Анна Володимирівна Горчанок - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Анна Володимирівна Горчанок

Research paper thumbnail of Вплив змішанолігандного комплексу купруму на перетравність поживних речовин комбікорму молодняком кролів

Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет, Oct 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The using of methionine in cow feeding

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition and fodder relations of Pelecus cultratus (L.) in Kremenchuk reservoir

Досліджено промислові улови аборигенних видів риб на Кременчуцькому водосховищі. Аналізовано спек... more Досліджено промислові улови аборигенних видів риб на Кременчуцькому водосховищі. Аналізовано спектр живлення іхтіофауни. Встановлено, що пожива риб на середній та нижній частинах водосховища в основному складалася з синьозелених водоростей, дафній та личинок комах.

Research paper thumbnail of Features of Fish Populations Formation in the Kremenchuk and Kakhovka Reservoirs


INTRODUCTION Due to the peculiarities of their bottom, the Dnipro reservoirs were created in the ... more INTRODUCTION Due to the peculiarities of their bottom, the Dnipro reservoirs were created in the form of a cascade 1. Taking into account human impact on natural and artificial reservoirs, their hydroecological state is constantly changing, there are changes of hydrology, water quality, hydrobiological characteristics, among which special attention should be paid to the ichthyocenosis. Among the Dnipro river reservoirs, the Kremenchuk and Kakhovka ones are marked by the largest areas of the water surface (225 and 215,5 thousand hectares), the largest filling of the water level during the year (4-6; 2-4 m), the maximum of which falls on the winter period (January-March), and the lowest complete water exchange (2,5-4; 2-3 times a year) 2. According to the location of the cascade of reservoirs from south to north, the Kakhovka reservoir is located in the lower flow of the Dnipro river in the steppe zone, lower than others which affects its hydrobiological features. The Kakhovka reservoir was filled with water in 1956, it has an open top that flows directly into the river and has the largest width at the top, which reaches almost 23 km. The area of shallow water with depths is 2 m and occupies 5%, where, mainly, vegetation grows and phytophilous fish spawn. The Kremenchuk reservoir is located on the middle flow of the Dnipro river in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Its top is supported by a barrier above the Dnipro reservoir. Shallow water in the Kremenchuk reservoir makes up 18% of the total area. Filling of the Kremenchuk reservoir with water to the planning level lasted for two years, during 1960-1961. The Kremenchuk reservoir is distinguished by the presence of three large tributaries of the Sula, Vilshanka, and Ros 3 , a considerably larger area of shallow water with depths of up to 2 m, and a width of up to 30 km in the

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of chelations on dairy productivity of cows in different periods of manufacturing cycle

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The research has established the positive effect of the organic form of mixed ligand complexes Cu... more The research has established the positive effect of the organic form of mixed ligand complexes Cu, Zn and Мn on the milk productivity of high-producting cows of Holstein breed. It was proved that cows of the second experimental group which consumed mixed ligand complexes Cu, Zn and Mn in composition of fodder in the amount of 100% by concentration of metal had the highest dairy productivity in the period of milking. According to the indicator of the natural fat milk yield the advantage was 12% (N€ ≤ 0.01), but fat milk 8.5%. In recalculation of milk yield of fat 4% advantage was 21.3% (N€ ≤ 0.,001). By the level of protein in milk experimental cows had an advantage 3.4%. In the main period of experiment the gross natural milk yield per cow increased by 10.9%, fat content on 0.11%, indicator of milk yield of basic fat on 14.2% (N€ ≤ 0.001), it was due to changing sulfates Мn, Cu and Zn on mixed ligand complexes Мn, Cu and Zn, and these elements have a better assimilability. Accord...

