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Papers by A. Cieślik

Research paper thumbnail of The Determinants of the Export Activity of Polish Firms

Gospodarka Narodowa, 2012

Determinanty działalności eksportowej polskich przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Głównym celem artyku... more Determinanty działalności eksportowej polskich przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Głównym celem artykułu jest empiryczna weryfikacja podstawowej hipotezy wynikającej z modelu Melitza (2003) mówiącej o dodatnim związku między produktywnością firm a ich zaangażowaniem w działalność eksportową przy użyciu danych na poziomie firm dla Polski. Ponadto, w badaniu podjęto próbę endogenizacji produktywności firm, między innymi, poprzez odwołanie się do ich wydatków na działalność badawczo-rozwojową (B+R), wykorzystania kapitału ludzkiego i nowych technologii. Przedstawione przez nas wyniki empiryczne potwierdziły przewidywania modelu Melitza odnośnie występowania dodatniej zależności między produktywnością firm a prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia eksportu w przypadku polskich firm. Ponadto, przeprowadzona próba endogenizacji produktywności firm wykazała, że na prawdopodobieństwo eksportu w szczególności wpływać może poziom wydatków na B+R oraz wykorzystanie Internetu, natomiast odsetek wykwalifikowanych pracowników w ogóle zatrudnienia nie okazał się być statystycznie istotny. Duże znaczenie w determinowaniu eksportu miała również wielkość firm. Im większa firma tym większe jest prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia eksportu. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały również, że umiędzynarodowienie firm mierzone wykorzystaniem zagranicznych licencji oraz własnością zagraniczną jest dodatnio związane z prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia eksportu. Uzyskane przez nas wyniki są zatem zbieżne z wynikami uzyskanymi wcześniej dla innych, dużych krajów należących do Unii Europejskiej.

Research paper thumbnail of Is a regional trading bloc forming in southeast Asia? New evidence for ASEAN countries

mgrsd, 2012

This article studies the impact of ASEA N on the bilateral exports of its 10 member countries. It... more This article studies the impact of ASEA N on the bilateral exports of its 10 member countries. It reports the results of applying the gravity model to a data set covering 50 partner countries from 1967 to 2008. The study’s empirical findings show that on average ASEA N regionalism significantly increases bilateral exports. However, the results are country-specific and indicate that ASEA N seems to benefit only large economies with a long history of membership, while smaller more recent members do not show significant expansion of exports.

Research paper thumbnail of International migration and human capital formation: Brain drain or brain gain?

In this paper we present empirical evidence on brain drain and brain gain effects that are derive... more In this paper we present empirical evidence on brain drain and brain gain effects that are derived from the theoretical framework used by the new economics of migration. In contrast to the older migration literature, this new framework predicts that the possibility of migration can positively affect human capital formation and welfare. To verify this hypothesis two equations are estimated using a panel dataset for a group of small developing economies. The first equation describes the impact of migration on human capital formation while the second equation examines the impact of migration on the level of welfare of workers. The brain gain predicted by the theory is partly confirmed by empirical evidence. According to our empirical findings the positive impact of migration on human capital formation is limited to secondary and tertiary levels of education, while the primary level is adversely affected by migration. Moreover, we find a positive correlation between the gross earnings per worker and the probability of migration. Thus, welfare is greater in more open economies. Therefore, the inducement effect of possibility of migration, and hence possibility of higher income in future, increases the level of human capital of workers and welfare. JEL classification codes: F22, J61, O15

Research paper thumbnail of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Southeast Asia. The Case of ASEAN Countries

The main problems in the implementation of Japanese kaizen/lean tools in companies on the Polish ... more The main problems in the implementation of Japanese kaizen/lean tools in companies on the Polish market in accordance with the Kaizen Management System-the analysis of research .....

Research paper thumbnail of Charakterystyki firm a ich zaangażowanie w działalność eksportową. Badanie dla krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

Research paper thumbnail of Handel wewnątrzgałęziowy Polski z krajami Unii Europejskiej w świetle teorii Chamberlina-Heckschera-Ohlina

Research paper thumbnail of Determinanty przestrzennego rozmieszczenia firm z udziałem kapitału zagranicznego na terenie Polski

Research paper thumbnail of Krańcowy handel wewnątrzgałęziowy Polski z Unią Europejską: analiza procesów dostosowawczych w okresie przedakcesyjnym

Research paper thumbnail of Privatization, convergence, and growth: evidence for transition economies

Research paper thumbnail of Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne a rozpiętości płacowe w Polsce

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the Location of Foreign Firms in Polish Regions: Does Firm Size Matter?

Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2013

ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to study empirically the determinants of foreign firms&#39... more ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to study empirically the determinants of foreign firms' location in Polish regions with a special focus on the role of firm size. To derive testable hypotheses on the firm location choice an analytical framework that combines the firm heterogeneity and the new economic geography literatures is used. In this framework, agglomeration economies, technical infrastructure, and labour market characteristics may affect location decisions of foreign investors. The hypotheses derived from the theory are validated empirically using the regional dataset at NUTS 2 level of spatial aggregation for the period 1999–2010. The empirical evidence confirms the existence of firm heterogeneity with respect to the determinants of firm location choice.

Research paper thumbnail of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Poland

Regional Studies, 2004

A measure of economic development for regions is proposed in the form of a multicomponent index. ... more A measure of economic development for regions is proposed in the form of a multicomponent index. This measure is composed of the following aspects: technology, infrastructure, human capital and social capital and defined by an array of indicators. Such a measure has significant advantages over the most commonly used indicator of GDP per capita. The statistical data based on which it is built are freely available and with a much shorter time lag than GDP at the regional level. This indicator makes it possible to depict economic factors behind long-run economic growth as well as to include less measurable factors such as social change, environmental degradation, etc. On the one hand, the proposed indicator comprises symptoms of the quality of life, and on the other hand, it includes factors which are essential for long-run economic growth and productivity. The authors show usefulness of such an indicator for policy formulation, which is rarely pointed out in the case of other indexes and is especially important at a time when long-run economic growth, and also development, in high-developed countries is endangered. The authors also discuss some general aspects of constructing indexes of economic development for regions, e.g., the often omitted problem of inclusion of cyclical indicators in the indexes of development. Empirical analysis of the proposed indicator is made for the NUTS-2 regions of Poland for the years 2009-2011.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity Differences and Foreign Market Entry in an Oligopolistic Industry

Open Economies Review, 2011

We show how productivity differences between foreign and indigenous firms affect the choice of th... more We show how productivity differences between foreign and indigenous firms affect the choice of the foreign market entry strategy. We identify the conditions necessary for the adoption of a particular strategy depending on the competing firms' productivity differences as well as each strategy's cost. In particular, we study tradeoffs between exporting and JV as well as between JV and WOS that were neglected in the firm heterogeneity literature. We find that high productivity differences led the foreign firm to enter host markets via WOS or exporting monopoly, while in the case of smaller productivity differences they entered via different types of JV. The share in joint venture depended positively on the productivity difference and negatively on trade and investment costs. Keywords Firm heterogeneity. Foreign market entry mode. Ownership choice JEL Classification F23 1 Introduction The last two decades have seen an enormous growth in activity by multinational enterprises (MNEs) that became the major players in the globalization process of national economies. In the 1990s foreign direct investment (FDI) made by these firms

Research paper thumbnail of Social Inequalities and International Trade: A Cross-Country Perspective

Journal of Income Distribution®, 2014

In this article we study the role of social inequalities in international trade using the theory ... more In this article we study the role of social inequalities in international trade using the theory consistent gravity model. In addition to the standard set of gravity variables we use aggregate social development indicators such as Human Development Indices (HDI), Human Poverty Index (HPI), Gender Development Index (GDI), as well as detailed measures reflecting various forms of social inequalities. Our results show that measures of social inequalities significantly affect the volume of international trade flows.

