Анатолий Назаров - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Анатолий Назаров

Research paper thumbnail of В поиске новых психофизиологических коррелятов темперамента Часть 1. Краткая историческая справка и обоснование гипотезы

Research paper thumbnail of On SSP (unpublished)

Unpublished, 2024

SSP - Summary (aggregated) Skin Ponential which is a result of overall neural activity and has fr... more SSP - Summary (aggregated) Skin Ponential which is a result of overall neural activity and has frequency bandwidth 0.05 - 100 Hz. It contain several components witch used to registred with special devices. Some unknown properties of SSP are descibed.

Research paper thumbnail of Building an Individual Portrait of the Dynamics of Music Perception Using Time-Frequency Analysis of Summary Skin Potential

Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2021

The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was stud... more The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was studied. The indicators of emotional status were involuntary reactions of the summary skin potential (SSP) and arbitrary clicks by subjects on the “like” or “dislike” buttons while listening to melodies. The frequency of arbitrary button clicks serves as an indicator of the degree of differentiation (detail) of the conscious perception of various elements of the melody. By digital processing of the SSP, its derivatives were obtained — heart rate, median frequency and the RMS amplitude of the SSP as functions of time, etc. The temporal dynamics of these indicators turned out to be more intense compared to the frequency of pressing, which is explained by the specificity of the interaction between conscious and unconscious levels of perceptions. In connection with the use of several indicators of continuous emotional dynamics, there is a need for their integral representation. An example of suc...

Research paper thumbnail of From Reflectory Ring to Multivariable System

Psychology in Russia: State of Art, 2009

Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into... more Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into account the multicoupling nerve structure of movement apparatus we inevitable are faced with a question about principles based in clousing of chanals' central endings ensemble, which afferentiates movement, on effector centres ensemble which controls muscle periphery. When we speak about movement skill development such afferent-efferent connections (reciphering, as N.A.Bernstein named them) which would be adequate to perform given motor task do not exist in advance and they must to be developed during performing that task. The main role here play human perception of the information resulted from movement performance on the level of motor-sensory transition, when multidimensional vector of muscle dynamics transforms into dynamics of outer object environment. On the basis of selection of perseptual data new feedback structure is created which ensures steady functioning of the effectory patterns finded durng practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading Skill: Formation, Diagnostics, and Functioning

Voprosy Psychologii (Russia), 2020

The article is divided into three sections. The first briefly examines the classical concept of t... more The article is divided into three sections. The first briefly examines the classical concept of the formation of the reading skill in ontogenesis, proposed by T.G. Egorov in the 50s of the last century and found its confirmation and development (albeit in most cases without references to its author) in a number of modern studies by domestic and foreign authors. The second section analyzes some foreign ideas about the structure of the reading skill and the methods used there for diagnosing the structural components of this skill. The third section describes a functional model of a developed reading skill, in which both "technical" operations of actualizing the meanings of words included in the text and semantic processes that ensure reading comprehen-sion interact. In contrast to traditional methods of diagnosing the level of meaning formation (understanding), which are used after the completion of reading the text, the proposed model focuses on the dynamics of the current reading process. This dynamics is recorded using the word-by-word reading technique, in which the reader sees only one word; аfter reading it, he presses the button, after which the next word in the text appears, etc. Registering button clicks while working with text allows you to get a dynamic reading profile (DRP) in the form of a dis-tribution of time intervals between clicks. Three ranges of these intervals are identified, which reflect the work of different levels of reading skill - the semantization of visible words with the fixation of their meanings, the accumulation of several meanings in working memory, and the formation of semantic fragments on their basis. The selected parameters of DRP reflect the in-dividual level of mastering the reading skill, as well as the dependence of its functioning on the genre and linguistic characteristics of the text material. Currently, the laboratory of experi-mental psychology of the State University "Dubna" is researching the diagnostic capabilities of the method of word-by-word reading in teaching students a foreign language.

Key words: reading skill, semantisation, meaning formation, dynamic reading profile, word-by-word reading technique.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of complexity and observation conditions of the route of manual instrumental movements on their reproduction from memory

Voprosy Psychologii, 2020

The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between... more The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between the whole and the part when forming the image of the hand movement while the subjects are tracking spatial routes of different complexity. The latter were visible to the subjects partially within the controlled electronic window of various sizes. After tracking, they reproduced the traversed route from memory in the absence of external visual feedback. Reproduction results were evaluated by independent experts on a 7-point scale. It was established that the playback quality is a decreasing function of the complexity of the route, and symmetric routes are reproduced better than random ones. Window size also affects playback quality. The possible role of the interaction between working and long-term memory in the formation of an integral image of serial movements is discussed.
Key words: part and whole, serial action, sensorimotor image, working memory, long-term memory.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of complexity and observation conditions of the route of manual instrumental movements on their reproduction from memory

