LASTUTI ABUBAKAR - (original) (raw)
Acta diurnal, Jun 29, 2022
Jurnal Poros Hukum Padjadjaran, May 31, 2023
Digitalisasi perbankan mendorong munculnya Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) yang... more Digitalisasi perbankan mendorong munculnya Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) yang memungkinkan bank untuk berkolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga yaitu fintech dan/atau e-commerce dengan membuka data transaksi nasabah. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan implikasi pada layanan perbankan dan keamanan data nasabah. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini guna untuk mencari tahu implikasi pelaksanaan Open API terhadap layanan perbankan dan upaya perlindungan data nasabah pasca berlakunya Peraturan Dewan Gubernur Nomor 23/15/PADG/2021 tentang Implementasi Standar Nasional Open API Pembayaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi deskriptif analitis pada sumber hukum primer dan hukum sekunder. Data yang telah diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode normatif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh bahwa Implementasi pelaksanaan Open API terhadap layanan perbankan memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam bertransaksi serta dapat melengkapi ekosistem produk. Ekosistem produk yang terafiliasi menjadi lebih beragam dengan adanya layanan perbankan yang dapat diakses melalui aplikasi pihak ketiga. Selanjutnya, bentuk perlindungan hukum telah diberikan guna melindungi data nasabah yang menjadi alat tukar dalam kolaborasi yang dijalin oleh bank dan pihak ketiga. Kata kunci: open api; open banking; implikasi hukum.
Jurnal USM law review, Apr 23, 2023
Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak hukum terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank sebaga... more Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak hukum terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank sebagai pemegang hak tanggungan (HT) untuk HT yang telah ditetapkan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum oleh putusan pengadilan. Terkait pemberian kredit, keberadaan jaminan menjadi hal yang cukup diperhatikan oleh bank. Tanah hingga saat ini menjadi sangat disukai bank sebagai jaminan kredit dengan hak tanggungan. Pembatalan atas sertifikat kepemilikan atas tanah dapat diajukan terhadap tanah yang telah menjadi HT. Dengan pembatalan hak tanggungan, bank akan kehilangan jaminan atas kredit yang telah dikeluarkannya terlebih jika debitur dalam status kredit macet. Yuridis normatif adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil pembahasan bahwa akibat hukum terhadap hak tanggungan yang telah ditetapkan tidak berkekuatan hukum oleh putusan pengadilan terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank selaku pemegang hak tanggungan adalah bahwa bank akan kehilangan kedudukan sebagai kreditur preferen. Pembatalan perjanjian peralihan hak atas tanah turut menyebabkan pembatalam perjanjian hak tanggungan, mengingat objek perjanjiannya menjadi tidak memenuhi syarat sah perjanjian. Hubungan kontraktual antara debitur dan bank selaku kreditur dalam perjanjian hak tersebut dianggap tidak ada, sehingga keadaannya harus dikembalikan seperti semula.
ABSTRAK Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) merupakan pejabat umum yang bertugas untuk membuat akta... more ABSTRAK Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) merupakan pejabat umum yang bertugas untuk membuat akta otentik sebagai bukti telah dilakukannya perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah atau hak milik satuan rumah susun, salah satunya adalah Akta Jual Beli (AJB). AJB sebagaimana akta otentik, diwajibkan untuk memenuhi prosedur yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, salah satunya Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 8 Tahun 2012. Ketika pembuatan AJB tidak memenuhi prosedur dan persyaratan yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, maka Akta tersebut menjadi cacat hukum, sehingga harus dibatalakan/batal demi hukum. Dengan metode yuridis normatif, disimpulkan bahwa akibat hukum dari AJB yang mengandung cacat hukum dan melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan adalah batal demi hukum, sehingga AJB dan seluruh perbuatan yang terkait dengan AJB tersebut batal dan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum apapun. Tanggung jawab PPAT yang terbukti lalai dan melakukan kesalahan dalam pembuatan akta jual beli berupa tanggung jawab secara hukum dan moral. Kata Kunci: akibat hukum; akta jual beli; tanggung jawab. ABSTRACT A Land Titles Registrar (PPAT) is a public officials whose duty is to make an authentic deeds as proves that a legal action on land or flats right has been done, which one of them is Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB). AJB, as an authentic deed, has to comply the procedures regulated in law provisions concerned. As the making of a AJB does not comply the procedures and provisions regulated in law provisions, the deed will have law defect(s) and can be nullified or will be nullified by law. The law consequence of AJB containing legal defects and violating the lawas and regulations are null and void and considered never be made/exist so all of the actions related to the AJB is also nulled by law, another law consequence which can occur from AJB nullification of containing law defects is the actual losses of the parties in the AJB, third parties, and PPAT who made the deed. The responsibility of PPAT who is proven negligent and made a mistake in making AJB deed resulting in the AJB becoming defective and null and void by the law is law and moral responsibility. Keywords: deed of sale and purchase; law consequence; responsibilities.
