Vitalii Kruhlov - (original) (raw)

Papers by Vitalii Kruhlov

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnerships in Natural Resource Management as a Basis for the Implementation of the Ecological and Economic Security Doctrine of Ukraine's Development

Purpose: This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of public-private partner... more Purpose: This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of public-private partnerships in the environmental sphere regarding developing environmental and economic security in Ukraine. Theoretical framework: Business cost savings when implementing the latest technologies in pursuit of economic results are accompanied by a deterioration of the environmental situation at the regional and national levels, increased risks of negative impact on population health, and reduced labor productivity, which, accordingly, causes a potential increase in public healthcare costs. As a result, the search for forms and methods to ensure effective cooperation between the state and business in solving natural resources management problems is intensifying. Design/methodology/approach: The study used analytical and bibliographic methods to study the scientific literature on implementing the ecological and economic security doctrine and the features of various types of public-private partnerships related to it, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and a questionnaire survey conducted by the research authors online to clarify the most critical issues related to this issue practically. Findings: The study identified the principal and most important theoretical aspects of publicprivate partnership issues in the environmental sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnerships in Natural Resource Management as a Basis for the Implementation of the Ecological and Economic Security Doctrine of Ukraine's Development

International Journal of Professional Business Review, Jun 7, 2023

This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of publicprivate partnerships in t... more This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of publicprivate partnerships in the environmental sphere regarding developing environmental and economic security in Ukraine. Theoretical framework: Business cost savings when implementing the latest technologies in pursuit of economic results are accompanied by a deterioration of the environmental situation at the regional and national levels, increased risks of negative impact on population health, and reduced labor productivity, which, accordingly, causes a potential increase in public healthcare costs. As a result, the search for forms and methods to ensure effective cooperation between the state and business in solving natural resources management problems is intensifying. Design/methodology/approach: The study used analytical and bibliographic methods to study the scientific literature on implementing the ecological and economic security doctrine and the features of various types of public-private partnerships related to it, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and a questionnaire survey conducted by the research authors online to clarify the most critical issues related to this issue practically. Findings: The study identified the principal and most important theoretical aspects of public-private partnership issues in the environmental sector. Research, Practical & Social implications: Also, it examined the opinion of representatives of public environmental organizations and executives of local government departments on the critical aspects of the problem.

Research paper thumbnail of State Policy for the Human Capital Recovery in Ukraine in the Post-War Period

Osvìtnâ analìtika Ukraïni, 2023

The article focuses on exploring the challenges related to the formation and implementation of st... more The article focuses on exploring the challenges related to the formation and implementation of state policies for human capital recovery in post-war Ukraine. Given the extensive consequences of russian military aggression in Ukraine, the recovery of human capital becomes one of the most urgent and pressing tasks for the country in the post-war era. The objective of this research is to analyse the approaches to forming state policies for human capital recovery in Ukraine during the post-war period and identify key directions for implementing these policies. Comparing specific human development indicators demonstrates both Ukraine�s potential and sectors that require strengthening. One of the key priorities should be the recovery of public health, rehabilitation for those affected by the war, ensuring access to quality education, and enhancing qualifications and professional retraining to enhance competitiveness in the labor market. Recovering human capital after the war is an important stage in Ukraine�s history that requires a comprehensive approach and proper state policies aimed at developing education, science, the economy, the social sphere, and infrastructure. Restoring human capital is a crucial factor in stabilizing the country, improving living standards, and ensuring sustainable development. It has been determined that attention should be given to social protection of the population, ensuring access to healthcare, social housing, and other basic needs in the process of human capital recovery after the war. The directions for implementation have been identified, including infrastructure development, attracting investments, stimulating labor market growth and attracting a skilled workforce, modernizing the scientific and educational sphere, ensuring access to quality education for all citizens, promoting professional training and retraining, and expanding social protection and population mobility. Ukraine has the potential to achieve its set goals, but this requires effective governance, cooperation among all social spheres, and support from international partners.

