Слава Рубинская - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Слава Рубинская
Academia Letters, 2021
The main types of student communication are interpersonal, group and socially oriented. Thus, stu... more The main types of student communication are interpersonal, group and socially oriented. Thus, students-philologists have a task to learn these types of communication, and specialists-to ensure the subjectivation of professional training of students in the field of education. For this purpose it is necessary to investigate the basic parameters of scientific-methodical and educational-methodical maintenance of subjectivation of professional training of studentsphilologists. O.I and O.I Zhornov define the scientific and methodological support of the educational process-"scientific and methodological support of the educational process-is a set of documents, scientific, educational, methodological materials that: a) describe the content, b) establish the structure, c) determine the result, d) regulate the course of the educational process "[1,1] In general, researchers, among them T.I. Turkot [2] believe that the main components of scientific and methodological support of the educational process include: "state educational standards, curricula, curricula in all normative and elective disciplines; programs of educational, industrial and other types of practices; textbooks and manuals; instructional and methodical materials for seminars, practical and laboratory classes; individual educational and research tasks; control works; text and electronic versions of tests for current and final control, methodical materials for the organization of independent work of students, performance of individual tasks, course and diploma works" [2; 10]. We consider the educational and methodical complex to be the main component. Educational and methodical complex of the discipline (hereinafter-NMCD) is a set of specially designed materials that is a holistic education and provides students with mastery of
щодо інтеграції фонетичних навичок та вмінь при навчанні студентів англійській мові Київ-2016 УДК... more щодо інтеграції фонетичних навичок та вмінь при навчанні студентів англійській мові Київ-2016 УДК Викладено й охарактеризовано поняття «інтеграція», «інтегративні навички та вміння» та показані викладачам можливі шляхи застосування інтеграції при навчанні студентів англійській мові.В кінці методичних рекомендацій вміщено зразок проведення відкритого заняття та вправи за допомогою яких формуються інтегративні навички та вміння. Рекомендовано до видання вченою радою Гуманітарно-педагогічного факультету Протокол № від 21 грудня 2016 року Укладач:Рубінська Б.І.,кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри романо-германських мов і перекладу Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України Рецензенти: Арістова Н.О.кандидат філологічних наук,доцент, завідувач кафедри англійської філології Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України Соколець І.І.,кандидат педагогічних наук,доцент, доцент кафедри германської та фіно-угорської філології КНЛУ Затверджено на засіданні кафедри романо-германських мов і перекладу. Протокол засідання № від 21грудня 2016 року.
Teaching Documents by Слава Рубинская
Annotation. The question of the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum f... more Annotation. The question of the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum for textbooks for teaching students of non-humanities profile has been researched on three levels: macro, medium and micro. The choice of contents of teaching and its organization into communicative minimum are described. The recommendations to take into consideration the results of research, when choosing materials to the communicative minimum for teaching students of non-humanities profile within the limits of training well-educated and well-mannered students of non-humanities profile have been worked out. Key Words: content of teaching, choice of materials, macrolevel of communication, medium level of communication, microlevel of communication, types and kinds, forms and functions of communication, activities approach. The improvement of the contents of teaching foreign languages in higher education is connected with more successive usage of activities approach in teaching. Because of the tendency to humanization of education a student must be in the center of different activities. Students' activities are much more variable now. After Ukraine entered the EU system of education and has been participating in Bologna process students were given an opportunity to study abroad, participate in international projects, conduct scientific research and report about its results at the international conferences and symposiums. But our analysis has shown that bachelors and masters have certain difficulties in communication in some spheres, including scientific one. So, one of the reasons is that the question of what to teach hasn't been fully researched. The contents of teaching is closely connected with the aim of teaching foreign languages which is to teach communication. We would like to analyze the research and publications of scientists on the choice of contents of teaching students foreign languages, which are based on the study of communication. It has been researched by a lot of scientists in Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia and abroad for a long time. Such researchers as Y.I.Passov, V.L.Skalkin, N,S,Doroshenko, Z.V,Kornayeva, R.V.Fastovets, .L.Bim, L.A.Karimova and many others [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,25] have written research articles, dissertations