Pada awalnya, regulasi Modal ventura mengatur bahwa Modal ventura adalah pembiayaan yang esensiny... more Pada awalnya, regulasi Modal ventura mengatur bahwa Modal ventura adalah pembiayaan yang esensinya penyertaan modal sementara. Kedudukan Perusahaan Modal Ventura dan Perusahaan Pasangan Usaha adalah mitra, sehingga keuntungan dan kerugian seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Berlakunya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 35/POJK.05/2015 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Perusahaan Modal Ventura (POJK/35/2015) telah mengubah konsep modal ventura dengan mengatur jenis pembiayaan usaha produktif yang berbasis pinjam meminjam. Pada praktik, pembiayaan usaha produktif ini dianggap lebih memberikan kedudukan yang lebih kuat bagi Perusahaan Modal Ventura dengan mencantumkan klausul jaminan dalam perjanjiannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) Eksistensi klausul jaminan pada usaha modal ventura; dan menganalisis (2) Akibat hukum pencantuman klausul jaminan dalam usaha modal ventura. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil (1) Berdasarkan perkembangan regulasi modal ventura setelah POJK/35/2015 eksistensi klausul jaminan diperkenankan dalam usaha modal ventura dengan skema pembiayaan usaha produktif yang berbasis pinjam meminjam, namun tidak tepat apabila dicantumkan dalam usaha modal ventura berupa penyertaan modal sementara; (2) Pencantuman klausul jaminan dalam usaha modal ventura ini berakibat hukum dalam pembiayaan usaha produktif dan akan mengikat para pihak serta memberikan hak kepada perusahaan modal ventura untuk mengeksekusi objek jaminan apabila perusahaan pasangan usaha wanprestasi.
Rechtidee, Jun 29, 2018
Bank as an intermediary institution are required prudential principles to applied, particularly i... more Bank as an intermediary institution are required prudential principles to applied, particularly in channeling funds through credit or financing to ensure that the debtor or customer has the intention and ability to pay. Prudential principle in the provisions is become urgently, requiring the Bank to own and implement a Credit or Financing Policy (CDE) as a guideline for banks in implementing credit or financing is regulated in POJK No. 42 / POJK.03 / 2017 concerning The Obligation for preparation and implementation of Rural Policy or Financing of Banks for Commercial Banks. Issues to be studied are how the implementation of CDE, the scope of CDE and the legal consequences of not conducting CDE by the Bank in order to create a sound crediting or financing. As part of the prevailing provisions of the Bank, non-compliance by Bank to CDE means violation of prudential principles as regulated in Articles 2, 8 and 29 Paragraph (2) of Banking Law and Article 23, 35 Paragraph (1) and 36 of Islamic Banking Law. Based on Article 49 Paragraph (2b) of the Banking Law and Article 66 Paragraph (1.d) the violation of Bank prudential principles is a banking crime.
Masalah-masalah hukum, Jul 31, 2020
The Type of financing that can be used by companies using their own assets is Factoring. However,... more The Type of financing that can be used by companies using their own assets is Factoring. However, indecisive arrangements caused the practice of factoring more like loans with collateral than the purchase of receivables. This can be seen from the type of Factoring with Recourse, which imposes the risk of uncollectible receivables to the Client (seller of receivables). Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen regulations and agreements to optimize the factoring as an alternative corporate financing through the purchase of receivables. Strengthening the regulations can be done by providing a guidelines in the Factoring Agreement to insert a buyback clause (buy back receivables) by the company (client) in Factoring With Recourse. Supervision of the use of standard agreements is one of the efforts to ensure the agreement meets the essence of Factoring.
Rechtidee, Jun 30, 2019
Legal protection to the Investor is an important role to attract investment in the capital market... more Legal protection to the Investor is an important role to attract investment in the capital market. We need a mechanism to guarantee the transactions in order to avoid failure to deliver or to pay. To optimize the Guarantee Fund, it is necessary to consider the use of the concept of trust as a legal based. Furthermore, KPEI guarantees settlement of exchange transactions using existing financial resources by still imposing obligations on Clearing Members to replace (subrogation). To optimize the assurance fund managed by KPEI, it is worth considering the use of trust concept as legal basis. In form of Trust concept, KPEI will act as a Trustee (Legal owner) who can manage and invest the funds optimally, while the beneficiaries (beneficial owner) is the interest of the capital market industry. The use of trust concept that adheres to dual ownership needs to be adapted to the Indonesian legal system that is not familiar with dual ownership. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the use of the concept of trust in POJK No. 25/POJK.03/2016 concerning the amendment of POJK No. 27/POJK.03/2015 concerning Bank business activities of the Bank in the form of trust as the development of banking services.