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs when feeding probiotics

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs of large white breed was studied.... more The productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs of large white breed was studied. Pigs of research groups, in absolute weight gain, exceeded control by 1.9-5.7 (P<0.01). Pigs of the third and fourth research groups had the highest absolute gains over the entire period of the experiment. Theirfeed was mixed with Protecto-active at the rate of 1.5 and 2.0 g per 10 kg body weight, or (3 and 4 g per 1 kg of feed). The balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body of pigs of all groups was positive, but calcium and phosphorus of pigs of the 3rd and 4th experimental groups were better absorbed, although no significant difference was found. Keywords: Young pigs; rations; probiotic; protecto-active; productivity; calcium balance; phosphorus balance; mixed feed References: Babenko, S. P., & Chernjavs'kij, O. O. (2011). PeretravnN–st' kormu, obmN–n azotu ta produktivnN–st' molodnjaku svinej za zgodovuvannja probN–otiku. Zb. nauk. prac' VNAU.-VN–nnicja, Vip, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of Using of the Organic Mineral Mixed Ligand Cuprum in the Pig Feeding

The value of mineral substances for the normal life of the organism is very difficult to overesti... more The value of mineral substances for the normal life of the organism is very difficult to overestimate. However, inorganic salts of transition metals (Zinc, Cuprum, Ferrum, Manganum) due to low digestibility transit and in combination with the concomitant salts of heavy metals pollute the environment. So, traditional approaches to mineral nutrition of farm animals require substantial revision. The analysis of publications confidently attests about the benefits of using microelements from organic compounds in fodder production. This is related primarily with higher bioavailability, which reduces significantly their introduction in the feed mixtures. Experimental materials with justification of expediency of complex organic mineral mixed ligand Cuprum using in young pigs rations are presented. Positive effect for the putting of this complex into compound feed of crossbreed young pigs (Large White Landrace pig x Duroc pig) is established, which helps the metabolism and assimilation of n...

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) liver morphological organization

Досліджено морфологічну будову печінки Oncorhynchus mykiss. Виявлено, що травні залози Oncorhynch... more Досліджено морфологічну будову печінки Oncorhynchus mykiss. Виявлено, що травні залози Oncorhynchus mykiss представлені печінкою та відокремленою підшлунковою залозою. Також вивчали інтенсивність гістохімічних реакцій, органометрію печінки та цитокаріометрію гепатоцитів.

Research paper thumbnail of Chelates in young pigs mixed feed and their influence on productivity

Згодовування у комбікормах молодняку свиней породи велика біла на відгодівлі Цинку у вигляді орга... more Згодовування у комбікормах молодняку свиней породи велика біла на відгодівлі Цинку у вигляді органічної форми хелату зумовлює покращення обмінних процесів в організмі, що позитивно впливає на показники забою свиней. Введення хелату Цинку в складі комбікормів сприяє підвищенню морфологічного складу туші та хімічного складу м’яса і сала. Встановлено, що у молодняку свиней на відгодівлі породи велика біла за дози хелату Цинку 83,2 г/т комбікорму показник забійного виходу на 1,2 % перевищував аналогів контролю. За виходом м’яса свині переважали аналогів на 6,6 %.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of chelates on pigs productivity and quality

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021

Feeding Zinc in the form of an organic chelate in the mixed feed for young Large White pigs in fa... more Feeding Zinc in the form of an organic chelate in the mixed feed for young Large White pigs in fattening causes improved metabolic processes in the organism, which positively affects the indices of pigs' laughter. The intervention of zinc chelate in mixed feed promotes an increase in the morphological composition of the carcass and an improvement in the chemical composition of meat and lard. It was established that in the process of fattening young Large White pigs with a zinc chelate dose of 83.2 g/t in mixed feed, a slaughter yield is higher by 1.2% compared with analogs of control. Pigs exceeded analogs by 6.6% in meat yield and by 0.9% in protein content in meat. Keywords: Pigs, Zinc chelate, Mixed feed, Slaughter weight, Slaughter yield, Morphological composition of carcasses, Chemical composition of meat, Lard, Internal organs References Bomko, V.S., Smetan?na, O.V., Kuzmenko, O.A. (2015). Influence of premix on based metalohelatov on digestibility of nutrients highly ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the state of the Protoka river water system by toxicological and bioindicative indicators