Voprosy Psychologii, 2020

State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region, State Universi... more State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region, State University «Dubna "
The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between the whole and the part when forming the image of the hand movement while the subjects are tracking spatial routes of different complexity. The latter were visible to the subjects partially within the controlled electronic window of various sizes. After tracking, they reproduced the traversed route from memory in the absence of external visual feedback. Reproduction results were evaluated by independent experts on a 7-point scale. It was established that the playback quality is a decreasing function of the complexity of the route, and symmetric routes are reproduced better than random ones. Window size also affects playback quality. The possible role of the interaction between working and long-term memory in the formation of an integral image of serial movements is discussed.
Key words: part and whole, serial action, sensorimotor image, working memory, long-term memory.


Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2021

The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was stud... more The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was studied.
The indicators of emotional status were involuntary reactions of the summary skin potential (SSP) and
arbitrary clicks by subjects on the “like” or “dislike” buttons while listening to melodies. The frequency of
arbitrary button clicks serves as an indicator of the degree of differentiation (detail) of the conscious perception
of various elements of the melody. By digital processing of the SSP, its derivatives were obtained
— heart rate, median frequency and the RMS amplitude of the SSP as functions of time, etc. The temporal
dynamics of these indicators turned out to be more intense compared to the frequency of pressing, which
is explained by the specificity of the interaction between conscious and unconscious levels of perceptions.
In connection with the use of several indicators of continuous emotional dynamics, there is a need for their
integral representation. An example of such integration is given for two indicators in the form of individual
approximating ellipses. In the future, it is planned to use modern computer graphics to solve the problem.
Keywords: summary skin potential, musical melodies, emotional dynamics, conscious and unconscious
reactions, articulation of perception, integral representation.

Research paper thumbnail of What else can tell electro-skin potentials

It was carried out simultaneous recording of EMG, GSR (by Tarkhanov) with the broadband bioamplif... more It was carried out simultaneous recording of EMG, GSR (by Tarkhanov) with the broadband bioamplifiers and GSR (by Feret) – with the narrow-band amplifier. Raw EMG recording and skin potential (SP, or GSR, by Tarkhanov) processed by digital filters in the program PowerGraph. In the SP high frequency component has been highlighted previously undetectable by conventional methods of recording. This suggests that SP is a sum signal composed of high-frequency (till 200 Hz) and low-frequency (conventional, less than 1 Hz) components. The phenomenon of "living capacitor"-a SP reaction to the approach of the living or non-living physical body to the ungrounded subject unearthed during monopolar abduction, which can be used as a feedback signal for the formation of the subject's sensitivity to external stimulation usually insensible. Keywords: electrical myogram (EMG), galvanic skin response (GSR), skin potential (SP), digital signal processing, high-frequency component of the SP.

Research paper thumbnail of МУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ_2017.pdf


В проведенных автором экспериментах регистрировались кожно-гальваническая реакция (КГР, по Фере),... more В проведенных автором экспериментах регистрировались кожно-гальваническая реакция (КГР, по Фере), кожный потенциал (КП, по Тарханову) и локальная энцефалограмма (ЭЭГ) лобного от-ведения (Fp1). КГР регистрировалась усилителем с полосой пропускания 0,05–1 Гц, КП и ЭЭГ уси-ливались широкополосными усилителями биопотенциалов в диапазоне 0,05–300 Гц. Сигналы КП и локальной ЭЭГ обрабатывались одним и тем же алгоритмом. В результате были получены про-фили динамики КП и ЭЭГ, содержащие топологически сходные низко-(НЧ) и высокочастотные (ВЧ) компоненты в диапазоне 0,05–45 Гц. НЧ-компоненты КП и ЭЭГ по форме были у одних ис-пытуемых идентичны (синфазны) КГР, у других – контрфазны, у третьих встречались оба варианта. ВЧ-компоненты КП содержали ритмы, аналогичные ритмам ЭЭГ (Дельта, Тета, Альфа, Бета, Гамма). Однако частотный анализ показал, что ритмы КП в то же время отличаются от ритмов ЭЭГ по мощ-ности и распределению частот во времени. Полученные данные обсуждаются в контексте изучения природы биоритмов.

