Елена Закаблуцкая - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Елена Закаблуцкая
The article discusses how the Achaemenid luxury goods reached the Southern Urals. The author anal... more The article discusses how the Achaemenid luxury goods reached the Southern Urals. The author analyses the theories that explain this phenomenon by long-term military and political contacts between the Achaemenids and the Southern Urals nomads during the V–IV centuries BC, as well as provides additional arguments for the theory that the Achaemenid goods got into this region in two waves: the first one occurred when the Southern Urals nomads participated in the suppression of Inaros' revolt in Egypt in 456–454 B.C., and the second one was connected to the events that followed after the fall of the Achaemenid empire and the conquest of Middle Asia by Alexander the Great.
KZgdl-I_l_j[mj] 2006 Ba^Zgb_hkms_kl\e_ghijbnbgZgkh\hcih^^_j`d_ Jhkkbckdh]h]mfZgblZjgh]hgZmqgh]hnh... more KZgdl-I_l_j[mj] 2006 Ba^Zgb_hkms_kl\e_ghijbnbgZgkh\hcih^^_j`d_ Jhkkbckdh]h]mfZgblZjgh]hgZmqgh]hnhg^Z ]jZgl 05-01-^) H l \ _ l k l \ _ g g u c g Z m q g u c j _^Z d l h j l h f Z < I Gbdhghjh\ J _^Z d p b h g g Z y d h e e _ ] b y: H N :dbfmrdbg: : B\Zgh\: B Dhe_kgbdh\K = Deyrlhjguc < F FZkkhgij_^k_^Zl_ev<hklhqgh]hhl^_e_gbyJhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\ZB N Ihih\ZB < Ivygdh\ E d i t o r -i n -C h i e f o f t h e V o l u m e: Valery P. Nikonorov E d i t o r i a l B o a r d: AZibkdb<hklhqgh]h hl^_e_gbyJhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\Z A<HJ:H.Gh\Zyk_jbyL II (XXVII) -KI[I_l_j[mj]kdh_<hklh-dh\_^_gb_ -636 k GZklhysbclhfA<HJ:H\iheghfkhhl\_lkl\bbkljZ^bpbyfbwlh]hZ\ lhjbl_lg_cr_]h ba^Zgby hl_q_kl\_ggh]h \hklhdh\_^_gby hkgh\Zggh]h \ 1886 ]\dexqZ_l\k_[yjZajZ[hldbjhkkbckdbomq_guobbodhee_]ba[eb` g_]h aZjm[_`vy g_ lhevdh \ h[eZklb kh[kl\_ggh Zjo_heh]bb gh b \^jm]bo bkpbiebgZo -bklhjbbgmfbafZlbd_nbeheh]bbbwib]jZnbd_qlhiha\h ey_l kms_kl\_ggh m]em[blv gZrb ij_^klZ\e_gby h pb\bebaZpbyo^j_\g_]h b kj_^g_\_dh\h]h <hklhdZ Djhf_ lh]h lhf kh^_j`bl jZaghh[jZagu_ fZl_jbZ eubgnhjfZpbhggh]hbkijZ\hqgh]hoZjZdl_jZ Bkdexqbl_evgh_ijZ\hgZjZkijhkljZg_gb_ gZklhys_]hba^Zgby\JhkkbbbaZ__ij_^_eZfb ijbgZ^e_`blba^Zl_evkl\m©I_l_j[mj]kdh_ <hklhdh\_^_gb_ª © <hklhqgh_hl^_e_gb_Jhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\Z © BgklblmlbklhjbbfZl_jbZevghcdmevlmjuJ:G ©I_l_j[mj]kdh_<hklhdh\_^_gb_ª AZj_]bkljbjh\ZggZylhj]h\ZyfZjdZ
Historical Geography of early Parthia A.S. Balakhvantsev Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Ac... more Historical Geography of early Parthia
A.S. Balakhvantsev
Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
The article focuses on the problems of locating the territories of Hyrcania, Nesaia, and Parthyene, as well as the region of origin of the Arsacid state.The author concludes that the invasion of Arsaces I to Parthyene about 238 B.C. didn't affect the upper Atrak valley and nothern Kopet Dagh foothills, but aimed at the area between modern Semnan, Dasht, and Neishabur.