Agroecological journal, 2021

Water resources are one of the most important, but at the same time the most impressible componen... more Water resources are one of the most important, but at the same time the most impressible components of the environment. This component is able to change very quickly under the influence of economic and human activities. The constant growth of anthropogenic pressure on the hydrosphere, changes in water regime and surface water reserves cause to impairment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of surface water. Biological tests play a special role in assessing the environment state. The results of chemical analysis performed with the help of complex equipment, in many cases do not allow assessing the true danger of pollutants on the environment, to predict the effects of their impact on living organisms. Various pollutants, getting into the environment, can undergo transformations, while increasing their toxic effects. For this reason, methods of integrated assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment are necessary. Biotesting methods play a huge role in this. Biotestingi...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Adaptive Stability of the Holstein Cows in the Conditions of the Ecological Plasticity in Northern Steppe of Ukraine

Indian Journal of Animal Research, 2020

Background: Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine is located in the northern steppe subzone, where liv... more Background: Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine is located in the northern steppe subzone, where livestock is actively developing, including dairy farming. Cows, imported from other ecological and climatic conditions undergo appropriate acclimatization to new conditions of exploitation. The current research was based on the assessment of the adaptive properties of Holstein cows of different ages to manage and control the level of their milk productivity and reproductive function during exploitation. Methods: All researches were carried out on the milk complex of “Agro-Soyuz”. The information base was data on productive qualities in individual cards of cows, results of assessment of zootechnical and veterinary accounting. To achieve this goal, an analysis was conducted from the first to the seventh lactation of Holstein cows. Result: Our researches allowed establishing the adaptability of Holstein cows of different ages in terms of ecological plasticity of the northern steppe of Ukraine...

Research paper thumbnail of Вплив змішанолігандного комплексу Купруму на живу масу і витрати кормів молодняку кролів за вирощування на м’ясо

Research paper thumbnail of Аборигенні види риб як тест-обєкти для дослідження сучасного стану гідроекосистем

The diagnostic method of first deviations in the most sensitive components of biotic groups is de... more The diagnostic method of first deviations in the most sensitive components of biotic groups is described. Morphological parameters of bone fish liver were used as biotest-systems of ecological monitoring. Forecasting of the toxicant influence on the native ichthyofauna state by morphometric indices of internal parenchymatous fish organs became possible. We have proved that protoplasmic and hemolytic toxicants have break the cell metabolism, causing dystrophy, erythrocyte decomposition, and cell necrobiosis in the fish liver. The obtained results can be used for diagnostics of various types of hydroecosystems, and also they can be a scientific basis for preservation of biological diversity of the ecosystem in conditions of increased anthropogenic loading.Описан способ диагностики ранних нарушений в наиболее чувствительных компонентах биотических сообществ при использовании морфологических параметров печени костных рыб в качестве биотест-системы экологического мониторинга. Продемонстр...

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of morphological parameters of Cyprinidae liver

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The method of biomonitoring of natural reservoirs by diagnosing early violations in the most sens... more The method of biomonitoring of natural reservoirs by diagnosing early violations in the most sensitive components of hydrobiological groups has been proved. Morphometric parameters of the liver of the family Cyprinidae fish are used as biotest-system for ecological analysis.Taking into account morphometric indexes of fish internal parenchymatous organs, the possibility of predicting the toxic substances influence on the aboriginal ichthyofauna state, has been determined. It has been established that protoplasmic and hemolytic toxicants violate cellular metabolism, causing dystrophy of liver cells in fish. Morphoanalysis of the parameters of the liver of the family Cyprinidae fish, as the most widespread object of the ichthyofauna, is used as the basis for indicating in the system of biomonitoring of the water environment quality to the action of external factors and timely prevention of existing danger.The results obtained serve as the basis for the development of environmental meas...

