Румяна Станчева - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Румяна Станчева

Research paper thumbnail of Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания за сравнението между литературите на Европейския югоизток

Румяна Л. СТАНЧЕВА 1 Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания ... more Румяна Л. СТАНЧЕВА 1 Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания за сравнението между литературите на Европейския югоизток Резюме В статията са представени методологическите основания за преподаване на предмета "Сравнително балканско литературознание" в специалност Балканистика на Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски". Примерите за рецепцията на румънската литература в България показват отсъствието на насочен интерес към съседските литератури. Аргументацията продължава със случаи, в които хипотекст от френската литература придобива унифицираща роля и позволява намирането на основания за компаративни проучвания (около идеи на натурализма и на символизма) между иначе безразличните помежду им югоизточноевропейски литератури, с примери от румънската, българската и гръцката литература. Ключови думи: Сравнително балканско литературознание, триъгълна схема на европейските рецептивни процеси Abstract The Course of Comparative Literature of the Balkans at Sofia University. Grounds for Comparing Literatures of the European Southeast This article presents the methodological grounds for teaching Comparative Literature of the Balkans as a subject within the syllabus of the Balkan Studies master's degree programme at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The examples borrowed from the reception of Romanian literature in Bulgaria show the absence of targeted interest in neighbouring countries' literatures. The reasoning continues with the discussion of cases in which a hypotext from French literature acquires a unifying role and allows for finding grounds for comparative studies (around ideas expressed in Naturalism and Symbolism) of the otherwise indifferent to one another SouthEastern European literatures, and quotes examples from Romanian, Bulgarian, and Greek literatures.

Research paper thumbnail of Как да компенсираме загубата на красивото? Непознати сравнения от историята на европейския натурализъм

How to Compensate for the Loss of Beauty? Unfamiliar Comparisons from the History of European Nat... more How to Compensate for the Loss of Beauty? Unfamiliar Comparisons from the History of European Naturalism This article examines Southeast-European stories and novels, where for the first time a rejection of the Beautiful in favour of scientific perception can be observed: "Dimo the Orderly" by Gheorghi P. Stamatov (1869-1942), "Parasites" by Barbu Delavrancea (1858-1918), "Rich and Poor" by Grigorios Xenopoulos (1867-1951) are compared with Emile Zola's (1840-1902) "Nana". These similar themes and topics (the class division of society, the interest in the poor, heredity, pathology, symbolized by money, illness, and death) provide arguments in order to emphasize the existence of a common "system of European values" in a much broader perimeter than that of Western literatures. Thanks to the ideas of literary Naturalism, the materialistic view of life, scientifically legitimized during the Nineteenth century, obtained the credibility to be seen as a literary value. From a literary perspective, we are faced with an objective position of the narrator, adopted by writers (at the expense of the Beautiful, considered until that point as an intrinsic aesthetic value and essential to the art). This article applied the Triangular Pattern, introduced by the author, which implies a constant referring to the phenomena, common to European literatures and does not recommend that scholars remain incarcerated within the study of parallels between Southeаst-European literatures.

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisation

Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses, 2018

espanolUn arte puede convertirse en el modelo productivo de otro. Dos novelas contemporaneas, def... more espanolUn arte puede convertirse en el modelo productivo de otro. Dos novelas contemporaneas, definidas por sus autoras como “novelas fuga”, son el origen de este estudio. La historia de la musica demuestra la especificidad de este arte en relacion con la literatura. La evolucion de las ideas literarias, vinculadas a la musica y a la fuga, y las reflexiones en particular de algunos escritores del siglo XX –precursores de las investigaciones literarias en el campo de la polifonia– permiten aprehender su progresion en la novela. La musica polifonica, en tanto que dispositivo, brinda a algunos autores la posibilidad de otorgar una voz narrativa a cada uno de sus personajes principales. La “novela fuga” recupera esta idea introduciendo, en la construccion del texto, los principios del cantus firmus y el de la imitacion de una voz musical/textual por otra. Concretamente, este articulo trata de las “novelas fuga” de la autora rumana Ana Blandiana y de la bulgara Emilia Dvorianova EnglishO...

