Olena Sokalska - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Olena Sokalska

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical concepts of local self-government in the Habsburg Monarchy (The nineteenth-century experience of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria)

Český časopis historický, Dec 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Polskie projekty reform więziennictwa początku XIX wieku w kontekście światowego dyskursu penitencjarnego

The Prison Systems Review, Sep 29, 2023

The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and... more The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland in the context of the global prison modernization trend of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The article identifies the sources of Julian Niemcewicz's The Notes on the New System of Prisons Initiated in the United States of America, Arrangement of National Prisons, Project of a General and Particular Improvement of the Administration and Condition of State Prisons in the Kingdom of Poland. The extent how the English carceral model, American, Prussian, and Austrian prison doctrines and practices were influenced by their main provisions has been established.

Research paper thumbnail of Конструювання в’язниці майбутнього в історичній ретроспективі


Research paper thumbnail of The Treaties and Covenants" of Pylyp Orlyk of 1710: the influence of social and political circumstances on historical discourse

Research paper thumbnail of The Phenomenon of Informal Prison Hierarchies and the Simulacrum of Prison Subculture in Contemporary Power Relations

European Political and Law Discourse

Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the study demonstrated that the issue of prison subcultur... more Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the study demonstrated that the issue of prison subcultures and informal prison hierarchies that produce the relevant subcultures is not a monopoly of criminology, sociology or criminal law. The study of this issue through the prism of political science is more promising since it is political science that allows us to analyze these issues from a higher perspective of national and supranational security. Informal prison hierarchies are a matter of relations of power and subordination, power struggles in prisons and a free society, and the use of prisons and subcultural prison symbols to spread political power by powerful actors, including states. The research has led to the conclusion that the external attributes of prison subculture, which are produced and disseminated by informal prison hierarchies, in fact, only conceal the true nature of this phenomenon, where such nature is related only to the organization of the extraction and subsequent distribution of material resources by informal prison hierarchies. At the same time, such seizure and distribution of material resources are connected to gaining power in penitentiary institutions and a free society. The experience of informal prison hierarchies in many countries shows that due to the greater openness of prisons to society and the spread of the influence of prison criminal organizations on free society, it is possible to argue that the boundaries between the concepts of "criminal subculture" and "prison subculture" are increasingly dissolving. This is especially evident in the United States, Mexico, and South America, where the concept of a "street gang" is automatically a "prison gang" and vice versa. Moreover, similar trends are also becoming characteristic of European countries due to the penetration of prison gangs from the New World into the European "market". The rise of informal prison hierarchies worldwide raises the issue of the "rehabilitative ideal" and its – literally – protection from the spreading influence of informal prison hierarchies and their subcultural symbols. After the "rehabilitative ideal" crisis in the 1970s, it has not yet gotten rid of the signs of marginality. The influence of informal prison hierarchies should be considered the main obstacle to implementing rehabilitation programs in prison; in many countries, this influence makes this marginality absolute. As of today, the relations between the Ukrainian and Russian professional criminal worlds and the respective informal prison hierarchies remain those of a colony and a metropolis, where the latter is making every effort to keep the former "colony" (as well as other "colonies") under its control, using all possible political tools, technologies and levers of influence, as a result of which Russia has acquired the characteristics of not even a police state or even a carceral state, but a prison state. A prison state is not about the number of prisons, the number of prisoners, or the number of prison staff. It is about Russian citizens' approval and internal perception of the idea that the state should be governed by "concepts" where a separate, sufficiently large group of citizens should be imprisoned. However, the rest of the citizens should be only "temporarily and conditionally escorted." The 2022 War has become a turbulent time for the years of established contacts and relations between Ukrainian and Russian criminals, including organized crime, in terms of servicing ordinary criminal business, common sales channels and logistics networks, and has destroyed them. However, the possibilities of the information society, hybrid forms of warfare, and propaganda drive subcultural influence devoid of physical borders and jurisdictional restrictions. Russia's formal authorities cannot but use (ignoring official state borders, customs services, and border guard detachments) these channels of penetration into Ukrainian "territory" – in the broadest sense of the word – to further support its postcolonial policy, which is becoming increasingly unsuccessful given the European and Euro-Atlantic vector of Ukrainian society, finally formed after Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Since the Soviet era, young people have been used by professional criminals to recruit into their ranks. Many juvenile inmates in correctional facilities were a favourable environment for establishing a prison subculture among people whose consciousness at this age is unstable and prone to maximalist decisions. Furthermore, the network of penal colonies was the "closed social network" where the criminal world had unlimited opportunities to spread its antisocial "knowledge" and views. Ukraine has taken many steps to limit this influence – the number of juvenile prisoners has been rapidly decreasing with…

Research paper thumbnail of Polskie projekty reform więziennictwa początku XIX wieku w kontekście światowego dyskursu penitencjarnego

Law. Education. Security (poprzednio Przegląd Więziennictwa Polskiego), 2023

The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and... more The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland in the context of the global prison modernization trend of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The article identifies the sources of Julian Niemcewicz's The Notes on the New System of Prisons Initiated in the United States of America, Arrangement of National Prisons, Project of a General and Particular Improvement of the Administration and Condition of State Prisons in the Kingdom of Poland. The extent how the English carceral model, American, Prussian, and Austrian prison doctrines and practices were influenced by their main provisions has been established.

