Маретта Казарян - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Маретта Казарян
Vestnik MGSU, Dec 21, 2023
The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simpl... more The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simply put, landfills. The subject of study, which investigated the object - methods of space monitoring through digital processing of space images (concepts and approaches, techniques, methods and models, programs and algorithms, educational guidelines, etc.). However, the techniques described could be applied not only to OZONE but also to most other objects on the earth's surface, and therefore ozone WAS considered as an example of their use. The monograph reveals the idea of using space information as a tool to control the socio-economic development of the country. The book is of interest to scientists and specialists in the field of Geoinformatics, Geophysics, regional economy, as well as for a wide range of readers. It can be used as a teaching tool for teachers, students and specialists in space monitoring, practical image processing, problems of solid domestic and industrial waste as one of the basic factors of the development of socio-economic structure of the state.
В работе показан метод автоматизации обнаружения неизвестных объектов захоронения отходов по косм... more В работе показан метод автоматизации обнаружения неизвестных объектов захоронения отходов по космическим изображениям среднего и высокого пространственного разрешения. Приведены особенности метода, общая блок-схема алгоритма метода автоматизации, включающая географическую привязку космических изображений, извлечение метаданных, создание и наполнение баз данных снимков и их участков, метаданных, индексов подстилающей поверхности, детектируемых объектов, сравнительный блок результатов обработки с эталоном и получение карт неизвестных объектов. Представлены входные и выходные данные метода. Работа алгоритма продемонстрирована на примере двух участков: ближневосточного Подмосковья, включающего фрагменты городского округа Железнодорожный, Люберецкого и Балашихинского районов (с использованием снимков среднего разрешения); полигона твердых бытовых отходов Кучино, включенного в эту область (с использованием снимков высокого разрешения).
Актуальность работы обусловлена упрощением процедур получения и обработки космических изображений... more Актуальность работы обусловлена упрощением процедур получения и обработки космических изображений посредством автоматизации обработки и расчета тех или иных индексов подстилающей поверхности и их временных изменений. Предлагаемый метод позволяет с высокой скоростью и в широких масштабах обнаруживать признаки деградации почвы, в частности, объекты захоронения отходов размера, кратного пространственному разрешению снимков, расчетом соответствующих индексов подстилающей поверхности. Основной недостаток действующих методов детектирования объектов захоронения отходов состоит в том, что их поиск и обнаружение, оценка состояния окружающей среды осуществляются наземными «ручными» методами. Все это и, прежде всего, само выявление объектов дает низкую производительность работы в области мониторинга свалок. В результате внедрения метода автоматизации детектирования объектов захоронения отходов может быть существенно улучшена защита территории от воздействия негативных факторов. Данные факторы,...
Предлагается методика автоматического выделения компонент объектов захоронения отходов и разложен... more Предлагается методика автоматического выделения компонент объектов захоронения отходов и разложения поверхности объекта на компоненты по космическим изображениям. Методика позволяет построить модели поверхности структурных объектов, таких как полигоны твердых бытовых отходов и муниципальных свалок, составленных из нескольких компонент, заданных разными текстурами поверхности. Применяются матрицы информационных признаков, идентифицирующие тот или иной компонент, дана их математическая модель и различные формы представления. Представлены понятия изображений компонент поверхности и общие компонентные изображения, на которых детально отражаются области детектирования, соответствующие разным текстурам поверхности. Описан критерий принадлежности пикселя изображения к тому или иному компоненту, каждый из которых характеризуется своей матрицей информационных признаков. Отмечена возможность обработки территорий поверхности Земли любого размера и автоматизации обработки. Цель: разработать мет...
С использованием космических изображений возможно изучение различных форм деградации почв. Одним ... more С использованием космических изображений возможно изучение различных форм деградации почв. Одним из главных признаков деградации почв является уменьшение их репродуктивности. В работе исследована технологическая деградация почвы, как наиболее актуальная ее форма. На основе космических данных рассчитаны различные вегетационные индексы и индексы подстилающей поверхности за тридцатилетний период наблюдений. Разработан метод оценки степени деградации почв, базирующийся на вегетационных индексах и индексах подстилающей поверхности. Идея методики состоит в оценке реакции растительности на внешние факторы на примере температуры окружающей среды как природного и необходимого для жизнедеятельности условия. Расчет степени деградации почв проводится для участков интенсивного антропогенного воздействия. Особое внимание уделяется исследованию такой формы деградации, как замусоривание территорий. В рамках этой задачи были проведены расчеты по тестовым объектам захоронения отходов Московской области.
