александр корнев - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by александр корнев

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Narrative Language in Preschoolers: From Group Analysis to Individual Profile

Proceedings of the 45th International Philological Conference (IPC 2016), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic disfluencies in Russian-speaking typically and atypically developing children: Individual variability in different contexts

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics

Speech disfluency in children and adults occurs like speech errors but, at the same time, is an e... more Speech disfluency in children and adults occurs like speech errors but, at the same time, is an essential feature of spontaneous (unprepared) speech." I would like to suggest to only use "disfluency" and not "speech disfluency". Response: accepted. Comment 2: Abstract: "occurs like speech errors". I am not sure what you mean here: speech errors are e.g. sound substitution/deletion etc. Response: Speech errors may be also considered as substitutions, omissions, exchanges, etc. of any speech items (sounds/syllables/words), i.e. at any language level. Comment 3: Abstract: "The study collected four speech samples …." Rather "language sample" or "narrative samples". Response: In this case, we would prefer "language", since only two samples contain narratives and two other samples contain conversations. But the term 'speech samples' is used widely in many scientific papers, thus, if possible, we would like to keep it. Comment 4: Abstract: "The distribution of several indexes of disfluency was estimated to assess the prevalence and profile…" Should "profile" not have a plural marking? Response: Accepted. Comment 5: Abstract: "The distributional indexes score showed that task significantly impacted the rate of different (sub)types of disfluencies." Again "task" should probably have a plural marking. Response: Accepted. Comment 6: Participants: As I asked in my last review: How homogenous were the DLD children with respect to their prior and current language profile (which language/ speech competencies were affected /input /output) and could language comprehension problems have affected the tasks? Response: More information and explanation added. Comment 7: Also, provide a more compelling rationale for the statistical test used (P.13, l. 31-33). Response: Thank you so much for the valuable comment! We extended the description of the statistical procedure and substantiated our choice of statistical procedure. Because of the nonnormality of some variables, we replaced the statistical test used in the previous version and reanalyzed our data by means of the GLM (see Table 3 and explanations).

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of sensorimotor mechanisms in syllable production during the initial stage of reading acquisition

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 2014

Cognitive mechanisms of reading skills in children are not well understood. With regard to the Ru... more Cognitive mechanisms of reading skills in children are not well understood. With regard to the Russian language this question has not been studied at all. Due to the nature of Russian language a central position in the development of reading skill takes sounds blending into syllable. The paper deals with longitudinal evaluation of phonetic and temporal characteristics of sounds blending into syllable in Russian-speaking 1st grade pupils (7 years old) during the initial stage of reading acquisition (namely, the subjects were not yet able to read whole words). The hypothesis of this study is the assumption of co-existence of a few individual-typological strategies of mastering the reading skills. The experiment involved 40 pupils that have not yet mastered the skill of reading whole words to the beginning of training in first class. The study was conducted individually and consisted of two types of tests: I - reading stimuli (letters, syllables, words, pseudowords) and II - the repeti...

Research paper thumbnail of Does the discourse genre influence a morphosyntax in preschool children speech production?

An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adu... more An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adult with Prader-Willi syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Нарушение плавности речи в нарративе: данные литовско- и русскоговорящих дошкольников

Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-04-00509. Developme... more Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-04-00509. Development of linguistic subsystems in typically-developing and language-impaired children: Corpus-based and experimental study]) and the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. LIT-9-11 Sintaksinės sakytinės lietuvių kalbos ypatybės: tekstyno analizė [The Syntactic Features of Spoken Lithuanian: the Corpus Analysis]) and the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. LIT-9-11 Sintaksinės sakytinės lietuvių kalbos ypatybės: tekstyno analizė [The Syntactic Features of Spoken Lithuanian: the Corpus AnalysisНеплавность речи встречается в двух формах: при заикании или в качестве затруднений в языковом программировании высказываний. Последнее выражается в следующих феноменах: хезитации, использовании филлеров, самоповторов, самоисправлениях и в использовании коннекторов. Значимость языковой неплавности в реализации речевых актов отмечалась уже в самом начале появления конверсационного анализа как науч...