Research paper thumbnail of Ideas and activities of Fryderyk Skarbek on reforming prisons in The Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2022

The author analyzes the penitentiary ideas, views on the purpose of imprisonment and the activiti... more The author analyzes the penitentiary ideas, views on the purpose of imprisonment and the activities of penitentiary institutions of Fryderyk Florian Skarbek, his program of reforms of the prison system, managerial and organizational aspects of prison reforms, identifies national and universal features in the process of prison reform in the Congress Kingdom of Poland.
The professional career of F. Skarbeck as a prison reformer allows us to trace the development of penitentiary ideas and carceral models: from philanthropy and humanization of prison conditions, changes in the system of punishments, the main one being imprisonment, the formation of the concept of correctional punishment to the implementation of "correctional" mechanisms in the work of new penal institutions, which formed the basis of penitentiary systems.
The 20s and 40s of the nineteenth century were an important transitional period: from the triumph of the ideas of English prison reformers and the development of the English penal model, which at the end of the eighteenth century became a model for both the United States and European countries, to the crisis of this system of correctional punishment, the realization of its shortcomings and the search for new ways and regime principles to achieve the goal of reforming the offender and general and special prevention.
Thanks to F. Skarbek, reformist penal institutions were created in the Kingdom of Poland for the first time: detention centers based on the system of solitary confinement and prisons based on the system of separate detention. This proves once again that the first and most important thing in prison reform is the construction of new prisons and the organization of the detention and sentencing regime on a new basis. Without this, the reform is simply impossible. F. Skarbeck was a supporter of the Pennsylvania system, but the prisons in the Kingdom of Congress were organized taking into account the realities of practice and the economic possibilities.

Research paper thumbnail of Benjamin Rush’s concept of reforming punishment

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2021

The article analyzes an essay by one of the pioneers of American penology, the social reformer Dr... more The article analyzes an essay by one of the pioneers of American penology, the social reformer Dr. Benjamin Rush An enquiry into the effects of public punishments upon criminals and upon society, 1787. The author identifies the main components of Rush's concept of punishment, its sources, its connection with the European penal discourse, and its influence on the formation of American penitentiary systems.
In 1787, Benjamin Rush presented to the Philadelphia public an original penal project quite different from both the current carceral practices in the states and the European disciplinary models. Solitary confinement occupied an important place in this concept. He considered the main elements of the correctional punishment regime to be: bodily pain, labour, watchfulness, solitude and silence.
This is the first publication on either side of the Atlantic to offer a coherent critique of public servitude, the type of punishment that dominated penal practices in most European countries during this period. Labor in Rush's conception is a path to virtue and a way to secure one's livelihood, not a grueling occupation shameful to a well-meaning man

Research paper thumbnail of The First Penitentiary Houses in Europe: from religious charity to state criminal policy

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2021

The author has analyzed the process of development of penitentiary institutions: from the establi... more The author has analyzed the process of development of penitentiary institutions: from the establishment in the 17th century penitential houses for delinquents and penitentiary houses for priests and monks as an alternative to galleys to the "penitentiary experiment" in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This article identifies the statutory regulations, the principles of administration, and the features of the prison regime of the Corneto Penitentiary, the Penitentiary at Gloucester, and the General Penitentiary at Millbank. The author has observed how the requirements of the Penitentiary Act of 1779 were transformed as the "penitentiary experiment" was put into practice. Both terminologically and in the principles of organization and regime of punishment established by the Penitentiary Act of 1779, English penitentiary houses developed continental penal practices of correctional punishment. The fact that penitentiaries, according to the Penitentiary Act of 1779, were institutions founded on the initiative of the central government and was to be subject to it, indicates the beginning of a new era in the development of the modern prison.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України., 2018

У статті розглянуто етапи становлення в’язничної системи Королівства Швеція від XIX ст. і до... more У статті розглянуто етапи становлення в’язничної системи Королівства Швеція від XIX ст. і до сьогодення, особливу увагу звернуто на реформи 30–40 років XX ст. як такі, що стали основою для формування сучасної в’язничної системи Швеції, визначено правові та організаційні засади функціонування установ виконання покарань, особливості режиму та умов утримання в карних закладах різних типів.


Legal Horizons, 2023

The present article delves into the origins and theoretical underpinnings of the carceral model o... more The present article delves into the origins and theoretical underpinnings of the carceral model of corrective punishment at Walnut Street Prison and the system of solitary confinement at Eastern State Penitentiary. The central research question to the extent to which the ideology advocated by the Society of Friends served as a formative influence in shaping the Pennsylvania system of prison discipline and its implementation in practice, as frequently acknowledged in historiography. To probe this inquiry, we have resorted to primary source materials and literature addressing the historical trajectory of penal institutions in Pennsylvania. It has been ascertained that the contention positing the pivotal involvement of the Society of Friends in the reformatory initiative gained traction primarily within the European penitentiary discourse on penology, through accounts of American prisons penned by La Rochefoucauld, Niemcewicz, Beaumont, and Tocqueville. The carceral model at Walnut Street Prison, characterized by distinctive attributes encompassing segregated confinement, hard labor, distinct treatment protocols grave for the most egregious of offenders, and administrative oversight by the Board of Inspectors, largely adhered to the English carceral model of corrective punishment. The conviction in the redemptive potential of seclusion was intrinsic to both religious and materialist penitentiary discourses of the era. Therefore, the ideology of the Society of Friends was not determinative here. The establishment of the system of separate and solitary confinement during the 1820s was instigated by the challenges encountered within the carceral model of Walnut Street Prison. It was a complex process and cannot be reduced to the realization of one religious group's idea: it took into account the practical experience of prisons in Pennsylvania and other states, the theoretical research, and analyzed statistical data. The reform was predated by active public discourse and scholarly dialogues appraising the merits and limitations inherent in diverse models of prison discipline.