and books on it. But the problem of the choice and organization of language materials into the communicative minimum for textbooks for the students, who study in non-humanitarian universities hasn't been fully researched yet. The aim of this article is to show successive steps in the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum for textbooks for the students, who study in non-humanitarian universities. Let us first consider the notion " contents of teaching ". An important factor in the definition of this notion is general didactic approach to the definition of contents of education, the usage of its principles when we define the contents of teaching certain subject. Due to the research of the problem of contents of teaching the revision of the place of the foreign language as a subject in the whole system of higher education has occurred. A foreign language now belongs to the group of subjects aimed at forming ways to act. The development of basic sciences for Methods of Teaching Foreign languages gave the opportunity to consider the formed acts in the system of communication activities. This gave an opportunity to make the notion " contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school " more precise and come up to its understanding as idealized model of foreign language communication suitable for teaching. There are still further attempts to make contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school more precise, of introduction of some new components into it. But there is no unanimity in the definition of this notion. According to the authors of the book " Contents of Teaching Foreign Languages at School " there is no unanimous answer to the question " What to teach? " [8]. Basing on pedagogical principles and communication theory Mironova T.Y. gave the following interpretation of the term: " …конструирование содержания обучения. иностранным языкам максимально ориентированного на особенности естественного общения не может не отвечать требованиям современного общества. В связи с этим необходимо исследование не только общих проблем естественного общения, но и коммуникации каждого отдельного контингента коммуникантов " [9 ,51 ]. This definition was used in our research of the communication of students who study trade and finance. It demanded the selection a)of those parameters of communication that can be introduced into the process of teaching foreign languages; b) in what way they can be combined in this process; c)the correlation of superinduced parameters of real life communication with the principles of pedagogical activity. So it is necessary to look at the category " contents of teaching foreign languages " and the choice of its contents via the prism of communication activities and then work out the demands to the choice and organization of materials in textbooks. In connection with this we have set ourselves the following tasks:-to consider factors, which characterize communication of BAs and Mas who study finance, and which are necessary to take into account to provide sufficient fullness of the choice of language materials and their efficacy;-to find out the peculiarities of the language materials that provide the above mentioned characteristic features for classroom communication;-work out the demands to the choice and organization of language materials into a communicative minimum, that will provide communication needs of this group of students. The choice of language material is an important step in the process of forming contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school. The procedure is realized according to a certain approach, which is called communicative. Firstly, we will discuss the notion " communication ". It also has a lot of meanings and interpretations used by scientists.[2,8,1,24]. In the Russian and Ukrainian languages there are two synonyms: " коммуникация " and " общение,спілкування ". In some works it is used in the meaning of theory and in others as a synonym to communication, as a discipline, as a usage of language by the students, which is characterized by creativity, purposefulness, interconnection of communicators. The polysemy of meanings of the term is the reason of confusion. In many definitions the speaker himself , his motivation, aims, attitude is not taken into account. We join the definition of those scientists, who under communication mean such exchange and transfer of information that serves
Books by Слава Рубинская
Київ) ЗМІСТ ІНШОМОВНОЇ ОСВІТИ ФІЛОЛОГІВ НА СУЧАСНОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ ВИЩОЇ ШКОЛИ Анотація:Стаття п... more Київ) ЗМІСТ ІНШОМОВНОЇ ОСВІТИ ФІЛОЛОГІВ НА СУЧАСНОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ ВИЩОЇ ШКОЛИ Анотація:Стаття присвячена проблемі відбору змісту навчання філологівперекладачів.При відборі врахована інтеграція як в рамках цілісної мовної системи так і поза її межами. ключові слова: інтеграція,зміст навчання,відбір змісту навчання,інтерактивні навички та вміння говоріння, інтерактивні фонетичні навички та вміння аудіювання. Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of the choice of contents of teaching of the English language for the interpreters within the subject "Practical Course of the Foreign Language(English)".When choosing it integration both within the limits of the language system and outside it was taken into account. The example of integration was given. Key Words: integration, content of teaching, choice of content of teaching, interactive phonetic skills of speaking, interactive phonetic skills of listening, interactive phonetic skills of reading, interactive phonetic skills of writing.
