Тарева Елена - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Тарева Елена

Research paper thumbnail of Les demarches culturelles dans l’enseignement des langus etrangeres: quels choix metodologiques fondamentaux?

Research paper thumbnail of Профессиональная подготовка преподавателейустного и письменного перевода:проблемы и решения

Research paper thumbnail of Multiplicity and interdisciplinarity as a perpetum mobile of teaching foreign languages development

Research paper thumbnail of Устная межкультурная коммуникация: проблемы трудностей понимания

Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Проблемы языкознания и педагогики, 2018

The problem posed in the article belongs to the category of one of the most significant in the co... more The problem posed in the article belongs to the category of one of the most significant in the context of training University graduates to participation in intercultural communication. Such communication is characterized by very significant difficulties, especially in the case of listening comprehension. The article examines the peculiarities of listening comprehension in the conditions of real interaction between representatives of different cultures, who have different ideas about the subject of communicationrepresentations caused by the mismatch of the world's pictures. An emphasis is placed on case-studies of intercultural communication, which are characterized by unpredictability, uncertainty, and significant differences in the views of its participants who represent different lingual and cultural environments. The author gives a brief overview of the achievements of Language teaching methodology in the aspect of teaching listening comprehension. The latest requirements to the level of the development of the person's auditive ability are determined, conditioned by modern Russian and foreign views on the students' preparation for life in a multicultural space. The oral intercultural communication is described with special attention to the parameters of the recipient's activity in the process of his interaction with the speaker-representative of another linguistic society. The author represents the classification of difficulties arising during decoding for the purpose of understanding another cultural and conceptual picture of the world, with the actualization of the knowledge of native linguoculture, in the interaction of two conceptual spheres. A new look at the difficulties typical for the situation of intercultural communication is given, which contributes to the theory and practice of teaching listening comprehension as a kind of communication activity. A list of knowledge, skills and qualities necessary for the recipient is proposed to ensure the effectiveness of understanding the speaker during oral intercultural communication. These knowledge, skills and qualities are components of the content of instruction aimed at alleviating difficulties in understanding foreign speech. Keywords: listening comprehension, intercultural communication, difficulties in understanding of an interlocutor, cultural and conceptual picture of the world, native and another lingual society, knowledge and skills of listening comprehension as a form of intercultural communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Post-knowledge Economy and Lifelong Language Learning: New Agendas and Issues

Research paper thumbnail of Инновационные тенденции в развитии лингвистического образования

Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Professional Autonomy as a Prerequisit for University Teachers’ Psychological Health


Traditionally remaining one of the most stressful human service jobs, teaching represents nowaday... more Traditionally remaining one of the most stressful human service jobs, teaching represents nowadays a complex of increasingly stressful situations. This may have an enormous detrimental effect on the teaching-learning process, as well as on promoting the health of future populations and students' well-being, where teachers are known to play a key social role. Demonstrating the benefits autonomy has for teachers' personal and professional self-development, as well as for their professional efficiency and psychological comfort, this paper emphasizes the potential of professional autonomy as a prerequisite for teachers' psychological health. The purpose is to reveal the potential of university teachers' autonomy as a factor of their professional development and burnout prevention. The notions of teachers' professional autonomy, teachers' psychological health, job stress and burnout in teaching are identified and characterized in the study. Teacher's autonomy is represented as one of the criteria of psychological well-being and mental health of a person. The paper demonstrates how autonomy, involving internal locus of control, intrinsic motivation to professional achievement and to personal development, pedagogical mindfulness and professional responsibility, can allow teachers to mitigate their stress, tolerate occasional frustrations and setbacks, and to prevent emotional exhaustion as one of three main burnout components.

Research paper thumbnail of Sociolinguistic Credo of a Foreign Language Teacher: The Case of Digital Classroom

Čuždoezikovo obučenie, Dec 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Language Education in the Postmodernism Era: System Crisis or New Systematicity?

