Анна Богомазова - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Анна Богомазова

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of the Process of Cargo Transportation by Routes in the Direction to the Western Borders of Ukraine

Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ Ukraïnsʹkoï deržavnoï akademìï zalìzničnogo transportu/Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ, Dec 11, 2023

The paper examines the process of movement of carloads with export goods in the modern conditions... more The paper examines the process of movement of carloads with export goods in the modern conditions of railway transport of Ukraine. In the conditions of a full-scale war, after blocking the ports, the export transportation of goods takes place largely through the western border crossings. The volumes of cargo transportation passing through the western border stations, which have been increasing recently, were studied. Bulk cargo, such as grain, iron ore, ferrous metals, and others, is a significant part of cargo transported in the direction of the western borders to the EU countries or in transit through their territory. The transportation of such cargoes is usually organized as part of route trains, since the large volume of the load allows full trains to be accumulated. The technology of planning the transportation of goods by routes is proposed, which makes it possible to rationally manage the transportation process, provided that trains are dispatched according to a fixed schedule that is consistent with the schedule of the foreign carrier. A model of stochastic programming with optimization of operational costs arising in the process of formation and routing of a route train in the direction of the western borders has been developed. The developed model takes into account the probabilistic nature of the formation time of the route train at the loading station, which is subject to the normal distribution law. To ensure the practical Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, 2023, вип. 206 140 implementation of the model, the technological and regulatory conditions reflected in the system of restrictions are taken into account. The use of the proposed technology will make it possible to avoid the processing of wagons in the process of transportation, increase the productivity of rolling stock by reducing the turnover of wagons, optimize the technology of planning the transportation process, and also increase the predictability of cargo shipments for shippers. In addition, the technology takes into account multiple cases of route delays on a fixed schedule. Determining the amount of train delay is solved using the theory of fuzzy sets. Taking into account the received data on the places of delays and their causes, it is necessary to lay time reserves on the route of freight trains moving according to a fixed schedule.

Research paper thumbnail of Forming an automated technology to manage freight transportation along a direction

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Feb 13, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Constructing a model for the automated operative planning of local operations at railroad technical stations

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Jun 30, 2021

This paper has investigated the technology of for warding local wagons at railroad technical stat... more This paper has investigated the technology of for warding local wagons at railroad technical stations and established the need to improve it given the extra down time of local wagons. The main issue relates to the con siderable combinatorial complexity of the tasks of opera tional planning. Another problem is that as part of the conventional approach, planning a station operation and planning a local operation at it is considered sepa rately. Another planning issue is the lack of highquality mo dels for the preparation of initial data, in particular, data on the duration of technological operations, such as, for example, shunting operations involving local wagons forwarding. To resolve these issues, a new approach has been proposed, under which the tasks of operative plan ning of a technical station's operation and its subsystem of local operations are tackled simultaneously, based on a single model. To this end, a mathematical model of vec tor combinatoric optimization has been built, which uses the criteria of total operating costs and wagonhours spent at a station when forwarding local wagon flows, in the form of separate objective functions. Within this model, a predictive model was constructed in the form of a fuzzy inference system. This model is designed to determine the duration of shunting halfruns when exe cuting the spotting/picking operations for delivering local wa gons to enterprises' goods sheds. The model pro vides for the accuracy level that would suffice at plan ning, in contrast to classical methods. A procedure has been devised for optimizing the planning model, which employs the modern genetic algorithm of vector optimi zation NSGAIII. This procedure is implemented in the form of software that makes it possible to build a ratio nal operative plan for the operation of a technical sta tion, including a subsystem of local operations, in gra phic form, thereby reducing the operating costs by 5 % and the duration of maintenance of a local wagon by 8 %. The resulting effect could reduce the turnover time of a freight car in general on the railroad network, speed up the delivery of goods, and reduce the cost of transportation

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Distribution of the Loading and Unloading Resources When Performing Cargo Operations

Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ, Nov 28, 2017

Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploita... more Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploitation and repair of rolling stock Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Odiehov Mykola, senior lecturer power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Research paper thumbnail of Technological proposal for the attention of the risk in the management of the work of a railway station with a port

Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 2023


The article analyzes the organization and technology of work of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" wi... more The article analyzes the organization and technology of work of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" with grain cargo. The grain industry serves as the basis and source of sustainable development of the country's agricultural sector and the basis of Ukraine's agricultural exports. Therefore, the urgent issue for Ukraine is the development of the railway transport system to achieve the necessary throughput capacity for the transportation of grain cargo at minimal cost. The main trends in the development of the grain cargo market are considered and the key factors affecting the increase in the turnover of grain wagons and the decrease in their productivity are identified. Depreciation of grain-carrying cars of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" is more than 97.8 %, which leads to their deficit during peak periods of transportation, an increase in the turnover of cars and a decrease in their productivity. There are also problems with the lack of traction rolling stock, which does not ful...