Research paper thumbnail of An impact of discourse genre on language means: a new approach to analysis

Research paper thumbnail of The Part-of-speech profile in SLI children discourse: a comparative study of daily conversation and fictional narrative in preschoolers

An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adu... more An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adult with Prader-Willi syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and Grammatical Errors in Developmentally Language Disordered and Typically Developed Children: The Impact of Age and Discourse Genre

-, 2021

: Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the ma... more : Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as
the main evidence of language delay or language disorder. These errors are usually treated as
a sign of a deficit in language competence. On the other hand, some studies have revealed the
same kinds of grammatical errors in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and in
typically developed (TD) children. Quite often, DLD children use grammatical markers properly, but
sometimes they do this erroneously. It has been suggested that the main area of the limitations in
DLD children is language performance but not language competence. From the perspective of the
resource deficit model, the error rate in DLD children should be influenced by the cognitive demands
of utterance and text production. We presume that different genres of discourse demand a different
number of cognitive resources and, thus, should differently impact the error rate in children’s speech
production. To test our hypothesis, we carried out an error analysis of two corpora of child discourse.
The first corpus contained longitudinal data of discourse (personal narratives, fictional stories, chats,
and discussions) collected from 12 children at four age points (4 years 3 months., 4 years 8 months.,
5 years 3 months., and 5 years 9 months. years). Another corpus contained discourse texts (fictional
stories and discussions) collected in the framework of a cross-sectional study from 6-year-old TD
and DLD children; the DLD children had language expression but not comprehension difficulties. A
comparative analysis between different discourse genres evidenced that the genre of discourse and
age of assessment impacted the error distribution in the DLD and TD children. Such variables as
the lexical and morphological error rates were impacted the most significantly. The results of the
two studies confirmed our hypothesis regarding the probabilistic nature of lexical and grammatical
errors in both DLD and TD children and the relationship between a cognitive loading of the genre
and the error rate.

Research paper thumbnail of The strategic reading brain development: An eye-tracking study of the text reading in typically-developing and dyslexic children

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018

There is a variety of publications on elementary mechanisms of word reading, while just a few stu... more There is a variety of publications on elementary mechanisms of word reading, while just a few studies have been devoted to the natural reading. The goal of our complex multimodal explorative project is to construct a multidimensional developmental model of a text processing in the natural reading. The current eye tracking study of the natural text reading is part of the major project includes 3 minor projects (fMRI-study, ERP-study and Eye-tracking study) with the same participants. Two scientific expository and two fiction narrative texts were presented to the subjects of the study, i.e. 43 9-11-and 12-14 years typically-developing (TD) and dyslexic (DY) children with normal nonverbal intelligence. The standard reading score in dyslexics was 1,5 standard deviation below mean (Kornev, Ishimova 2010). The reading time was unlimited. Then, the natural reading was followed by answering comprehension questions. During all the experiment, and eye gaze movements were registered. Statistical analysis of the variety of oculomotor measures revealed multiple significant distinctions between the DYs and TDs in both age groups. As for text processing strategies, the DYs were not sensitive to the text type, in contrary to the TDs. For the first time, the distinctions in the low level of the gaze movement control was revealed in the DYs' saccades It's velocity was significantly lower than in the TD peers, especially in the oldest age group.

Research paper thumbnail of Нарушения плавности речевого акта у детей: речевая дисфункция или стратегия аутомониторинга?

ONLINE: ISSN 2075-7182The paper deals with linguistic disfluencies (hesitations, repetitions, rev... more ONLINE: ISSN 2075-7182The paper deals with linguistic disfluencies (hesitations, repetitions, revisions, false starts, and incomplete utterances) in Russian-speaking language-impaired (N=12) vs. typically-developing (N=12) preschoolers. The corpus-based study aimed at evaluation and comparison of linguistic disfluency in narrative vs. dialogue discourse within and between the groups. Following the Russian Assessment Instrument for Narrative (RAIN) methodology, each subject performed two tasks, i.e. storytelling and story retelling according wordless picture sequences; each of the tasks was followed by a structured dialogue based on ten comprehension questions. Both narratives and dialogues were transcribed and annotated for automatized linguistic analysis. Finally, individual measures (a number of each category of disfluencies per utterance) were estimated and submitted for statistical analysis. Results of our study evidenced that mainly linguistic disfluencies are caused by distinc...