Research paper thumbnail of Domestic export activity and FDI spillovers. Evidence from Polish firm-level data

A prominent benefit attributed to the flow of foreign direct investment to catching-up countries ... more A prominent benefit attributed to the flow of foreign direct investment to catching-up countries is its effect on international market access. Through a variety of channels the presence of foreign firms is expected to reduce the costs faced by domestic firms in breaking into international markets and in turn boost their export prospects. The literature emphasizes the importance of the FDI driven performance spillovers that, combined with the findings of the New-New trade theory will affect both the selection process of firms to the export markets and their performance while exporting. We use the Polish firm level data for 2000-2008 based on both balance sheets and financial statements of all enterprises employing more than 50 employees to verify whether the presence of multinationals have positively contributed to the export performance of the domestic firms. We are able to track both the sectoral and geographical spillovers stemming from the concentration of multinationals and the concentration of their export activity but also control for firm-specific characteristics that affect firms' decisions to export and their export volume. We estimate the export volume and export decision equations separately to disentangle the two-effects.

Research paper thumbnail of Preferential trade liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe: The EU-CEE versus intra-CEE free trade agreements


After the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) many countries in the region ... more After the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) many countries in the region moved away from almost complete autarky and radically liberalized their foreign trade regimes in the 1990s. Preferential trade liberalization in the CEE countries has ...

Research paper thumbnail of Location of Foreign Firms and National Border Effects: The Case of Poland

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2005

This paper investigates the importance of border effects for the location of foreign firms within... more This paper investigates the importance of border effects for the location of foreign firms within Poland using a regional data set for the 1990s. In contrast to previous studies the border effects are estimated for individual neighbouring countries that belong to two groups: EU member countries and EU non-accessing countries. It is shown that border dummies for three EU nonaccessing countries: Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are negative and statistically significant. These results suggest that regions located along the Polish segment of the Eastern frontier of the enlarged European Union are less attractive to foreign investors compared to other Polish regions, having controlled for their economic and social characteristics. This finding has important implications for the conduct of regional policy as public aid or special economic status may be necessary for these disadvantaged regions to prevent uneven regional growth and widening of development disparities within Poland.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalization and Human Development in Post-Transition Countries: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data

Oeconomia Copernicana, 2014

In this paper we investigate empirically the relationship between globalization and human develop... more In this paper we investigate empirically the relationship between globalization and human development in post-transition countries using annual panel data for the 1971-2010 period. We show that there exists a positive and statistically significant relationship between globalization and human development in the case of unconditional regressions. This relationship remains positive and significant once the process of European and regional integration is controlled for. However, when differences in the level of economic development are taken into account the globalization variable loses its statistical significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Multinational Enterprises, Absorptive Capacity and Export Spillovers: Evidence from Polish Firm-level Data

Review of Development Economics, 2014

ABSTRACT An important benefit attributed to the activity of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in d... more ABSTRACT An important benefit attributed to the activity of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in developing and transition countries is its effect on international market access. Through a variety of channels the presence of MNEs is expected to reduce the costs faced by indigenous firms in breaking into international markets and in turn boost their export prospects. In this paper we use an extensive Polish firm-level dataset for the period 2000–2008 to verify whether MNEs have positively contributed to the export performance of indigenous firms. We track not only sectoral and geographical spillovers stemming from the activity of MNEs but also control for firm-specific characteristics that affect indigenous firms' decisions to export including their absorptive capacity. Our empirical results support the existence of positive spillovers (related to MNE export activity) at the sectoral level but not at the regional level. Finally, we find that individual absorptive capacity determines the size of export spillovers.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na dysproporcje międzyregionalne w Polsce

Equilibrium, 2009

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych teorii dotyczących lokowania bezpośrednich inwestycj... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych teorii dotyczących lokowania bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, zobrazowanie znaczenia bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych dla gospodarki regionu, jak i zilustrowanie wpływu tego typu inwestycji na dysproporcje międzyregionalne na przykładzie polski. Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne są siłą motoryczną rozwoju regionów, gdyż wprowadzają nowoczesne technologie i tworzą nowe miejsca pracy. ten typ inwestycji spowodować może również wzrost wydajności oraz produktywności gospodarki. kapitał zagraniczny, bardzo ważny dla rozwoju regionu, omija jednak regiony, gdzie występuje słaba infrastruktura oraz wysokie bezrobocie, co pogłębia istniejące dysproporcje. regiony o wysokim poziomie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych charakteryzują się niższym poziomem bezrobocia, wyższym przeciętnym wynagrodzeniem i przede wszystkim wyższym poziomem produktu krajowego brutto na 1 mieszkańca.