Research paper thumbnail of Коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію». Commentary on the Law of Ukraine "On probation

Видання містить постатейний коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію» від 5 лютого 2015 року, під... more Видання містить постатейний коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію» від 5 лютого 2015 року, підготовлений на основі досягнень юридичної науки та практики функціонування органу пробації. Науково-практичний коментар підготовлено Інститутом кримінально-виконавчої служби спільно з Інститутом законодавства Верховної Ради України, Державною установою «Центр пробації» та Всеукраїнським Об'єднанням Громадською організацією «Пенітенціарна Асоціація України». До складу авторського колективу залучено провідних вітчизняних науковців та практиків. Законодавство станом на січень 2019 року. Науково-практичний коментар розраховано на якнайширше коло читачів, але, насамперед, на тих, хто використовує Закон у своїй щоденній практиці-персонал органів пробації та органів і установ виконання покарань, волонтерів пробації, представників суду, прокуратури, Національної поліції України, суб'єктів соціального патронажу, громадських і правозахисних організацій, а також науковців, викладачів, студентів закладів вищої освіти та всіх тих, хто цікавиться проблематикою у сфері пробації.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

У статті досліджено тюремну систему Англії XVI–XVIII ст., проаналізовано пам’ятки пенітенціарної ... more У статті досліджено тюремну систему Англії XVI–XVIII ст., проаналізовано пам’ятки пенітенціарної думки Англії XVI–XVIII ст., висвітлено погляди та ідеї правників, громадських і релігійних діячів на стан тюрем та шляхи реформування тюремної системи, що стали підґрунтям формування англійської пенітенціарної моделі наприкінці XVIII ст.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2019

У статті окреслено передумови створення Головного тюремного управління Російської імперії, визнач... more У статті окреслено передумови створення Головного тюремного управління Російської імперії, визначено його структуру та повноваження начальника управління. Уточнено перелік та хронологію перебування на посадах очільників Головного тюремного управління, їх біографічні дані, визначено та проаналізовано їх діяльність на чолі тюремного відомства.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних о... more Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних органах за доби Тимчасового уряду, Центральної Ради та Гетьманату П. П. Скоропадського. Окреслено зміст пенітенціарної доктрини Тимчасового уряду та умови, у яких вона формувалася й реалізовувалася, а також засади діяльності тюремних інспекцій та окремих місць ув’язнення. З’ясовано, кому підпорядковувалися тюремні установи українських губерній упродовж лютого–жовтня 1917 р. та у наступні періоди. Визначено стан тюремного відомства за доби Центральної Ради та Гетьманату, охарактеризовано тюремну політику гетьманського уряду, уточнено персональний склад очільників центрального органу управління тюремною системою у квітні–листопаді 1918 р.

Research paper thumbnail of Genesis of the concept of correctional punishment: From antiquity to modern times

Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2021

The article examines the genesis of the idea of correctional punishment. The authors analyse the ... more The article examines the genesis of the idea of correctional punishment. The authors analyse the concepts and views on the purpose of punishing Plato, Roman lawyers, European humanists, as well as English prison reformers of the XVIII century. The relevance of this topic for domestic legal science is due to the ongoing transformation of approaches to determining the purpose of punishment, the revision of strategies in the field of punishments in foreign penology and the development of correctional policy, taking into account new goals. The era of correctional punishment, admittedly, was the XIX century. The basis of penitentiary discourse during this period was the belief that with the help of a proper prison regime, segregation, humane treatment and spiritual care, it would certainly be possible to correct convicts. Although the ideas of correctional punishment appear in ancient times and acquire their practical implementation in the medieval Christian tradition of European states,...

Research paper thumbnail of British prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill and the Penitentiary Act

Law Review of Kyiv University of Law

The article analyzes the English prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary ... more The article analyzes the English prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary Act 1779. The author identified the reasons for their creation, sources, key points and their impact on the formation of penitentiary systems. The American Revolutionary War made it impossible relocation of convicted criminals to the colony. His Majesty's Government had to rush to find a replacement for transportation. In the mid-70s of 18 century there were attempts to develop the foundations of new types of punishment that would replace transportation. Such an alternative would hard labor in special Houses of Hard Labor and Penitentiary Houses. The application of punishment by hard labour to criminals sentenced to transportation is developed in the Hulks Act 1776, the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary Act 1779. The Hard Labour Bill and the Penitentiary Act were not about reforming prisons, but about developing a system of execution and serving a new type of punishment – im...