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal explication of (intra-)interevent causal relations in the story-telling: Comparative study of primary language-impaired and typically-developed pre-schoolers

Focus on events and narratives in language, psychology, social and medical practice, 2020

The current study aimed at evaluating children's ability to explicate verbally the cause-and-effe... more The current study aimed at evaluating children's ability to explicate verbally the cause-and-effect relations between the events, sequentially organized actions of the characters and their goal-outcome connections. The subjects of our study, i.e. 12 typically-developing (TD) and 12 primarily language-impaired (PLI) Russian preschoolers (mean age 76 months) were asked to tell a story according to a picture sequence. A dual analysis of the verbal explication of causal relations was carried out: 1) during the semantic quantitative analysis of narrative coherence, two types of relations between the events or the characters' actions were estimated: (a) verbally explicated causal relations and (b) semantic relations explicated by sequencing the actions following the "post hoc ergo propter hoc" presupposition (Sanders, 2005); 2) an analysis of the linguistic causal relations was based on a distribution of causal vs. non-causal connectives, such as conjunctions and discourse markers, in the narratives. The statistical analysis revealed significantly infrequent use of causal connectives in the PLI children if compared to the TD peers. As for the semantic relations, the score for the causal relation index was significantly lower in the PLI children than in the TD peers, contrary to the score for the semantic relation index. Among the linguistic devices used for an explication for causal relations, however, only the percentage of causal conjunctions was significant between the groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Internal state terms as the animation glue in narrative plot: investigation of dyslexics and typically-developing children

Development of narrative competence, i.e. transition from personal to fiction stories, bridges th... more Development of narrative competence, i.e. transition from personal to fiction stories, bridges the gap between child’s mimetic mind and mediational mind (Nelson 1996) and serves as a primary background for early literacy prerequisites (McCabe 1996). Internal state terms (ISTs), an integral part of narrative macrostructure, take part in mentalisation of human behavior and development of literate style that forms a crucial aspect of school-based discourse (Pearson 2002; Curenton & Justice 2004). This is extremely important for diagnosis and treatment of literacy impairments; however, ISTs in atypical populations still lack comprehensive studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse acquisition along with the early and preschool age

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg)

Numerous studies in language acquisition have been revealed that oral discourse plays a crucial r... more Numerous studies in language acquisition have been revealed that oral discourse plays a crucial role in cognitive development and communicative development and has an impact on the so-called narrative mind, social intelligence, autobiographic memory, and personal identity. The paper is devoted to the main patterns and mechanisms of the acquisition of oral personal discourse along with the early and preschool age. The paper includes the following sub-topics: conversation acquisition, personal narrative and fictional story acquisition, relations between different genres of personal discourse, and cognitive prerequisites for the acquisition of personal discourse. The paper is based on the meta-analysis of numerous studies covering various fields of science (psychology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and linguistics) and decades of scientific investigations in child development. The main issues discussed in the paper are acquisition and development of interaction structure (the sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Vaikų, sergančių disleksija, rišlusis pasakojimas : metodiniai tyrimo klausimai

Straipsnyje pristatomas rišliojo pasakojimo metodikos tyrimas 1 , atliktas Sankt Peterburge (Rusi... more Straipsnyje pristatomas rišliojo pasakojimo metodikos tyrimas 1 , atliktas Sankt Peterburge (Rusija) testuojant 9-10 metų vaikus. Eksperimentinę grupę sudarė 12 vaikų, sergančių disleksija, kontrolinę grupę-12 vaikų, neturinčių jokių raidos sutrikimų. Kiekvienas vaikas atliko dvi užduotis: kūrė pasakojimą pagal paveikslėlių seką ir atpasakojo tyrėjo perskaitytą pasakojimą pagal kitą paveikslėlių seką. Rišliųjų pasakojimų išgavimo procedūra buvo subalansuota pasakojimo tipo, sudėtingumo ir eiliškumo atžvilgiu. Statistinės aprašomosios analizės metu ištirtas kiekvienos rišliojo pasakojimo išgavimo schemos poveikis eksperimentinės ir kontrolinės grupės pasakojimų kokybei. Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas vertinant pasakojimo eiliškumo, tipo ir sudėtingumo poveikį disleksija sergančių vaikų pasakojimams skatina atidžiau pažvelgti į rišliojo pasakojimo analizės metodiką, ir atsargiai rinktis vaizdinius stimulus, padedančius išgauti rišlųjį pasakojimą. REIKŠMINIAI ŽODŽIAI: gimtosios kalbos įsisavinimas, rišlusis pasakojimas, disleksija. Rišliojo pasakojimo tyrimo prielaidos 1 Rišliojo pasakojimo (angl. narrative) gebėjimai pradeda formuotis jau ankstyvojoje