Conference Presentations by Слава Рубинская
Academia Letters, 2021
The main types of student communication are interpersonal, group and socially oriented. Thus, stu... more The main types of student communication are interpersonal, group and socially oriented. Thus, students-philologists have a task to learn these types of communication, and specialists-to ensure the subjectivation of professional training of students in the field of education. For this purpose it is necessary to investigate the basic parameters of scientific-methodical and educational-methodical maintenance of subjectivation of professional training of studentsphilologists. O.I and O.I Zhornov define the scientific and methodological support of the educational process-"scientific and methodological support of the educational process-is a set of documents, scientific, educational, methodological materials that: a) describe the content, b) establish the structure, c) determine the result, d) regulate the course of the educational process "[1,1] In general, researchers, among them T.I. Turkot [2] believe that the main components of scientific and methodological support of the educational process include: "state educational standards, curricula, curricula in all normative and elective disciplines; programs of educational, industrial and other types of practices; textbooks and manuals; instructional and methodical materials for seminars, practical and laboratory classes; individual educational and research tasks; control works; text and electronic versions of tests for current and final control, methodical materials for the organization of independent work of students, performance of individual tasks, course and diploma works" [2; 10]. We consider the educational and methodical complex to be the main component. Educational and methodical complex of the discipline (hereinafter-NMCD) is a set of specially designed materials that is a holistic education and provides students with mastery of
щодо інтеграції фонетичних навичок та вмінь при навчанні студентів англійській мові Київ-2016 УДК... more щодо інтеграції фонетичних навичок та вмінь при навчанні студентів англійській мові Київ-2016 УДК Викладено й охарактеризовано поняття «інтеграція», «інтегративні навички та вміння» та показані викладачам можливі шляхи застосування інтеграції при навчанні студентів англійській мові.В кінці методичних рекомендацій вміщено зразок проведення відкритого заняття та вправи за допомогою яких формуються інтегративні навички та вміння. Рекомендовано до видання вченою радою Гуманітарно-педагогічного факультету Протокол № від 21 грудня 2016 року Укладач:Рубінська Б.І.,кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри романо-германських мов і перекладу Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України Рецензенти: Арістова Н.О.кандидат філологічних наук,доцент, завідувач кафедри англійської філології Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України Соколець І.І.,кандидат педагогічних наук,доцент, доцент кафедри германської та фіно-угорської філології КНЛУ Затверджено на засіданні кафедри романо-германських мов і перекладу. Протокол засідання № від 21грудня 2016 року.
Annotation. The question of the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum f... more Annotation. The question of the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum for textbooks for teaching students of non-humanities profile has been researched on three levels: macro, medium and micro. The choice of contents of teaching and its organization into communicative minimum are described. The recommendations to take into consideration the results of research, when choosing materials to the communicative minimum for teaching students of non-humanities profile within the limits of training well-educated and well-mannered students of non-humanities profile have been worked out. Key Words: content of teaching, choice of materials, macrolevel of communication, medium level of communication, microlevel of communication, types and kinds, forms and functions of communication, activities approach. The improvement of the contents of teaching foreign languages in higher education is connected with more successive usage of activities approach in teaching. Because of the tendency to humanization of education a student must be in the center of different activities. Students' activities are much more variable now. After Ukraine entered the EU system of education and has been participating in Bologna process students were given an opportunity to study abroad, participate in international projects, conduct scientific research and report about its results at the international conferences and symposiums. But our analysis has shown that bachelors and masters have certain difficulties in communication in some spheres, including scientific one. So, one of the reasons is that the question of what to teach hasn't been fully researched. The contents of teaching is closely connected with the aim of teaching foreign languages which is to teach communication. We would like to analyze the research and publications of scientists on the choice of contents of teaching students foreign languages, which are based on the study of communication. It has been researched by a lot of scientists in Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia and abroad for a long time. Such researchers as Y.I.Passov, V.L.Skalkin, N,S,Doroshenko, Z.V,Kornayeva, R.V.Fastovets, .L.Bim, L.A.Karimova and many others [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,25] have written research articles, dissertations and books on