Research paper thumbnail of „Своят“ и „чуждият“ Йон Лука Караджале

Research paper thumbnail of Модернизъм и танц - паралелизми между Балканите и Западна Европа

Research paper thumbnail of Le poète roumain Tudor Arghezi sous le signe des « Fleurs du Mal » de Baudelaire

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarie

Revue de littérature comparée, Mar 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Compte-rendu: Francis Claudon. Stendhal et la musique. Grenoble, UGA Éditions, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Les affinités entre les littératures européennes / Affinities among European Literatures

The concept of affinity will be discussed as a concept likely to replace the outdated notion of i... more The concept of affinity will be discussed as a concept likely to replace the outdated notion of influence, or the more recent, but no less problematic notion of reception, each of them implying the idea of a connection. The term affinity will break the vicious circle of direct or indirect contacts between literatures. This concept is different also from typological comparisons, because inter-literary affinities are not necessarily conditioned by the stage of social development of each context. Cultural Studies, which have been trying to cover aggressively the whole field of studies in the humanities, do not correspond to our efforts either, because they tend to thin out literary specificity into ideological messages (postcolonial, linked to minorities and protest). The proposed approach consists in juxtaposing novels that deal with contemporary issues of the first half of the 20th century all over Europe, including the topic of the Modern City, the Independent Woman, the lack of cognoscibility of the Other – newly emerged themes that correspond to the demographic, psychoanalytic, and philosophical concerns of the time. Novels by Colette, Camil Petrescu, and Yana Yazova, belonging to French, Romanian and Bulgarian literature, respectively, will be used to provide examples in that regard. The unconventional comparison revealed hesitation as a general principle of construction of the three novels. Le concept d’affinite est pense ici comme susceptible de remplacer la notion perimee d’influence ou une notion plus recente, mais non moins problematique, celle de reception, chacune impliquant l'idee d'une connexion. Le terme affinite rompt le cercle vicieux des contacts directs ou indirects entre litteratures. Ce concept est different de meme des comparaisons typologiques, car les affinites inter-litteraires ne sont pas obligatoirement conditionnees par l’etape de developpement social de chacun des contextes. Les Etudes culturelles qui essayent de nos jours de couvrir agressivement le domaine des sciences humaines, ne correspondent pas non plus a nos efforts, car ce genre d’etudes dilue la specificite litteraire dans des messages ideologiques (postcoloniaux, lies aux minorites et contestataires). L'approche consiste ici a juxtaposer des romans traitant des questions contemporaines de la premiere moitie du XXe siecle en Europe, y compris le theme de la ville moderne, la femme independante, le manque de cognoscibilite de l'Autre, des themes nouveaux qui correspondent a des questions demographiques, psychanalytiques et philosophiques de cette epoque. Les romans de Colette, Camil Petrescu et Yana Yazova, respectivement de la litterature francaise, roumaine et bulgare, serviront d'exemples a cet egard. La comparaison non conventionnelle nous a montre l'hesitation comme un principe constructif general des trois romans.

Research paper thumbnail of Сompte rendu: Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational. Literature and the New Europe. Edited by César Domínguez and Theo D’Haen

La parution du recueil d'articles, intitulé Le Cosmopolitisme et le post national. La littérature... more La parution du recueil d'articles, intitulé Le Cosmopolitisme et le post national. La littérature et la Nouvelle Europe a coïncidé avec la crise financière mondiale et la crise «grecque» au sein de l'Union européenne, avec des tensions économiques Nord-Sud. C'est ce que nous apprend entre autre

Research paper thumbnail of „Самотният крояч“ на романа

Research paper thumbnail of Le Modèle littéraire Français dans la Conscience culturelle en Bulgarie

Research paper thumbnail of Pour une équité dans la littérature comparée. Autour du comparatisme en Bulgarie

Research paper thumbnail of Strat�gies modernistes du roman roumain et du roman bulgare des ann�es 1920 et 1930

Research paper thumbnail of La Zone Autonome" de Nichita Stănescu

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisations

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisations

Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses, 2018

One art can become the productive model of another. Two contemporary novels, referred to as “fugu... more One art can become the productive model of another. Two contemporary novels, referred to as “fugue-novels” by their authors, are at the source of this study. The history of music shows specificity of this art in relation to literature. The evolution of literary ideas, related to music and fugue, especially the reflections of some twentieth-century writers – forerunners of the literary research in the field of polyphony – allow us to grasp its pro-gression in the novel. Polyphonic music is above all a device that allows some authors to give a narrative voice to each of their main characters. The fugue-novel takes up this idea by introducing, in the construction of the text, the cantus firmus and imitation principles of a musical/textual voice by another. This article focuses specifically on the fugue-novels of the Romanian author, Ana Blandiana, and the Bulgaria author, Emilia Dvorianova.