Research paper thumbnail of The Word Sound Structures Distribution as a Quantitative Measure for Speech Development

The Word Sound Structures Distribution as a Quantitative Measure for Speech Development, 2019

Studies in phonological development usually focus on the acquisition of separate segments and the... more Studies in phonological development usually focus on the acquisition of separate segments and the quality of
their realization, while much less is still known about the development of whole-word patterns. The analysis of the wholeword structure, or word shape, addresses word structure patterns (WSPs) that are mastered and constantly used by
children in their speech. The aim of the current study was to analyze the distribution of syllable and WSPs in the corpus
of Russian typically-developing children’s discourse. The study was based on the corpus data (orthographically
transcribed texts) of Russian-speaking monolingual children (n = 14; the mean age was ~68 months). The data included
28 fictional narratives and 14 conversational reasoning dialogues between a child and an experimenter. By means of
specially designed software the PASTA, words were structurally analyzed and classified into 22 groups according to the
basic types of syllable structure of a Russian word. Then, the percentage distribution of these structures was estimated.
Statistical analysis revealed that the distribution of syllable types was quite similar between the children and adult
speech data; in children, this measure did not depend on the discourse genre (narrative vs. conversational reasoning
dialogue). The WSPs distribution, in contrary, discriminated children from adults and was significantly influenced by the discourse genre.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative production weakness in Russian dyslexics: Linguistic or procedural limitations?

Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics, 2015

The study deals with the impact of non-linguistic factors on narrative production in Russian-spea... more The study deals with the impact of non-linguistic factors on narrative production in Russian-speaking dyslexic children. The experimental group consisted of 12 children (age 9-10) with dyslexia and the control group comprised 12 peers without any developmental disorders. The sample was counterbalanced from the perspective of narrative mode, story complexity, and task order. One of the classic methodologies for narrative analysis, i.e. story grammar, was extended in our study by a novel dynamic approach, enabling us to evaluate procedural features of narrative production. The results of our study highlight limitations in dyslexic narrative language underlined by two different causes. The first one can be defined as inefficiency in developing logical (temporal/causal) relationships between events; the other is difficulties in structuring an episode description. The high flexibility and dynamic changes in the episode structure in dyslexics anticipated the evidence that limitations in dyslexic narrative language are related to the deficit in procedural functions rather than to the primary language limitations; however, linguistic shortcomings in dyslexic narrative production still remain. Our experience with the dynamic approach to narrative assessment lends support to its value as a research tool. The novel dynamic approach to episode completeness analysis proved to be an effective and informative method that might highlight new mechanisms of narration and thus extend the classic narrative analysis by the addition of qualitative information.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative Analysis of Language Competence vs. Performance in Russian- and Lithuanian-Speaking 6 Year-Olds

The paper deals with a comparative analysis of the Part-of-Speech Profile between different langu... more The paper deals with a comparative analysis of the Part-of-Speech Profile between different languages and discourse genres in 6-year-old typically developing Russianvs. Lithuanian-speaking children. Results of the study inspire a discussion on a possibility to evaluate both language competence and language performance of the same subject on the basis of his/her distribution of parts of speech in the discourse.

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and Grammatical Errors in Developmentally Language Disordered and Typically Developed Children: The Impact of Age and Discourse Genre


Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the main... more Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the main evidence of language delay or language disorder. These errors are usually treated as a sign of a deficit in language competence. On the other hand, some studies have revealed the same kinds of grammatical errors in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and in typically developed (TD) children. Quite often, DLD children use grammatical markers properly, but sometimes they do this erroneously. It has been suggested that the main area of the limitations in DLD children is language performance but not language competence. From the perspective of the resource deficit model, the error rate in DLD children should be influenced by the cognitive demands of utterance and text production. We presume that different genres of discourse demand a different number of cognitive resources and, thus, should differently impact the error rate in children’s speech production. To test our hypoth...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the Whole-Word Structure in Russian-Speaking Children: Longitudinal Study

Research paper thumbnail of Dyslexia from a Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspective: The Case of Russian and Russia

At Landmark School we embrace the potential of every student through daily one-to-one tutorials a... more At Landmark School we embrace the potential of every student through daily one-to-one tutorials and an individualized approach to teaching. Landmark is a leader in the field of language-based learning disabilities, and 92% of our graduates go on to college.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing Narrative Language in Preschoolers: From Group Analysis to Individual Profile