The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the im... more The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the image which allows identifying hidden or no defined details and objects in the images. The application of the method and its difference from other image enhancement techniques are shown. The paper presents the algorithm and describes the basic processing procedures (sampling, scaling, convolution, contrast). The main processing parameters (increasing and reduction of dimensions, convolutions, brightness, and thresholds contrast) are demonstrated. The results from the applied algorithm are explained on an example related to landfill Kutchino in the Moscow region, on the satellite images with low and high spatial resolution.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2017
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
The presented paper proposes a method for estimating parameters and characteristics of the chemic... more The presented paper proposes a method for estimating parameters and characteristics of the chemical processes in large municipal landfills and solid waste disposal sites according to the waste monitoring from space. The model of chemical transformations in the waste disposal sites is described based on the idea of waste biochemical degradation in the form of the “transformations tree”. The presentation of chemical transformations in the form of statistical integrated chemical equations allows us to describe the chemical system "a waste disposal facility" in the analytical form. The paper presents the main types of physical (volume and mass, thermal) and chemical (filtrate) characteristics which assessment could be made by data from satellite images. As an example the obtaining of the volume and mass characteristics of landfills in their 3D-models is described. Results of the algorithm on the example of a polygon of solid municipal and industrial waste in Salaryevo (Leninsk...
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
The paper proposes a methodology for developing information model or database of waste disposal s... more The paper proposes a methodology for developing information model or database of waste disposal sites /WDS/ or landfill sites, applying received remotely and in-situ data from Earth surface monitoring, especially including procedures of morphological processing, data normalization and visualization models. The overall structure and composition of the information model, described subsystems, classes, objects, and attributes (properties) of the data, are presented. The possibility of formation of new information relations, that arise between different kinds of information, through morphological (in particular, the morphemic) processing “raw” information at the input, for example, between the classifiers (waste products, settlements, economic activities, etc.), is described. The paper used methods of system analysis, methods of mathematical linguistics, space monitoring methods. For example a structure of constructing the database, the archive and the classifier of unauthorized waste d...
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing ... more A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing of the Earth remote sensing data with different spatial resolution and spectral resolution is proposed. The technology is based on the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images from space in special software products, the identification and analysis of solid waste from small (suburban, road clutter) to large (industrial and urban landfills), depending on the spatial and spectral resolution of the space image. At present, software complexes for processing (deciphering) of space images of solid domestic waste and their adjacent territories have been developed. With the help of these software complexes, it became possible to identify unauthorized landfills, to determine the correctness of operation of existing landfills in accordance with existing regulatory documents, to determine the sequence of liquidation of various landfills, depending on the degree of their negative impact ...
The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simpl... more The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simply put, landfills. The subject of study, which investigated the object - methods of space monitoring through digital processing of space images (concepts and approaches, techniques, methods and models, programs and algorithms, educational guidelines, etc.). However, the techniques described could be applied not only to OZONE but also to most other objects on the earth's surface, and therefore ozone WAS considered as an example of their use. The monograph reveals the idea of using space information as a tool to control the socio-economic development of the country. The book is of interest to scientists and specialists in the field of Geoinformatics, Geophysics, regional economy, as well as for a wide range of readers. It can be used as a teaching tool for teachers, students and specialists in space monitoring, practical image processing, problems of solid domestic and industrial waste ...
Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2017, 2017
This study presents a remote sensing application of using time series Landsat satellite images fo... more This study presents a remote sensing application of using time series Landsat satellite images for monitoring the solid waste disposal site (WDS). We propose a method of detecting high-rise buildings landfills, such as municipal dumps and solid waste, according to a radar image (the height of the ground level). For disposal site detection a variety steps of image processing used (calculation image average level of the earth's surface; filtering thresholds spectral brightness coefficients, the size of the connected components, the nature of reducing the level of height with the distance of the maximum level). The spatial geometric features of waste disposal facilities are analytically expressed by linear and radial characteristics from other objects of the earth surface. As a result, the proposed method demonstrates good accuracy in detection the solid waste disposal site on real satellite images.