Research paper thumbnail of Pour une équité dans la littérature comparée. Autour du comparatisme en Bulgarie

Les horizons de la comparaison

Research paper thumbnail of „Своят“ и „чуждият“ Йон Лука Караджале

Research paper thumbnail of Има ли франкофилия при франкофоните? Четирима европейски френскоезични писатели за избора на език

Research paper thumbnail of Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания за сравнението между литературите на Европейския югоизток

Румяна Л. СТАНЧЕВА 1 Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания ... more Румяна Л. СТАНЧЕВА 1 Сравнителното балканско литературознание в Софийския университет. Основания за сравнението между литературите на Европейския югоизток Резюме В статията са представени методологическите основания за преподаване на предмета "Сравнително балканско литературознание" в специалност Балканистика на Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски". Примерите за рецепцията на румънската литература в България показват отсъствието на насочен интерес към съседските литератури. Аргументацията продължава със случаи, в които хипотекст от френската литература придобива унифицираща роля и позволява намирането на основания за компаративни проучвания (около идеи на натурализма и на символизма) между иначе безразличните помежду им югоизточноевропейски литератури, с примери от румънската, българската и гръцката литература. Ключови думи: Сравнително балканско литературознание, триъгълна схема на европейските рецептивни процеси Abstract The Course of Comparative Literature of the Balkans at Sofia University. Grounds for Comparing Literatures of the European Southeast This article presents the methodological grounds for teaching Comparative Literature of the Balkans as a subject within the syllabus of the Balkan Studies master's degree programme at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The examples borrowed from the reception of Romanian literature in Bulgaria show the absence of targeted interest in neighbouring countries' literatures. The reasoning continues with the discussion of cases in which a hypotext from French literature acquires a unifying role and allows for finding grounds for comparative studies (around ideas expressed in Naturalism and Symbolism) of the otherwise indifferent to one another SouthEastern European literatures, and quotes examples from Romanian, Bulgarian, and Greek literatures.

Research paper thumbnail of Как да компенсираме загубата на красивото? Непознати сравнения от историята на европейския натурализъм

How to Compensate for the Loss of Beauty? Unfamiliar Comparisons from the History of European Nat... more How to Compensate for the Loss of Beauty? Unfamiliar Comparisons from the History of European Naturalism This article examines Southeast-European stories and novels, where for the first time a rejection of the Beautiful in favour of scientific perception can be observed: "Dimo the Orderly" by Gheorghi P. Stamatov (1869-1942), "Parasites" by Barbu Delavrancea (1858-1918), "Rich and Poor" by Grigorios Xenopoulos (1867-1951) are compared with Emile Zola's (1840-1902) "Nana". These similar themes and topics (the class division of society, the interest in the poor, heredity, pathology, symbolized by money, illness, and death) provide arguments in order to emphasize the existence of a common "system of European values" in a much broader perimeter than that of Western literatures. Thanks to the ideas of literary Naturalism, the materialistic view of life, scientifically legitimized during the Nineteenth century, obtained the credibility to be seen as a literary value. From a literary perspective, we are faced with an objective position of the narrator, adopted by writers (at the expense of the Beautiful, considered until that point as an intrinsic aesthetic value and essential to the art). This article applied the Triangular Pattern, introduced by the author, which implies a constant referring to the phenomena, common to European literatures and does not recommend that scholars remain incarcerated within the study of parallels between Southeаst-European literatures.

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisation

Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses, 2018

espanolUn arte puede convertirse en el modelo productivo de otro. Dos novelas contemporaneas, def... more espanolUn arte puede convertirse en el modelo productivo de otro. Dos novelas contemporaneas, definidas por sus autoras como “novelas fuga”, son el origen de este estudio. La historia de la musica demuestra la especificidad de este arte en relacion con la literatura. La evolucion de las ideas literarias, vinculadas a la musica y a la fuga, y las reflexiones en particular de algunos escritores del siglo XX –precursores de las investigaciones literarias en el campo de la polifonia– permiten aprehender su progresion en la novela. La musica polifonica, en tanto que dispositivo, brinda a algunos autores la posibilidad de otorgar una voz narrativa a cada uno de sus personajes principales. La “novela fuga” recupera esta idea introduciendo, en la construccion del texto, los principios del cantus firmus y el de la imitacion de una voz musical/textual por otra. Concretamente, este articulo trata de las “novelas fuga” de la autora rumana Ana Blandiana y de la bulgara Emilia Dvorianova EnglishO...

