Оксана Горкуша - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Оксана Горкуша


Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Ìvana Franka. Fìlosofsʹkì nauki, Jun 27, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Ruskiy Mir" and "Ukrainskyi Svit": Ontological and Anthropological Antagonists

Occasional papers on religion in Eastern Europe, 2024


The authors propose to deepen and expand the classical methodological principles formulated by Uk... more The authors propose to deepen and expand the classical methodological principles formulated by Ukrainian academic religious studies in the prewar period. The necessity of contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches in the study of modern religious processes is substantiated. Not only the universality and effectiveness of some research methods in the new circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war need rethinking. In the hierarchy of religious principles, the principle of contextuality is especially demanded by the real events of the war. The authors remind about the contextual dangers for the life world of Ukraine that exist in its religious segment, highlighting external and internal factors that cannot be ignored when analyzing the contemporary religious situation in Ukraine and the world. Tragic changes in the context of the life of Ukrainianslinguistic, cultural, informational, religious, etc. necessarily correct expert neutrality, objectivity, noninvolvement. According to the authors, the war situation liberates from impartial, out-of-contextual analysis. The admissibility of such a methodological approach is subject to discussion. The methodological approaches used in academic religious studies in prewar times have not lost their functional significance even now, during the Russian-Ukrainian war. But now the contextual approach is especially relevant, which proves the change of the paradigm of modern methodological thinking in the study of religion. Therefore, the conceptual and methodological problems of religious research, analysis and forecasting in the conditions deformed by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, need to be strengthened by the principle of contextualization, correlation/correction, reconciliation of formulated assumptions with reality, weighing the appropriateness of using certain methods and definitions, critical rethinking of the chosen methodological apparatus. The modern contextuality of religious studies dictates the need to understand not only the problems of metatheory, but also metapractice.


Deleted Journal, Dec 8, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і церква

Research paper thumbnail of Terminological front: «ruskiy mir» («russian world/peace») in religious and confessional rhetoric (the science of religion perception of existential choice)

Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought)

The task of this article is to clarify the appropriateness and adequacy of peace-making (confessi... more The task of this article is to clarify the appropriateness and adequacy of peace-making (confessional) rhetoric in the situation of the war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in particular, the meaningful correspondence of the concept of «peace» in its application or reading by the bearers of different worldview paradigms. The «russkii mir» cannot be translated either as «Russian peace» or as «Russian world». This is because the scope and content of these concepts are different. Rus (Kyiv`s Rus) — a thousand-year-old princely state with its center in Kyiv, where the ancestors of modern Ukrainians lived, baptized by Prince Volodymyr in 988. Rus is not Russia. But Muscovy adopted the name Russia to derive its historiography from Rus. «Russkii mir» actually refutes the axiological principles laid down by ancient Rus’s civilization (freedom, dignity, partnership, co-creation, mutual responsibility). «Russkii mir» destroys peace in global or any local images, trying...

Research paper thumbnail of Contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches of religious studies research during the russian-ukrainian war

Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought)

The article proposes to deepen and expand the classical methodological approaches formulated at t... more The article proposes to deepen and expand the classical methodological approaches formulated at the beginning of the 21st century within the framework of academic religious studies. Based on the methodological works of the founder of modern Ukrainian religious studies, Prof. Kolodnyi, who first clearly defined the principles of the scientific study of religion, in particular objectivity, historicism, worldview neutrality, pluralism, etc., the authors justify the need for contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches in the study of current religious processes. They insist on rethinking not only the universality and effectiveness of some methodological principles in new circumstances — the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also on the actualization of new ones, critically rethinking their neglect in the pre-war period. It is proved that in the hierar- chy of religious principles, the principle of contextuality becomes a particularly sought-after re- ality of Russia’s war ag...

Research paper thumbnail of Церква – активний учасник утвердження громадянського суспільства

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic field of confessional theology of Ukraine

Ukrainian Religious Studies, 2008

Ukraine is a multi-confessional state. Here, various worldview systems coexist, often syncretizin... more Ukraine is a multi-confessional state. Here, various worldview systems coexist, often syncretizing various traditional elements, and the individual worldview is often marked by eclecticism. The colorful worldviews of modern Ukrainians are a consequence of their ambiguous spiritual history and the manifestation of today's world-wide processes in the world. For this reason, we cannot speak of any particular theological system that substantiates one religious concept. Instead, we can trace some common trends in different theological systems that in one way or another attempt to satisfy the contemporary worldviews of believing Ukrainians.

