Alda B Azevedo - (original) (raw)

Papers by Alda B Azevedo

Research paper thumbnail of Insécurité résidentielle en période d’incertitude

Research paper thumbnail of Perspetivas sobre o sector de arrendamento privado em Lisboa, 2011-2021

1. Retrato do arrendamento e perfil dos arrendatários em Lisboa. 2. Alterações recentes com impac... more 1. Retrato do arrendamento e perfil dos arrendatários em Lisboa. 2. Alterações recentes com impacto na configuração do arrendamento privado. 3. O que podemos esperar conhecer nos resultados dos Censos 2021?

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomia funcional e envelhecimento: uma tipologia municipal

Neste capítulo, analisam-se as incapacidades e limitações funcionais, as pessoas que vivem sós e ... more Neste capítulo, analisam-se as incapacidades e limitações funcionais, as pessoas que vivem sós e as condições habitacionais da população portuguesa, com base numa tipologia ao nível municipal, relacionando-a com o envelhecimento da sociedade. 55 AUTONOMIA FUNCIONAL E ENVELHECIMENTO: UMA TIPOLOGIA MUNICIPAL Os Censos de 2011 recolheram, pela primeira vez, informação relativa a limitações da população portuguesa em termos sensoriais, motores e cognitivos. Esta orientação reflete uma preocupação com o envelhecimento e revela a necessidade de melhor conhecer essas limitações de modo a apoiar políticas de ação social e de saúde, contribuindo para a qualidade de vida e bem-estar da população. Essas políticas assumem um âmbito local na medida em que devem proporcionar condições para que as pessoas portadoras de limitações cognitivas, sensoriais e motoras possam ter, em casa e na comunidade, uma vida mais facilitada e

Research paper thumbnail of O envelhecimento e a Agenda 2030 para o desenvolvimento sustentável

Research paper thumbnail of Arrendamento urbano e envelhecimento em Portugal: tendências e perfis

Research paper thumbnail of Population ageing in Portugal: a review and appraisal linking approaches

Research paper thumbnail of Trajectoires de vie et transition à la vieillesse : le Portugal comme une étude de cas

„ Résumé En Europe, à part l’Allemagne, les pays du Sud sont les plus âgés en raison de la croiss... more „ Résumé En Europe, à part l’Allemagne, les pays du Sud sont les plus âgés en raison de la croissance du nombre de seniors. Cette évolution soulève toutes sortes de problèmes. Elle est objet de débats et de controverses, liées à ses principales implications surtout en ce qui concerne le développement socioéconomique et les chances de viabilité des systèmes de sécurité sociale et de santé. Cependant, les conséquences futures du nombre et du rythme de croissance du vieillissement de la population sont susceptibles d’être influencés par différents parcours de vie, en particulier en ce qui concerne les trajectoires individuelles en matière de scolarité et de profession, ainsi que la mise en œuvre de projets familiaux.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastes et convergences régionales du vieillissement de la population au Portugal (1950-2011)

Les auteures temercient, d'une part, Ia Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos pour son soutien... more Les auteures temercient, d'une part, Ia Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos pour son soutien financier du Project de recherche "Dinâmicas Demograficas e Envelhecirnento da Populacao Portuguesa (1950-2011): evolucao e pelspectivas" qui est a I'origine de cel article et, d'autre part, Frederico Moura e Sa pour sa collaboration dans la realisation des cartes.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the relationship between first childbirth and homeownership: new evidence from Spain, 2000-2008

The "Southern European Housing" series of books examines housing with a comparative and interdisc... more The "Southern European Housing" series of books examines housing with a comparative and interdisciplinary approach. The special focus on Southern Europe is due to the distinctive development paths of this geographical area, as well as to the limited scientific debate and scarcity of international publications on this topic. The overall aim is to promote the studies on housing provision, policies and governance in Southern Europe as compared with the rest of Europe and non-European countries, to monitor their constant changes, and to explore the scope and outcome of these changes.

Research paper thumbnail of Home ownership in Southern European countries: Similarities and differences

Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2016

Southern European countries (SEC) are often considered as a homogenous group, distinct from the r... more Southern European countries (SEC) are often considered as a homogenous group, distinct from the rest of Europe, in the literature of housing studies. This article explores the idea that despite sharing cohesion factors, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain also displayed a significant degree of heterogeneity in their housing patterns at the outset of the current economic crisis. The study analyses 2005 and 2009 micro-data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions at two levels. At the macro level, a cluster analysis was used to define four homogeneous groups in the European context. At the micro level, both homogeneous and heterogeneous features of home ownership in the SEC were identified using logistic modelling. The results of the macro analysis highlight the structural proximity between the southern and the post-socialist countries in terms of housing characteristics. With regard to predictors of home ownership, the micro analysis confirms th...