Research paper thumbnail of Language interrelations under abstract and concrete words recognition

Изучался характер межъязыковых взаимодействий на уровне распознавания изолированных слов. Русско... more Изучался характер межъязыковых взаимодействий на уровне распознавания изолированных слов. Русскоязычным испытуемым с разной степенью владения вторым (английским) языком предъявлялись либо русские, либо английские, либо те и другие слова, которые нужно было классифицировать как абстрактные или конкретные. Помимо различий во времени выполнения этой задачи для разных экспериментальных условий, был обнаружен эффект «смешанного списка», когда изолированные слова второго языка распознавались быстрее, если они чередовались со словами первого языка. В случае слов первого языка этот эффект отсутствовал. Данные интер-претируются в контексте предложенной модели межъязыкового взаимодействия. Ключевые слова: внешняя форма слова, образ слова, активация значения, абстрактное и конкретное, билингвизм.
Language interrelations under abstract and concrete words recognition A. Nazarov
We studied the nature of language switching at the level of recognition of isolated words. Russian-speaking subjects with varying degrees of ownership of a second language (English) were presented either Russian or English, or both words that it was necessary to classify as abstract or concrete. In addition to differences in time required to perform this task in different experimental conditions, the effect has been found, "a mixed list," when isolated words of the second language recognized more quickly if they were mixed with the words of the first language. In the case of words of the first language this effect was absent. These interpreted in the context of the proposed model interlingual interactions. Keywords: bilingualism , external form of the word, the image of the word , the activation value, abstract and concrete words. Введение Когда общаются два человека, скажем, русский и англичанин, оба плохо владеющие вторым (неродным) языком (английским для русского и русским для англичанина), то они лучше понимают друг друга, пользуясь смешением слов этих двух

Research paper thumbnail of Сomparative charachteristics of reading styles by liguists and non-linguists

Сравнительная характеристика стилей чтения у лингвистов и нелингвистов. Козловская Е. А., Назаро... more Сравнительная характеристика стилей чтения у лингвистов и нелингвистов. Козловская Е. А., Назаров А.И. Изучались возможные диагностические свойства методики пословного чтения. Две группы испытуемых – лингвисты и нелингвисты, – заведомо отличавшихся уровнем владения вторым языком и знанием первого языка, пословно читали, а за-тем воспроизводили короткие русские и английские тексты разной трудности. Во время чтения регистрировались временные интервалы между началами восприятия соседних слов, на основе которых строились динамические профили чтения (ДПЧ) для каждого испытуемого. Характер ДПЧ и качество воспроизведения прочитан-ного были разными как у разных испытуемых, так и для двух групп, что позволяет сделать вывод о чувствительности методики пословного чтения к индивидуальным различиям в стилях чтения, а также к уровню владения вторым языком. Ключевые слова: чтение, смыслообразование, стиль чтения, билингвизм. Сomparative charachteristics of reading styles by liguists and non-linguists Kozlovskaya E., Nazarov A.
We studied the possible diagnostic properties of the word-byword method of reading. Two groups of subjects-linguists and nonlingvists-obviously differing in levels of ownership of a second language and knowledge of the first language, were reading word-byword the Russian and English texts of varying difficulty. Immediatly after having read one text they reproduced it. During the reading the time intervals between the beginning of the perception of neighboring words were recorded. On the basis of these intervals the dynamic profiles of reading (DPR) for each subject were constructed. DPR and reproduce values were different in different subjects as well as for the two groups, which suggests the sensitivity of word-byword techniques to individual differences in reading styles, as well as to proficiency in a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of Consciousness: everything and nothing, or something, but not everything?

The necessity to limit the content that psychologists are usually associated with the term "consc... more The necessity to limit the content that psychologists are usually associated with the term "consciousness" is substantiated. Being overly broad in scope, it has lost its specificity. It is proposed the operational composition of the structure of consciousness, which consists of four functions. Consciousness and unconsciousness are seen as complementary alternatives, coordinated by the mind of the individual. In this regard, it is necessary to create the psychological (besides of philosophical) concept of the mind.
Keywords: percept, representation, action, consciousness, unconsciousness, mind.


In terms of relative concepts of direct and mediated author examines the idea of L.S. Vygotsky... more In terms of relative concepts of direct and mediated author examines the idea of L.S. Vygotsky on the mediated nature of higher mental functions (HMF). Mediation of different orders are characteristic for the origin of HMF. But formed and developed HMF become direct, using the natural (in the sense of Vygotsky) forms of the psyche. Association may serve one of such form. In contrast to the classical understandig, they appear in the last phases of higher mental functions development (and not in the beginning and not due to any mechanistic laws). The author proposes "extending" the genetic method to include the analysis of the origin of immediate forms of development of mental functioning, particularly in the form of associations.
Keywords: direct and indirect, natural, and higher mental functions of the association.