Разработан метод оценки геометрических параметров поверхности областей замусоривания по мультиспе... more Разработан метод оценки геометрических параметров поверхности областей замусоривания по мультиспектральным космическим изображениям. Описан алгоритм оценки геометрических параметров по серии космических изображений заданной территории, и представлена его блок-схема. Приведены основные параметры, оцениваемые алгоритмом. Выведены формулы расчета параметров объекта замусоривания таких как площадь, периметр, центр масс и другие. Также получены формулы для оценки скорости перемещения объекта замусоривания. Рассмотрены результаты применения разработанного метода. Представлены результаты работы алгоритма оценки геометрических параметров поверхности объектов областей замусоривания на примере полигона твердых бытовых отходов Кучино Московской области. Показаны результаты расчета геометрических параметров и их изменения во времени для этого тестового участка. Обсуждаются графики изменения геометрических параметров объекта замусоривания за десятилетний период. Выявлены минимальные и максимальн...
A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing ... more A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing of the Earth remote sensing data with different spatial resolution and spectral resolution is proposed. The technology is based on the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images from space in special software products, the identification and analysis of solid waste from small (suburban, road clutter) to large (industrial and urban landfills), depending on the spatial and spectral resolution of the space image. At present, software complexes for processing (deciphering) of space images of solid domestic waste and their adjacent territories have been developed. With the help of these software complexes, it became possible to identify unauthorized landfills, to determine the correctness of operation of existing landfills in accordance with existing regulatory documents, to determine the sequence of liquidation of various landfills, depending on the degree of their negative impact on the environment and human health. The introduction of the proposed technology can provide substantial assistance to various ministries, departments and the public in detecting at an early stage the places of clutter, the so-called pre-landfills, which, if not to take preventive measures, can become real garbage dumps with all the ensuing environmental problems. It is important that schools and universities, for which this work will be attractive both in terms of planning and implementation of research activities, education of young people with an active life position in terms of ecology and environmental protection, be included in the implementation of the "Space Ecological Watch" project. It should be borne in mind that SHW landfills are basically "the reactors" in which various physical-chemical reactions (combustion, oxidation, etc.) are rapidly occurring; besides SWLs are of considerable interest for educational and research processes both in secondary and higher schools. Moreover, many parameters of these physical-chemical reactions in the time-mode, close to the real one, can be controlled by methods of remote sensing of the Earth from space. We propose to organize the International Competition "Space Environmental Watch" with the participation of students and schoolchildren from different countries of the world. This Competition will be based on the technology described above, will have the following nominations:-identification of unauthorized landfills;-landfills Information validity check;-assessment of the impact of solid waste landfills on the environment. According to the results of the competition, a digital map with identified unauthorized garbage dumps and an assessment of their impact on the environment can be made on the Internet.
The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the im... more The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the image which allows identifying hidden or no defined details and objects in the images. The application of the method and its difference from other image enhancement techniques are shown. The paper presents the algorithm and describes the basic processing procedures (sampling, scaling, convolution, contrast). The main processing parameters (increasing and reduction of dimensions, convolutions, brightness, and thresholds contrast) are demonstrated. The results from the applied algorithm are explained on an example related to landfill Kutchino in the Moscow region, on the satellite images with low and high spatial resolution.
The paper describes the method of visual detection in the task of assessing compliance with the r... more The paper describes the method of visual detection in the task of assessing compliance with the requirements for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid domestic waste. An example of verification of requirements for landfills is given in accordance with the instruction on design, operation and reclamation. It is shown, in particular, the construction of a sanitary protection zone in the Google Earth program for assessing the permissibility of natural and anthropogenic objects it includes. The series of basic concepts associated with visual detection of solid waste landfills are given, and namely, a number of soil elements that can be detected by the method of visual detection are described.
Vestnik MGSU, Dec 21, 2023
The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simpl... more The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simply put, landfills. The subject of study, which investigated the object - methods of space monitoring through digital processing of space images (concepts and approaches, techniques, methods and models, programs and algorithms, educational guidelines, etc.). However, the techniques described could be applied not only to OZONE but also to most other objects on the earth's surface, and therefore ozone WAS considered as an example of their use. The monograph reveals the idea of using space information as a tool to control the socio-economic development of the country. The book is of interest to scientists and specialists in the field of Geoinformatics, Geophysics, regional economy, as well as for a wide range of readers. It can be used as a teaching tool for teachers, students and specialists in space monitoring, practical image processing, problems of solid domestic and industrial waste as one of the basic factors of the development of socio-economic structure of the state.