Research paper thumbnail of Fertility, Economic Uncertainty and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Before and After

COVID-19 caught the world unprepared, and its consequences are raising far-reaching demographic d... more COVID-19 caught the world unprepared, and its consequences are raising far-reaching demographic dilemmas. In this paper we look at the relationship between the General Fertility Rate (GFR) and economic uncertainty. The GFR is calculated using monthly data on births from the Short-Term Fertility Fluctuations data series on 17 European countries from 2010 to 2021. Our main independent variables are measures of subjective uncertainty constructed from Eurobarometer survey data - individual’s perceptions about their own current job situation and household finances. We use also objective measures of economic uncertainty such as unemployment rate and the consumer confidence index, traditionally used in the literature. Using fixed-effects regression models, we contribute to a better understanding of the fertility trends since the Great Recession by exploring the link between fertility and economic uncertainty, checking also whether it changed in the pandemic period. We show that economic un...

Research paper thumbnail of Acesso à habitação, formação familiar e imigração: consequências da bolha imobiliária em Espanha

Research paper thumbnail of Population and home ownership in Europe: patterns of similarity and diversity through sociodemographic predictors

Papers de demografia, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Envelhecimento e qualidade de vida

Research paper thumbnail of Portugal e o 2018 Ageing Report

Policy brief, 2018

A projeção global da despesa pública associada ao fator etário 3-4 Cuidados de saúde 4-5 Cuidados... more A projeção global da despesa pública associada ao fator etário 3-4 Cuidados de saúde 4-5 Cuidados de longa duração

Research paper thumbnail of O Envelhecimento ativo em Portugal através do Active Ageing Index e do AgeWatch Index

Research paper thumbnail of Anos vividos e anos remanescentes: Duas perspectivas sobre o envelhecimento demográfico

Research paper thumbnail of Housing tenure status as determinant of fertility behaviour and timing

Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2015, Nov 13, 2014

This paper takes the Spanish case as an illustration of the southern European residential system ... more This paper takes the Spanish case as an illustration of the southern European residential system to address the importance of access to housing, specifically through home ownership in fertility behaviour. Taking the Encuesta Financiera de las Familias (2008) as data source, this paper is guided by a two-step analysis aiming to test two hypothesis: 1) there is a correlation between the year of the acquisition of a house or the year when the household moved to a rented house and the year in which the household heads had a child; and 2) being household head of a owner-occupied house increases the likelihood of having a first child. The preliminary results confirm the hypotheses set out.

Research paper thumbnail of Homogamy, global and educational distance between spouses

Sociologia, Jul 6, 2015

Resumo Este artigo analisa se o processo de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competênc... more Resumo Este artigo analisa se o processo de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências (RVCC) pode fazer parte de uma tentativa de o adulto fazer convergir o seu nível educativo com o do cônjuge. Tomando como ponto de partida o referencial teórico sobre a escolha do cônjuge e a homogamia, foram aplicados 289 questionários a adultos em processo RVCC, em Lisboa, em 2009. As trajetórias escolares e familiares dos adultos foram reconstruídas para analisar a distância global e educacional entre os cônjuges. A análise dos dados mostrou que, apesar da prevalência da homogamia na população estudada, a presença de casos atípicos enfatiza a relevância do estudo da heterogamia. Quando há diferença no nível educacional dos cônjuges, o adulto em processo de RVCC vai aproximar-se do seu cônjuge. Nos casais homogâmicos, o processo de RVCC faz sobressair a escolarização da população feminina, ou seja, a hipogamia educacional. Palavras-chave homogamia, aprendizagem ao longo da vida, educação de adultos, validação e certificação de competências.

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing Early Retirement in Europe: Do Working Conditions Matter?

Journal of Population Ageing, Jun 3, 2017

The paper argues that the existing literature, based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retireme... more The paper argues that the existing literature, based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) data, on how working conditions impact on early retirement preferences/plans is hampered by the fact that the approach adopted to capture individuals' early retirement plans fails to acknowledge that these preferences/plans are defined by reference to the rules that regulate the entitlement to pension benefits. In doing so, these studies risk overestimating the impact of working conditions on early retirement plans. We put forward a more accurate way of capturing individuals' early retirement preferences/plans, which consists in using information on the age at which respondents plan to start collecting the basic pension benefits, and then computing whether the respondent plans to retire before the official age of retirement in his country of residence. Using SHARE microdata, wave 4, we show that individuals exposed to an imbalance between effort and rewards at work

Research paper thumbnail of Insécurité résidentielle en période d’incertitude

Research paper thumbnail of Perspetivas sobre o sector de arrendamento privado em Lisboa, 2011-2021

1. Retrato do arrendamento e perfil dos arrendatários em Lisboa. 2. Alterações recentes com impac... more 1. Retrato do arrendamento e perfil dos arrendatários em Lisboa. 2. Alterações recentes com impacto na configuração do arrendamento privado. 3. O que podemos esperar conhecer nos resultados dos Censos 2021?