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 2021
Indonesian banking has become one of the frontlines in supporting Indonesia's commitment to reali... more Indonesian banking has become one of the frontlines in supporting Indonesia's commitment to realize sustainable development goals. Banks must gradually adopt and internalize the 8 principles of sustainable finance as stipulated in Regulation of the Indonesia Financial Service Authority (POJK) No. 51/2017 on Sustainable Finance in their business activities. As a result, it is mandatory that banks run their business not in a 'business as usual' manner, but rather as part of implementing sustainable finance. One of the challenges for banks in realizing the long-term plans (2020-2024) is the integration of social and environmental risk aspects into their business processes. Therefore, one of the banking policies that must be carefully regulated and managed is the management of social and environmental risk aspects. In addition, to realize sustainable finance, banks should implement a principle of prudence through the aspect of social and environmental risk governance. This being the case, the Banks must make strategic steps to integrate social and environmental aspects into the activities and services/products offered. The result shows that the applicable regulations that provide and relate to sustainable finance in Indonesia are distributed in several rules and involve the government, corporations and society. Cooperation between banking and the government is required in order to ensure priority industries comply with all regulations relating to environmental preservation. Meanwhile, considering that development of regulations related to the environment is highly dynamic, banks are required to have flexible policies to be able to keep up with the dynamic in the community while still complying with the principles of sustainable finance. Regulatory synchronization is still needed considering the current banking provisions require an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) for industries with a high risk to the environment. Meanwhile, a recent regulation on business permits stipulated in Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation applies a risk-based regulatory approach that must be translated by banks into more realistic guidelines. In addition, the Bank needs a corporate role to support the implementation of sustainable principles both as creditors and debtors. Corporate regulations in Indonesia are only limited to requiring corporate social responsibilities for types of business related to natural resource management. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen regulations that encourage corporations to apply sustainable principles. Currently, the Financial Services Authority has submitted a draft of a plan for financial development/investment guidelines that will facilitate financial service institutions, especially banks, to conduct a feasibility analysis of funding/investment in sustainable priority economic sectors.
Acta diurnal, Aug 12, 2018
Fungsi pasar modal sebagai alternatif pembiayaan semakin berkembang sejalan dengan pembangunan ek... more Fungsi pasar modal sebagai alternatif pembiayaan semakin berkembang sejalan dengan pembangunan ekonomi nasional sehingga menimbulkan transaksi-transaksi bisnis baru yang salah satunya adalah transaksi repo. Transaksi repo tumbuh dari asas kebebasan berkontrak dan semakin berkembang karena merupakan salah satu alternatif pembiayaan yang potensial bagi para investor. Perkembangan transaksi repo juga menimbulkan masalah-masalah baru terutama yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan investor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jawaban akibat hukum transaksi repo dan perlindungan hukum terhadap para investor di pasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dan dipaparkan secara deskriptif analitis. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif analitis. Transaksi perdagangan di pasar modal adalah jual beli sehingga menimbulkan akibat-akibat hukum perjanjian jual beli yang mengikat para pihak dan harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik. Transaksi repo pada dasarnya adalah perjanjian jual beli sehingga terdapat pengalihan kepemilikan efek yang mengakibatkan pembeli menjadi pemilik sah atas efek tersebut. Asas-asas hukum memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada investor yang beritikad baik sehingga tidak dapat dituntut atas kerugian yang timbul dari kesalahan dan kelalaian para pihak di dalam transaksi repo. Keterbukaan informasi tentang transaksi repo dan fasilitas tri party repo dapat lebih memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada investor untuk mewujudkan transaksi repo yang wajar, teratur, dan efisien. Kata kunci: investor, perlindungan hukum, transaksi repo.
Padjadjaran: jurnal ilmu hukum (Journal of law), Dec 1, 2019
Cash waqf is an innovative instrument of waqf aiming to create social welfare. It is expected tha... more Cash waqf is an innovative instrument of waqf aiming to create social welfare. It is expected that cash waqf enables extensive public participation to support social welfare. However, in reality, cash waqf management in Indonesia has not yet resulted optimal benefit. Based on the Law Number 41 of 2004 on Waqf, three institutions carry out cash waqf management. They are the Indonesian Waqf Board as the collector and the developer, Nazhir as the manager, and the Islamic Financial Institution as the collector. The three institutions make the cash waqf management and development ineffective and not optimal. Based on the data from the Indonesian Waqf Board, of the total potential cash waqf IDR180 Trillion, only IDR400 billion was realized. This study is a normative juridical legal study employing descriptive method. The results reveal that the role of the Islamic Financial Institution, Islamic bank, as collector can actually be expanded. Thus, it covers the management and distribution roles like a Waqf Bank in Bangladesh, the Social Islami Bank Ltd. (formerly known as Social Investment Bank Ltd). Islamic bank has capability and professionalism of management and distribution of funds generated from the cash waqf.
Jurnal Ilmiah Galuh Justisi, Sep 13, 2020
One way to settle bad debts is the execution mortgage rights through a public auction. However, i... more One way to settle bad debts is the execution mortgage rights through a public auction. However, in practice, the execution of mortgage security does not always provide legal protection to the auction buyers of mortgage rights, one of them is that the auction winner cannot enjoy his rights to the auction object because of the lawsuit over the execution of mortgage rights, so that the execution of the mortgage security cannot be carried out. The purpose of this research is to find out the position of the collateral right that has been auctioned in the event that there is a lawsuit from a third party and legal protection that can be given to the auction winner for the loss of not being able to enjoy the object of the mortgage rights auction due to a lawsuit from a third party. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical approach, which uses secondary data in the form of related legislation. Based on the research conducted, the results are: First, the position of the guaranteed mortgage rights object in the auction execution in the event that there is a lawsuit from a third party, legally still the right of auction winner that have a good faith. Second, legal protection for the winner of a bid in good faith over losses cannot enjoy the object of the mortgage right because the lawsuit can be carried out by litigation and nonlitigation. Litigation lawsuits are based on unlawful acts against auction sellers.