The analysis carried out in the work showed that a significant part of their turnover time freigh... more The analysis carried out in the work showed that a significant part of their turnover time freight cars are under the performance of cargo operations. These operations are the most laborious, complex and have a high cost. Time for performing loading, unloading, reloading resources that are used for this purpose. In addition, during the operation of cargo operations, the technology of the cargo front operation is affected. Efficiency of cargo operations depends on the distribution of loading and unloading resources by type of work performed and types of cargo that are processed. To reduce the costs that arise when carrying out freight operations on the freight fronts of the station and the access road, a model is proposed to determine the optimal distribution of loading and unloading resources. The use of the proposed model will allow to determine the most optimal technology of the freight front operation by reducing operating costs at a rational level of loading and unloading resour...

Research paper thumbnail of Формування автоматизованої технології управління вантажними перевезеннями на напрямку

The study investigated the process of rolling stock movement along a direction and took into cons... more The study investigated the process of rolling stock movement along a direction and took into consideration possible risks during transportation of freight. It revealed the main reasons, which cause effects of the first and last mile. They include, namely, the lack of the required number of technically sound rolling stock on scheduled time and significant difficulties with the passage of trains, specifically through port and border stations.The study formalized the technological process of transportation of freight along a direction in the form of an optimization mathematical model of the process of movement of freight wagons. The objective function of the model represented total operation costs. Its basis was the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, which took into consideration the effect of the first and last mile. The model also took into consideration possible risks, which arise in the process of wagon operation. It is expedient to refer the built optimization model to the problems of s...

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Distribution of the Loading and Unloading Resources When Performing Cargo Operations

Collected scientific works of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, 2017

Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploita... more Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploitation and repair of rolling stock Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Odiehov Mykola, senior lecturer power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructing a model for the automated operative planning of local operations at railroad technical stations

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021

This paper has investigated the technology of forwarding local wagons at railroad technical stati... more This paper has investigated the technology of forwarding local wagons at railroad technical stations and established the need to improve it given the extra downtime of local wagons. The main issue relates to the considerable combinatorial complexity of the tasks of operational planning. Another problem is that as part of the conventional approach, planning a station operation and planning a local operation at it is considered separately. Another planning issue is the lack of high-quality models for the preparation of initial data, in particular, data on the duration of technological operations, such as, for example, shunting operations involving local wagons forwarding. To resolve these issues, a new approach has been proposed, under which the tasks of operative planning of a technical station’s operation and its subsystem of local operations are tackled simultaneously, based on a single model. To this end, a mathematical model of vector combinatoric optimization has been built, whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of a rational technology for service cargo points at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises

Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 2021

The aim of the article is to define of rational technology for service cargo points at railway co... more The aim of the article is to define of rational technology for service cargo points at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises taking into account possible penalties. To solve this problem, the authors used methods of analysis of statistical data of dynamically changing parameters, methods of simulation modeling, mathematical statistics, probability theory and methods of combinatorial analysis. In the work is formalized the rational technology for service at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises in the form of a mathematical model. The objective function of the model uses the criterion of total operating expenses and takes into account the probabilistic nature of the waiting time for dispatching of wagons to the cargo point. The mathematical model is designed to determine the rational number of wagons in the dispatching to the cargo point at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises. The proposed technology takes into account penalties for violation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Forming an automated technology to manage freight transportation along a direction

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the Model for the Staining Grain Loads at the Railways of Ukraine

Collection of scientific works of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, 2019

Ковтун Павел Владимирович, канд. техн. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой проектирования, строител... more Ковтун Павел Владимирович, канд. техн. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации транспортных объектов Белорусского государственного университета транспорта.

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of technology for management of freight rolling stock on railway transport

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2017

transport may lead in the future to the loss by railways of part of the transportation market. Th... more transport may lead in the future to the loss by railways of part of the transportation market. This situation leads to the deterioration of financial and economic situation of the railway transport system. Determining prospective volumes of freight transportation by railroads will make it possible to choose the optimal model of behavior of transportation system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the impact of the totality of economic, political, technological, natural factors, as well as the conditions of domestic transport market. As the economy in Ukraine largely depends on the operation of railway, then hasty management decision will have a negative impact on other industries. Without the ability to predict the future, it is impossible to organize normal func-4

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation Into the Bimodal Transportation Process by Modelling Rail Module States

Transport Problems, 2017

The bimodal transportation process, which takes into account the modelling of rail module states,... more The bimodal transportation process, which takes into account the modelling of rail module states, has been studied. The article demonstrates marked graphs of rail module states with and without running gear change in operation. It has been established which states have the greatest impact on the probability of a steady mode. The work has considered fractality of arrivals and its range in the queueing system with priorities.