Key words: Hyrcania, Nesaia, Parthyene, Arsacids, Arsaces I
Phoibos Verlag · Wien · 2013 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Umsc... more Phoibos Verlag · Wien · 2013 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Umschlag vorne: silberamphora aus filippovka; detail; kat. nr. а13.2.3.3 (foto: mikhail treister, 2009). Umschlag hinten: alabastergefäß mit der Inschrift des artaxerxes aus der nekropole novyj kumak, kat. nr. B3.1.1 (foto: mikhail treister, 2009). © mikhail treister, leonid Yablonsky (Zusammenstellung; wissenschaftliche redaktion), 2013 © mikhail treister (gestaltung), 2013 © olga anikeeva, arčil Balachvancev, sonja Behrendt, sergej Bolelov, dominik Bonatz, Igor Černyšev, andrej Čugaev, christian eder, alexandra gol'eva, Vilena kireeva, Viktorija krupskaja, olga kurinskich, hans-Peter meyer, andrej mochov, Boaz Paz, svetlana Pisareva, Irina ravič, ellen rehm, martin rosner, lidija solov'eva, mikhail treister, alexander Varychev, Jochen Vogl, leonid Yablonsky, Viktor Zajkov, IsBn 978-3-85161-096-3 elizaveta Zajkova (texte), 2013 Phoibos Verlag mag. roman Jacobek Einflüsse der achämenidischen Kultur im südlichen Uralvorland (5.-3. Jh. v. Chr.). Bd. 1 = влияния ахеменидской культуры в Южном приуралье (V-III вв. до н.э.). т. 1 / Institut für Vorderasiatische archäologie der freien universität Berlin; archäologisches Institut der russischen akademie der Wissenschaften; mikhail treister, leonid Yablonsky (hrsg.). -Wien : Phoibos Verlag, 2013. -707 s.; 358 tafeln mit abbildungen (146 -mit schwarz-Weis fotos, 70 -mit farbfotos, 27 -mit karten, 115 -mit Zeichnungen). -(ancient toreutics and Jewellery in eastern europe ; 5). -IsBn 978-3-85161-096-3.
When trying to settle the exact date of the Diodotus I’s secession from the Seleucids, one tends ... more When trying to settle the exact date of the Diodotus I’s secession from the Seleucids, one tends to conclude that Bactria seceded around 250 BC. However, this date gives serious rise to doubts. First, according to the Edict of the Indian king Ashoka, independent Bactria did not yet exist in 253-249 BC. Second, the Second Syrian War was successful for the Seleucids, therefore in 253-246 BC they could easily suppress any secessionist action in the East. Third, the fact of issuance of the Antiochus’ commemorative coins of would rather indicate, that he exercised effective control over Bactria until the end of his reign (246 BC), and was later honored by the local Greeks as the legitimate sovereign. The birth of an independent Graeco-Bactria was only possible during the early years of the Third Syrian War (246-241 BC) due to the abrupt weakening of the Seleucid state.
Key words: Graeco-Bactria, Diodotus I, Antiochus II, Seleucus II
This article is devoted to analysis of two Aramaic inscriptions on silver bowls found during loot... more This article is devoted to analysis of two Aramaic inscriptions on silver bowls found during loot-ers' excavations of Burial-mound I near the village of Prokhorovka in the Southern Urals in 1911. The palaeographic and linguistic data obtained during analysis of the inscriptions and also new archaeological materials, which came to light only after the archaeological investigation of the burial-mound was completed in 2003, make it possible to date them to a period no later than the end of the 3 rd century BC.