Питання боротьби зі злочинністю , 2020

The article describes the project of an innovative penitentiary institution – Panopticon by the E... more The article describes the project of an innovative penitentiary institution – Panopticon by the English philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham. The author investigates the origins of the panoptic prison, identifies and analyzes the main components of the Panopticon penitentiary system. The importance of studying the Panopticon in the context of prison reforms and the formation of the concept of reformatory punishment in Great Britain in the late 18th - early 19th centuries is shown. The authors have traced the transformation of J. Bentham's views on the regime of detention: from solitary confinement to block placement of convicts.
Panopticon is a penitentiary house project developed by J. Bentham with the participation of his brother Samuel Bentham as an alternative to hulks and transportation. The spatial solutions of the building and strict rules of discipline were supposed to ensure permanent control with a minimum number of observers, which saved a lot of money. Bentham hoped not only to build a new, more humane prison, corresponding to the goal of correction, but also to create a profitable enterprise using the labor of convicts. The Panopticon was to be managed by a private contractor. Jeremy Bentham created a well thought-out holistic concept of serving a sentence, covering all issues related to the functioning of a prison from an architectural solution to the management of an institution. The main goal of the Panopticon penitentiary system was prevention, both the general one - to be an example for others so that they refrain from committing crimes, and the special one - to correct convicts, to accustom them to law-abiding behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Uncritical citations and outright plagiarism in the history of prisons studies (Did the First Council of Nicaea introduce the institute of procuratores pauperum?)

Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2020

The article explores the origins of the thesis that the First Council of Nicaea established in 32... more The article explores the origins of the thesis that the First Council of Nicaea established in 325 AD the institution of procuratores pauperum – the guardians of the poor and prisoners – which is entrenched in research on the history of prisons. It was found that it was first expressed by the authoritative Prussian scientist Nikolaus Heinrich Julius in lectures published in 1828. The scientist made his conclusion on the basis of the prescriptions of the Arab canons referred to the decrees of the First Council of Nicaea. Later this statement was repeated by M. Grellet-Wammy, Louis-Mathurin Moreau-Christophe, Ivan Foinitsky, Dmitry Talberg in their works. At the end of the XIX century scholars have proven that the Arab canons are not authentic. However, from the end of the 19th century and to the present day this did not prevent researchers of the history of prisons from repeating in their works, often without specifying the source, the thesis of the establishment of the institute of procuratores pauperum by the First Council of Nicaea.
Ignoring the original source, namely the 80 canons, and research that the Arab canons did not belong to those approved by the First Council of Nicaea in year 325, led to the spread of the idea of introducing procuratores pauperum as an established, well-known truth that does not require confirmation. The uncritical attitude of modern researchers to scientific sources, that are more than a century old, and the neglect of the achievements of foreign historical and historical-legal science does not lead to the creation of new knowledge, but to a duplication and multiplication of outdated, unreliable information.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних о... more Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних органах за доби Тимчасового уряду, Центральної Ради та Гетьманату П. П. Скоропадського. Окреслено зміст пенітенціарної доктрини Тимчасового уряду та умови, у яких вона формувалася й реалізовувалася, а також засади діяльності тюремних інспекцій та окремих місць ув’язнення. З’ясовано, кому підпорядковувалися тюремні установи українських губерній упродовж лютого–жовтня 1917 р. та у наступні періоди. Визначено стан тюремного відомства за доби Центральної Ради та Гетьманату, охарактеризовано тюремну політику гетьманського уряду, уточнено персональний склад очільників центрального органу управління тюремною системою у квітні–листопаді 1918 р.
The article analyzes the legislative basis of the amnesty of 1917 and the prison reform of the Provisional Government. It identifies the causes of the amnesty and the consequences of the revolutionary events and the penal policy of the Provisional Government for the prison system. It also outlines the organizational changes in the activities of the local prison inspections and places of deprivation of liberty.

The prisons in those Ukrainian provinces, where the Central Rada’s authority was established, were in the competence of the local prison authorities, which were directly subordinated to the Main Administration of Places of Deprivation of Liberty of the Ministry of Justice of the Provisional Government.

After the Bolshevik coup the prisons of the Ukrainian People's Republic were subordinated to the Main Prison Department of the General Judicial Secretariat. During March – April 1918 that Department was headed by Oleksandr Monkin, the former employee of the Main Administration of Places of Deprivation of Liberty. Since April 17, 1918 till September 1918 Andriy Viazlov was the Head of the Main Prison Department. Since July 1918 it was called the Main Directorate of Imprisonment Places.

The Government of the Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi was much more concerned with the problems of the prison system. Its activities were at the higher professional level. Several legislative acts were adopted for regulating the activities of the central and local prison authorities. They contributed to the improvement of the material support to the prison staff, more pensions and social guarantees. Additional funds were provided for the maintenance and repair of prisons. However, less attention was paid to improving the living conditions of prisoners.

On the basis of the archival materials and memoirsthe author of the article clarifies the chronology of the formation of the prison system during the national revolution period and outlines the actual state of the prison system of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the prison system of the Ukrainian State, eliminating the contradictions and inaccuracies of the previous research, related to the staff list of the central prison authorities of that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical concepts of local self-government in the Habsburg Monarchy (The nineteenth-century experience of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria)

Český časopis historický, Dec 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Polskie projekty reform więziennictwa początku XIX wieku w kontekście światowego dyskursu penitencjarnego

The Prison Systems Review, Sep 29, 2023

The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and... more The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland in the context of the global prison modernization trend of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The article identifies the sources of Julian Niemcewicz's The Notes on the New System of Prisons Initiated in the United States of America, Arrangement of National Prisons, Project of a General and Particular Improvement of the Administration and Condition of State Prisons in the Kingdom of Poland. The extent how the English carceral model, American, Prussian, and Austrian prison doctrines and practices were influenced by their main provisions has been established.