Proceedings of the 45th International Philological Conference (IPC 2016), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic disfluencies in Russian-speaking typically and atypically developing children: Individual variability in different contexts

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics

Speech disfluency in children and adults occurs like speech errors but, at the same time, is an e... more Speech disfluency in children and adults occurs like speech errors but, at the same time, is an essential feature of spontaneous (unprepared) speech." I would like to suggest to only use "disfluency" and not "speech disfluency". Response: accepted. Comment 2: Abstract: "occurs like speech errors". I am not sure what you mean here: speech errors are e.g. sound substitution/deletion etc. Response: Speech errors may be also considered as substitutions, omissions, exchanges, etc. of any speech items (sounds/syllables/words), i.e. at any language level. Comment 3: Abstract: "The study collected four speech samples …." Rather "language sample" or "narrative samples". Response: In this case, we would prefer "language", since only two samples contain narratives and two other samples contain conversations. But the term 'speech samples' is used widely in many scientific papers, thus, if possible, we would like to keep it. Comment 4: Abstract: "The distribution of several indexes of disfluency was estimated to assess the prevalence and profile…" Should "profile" not have a plural marking? Response: Accepted. Comment 5: Abstract: "The distributional indexes score showed that task significantly impacted the rate of different (sub)types of disfluencies." Again "task" should probably have a plural marking. Response: Accepted. Comment 6: Participants: As I asked in my last review: How homogenous were the DLD children with respect to their prior and current language profile (which language/ speech competencies were affected /input /output) and could language comprehension problems have affected the tasks? Response: More information and explanation added. Comment 7: Also, provide a more compelling rationale for the statistical test used (P.13, l. 31-33). Response: Thank you so much for the valuable comment! We extended the description of the statistical procedure and substantiated our choice of statistical procedure. Because of the nonnormality of some variables, we replaced the statistical test used in the previous version and reanalyzed our data by means of the GLM (see Table 3 and explanations).

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of sensorimotor mechanisms in syllable production during the initial stage of reading acquisition

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 2014

Cognitive mechanisms of reading skills in children are not well understood. With regard to the Ru... more Cognitive mechanisms of reading skills in children are not well understood. With regard to the Russian language this question has not been studied at all. Due to the nature of Russian language a central position in the development of reading skill takes sounds blending into syllable. The paper deals with longitudinal evaluation of phonetic and temporal characteristics of sounds blending into syllable in Russian-speaking 1st grade pupils (7 years old) during the initial stage of reading acquisition (namely, the subjects were not yet able to read whole words). The hypothesis of this study is the assumption of co-existence of a few individual-typological strategies of mastering the reading skills. The experiment involved 40 pupils that have not yet mastered the skill of reading whole words to the beginning of training in first class. The study was conducted individually and consisted of two types of tests: I - reading stimuli (letters, syllables, words, pseudowords) and II - the repeti...

Research paper thumbnail of Does the discourse genre influence a morphosyntax in preschool children speech production?

An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adu... more An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adult with Prader-Willi syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Нарушение плавности речи в нарративе: данные литовско- и русскоговорящих дошкольников

Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-04-00509. Developme... more Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках научного проекта № 14-04-00509. Development of linguistic subsystems in typically-developing and language-impaired children: Corpus-based and experimental study]) and the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. LIT-9-11 Sintaksinės sakytinės lietuvių kalbos ypatybės: tekstyno analizė [The Syntactic Features of Spoken Lithuanian: the Corpus Analysis]) and the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. LIT-9-11 Sintaksinės sakytinės lietuvių kalbos ypatybės: tekstyno analizė [The Syntactic Features of Spoken Lithuanian: the Corpus AnalysisНеплавность речи встречается в двух формах: при заикании или в качестве затруднений в языковом программировании высказываний. Последнее выражается в следующих феноменах: хезитации, использовании филлеров, самоповторов, самоисправлениях и в использовании коннекторов. Значимость языковой неплавности в реализации речевых актов отмечалась уже в самом начале появления конверсационного анализа как науч...