Rechtidee, Jun 29, 2021
Regulator, OJK, has issued a Credit/Financing Restructuring Policy, namely POJK No. 11/POJK.03/20... more Regulator, OJK, has issued a Credit/Financing Restructuring Policy, namely POJK No. 11/POJK.03/2020 as amended by POJK No. 48/POJK.03/ 2020 Regarding the Stimulus of the Impact of Covid-19. This policy is used by the Government to encourage national economic recovery. From the banking side, credit/financing restructuring is carried out to maintain asset quality and optimize the banking function as an intermediary institution. Banks can carry out credit / financing restructuring for debtors affected by Covid-19 as long as they still meet the prudential principles and apply risk management. Based on this POJK, restructured loans are exempted from the calculation of low quality assets in the assessment of the soundness of the Bank. However, Banks are required to implement risk management, among others, have guidelines for determining debtors affected by Covid-19; forming reserves for debtors deemed unable to survive after restructuring, taking into account capital resilience potential deterioration in credit quality or restructured financing; as well as conducting periodic resilience tests on the potential decline in credit quality and its impact on Bank liquidity and capital.
The development of global economic activities toward the implementation of Sharia Economic system... more The development of global economic activities toward the implementation of Sharia Economic system has a significant implication to the economic activities in Indonesia. Currently, there is a significant transformation from conventional economic system to sharia. In practice, both systems are being practiced andone can select either of them. Indonesian economic law is experiencing a significant change with the implementation of sharia economic system. Two laws are being practiced in paralel in the economic sector, i.e. conventional and sharia economic laws, resulting a shift of economic positive law road map. Universities have to provide human resources to response to the above transformation for the benefit of the country. Several efforts should be carried out, such as providing graduates with the knowledge of sharia economic system, to adopt the changes in the economic law system in the curriculum, supporting the lecturers to get more knowledge in the sharia economic law through both formaland non formal training/education, providing enough references for the library etc. Key words: sharia economic, economic law, university.
Rechtidee, Jul 31, 2017
One of the strategic issues of the slow growth of the Sharia Insurance industry is the availabili... more One of the strategic issues of the slow growth of the Sharia Insurance industry is the availability of human resources that controls the Sharia Insurance, which affects the low understanding of the community on the differences between sharia and conventional insurance, especially in relation to the contracts used and contributions as a tabarru 'fund different from premiums. Based on these conditions, this study examines and analyzes the implementation of Sharia principles through the use of sharia insurance policy standards. This research is normative and analytical descriptive research. Normative legal research in the form of research to find the law of a case by describing and analyzing data related to implementation of compliance with sharia principles. The results show that compliance with sharia principles is a public expectation. The standard policy that contains the agreement between the Takaful company and the customer becomes the means to ensure compliance with sharia compliance by elaborating the principles of sharia in the policy to be implemented. The fundamental difference in mechanisms between sharia and conventional insurance can be realized through a standard policy, with reference to the standard policy guidelines issued by the Indonesian Sharia Insurance Association (AASI).
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Open banking with Application Programming Interface technology (open API) is an initiative that a... more Open banking with Application Programming Interface technology (open API) is an initiative that aims to streamline the payment system in Indonesia. Open API allows banks to integrate their systems with fintech and e-commerce by disclosing customer transaction data. This study aims to reveal the urgency of open API standardization in the Indonesian implementation of open banking. The study employed a normative juridical approach to secondary data. The data includes primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. It also used a qualitative normative data analysis method. It concludes that before the establishment of the National Standard for Open API Payment (SNAP), the process of sharing data among banks and fintech and/or e-commerce was unstandardized. It was only based on agreement among parties. Indonesian banks have different-various standards of the open API that could affect customer data protection. According to the Regulation of the Financial Service Authority Number 12/POJ...
Journal of Shariah Law Research, Dec 23, 2020
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the ultimate goal of economic integration. This agreement will ... more ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the ultimate goal of economic integration. This agreement will make ASEAN into a single market and products based that will make ASEAN more dynamic and competitive. In 2020, ASEAN has the sole purpose of achieving the integration of the financial sector this is known as ASEAN Banking Integration Framework. The main problem is how the infrastructure readiness Indonesian banking law to use the opportunity and compete in order ABIF purposes and how the banking regulation to encourage national banks to meetthe criteria of Qualified ASEAN Banks? The results showed, required regulations that provide convenience for national banks to meet QAB through mergers and consolidation; Indonesia still has to prepare a series of agreements to support bilateral agreements with ASEAN countries, among others, related to surveillance, handling troubled banks, confidentiality or the exchange of information between the Bank and the human resources and other national inter...