Research paper thumbnail of Конструювання в’язниці майбутнього в історичній ретроспективі


Research paper thumbnail of The Treaties and Covenants" of Pylyp Orlyk of 1710: the influence of social and political circumstances on historical discourse

Research paper thumbnail of The Phenomenon of Informal Prison Hierarchies and the Simulacrum of Prison Subculture in Contemporary Power Relations

European Political and Law Discourse

Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the study demonstrated that the issue of prison subcultur... more Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the study demonstrated that the issue of prison subcultures and informal prison hierarchies that produce the relevant subcultures is not a monopoly of criminology, sociology or criminal law. The study of this issue through the prism of political science is more promising since it is political science that allows us to analyze these issues from a higher perspective of national and supranational security. Informal prison hierarchies are a matter of relations of power and subordination, power struggles in prisons and a free society, and the use of prisons and subcultural prison symbols to spread political power by powerful actors, including states. The research has led to the conclusion that the external attributes of prison subculture, which are produced and disseminated by informal prison hierarchies, in fact, only conceal the true nature of this phenomenon, where such nature is related only to the organization of the extraction and subsequent distribution of material resources by informal prison hierarchies. At the same time, such seizure and distribution of material resources are connected to gaining power in penitentiary institutions and a free society. The experience of informal prison hierarchies in many countries shows that due to the greater openness of prisons to society and the spread of the influence of prison criminal organizations on free society, it is possible to argue that the boundaries between the concepts of "criminal subculture" and "prison subculture" are increasingly dissolving. This is especially evident in the United States, Mexico, and South America, where the concept of a "street gang" is automatically a "prison gang" and vice versa. Moreover, similar trends are also becoming characteristic of European countries due to the penetration of prison gangs from the New World into the European "market". The rise of informal prison hierarchies worldwide raises the issue of the "rehabilitative ideal" and its – literally – protection from the spreading influence of informal prison hierarchies and their subcultural symbols. After the "rehabilitative ideal" crisis in the 1970s, it has not yet gotten rid of the signs of marginality. The influence of informal prison hierarchies should be considered the main obstacle to implementing rehabilitation programs in prison; in many countries, this influence makes this marginality absolute. As of today, the relations between the Ukrainian and Russian professional criminal worlds and the respective informal prison hierarchies remain those of a colony and a metropolis, where the latter is making every effort to keep the former "colony" (as well as other "colonies") under its control, using all possible political tools, technologies and levers of influence, as a result of which Russia has acquired the characteristics of not even a police state or even a carceral state, but a prison state. A prison state is not about the number of prisons, the number of prisoners, or the number of prison staff. It is about Russian citizens' approval and internal perception of the idea that the state should be governed by "concepts" where a separate, sufficiently large group of citizens should be imprisoned. However, the rest of the citizens should be only "temporarily and conditionally escorted." The 2022 War has become a turbulent time for the years of established contacts and relations between Ukrainian and Russian criminals, including organized crime, in terms of servicing ordinary criminal business, common sales channels and logistics networks, and has destroyed them. However, the possibilities of the information society, hybrid forms of warfare, and propaganda drive subcultural influence devoid of physical borders and jurisdictional restrictions. Russia's formal authorities cannot but use (ignoring official state borders, customs services, and border guard detachments) these channels of penetration into Ukrainian "territory" – in the broadest sense of the word – to further support its postcolonial policy, which is becoming increasingly unsuccessful given the European and Euro-Atlantic vector of Ukrainian society, finally formed after Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Since the Soviet era, young people have been used by professional criminals to recruit into their ranks. Many juvenile inmates in correctional facilities were a favourable environment for establishing a prison subculture among people whose consciousness at this age is unstable and prone to maximalist decisions. Furthermore, the network of penal colonies was the "closed social network" where the criminal world had unlimited opportunities to spread its antisocial "knowledge" and views. Ukraine has taken many steps to limit this influence – the number of juvenile prisoners has been rapidly decreasing with…

Research paper thumbnail of Polskie projekty reform więziennictwa początku XIX wieku w kontekście światowego dyskursu penitencjarnego

Law. Education. Security (poprzednio Przegląd Więziennictwa Polskiego), 2023

The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and... more The aim of this article is to analyze the prison reform projects of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland in the context of the global prison modernization trend of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The article identifies the sources of Julian Niemcewicz's The Notes on the New System of Prisons Initiated in the United States of America, Arrangement of National Prisons, Project of a General and Particular Improvement of the Administration and Condition of State Prisons in the Kingdom of Poland. The extent how the English carceral model, American, Prussian, and Austrian prison doctrines and practices were influenced by their main provisions has been established.

Research paper thumbnail of Ideas and activities of Fryderyk Skarbek on reforming prisons in The Congress Kingdom of Poland.