Research paper thumbnail of An impact of discourse genre on language means: a new approach to analysis

Research paper thumbnail of The Part-of-speech profile in SLI children discourse: a comparative study of daily conversation and fictional narrative in preschoolers

An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adu... more An analysis of the narrative and morphosyntactic characteristics of the speech of a bilingual adult with Prader-Willi syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and Grammatical Errors in Developmentally Language Disordered and Typically Developed Children: The Impact of Age and Discourse Genre

-, 2021

: Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the ma... more : Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as
the main evidence of language delay or language disorder. These errors are usually treated as
a sign of a deficit in language competence. On the other hand, some studies have revealed the
same kinds of grammatical errors in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and in
typically developed (TD) children. Quite often, DLD children use grammatical markers properly, but
sometimes they do this erroneously. It has been suggested that the main area of the limitations in
DLD children is language performance but not language competence. From the perspective of the
resource deficit model, the error rate in DLD children should be influenced by the cognitive demands
of utterance and text production. We presume that different genres of discourse demand a different
number of cognitive resources and, thus, should differently impact the error rate in children’s speech
production. To test our hypothesis, we carried out an error analysis of two corpora of child discourse.
The first corpus contained longitudinal data of discourse (personal narratives, fictional stories, chats,
and discussions) collected from 12 children at four age points (4 years 3 months., 4 years 8 months.,
5 years 3 months., and 5 years 9 months. years). Another corpus contained discourse texts (fictional
stories and discussions) collected in the framework of a cross-sectional study from 6-year-old TD
and DLD children; the DLD children had language expression but not comprehension difficulties. A
comparative analysis between different discourse genres evidenced that the genre of discourse and
age of assessment impacted the error distribution in the DLD and TD children. Such variables as
the lexical and morphological error rates were impacted the most significantly. The results of the
two studies confirmed our hypothesis regarding the probabilistic nature of lexical and grammatical
errors in both DLD and TD children and the relationship between a cognitive loading of the genre
and the error rate.

Research paper thumbnail of The strategic reading brain development: An eye-tracking study of the text reading in typically-developing and dyslexic children

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018

There is a variety of publications on elementary mechanisms of word reading, while just a few stu... more There is a variety of publications on elementary mechanisms of word reading, while just a few studies have been devoted to the natural reading. The goal of our complex multimodal explorative project is to construct a multidimensional developmental model of a text processing in the natural reading. The current eye tracking study of the natural text reading is part of the major project includes 3 minor projects (fMRI-study, ERP-study and Eye-tracking study) with the same participants. Two scientific expository and two fiction narrative texts were presented to the subjects of the study, i.e. 43 9-11-and 12-14 years typically-developing (TD) and dyslexic (DY) children with normal nonverbal intelligence. The standard reading score in dyslexics was 1,5 standard deviation below mean (Kornev, Ishimova 2010). The reading time was unlimited. Then, the natural reading was followed by answering comprehension questions. During all the experiment, and eye gaze movements were registered. Statistical analysis of the variety of oculomotor measures revealed multiple significant distinctions between the DYs and TDs in both age groups. As for text processing strategies, the DYs were not sensitive to the text type, in contrary to the TDs. For the first time, the distinctions in the low level of the gaze movement control was revealed in the DYs' saccades It's velocity was significantly lower than in the TD peers, especially in the oldest age group.

Research paper thumbnail of Нарушения плавности речевого акта у детей: речевая дисфункция или стратегия аутомониторинга?

ONLINE: ISSN 2075-7182The paper deals with linguistic disfluencies (hesitations, repetitions, rev... more ONLINE: ISSN 2075-7182The paper deals with linguistic disfluencies (hesitations, repetitions, revisions, false starts, and incomplete utterances) in Russian-speaking language-impaired (N=12) vs. typically-developing (N=12) preschoolers. The corpus-based study aimed at evaluation and comparison of linguistic disfluency in narrative vs. dialogue discourse within and between the groups. Following the Russian Assessment Instrument for Narrative (RAIN) methodology, each subject performed two tasks, i.e. storytelling and story retelling according wordless picture sequences; each of the tasks was followed by a structured dialogue based on ten comprehension questions. Both narratives and dialogues were transcribed and annotated for automatized linguistic analysis. Finally, individual measures (a number of each category of disfluencies per utterance) were estimated and submitted for statistical analysis. Results of our study evidenced that mainly linguistic disfluencies are caused by distinc...