В работе показан метод автоматизации обнаружения неизвестных объектов захоронения отходов по косм... more В работе показан метод автоматизации обнаружения неизвестных объектов захоронения отходов по космическим изображениям среднего и высокого пространственного разрешения. Приведены особенности метода, общая блок-схема алгоритма метода автоматизации, включающая географическую привязку космических изображений, извлечение метаданных, создание и наполнение баз данных снимков и их участков, метаданных, индексов подстилающей поверхности, детектируемых объектов, сравнительный блок результатов обработки с эталоном и получение карт неизвестных объектов. Представлены входные и выходные данные метода. Работа алгоритма продемонстрирована на примере двух участков: ближневосточного Подмосковья, включающего фрагменты городского округа Железнодорожный, Люберецкого и Балашихинского районов (с использованием снимков среднего разрешения); полигона твердых бытовых отходов Кучино, включенного в эту область (с использованием снимков высокого разрешения).
Актуальность работы обусловлена упрощением процедур получения и обработки космических изображений... more Актуальность работы обусловлена упрощением процедур получения и обработки космических изображений посредством автоматизации обработки и расчета тех или иных индексов подстилающей поверхности и их временных изменений. Предлагаемый метод позволяет с высокой скоростью и в широких масштабах обнаруживать признаки деградации почвы, в частности, объекты захоронения отходов размера, кратного пространственному разрешению снимков, расчетом соответствующих индексов подстилающей поверхности. Основной недостаток действующих методов детектирования объектов захоронения отходов состоит в том, что их поиск и обнаружение, оценка состояния окружающей среды осуществляются наземными «ручными» методами. Все это и, прежде всего, само выявление объектов дает низкую производительность работы в области мониторинга свалок. В результате внедрения метода автоматизации детектирования объектов захоронения отходов может быть существенно улучшена защита территории от воздействия негативных факторов. Данные факторы,...
Предлагается методика автоматического выделения компонент объектов захоронения отходов и разложен... more Предлагается методика автоматического выделения компонент объектов захоронения отходов и разложения поверхности объекта на компоненты по космическим изображениям. Методика позволяет построить модели поверхности структурных объектов, таких как полигоны твердых бытовых отходов и муниципальных свалок, составленных из нескольких компонент, заданных разными текстурами поверхности. Применяются матрицы информационных признаков, идентифицирующие тот или иной компонент, дана их математическая модель и различные формы представления. Представлены понятия изображений компонент поверхности и общие компонентные изображения, на которых детально отражаются области детектирования, соответствующие разным текстурам поверхности. Описан критерий принадлежности пикселя изображения к тому или иному компоненту, каждый из которых характеризуется своей матрицей информационных признаков. Отмечена возможность обработки территорий поверхности Земли любого размера и автоматизации обработки. Цель: разработать мет...
С использованием космических изображений возможно изучение различных форм деградации почв. Одним ... more С использованием космических изображений возможно изучение различных форм деградации почв. Одним из главных признаков деградации почв является уменьшение их репродуктивности. В работе исследована технологическая деградация почвы, как наиболее актуальная ее форма. На основе космических данных рассчитаны различные вегетационные индексы и индексы подстилающей поверхности за тридцатилетний период наблюдений. Разработан метод оценки степени деградации почв, базирующийся на вегетационных индексах и индексах подстилающей поверхности. Идея методики состоит в оценке реакции растительности на внешние факторы на примере температуры окружающей среды как природного и необходимого для жизнедеятельности условия. Расчет степени деградации почв проводится для участков интенсивного антропогенного воздействия. Особое внимание уделяется исследованию такой формы деградации, как замусоривание территорий. В рамках этой задачи были проведены расчеты по тестовым объектам захоронения отходов Московской области.