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2022

The author analyzes the penitentiary ideas, views on the purpose of imprisonment and the activiti... more The author analyzes the penitentiary ideas, views on the purpose of imprisonment and the activities of penitentiary institutions of Fryderyk Florian Skarbek, his program of reforms of the prison system, managerial and organizational aspects of prison reforms, identifies national and universal features in the process of prison reform in the Congress Kingdom of Poland.
The professional career of F. Skarbeck as a prison reformer allows us to trace the development of penitentiary ideas and carceral models: from philanthropy and humanization of prison conditions, changes in the system of punishments, the main one being imprisonment, the formation of the concept of correctional punishment to the implementation of "correctional" mechanisms in the work of new penal institutions, which formed the basis of penitentiary systems.
The 20s and 40s of the nineteenth century were an important transitional period: from the triumph of the ideas of English prison reformers and the development of the English penal model, which at the end of the eighteenth century became a model for both the United States and European countries, to the crisis of this system of correctional punishment, the realization of its shortcomings and the search for new ways and regime principles to achieve the goal of reforming the offender and general and special prevention.
Thanks to F. Skarbek, reformist penal institutions were created in the Kingdom of Poland for the first time: detention centers based on the system of solitary confinement and prisons based on the system of separate detention. This proves once again that the first and most important thing in prison reform is the construction of new prisons and the organization of the detention and sentencing regime on a new basis. Without this, the reform is simply impossible. F. Skarbeck was a supporter of the Pennsylvania system, but the prisons in the Kingdom of Congress were organized taking into account the realities of practice and the economic possibilities.

Research paper thumbnail of Benjamin Rush’s concept of reforming punishment

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2021

The article analyzes an essay by one of the pioneers of American penology, the social reformer Dr... more The article analyzes an essay by one of the pioneers of American penology, the social reformer Dr. Benjamin Rush An enquiry into the effects of public punishments upon criminals and upon society, 1787. The author identifies the main components of Rush's concept of punishment, its sources, its connection with the European penal discourse, and its influence on the formation of American penitentiary systems.
In 1787, Benjamin Rush presented to the Philadelphia public an original penal project quite different from both the current carceral practices in the states and the European disciplinary models. Solitary confinement occupied an important place in this concept. He considered the main elements of the correctional punishment regime to be: bodily pain, labour, watchfulness, solitude and silence.
This is the first publication on either side of the Atlantic to offer a coherent critique of public servitude, the type of punishment that dominated penal practices in most European countries during this period. Labor in Rush's conception is a path to virtue and a way to secure one's livelihood, not a grueling occupation shameful to a well-meaning man

Research paper thumbnail of The First Penitentiary Houses in Europe: from religious charity to state criminal policy

Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine, 2021

The author has analyzed the process of development of penitentiary institutions: from the establi... more The author has analyzed the process of development of penitentiary institutions: from the establishment in the 17th century penitential houses for delinquents and penitentiary houses for priests and monks as an alternative to galleys to the "penitentiary experiment" in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This article identifies the statutory regulations, the principles of administration, and the features of the prison regime of the Corneto Penitentiary, the Penitentiary at Gloucester, and the General Penitentiary at Millbank. The author has observed how the requirements of the Penitentiary Act of 1779 were transformed as the "penitentiary experiment" was put into practice. Both terminologically and in the principles of organization and regime of punishment established by the Penitentiary Act of 1779, English penitentiary houses developed continental penal practices of correctional punishment. The fact that penitentiaries, according to the Penitentiary Act of 1779, were institutions founded on the initiative of the central government and was to be subject to it, indicates the beginning of a new era in the development of the modern prison.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України., 2018

У статті розглянуто етапи становлення в’язничної системи Королівства Швеція від XIX ст. і до... more У статті розглянуто етапи становлення в’язничної системи Королівства Швеція від XIX ст. і до сьогодення, особливу увагу звернуто на реформи 30–40 років XX ст. як такі, що стали основою для формування сучасної в’язничної системи Швеції, визначено правові та організаційні засади функціонування установ виконання покарань, особливості режиму та умов утримання в карних закладах різних типів.


Legal Horizons, 2023

The present article delves into the origins and theoretical underpinnings of the carceral model o... more The present article delves into the origins and theoretical underpinnings of the carceral model of corrective punishment at Walnut Street Prison and the system of solitary confinement at Eastern State Penitentiary. The central research question to the extent to which the ideology advocated by the Society of Friends served as a formative influence in shaping the Pennsylvania system of prison discipline and its implementation in practice, as frequently acknowledged in historiography. To probe this inquiry, we have resorted to primary source materials and literature addressing the historical trajectory of penal institutions in Pennsylvania. It has been ascertained that the contention positing the pivotal involvement of the Society of Friends in the reformatory initiative gained traction primarily within the European penitentiary discourse on penology, through accounts of American prisons penned by La Rochefoucauld, Niemcewicz, Beaumont, and Tocqueville. The carceral model at Walnut Street Prison, characterized by distinctive attributes encompassing segregated confinement, hard labor, distinct treatment protocols grave for the most egregious of offenders, and administrative oversight by the Board of Inspectors, largely adhered to the English carceral model of corrective punishment. The conviction in the redemptive potential of seclusion was intrinsic to both religious and materialist penitentiary discourses of the era. Therefore, the ideology of the Society of Friends was not determinative here. The establishment of the system of separate and solitary confinement during the 1820s was instigated by the challenges encountered within the carceral model of Walnut Street Prison. It was a complex process and cannot be reduced to the realization of one religious group's idea: it took into account the practical experience of prisons in Pennsylvania and other states, the theoretical research, and analyzed statistical data. The reform was predated by active public discourse and scholarly dialogues appraising the merits and limitations inherent in diverse models of prison discipline.