The article discusses how the Achaemenid luxury goods reached the Southern Urals. The author anal... more The article discusses how the Achaemenid luxury goods reached the Southern Urals. The author analyses the theories that explain this phenomenon by long-term military and political contacts between the Achaemenids and the Southern Urals nomads during the V–IV centuries BC, as well as provides additional arguments for the theory that the Achaemenid goods got into this region in two waves: the first one occurred when the Southern Urals nomads participated in the suppression of Inaros' revolt in Egypt in 456–454 B.C., and the second one was connected to the events that followed after the fall of the Achaemenid empire and the conquest of Middle Asia by Alexander the Great.
KZgdl-I_l_j[mj] 2006 Ba^Zgb_hkms_kl\e_ghijbnbgZgkh\hcih^^_j`d_ Jhkkbckdh]h]mfZgblZjgh]hgZmqgh]hnh... more KZgdl-I_l_j[mj] 2006 Ba^Zgb_hkms_kl\e_ghijbnbgZgkh\hcih^^_j`d_ Jhkkbckdh]h]mfZgblZjgh]hgZmqgh]hnhg^Z ]jZgl 05-01-^) H l \ _ l k l \ _ g g u c g Z m q g u c j _^Z d l h j l h f Z < I Gbdhghjh\ J _^Z d p b h g g Z y d h e e _ ] b y: H N :dbfmrdbg: : B\Zgh\: B Dhe_kgbdh\K = Deyrlhjguc < F FZkkhgij_^k_^Zl_ev<hklhqgh]hhl^_e_gbyJhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\ZB N Ihih\ZB < Ivygdh\ E d i t o r -i n -C h i e f o f t h e V o l u m e: Valery P. Nikonorov E d i t o r i a l B o a r d: AZibkdb<hklhqgh]h hl^_e_gbyJhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\Z A<HJ:H.Gh\Zyk_jbyL II (XXVII) -KI[I_l_j[mj]kdh_<hklh-dh\_^_gb_ -636 k GZklhysbclhfA<HJ:H\iheghfkhhl\_lkl\bbkljZ^bpbyfbwlh]hZ\ lhjbl_lg_cr_]h ba^Zgby hl_q_kl\_ggh]h \hklhdh\_^_gby hkgh\Zggh]h \ 1886 ]\dexqZ_l\k_[yjZajZ[hldbjhkkbckdbomq_guobbodhee_]ba[eb` g_]h aZjm[_`vy g_ lhevdh \ h[eZklb kh[kl\_ggh Zjo_heh]bb gh b \^jm]bo bkpbiebgZo -bklhjbbgmfbafZlbd_nbeheh]bbbwib]jZnbd_qlhiha\h ey_l kms_kl\_ggh m]em[blv gZrb ij_^klZ\e_gby h pb\bebaZpbyo^j_\g_]h b kj_^g_\_dh\h]h <hklhdZ Djhf_ lh]h lhf kh^_j`bl jZaghh[jZagu_ fZl_jbZ eubgnhjfZpbhggh]hbkijZ\hqgh]hoZjZdl_jZ Bkdexqbl_evgh_ijZ\hgZjZkijhkljZg_gb_ gZklhys_]hba^Zgby\JhkkbbbaZ__ij_^_eZfb ijbgZ^e_`blba^Zl_evkl\m©I_l_j[mj]kdh_ <hklhdh\_^_gb_ª © <hklhqgh_hl^_e_gb_Jhkkbckdh]h Zjo_heh]bq_kdh]hh[s_kl\Z © BgklblmlbklhjbbfZl_jbZevghcdmevlmjuJ:G ©I_l_j[mj]kdh_<hklhdh\_^_gb_ª AZj_]bkljbjh\ZggZylhj]h\ZyfZjdZ
Historical Geography of early Parthia A.S. Balakhvantsev Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Ac... more Historical Geography of early Parthia
A.S. Balakhvantsev
Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
The article focuses on the problems of locating the territories of Hyrcania, Nesaia, and Parthyene, as well as the region of origin of the Arsacid state.The author concludes that the invasion of Arsaces I to Parthyene about 238 B.C. didn't affect the upper Atrak valley and nothern Kopet Dagh foothills, but aimed at the area between modern Semnan, Dasht, and Neishabur.