Research paper thumbnail of Native fish species as a test-objects for the investigation of the hydroecosystem state

Research paper thumbnail of Вплив змішанолігандного комплексу купруму на перетравність поживних речовин комбікорму молодняком кролів

Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет, Oct 31, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The using of methionine in cow feeding

Research paper thumbnail of Nutrition and fodder relations of Pelecus cultratus (L.) in Kremenchuk reservoir

Досліджено промислові улови аборигенних видів риб на Кременчуцькому водосховищі. Аналізовано спек... more Досліджено промислові улови аборигенних видів риб на Кременчуцькому водосховищі. Аналізовано спектр живлення іхтіофауни. Встановлено, що пожива риб на середній та нижній частинах водосховища в основному складалася з синьозелених водоростей, дафній та личинок комах.

Research paper thumbnail of Features of Fish Populations Formation in the Kremenchuk and Kakhovka Reservoirs


INTRODUCTION Due to the peculiarities of their bottom, the Dnipro reservoirs were created in the ... more INTRODUCTION Due to the peculiarities of their bottom, the Dnipro reservoirs were created in the form of a cascade 1. Taking into account human impact on natural and artificial reservoirs, their hydroecological state is constantly changing, there are changes of hydrology, water quality, hydrobiological characteristics, among which special attention should be paid to the ichthyocenosis. Among the Dnipro river reservoirs, the Kremenchuk and Kakhovka ones are marked by the largest areas of the water surface (225 and 215,5 thousand hectares), the largest filling of the water level during the year (4-6; 2-4 m), the maximum of which falls on the winter period (January-March), and the lowest complete water exchange (2,5-4; 2-3 times a year) 2. According to the location of the cascade of reservoirs from south to north, the Kakhovka reservoir is located in the lower flow of the Dnipro river in the steppe zone, lower than others which affects its hydrobiological features. The Kakhovka reservoir was filled with water in 1956, it has an open top that flows directly into the river and has the largest width at the top, which reaches almost 23 km. The area of shallow water with depths is 2 m and occupies 5%, where, mainly, vegetation grows and phytophilous fish spawn. The Kremenchuk reservoir is located on the middle flow of the Dnipro river in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Its top is supported by a barrier above the Dnipro reservoir. Shallow water in the Kremenchuk reservoir makes up 18% of the total area. Filling of the Kremenchuk reservoir with water to the planning level lasted for two years, during 1960-1961. The Kremenchuk reservoir is distinguished by the presence of three large tributaries of the Sula, Vilshanka, and Ros 3 , a considerably larger area of shallow water with depths of up to 2 m, and a width of up to 30 km in the

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of chelations on dairy productivity of cows in different periods of manufacturing cycle

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The research has established the positive effect of the organic form of mixed ligand complexes Cu... more The research has established the positive effect of the organic form of mixed ligand complexes Cu, Zn and Мn on the milk productivity of high-producting cows of Holstein breed. It was proved that cows of the second experimental group which consumed mixed ligand complexes Cu, Zn and Mn in composition of fodder in the amount of 100% by concentration of metal had the highest dairy productivity in the period of milking. According to the indicator of the natural fat milk yield the advantage was 12% (N€ ≤ 0.01), but fat milk 8.5%. In recalculation of milk yield of fat 4% advantage was 21.3% (N€ ≤ 0.,001). By the level of protein in milk experimental cows had an advantage 3.4%. In the main period of experiment the gross natural milk yield per cow increased by 10.9%, fat content on 0.11%, indicator of milk yield of basic fat on 14.2% (N€ ≤ 0.001), it was due to changing sulfates Мn, Cu and Zn on mixed ligand complexes Мn, Cu and Zn, and these elements have a better assimilability. Accord...