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Government Technologies in the Public Administration System

Včenì zapiski Tavrìjsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V. Ì. Vernadsʹkogo, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of State policy for the development of the agrarian sector of the economy based on public-private partnership

Економіка та управління АПК, Apr 22, 2021

The article analyzes the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy, its place... more The article analyzes the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy, its place in the formation of gross domestic product, the trend of changes in agricultural productivity, its role in reducing the negative impact of the economic crisis in 2020 and the main trends in the agricultural sector. The aim of the study is to analyze existing approaches to the formation of state policy for the development of the agricultural sector through public-private partnerships and to develop practical measures to enhance the development of strategic partnerships between public and private owners in the agricultural sector. Existing approaches aimed at the development of the agricultural sector should use the opportunities to attract additional resources, which can be achieved through public-private partnership models. The peculiarities of public-private partnership in the agricultural sector, which is aimed at the implementation of priority infrastructure projects to develop production, storage and marketing of agricultural products; implementation of food security; development of value chains were analyzed. The main forms of implementation of public-private partnership projects used in world practice are identified. Attention is focused on the need to use public-private partnership in the agricultural sector based on strategic management within the general economic policy of the state. The advantages of using the tools of public-private partnership in the field of agricultural sector are substantiated and the directions of its development are determined. The main approaches to the formation of the state policy for the development of the agro-industrial complex through public-private partnerships have been identified, which provide for the increase in the profitability of production, the implementation of the country's export potential, the improvement in the investment climate, the increase in the competitiveness of agriculture, the improvement in the legislative framework, and innovative development. Key words: state, public administration, private business, innovative development, tools, strategies, projects.


Naukovij vìsnik: deržavne upravlìnnâ, Apr 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Формування основних напрямів стійкості держави до кіберзагроз

Naukovì zapiski Ìnstitutu zakonodavstva Verhovnoï Radi Ukraïni, Aug 18, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the System of Public-Private Partnership in Modern Conditions

Naukovij vìsnik: deržavne upravlìnnâ, 2021

Анотація. У статті досліджено розвиток системи державно-приватного партнерства (ДПП) та з'ясовано... more Анотація. У статті досліджено розвиток системи державно-приватного партнерства (ДПП) та з'ясовано основні його етапи та моделі. Метою статті є аналіз розвитку системи державно-приватного партнерства та визначення основних тенденцій його еволюції в сучасних умовах. Державна політика трансформується у напрямі виникнення форм, що посилюють потенціал державного управління за рахунок наявних можливостей приватного власника. Проаналізовано особливості теоретичних та практичних аспектів розвитку системи державно-приватного партнерства в різних секторах економіки. Визначено, що система ДПП проходить різні стадії розвитку, що характеризуються певним складом суб'єктів, об'єктів та процесів. Виявлені стадії розвитку ДПП не є лінійними, вони можуть використовуватися одночасно, співіснувати та видозмінюватися в обох напрямках. Виявлено, що процес ДПП ґрунтується на відносинах економічних та управлінських категорій (форма власності, фінансові відносини, механізми управління економічними агентами). Система ДПП забезпечує не лише створення та надання послуг, а й здійснює окремі функції у процесі державного регулювання економіки. Використання різних форм надає можливість ДПП забезпечувати реалізацію адміністративних та контрольних функцій держави. На основі підходів життєвого циклу, запропоновано теоретичну модель поетапного формування системи державно-приватного партнерства, що має взаємозв'язок із технологічними укладами (технологіями управління) та пояснює основні підходи до розвитку системи ДПП у декількох періодах. Встановлено ключові точки системи: формування інституцій; завершення впровадження та створення нової управлінської технології; надмірне державне втручання; зміна парадигми. Визначено етапи розвитку ДПП. Зроблено висновок, що новий технологічний уклад, управлінські технології призводять до появи більш розвиненої системи ДПП на основі поглиблення співпраці державного та приватного партнерів.