Research paper thumbnail of The Determinants of the Export Activity of Polish Firms

Gospodarka Narodowa, 2012

Determinanty działalności eksportowej polskich przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Głównym celem artyku... more Determinanty działalności eksportowej polskich przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Głównym celem artykułu jest empiryczna weryfikacja podstawowej hipotezy wynikającej z modelu Melitza (2003) mówiącej o dodatnim związku między produktywnością firm a ich zaangażowaniem w działalność eksportową przy użyciu danych na poziomie firm dla Polski. Ponadto, w badaniu podjęto próbę endogenizacji produktywności firm, między innymi, poprzez odwołanie się do ich wydatków na działalność badawczo-rozwojową (B+R), wykorzystania kapitału ludzkiego i nowych technologii. Przedstawione przez nas wyniki empiryczne potwierdziły przewidywania modelu Melitza odnośnie występowania dodatniej zależności między produktywnością firm a prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia eksportu w przypadku polskich firm. Ponadto, przeprowadzona próba endogenizacji produktywności firm wykazała, że na prawdopodobieństwo eksportu w szczególności wpływać może poziom wydatków na B+R oraz wykorzystanie Internetu, natomiast odsetek wykwalifikowanych pracowników w ogóle zatrudnienia nie okazał się być statystycznie istotny. Duże znaczenie w determinowaniu eksportu miała również wielkość firm. Im większa firma tym większe jest prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia eksportu. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały również, że umiędzynarodowienie firm mierzone wykorzystaniem zagranicznych licencji oraz własnością zagraniczną jest dodatnio związane z prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia eksportu. Uzyskane przez nas wyniki są zatem zbieżne z wynikami uzyskanymi wcześniej dla innych, dużych krajów należących do Unii Europejskiej.

Research paper thumbnail of Is a regional trading bloc forming in southeast Asia? New evidence for ASEAN countries

mgrsd, 2012

This article studies the impact of ASEA N on the bilateral exports of its 10 member countries. It... more This article studies the impact of ASEA N on the bilateral exports of its 10 member countries. It reports the results of applying the gravity model to a data set covering 50 partner countries from 1967 to 2008. The study’s empirical findings show that on average ASEA N regionalism significantly increases bilateral exports. However, the results are country-specific and indicate that ASEA N seems to benefit only large economies with a long history of membership, while smaller more recent members do not show significant expansion of exports.

Research paper thumbnail of International migration and human capital formation: Brain drain or brain gain?

In this paper we present empirical evidence on brain drain and brain gain effects that are derive... more In this paper we present empirical evidence on brain drain and brain gain effects that are derived from the theoretical framework used by the new economics of migration. In contrast to the older migration literature, this new framework predicts that the possibility of migration can positively affect human capital formation and welfare. To verify this hypothesis two equations are estimated using a panel dataset for a group of small developing economies. The first equation describes the impact of migration on human capital formation while the second equation examines the impact of migration on the level of welfare of workers. The brain gain predicted by the theory is partly confirmed by empirical evidence. According to our empirical findings the positive impact of migration on human capital formation is limited to secondary and tertiary levels of education, while the primary level is adversely affected by migration. Moreover, we find a positive correlation between the gross earnings per worker and the probability of migration. Thus, welfare is greater in more open economies. Therefore, the inducement effect of possibility of migration, and hence possibility of higher income in future, increases the level of human capital of workers and welfare. JEL classification codes: F22, J61, O15

Research paper thumbnail of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Southeast Asia. The Case of ASEAN Countries

The main problems in the implementation of Japanese kaizen/lean tools in companies on the Polish ... more The main problems in the implementation of Japanese kaizen/lean tools in companies on the Polish market in accordance with the Kaizen Management System-the analysis of research .....

Research paper thumbnail of Charakterystyki firm a ich zaangażowanie w działalność eksportową. Badanie dla krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

Research paper thumbnail of Handel wewnątrzgałęziowy Polski z krajami Unii Europejskiej w świetle teorii Chamberlina-Heckschera-Ohlina

Research paper thumbnail of Determinanty przestrzennego rozmieszczenia firm z udziałem kapitału zagranicznego na terenie Polski

Research paper thumbnail of Krańcowy handel wewnątrzgałęziowy Polski z Unią Europejską: analiza procesów dostosowawczych w okresie przedakcesyjnym

Research paper thumbnail of Privatization, convergence, and growth: evidence for transition economies

Research paper thumbnail of Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne a rozpiętości płacowe w Polsce

Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of the Location of Foreign Firms in Polish Regions: Does Firm Size Matter?

Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 2013

ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to study empirically the determinants of foreign firms&#39... more ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to study empirically the determinants of foreign firms' location in Polish regions with a special focus on the role of firm size. To derive testable hypotheses on the firm location choice an analytical framework that combines the firm heterogeneity and the new economic geography literatures is used. In this framework, agglomeration economies, technical infrastructure, and labour market characteristics may affect location decisions of foreign investors. The hypotheses derived from the theory are validated empirically using the regional dataset at NUTS 2 level of spatial aggregation for the period 1999–2010. The empirical evidence confirms the existence of firm heterogeneity with respect to the determinants of firm location choice.

Research paper thumbnail of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Poland

Regional Studies, 2004

A measure of economic development for regions is proposed in the form of a multicomponent index. ... more A measure of economic development for regions is proposed in the form of a multicomponent index. This measure is composed of the following aspects: technology, infrastructure, human capital and social capital and defined by an array of indicators. Such a measure has significant advantages over the most commonly used indicator of GDP per capita. The statistical data based on which it is built are freely available and with a much shorter time lag than GDP at the regional level. This indicator makes it possible to depict economic factors behind long-run economic growth as well as to include less measurable factors such as social change, environmental degradation, etc. On the one hand, the proposed indicator comprises symptoms of the quality of life, and on the other hand, it includes factors which are essential for long-run economic growth and productivity. The authors show usefulness of such an indicator for policy formulation, which is rarely pointed out in the case of other indexes and is especially important at a time when long-run economic growth, and also development, in high-developed countries is endangered. The authors also discuss some general aspects of constructing indexes of economic development for regions, e.g., the often omitted problem of inclusion of cyclical indicators in the indexes of development. Empirical analysis of the proposed indicator is made for the NUTS-2 regions of Poland for the years 2009-2011.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity Differences and Foreign Market Entry in an Oligopolistic Industry

Open Economies Review, 2011

We show how productivity differences between foreign and indigenous firms affect the choice of th... more We show how productivity differences between foreign and indigenous firms affect the choice of the foreign market entry strategy. We identify the conditions necessary for the adoption of a particular strategy depending on the competing firms' productivity differences as well as each strategy's cost. In particular, we study tradeoffs between exporting and JV as well as between JV and WOS that were neglected in the firm heterogeneity literature. We find that high productivity differences led the foreign firm to enter host markets via WOS or exporting monopoly, while in the case of smaller productivity differences they entered via different types of JV. The share in joint venture depended positively on the productivity difference and negatively on trade and investment costs. Keywords Firm heterogeneity. Foreign market entry mode. Ownership choice JEL Classification F23 1 Introduction The last two decades have seen an enormous growth in activity by multinational enterprises (MNEs) that became the major players in the globalization process of national economies. In the 1990s foreign direct investment (FDI) made by these firms

Research paper thumbnail of Social Inequalities and International Trade: A Cross-Country Perspective

Journal of Income Distribution®, 2014

In this article we study the role of social inequalities in international trade using the theory ... more In this article we study the role of social inequalities in international trade using the theory consistent gravity model. In addition to the standard set of gravity variables we use aggregate social development indicators such as Human Development Indices (HDI), Human Poverty Index (HPI), Gender Development Index (GDI), as well as detailed measures reflecting various forms of social inequalities. Our results show that measures of social inequalities significantly affect the volume of international trade flows.