Research paper thumbnail of Асимметрия динамики полушарных взаимодействий

The dynamics of hemispheric interactions at different ways of responding to concrete and abstra... more The dynamics of hemispheric interactions at different ways of responding to concrete and abstract words was studied. In one case it was necessary to respond to the different arms in the other - the different fingers of the same hand. different main effects obtained in these two conditions, lead to the conclusion of the asymmetry of the switching time of the hemispheric functions depending on switch direction - the left hemisphere to the right or vice versa.
Keywords: word recognition, reaction time, hemispheric interaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Микродинамика пословного чтения

Text reading is discussed as a process characterized by continual interactions occuring between m... more Text reading is discussed as a process characterized by continual interactions occuring between meanings of separate words and notional images, that arise from sequentially perceived meanings. Commonly used procedures like eyes movement recording or post-reading questioning seems to be not quite adequate when we study parameters and dynamics of such interactions. In the current work we used the procedure of word-by-word reading, which allowed to record time needed to read each word as a function of the word’s number in a whole sequence of words. As a result we have received subjects’ profiles showing microdynamical pattern in their reading of a short excerpt from simple artistic text. We have showed that in such conditions the micrody-namical pattern of reading didn’t depend on words’ length (counted in characters number). Also it was shown that the relatively long temporal pauses represented as peak values of word-reading time can be viewed as objective indicators of meaning formation, that occurs in parallel with separate words’ perception.

Keywords: reading, meaning, notional image, microdynamics of reading

Research paper thumbnail of Вариативность серийных ассоциаций

Studied the variability of free and thematic series of associations registered in the same subjec... more Studied the variability of free and thematic series of associations registered in the same subjects at different time intervals. Such temporary cuts are necessary to obtain evidence to consider associative processes are not as strictly deterministic neural connections are formed in the past experience of the individual, but as quickly adapt to the current situation in which action will be performed. Compare associative series obtained at different times, conducted by several parameters (total number of associates, their frequency, the average speed of the association, profiles associative dynamics and content). All of them showed significant variability of intraindividnual serial associations. In most, if not all, previous works with associations of this fact is not taken into account, which casts doubt on the possibility of applying the statistical parameters of association (frequency, power, and others.) and some relevant theoretical concepts (associative field, irradiation activation et al.) to build models of human action.
Kay words: serial associations, situational action associative dynamics, repeatability index, image.

Research paper thumbnail of Асимметрия абстрактно-конкретных взаимодействий†

When reading a text or listening to speech we perceive abstract and concrete words, (A-word and... more When reading a text or listening to speech we perceive abstract and concrete words, (A-word and K-word, respectively). Available in the literaturedata on the perception of words derived mainly using the K-words.
We study the question of the temporal characteristics of the abstract-concrete interactions when subjects had to remember the A-word corresponding to presented K-word, or vice versa. In another experimental series are evaluated
whether pairs of words consisting of various combinations of abstract and concrete content were different or identical. It is shown that there are different dynamics processing
of word pairs (A-A or A-K), depending on which category the word stands for first. Discusses some limitations of this relationship and one of its possible mechanisms.
Keywords: abstract and concrete knowledge, forms of representation of knowledge, categorical and associative organization of knowledge, abstract and concrete interaction.

Research paper thumbnail of From reflectory ring to multivariable system

Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into... more Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into account the multicoupling nerve structure of movement apparatus we inevitable are faced with a question about principles based in clousing of chanals' central endings ensemble, which afferentiates movement, on effector centres ensemble which controls muscle periphery. When we speak about movement skill develop-ment such afferent-efferent connections (reciphering, as N.A.Bernstein named them) which would be ade-quate to perform given motor task do not exist in advance and they must to be developed during performing that task. The main role here play human perception of the information resulted from movement performance on the level of motor-sensory transition, when multidimensional vector of muscle dynamics transforms into dynamics of outer object environment. On the basis of selection of perseptual data new feedback structure is created which ensures steady functioning of the effectory patterns finded durng practice.
Key words: reflectory ring, feedback, multicoupling (multilink), motor skill

Research paper thumbnail of В поиске новых психофизиологических коррелятов темперамента Часть 1. Краткая историческая справка и обоснование гипотезы

Research paper thumbnail of On SSP (unpublished)

Unpublished, 2024

SSP - Summary (aggregated) Skin Ponential which is a result of overall neural activity and has fr... more SSP - Summary (aggregated) Skin Ponential which is a result of overall neural activity and has frequency bandwidth 0.05 - 100 Hz. It contain several components witch used to registred with special devices. Some unknown properties of SSP are descibed.