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnership in Cybersecurity

CybHyg, 2019

The analysis of the possibility of providing cybersecurity through the use of public-private part... more The analysis of the possibility of providing cybersecurity through the use of public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms is made. Public-private partnership is increasingly seen as addressing many of the challenges posed by cybersecurity management. Cybersecurity is intended to protect critical infrastructure and other important public functions against a variety of complex threats and is a central problem in today's security policy. In the process of implementing PPP cybersecurity, the state shifts the focus from control functions towards coordinating and motivating the fulfillment of security tasks by a private partner. Tasks to be addressed by public-private partnerships in cybersecurity are following: ensuring reliable access to the Internet; technical safety regulation; exchange of information on threats; assistance in resolving threat situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Infrastructural Development of Smart Cities as the Background of Digital Transformation of Territorial Units

Cuestiones Políticas

The Interoperability, continuous data and technology flow are core requirements of a proper smart... more The Interoperability, continuous data and technology flow are core requirements of a proper smart city. Smart cities take on the characteristics of innovative, competitive and attractive megalopolises, which is strategically important for residents and investors. The aim of the article was to identify the current state and current issues of the Smart City concept implementation in Ukraine in the context of the experience of developed countries. The main methodological tools included the observation, statistical and comparative analysis. The study found that the effective development of digital transformation of territorial units in Ukraine requires focusing on certain factors during the implementation of the Smart City concept. Such factors conditionally include: technology-based infrastructure; environmental comments; constructive level of public transport; progressive city plans; opportunities for citizens to use appropriate resources. It was found reasonable to introduce infrastr...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a method for selected financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted capital investment in the development of innovative technologies

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021

The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of sele... more The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions that create innovative technologies taking into account their investment in innovative developments is proposed. On the basis of statistical data on the indicators for assessing the activities of scientific and educational institutions and the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations (PNn), their rating was calculated. The essence of PNn is to compare the indicators of the volumes of income of the special fund Dsfn and the volume of expenditures of the scientific and educational institution Vn. In order to stimulate scientific and educational institutions to create innovative technologies, it was proposed to introduce targeted investments. The problem of quantifying the rate of premium on the basis of an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innov...

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnership as Tool for Developing Regional Labor Potential


Public Administration and Regional Development

У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку державно-приватного партнерства, місце аграрн... more У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку державно-приватного партнерства, місце аграрного сектору економіки України у формуванні валового внутрішнього продукту та досліджено ключові напрями співробітництва держави та приватного власника на основі реалізації проектів у аграрному секторі. Метою статті – є аналіз реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі економіки та розробка підходів щодо активізації стратегічних напрямів розвитку партнерства державного та приватного власника в аграрному секторі. В основі сучасних підходів до розвитку аграрного сектору мають знаходитися пріоритети, спрямовані на пошук додаткових ресурсів, які можливо залучити у процесі реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства. У дослідженні визначено основні напрями розвитку державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі, що передбачає обмін знаннями, розроблення комплексних стратегій, концесійні угоди, створення особливих економічних зон, технопарків і технопол...


Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology production and educational institution... more Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology production and educational institution in the global space. Therefore, successful internationalization is a necessary prerequisite for joining the elite club of leaders of modern education and science. Until recently, the level of internation-O l e s i a S o l o d o v n i k

Research paper thumbnail of Aref-2

Research paper thumbnail of Aref


Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису ТЕРЕЩЕНКО Діна Акрамівна УДК 351.330.342:338.984 ... more Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису ТЕРЕЩЕНКО Діна Акрамівна УДК 351.330.342:338.984 МЕХАНІЗМИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОЗВИТКУ ЛЮДСЬКОГО КАПІТАЛУ В УКРАЇНІ 25.00.02 -механізми державного управління Подається на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора наук з державного управління Дисертація містить результати власних досліджень. Використання ідей, результатів і текстів інших авторів мають посилання на відповідне джерело ________________ Д.А. Терещенко Науковий консультант: СТАТІВКА Наталія Валеріївна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор Харків -2020 9 development are substantiated and the ways of transformation of state regulation of human capital development in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine are determined. The directions of improvement of legal, organizational, economic, communicative mechanisms of state regulation of human capital development in Ukraine in the conditions of modern global challenges are offered.




Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnerships in Natural Resource Management as a Basis for the Implementation of the Ecological and Economic Security Doctrine of Ukraine's Development

Purpose: This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of public-private partner... more Purpose: This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of public-private partnerships in the environmental sphere regarding developing environmental and economic security in Ukraine. Theoretical framework: Business cost savings when implementing the latest technologies in pursuit of economic results are accompanied by a deterioration of the environmental situation at the regional and national levels, increased risks of negative impact on population health, and reduced labor productivity, which, accordingly, causes a potential increase in public healthcare costs. As a result, the search for forms and methods to ensure effective cooperation between the state and business in solving natural resources management problems is intensifying. Design/methodology/approach: The study used analytical and bibliographic methods to study the scientific literature on implementing the ecological and economic security doctrine and the features of various types of public-private partnerships related to it, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and a questionnaire survey conducted by the research authors online to clarify the most critical issues related to this issue practically. Findings: The study identified the principal and most important theoretical aspects of publicprivate partnership issues in the environmental sector.

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnerships in Natural Resource Management as a Basis for the Implementation of the Ecological and Economic Security Doctrine of Ukraine's Development

International Journal of Professional Business Review, Jun 7, 2023

This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of publicprivate partnerships in t... more This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of publicprivate partnerships in the environmental sphere regarding developing environmental and economic security in Ukraine. Theoretical framework: Business cost savings when implementing the latest technologies in pursuit of economic results are accompanied by a deterioration of the environmental situation at the regional and national levels, increased risks of negative impact on population health, and reduced labor productivity, which, accordingly, causes a potential increase in public healthcare costs. As a result, the search for forms and methods to ensure effective cooperation between the state and business in solving natural resources management problems is intensifying. Design/methodology/approach: The study used analytical and bibliographic methods to study the scientific literature on implementing the ecological and economic security doctrine and the features of various types of public-private partnerships related to it, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and a questionnaire survey conducted by the research authors online to clarify the most critical issues related to this issue practically. Findings: The study identified the principal and most important theoretical aspects of public-private partnership issues in the environmental sector. Research, Practical & Social implications: Also, it examined the opinion of representatives of public environmental organizations and executives of local government departments on the critical aspects of the problem.

Research paper thumbnail of State Policy for the Human Capital Recovery in Ukraine in the Post-War Period

Osvìtnâ analìtika Ukraïni, 2023

The article focuses on exploring the challenges related to the formation and implementation of st... more The article focuses on exploring the challenges related to the formation and implementation of state policies for human capital recovery in post-war Ukraine. Given the extensive consequences of russian military aggression in Ukraine, the recovery of human capital becomes one of the most urgent and pressing tasks for the country in the post-war era. The objective of this research is to analyse the approaches to forming state policies for human capital recovery in Ukraine during the post-war period and identify key directions for implementing these policies. Comparing specific human development indicators demonstrates both Ukraine�s potential and sectors that require strengthening. One of the key priorities should be the recovery of public health, rehabilitation for those affected by the war, ensuring access to quality education, and enhancing qualifications and professional retraining to enhance competitiveness in the labor market. Recovering human capital after the war is an important stage in Ukraine�s history that requires a comprehensive approach and proper state policies aimed at developing education, science, the economy, the social sphere, and infrastructure. Restoring human capital is a crucial factor in stabilizing the country, improving living standards, and ensuring sustainable development. It has been determined that attention should be given to social protection of the population, ensuring access to healthcare, social housing, and other basic needs in the process of human capital recovery after the war. The directions for implementation have been identified, including infrastructure development, attracting investments, stimulating labor market growth and attracting a skilled workforce, modernizing the scientific and educational sphere, ensuring access to quality education for all citizens, promoting professional training and retraining, and expanding social protection and population mobility. Ukraine has the potential to achieve its set goals, but this requires effective governance, cooperation among all social spheres, and support from international partners.