Acta diurnal, Jun 29, 2022
Jurnal Poros Hukum Padjadjaran, May 31, 2023
Digitalisasi perbankan mendorong munculnya Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) yang... more Digitalisasi perbankan mendorong munculnya Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) yang memungkinkan bank untuk berkolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga yaitu fintech dan/atau e-commerce dengan membuka data transaksi nasabah. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan implikasi pada layanan perbankan dan keamanan data nasabah. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini guna untuk mencari tahu implikasi pelaksanaan Open API terhadap layanan perbankan dan upaya perlindungan data nasabah pasca berlakunya Peraturan Dewan Gubernur Nomor 23/15/PADG/2021 tentang Implementasi Standar Nasional Open API Pembayaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi deskriptif analitis pada sumber hukum primer dan hukum sekunder. Data yang telah diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode normatif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh bahwa Implementasi pelaksanaan Open API terhadap layanan perbankan memberikan kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam bertransaksi serta dapat melengkapi ekosistem produk. Ekosistem produk yang terafiliasi menjadi lebih beragam dengan adanya layanan perbankan yang dapat diakses melalui aplikasi pihak ketiga. Selanjutnya, bentuk perlindungan hukum telah diberikan guna melindungi data nasabah yang menjadi alat tukar dalam kolaborasi yang dijalin oleh bank dan pihak ketiga. Kata kunci: open api; open banking; implikasi hukum.
Jurnal USM law review, Apr 23, 2023
Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak hukum terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank sebaga... more Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak hukum terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank sebagai pemegang hak tanggungan (HT) untuk HT yang telah ditetapkan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum oleh putusan pengadilan. Terkait pemberian kredit, keberadaan jaminan menjadi hal yang cukup diperhatikan oleh bank. Tanah hingga saat ini menjadi sangat disukai bank sebagai jaminan kredit dengan hak tanggungan. Pembatalan atas sertifikat kepemilikan atas tanah dapat diajukan terhadap tanah yang telah menjadi HT. Dengan pembatalan hak tanggungan, bank akan kehilangan jaminan atas kredit yang telah dikeluarkannya terlebih jika debitur dalam status kredit macet. Yuridis normatif adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil pembahasan bahwa akibat hukum terhadap hak tanggungan yang telah ditetapkan tidak berkekuatan hukum oleh putusan pengadilan terhadap kedudukan dan kewajiban bank selaku pemegang hak tanggungan adalah bahwa bank akan kehilangan kedudukan sebagai kreditur preferen. Pembatalan perjanjian peralihan hak atas tanah turut menyebabkan pembatalam perjanjian hak tanggungan, mengingat objek perjanjiannya menjadi tidak memenuhi syarat sah perjanjian. Hubungan kontraktual antara debitur dan bank selaku kreditur dalam perjanjian hak tersebut dianggap tidak ada, sehingga keadaannya harus dikembalikan seperti semula.
ABSTRAK Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) merupakan pejabat umum yang bertugas untuk membuat akta... more ABSTRAK Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) merupakan pejabat umum yang bertugas untuk membuat akta otentik sebagai bukti telah dilakukannya perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah atau hak milik satuan rumah susun, salah satunya adalah Akta Jual Beli (AJB). AJB sebagaimana akta otentik, diwajibkan untuk memenuhi prosedur yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, salah satunya Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 8 Tahun 2012. Ketika pembuatan AJB tidak memenuhi prosedur dan persyaratan yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, maka Akta tersebut menjadi cacat hukum, sehingga harus dibatalakan/batal demi hukum. Dengan metode yuridis normatif, disimpulkan bahwa akibat hukum dari AJB yang mengandung cacat hukum dan melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan adalah batal demi hukum, sehingga AJB dan seluruh perbuatan yang terkait dengan AJB tersebut batal dan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum apapun. Tanggung jawab PPAT yang terbukti lalai dan melakukan kesalahan dalam pembuatan akta jual beli berupa tanggung jawab secara hukum dan moral. Kata Kunci: akibat hukum; akta jual beli; tanggung jawab. ABSTRACT A Land Titles Registrar (PPAT) is a public officials whose duty is to make an authentic deeds as proves that a legal action on land or flats right has been done, which one of them is Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB). AJB, as an authentic deed, has to comply the procedures regulated in law provisions concerned. As the making of a AJB does not comply the procedures and provisions regulated in law provisions, the deed will have law defect(s) and can be nullified or will be nullified by law. The law consequence of AJB containing legal defects and violating the lawas and regulations are null and void and considered never be made/exist so all of the actions related to the AJB is also nulled by law, another law consequence which can occur from AJB nullification of containing law defects is the actual losses of the parties in the AJB, third parties, and PPAT who made the deed. The responsibility of PPAT who is proven negligent and made a mistake in making AJB deed resulting in the AJB becoming defective and null and void by the law is law and moral responsibility. Keywords: deed of sale and purchase; law consequence; responsibilities.