Research paper thumbnail of Domestic export activity and FDI spillovers. Evidence from Polish firm-level data

A prominent benefit attributed to the flow of foreign direct investment to catching-up countries ... more A prominent benefit attributed to the flow of foreign direct investment to catching-up countries is its effect on international market access. Through a variety of channels the presence of foreign firms is expected to reduce the costs faced by domestic firms in breaking into international markets and in turn boost their export prospects. The literature emphasizes the importance of the FDI driven performance spillovers that, combined with the findings of the New-New trade theory will affect both the selection process of firms to the export markets and their performance while exporting. We use the Polish firm level data for 2000-2008 based on both balance sheets and financial statements of all enterprises employing more than 50 employees to verify whether the presence of multinationals have positively contributed to the export performance of the domestic firms. We are able to track both the sectoral and geographical spillovers stemming from the concentration of multinationals and the concentration of their export activity but also control for firm-specific characteristics that affect firms' decisions to export and their export volume. We estimate the export volume and export decision equations separately to disentangle the two-effects.

Research paper thumbnail of Preferential trade liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe: The EU-CEE versus intra-CEE free trade agreements


After the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) many countries in the region ... more After the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) many countries in the region moved away from almost complete autarky and radically liberalized their foreign trade regimes in the 1990s. Preferential trade liberalization in the CEE countries has ...

Research paper thumbnail of Location of Foreign Firms and National Border Effects: The Case of Poland

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2005

This paper investigates the importance of border effects for the location of foreign firms within... more This paper investigates the importance of border effects for the location of foreign firms within Poland using a regional data set for the 1990s. In contrast to previous studies the border effects are estimated for individual neighbouring countries that belong to two groups: EU member countries and EU non-accessing countries. It is shown that border dummies for three EU nonaccessing countries: Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are negative and statistically significant. These results suggest that regions located along the Polish segment of the Eastern frontier of the enlarged European Union are less attractive to foreign investors compared to other Polish regions, having controlled for their economic and social characteristics. This finding has important implications for the conduct of regional policy as public aid or special economic status may be necessary for these disadvantaged regions to prevent uneven regional growth and widening of development disparities within Poland.

Research paper thumbnail of Globalization and Human Development in Post-Transition Countries: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data

Oeconomia Copernicana, 2014

In this paper we investigate empirically the relationship between globalization and human develop... more In this paper we investigate empirically the relationship between globalization and human development in post-transition countries using annual panel data for the 1971-2010 period. We show that there exists a positive and statistically significant relationship between globalization and human development in the case of unconditional regressions. This relationship remains positive and significant once the process of European and regional integration is controlled for. However, when differences in the level of economic development are taken into account the globalization variable loses its statistical significance.

Research paper thumbnail of Multinational Enterprises, Absorptive Capacity and Export Spillovers: Evidence from Polish Firm-level Data

Review of Development Economics, 2014

ABSTRACT An important benefit attributed to the activity of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in d... more ABSTRACT An important benefit attributed to the activity of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in developing and transition countries is its effect on international market access. Through a variety of channels the presence of MNEs is expected to reduce the costs faced by indigenous firms in breaking into international markets and in turn boost their export prospects. In this paper we use an extensive Polish firm-level dataset for the period 2000–2008 to verify whether MNEs have positively contributed to the export performance of indigenous firms. We track not only sectoral and geographical spillovers stemming from the activity of MNEs but also control for firm-specific characteristics that affect indigenous firms' decisions to export including their absorptive capacity. Our empirical results support the existence of positive spillovers (related to MNE export activity) at the sectoral level but not at the regional level. Finally, we find that individual absorptive capacity determines the size of export spillovers.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na dysproporcje międzyregionalne w Polsce

Equilibrium, 2009

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych teorii dotyczących lokowania bezpośrednich inwestycj... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych teorii dotyczących lokowania bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, zobrazowanie znaczenia bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych dla gospodarki regionu, jak i zilustrowanie wpływu tego typu inwestycji na dysproporcje międzyregionalne na przykładzie polski. Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne są siłą motoryczną rozwoju regionów, gdyż wprowadzają nowoczesne technologie i tworzą nowe miejsca pracy. ten typ inwestycji spowodować może również wzrost wydajności oraz produktywności gospodarki. kapitał zagraniczny, bardzo ważny dla rozwoju regionu, omija jednak regiony, gdzie występuje słaba infrastruktura oraz wysokie bezrobocie, co pogłębia istniejące dysproporcje. regiony o wysokim poziomie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych charakteryzują się niższym poziomem bezrobocia, wyższym przeciętnym wynagrodzeniem i przede wszystkim wyższym poziomem produktu krajowego brutto na 1 mieszkańca.