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs when feeding probiotics

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs of large white breed was studied.... more The productivity and mineral exchange in the body of young pigs of large white breed was studied. Pigs of research groups, in absolute weight gain, exceeded control by 1.9-5.7 (P<0.01). Pigs of the third and fourth research groups had the highest absolute gains over the entire period of the experiment. Theirfeed was mixed with Protecto-active at the rate of 1.5 and 2.0 g per 10 kg body weight, or (3 and 4 g per 1 kg of feed). The balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body of pigs of all groups was positive, but calcium and phosphorus of pigs of the 3rd and 4th experimental groups were better absorbed, although no significant difference was found. Keywords: Young pigs; rations; probiotic; protecto-active; productivity; calcium balance; phosphorus balance; mixed feed References: Babenko, S. P., & Chernjavs'kij, O. O. (2011). PeretravnN–st' kormu, obmN–n azotu ta produktivnN–st' molodnjaku svinej za zgodovuvannja probN–otiku. Zb. nauk. prac' VNAU.-VN–nnicja, Vip, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of Using of the Organic Mineral Mixed Ligand Cuprum in the Pig Feeding

The value of mineral substances for the normal life of the organism is very difficult to overesti... more The value of mineral substances for the normal life of the organism is very difficult to overestimate. However, inorganic salts of transition metals (Zinc, Cuprum, Ferrum, Manganum) due to low digestibility transit and in combination with the concomitant salts of heavy metals pollute the environment. So, traditional approaches to mineral nutrition of farm animals require substantial revision. The analysis of publications confidently attests about the benefits of using microelements from organic compounds in fodder production. This is related primarily with higher bioavailability, which reduces significantly their introduction in the feed mixtures. Experimental materials with justification of expediency of complex organic mineral mixed ligand Cuprum using in young pigs rations are presented. Positive effect for the putting of this complex into compound feed of crossbreed young pigs (Large White Landrace pig x Duroc pig) is established, which helps the metabolism and assimilation of n...

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) liver morphological organization

Досліджено морфологічну будову печінки Oncorhynchus mykiss. Виявлено, що травні залози Oncorhynch... more Досліджено морфологічну будову печінки Oncorhynchus mykiss. Виявлено, що травні залози Oncorhynchus mykiss представлені печінкою та відокремленою підшлунковою залозою. Також вивчали інтенсивність гістохімічних реакцій, органометрію печінки та цитокаріометрію гепатоцитів.

Research paper thumbnail of Chelates in young pigs mixed feed and their influence on productivity

Згодовування у комбікормах молодняку свиней породи велика біла на відгодівлі Цинку у вигляді орга... more Згодовування у комбікормах молодняку свиней породи велика біла на відгодівлі Цинку у вигляді органічної форми хелату зумовлює покращення обмінних процесів в організмі, що позитивно впливає на показники забою свиней. Введення хелату Цинку в складі комбікормів сприяє підвищенню морфологічного складу туші та хімічного складу м’яса і сала. Встановлено, що у молодняку свиней на відгодівлі породи велика біла за дози хелату Цинку 83,2 г/т комбікорму показник забійного виходу на 1,2 % перевищував аналогів контролю. За виходом м’яса свині переважали аналогів на 6,6 %.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of chelates on pigs productivity and quality

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021

Feeding Zinc in the form of an organic chelate in the mixed feed for young Large White pigs in fa... more Feeding Zinc in the form of an organic chelate in the mixed feed for young Large White pigs in fattening causes improved metabolic processes in the organism, which positively affects the indices of pigs' laughter. The intervention of zinc chelate in mixed feed promotes an increase in the morphological composition of the carcass and an improvement in the chemical composition of meat and lard. It was established that in the process of fattening young Large White pigs with a zinc chelate dose of 83.2 g/t in mixed feed, a slaughter yield is higher by 1.2% compared with analogs of control. Pigs exceeded analogs by 6.6% in meat yield and by 0.9% in protein content in meat. Keywords: Pigs, Zinc chelate, Mixed feed, Slaughter weight, Slaughter yield, Morphological composition of carcasses, Chemical composition of meat, Lard, Internal organs References Bomko, V.S., Smetan?na, O.V., Kuzmenko, O.A. (2015). Influence of premix on based metalohelatov on digestibility of nutrients highly ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the state of the Protoka river water system by toxicological and bioindicative indicators