Research paper thumbnail of „Своят“ и „чуждият“ Йон Лука Караджале

Research paper thumbnail of Модернизъм и танц - паралелизми между Балканите и Западна Европа

Research paper thumbnail of Le poète roumain Tudor Arghezi sous le signe des « Fleurs du Mal » de Baudelaire

Research paper thumbnail of Bulgarie

Revue de littérature comparée, Mar 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Compte-rendu: Francis Claudon. Stendhal et la musique. Grenoble, UGA Éditions, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Les affinités entre les littératures européennes / Affinities among European Literatures

The concept of affinity will be discussed as a concept likely to replace the outdated notion of i... more The concept of affinity will be discussed as a concept likely to replace the outdated notion of influence, or the more recent, but no less problematic notion of reception, each of them implying the idea of a connection. The term affinity will break the vicious circle of direct or indirect contacts between literatures. This concept is different also from typological comparisons, because inter-literary affinities are not necessarily conditioned by the stage of social development of each context. Cultural Studies, which have been trying to cover aggressively the whole field of studies in the humanities, do not correspond to our efforts either, because they tend to thin out literary specificity into ideological messages (postcolonial, linked to minorities and protest). The proposed approach consists in juxtaposing novels that deal with contemporary issues of the first half of the 20th century all over Europe, including the topic of the Modern City, the Independent Woman, the lack of cognoscibility of the Other – newly emerged themes that correspond to the demographic, psychoanalytic, and philosophical concerns of the time. Novels by Colette, Camil Petrescu, and Yana Yazova, belonging to French, Romanian and Bulgarian literature, respectively, will be used to provide examples in that regard. The unconventional comparison revealed hesitation as a general principle of construction of the three novels. Le concept d’affinite est pense ici comme susceptible de remplacer la notion perimee d’influence ou une notion plus recente, mais non moins problematique, celle de reception, chacune impliquant l'idee d'une connexion. Le terme affinite rompt le cercle vicieux des contacts directs ou indirects entre litteratures. Ce concept est different de meme des comparaisons typologiques, car les affinites inter-litteraires ne sont pas obligatoirement conditionnees par l’etape de developpement social de chacun des contextes. Les Etudes culturelles qui essayent de nos jours de couvrir agressivement le domaine des sciences humaines, ne correspondent pas non plus a nos efforts, car ce genre d’etudes dilue la specificite litteraire dans des messages ideologiques (postcoloniaux, lies aux minorites et contestataires). L'approche consiste ici a juxtaposer des romans traitant des questions contemporaines de la premiere moitie du XXe siecle en Europe, y compris le theme de la ville moderne, la femme independante, le manque de cognoscibilite de l'Autre, des themes nouveaux qui correspondent a des questions demographiques, psychanalytiques et philosophiques de cette epoque. Les romans de Colette, Camil Petrescu et Yana Yazova, respectivement de la litterature francaise, roumaine et bulgare, serviront d'exemples a cet egard. La comparaison non conventionnelle nous a montre l'hesitation comme un principe constructif general des trois romans.

Research paper thumbnail of Сompte rendu: Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational. Literature and the New Europe. Edited by César Domínguez and Theo D’Haen

La parution du recueil d'articles, intitulé Le Cosmopolitisme et le post national. La littérature... more La parution du recueil d'articles, intitulé Le Cosmopolitisme et le post national. La littérature et la Nouvelle Europe a coïncidé avec la crise financière mondiale et la crise «grecque» au sein de l'Union européenne, avec des tensions économiques Nord-Sud. C'est ce que nous apprend entre autre

Research paper thumbnail of „Самотният крояч“ на романа

Research paper thumbnail of Le Modèle littéraire Français dans la Conscience culturelle en Bulgarie

Research paper thumbnail of Pour une équité dans la littérature comparée. Autour du comparatisme en Bulgarie

Research paper thumbnail of Strat�gies modernistes du roman roumain et du roman bulgare des ann�es 1920 et 1930

Research paper thumbnail of La Zone Autonome" de Nichita Stănescu

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisations

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Le roman-fugue – modèles et réalisations

Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses, 2018

One art can become the productive model of another. Two contemporary novels, referred to as “fugu... more One art can become the productive model of another. Two contemporary novels, referred to as “fugue-novels” by their authors, are at the source of this study. The history of music shows specificity of this art in relation to literature. The evolution of literary ideas, related to music and fugue, especially the reflections of some twentieth-century writers – forerunners of the literary research in the field of polyphony – allow us to grasp its pro-gression in the novel. Polyphonic music is above all a device that allows some authors to give a narrative voice to each of their main characters. The fugue-novel takes up this idea by introducing, in the construction of the text, the cantus firmus and imitation principles of a musical/textual voice by another. This article focuses specifically on the fugue-novels of the Romanian author, Ana Blandiana, and the Bulgaria author, Emilia Dvorianova.

Research paper thumbnail of Pour une équité dans la littérature comparée. Autour du comparatisme en Bulgarie

Les horizons de la comparaison

Research paper thumbnail of „Своят“ и „чуждият“ Йон Лука Караджале

Research paper thumbnail of Има ли франкофилия при франкофоните? Четирима европейски френскоезични писатели за избора на език