Research paper thumbnail of Коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію». Commentary on the Law of Ukraine "On probation

Видання містить постатейний коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію» від 5 лютого 2015 року, під... more Видання містить постатейний коментар до Закону України «Про пробацію» від 5 лютого 2015 року, підготовлений на основі досягнень юридичної науки та практики функціонування органу пробації. Науково-практичний коментар підготовлено Інститутом кримінально-виконавчої служби спільно з Інститутом законодавства Верховної Ради України, Державною установою «Центр пробації» та Всеукраїнським Об'єднанням Громадською організацією «Пенітенціарна Асоціація України». До складу авторського колективу залучено провідних вітчизняних науковців та практиків. Законодавство станом на січень 2019 року. Науково-практичний коментар розраховано на якнайширше коло читачів, але, насамперед, на тих, хто використовує Закон у своїй щоденній практиці-персонал органів пробації та органів і установ виконання покарань, волонтерів пробації, представників суду, прокуратури, Національної поліції України, суб'єктів соціального патронажу, громадських і правозахисних організацій, а також науковців, викладачів, студентів закладів вищої освіти та всіх тих, хто цікавиться проблематикою у сфері пробації.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

У статті досліджено тюремну систему Англії XVI–XVIII ст., проаналізовано пам’ятки пенітенціарної ... more У статті досліджено тюремну систему Англії XVI–XVIII ст., проаналізовано пам’ятки пенітенціарної думки Англії XVI–XVIII ст., висвітлено погляди та ідеї правників, громадських і релігійних діячів на стан тюрем та шляхи реформування тюремної системи, що стали підґрунтям формування англійської пенітенціарної моделі наприкінці XVIII ст.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2019

У статті окреслено передумови створення Головного тюремного управління Російської імперії, визнач... more У статті окреслено передумови створення Головного тюремного управління Російської імперії, визначено його структуру та повноваження начальника управління. Уточнено перелік та хронологію перебування на посадах очільників Головного тюремного управління, їх біографічні дані, визначено та проаналізовано їх діяльність на чолі тюремного відомства.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних о... more Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних органах за доби Тимчасового уряду, Центральної Ради та Гетьманату П. П. Скоропадського. Окреслено зміст пенітенціарної доктрини Тимчасового уряду та умови, у яких вона формувалася й реалізовувалася, а також засади діяльності тюремних інспекцій та окремих місць ув’язнення. З’ясовано, кому підпорядковувалися тюремні установи українських губерній упродовж лютого–жовтня 1917 р. та у наступні періоди. Визначено стан тюремного відомства за доби Центральної Ради та Гетьманату, охарактеризовано тюремну політику гетьманського уряду, уточнено персональний склад очільників центрального органу управління тюремною системою у квітні–листопаді 1918 р.

Research paper thumbnail of Genesis of the concept of correctional punishment: From antiquity to modern times

Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2021

The article examines the genesis of the idea of correctional punishment. The authors analyse the ... more The article examines the genesis of the idea of correctional punishment. The authors analyse the concepts and views on the purpose of punishing Plato, Roman lawyers, European humanists, as well as English prison reformers of the XVIII century. The relevance of this topic for domestic legal science is due to the ongoing transformation of approaches to determining the purpose of punishment, the revision of strategies in the field of punishments in foreign penology and the development of correctional policy, taking into account new goals. The era of correctional punishment, admittedly, was the XIX century. The basis of penitentiary discourse during this period was the belief that with the help of a proper prison regime, segregation, humane treatment and spiritual care, it would certainly be possible to correct convicts. Although the ideas of correctional punishment appear in ancient times and acquire their practical implementation in the medieval Christian tradition of European states,...

Research paper thumbnail of British prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill and the Penitentiary Act

Law Review of Kyiv University of Law

The article analyzes the English prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary ... more The article analyzes the English prison projects: the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary Act 1779. The author identified the reasons for their creation, sources, key points and their impact on the formation of penitentiary systems. The American Revolutionary War made it impossible relocation of convicted criminals to the colony. His Majesty's Government had to rush to find a replacement for transportation. In the mid-70s of 18 century there were attempts to develop the foundations of new types of punishment that would replace transportation. Such an alternative would hard labor in special Houses of Hard Labor and Penitentiary Houses. The application of punishment by hard labour to criminals sentenced to transportation is developed in the Hulks Act 1776, the Hard Labour Bill 1778 and the Penitentiary Act 1779. The Hard Labour Bill and the Penitentiary Act were not about reforming prisons, but about developing a system of execution and serving a new type of punishment – im...