Залізничний транспорт, генеруючи більше половини вантажообігу України, є однією з найважливіших г... more Залізничний транспорт, генеруючи більше половини вантажообігу України, є однією з найважливіших галузей сучасної економіки. На сьогоднішній день проблемі ефективного роздержавлення природних монополій належить одне з ключових місць в економічній політиці країни. У зв’язку з цим особливої актуальності набуває розроблення нової стратегії ціноутворення в сегменті вантажних залізничних перевезень, яка тісно пов’язана з розширенням сфери конкурентних відносин, ефективності промислового сектора та економіки в цілому


У роботі проведено аналіз перевезення пасажирів швидкісними поїздами на мережі залізниць. Дослідж... more У роботі проведено аналіз перевезення пасажирів швидкісними поїздами на мережі залізниць. Дослідження показали, що ефективність використання швидкісних перевезень залежить від попиту на швидкісні поїзди. У статті пропонується впровадження цих перевезень на тих напрямках, де є велика транспортна рухливість населення у поєднанні з їх платоспроможністю з урахуванням мінімальних експлуатаційних витрат залізниці


Закономірності статистичних транспортних епіциклів, виявлені в аналітичному вигляді, залишаються... more Закономірності статистичних транспортних епіциклів, виявлені в аналітичному вигляді, залишаються справедливими також при глобальному зниженні пасажирських перевезень в Україні. Для цього необхідно лише скорегувати величину емпіричних постійних, що входять у формули. Аналіз дослідження величини пасажиропотоку при швидкісному русі довів, що в Україні дійсно є зростаючий попит на такі перевезення, особливо на певних напрямках. Тому успіх розвитку цієї галузі перевезення залежить від ухвалення важливих документів державного рівня.

Research paper thumbnail of Актово-претензійна робота

Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Методи і форми управлінської діяльності

Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of the Process of Cargo Transportation by Routes in the Direction to the Western Borders of Ukraine

Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ Ukraïnsʹkoï deržavnoï akademìï zalìzničnogo transportu/Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ, Dec 11, 2023

The paper examines the process of movement of carloads with export goods in the modern conditions... more The paper examines the process of movement of carloads with export goods in the modern conditions of railway transport of Ukraine. In the conditions of a full-scale war, after blocking the ports, the export transportation of goods takes place largely through the western border crossings. The volumes of cargo transportation passing through the western border stations, which have been increasing recently, were studied. Bulk cargo, such as grain, iron ore, ferrous metals, and others, is a significant part of cargo transported in the direction of the western borders to the EU countries or in transit through their territory. The transportation of such cargoes is usually organized as part of route trains, since the large volume of the load allows full trains to be accumulated. The technology of planning the transportation of goods by routes is proposed, which makes it possible to rationally manage the transportation process, provided that trains are dispatched according to a fixed schedule that is consistent with the schedule of the foreign carrier. A model of stochastic programming with optimization of operational costs arising in the process of formation and routing of a route train in the direction of the western borders has been developed. The developed model takes into account the probabilistic nature of the formation time of the route train at the loading station, which is subject to the normal distribution law. To ensure the practical Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, 2023, вип. 206 140 implementation of the model, the technological and regulatory conditions reflected in the system of restrictions are taken into account. The use of the proposed technology will make it possible to avoid the processing of wagons in the process of transportation, increase the productivity of rolling stock by reducing the turnover of wagons, optimize the technology of planning the transportation process, and also increase the predictability of cargo shipments for shippers. In addition, the technology takes into account multiple cases of route delays on a fixed schedule. Determining the amount of train delay is solved using the theory of fuzzy sets. Taking into account the received data on the places of delays and their causes, it is necessary to lay time reserves on the route of freight trains moving according to a fixed schedule.