Agroecological journal, 2021

Water resources are one of the most important, but at the same time the most impressible componen... more Water resources are one of the most important, but at the same time the most impressible components of the environment. This component is able to change very quickly under the influence of economic and human activities. The constant growth of anthropogenic pressure on the hydrosphere, changes in water regime and surface water reserves cause to impairment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of surface water. Biological tests play a special role in assessing the environment state. The results of chemical analysis performed with the help of complex equipment, in many cases do not allow assessing the true danger of pollutants on the environment, to predict the effects of their impact on living organisms. Various pollutants, getting into the environment, can undergo transformations, while increasing their toxic effects. For this reason, methods of integrated assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment are necessary. Biotesting methods play a huge role in this. Biotestingi...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the Adaptive Stability of the Holstein Cows in the Conditions of the Ecological Plasticity in Northern Steppe of Ukraine

Indian Journal of Animal Research, 2020

Background: Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine is located in the northern steppe subzone, where liv... more Background: Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine is located in the northern steppe subzone, where livestock is actively developing, including dairy farming. Cows, imported from other ecological and climatic conditions undergo appropriate acclimatization to new conditions of exploitation. The current research was based on the assessment of the adaptive properties of Holstein cows of different ages to manage and control the level of their milk productivity and reproductive function during exploitation. Methods: All researches were carried out on the milk complex of “Agro-Soyuz”. The information base was data on productive qualities in individual cards of cows, results of assessment of zootechnical and veterinary accounting. To achieve this goal, an analysis was conducted from the first to the seventh lactation of Holstein cows. Result: Our researches allowed establishing the adaptability of Holstein cows of different ages in terms of ecological plasticity of the northern steppe of Ukraine...

Research paper thumbnail of Вплив змішанолігандного комплексу Купруму на живу масу і витрати кормів молодняку кролів за вирощування на м’ясо

Research paper thumbnail of Аборигенні види риб як тест-обєкти для дослідження сучасного стану гідроекосистем

The diagnostic method of first deviations in the most sensitive components of biotic groups is de... more The diagnostic method of first deviations in the most sensitive components of biotic groups is described. Morphological parameters of bone fish liver were used as biotest-systems of ecological monitoring. Forecasting of the toxicant influence on the native ichthyofauna state by morphometric indices of internal parenchymatous fish organs became possible. We have proved that protoplasmic and hemolytic toxicants have break the cell metabolism, causing dystrophy, erythrocyte decomposition, and cell necrobiosis in the fish liver. The obtained results can be used for diagnostics of various types of hydroecosystems, and also they can be a scientific basis for preservation of biological diversity of the ecosystem in conditions of increased anthropogenic loading.Описан способ диагностики ранних нарушений в наиболее чувствительных компонентах биотических сообществ при использовании морфологических параметров печени костных рыб в качестве биотест-системы экологического мониторинга. Продемонстр...

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring of morphological parameters of Cyprinidae liver

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019

The method of biomonitoring of natural reservoirs by diagnosing early violations in the most sens... more The method of biomonitoring of natural reservoirs by diagnosing early violations in the most sensitive components of hydrobiological groups has been proved. Morphometric parameters of the liver of the family Cyprinidae fish are used as biotest-system for ecological analysis.Taking into account morphometric indexes of fish internal parenchymatous organs, the possibility of predicting the toxic substances influence on the aboriginal ichthyofauna state, has been determined. It has been established that protoplasmic and hemolytic toxicants violate cellular metabolism, causing dystrophy of liver cells in fish. Morphoanalysis of the parameters of the liver of the family Cyprinidae fish, as the most widespread object of the ichthyofauna, is used as the basis for indicating in the system of biomonitoring of the water environment quality to the action of external factors and timely prevention of existing danger.The results obtained serve as the basis for the development of environmental meas...

Research paper thumbnail of Native fish species as a test-objects for the investigation of the hydroecosystem state