The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the im... more The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the image which allows identifying hidden or no defined details and objects in the images. The application of the method and its difference from other image enhancement techniques are shown. The paper presents the algorithm and describes the basic processing procedures (sampling, scaling, convolution, contrast). The main processing parameters (increasing and reduction of dimensions, convolutions, brightness, and thresholds contrast) are demonstrated. The results from the applied algorithm are explained on an example related to landfill Kutchino in the Moscow region, on the satellite images with low and high spatial resolution.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2017
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
The presented paper proposes a method for estimating parameters and characteristics of the chemic... more The presented paper proposes a method for estimating parameters and characteristics of the chemical processes in large municipal landfills and solid waste disposal sites according to the waste monitoring from space. The model of chemical transformations in the waste disposal sites is described based on the idea of waste biochemical degradation in the form of the “transformations tree”. The presentation of chemical transformations in the form of statistical integrated chemical equations allows us to describe the chemical system "a waste disposal facility" in the analytical form. The paper presents the main types of physical (volume and mass, thermal) and chemical (filtrate) characteristics which assessment could be made by data from satellite images. As an example the obtaining of the volume and mass characteristics of landfills in their 3D-models is described. Results of the algorithm on the example of a polygon of solid municipal and industrial waste in Salaryevo (Leninsk...
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
The paper proposes a methodology for developing information model or database of waste disposal s... more The paper proposes a methodology for developing information model or database of waste disposal sites /WDS/ or landfill sites, applying received remotely and in-situ data from Earth surface monitoring, especially including procedures of morphological processing, data normalization and visualization models. The overall structure and composition of the information model, described subsystems, classes, objects, and attributes (properties) of the data, are presented. The possibility of formation of new information relations, that arise between different kinds of information, through morphological (in particular, the morphemic) processing “raw” information at the input, for example, between the classifiers (waste products, settlements, economic activities, etc.), is described. The paper used methods of system analysis, methods of mathematical linguistics, space monitoring methods. For example a structure of constructing the database, the archive and the classifier of unauthorized waste d...
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2017
A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing ... more A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing of the Earth remote sensing data with different spatial resolution and spectral resolution is proposed. The technology is based on the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images from space in special software products, the identification and analysis of solid waste from small (suburban, road clutter) to large (industrial and urban landfills), depending on the spatial and spectral resolution of the space image. At present, software complexes for processing (deciphering) of space images of solid domestic waste and their adjacent territories have been developed. With the help of these software complexes, it became possible to identify unauthorized landfills, to determine the correctness of operation of existing landfills in accordance with existing regulatory documents, to determine the sequence of liquidation of various landfills, depending on the degree of their negative impact ...
The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simpl... more The object of research in this monograph are the objects of waste disposal (reduced ozone), simply put, landfills. The subject of study, which investigated the object - methods of space monitoring through digital processing of space images (concepts and approaches, techniques, methods and models, programs and algorithms, educational guidelines, etc.). However, the techniques described could be applied not only to OZONE but also to most other objects on the earth's surface, and therefore ozone WAS considered as an example of their use. The monograph reveals the idea of using space information as a tool to control the socio-economic development of the country. The book is of interest to scientists and specialists in the field of Geoinformatics, Geophysics, regional economy, as well as for a wide range of readers. It can be used as a teaching tool for teachers, students and specialists in space monitoring, practical image processing, problems of solid domestic and industrial waste ...
Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2017, 2017
This study presents a remote sensing application of using time series Landsat satellite images fo... more This study presents a remote sensing application of using time series Landsat satellite images for monitoring the solid waste disposal site (WDS). We propose a method of detecting high-rise buildings landfills, such as municipal dumps and solid waste, according to a radar image (the height of the ground level). For disposal site detection a variety steps of image processing used (calculation image average level of the earth's surface; filtering thresholds spectral brightness coefficients, the size of the connected components, the nature of reducing the level of height with the distance of the maximum level). The spatial geometric features of waste disposal facilities are analytically expressed by linear and radial characteristics from other objects of the earth surface. As a result, the proposed method demonstrates good accuracy in detection the solid waste disposal site on real satellite images.