Research paper thumbnail of Релігієзнавство. Посiбник для студентiв вищих навчальних закладiв денної, заочної та дистанцiйної форм навчання

У посiбнику розглянуто коло релiгiєзнавчих тем, якi є найпоширенiшими у викладаннi релiгiєзнавчих... more У посiбнику розглянуто коло релiгiєзнавчих тем, якi є найпоширенiшими у викладаннi релiгiєзнавчих дисциплiн. Вiдмiннiсть посiбника полягає в тому, що автори, не претендуючи на всеохопнiсть релiгiєзнавчої тематики, зосередились на поглибленому фiлософському, методологiчному, свiтоглядному, прогностичному аспектах осмислення проблем буття релiгiї як в її iсторичнiй ретроспективi, так i в сучасностi, як в глобальних свiтових масштабах, так i окреслених українськими теренами. Посiбник мiстить систематизований навчальний матерiал, включає завдання i вправи для самоконтролю студентiв, основний перелiк базових термiнiв i понять, варiанти самостiйних робiт, що мiстять рiзнотипнi форми завдань (тестовi, закритi, вiдкритi), широкий перелiк додаткових джерел (в тому чистi iнтернет-джерела та хрестоматiйний матерiал) для самостiйного поглибленого опрацювання дисциплiни, творчої i дослiдницької роботи. Для студентiв бакалаврату денної, заочної, дистанцiйної форм навчання вищих навчальних закладiв

Research paper thumbnail of Голос Церкви: аксіологічні виміри релігійної риторики на Майдані 2013–2014 років

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і Церква : хроніка подій та експертна оцінка

Research paper thumbnail of World Interfaith Harmony Week in Ukraine

Religious Freedom, 2020

The article provides information about the World Week of Interfaith Harmony in Ukraine (February ... more The article provides information about the World Week of Interfaith Harmony in Ukraine (February 1-7, 2020)

Research paper thumbnail of Church and religious situation in the Ukraine: Trends 2019 - request for extension of questionnaires for sociological surveys

Religious Freedom, 2020

Recently the Razumkov Center published new sociological data “State and Church in Ukraine - 2019:... more Recently the Razumkov Center published new sociological data “State and Church in Ukraine - 2019: results of the year and prospects of relations development” and organized a round table on “Religion and power in Ukraine: problems of relations”. This sociological data is an extremely important fixation of the empirical indicators of the religious situation in contemporary Ukraine. Analyzing them, we can see a clear correlation between faith, religious and church affiliation, and the experience and position of those interviewed. However, for further in-depth understanding of how religious and denominational identity and church affiliation correlate with event experience, prevailing historiographical discourse, life position, and civic consciousness, it would be worthwhile to expand the questionnaires. Undoubtedly, religion is a significant factor in shaping Ukraine's future. Especially the influence of church affiliation on social reality is noticeable in the situation of armed ag...

Research paper thumbnail of Public activity of contemporary Ukrainian academic religious scholars in the last five years

Ukrainian Religious Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Interdenominational Dialogue in Contemporary Ukraine: Correction in War and Pandemic Conditions

Research paper thumbnail of The voice of Church: axiological dimensions of religious rhetoric on Maidan

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт «Український світ» як когнітивний ідентифікатор життєвого простору сучасних українців (філософсько-релігієзнавчий аналіз)

Анотація. У статті увагу зосереджено на тому, чи доречно дефініювати поняття «Український світ» з... more Анотація. У статті увагу зосереджено на тому, чи доречно дефініювати поняття «Український світ» з врахуванням дійсної ситуації та наявності в сучасній Україні різних конфесій, що можуть самовизначатись варіативно. Українські академічні релігієзнавці вже звертались до теми «Українського світу» та ситуативно застосовували цей термін в своїх попередніх розвідках. Але осмислюючи позначуване ним, науковці усвідомили, що сам термін «Український світ» потребує більш чіткого визначення. Адже трапляються випадки, коли самому терміну відмовляють в автономності, в наявності у нього дійсного змісту, вважаючи його дзеркальним відображенням «Русского міра». Так само є спроби спростувати дійсність предмету, цим терміном позначуваного. Також є актуальною і проблема усвідомлення «українського світу» релігійними суб’єктами поліконфесійної України, адже деякі з них визначаються в інших світоглядних парадигмах, з інтерпретації яких «Український світ» може й не сприйматись очевидністю. Тому автори ретел...

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і Церква : хроніка подій та експертна оцінка

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborate to Survive: Forming Networking of Religious Schools, Groups, Professionals as an Effective Model for the Future of Ukrainian Religious Studies

Ukrainian Religious Studies

The author responds to the article by L. Fylypovych "Does Contemporary Ukrainian Religious S... more The author responds to the article by L. Fylypovych "Does Contemporary Ukrainian Religious Studies have a Strategy for Survival and Development?", where she gives her recommendations for overcoming the crisis in humanities in general and in religious studies in particular.


Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Ìvana Franka. Fìlosofsʹkì nauki, Jun 27, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Ruskiy Mir" and "Ukrainskyi Svit": Ontological and Anthropological Antagonists

Occasional papers on religion in Eastern Europe, 2024


The authors propose to deepen and expand the classical methodological principles formulated by Uk... more The authors propose to deepen and expand the classical methodological principles formulated by Ukrainian academic religious studies in the prewar period. The necessity of contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches in the study of modern religious processes is substantiated. Not only the universality and effectiveness of some research methods in the new circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war need rethinking. In the hierarchy of religious principles, the principle of contextuality is especially demanded by the real events of the war. The authors remind about the contextual dangers for the life world of Ukraine that exist in its religious segment, highlighting external and internal factors that cannot be ignored when analyzing the contemporary religious situation in Ukraine and the world. Tragic changes in the context of the life of Ukrainianslinguistic, cultural, informational, religious, etc. necessarily correct expert neutrality, objectivity, noninvolvement. According to the authors, the war situation liberates from impartial, out-of-contextual analysis. The admissibility of such a methodological approach is subject to discussion. The methodological approaches used in academic religious studies in prewar times have not lost their functional significance even now, during the Russian-Ukrainian war. But now the contextual approach is especially relevant, which proves the change of the paradigm of modern methodological thinking in the study of religion. Therefore, the conceptual and methodological problems of religious research, analysis and forecasting in the conditions deformed by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, need to be strengthened by the principle of contextualization, correlation/correction, reconciliation of formulated assumptions with reality, weighing the appropriateness of using certain methods and definitions, critical rethinking of the chosen methodological apparatus. The modern contextuality of religious studies dictates the need to understand not only the problems of metatheory, but also metapractice.


Deleted Journal, Dec 8, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і церква

Research paper thumbnail of Terminological front: «ruskiy mir» («russian world/peace») in religious and confessional rhetoric (the science of religion perception of existential choice)

Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought)

The task of this article is to clarify the appropriateness and adequacy of peace-making (confessi... more The task of this article is to clarify the appropriateness and adequacy of peace-making (confessional) rhetoric in the situation of the war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in particular, the meaningful correspondence of the concept of «peace» in its application or reading by the bearers of different worldview paradigms. The «russkii mir» cannot be translated either as «Russian peace» or as «Russian world». This is because the scope and content of these concepts are different. Rus (Kyiv`s Rus) — a thousand-year-old princely state with its center in Kyiv, where the ancestors of modern Ukrainians lived, baptized by Prince Volodymyr in 988. Rus is not Russia. But Muscovy adopted the name Russia to derive its historiography from Rus. «Russkii mir» actually refutes the axiological principles laid down by ancient Rus’s civilization (freedom, dignity, partnership, co-creation, mutual responsibility). «Russkii mir» destroys peace in global or any local images, trying...

Research paper thumbnail of Contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches of religious studies research during the russian-ukrainian war

Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought)

The article proposes to deepen and expand the classical methodological approaches formulated at t... more The article proposes to deepen and expand the classical methodological approaches formulated at the beginning of the 21st century within the framework of academic religious studies. Based on the methodological works of the founder of modern Ukrainian religious studies, Prof. Kolodnyi, who first clearly defined the principles of the scientific study of religion, in particular objectivity, historicism, worldview neutrality, pluralism, etc., the authors justify the need for contextualization as one of the main methodological approaches in the study of current religious processes. They insist on rethinking not only the universality and effectiveness of some methodological principles in new circumstances — the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also on the actualization of new ones, critically rethinking their neglect in the pre-war period. It is proved that in the hierar- chy of religious principles, the principle of contextuality becomes a particularly sought-after re- ality of Russia’s war ag...

Research paper thumbnail of Церква – активний учасник утвердження громадянського суспільства

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic field of confessional theology of Ukraine

Ukrainian Religious Studies, 2008

Ukraine is a multi-confessional state. Here, various worldview systems coexist, often syncretizin... more Ukraine is a multi-confessional state. Here, various worldview systems coexist, often syncretizing various traditional elements, and the individual worldview is often marked by eclecticism. The colorful worldviews of modern Ukrainians are a consequence of their ambiguous spiritual history and the manifestation of today's world-wide processes in the world. For this reason, we cannot speak of any particular theological system that substantiates one religious concept. Instead, we can trace some common trends in different theological systems that in one way or another attempt to satisfy the contemporary worldviews of believing Ukrainians.