Pada awalnya, regulasi Modal ventura mengatur bahwa Modal ventura adalah pembiayaan yang esensiny... more Pada awalnya, regulasi Modal ventura mengatur bahwa Modal ventura adalah pembiayaan yang esensinya penyertaan modal sementara. Kedudukan Perusahaan Modal Ventura dan Perusahaan Pasangan Usaha adalah mitra, sehingga keuntungan dan kerugian seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Berlakunya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 35/POJK.05/2015 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Perusahaan Modal Ventura (POJK/35/2015) telah mengubah konsep modal ventura dengan mengatur jenis pembiayaan usaha produktif yang berbasis pinjam meminjam. Pada praktik, pembiayaan usaha produktif ini dianggap lebih memberikan kedudukan yang lebih kuat bagi Perusahaan Modal Ventura dengan mencantumkan klausul jaminan dalam perjanjiannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) Eksistensi klausul jaminan pada usaha modal ventura; dan menganalisis (2) Akibat hukum pencantuman klausul jaminan dalam usaha modal ventura. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil (1) Berdasarkan perkembangan regulasi modal ventura setelah POJK/35/2015 eksistensi klausul jaminan diperkenankan dalam usaha modal ventura dengan skema pembiayaan usaha produktif yang berbasis pinjam meminjam, namun tidak tepat apabila dicantumkan dalam usaha modal ventura berupa penyertaan modal sementara; (2) Pencantuman klausul jaminan dalam usaha modal ventura ini berakibat hukum dalam pembiayaan usaha produktif dan akan mengikat para pihak serta memberikan hak kepada perusahaan modal ventura untuk mengeksekusi objek jaminan apabila perusahaan pasangan usaha wanprestasi.
Rechtidee, Jun 29, 2018
Bank as an intermediary institution are required prudential principles to applied, particularly i... more Bank as an intermediary institution are required prudential principles to applied, particularly in channeling funds through credit or financing to ensure that the debtor or customer has the intention and ability to pay. Prudential principle in the provisions is become urgently, requiring the Bank to own and implement a Credit or Financing Policy (CDE) as a guideline for banks in implementing credit or financing is regulated in POJK No. 42 / POJK.03 / 2017 concerning The Obligation for preparation and implementation of Rural Policy or Financing of Banks for Commercial Banks. Issues to be studied are how the implementation of CDE, the scope of CDE and the legal consequences of not conducting CDE by the Bank in order to create a sound crediting or financing. As part of the prevailing provisions of the Bank, non-compliance by Bank to CDE means violation of prudential principles as regulated in Articles 2, 8 and 29 Paragraph (2) of Banking Law and Article 23, 35 Paragraph (1) and 36 of Islamic Banking Law. Based on Article 49 Paragraph (2b) of the Banking Law and Article 66 Paragraph (1.d) the violation of Bank prudential principles is a banking crime.
Masalah-masalah hukum, Jul 31, 2020
The Type of financing that can be used by companies using their own assets is Factoring. However,... more The Type of financing that can be used by companies using their own assets is Factoring. However, indecisive arrangements caused the practice of factoring more like loans with collateral than the purchase of receivables. This can be seen from the type of Factoring with Recourse, which imposes the risk of uncollectible receivables to the Client (seller of receivables). Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen regulations and agreements to optimize the factoring as an alternative corporate financing through the purchase of receivables. Strengthening the regulations can be done by providing a guidelines in the Factoring Agreement to insert a buyback clause (buy back receivables) by the company (client) in Factoring With Recourse. Supervision of the use of standard agreements is one of the efforts to ensure the agreement meets the essence of Factoring.
Rechtidee, Jun 30, 2019
Legal protection to the Investor is an important role to attract investment in the capital market... more Legal protection to the Investor is an important role to attract investment in the capital market. We need a mechanism to guarantee the transactions in order to avoid failure to deliver or to pay. To optimize the Guarantee Fund, it is necessary to consider the use of the concept of trust as a legal based. Furthermore, KPEI guarantees settlement of exchange transactions using existing financial resources by still imposing obligations on Clearing Members to replace (subrogation). To optimize the assurance fund managed by KPEI, it is worth considering the use of trust concept as legal basis. In form of Trust concept, KPEI will act as a Trustee (Legal owner) who can manage and invest the funds optimally, while the beneficiaries (beneficial owner) is the interest of the capital market industry. The use of trust concept that adheres to dual ownership needs to be adapted to the Indonesian legal system that is not familiar with dual ownership. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the use of the concept of trust in POJK No. 25/POJK.03/2016 concerning the amendment of POJK No. 27/POJK.03/2015 concerning Bank business activities of the Bank in the form of trust as the development of banking services.