Research paper thumbnail of Building an Individual Portrait of the Dynamics of Music Perception Using Time-Frequency Analysis of Summary Skin Potential

Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2021

The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was stud... more The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was studied. The indicators of emotional status were involuntary reactions of the summary skin potential (SSP) and arbitrary clicks by subjects on the “like” or “dislike” buttons while listening to melodies. The frequency of arbitrary button clicks serves as an indicator of the degree of differentiation (detail) of the conscious perception of various elements of the melody. By digital processing of the SSP, its derivatives were obtained — heart rate, median frequency and the RMS amplitude of the SSP as functions of time, etc. The temporal dynamics of these indicators turned out to be more intense compared to the frequency of pressing, which is explained by the specificity of the interaction between conscious and unconscious levels of perceptions. In connection with the use of several indicators of continuous emotional dynamics, there is a need for their integral representation. An example of suc...

Research paper thumbnail of From Reflectory Ring to Multivariable System

Psychology in Russia: State of Art, 2009

Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into... more Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into account the multicoupling nerve structure of movement apparatus we inevitable are faced with a question about principles based in clousing of chanals' central endings ensemble, which afferentiates movement, on effector centres ensemble which controls muscle periphery. When we speak about movement skill development such afferent-efferent connections (reciphering, as N.A.Bernstein named them) which would be adequate to perform given motor task do not exist in advance and they must to be developed during performing that task. The main role here play human perception of the information resulted from movement performance on the level of motor-sensory transition, when multidimensional vector of muscle dynamics transforms into dynamics of outer object environment. On the basis of selection of perseptual data new feedback structure is created which ensures steady functioning of the effectory patterns finded durng practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading Skill: Formation, Diagnostics, and Functioning

Voprosy Psychologii (Russia), 2020

The article is divided into three sections. The first briefly examines the classical concept of t... more The article is divided into three sections. The first briefly examines the classical concept of the formation of the reading skill in ontogenesis, proposed by T.G. Egorov in the 50s of the last century and found its confirmation and development (albeit in most cases without references to its author) in a number of modern studies by domestic and foreign authors. The second section analyzes some foreign ideas about the structure of the reading skill and the methods used there for diagnosing the structural components of this skill. The third section describes a functional model of a developed reading skill, in which both "technical" operations of actualizing the meanings of words included in the text and semantic processes that ensure reading comprehen-sion interact. In contrast to traditional methods of diagnosing the level of meaning formation (understanding), which are used after the completion of reading the text, the proposed model focuses on the dynamics of the current reading process. This dynamics is recorded using the word-by-word reading technique, in which the reader sees only one word; аfter reading it, he presses the button, after which the next word in the text appears, etc. Registering button clicks while working with text allows you to get a dynamic reading profile (DRP) in the form of a dis-tribution of time intervals between clicks. Three ranges of these intervals are identified, which reflect the work of different levels of reading skill - the semantization of visible words with the fixation of their meanings, the accumulation of several meanings in working memory, and the formation of semantic fragments on their basis. The selected parameters of DRP reflect the in-dividual level of mastering the reading skill, as well as the dependence of its functioning on the genre and linguistic characteristics of the text material. Currently, the laboratory of experi-mental psychology of the State University "Dubna" is researching the diagnostic capabilities of the method of word-by-word reading in teaching students a foreign language.

Key words: reading skill, semantisation, meaning formation, dynamic reading profile, word-by-word reading technique.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of complexity and observation conditions of the route of manual instrumental movements on their reproduction from memory

Voprosy Psychologii, 2020

The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between... more The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between the whole and the part when forming the image of the hand movement while the subjects are tracking spatial routes of different complexity. The latter were visible to the subjects partially within the controlled electronic window of various sizes. After tracking, they reproduced the traversed route from memory in the absence of external visual feedback. Reproduction results were evaluated by independent experts on a 7-point scale. It was established that the playback quality is a decreasing function of the complexity of the route, and symmetric routes are reproduced better than random ones. Window size also affects playback quality. The possible role of the interaction between working and long-term memory in the formation of an integral image of serial movements is discussed.
Key words: part and whole, serial action, sensorimotor image, working memory, long-term memory.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of complexity and observation conditions of the route of manual instrumental movements on their reproduction from memory

Voprosy Psychologii, 2020

State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region, State Universi... more State budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region, State University «Dubna "
The article is devoted to the experimental development of the problem of the relationship between the whole and the part when forming the image of the hand movement while the subjects are tracking spatial routes of different complexity. The latter were visible to the subjects partially within the controlled electronic window of various sizes. After tracking, they reproduced the traversed route from memory in the absence of external visual feedback. Reproduction results were evaluated by independent experts on a 7-point scale. It was established that the playback quality is a decreasing function of the complexity of the route, and symmetric routes are reproduced better than random ones. Window size also affects playback quality. The possible role of the interaction between working and long-term memory in the formation of an integral image of serial movements is discussed.
Key words: part and whole, serial action, sensorimotor image, working memory, long-term memory.


Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2021

The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was stud... more The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was studied.
The indicators of emotional status were involuntary reactions of the summary skin potential (SSP) and
arbitrary clicks by subjects on the “like” or “dislike” buttons while listening to melodies. The frequency of
arbitrary button clicks serves as an indicator of the degree of differentiation (detail) of the conscious perception
of various elements of the melody. By digital processing of the SSP, its derivatives were obtained
— heart rate, median frequency and the RMS amplitude of the SSP as functions of time, etc. The temporal
dynamics of these indicators turned out to be more intense compared to the frequency of pressing, which
is explained by the specificity of the interaction between conscious and unconscious levels of perceptions.
In connection with the use of several indicators of continuous emotional dynamics, there is a need for their
integral representation. An example of such integration is given for two indicators in the form of individual
approximating ellipses. In the future, it is planned to use modern computer graphics to solve the problem.
Keywords: summary skin potential, musical melodies, emotional dynamics, conscious and unconscious
reactions, articulation of perception, integral representation.

Research paper thumbnail of What else can tell electro-skin potentials

It was carried out simultaneous recording of EMG, GSR (by Tarkhanov) with the broadband bioamplif... more It was carried out simultaneous recording of EMG, GSR (by Tarkhanov) with the broadband bioamplifiers and GSR (by Feret) – with the narrow-band amplifier. Raw EMG recording and skin potential (SP, or GSR, by Tarkhanov) processed by digital filters in the program PowerGraph. In the SP high frequency component has been highlighted previously undetectable by conventional methods of recording. This suggests that SP is a sum signal composed of high-frequency (till 200 Hz) and low-frequency (conventional, less than 1 Hz) components. The phenomenon of "living capacitor"-a SP reaction to the approach of the living or non-living physical body to the ungrounded subject unearthed during monopolar abduction, which can be used as a feedback signal for the formation of the subject's sensitivity to external stimulation usually insensible. Keywords: electrical myogram (EMG), galvanic skin response (GSR), skin potential (SP), digital signal processing, high-frequency component of the SP.

Research paper thumbnail of МУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ_2017.pdf


В проведенных автором экспериментах регистрировались кожно-гальваническая реакция (КГР, по Фере),... more В проведенных автором экспериментах регистрировались кожно-гальваническая реакция (КГР, по Фере), кожный потенциал (КП, по Тарханову) и локальная энцефалограмма (ЭЭГ) лобного от-ведения (Fp1). КГР регистрировалась усилителем с полосой пропускания 0,05–1 Гц, КП и ЭЭГ уси-ливались широкополосными усилителями биопотенциалов в диапазоне 0,05–300 Гц. Сигналы КП и локальной ЭЭГ обрабатывались одним и тем же алгоритмом. В результате были получены про-фили динамики КП и ЭЭГ, содержащие топологически сходные низко-(НЧ) и высокочастотные (ВЧ) компоненты в диапазоне 0,05–45 Гц. НЧ-компоненты КП и ЭЭГ по форме были у одних ис-пытуемых идентичны (синфазны) КГР, у других – контрфазны, у третьих встречались оба варианта. ВЧ-компоненты КП содержали ритмы, аналогичные ритмам ЭЭГ (Дельта, Тета, Альфа, Бета, Гамма). Однако частотный анализ показал, что ритмы КП в то же время отличаются от ритмов ЭЭГ по мощ-ности и распределению частот во времени. Полученные данные обсуждаются в контексте изучения природы биоритмов.

Research paper thumbnail of Language interrelations under abstract and concrete words recognition

Изучался характер межъязыковых взаимодействий на уровне распознавания изолированных слов. Русско... more Изучался характер межъязыковых взаимодействий на уровне распознавания изолированных слов. Русскоязычным испытуемым с разной степенью владения вторым (английским) языком предъявлялись либо русские, либо английские, либо те и другие слова, которые нужно было классифицировать как абстрактные или конкретные. Помимо различий во времени выполнения этой задачи для разных экспериментальных условий, был обнаружен эффект «смешанного списка», когда изолированные слова второго языка распознавались быстрее, если они чередовались со словами первого языка. В случае слов первого языка этот эффект отсутствовал. Данные интер-претируются в контексте предложенной модели межъязыкового взаимодействия. Ключевые слова: внешняя форма слова, образ слова, активация значения, абстрактное и конкретное, билингвизм.
Language interrelations under abstract and concrete words recognition A. Nazarov
We studied the nature of language switching at the level of recognition of isolated words. Russian-speaking subjects with varying degrees of ownership of a second language (English) were presented either Russian or English, or both words that it was necessary to classify as abstract or concrete. In addition to differences in time required to perform this task in different experimental conditions, the effect has been found, "a mixed list," when isolated words of the second language recognized more quickly if they were mixed with the words of the first language. In the case of words of the first language this effect was absent. These interpreted in the context of the proposed model interlingual interactions. Keywords: bilingualism , external form of the word, the image of the word , the activation value, abstract and concrete words. Введение Когда общаются два человека, скажем, русский и англичанин, оба плохо владеющие вторым (неродным) языком (английским для русского и русским для англичанина), то они лучше понимают друг друга, пользуясь смешением слов этих двух