Research paper thumbnail of Verbal explication of (intra-)interevent causal relations in the story-telling: Comparative study of primary language-impaired and typically-developed pre-schoolers

Focus on events and narratives in language, psychology, social and medical practice, 2020

The current study aimed at evaluating children's ability to explicate verbally the cause-and-effe... more The current study aimed at evaluating children's ability to explicate verbally the cause-and-effect relations between the events, sequentially organized actions of the characters and their goal-outcome connections. The subjects of our study, i.e. 12 typically-developing (TD) and 12 primarily language-impaired (PLI) Russian preschoolers (mean age 76 months) were asked to tell a story according to a picture sequence. A dual analysis of the verbal explication of causal relations was carried out: 1) during the semantic quantitative analysis of narrative coherence, two types of relations between the events or the characters' actions were estimated: (a) verbally explicated causal relations and (b) semantic relations explicated by sequencing the actions following the "post hoc ergo propter hoc" presupposition (Sanders, 2005); 2) an analysis of the linguistic causal relations was based on a distribution of causal vs. non-causal connectives, such as conjunctions and discourse markers, in the narratives. The statistical analysis revealed significantly infrequent use of causal connectives in the PLI children if compared to the TD peers. As for the semantic relations, the score for the causal relation index was significantly lower in the PLI children than in the TD peers, contrary to the score for the semantic relation index. Among the linguistic devices used for an explication for causal relations, however, only the percentage of causal conjunctions was significant between the groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Internal state terms as the animation glue in narrative plot: investigation of dyslexics and typically-developing children

Development of narrative competence, i.e. transition from personal to fiction stories, bridges th... more Development of narrative competence, i.e. transition from personal to fiction stories, bridges the gap between child’s mimetic mind and mediational mind (Nelson 1996) and serves as a primary background for early literacy prerequisites (McCabe 1996). Internal state terms (ISTs), an integral part of narrative macrostructure, take part in mentalisation of human behavior and development of literate style that forms a crucial aspect of school-based discourse (Pearson 2002; Curenton & Justice 2004). This is extremely important for diagnosis and treatment of literacy impairments; however, ISTs in atypical populations still lack comprehensive studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse acquisition along with the early and preschool age

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg)

Numerous studies in language acquisition have been revealed that oral discourse plays a crucial r... more Numerous studies in language acquisition have been revealed that oral discourse plays a crucial role in cognitive development and communicative development and has an impact on the so-called narrative mind, social intelligence, autobiographic memory, and personal identity. The paper is devoted to the main patterns and mechanisms of the acquisition of oral personal discourse along with the early and preschool age. The paper includes the following sub-topics: conversation acquisition, personal narrative and fictional story acquisition, relations between different genres of personal discourse, and cognitive prerequisites for the acquisition of personal discourse. The paper is based on the meta-analysis of numerous studies covering various fields of science (psychology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and linguistics) and decades of scientific investigations in child development. The main issues discussed in the paper are acquisition and development of interaction structure (the sk...

Research paper thumbnail of Vaikų, sergančių disleksija, rišlusis pasakojimas : metodiniai tyrimo klausimai

Straipsnyje pristatomas rišliojo pasakojimo metodikos tyrimas 1 , atliktas Sankt Peterburge (Rusi... more Straipsnyje pristatomas rišliojo pasakojimo metodikos tyrimas 1 , atliktas Sankt Peterburge (Rusija) testuojant 9-10 metų vaikus. Eksperimentinę grupę sudarė 12 vaikų, sergančių disleksija, kontrolinę grupę-12 vaikų, neturinčių jokių raidos sutrikimų. Kiekvienas vaikas atliko dvi užduotis: kūrė pasakojimą pagal paveikslėlių seką ir atpasakojo tyrėjo perskaitytą pasakojimą pagal kitą paveikslėlių seką. Rišliųjų pasakojimų išgavimo procedūra buvo subalansuota pasakojimo tipo, sudėtingumo ir eiliškumo atžvilgiu. Statistinės aprašomosios analizės metu ištirtas kiekvienos rišliojo pasakojimo išgavimo schemos poveikis eksperimentinės ir kontrolinės grupės pasakojimų kokybei. Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas vertinant pasakojimo eiliškumo, tipo ir sudėtingumo poveikį disleksija sergančių vaikų pasakojimams skatina atidžiau pažvelgti į rišliojo pasakojimo analizės metodiką, ir atsargiai rinktis vaizdinius stimulus, padedančius išgauti rišlųjį pasakojimą. REIKŠMINIAI ŽODŽIAI: gimtosios kalbos įsisavinimas, rišlusis pasakojimas, disleksija. Rišliojo pasakojimo tyrimo prielaidos 1 Rišliojo pasakojimo (angl. narrative) gebėjimai pradeda formuotis jau ankstyvojoje