Research paper thumbnail of Autonomia funcional e envelhecimento: uma tipologia municipal

Neste capítulo, analisam-se as incapacidades e limitações funcionais, as pessoas que vivem sós e ... more Neste capítulo, analisam-se as incapacidades e limitações funcionais, as pessoas que vivem sós e as condições habitacionais da população portuguesa, com base numa tipologia ao nível municipal, relacionando-a com o envelhecimento da sociedade. 55 AUTONOMIA FUNCIONAL E ENVELHECIMENTO: UMA TIPOLOGIA MUNICIPAL Os Censos de 2011 recolheram, pela primeira vez, informação relativa a limitações da população portuguesa em termos sensoriais, motores e cognitivos. Esta orientação reflete uma preocupação com o envelhecimento e revela a necessidade de melhor conhecer essas limitações de modo a apoiar políticas de ação social e de saúde, contribuindo para a qualidade de vida e bem-estar da população. Essas políticas assumem um âmbito local na medida em que devem proporcionar condições para que as pessoas portadoras de limitações cognitivas, sensoriais e motoras possam ter, em casa e na comunidade, uma vida mais facilitada e

Research paper thumbnail of O envelhecimento e a Agenda 2030 para o desenvolvimento sustentável

Research paper thumbnail of Arrendamento urbano e envelhecimento em Portugal: tendências e perfis

Research paper thumbnail of Population ageing in Portugal: a review and appraisal linking approaches

Research paper thumbnail of Trajectoires de vie et transition à la vieillesse : le Portugal comme une étude de cas

„ Résumé En Europe, à part l’Allemagne, les pays du Sud sont les plus âgés en raison de la croiss... more „ Résumé En Europe, à part l’Allemagne, les pays du Sud sont les plus âgés en raison de la croissance du nombre de seniors. Cette évolution soulève toutes sortes de problèmes. Elle est objet de débats et de controverses, liées à ses principales implications surtout en ce qui concerne le développement socioéconomique et les chances de viabilité des systèmes de sécurité sociale et de santé. Cependant, les conséquences futures du nombre et du rythme de croissance du vieillissement de la population sont susceptibles d’être influencés par différents parcours de vie, en particulier en ce qui concerne les trajectoires individuelles en matière de scolarité et de profession, ainsi que la mise en œuvre de projets familiaux.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrastes et convergences régionales du vieillissement de la population au Portugal (1950-2011)

Les auteures temercient, d'une part, Ia Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos pour son soutien... more Les auteures temercient, d'une part, Ia Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos pour son soutien financier du Project de recherche "Dinâmicas Demograficas e Envelhecirnento da Populacao Portuguesa (1950-2011): evolucao e pelspectivas" qui est a I'origine de cel article et, d'autre part, Frederico Moura e Sa pour sa collaboration dans la realisation des cartes.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the relationship between first childbirth and homeownership: new evidence from Spain, 2000-2008

The "Southern European Housing" series of books examines housing with a comparative and interdisc... more The "Southern European Housing" series of books examines housing with a comparative and interdisciplinary approach. The special focus on Southern Europe is due to the distinctive development paths of this geographical area, as well as to the limited scientific debate and scarcity of international publications on this topic. The overall aim is to promote the studies on housing provision, policies and governance in Southern Europe as compared with the rest of Europe and non-European countries, to monitor their constant changes, and to explore the scope and outcome of these changes.

Research paper thumbnail of Home ownership in Southern European countries: Similarities and differences

Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2016

Southern European countries (SEC) are often considered as a homogenous group, distinct from the r... more Southern European countries (SEC) are often considered as a homogenous group, distinct from the rest of Europe, in the literature of housing studies. This article explores the idea that despite sharing cohesion factors, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain also displayed a significant degree of heterogeneity in their housing patterns at the outset of the current economic crisis. The study analyses 2005 and 2009 micro-data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions at two levels. At the macro level, a cluster analysis was used to define four homogeneous groups in the European context. At the micro level, both homogeneous and heterogeneous features of home ownership in the SEC were identified using logistic modelling. The results of the macro analysis highlight the structural proximity between the southern and the post-socialist countries in terms of housing characteristics. With regard to predictors of home ownership, the micro analysis confirms th...