Research paper thumbnail of Developing L2 prosodic competence online: Implications of the emergency remote teaching

XLinguae, 2021

This paper addresses the issue of transferring L2 prosody teaching to online settings due to the ... more This paper addresses the issue of transferring L2 prosody teaching to online settings due to the lockdown. The reasons are provided to account for the vulnerable status of pronunciation teaching and related risks. We report the results of the research project carried out in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with forty Russianspeaking engineering students. In this study a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used. The study first provided a critique of preexisting computer-based pronunciation training (CAPT) options ensuring learning continuity. These options were then analyzed against global educational policies related to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this understanding, a methodological framework was designed to bridge the gap between prosody teaching goals and digital tools. At the next stage, experimental teaching was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of this framework. Once data from the interviews, rating scales and par...

Research paper thumbnail of Translator and interpreter (t&i) educators: steps of professional skills development

This paper is devoted to the insufficiently studied problem of the program design for training of... more This paper is devoted to the insufficiently studied problem of the program design for training of T & I educators. The problem is investigated from the position of the social relevance of the T & I educators' profession, and its specificity. The structure of the professional competences necessary for T & I educators is being determined as well as the requirements, which stand in front of these specialists. We propose a Master's program, which includes a number of original innovative courses, disciplines, providing profoundness, comprehensiveness, practical and research orientation of future T & I educators' training.

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-Cultural Interpretation as the Strategy for Pre-Translation Text Analysis

Journal of Siberian Federal University, 2011

This article is devoted to the application of cross-cultural approach in training future translat... more This article is devoted to the application of cross-cultural approach in training future translators to conduct a pre-translation analysis of the text in the source language. The essence of intercultural competence of an interpreter as well as its specific features are determined on the stage of pretranslation analysis of the source text. The author reveals the features and workflow of an interpreter in the process of implementing strategies of intercultural interpretation of the text. The didactic status of strategies for intercultural interpretation regarded as components of the content of the training of future translators is determined.

Research paper thumbnail of The system of culture-based approaches to foreign language teaching

Yazyk i kul'tura, 2017

Аннотация. Проблема интеграции культуры в систему обучения иностранному языку является одной из к... more Аннотация. Проблема интеграции культуры в систему обучения иностранному языку является одной из краеугольных в методике обучения иностранным языкам с конца ХХ в. За несколько десятилетий как в России, так и за рубежом накопилось немало сведений о статусе и роли культуры в лингвообразовательном пространстве, демонстрирующих поступательное развитие культурозначимой идеологии, зарождение и утверждение целостной культуросообразной лингводидактической парадигмы. Сегодня концепция обучения языку и культуре в их теснейшей неразрывной связи является общепризнанной. Она нашла свое воплощение как в нормативных образовательных установках, так и в разнообразнейших научных концепциях, стремящихся обозначить особые векторы взаимодействия языка и культуры в процессе иноязычного образования. Как следствие особого интереса к обозначенной проблематике в науке об обучении иностранному языку возникли разнообразные подходы, направленные на обоснование лингводидактических стратегий, которые основаны на взаимодействии в образовательном процессе языка и культуры. На сегодняшний день накоплены сведения о большом количестве культуросообразных подходов. К ним в отечественной лингводидактике относятся страноведческий, лингвострановедческий, лингвокультурологический, социокультурный, социолингвистический, поликультурный, межкультурный подходы. За рубежом исследуются такие подходы, как функционально-смысловой, культурно-сензитивный, транскультурный, этнографический. Имеющиеся сведения не подвергались систематизации и выявлению дифференцирующих признаков, отделяющих одно дидактическое направление от другого. Возникла необходимость систематизации культуросообразных подходов: выявления общих и дифференцирующих признаков. Предлагается описание данных подходов, предпринимается попытка установления таксономических отношений между ними, делаются выводы, обобщающие разрозненные сведения о сущности, особенностях и назначении подходов, дидактически интегрирующих язык и культуру. Ключевые слова: язык и культура; культуросообразные подходы; система; лингводидактическая стратегия; этноцентризм; поликультурность. Введение: культуросообразность в современном образовательном измерении В последнее время термин «культура» и всевозможные с ним сочетания стали одними из самых востребованных в работах лингводидактического содержания. Принцип культуросообразности образования, провозглашенный еще Адольфом Дистервегом, переживает сего

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of students' professional communicative competence: new challenges and possible solutions