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 2021
Indonesian banking has become one of the frontlines in supporting Indonesia's commitment to reali... more Indonesian banking has become one of the frontlines in supporting Indonesia's commitment to realize sustainable development goals. Banks must gradually adopt and internalize the 8 principles of sustainable finance as stipulated in Regulation of the Indonesia Financial Service Authority (POJK) No. 51/2017 on Sustainable Finance in their business activities. As a result, it is mandatory that banks run their business not in a 'business as usual' manner, but rather as part of implementing sustainable finance. One of the challenges for banks in realizing the long-term plans (2020-2024) is the integration of social and environmental risk aspects into their business processes. Therefore, one of the banking policies that must be carefully regulated and managed is the management of social and environmental risk aspects. In addition, to realize sustainable finance, banks should implement a principle of prudence through the aspect of social and environmental risk governance. This being the case, the Banks must make strategic steps to integrate social and environmental aspects into the activities and services/products offered. The result shows that the applicable regulations that provide and relate to sustainable finance in Indonesia are distributed in several rules and involve the government, corporations and society. Cooperation between banking and the government is required in order to ensure priority industries comply with all regulations relating to environmental preservation. Meanwhile, considering that development of regulations related to the environment is highly dynamic, banks are required to have flexible policies to be able to keep up with the dynamic in the community while still complying with the principles of sustainable finance. Regulatory synchronization is still needed considering the current banking provisions require an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) for industries with a high risk to the environment. Meanwhile, a recent regulation on business permits stipulated in Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation applies a risk-based regulatory approach that must be translated by banks into more realistic guidelines. In addition, the Bank needs a corporate role to support the implementation of sustainable principles both as creditors and debtors. Corporate regulations in Indonesia are only limited to requiring corporate social responsibilities for types of business related to natural resource management. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen regulations that encourage corporations to apply sustainable principles. Currently, the Financial Services Authority has submitted a draft of a plan for financial development/investment guidelines that will facilitate financial service institutions, especially banks, to conduct a feasibility analysis of funding/investment in sustainable priority economic sectors.
Acta diurnal, Aug 12, 2018
Fungsi pasar modal sebagai alternatif pembiayaan semakin berkembang sejalan dengan pembangunan ek... more Fungsi pasar modal sebagai alternatif pembiayaan semakin berkembang sejalan dengan pembangunan ekonomi nasional sehingga menimbulkan transaksi-transaksi bisnis baru yang salah satunya adalah transaksi repo. Transaksi repo tumbuh dari asas kebebasan berkontrak dan semakin berkembang karena merupakan salah satu alternatif pembiayaan yang potensial bagi para investor. Perkembangan transaksi repo juga menimbulkan masalah-masalah baru terutama yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan investor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jawaban akibat hukum transaksi repo dan perlindungan hukum terhadap para investor di pasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dan dipaparkan secara deskriptif analitis. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif analitis. Transaksi perdagangan di pasar modal adalah jual beli sehingga menimbulkan akibat-akibat hukum perjanjian jual beli yang mengikat para pihak dan harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik. Transaksi repo pada dasarnya adalah perjanjian jual beli sehingga terdapat pengalihan kepemilikan efek yang mengakibatkan pembeli menjadi pemilik sah atas efek tersebut. Asas-asas hukum memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada investor yang beritikad baik sehingga tidak dapat dituntut atas kerugian yang timbul dari kesalahan dan kelalaian para pihak di dalam transaksi repo. Keterbukaan informasi tentang transaksi repo dan fasilitas tri party repo dapat lebih memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada investor untuk mewujudkan transaksi repo yang wajar, teratur, dan efisien. Kata kunci: investor, perlindungan hukum, transaksi repo.
Padjadjaran: jurnal ilmu hukum (Journal of law), Dec 1, 2019
Cash waqf is an innovative instrument of waqf aiming to create social welfare. It is expected tha... more Cash waqf is an innovative instrument of waqf aiming to create social welfare. It is expected that cash waqf enables extensive public participation to support social welfare. However, in reality, cash waqf management in Indonesia has not yet resulted optimal benefit. Based on the Law Number 41 of 2004 on Waqf, three institutions carry out cash waqf management. They are the Indonesian Waqf Board as the collector and the developer, Nazhir as the manager, and the Islamic Financial Institution as the collector. The three institutions make the cash waqf management and development ineffective and not optimal. Based on the data from the Indonesian Waqf Board, of the total potential cash waqf IDR180 Trillion, only IDR400 billion was realized. This study is a normative juridical legal study employing descriptive method. The results reveal that the role of the Islamic Financial Institution, Islamic bank, as collector can actually be expanded. Thus, it covers the management and distribution roles like a Waqf Bank in Bangladesh, the Social Islami Bank Ltd. (formerly known as Social Investment Bank Ltd). Islamic bank has capability and professionalism of management and distribution of funds generated from the cash waqf.
Jurnal Ilmiah Galuh Justisi, Sep 13, 2020
One way to settle bad debts is the execution mortgage rights through a public auction. However, i... more One way to settle bad debts is the execution mortgage rights through a public auction. However, in practice, the execution of mortgage security does not always provide legal protection to the auction buyers of mortgage rights, one of them is that the auction winner cannot enjoy his rights to the auction object because of the lawsuit over the execution of mortgage rights, so that the execution of the mortgage security cannot be carried out. The purpose of this research is to find out the position of the collateral right that has been auctioned in the event that there is a lawsuit from a third party and legal protection that can be given to the auction winner for the loss of not being able to enjoy the object of the mortgage rights auction due to a lawsuit from a third party. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical approach, which uses secondary data in the form of related legislation. Based on the research conducted, the results are: First, the position of the guaranteed mortgage rights object in the auction execution in the event that there is a lawsuit from a third party, legally still the right of auction winner that have a good faith. Second, legal protection for the winner of a bid in good faith over losses cannot enjoy the object of the mortgage right because the lawsuit can be carried out by litigation and nonlitigation. Litigation lawsuits are based on unlawful acts against auction sellers.