Research paper thumbnail of Forming an automated technology to manage freight transportation along a direction

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Feb 13, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Constructing a model for the automated operative planning of local operations at railroad technical stations

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Jun 30, 2021

This paper has investigated the technology of for warding local wagons at railroad technical stat... more This paper has investigated the technology of for warding local wagons at railroad technical stations and established the need to improve it given the extra down time of local wagons. The main issue relates to the con siderable combinatorial complexity of the tasks of opera tional planning. Another problem is that as part of the conventional approach, planning a station operation and planning a local operation at it is considered sepa rately. Another planning issue is the lack of highquality mo dels for the preparation of initial data, in particular, data on the duration of technological operations, such as, for example, shunting operations involving local wagons forwarding. To resolve these issues, a new approach has been proposed, under which the tasks of operative plan ning of a technical station's operation and its subsystem of local operations are tackled simultaneously, based on a single model. To this end, a mathematical model of vec tor combinatoric optimization has been built, which uses the criteria of total operating costs and wagonhours spent at a station when forwarding local wagon flows, in the form of separate objective functions. Within this model, a predictive model was constructed in the form of a fuzzy inference system. This model is designed to determine the duration of shunting halfruns when exe cuting the spotting/picking operations for delivering local wa gons to enterprises' goods sheds. The model pro vides for the accuracy level that would suffice at plan ning, in contrast to classical methods. A procedure has been devised for optimizing the planning model, which employs the modern genetic algorithm of vector optimi zation NSGAIII. This procedure is implemented in the form of software that makes it possible to build a ratio nal operative plan for the operation of a technical sta tion, including a subsystem of local operations, in gra phic form, thereby reducing the operating costs by 5 % and the duration of maintenance of a local wagon by 8 %. The resulting effect could reduce the turnover time of a freight car in general on the railroad network, speed up the delivery of goods, and reduce the cost of transportation

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Distribution of the Loading and Unloading Resources When Performing Cargo Operations

Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ, Nov 28, 2017

Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploita... more Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploitation and repair of rolling stock Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Odiehov Mykola, senior lecturer power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Research paper thumbnail of Technological proposal for the attention of the risk in the management of the work of a railway station with a port

Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 2023


The article analyzes the organization and technology of work of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" wi... more The article analyzes the organization and technology of work of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" with grain cargo. The grain industry serves as the basis and source of sustainable development of the country's agricultural sector and the basis of Ukraine's agricultural exports. Therefore, the urgent issue for Ukraine is the development of the railway transport system to achieve the necessary throughput capacity for the transportation of grain cargo at minimal cost. The main trends in the development of the grain cargo market are considered and the key factors affecting the increase in the turnover of grain wagons and the decrease in their productivity are identified. Depreciation of grain-carrying cars of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" is more than 97.8 %, which leads to their deficit during peak periods of transportation, an increase in the turnover of cars and a decrease in their productivity. There are also problems with the lack of traction rolling stock, which does not ful...


The analysis carried out in the work showed that a significant part of their turnover time freigh... more The analysis carried out in the work showed that a significant part of their turnover time freight cars are under the performance of cargo operations. These operations are the most laborious, complex and have a high cost. Time for performing loading, unloading, reloading resources that are used for this purpose. In addition, during the operation of cargo operations, the technology of the cargo front operation is affected. Efficiency of cargo operations depends on the distribution of loading and unloading resources by type of work performed and types of cargo that are processed. To reduce the costs that arise when carrying out freight operations on the freight fronts of the station and the access road, a model is proposed to determine the optimal distribution of loading and unloading resources. The use of the proposed model will allow to determine the most optimal technology of the freight front operation by reducing operating costs at a rational level of loading and unloading resour...

Research paper thumbnail of Формування автоматизованої технології управління вантажними перевезеннями на напрямку

The study investigated the process of rolling stock movement along a direction and took into cons... more The study investigated the process of rolling stock movement along a direction and took into consideration possible risks during transportation of freight. It revealed the main reasons, which cause effects of the first and last mile. They include, namely, the lack of the required number of technically sound rolling stock on scheduled time and significant difficulties with the passage of trains, specifically through port and border stations.The study formalized the technological process of transportation of freight along a direction in the form of an optimization mathematical model of the process of movement of freight wagons. The objective function of the model represented total operation costs. Its basis was the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, which took into consideration the effect of the first and last mile. The model also took into consideration possible risks, which arise in the process of wagon operation. It is expedient to refer the built optimization model to the problems of s...

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Distribution of the Loading and Unloading Resources When Performing Cargo Operations

Collected scientific works of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, 2017

Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploita... more Krasheninin Oleksandr Semenovych, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of exploitation and repair of rolling stock Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Odiehov Mykola, senior lecturer power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Research paper thumbnail of Constructing a model for the automated operative planning of local operations at railroad technical stations

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021

This paper has investigated the technology of forwarding local wagons at railroad technical stati... more This paper has investigated the technology of forwarding local wagons at railroad technical stations and established the need to improve it given the extra downtime of local wagons. The main issue relates to the considerable combinatorial complexity of the tasks of operational planning. Another problem is that as part of the conventional approach, planning a station operation and planning a local operation at it is considered separately. Another planning issue is the lack of high-quality models for the preparation of initial data, in particular, data on the duration of technological operations, such as, for example, shunting operations involving local wagons forwarding. To resolve these issues, a new approach has been proposed, under which the tasks of operative planning of a technical station’s operation and its subsystem of local operations are tackled simultaneously, based on a single model. To this end, a mathematical model of vector combinatoric optimization has been built, whi...