XLinguae, 2018

At present, due to significant attention to communicative competencies of University graduates, t... more At present, due to significant attention to communicative competencies of University graduates, the assessment of an adequate level of their foreign language proficiency becomes one of the priority tasks of University education. The classical forms of assessment activities are not able to satisfy the need to identify the degree of communicative competence development. The solution of the problem of optimization of forms and methods of assessment is being conducted today in different directions by Russian and foreign researchers of second language teaching methods. The article focuses on the conditions of carrying out of communicative competence assessment that ensure the improvement of the quality of the assessment at Universities. The authors propose some practical solutions for improvement of assessment procedures among University students.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture as a Key Concept of Language Teaching Methodology

The international scientific and pedagogical organization of philologists "East-West", 2019

This paper concerns a methodologically significant issue that reveals the underlying processes of... more This paper concerns a methodologically significant issue that reveals the underlying processes of the development of scientific knowledge in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages. It introduces the concept as a basic unit in "conceptology" and "linguoconceptology". The study identifies the values and key (threshold) concepts in the field of foreign language teaching methodology and shows how the evolution of a key concept demonstrates the development of scientific knowledge. The object under study is the concept of "culture" in the linguistic educational perspective. The factors that determine the transformation of the concept are justified. They are linked to a change in educational paradigms.

Research paper thumbnail of High school learners' creativity development by means of L2 situational-cooperative writing

Research paper thumbnail of Nonverbal Component Of Engineer’s Communicative Competence

The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2018

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research paper thumbnail of Cases on Intercultural Communication: New Approach to Design

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2018

The subject of the article is problem situations of intercultural communication, which lie in the... more The subject of the article is problem situations of intercultural communication, which lie in the basis of Case-studies-specialized descriptions of real situations containing problems, which must be analyzed and solved. The authors study approaches to the design of Case-studies that are necessary for the preparation of university students for participation in intercultural communication. The novelty of these Cases is to provide information that helps to deeply analyze the reality of other cultures and, through it, to rethink the participant's native picture of the world. Consequently, the aim of the article is to prove the role of the Case-study method in the development of intercultural communicative competence of students, which allows them to overcome the conflict of the dialogue of cultures. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: content analysis of verbal products of activity, questioning, survey, theoretical analysis and generalization of information received. As a result the article contains an example of a Case-study on intercultural communication issues, as well as the list of the most conflict-sensitive areas of intercultural interaction. The article may be of interest to specialists in the field of intercultural communication, Case-study designers, teachers of foreign languages, authors of textbooks on foreign languages.

Research paper thumbnail of Training Platform: The Network of Best Language Teaching Practices Sharing

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2015

The article represents an innovative model of accumulation and promotion of best practices of for... more The article represents an innovative model of accumulation and promotion of best practices of foreign language teaching in the system of lifelong learning. It gives the idea about the nature, status, and features of language teaching practices as a new didactic phenomenon. The author describes the functions and justifies the role of a training platform as a form of exchange of best practices of teaching foreign languages. The research provides the analysis of positive aspects of training platforms as special forms of cooperation between teachers in the sphere of teaching foreign languages with the purpose of sharing best practices. Alongside with that the paper lists the unrealized potential of the platforms, the implementation of which will improve the quality of foreign language teaching within LLL.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural content of a foreign language textbooks: concept, texts, practices

XLinguae, 2017

At present, the potential of the intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages is looked a... more At present, the potential of the intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages is looked at from different perspectives. Its acknowledged interpretation assumes that the student is constantly submerged in the situation of comparison between two cultures: the native and a different one. While acquiring another culture, he revises the native one, extending the vision of himself and of the surrounding world. This didactic concept requires changes in the system of foreign language teaching. The most obvious transformation must take place in the structure and content of the foreign language textbook. The article contains the analysis of how the authors of modern textbooks of the French language understand the intercultural approach and how they implement it. This task is accomplished by a comparative analysis of the guidelines, texts, and educational assignments. The article raises an issue of how to prepare students for the dialogue of cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Les demarches culturelles dans l’enseignement des langus etrangeres: quels choix metodologiques fondamentaux?