it. But the problem of the choice and organization of language materials into the communicative minimum for textbooks for the students, who study in non-humanitarian universities hasn't been fully researched yet. The aim of this article is to show successive steps in the choice and organization of materials into communicative minimum for textbooks for the students, who study in non-humanitarian universities. Let us first consider the notion " contents of teaching ". An important factor in the definition of this notion is general didactic approach to the definition of contents of education, the usage of its principles when we define the contents of teaching certain subject. Due to the research of the problem of contents of teaching the revision of the place of the foreign language as a subject in the whole system of higher education has occurred. A foreign language now belongs to the group of subjects aimed at forming ways to act. The development of basic sciences for Methods of Teaching Foreign languages gave the opportunity to consider the formed acts in the system of communication activities. This gave an opportunity to make the notion " contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school " more precise and come up to its understanding as idealized model of foreign language communication suitable for teaching. There are still further attempts to make contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school more precise, of introduction of some new components into it. But there is no unanimity in the definition of this notion. According to the authors of the book " Contents of Teaching Foreign Languages at School " there is no unanimous answer to the question " What to teach? " [8]. Basing on pedagogical principles and communication theory Mironova T.Y. gave the following interpretation of the term: " …конструирование содержания обучения. иностранным языкам максимально ориентированного на особенности естественного общения не может не отвечать требованиям современного общества. В связи с этим необходимо исследование не только общих проблем естественного общения, но и коммуникации каждого отдельного контингента коммуникантов " [9 ,51 ]. This definition was used in our research of the communication of students who study trade and finance. It demanded the selection a)of those parameters of communication that can be introduced into the process of teaching foreign languages; b) in what way they can be combined in this process; c)the correlation of superinduced parameters of real life communication with the principles of pedagogical activity. So it is necessary to look at the category " contents of teaching foreign languages " and the choice of its contents via the prism of communication activities and then work out the demands to the choice and organization of materials in textbooks. In connection with this we have set ourselves the following tasks:-to consider factors, which characterize communication of BAs and Mas who study finance, and which are necessary to take into account to provide sufficient fullness of the choice of language materials and their efficacy;-to find out the peculiarities of the language materials that provide the above mentioned characteristic features for classroom communication;-work out the demands to the choice and organization of language materials into a communicative minimum, that will provide communication needs of this group of students. The choice of language material is an important step in the process of forming contents of teaching foreign languages at higher school. The procedure is realized according to a certain approach, which is called communicative. Firstly, we will discuss the notion " communication ". It also has a lot of meanings and interpretations used by scientists.[2,8,1,24]. In the Russian and Ukrainian languages there are two synonyms: " коммуникация " and " общение,спілкування ". In some works it is used in the meaning of theory and in others as a synonym to communication, as a discipline, as a usage of language by the students, which is characterized by creativity, purposefulness, interconnection of communicators. The polysemy of meanings of the term is the reason of confusion. In many definitions the speaker himself , his motivation, aims, attitude is not taken into account. We join the definition of those scientists, who under communication mean such exchange and transfer of information that serves
Київ) ЗМІСТ ІНШОМОВНОЇ ОСВІТИ ФІЛОЛОГІВ НА СУЧАСНОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ ВИЩОЇ ШКОЛИ Анотація:Стаття п... more Київ) ЗМІСТ ІНШОМОВНОЇ ОСВІТИ ФІЛОЛОГІВ НА СУЧАСНОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ ВИЩОЇ ШКОЛИ Анотація:Стаття присвячена проблемі відбору змісту навчання філологівперекладачів.При відборі врахована інтеграція як в рамках цілісної мовної системи так і поза її межами. ключові слова: інтеграція,зміст навчання,відбір змісту навчання,інтерактивні навички та вміння говоріння, інтерактивні фонетичні навички та вміння аудіювання. Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of the choice of contents of teaching of the English language for the interpreters within the subject "Practical Course of the Foreign Language(English)".When choosing it integration both within the limits of the language system and outside it was taken into account. The example of integration was given. Key Words: integration, content of teaching, choice of content of teaching, interactive phonetic skills of speaking, interactive phonetic skills of listening, interactive phonetic skills of reading, interactive phonetic skills of writing.