhibition of neutral responses. In contrast to both control groups, however, the autistic sample was significantly impaired on a measure of cognitive flexibility. The performance of children with Tourette Syndrome did not differ from that of normal controls on any task. These results refine our knowledge about executive dysfunction in autism and suggest a new conceptual framework and general method for investigating the cognitive underpinnings of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of How the mind reads other minds

Research paper thumbnail of The systemizing quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high–functioning autism, and normal sex differences

… of the Royal …, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Interactive multimedia systems for students with autism

Journal of Educational Media, Jan 1, 2000

... then becomes one of evaluating for satisfactory engagement with the software by the ... and M... more ... then becomes one of evaluating for satisfactory engagement with the software by the ... and Murray (1997) that “the educational, and in particular auto didactic, possibilities are ... Computer-Based Simulations in the Education and Assessment of Autistic Children, in: Rethinking the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Counting abilities in autism: Possible implications for central coherence theory

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Jan 1, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Using video modeling to teach perspective taking to children with autism

Journal of Positive Behavior …, Jan 1, 2003

... Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy Claremont McKenna College Sabrina Daneshvar Claremont Graduate Un... more ... Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy Claremont McKenna College Sabrina Daneshvar Claremont Graduate University 12 ... The BarneyTM and Bugs BunnyTM task (similar to the Sally–Anne task) was used as both a pretest and a posttest. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The neuroanatomy of autism: a voxel-based whole brain analysis of structural scans

Research paper thumbnail of Are there subgroups within the autistic spectrum? A cluster analysis of a group of children with autistic spectrum disorders

Journal of Child …, Jan 1, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of The role of control functions in mentalizing: Dual-task studies of Theory of Mind and executive function

Research paper thumbnail of Limits on theory of mind use in adults

Research paper thumbnail of Autism: The Empathizing–Systemizing (E‐S) Theory

Annals of the New York Academy of …, Jan 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Dissociation betweentheory of mind'and executive functions in a patient with early left amygdala damage

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging the intentional stance in a competitive game

Research paper thumbnail of Children's early understanding of mind: Origins and development

Research paper thumbnail of Cognitive development: Children's knowledge about the mind

Annual review of psychology, Jan 1, 1999

This chapter reviews theory and research on the development of children's knowledge about... more This chapter reviews theory and research on the development of children's knowledge about the mental world, focusing especially on work done during the past 15 years under the rubric of theory-of-mind development. The three principal approaches to explaining this development--theory theory, modular theory, and simulation theory--are described first. Next comes a description of infant precursors or protoforms of theory-of-mind knowledge in infancy, including a beginning awareness of the intentionality and goal-directedness of human actions. This discussion is followed by a summary of the postinfancy development of children's understanding of visual perception, attention, desires, emotions, intentions, beliefs, knowledge, pretense, and thinking. Briefly considered next are intracultural, intercultural, and interspecies differences in theory-of-mind development. The chapter then concludes with some guesses about the future of the field.


Τα τελευταία χρόνια υπάρχει αυξημένο ενδιαφέρον για τα άτομα στο φάσμα του αυτισμού όσον αφο... more Τα τελευταία χρόνια υπάρχει αυξημένο ενδιαφέρον για τα άτομα στο φάσμα του αυτισμού όσον αφορά την έκφραση και κατανόηση των συναισθημάτων. Στόχος της παρούσας εργασίας είναι μέσα από μια βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση: α) να σκιαγραφήσει τη συναισθηματική ανάπτυξη και εκπαίδευση των ατόμων στο φάσμα του αυτισμού β) να παρουσιάσει τα ευρήματα ερευνών γ) να παρουσιάσει και να θέσει καίριους προβληματισμούς σχετικά με τη συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη των παιδιών στο φάσμα του αυτισμού δ) να θέσει ερωτήματα για τη ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικών μεθόδων με στόχο την ενδυνάμωση της συναισθηματικής ανάπτυξης των ατόμων στο φάσμα του αυτισμού και κατά συνέπεια και την ανάπτυξη των κοινωνικοσυναισθηματικών τους δεξιοτήτων.