Research paper thumbnail of Релігієзнавство. Посiбник для студентiв вищих навчальних закладiв денної, заочної та дистанцiйної форм навчання

У посiбнику розглянуто коло релiгiєзнавчих тем, якi є найпоширенiшими у викладаннi релiгiєзнавчих... more У посiбнику розглянуто коло релiгiєзнавчих тем, якi є найпоширенiшими у викладаннi релiгiєзнавчих дисциплiн. Вiдмiннiсть посiбника полягає в тому, що автори, не претендуючи на всеохопнiсть релiгiєзнавчої тематики, зосередились на поглибленому фiлософському, методологiчному, свiтоглядному, прогностичному аспектах осмислення проблем буття релiгiї як в її iсторичнiй ретроспективi, так i в сучасностi, як в глобальних свiтових масштабах, так i окреслених українськими теренами. Посiбник мiстить систематизований навчальний матерiал, включає завдання i вправи для самоконтролю студентiв, основний перелiк базових термiнiв i понять, варiанти самостiйних робiт, що мiстять рiзнотипнi форми завдань (тестовi, закритi, вiдкритi), широкий перелiк додаткових джерел (в тому чистi iнтернет-джерела та хрестоматiйний матерiал) для самостiйного поглибленого опрацювання дисциплiни, творчої i дослiдницької роботи. Для студентiв бакалаврату денної, заочної, дистанцiйної форм навчання вищих навчальних закладiв

Research paper thumbnail of Голос Церкви: аксіологічні виміри релігійної риторики на Майдані 2013–2014 років

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і Церква : хроніка подій та експертна оцінка

Research paper thumbnail of World Interfaith Harmony Week in Ukraine

Religious Freedom, 2020

The article provides information about the World Week of Interfaith Harmony in Ukraine (February ... more The article provides information about the World Week of Interfaith Harmony in Ukraine (February 1-7, 2020)

Research paper thumbnail of Church and religious situation in the Ukraine: Trends 2019 - request for extension of questionnaires for sociological surveys

Religious Freedom, 2020

Recently the Razumkov Center published new sociological data “State and Church in Ukraine - 2019:... more Recently the Razumkov Center published new sociological data “State and Church in Ukraine - 2019: results of the year and prospects of relations development” and organized a round table on “Religion and power in Ukraine: problems of relations”. This sociological data is an extremely important fixation of the empirical indicators of the religious situation in contemporary Ukraine. Analyzing them, we can see a clear correlation between faith, religious and church affiliation, and the experience and position of those interviewed. However, for further in-depth understanding of how religious and denominational identity and church affiliation correlate with event experience, prevailing historiographical discourse, life position, and civic consciousness, it would be worthwhile to expand the questionnaires. Undoubtedly, religion is a significant factor in shaping Ukraine's future. Especially the influence of church affiliation on social reality is noticeable in the situation of armed ag...

Research paper thumbnail of Public activity of contemporary Ukrainian academic religious scholars in the last five years

Ukrainian Religious Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Interdenominational Dialogue in Contemporary Ukraine: Correction in War and Pandemic Conditions

Research paper thumbnail of The voice of Church: axiological dimensions of religious rhetoric on Maidan

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт «Український світ» як когнітивний ідентифікатор життєвого простору сучасних українців (філософсько-релігієзнавчий аналіз)

Анотація. У статті увагу зосереджено на тому, чи доречно дефініювати поняття «Український світ» з... more Анотація. У статті увагу зосереджено на тому, чи доречно дефініювати поняття «Український світ» з врахуванням дійсної ситуації та наявності в сучасній Україні різних конфесій, що можуть самовизначатись варіативно. Українські академічні релігієзнавці вже звертались до теми «Українського світу» та ситуативно застосовували цей термін в своїх попередніх розвідках. Але осмислюючи позначуване ним, науковці усвідомили, що сам термін «Український світ» потребує більш чіткого визначення. Адже трапляються випадки, коли самому терміну відмовляють в автономності, в наявності у нього дійсного змісту, вважаючи його дзеркальним відображенням «Русского міра». Так само є спроби спростувати дійсність предмету, цим терміном позначуваного. Також є актуальною і проблема усвідомлення «українського світу» релігійними суб’єктами поліконфесійної України, адже деякі з них визначаються в інших світоглядних парадигмах, з інтерпретації яких «Український світ» може й не сприйматись очевидністю. Тому автори ретел...

Research paper thumbnail of Майдан і Церква : хроніка подій та експертна оцінка

Research paper thumbnail of Collaborate to Survive: Forming Networking of Religious Schools, Groups, Professionals as an Effective Model for the Future of Ukrainian Religious Studies

Ukrainian Religious Studies

The author responds to the article by L. Fylypovych "Does Contemporary Ukrainian Religious S... more The author responds to the article by L. Fylypovych "Does Contemporary Ukrainian Religious Studies have a Strategy for Survival and Development?", where she gives her recommendations for overcoming the crisis in humanities in general and in religious studies in particular.