Research paper thumbnail of Профессиональная подготовка преподавателейустного и письменного перевода:проблемы и решения

Research paper thumbnail of Multiplicity and interdisciplinarity as a perpetum mobile of teaching foreign languages development

Research paper thumbnail of Устная межкультурная коммуникация: проблемы трудностей понимания

Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Проблемы языкознания и педагогики, 2018

The problem posed in the article belongs to the category of one of the most significant in the co... more The problem posed in the article belongs to the category of one of the most significant in the context of training University graduates to participation in intercultural communication. Such communication is characterized by very significant difficulties, especially in the case of listening comprehension. The article examines the peculiarities of listening comprehension in the conditions of real interaction between representatives of different cultures, who have different ideas about the subject of communicationrepresentations caused by the mismatch of the world's pictures. An emphasis is placed on case-studies of intercultural communication, which are characterized by unpredictability, uncertainty, and significant differences in the views of its participants who represent different lingual and cultural environments. The author gives a brief overview of the achievements of Language teaching methodology in the aspect of teaching listening comprehension. The latest requirements to the level of the development of the person's auditive ability are determined, conditioned by modern Russian and foreign views on the students' preparation for life in a multicultural space. The oral intercultural communication is described with special attention to the parameters of the recipient's activity in the process of his interaction with the speaker-representative of another linguistic society. The author represents the classification of difficulties arising during decoding for the purpose of understanding another cultural and conceptual picture of the world, with the actualization of the knowledge of native linguoculture, in the interaction of two conceptual spheres. A new look at the difficulties typical for the situation of intercultural communication is given, which contributes to the theory and practice of teaching listening comprehension as a kind of communication activity. A list of knowledge, skills and qualities necessary for the recipient is proposed to ensure the effectiveness of understanding the speaker during oral intercultural communication. These knowledge, skills and qualities are components of the content of instruction aimed at alleviating difficulties in understanding foreign speech. Keywords: listening comprehension, intercultural communication, difficulties in understanding of an interlocutor, cultural and conceptual picture of the world, native and another lingual society, knowledge and skills of listening comprehension as a form of intercultural communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Post-knowledge Economy and Lifelong Language Learning: New Agendas and Issues

Research paper thumbnail of Инновационные тенденции в развитии лингвистического образования

Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Professional Autonomy as a Prerequisit for University Teachers’ Psychological Health


Traditionally remaining one of the most stressful human service jobs, teaching represents nowaday... more Traditionally remaining one of the most stressful human service jobs, teaching represents nowadays a complex of increasingly stressful situations. This may have an enormous detrimental effect on the teaching-learning process, as well as on promoting the health of future populations and students' well-being, where teachers are known to play a key social role. Demonstrating the benefits autonomy has for teachers' personal and professional self-development, as well as for their professional efficiency and psychological comfort, this paper emphasizes the potential of professional autonomy as a prerequisite for teachers' psychological health. The purpose is to reveal the potential of university teachers' autonomy as a factor of their professional development and burnout prevention. The notions of teachers' professional autonomy, teachers' psychological health, job stress and burnout in teaching are identified and characterized in the study. Teacher's autonomy is represented as one of the criteria of psychological well-being and mental health of a person. The paper demonstrates how autonomy, involving internal locus of control, intrinsic motivation to professional achievement and to personal development, pedagogical mindfulness and professional responsibility, can allow teachers to mitigate their stress, tolerate occasional frustrations and setbacks, and to prevent emotional exhaustion as one of three main burnout components.

Research paper thumbnail of Sociolinguistic Credo of a Foreign Language Teacher: The Case of Digital Classroom

Čuždoezikovo obučenie, Dec 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Language Education in the Postmodernism Era: System Crisis or New Systematicity?

Research paper thumbnail of Developing L2 prosodic competence online: Implications of the emergency remote teaching

XLinguae, 2021

This paper addresses the issue of transferring L2 prosody teaching to online settings due to the ... more This paper addresses the issue of transferring L2 prosody teaching to online settings due to the lockdown. The reasons are provided to account for the vulnerable status of pronunciation teaching and related risks. We report the results of the research project carried out in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with forty Russianspeaking engineering students. In this study a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used. The study first provided a critique of preexisting computer-based pronunciation training (CAPT) options ensuring learning continuity. These options were then analyzed against global educational policies related to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this understanding, a methodological framework was designed to bridge the gap between prosody teaching goals and digital tools. At the next stage, experimental teaching was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of this framework. Once data from the interviews, rating scales and par...