Research paper thumbnail of Сomparative charachteristics of reading styles by liguists and non-linguists

Сравнительная характеристика стилей чтения у лингвистов и нелингвистов. Козловская Е. А., Назаро... more Сравнительная характеристика стилей чтения у лингвистов и нелингвистов. Козловская Е. А., Назаров А.И. Изучались возможные диагностические свойства методики пословного чтения. Две группы испытуемых – лингвисты и нелингвисты, – заведомо отличавшихся уровнем владения вторым языком и знанием первого языка, пословно читали, а за-тем воспроизводили короткие русские и английские тексты разной трудности. Во время чтения регистрировались временные интервалы между началами восприятия соседних слов, на основе которых строились динамические профили чтения (ДПЧ) для каждого испытуемого. Характер ДПЧ и качество воспроизведения прочитан-ного были разными как у разных испытуемых, так и для двух групп, что позволяет сделать вывод о чувствительности методики пословного чтения к индивидуальным различиям в стилях чтения, а также к уровню владения вторым языком. Ключевые слова: чтение, смыслообразование, стиль чтения, билингвизм. Сomparative charachteristics of reading styles by liguists and non-linguists Kozlovskaya E., Nazarov A.
We studied the possible diagnostic properties of the word-byword method of reading. Two groups of subjects-linguists and nonlingvists-obviously differing in levels of ownership of a second language and knowledge of the first language, were reading word-byword the Russian and English texts of varying difficulty. Immediatly after having read one text they reproduced it. During the reading the time intervals between the beginning of the perception of neighboring words were recorded. On the basis of these intervals the dynamic profiles of reading (DPR) for each subject were constructed. DPR and reproduce values were different in different subjects as well as for the two groups, which suggests the sensitivity of word-byword techniques to individual differences in reading styles, as well as to proficiency in a second language.

Research paper thumbnail of Consciousness: everything and nothing, or something, but not everything?

The necessity to limit the content that psychologists are usually associated with the term "consc... more The necessity to limit the content that psychologists are usually associated with the term "consciousness" is substantiated. Being overly broad in scope, it has lost its specificity. It is proposed the operational composition of the structure of consciousness, which consists of four functions. Consciousness and unconsciousness are seen as complementary alternatives, coordinated by the mind of the individual. In this regard, it is necessary to create the psychological (besides of philosophical) concept of the mind.
Keywords: percept, representation, action, consciousness, unconsciousness, mind.


In terms of relative concepts of direct and mediated author examines the idea of L.S. Vygotsky... more In terms of relative concepts of direct and mediated author examines the idea of L.S. Vygotsky on the mediated nature of higher mental functions (HMF). Mediation of different orders are characteristic for the origin of HMF. But formed and developed HMF become direct, using the natural (in the sense of Vygotsky) forms of the psyche. Association may serve one of such form. In contrast to the classical understandig, they appear in the last phases of higher mental functions development (and not in the beginning and not due to any mechanistic laws). The author proposes "extending" the genetic method to include the analysis of the origin of immediate forms of development of mental functioning, particularly in the form of associations.
Keywords: direct and indirect, natural, and higher mental functions of the association.

Research paper thumbnail of Асимметрия динамики полушарных взаимодействий

The dynamics of hemispheric interactions at different ways of responding to concrete and abstra... more The dynamics of hemispheric interactions at different ways of responding to concrete and abstract words was studied. In one case it was necessary to respond to the different arms in the other - the different fingers of the same hand. different main effects obtained in these two conditions, lead to the conclusion of the asymmetry of the switching time of the hemispheric functions depending on switch direction - the left hemisphere to the right or vice versa.
Keywords: word recognition, reaction time, hemispheric interaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Микродинамика пословного чтения

Text reading is discussed as a process characterized by continual interactions occuring between m... more Text reading is discussed as a process characterized by continual interactions occuring between meanings of separate words and notional images, that arise from sequentially perceived meanings. Commonly used procedures like eyes movement recording or post-reading questioning seems to be not quite adequate when we study parameters and dynamics of such interactions. In the current work we used the procedure of word-by-word reading, which allowed to record time needed to read each word as a function of the word’s number in a whole sequence of words. As a result we have received subjects’ profiles showing microdynamical pattern in their reading of a short excerpt from simple artistic text. We have showed that in such conditions the micrody-namical pattern of reading didn’t depend on words’ length (counted in characters number). Also it was shown that the relatively long temporal pauses represented as peak values of word-reading time can be viewed as objective indicators of meaning formation, that occurs in parallel with separate words’ perception.