Research paper thumbnail of Fertility, Economic Uncertainty and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Before and After

COVID-19 caught the world unprepared, and its consequences are raising far-reaching demographic d... more COVID-19 caught the world unprepared, and its consequences are raising far-reaching demographic dilemmas. In this paper we look at the relationship between the General Fertility Rate (GFR) and economic uncertainty. The GFR is calculated using monthly data on births from the Short-Term Fertility Fluctuations data series on 17 European countries from 2010 to 2021. Our main independent variables are measures of subjective uncertainty constructed from Eurobarometer survey data - individual’s perceptions about their own current job situation and household finances. We use also objective measures of economic uncertainty such as unemployment rate and the consumer confidence index, traditionally used in the literature. Using fixed-effects regression models, we contribute to a better understanding of the fertility trends since the Great Recession by exploring the link between fertility and economic uncertainty, checking also whether it changed in the pandemic period. We show that economic un...

Research paper thumbnail of Acesso à habitação, formação familiar e imigração: consequências da bolha imobiliária em Espanha

Research paper thumbnail of Population and home ownership in Europe: patterns of similarity and diversity through sociodemographic predictors

Papers de demografia, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Envelhecimento e qualidade de vida

Research paper thumbnail of Portugal e o 2018 Ageing Report

Policy brief, 2018

A projeção global da despesa pública associada ao fator etário 3-4 Cuidados de saúde 4-5 Cuidados... more A projeção global da despesa pública associada ao fator etário 3-4 Cuidados de saúde 4-5 Cuidados de longa duração

Research paper thumbnail of O Envelhecimento ativo em Portugal através do Active Ageing Index e do AgeWatch Index

Research paper thumbnail of Anos vividos e anos remanescentes: Duas perspectivas sobre o envelhecimento demográfico

Research paper thumbnail of Housing tenure status as determinant of fertility behaviour and timing

Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione 2015, Nov 13, 2014

This paper takes the Spanish case as an illustration of the southern European residential system ... more This paper takes the Spanish case as an illustration of the southern European residential system to address the importance of access to housing, specifically through home ownership in fertility behaviour. Taking the Encuesta Financiera de las Familias (2008) as data source, this paper is guided by a two-step analysis aiming to test two hypothesis: 1) there is a correlation between the year of the acquisition of a house or the year when the household moved to a rented house and the year in which the household heads had a child; and 2) being household head of a owner-occupied house increases the likelihood of having a first child. The preliminary results confirm the hypotheses set out.

Research paper thumbnail of Homogamy, global and educational distance between spouses

Sociologia, Jul 6, 2015

Resumo Este artigo analisa se o processo de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competênc... more Resumo Este artigo analisa se o processo de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências (RVCC) pode fazer parte de uma tentativa de o adulto fazer convergir o seu nível educativo com o do cônjuge. Tomando como ponto de partida o referencial teórico sobre a escolha do cônjuge e a homogamia, foram aplicados 289 questionários a adultos em processo RVCC, em Lisboa, em 2009. As trajetórias escolares e familiares dos adultos foram reconstruídas para analisar a distância global e educacional entre os cônjuges. A análise dos dados mostrou que, apesar da prevalência da homogamia na população estudada, a presença de casos atípicos enfatiza a relevância do estudo da heterogamia. Quando há diferença no nível educacional dos cônjuges, o adulto em processo de RVCC vai aproximar-se do seu cônjuge. Nos casais homogâmicos, o processo de RVCC faz sobressair a escolarização da população feminina, ou seja, a hipogamia educacional. Palavras-chave homogamia, aprendizagem ao longo da vida, educação de adultos, validação e certificação de competências.

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing Early Retirement in Europe: Do Working Conditions Matter?

Journal of Population Ageing, Jun 3, 2017

The paper argues that the existing literature, based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retireme... more The paper argues that the existing literature, based on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) data, on how working conditions impact on early retirement preferences/plans is hampered by the fact that the approach adopted to capture individuals' early retirement plans fails to acknowledge that these preferences/plans are defined by reference to the rules that regulate the entitlement to pension benefits. In doing so, these studies risk overestimating the impact of working conditions on early retirement plans. We put forward a more accurate way of capturing individuals' early retirement preferences/plans, which consists in using information on the age at which respondents plan to start collecting the basic pension benefits, and then computing whether the respondent plans to retire before the official age of retirement in his country of residence. Using SHARE microdata, wave 4, we show that individuals exposed to an imbalance between effort and rewards at work