Питання боротьби зі злочинністю , 2020

The article describes the project of an innovative penitentiary institution – Panopticon by the E... more The article describes the project of an innovative penitentiary institution – Panopticon by the English philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham. The author investigates the origins of the panoptic prison, identifies and analyzes the main components of the Panopticon penitentiary system. The importance of studying the Panopticon in the context of prison reforms and the formation of the concept of reformatory punishment in Great Britain in the late 18th - early 19th centuries is shown. The authors have traced the transformation of J. Bentham's views on the regime of detention: from solitary confinement to block placement of convicts.
Panopticon is a penitentiary house project developed by J. Bentham with the participation of his brother Samuel Bentham as an alternative to hulks and transportation. The spatial solutions of the building and strict rules of discipline were supposed to ensure permanent control with a minimum number of observers, which saved a lot of money. Bentham hoped not only to build a new, more humane prison, corresponding to the goal of correction, but also to create a profitable enterprise using the labor of convicts. The Panopticon was to be managed by a private contractor. Jeremy Bentham created a well thought-out holistic concept of serving a sentence, covering all issues related to the functioning of a prison from an architectural solution to the management of an institution. The main goal of the Panopticon penitentiary system was prevention, both the general one - to be an example for others so that they refrain from committing crimes, and the special one - to correct convicts, to accustom them to law-abiding behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Uncritical citations and outright plagiarism in the history of prisons studies (Did the First Council of Nicaea introduce the institute of procuratores pauperum?)

Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2020

The article explores the origins of the thesis that the First Council of Nicaea established in 32... more The article explores the origins of the thesis that the First Council of Nicaea established in 325 AD the institution of procuratores pauperum – the guardians of the poor and prisoners – which is entrenched in research on the history of prisons. It was found that it was first expressed by the authoritative Prussian scientist Nikolaus Heinrich Julius in lectures published in 1828. The scientist made his conclusion on the basis of the prescriptions of the Arab canons referred to the decrees of the First Council of Nicaea. Later this statement was repeated by M. Grellet-Wammy, Louis-Mathurin Moreau-Christophe, Ivan Foinitsky, Dmitry Talberg in their works. At the end of the XIX century scholars have proven that the Arab canons are not authentic. However, from the end of the 19th century and to the present day this did not prevent researchers of the history of prisons from repeating in their works, often without specifying the source, the thesis of the establishment of the institute of procuratores pauperum by the First Council of Nicaea.
Ignoring the original source, namely the 80 canons, and research that the Arab canons did not belong to those approved by the First Council of Nicaea in year 325, led to the spread of the idea of introducing procuratores pauperum as an established, well-known truth that does not require confirmation. The uncritical attitude of modern researchers to scientific sources, that are more than a century old, and the neglect of the achievements of foreign historical and historical-legal science does not lead to the creation of new knowledge, but to a duplication and multiplication of outdated, unreliable information.


Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України, 2018

Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних о... more Визначено та проаналізовано законодавчі й організаційні зміни в тюремній системі та її керівних органах за доби Тимчасового уряду, Центральної Ради та Гетьманату П. П. Скоропадського. Окреслено зміст пенітенціарної доктрини Тимчасового уряду та умови, у яких вона формувалася й реалізовувалася, а також засади діяльності тюремних інспекцій та окремих місць ув’язнення. З’ясовано, кому підпорядковувалися тюремні установи українських губерній упродовж лютого–жовтня 1917 р. та у наступні періоди. Визначено стан тюремного відомства за доби Центральної Ради та Гетьманату, охарактеризовано тюремну політику гетьманського уряду, уточнено персональний склад очільників центрального органу управління тюремною системою у квітні–листопаді 1918 р.
The article analyzes the legislative basis of the amnesty of 1917 and the prison reform of the Provisional Government. It identifies the causes of the amnesty and the consequences of the revolutionary events and the penal policy of the Provisional Government for the prison system. It also outlines the organizational changes in the activities of the local prison inspections and places of deprivation of liberty.

The prisons in those Ukrainian provinces, where the Central Rada’s authority was established, were in the competence of the local prison authorities, which were directly subordinated to the Main Administration of Places of Deprivation of Liberty of the Ministry of Justice of the Provisional Government.

After the Bolshevik coup the prisons of the Ukrainian People's Republic were subordinated to the Main Prison Department of the General Judicial Secretariat. During March – April 1918 that Department was headed by Oleksandr Monkin, the former employee of the Main Administration of Places of Deprivation of Liberty. Since April 17, 1918 till September 1918 Andriy Viazlov was the Head of the Main Prison Department. Since July 1918 it was called the Main Directorate of Imprisonment Places.

The Government of the Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi was much more concerned with the problems of the prison system. Its activities were at the higher professional level. Several legislative acts were adopted for regulating the activities of the central and local prison authorities. They contributed to the improvement of the material support to the prison staff, more pensions and social guarantees. Additional funds were provided for the maintenance and repair of prisons. However, less attention was paid to improving the living conditions of prisoners.

On the basis of the archival materials and memoirsthe author of the article clarifies the chronology of the formation of the prison system during the national revolution period and outlines the actual state of the prison system of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the prison system of the Ukrainian State, eliminating the contradictions and inaccuracies of the previous research, related to the staff list of the central prison authorities of that period.

Research paper thumbnail of Нариси з історії українського судочинства (XVI-початок XVII ст.) : монографія. Одеса : Інтерпрінт,  2010. 210 с.

Інтерпрінт, 2010

Монографію присвячено проблемам становлення українського судочинства у період литовсько-польської... more Монографію присвячено проблемам становлення українського судочинства у період литовсько-польської держави. З історико-правових позицій розглянуто засади діяльності судових установ, виявлено особливості статусу учасників судового процесу, визначено характер, сутність та етапи судового процесу. Ґрунтовний аналіз та детальне відтворення порядку судочинства доповнені текстами актових матеріалів.