Research paper thumbnail of Translator and interpreter (t&i) educators: steps of professional skills development

This paper is devoted to the insufficiently studied problem of the program design for training of... more This paper is devoted to the insufficiently studied problem of the program design for training of T & I educators. The problem is investigated from the position of the social relevance of the T & I educators' profession, and its specificity. The structure of the professional competences necessary for T & I educators is being determined as well as the requirements, which stand in front of these specialists. We propose a Master's program, which includes a number of original innovative courses, disciplines, providing profoundness, comprehensiveness, practical and research orientation of future T & I educators' training.

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-Cultural Interpretation as the Strategy for Pre-Translation Text Analysis

Journal of Siberian Federal University, 2011

This article is devoted to the application of cross-cultural approach in training future translat... more This article is devoted to the application of cross-cultural approach in training future translators to conduct a pre-translation analysis of the text in the source language. The essence of intercultural competence of an interpreter as well as its specific features are determined on the stage of pretranslation analysis of the source text. The author reveals the features and workflow of an interpreter in the process of implementing strategies of intercultural interpretation of the text. The didactic status of strategies for intercultural interpretation regarded as components of the content of the training of future translators is determined.

Research paper thumbnail of The system of culture-based approaches to foreign language teaching

Yazyk i kul'tura, 2017

Аннотация. Проблема интеграции культуры в систему обучения иностранному языку является одной из к... more Аннотация. Проблема интеграции культуры в систему обучения иностранному языку является одной из краеугольных в методике обучения иностранным языкам с конца ХХ в. За несколько десятилетий как в России, так и за рубежом накопилось немало сведений о статусе и роли культуры в лингвообразовательном пространстве, демонстрирующих поступательное развитие культурозначимой идеологии, зарождение и утверждение целостной культуросообразной лингводидактической парадигмы. Сегодня концепция обучения языку и культуре в их теснейшей неразрывной связи является общепризнанной. Она нашла свое воплощение как в нормативных образовательных установках, так и в разнообразнейших научных концепциях, стремящихся обозначить особые векторы взаимодействия языка и культуры в процессе иноязычного образования. Как следствие особого интереса к обозначенной проблематике в науке об обучении иностранному языку возникли разнообразные подходы, направленные на обоснование лингводидактических стратегий, которые основаны на взаимодействии в образовательном процессе языка и культуры. На сегодняшний день накоплены сведения о большом количестве культуросообразных подходов. К ним в отечественной лингводидактике относятся страноведческий, лингвострановедческий, лингвокультурологический, социокультурный, социолингвистический, поликультурный, межкультурный подходы. За рубежом исследуются такие подходы, как функционально-смысловой, культурно-сензитивный, транскультурный, этнографический. Имеющиеся сведения не подвергались систематизации и выявлению дифференцирующих признаков, отделяющих одно дидактическое направление от другого. Возникла необходимость систематизации культуросообразных подходов: выявления общих и дифференцирующих признаков. Предлагается описание данных подходов, предпринимается попытка установления таксономических отношений между ними, делаются выводы, обобщающие разрозненные сведения о сущности, особенностях и назначении подходов, дидактически интегрирующих язык и культуру. Ключевые слова: язык и культура; культуросообразные подходы; система; лингводидактическая стратегия; этноцентризм; поликультурность. Введение: культуросообразность в современном образовательном измерении В последнее время термин «культура» и всевозможные с ним сочетания стали одними из самых востребованных в работах лингводидактического содержания. Принцип культуросообразности образования, провозглашенный еще Адольфом Дистервегом, переживает сего

Research paper thumbnail of The assessment of students' professional communicative competence: new challenges and possible solutions

XLinguae, 2018

At present, due to significant attention to communicative competencies of University graduates, t... more At present, due to significant attention to communicative competencies of University graduates, the assessment of an adequate level of their foreign language proficiency becomes one of the priority tasks of University education. The classical forms of assessment activities are not able to satisfy the need to identify the degree of communicative competence development. The solution of the problem of optimization of forms and methods of assessment is being conducted today in different directions by Russian and foreign researchers of second language teaching methods. The article focuses on the conditions of carrying out of communicative competence assessment that ensure the improvement of the quality of the assessment at Universities. The authors propose some practical solutions for improvement of assessment procedures among University students.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture as a Key Concept of Language Teaching Methodology

The international scientific and pedagogical organization of philologists "East-West", 2019

This paper concerns a methodologically significant issue that reveals the underlying processes of... more This paper concerns a methodologically significant issue that reveals the underlying processes of the development of scientific knowledge in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages. It introduces the concept as a basic unit in "conceptology" and "linguoconceptology". The study identifies the values and key (threshold) concepts in the field of foreign language teaching methodology and shows how the evolution of a key concept demonstrates the development of scientific knowledge. The object under study is the concept of "culture" in the linguistic educational perspective. The factors that determine the transformation of the concept are justified. They are linked to a change in educational paradigms.