Research paper thumbnail of The Word Sound Structures Distribution as a Quantitative Measure for Speech Development

The Word Sound Structures Distribution as a Quantitative Measure for Speech Development, 2019

Studies in phonological development usually focus on the acquisition of separate segments and the... more Studies in phonological development usually focus on the acquisition of separate segments and the quality of
their realization, while much less is still known about the development of whole-word patterns. The analysis of the wholeword structure, or word shape, addresses word structure patterns (WSPs) that are mastered and constantly used by
children in their speech. The aim of the current study was to analyze the distribution of syllable and WSPs in the corpus
of Russian typically-developing children’s discourse. The study was based on the corpus data (orthographically
transcribed texts) of Russian-speaking monolingual children (n = 14; the mean age was ~68 months). The data included
28 fictional narratives and 14 conversational reasoning dialogues between a child and an experimenter. By means of
specially designed software the PASTA, words were structurally analyzed and classified into 22 groups according to the
basic types of syllable structure of a Russian word. Then, the percentage distribution of these structures was estimated.
Statistical analysis revealed that the distribution of syllable types was quite similar between the children and adult
speech data; in children, this measure did not depend on the discourse genre (narrative vs. conversational reasoning
dialogue). The WSPs distribution, in contrary, discriminated children from adults and was significantly influenced by the discourse genre.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative production weakness in Russian dyslexics: Linguistic or procedural limitations?

Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics, 2015

The study deals with the impact of non-linguistic factors on narrative production in Russian-spea... more The study deals with the impact of non-linguistic factors on narrative production in Russian-speaking dyslexic children. The experimental group consisted of 12 children (age 9-10) with dyslexia and the control group comprised 12 peers without any developmental disorders. The sample was counterbalanced from the perspective of narrative mode, story complexity, and task order. One of the classic methodologies for narrative analysis, i.e. story grammar, was extended in our study by a novel dynamic approach, enabling us to evaluate procedural features of narrative production. The results of our study highlight limitations in dyslexic narrative language underlined by two different causes. The first one can be defined as inefficiency in developing logical (temporal/causal) relationships between events; the other is difficulties in structuring an episode description. The high flexibility and dynamic changes in the episode structure in dyslexics anticipated the evidence that limitations in dyslexic narrative language are related to the deficit in procedural functions rather than to the primary language limitations; however, linguistic shortcomings in dyslexic narrative production still remain. Our experience with the dynamic approach to narrative assessment lends support to its value as a research tool. The novel dynamic approach to episode completeness analysis proved to be an effective and informative method that might highlight new mechanisms of narration and thus extend the classic narrative analysis by the addition of qualitative information.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative Analysis of Language Competence vs. Performance in Russian- and Lithuanian-Speaking 6 Year-Olds

The paper deals with a comparative analysis of the Part-of-Speech Profile between different langu... more The paper deals with a comparative analysis of the Part-of-Speech Profile between different languages and discourse genres in 6-year-old typically developing Russianvs. Lithuanian-speaking children. Results of the study inspire a discussion on a possibility to evaluate both language competence and language performance of the same subject on the basis of his/her distribution of parts of speech in the discourse.

Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and Grammatical Errors in Developmentally Language Disordered and Typically Developed Children: The Impact of Age and Discourse Genre


Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the main... more Persistent lexical and grammatical errors in children’s speech are usually recognized as the main evidence of language delay or language disorder. These errors are usually treated as a sign of a deficit in language competence. On the other hand, some studies have revealed the same kinds of grammatical errors in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and in typically developed (TD) children. Quite often, DLD children use grammatical markers properly, but sometimes they do this erroneously. It has been suggested that the main area of the limitations in DLD children is language performance but not language competence. From the perspective of the resource deficit model, the error rate in DLD children should be influenced by the cognitive demands of utterance and text production. We presume that different genres of discourse demand a different number of cognitive resources and, thus, should differently impact the error rate in children’s speech production. To test our hypoth...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the Whole-Word Structure in Russian-Speaking Children: Longitudinal Study

Research paper thumbnail of Dyslexia from a Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspective: The Case of Russian and Russia

At Landmark School we embrace the potential of every student through daily one-to-one tutorials a... more At Landmark School we embrace the potential of every student through daily one-to-one tutorials and an individualized approach to teaching. Landmark is a leader in the field of language-based learning disabilities, and 92% of our graduates go on to college.