Key words: Hyrcania, Nesaia, Parthyene, Arsacids, Arsaces I
Phoibos Verlag · Wien · 2013 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Umsc... more Phoibos Verlag · Wien · 2013 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Umschlag vorne: silberamphora aus filippovka; detail; kat. nr. а13.2.3.3 (foto: mikhail treister, 2009). Umschlag hinten: alabastergefäß mit der Inschrift des artaxerxes aus der nekropole novyj kumak, kat. nr. B3.1.1 (foto: mikhail treister, 2009). © mikhail treister, leonid Yablonsky (Zusammenstellung; wissenschaftliche redaktion), 2013 © mikhail treister (gestaltung), 2013 © olga anikeeva, arčil Balachvancev, sonja Behrendt, sergej Bolelov, dominik Bonatz, Igor Černyšev, andrej Čugaev, christian eder, alexandra gol'eva, Vilena kireeva, Viktorija krupskaja, olga kurinskich, hans-Peter meyer, andrej mochov, Boaz Paz, svetlana Pisareva, Irina ravič, ellen rehm, martin rosner, lidija solov'eva, mikhail treister, alexander Varychev, Jochen Vogl, leonid Yablonsky, Viktor Zajkov, IsBn 978-3-85161-096-3 elizaveta Zajkova (texte), 2013 Phoibos Verlag mag. roman Jacobek Einflüsse der achämenidischen Kultur im südlichen Uralvorland (5.-3. Jh. v. Chr.). Bd. 1 = влияния ахеменидской культуры в Южном приуралье (V-III вв. до н.э.). т. 1 / Institut für Vorderasiatische archäologie der freien universität Berlin; archäologisches Institut der russischen akademie der Wissenschaften; mikhail treister, leonid Yablonsky (hrsg.). -Wien : Phoibos Verlag, 2013. -707 s.; 358 tafeln mit abbildungen (146 -mit schwarz-Weis fotos, 70 -mit farbfotos, 27 -mit karten, 115 -mit Zeichnungen). -(ancient toreutics and Jewellery in eastern europe ; 5). -IsBn 978-3-85161-096-3.
When trying to settle the exact date of the Diodotus I’s secession from the Seleucids, one tends ... more When trying to settle the exact date of the Diodotus I’s secession from the Seleucids, one tends to conclude that Bactria seceded around 250 BC. However, this date gives serious rise to doubts. First, according to the Edict of the Indian king Ashoka, independent Bactria did not yet exist in 253-249 BC. Second, the Second Syrian War was successful for the Seleucids, therefore in 253-246 BC they could easily suppress any secessionist action in the East. Third, the fact of issuance of the Antiochus’ commemorative coins of would rather indicate, that he exercised effective control over Bactria until the end of his reign (246 BC), and was later honored by the local Greeks as the legitimate sovereign. The birth of an independent Graeco-Bactria was only possible during the early years of the Third Syrian War (246-241 BC) due to the abrupt weakening of the Seleucid state.
Key words: Graeco-Bactria, Diodotus I, Antiochus II, Seleucus II
This article is devoted to analysis of two Aramaic inscriptions on silver bowls found during loot... more This article is devoted to analysis of two Aramaic inscriptions on silver bowls found during loot-ers' excavations of Burial-mound I near the village of Prokhorovka in the Southern Urals in 1911. The palaeographic and linguistic data obtained during analysis of the inscriptions and also new archaeological materials, which came to light only after the archaeological investigation of the burial-mound was completed in 2003, make it possible to date them to a period no later than the end of the 3 rd century BC.