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of a rational technology for service cargo points at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises

Revista de la Universidad del Zulia, 2021

The aim of the article is to define of rational technology for service cargo points at railway co... more The aim of the article is to define of rational technology for service cargo points at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises taking into account possible penalties. To solve this problem, the authors used methods of analysis of statistical data of dynamically changing parameters, methods of simulation modeling, mathematical statistics, probability theory and methods of combinatorial analysis. In the work is formalized the rational technology for service at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises in the form of a mathematical model. The objective function of the model uses the criterion of total operating expenses and takes into account the probabilistic nature of the waiting time for dispatching of wagons to the cargo point. The mathematical model is designed to determine the rational number of wagons in the dispatching to the cargo point at railway connecting lines of industrial enterprises. The proposed technology takes into account penalties for violation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Forming an automated technology to manage freight transportation along a direction

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the Model for the Staining Grain Loads at the Railways of Ukraine

Collection of scientific works of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, 2019

Ковтун Павел Владимирович, канд. техн. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой проектирования, строител... more Ковтун Павел Владимирович, канд. техн. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации транспортных объектов Белорусского государственного университета транспорта.

Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of technology for management of freight rolling stock on railway transport

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2017

transport may lead in the future to the loss by railways of part of the transportation market. Th... more transport may lead in the future to the loss by railways of part of the transportation market. This situation leads to the deterioration of financial and economic situation of the railway transport system. Determining prospective volumes of freight transportation by railroads will make it possible to choose the optimal model of behavior of transportation system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the impact of the totality of economic, political, technological, natural factors, as well as the conditions of domestic transport market. As the economy in Ukraine largely depends on the operation of railway, then hasty management decision will have a negative impact on other industries. Without the ability to predict the future, it is impossible to organize normal func-4

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation Into the Bimodal Transportation Process by Modelling Rail Module States

Transport Problems, 2017

The bimodal transportation process, which takes into account the modelling of rail module states,... more The bimodal transportation process, which takes into account the modelling of rail module states, has been studied. The article demonstrates marked graphs of rail module states with and without running gear change in operation. It has been established which states have the greatest impact on the probability of a steady mode. The work has considered fractality of arrivals and its range in the queueing system with priorities.


Залізничний транспорт, генеруючи більше половини вантажообігу України, є однією з найважливіших г... more Залізничний транспорт, генеруючи більше половини вантажообігу України, є однією з найважливіших галузей сучасної економіки. На сьогоднішній день проблемі ефективного роздержавлення природних монополій належить одне з ключових місць в економічній політиці країни. У зв’язку з цим особливої актуальності набуває розроблення нової стратегії ціноутворення в сегменті вантажних залізничних перевезень, яка тісно пов’язана з розширенням сфери конкурентних відносин, ефективності промислового сектора та економіки в цілому


У роботі проведено аналіз перевезення пасажирів швидкісними поїздами на мережі залізниць. Дослідж... more У роботі проведено аналіз перевезення пасажирів швидкісними поїздами на мережі залізниць. Дослідження показали, що ефективність використання швидкісних перевезень залежить від попиту на швидкісні поїзди. У статті пропонується впровадження цих перевезень на тих напрямках, де є велика транспортна рухливість населення у поєднанні з їх платоспроможністю з урахуванням мінімальних експлуатаційних витрат залізниці


Закономірності статистичних транспортних епіциклів, виявлені в аналітичному вигляді, залишаються... more Закономірності статистичних транспортних епіциклів, виявлені в аналітичному вигляді, залишаються справедливими також при глобальному зниженні пасажирських перевезень в Україні. Для цього необхідно лише скорегувати величину емпіричних постійних, що входять у формули. Аналіз дослідження величини пасажиропотоку при швидкісному русі довів, що в Україні дійсно є зростаючий попит на такі перевезення, особливо на певних напрямках. Тому успіх розвитку цієї галузі перевезення залежить від ухвалення важливих документів державного рівня.

Research paper thumbnail of Актово-претензійна робота

Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Методи і форми управлінської діяльності

Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2020