Разработан метод оценки геометрических параметров поверхности областей замусоривания по мультиспе... more Разработан метод оценки геометрических параметров поверхности областей замусоривания по мультиспектральным космическим изображениям. Описан алгоритм оценки геометрических параметров по серии космических изображений заданной территории, и представлена его блок-схема. Приведены основные параметры, оцениваемые алгоритмом. Выведены формулы расчета параметров объекта замусоривания таких как площадь, периметр, центр масс и другие. Также получены формулы для оценки скорости перемещения объекта замусоривания. Рассмотрены результаты применения разработанного метода. Представлены результаты работы алгоритма оценки геометрических параметров поверхности объектов областей замусоривания на примере полигона твердых бытовых отходов Кучино Московской области. Показаны результаты расчета геометрических параметров и их изменения во времени для этого тестового участка. Обсуждаются графики изменения геометрических параметров объекта замусоривания за десятилетний период. Выявлены минимальные и максимальн...
A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing ... more A new technology of monitoring and control of solid waste, based on the reception and processing of the Earth remote sensing data with different spatial resolution and spectral resolution is proposed. The technology is based on the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral images from space in special software products, the identification and analysis of solid waste from small (suburban, road clutter) to large (industrial and urban landfills), depending on the spatial and spectral resolution of the space image. At present, software complexes for processing (deciphering) of space images of solid domestic waste and their adjacent territories have been developed. With the help of these software complexes, it became possible to identify unauthorized landfills, to determine the correctness of operation of existing landfills in accordance with existing regulatory documents, to determine the sequence of liquidation of various landfills, depending on the degree of their negative impact on the environment and human health. The introduction of the proposed technology can provide substantial assistance to various ministries, departments and the public in detecting at an early stage the places of clutter, the so-called pre-landfills, which, if not to take preventive measures, can become real garbage dumps with all the ensuing environmental problems. It is important that schools and universities, for which this work will be attractive both in terms of planning and implementation of research activities, education of young people with an active life position in terms of ecology and environmental protection, be included in the implementation of the "Space Ecological Watch" project. It should be borne in mind that SHW landfills are basically "the reactors" in which various physical-chemical reactions (combustion, oxidation, etc.) are rapidly occurring; besides SWLs are of considerable interest for educational and research processes both in secondary and higher schools. Moreover, many parameters of these physical-chemical reactions in the time-mode, close to the real one, can be controlled by methods of remote sensing of the Earth from space. We propose to organize the International Competition "Space Environmental Watch" with the participation of students and schoolchildren from different countries of the world. This Competition will be based on the technology described above, will have the following nominations:-identification of unauthorized landfills;-landfills Information validity check;-assessment of the impact of solid waste landfills on the environment. According to the results of the competition, a digital map with identified unauthorized garbage dumps and an assessment of their impact on the environment can be made on the Internet.
The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the im... more The paper proposes a method for fuzzy interactive enhancement of objects identification in the image which allows identifying hidden or no defined details and objects in the images. The application of the method and its difference from other image enhancement techniques are shown. The paper presents the algorithm and describes the basic processing procedures (sampling, scaling, convolution, contrast). The main processing parameters (increasing and reduction of dimensions, convolutions, brightness, and thresholds contrast) are demonstrated. The results from the applied algorithm are explained on an example related to landfill Kutchino in the Moscow region, on the satellite images with low and high spatial resolution.
The paper describes the method of visual detection in the task of assessing compliance with the r... more The paper describes the method of visual detection in the task of assessing compliance with the requirements for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid domestic waste. An example of verification of requirements for landfills is given in accordance with the instruction on design, operation and reclamation. It is shown, in particular, the construction of a sanitary protection zone in the Google Earth program for assessing the permissibility of natural and anthropogenic objects it includes. The series of basic concepts associated with visual detection of solid waste landfills are given, and namely, a number of soil elements that can be detected by the method of visual detection are described.
A method for calculating the indices of the underlying surface of space images using a calculator... more A method for calculating the indices of the underlying surface of space images using a calculator is proposed. The presentation of the matrix calculator and general aspects of the graphing calculator as components of the space image calculator are given. The general scheme of the calculator, the main blocks, a variant of the simplified software model and examples of calculating the indices of the underlying surface in it are described.
The main aim of the study. Develop and propose a method for calculating space images.
The methods used in the study: We use the methods of linear algebra, digital processing, mathematical statistics and regression analysis.
Results. The results of the calculator are shown by the example of calculating spatial and spatial-temporal indices: surface temperature, normalized vegetation index, vegetation response index, soil response index.