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Government Technologies in the Public Administration System

Včenì zapiski Tavrìjsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V. Ì. Vernadsʹkogo, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of State policy for the development of the agrarian sector of the economy based on public-private partnership

Економіка та управління АПК, Apr 22, 2021

The article analyzes the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy, its place... more The article analyzes the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy, its place in the formation of gross domestic product, the trend of changes in agricultural productivity, its role in reducing the negative impact of the economic crisis in 2020 and the main trends in the agricultural sector. The aim of the study is to analyze existing approaches to the formation of state policy for the development of the agricultural sector through public-private partnerships and to develop practical measures to enhance the development of strategic partnerships between public and private owners in the agricultural sector. Existing approaches aimed at the development of the agricultural sector should use the opportunities to attract additional resources, which can be achieved through public-private partnership models. The peculiarities of public-private partnership in the agricultural sector, which is aimed at the implementation of priority infrastructure projects to develop production, storage and marketing of agricultural products; implementation of food security; development of value chains were analyzed. The main forms of implementation of public-private partnership projects used in world practice are identified. Attention is focused on the need to use public-private partnership in the agricultural sector based on strategic management within the general economic policy of the state. The advantages of using the tools of public-private partnership in the field of agricultural sector are substantiated and the directions of its development are determined. The main approaches to the formation of the state policy for the development of the agro-industrial complex through public-private partnerships have been identified, which provide for the increase in the profitability of production, the implementation of the country's export potential, the improvement in the investment climate, the increase in the competitiveness of agriculture, the improvement in the legislative framework, and innovative development. Key words: state, public administration, private business, innovative development, tools, strategies, projects.


Naukovij vìsnik: deržavne upravlìnnâ, Apr 27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Формування основних напрямів стійкості держави до кіберзагроз

Naukovì zapiski Ìnstitutu zakonodavstva Verhovnoï Radi Ukraïni, Aug 18, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the System of Public-Private Partnership in Modern Conditions

Naukovij vìsnik: deržavne upravlìnnâ, 2021

Анотація. У статті досліджено розвиток системи державно-приватного партнерства (ДПП) та з'ясовано... more Анотація. У статті досліджено розвиток системи державно-приватного партнерства (ДПП) та з'ясовано основні його етапи та моделі. Метою статті є аналіз розвитку системи державно-приватного партнерства та визначення основних тенденцій його еволюції в сучасних умовах. Державна політика трансформується у напрямі виникнення форм, що посилюють потенціал державного управління за рахунок наявних можливостей приватного власника. Проаналізовано особливості теоретичних та практичних аспектів розвитку системи державно-приватного партнерства в різних секторах економіки. Визначено, що система ДПП проходить різні стадії розвитку, що характеризуються певним складом суб'єктів, об'єктів та процесів. Виявлені стадії розвитку ДПП не є лінійними, вони можуть використовуватися одночасно, співіснувати та видозмінюватися в обох напрямках. Виявлено, що процес ДПП ґрунтується на відносинах економічних та управлінських категорій (форма власності, фінансові відносини, механізми управління економічними агентами). Система ДПП забезпечує не лише створення та надання послуг, а й здійснює окремі функції у процесі державного регулювання економіки. Використання різних форм надає можливість ДПП забезпечувати реалізацію адміністративних та контрольних функцій держави. На основі підходів життєвого циклу, запропоновано теоретичну модель поетапного формування системи державно-приватного партнерства, що має взаємозв'язок із технологічними укладами (технологіями управління) та пояснює основні підходи до розвитку системи ДПП у декількох періодах. Встановлено ключові точки системи: формування інституцій; завершення впровадження та створення нової управлінської технології; надмірне державне втручання; зміна парадигми. Визначено етапи розвитку ДПП. Зроблено висновок, що новий технологічний уклад, управлінські технології призводять до появи більш розвиненої системи ДПП на основі поглиблення співпраці державного та приватного партнерів.