Rechtidee, Jun 29, 2021
Regulator, OJK, has issued a Credit/Financing Restructuring Policy, namely POJK No. 11/POJK.03/20... more Regulator, OJK, has issued a Credit/Financing Restructuring Policy, namely POJK No. 11/POJK.03/2020 as amended by POJK No. 48/POJK.03/ 2020 Regarding the Stimulus of the Impact of Covid-19. This policy is used by the Government to encourage national economic recovery. From the banking side, credit/financing restructuring is carried out to maintain asset quality and optimize the banking function as an intermediary institution. Banks can carry out credit / financing restructuring for debtors affected by Covid-19 as long as they still meet the prudential principles and apply risk management. Based on this POJK, restructured loans are exempted from the calculation of low quality assets in the assessment of the soundness of the Bank. However, Banks are required to implement risk management, among others, have guidelines for determining debtors affected by Covid-19; forming reserves for debtors deemed unable to survive after restructuring, taking into account capital resilience potential deterioration in credit quality or restructured financing; as well as conducting periodic resilience tests on the potential decline in credit quality and its impact on Bank liquidity and capital.
The development of global economic activities toward the implementation of Sharia Economic system... more The development of global economic activities toward the implementation of Sharia Economic system has a significant implication to the economic activities in Indonesia. Currently, there is a significant transformation from conventional economic system to sharia. In practice, both systems are being practiced andone can select either of them. Indonesian economic law is experiencing a significant change with the implementation of sharia economic system. Two laws are being practiced in paralel in the economic sector, i.e. conventional and sharia economic laws, resulting a shift of economic positive law road map. Universities have to provide human resources to response to the above transformation for the benefit of the country. Several efforts should be carried out, such as providing graduates with the knowledge of sharia economic system, to adopt the changes in the economic law system in the curriculum, supporting the lecturers to get more knowledge in the sharia economic law through both formaland non formal training/education, providing enough references for the library etc. Key words: sharia economic, economic law, university.
Rechtidee, Jul 31, 2017
One of the strategic issues of the slow growth of the Sharia Insurance industry is the availabili... more One of the strategic issues of the slow growth of the Sharia Insurance industry is the availability of human resources that controls the Sharia Insurance, which affects the low understanding of the community on the differences between sharia and conventional insurance, especially in relation to the contracts used and contributions as a tabarru 'fund different from premiums. Based on these conditions, this study examines and analyzes the implementation of Sharia principles through the use of sharia insurance policy standards. This research is normative and analytical descriptive research. Normative legal research in the form of research to find the law of a case by describing and analyzing data related to implementation of compliance with sharia principles. The results show that compliance with sharia principles is a public expectation. The standard policy that contains the agreement between the Takaful company and the customer becomes the means to ensure compliance with sharia compliance by elaborating the principles of sharia in the policy to be implemented. The fundamental difference in mechanisms between sharia and conventional insurance can be realized through a standard policy, with reference to the standard policy guidelines issued by the Indonesian Sharia Insurance Association (AASI).
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Open banking with Application Programming Interface technology (open API) is an initiative that a... more Open banking with Application Programming Interface technology (open API) is an initiative that aims to streamline the payment system in Indonesia. Open API allows banks to integrate their systems with fintech and e-commerce by disclosing customer transaction data. This study aims to reveal the urgency of open API standardization in the Indonesian implementation of open banking. The study employed a normative juridical approach to secondary data. The data includes primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. It also used a qualitative normative data analysis method. It concludes that before the establishment of the National Standard for Open API Payment (SNAP), the process of sharing data among banks and fintech and/or e-commerce was unstandardized. It was only based on agreement among parties. Indonesian banks have different-various standards of the open API that could affect customer data protection. According to the Regulation of the Financial Service Authority Number 12/POJ...
Journal of Shariah Law Research, Dec 23, 2020
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the ultimate goal of economic integration. This agreement will ... more ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the ultimate goal of economic integration. This agreement will make ASEAN into a single market and products based that will make ASEAN more dynamic and competitive. In 2020, ASEAN has the sole purpose of achieving the integration of the financial sector this is known as ASEAN Banking Integration Framework. The main problem is how the infrastructure readiness Indonesian banking law to use the opportunity and compete in order ABIF purposes and how the banking regulation to encourage national banks to meetthe criteria of Qualified ASEAN Banks? The results showed, required regulations that provide convenience for national banks to meet QAB through mergers and consolidation; Indonesia still has to prepare a series of agreements to support bilateral agreements with ASEAN countries, among others, related to surveillance, handling troubled banks, confidentiality or the exchange of information between the Bank and the human resources and other national inter...