Research paper thumbnail of High school learners' creativity development by means of L2 situational-cooperative writing

Research paper thumbnail of Nonverbal Component Of Engineer’s Communicative Competence

The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2018

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Research paper thumbnail of Cases on Intercultural Communication: New Approach to Design

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2018

The subject of the article is problem situations of intercultural communication, which lie in the... more The subject of the article is problem situations of intercultural communication, which lie in the basis of Case-studies-specialized descriptions of real situations containing problems, which must be analyzed and solved. The authors study approaches to the design of Case-studies that are necessary for the preparation of university students for participation in intercultural communication. The novelty of these Cases is to provide information that helps to deeply analyze the reality of other cultures and, through it, to rethink the participant's native picture of the world. Consequently, the aim of the article is to prove the role of the Case-study method in the development of intercultural communicative competence of students, which allows them to overcome the conflict of the dialogue of cultures. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: content analysis of verbal products of activity, questioning, survey, theoretical analysis and generalization of information received. As a result the article contains an example of a Case-study on intercultural communication issues, as well as the list of the most conflict-sensitive areas of intercultural interaction. The article may be of interest to specialists in the field of intercultural communication, Case-study designers, teachers of foreign languages, authors of textbooks on foreign languages.

Research paper thumbnail of Training Platform: The Network of Best Language Teaching Practices Sharing

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2015

The article represents an innovative model of accumulation and promotion of best practices of for... more The article represents an innovative model of accumulation and promotion of best practices of foreign language teaching in the system of lifelong learning. It gives the idea about the nature, status, and features of language teaching practices as a new didactic phenomenon. The author describes the functions and justifies the role of a training platform as a form of exchange of best practices of teaching foreign languages. The research provides the analysis of positive aspects of training platforms as special forms of cooperation between teachers in the sphere of teaching foreign languages with the purpose of sharing best practices. Alongside with that the paper lists the unrealized potential of the platforms, the implementation of which will improve the quality of foreign language teaching within LLL.

Research paper thumbnail of Intercultural content of a foreign language textbooks: concept, texts, practices

XLinguae, 2017

At present, the potential of the intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages is looked a... more At present, the potential of the intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages is looked at from different perspectives. Its acknowledged interpretation assumes that the student is constantly submerged in the situation of comparison between two cultures: the native and a different one. While acquiring another culture, he revises the native one, extending the vision of himself and of the surrounding world. This didactic concept requires changes in the system of foreign language teaching. The most obvious transformation must take place in the structure and content of the foreign language textbook. The article contains the analysis of how the authors of modern textbooks of the French language understand the intercultural approach and how they implement it. This task is accomplished by a comparative analysis of the guidelines, texts, and educational assignments. The article raises an issue of how to prepare students for the dialogue of cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse Based Approach to Practicing L2 Prosody in a Workplace Communication Course: a review of recent research and instruction

Examining Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Theories and Practices, 2020

This chapter looks at the current communicative needs of a modern engineer engaged in professiona... more This chapter looks at the current communicative needs of a modern engineer engaged in professionalintercultural communication. To describe professional context, the analysis of the present-day engineer-ing discourse was conducted. It was found that spoken communication is gaining more momentum inengineering practice. Therefore, more focus in language teaching should be placed on prosody skills.Since L2 prosody practicing has long been beyond the scope of ESP curriculum, it is hypothesized thata tailor-made teaching solution is called for. The prosodic profile of an engineering specialist servedas a reference point for selecting content to teach prosody. In a verifying experiment, post-teachingscores of 80 Russian engineering students were assessed. The study reveals a correlation between theimplemented teaching practice and the raise of students’ L2 prosody skills and the effectiveness of thesuggested instructional treatment. The methods discussed have implications for other professional con-texts and aspects of language use.