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnership in Cybersecurity

CybHyg, 2019

The analysis of the possibility of providing cybersecurity through the use of public-private part... more The analysis of the possibility of providing cybersecurity through the use of public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms is made. Public-private partnership is increasingly seen as addressing many of the challenges posed by cybersecurity management. Cybersecurity is intended to protect critical infrastructure and other important public functions against a variety of complex threats and is a central problem in today's security policy. In the process of implementing PPP cybersecurity, the state shifts the focus from control functions towards coordinating and motivating the fulfillment of security tasks by a private partner. Tasks to be addressed by public-private partnerships in cybersecurity are following: ensuring reliable access to the Internet; technical safety regulation; exchange of information on threats; assistance in resolving threat situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Infrastructural Development of Smart Cities as the Background of Digital Transformation of Territorial Units

Cuestiones Políticas

The Interoperability, continuous data and technology flow are core requirements of a proper smart... more The Interoperability, continuous data and technology flow are core requirements of a proper smart city. Smart cities take on the characteristics of innovative, competitive and attractive megalopolises, which is strategically important for residents and investors. The aim of the article was to identify the current state and current issues of the Smart City concept implementation in Ukraine in the context of the experience of developed countries. The main methodological tools included the observation, statistical and comparative analysis. The study found that the effective development of digital transformation of territorial units in Ukraine requires focusing on certain factors during the implementation of the Smart City concept. Such factors conditionally include: technology-based infrastructure; environmental comments; constructive level of public transport; progressive city plans; opportunities for citizens to use appropriate resources. It was found reasonable to introduce infrastr...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a method for selected financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted capital investment in the development of innovative technologies

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021

The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of sele... more The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions that create innovative technologies taking into account their investment in innovative developments is proposed. On the basis of statistical data on the indicators for assessing the activities of scientific and educational institutions and the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations (PNn), their rating was calculated. The essence of PNn is to compare the indicators of the volumes of income of the special fund Dsfn and the volume of expenditures of the scientific and educational institution Vn. In order to stimulate scientific and educational institutions to create innovative technologies, it was proposed to introduce targeted investments. The problem of quantifying the rate of premium on the basis of an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innov...

Research paper thumbnail of Public-Private Partnership as Tool for Developing Regional Labor Potential


Public Administration and Regional Development

У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку державно-приватного партнерства, місце аграрн... more У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку державно-приватного партнерства, місце аграрного сектору економіки України у формуванні валового внутрішнього продукту та досліджено ключові напрями співробітництва держави та приватного власника на основі реалізації проектів у аграрному секторі. Метою статті – є аналіз реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі економіки та розробка підходів щодо активізації стратегічних напрямів розвитку партнерства державного та приватного власника в аграрному секторі. В основі сучасних підходів до розвитку аграрного сектору мають знаходитися пріоритети, спрямовані на пошук додаткових ресурсів, які можливо залучити у процесі реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства. У дослідженні визначено основні напрями розвитку державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі, що передбачає обмін знаннями, розроблення комплексних стратегій, концесійні угоди, створення особливих економічних зон, технопарків і технопол...


Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology production and educational institution... more Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology production and educational institution in the global space. Therefore, successful internationalization is a necessary prerequisite for joining the elite club of leaders of modern education and science. Until recently, the level of internation-O l e s i a S o l o d o v n i k

Research paper thumbnail of Aref-2

Research paper thumbnail of Aref


Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису ТЕРЕЩЕНКО Діна Акрамівна УДК 351.330.342:338.984 ... more Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису ТЕРЕЩЕНКО Діна Акрамівна УДК 351.330.342:338.984 МЕХАНІЗМИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОЗВИТКУ ЛЮДСЬКОГО КАПІТАЛУ В УКРАЇНІ 25.00.02 -механізми державного управління Подається на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора наук з державного управління Дисертація містить результати власних досліджень. Використання ідей, результатів і текстів інших авторів мають посилання на відповідне джерело ________________ Д.А. Терещенко Науковий консультант: СТАТІВКА Наталія Валеріївна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор Харків -2020 9 development are substantiated and the ways of transformation of state regulation of human capital development in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine are determined. The directions of improvement of legal, organizational, economic, communicative mechanisms of state regulation of human capital development in Ukraine in the conditions of modern global challenges are offered.