Keywords: reading, meaning, notional image, microdynamics of reading

Research paper thumbnail of Вариативность серийных ассоциаций

Studied the variability of free and thematic series of associations registered in the same subjec... more Studied the variability of free and thematic series of associations registered in the same subjects at different time intervals. Such temporary cuts are necessary to obtain evidence to consider associative processes are not as strictly deterministic neural connections are formed in the past experience of the individual, but as quickly adapt to the current situation in which action will be performed. Compare associative series obtained at different times, conducted by several parameters (total number of associates, their frequency, the average speed of the association, profiles associative dynamics and content). All of them showed significant variability of intraindividnual serial associations. In most, if not all, previous works with associations of this fact is not taken into account, which casts doubt on the possibility of applying the statistical parameters of association (frequency, power, and others.) and some relevant theoretical concepts (associative field, irradiation activation et al.) to build models of human action.
Kay words: serial associations, situational action associative dynamics, repeatability index, image.

Research paper thumbnail of Асимметрия абстрактно-конкретных взаимодействий†

When reading a text or listening to speech we perceive abstract and concrete words, (A-word and... more When reading a text or listening to speech we perceive abstract and concrete words, (A-word and K-word, respectively). Available in the literaturedata on the perception of words derived mainly using the K-words.
We study the question of the temporal characteristics of the abstract-concrete interactions when subjects had to remember the A-word corresponding to presented K-word, or vice versa. In another experimental series are evaluated
whether pairs of words consisting of various combinations of abstract and concrete content were different or identical. It is shown that there are different dynamics processing
of word pairs (A-A or A-K), depending on which category the word stands for first. Discusses some limitations of this relationship and one of its possible mechanisms.
Keywords: abstract and concrete knowledge, forms of representation of knowledge, categorical and associative organization of knowledge, abstract and concrete interaction.

Research paper thumbnail of From reflectory ring to multivariable system

Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into... more Some special features of feedback functioning in live movement control are discussed. Taking into account the multicoupling nerve structure of movement apparatus we inevitable are faced with a question about principles based in clousing of chanals' central endings ensemble, which afferentiates movement, on effector centres ensemble which controls muscle periphery. When we speak about movement skill develop-ment such afferent-efferent connections (reciphering, as N.A.Bernstein named them) which would be ade-quate to perform given motor task do not exist in advance and they must to be developed during performing that task. The main role here play human perception of the information resulted from movement performance on the level of motor-sensory transition, when multidimensional vector of muscle dynamics transforms into dynamics of outer object environment. On the basis of selection of perseptual data new feedback structure is created which ensures steady functioning of the effectory patterns finded durng practice.
Key words: reflectory ring, feedback, multicoupling (multilink), motor skill

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental notes (2007-2017).docx

The collection includes scientific works, done by the senior lecturer of the Department of Genera... more The collection includes scientific works, done by the senior lecturer of the Department of General Psychology of the State University "Dubna" A.I. Nazarov in his laboratory of experimental psychology for the period from 2010 to 2017, as well as the work of bachelors, masters and graduate students, carried out under his scientific guidance. In 5 sections of the collection there are some actual topics on general psychology, psycholinguistics, perception, musical pedagogy, psychophysiology. Designed for professional psychologists and specialists in related fields.

Research paper thumbnail of Building an individual portrait of the dynamics of music perception using time-frequency analysis data

Building an individual portrait of the dynamics of music perception using time-frequency analysis data, 2020

The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was stud... more The individual dynamics of the emotional component of the perception of musical melodies was studied. The indicators of emotional status were involuntary reactions of the summary skin potential (SSP) and arbitrary clicks by subjects on the “like” or “dislike” buttons while listening to melodies. The frequency of arbitrary button clicks serves as an indicator of the degree of differentiation (detail) of the conscious perception of various elements of the melody. By digital processing of the SSP, its derivatives were obtained - heart rate, median frequency and the RMS amplitude of the SSP as functions of time, etc. The temporal dynamics of these indicators turned out to be more intense compared to the frequency of pressing, which is explained by the specificity of the interaction between conscious and unconscious levels of perceptions. In connection with the use of several indicators of continuous emotional dynamics, there is a need for their integral representation. An example of such integration is given for two indicators in the form of individual approximating ellipses. In the future, it is planned to use modern computer graphics to solve the problem.

Key words: summary skin potential, musical melodies, emotional dynamics, conscious and unconscious reactions, articulation of perception, integral representation.