Askar Djumashev - (original) (raw)


Papers by Askar Djumashev

Research paper thumbnail of To Evaluate the Prevalence of Antisecretory Medication Use Among Hospitalized Patients in Surgery Ward

EPRA international journal of research & development, Feb 15, 2024

Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is curren... more Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is currently limited knowledge on the comprehensive utilization of these treatments in the hospital environment. Aim: To assess the suitability of Antisecretory treatment in a major educational medical facility in western India, and the consequences of hospital prescriptions in primary care. Methods: The administration of antisecretory drugs was observed for a duration of one month in adult patients who were sequentially admitted to K.J Somaiya Medical College and Hospital. This was done by examining their medical records. Results: Out of the 800 patients that were admitted to the hospital, 46.8% of them were prescribed Antisecretory treatment. Ranitidine had the highest usage rate at 44.4%, followed by pantoprazole at 31.8% and omeprazole at 23.0%. Stress ulcer prophylaxis and prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcer were the reasons for usage in 60.4% of cases. In all, 68% of prescriptions were deemed inappropriate based on consensus evaluation. Among patients who received unneeded preventive medication during their hospital stay, 56.4% were released while still on therapy, and 46% continued to receive th e treatment three months later. Conclusions: There is excessive utilization of Antisecretory medications in patients who are admitted to the hospital. The majority of incorrect hospital prescriptions are to the administration of ulcer prevention in patients who have a low risk of developing ulcers. This over utilization may also encourage improper medication usage in the field of general medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of To Evaluate the Prevalence of Antisecretory Medication Use Among Hospitalized Patients in Surgery Ward

EPRA international journal of research & development, Feb 15, 2024

Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is curren... more Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is currently limited knowledge on the comprehensive utilization of these treatments in the hospital environment. Aim: To assess the suitability of Antisecretory treatment in a major educational medical facility in western India, and the consequences of hospital prescriptions in primary care. Methods: The administration of antisecretory drugs was observed for a duration of one month in adult patients who were sequentially admitted to K.J Somaiya Medical College and Hospital. This was done by examining their medical records. Results: Out of the 800 patients that were admitted to the hospital, 46.8% of them were prescribed Antisecretory treatment. Ranitidine had the highest usage rate at 44.4%, followed by pantoprazole at 31.8% and omeprazole at 23.0%. Stress ulcer prophylaxis and prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcer were the reasons for usage in 60.4% of cases. In all, 68% of prescriptions were deemed inappropriate based on consensus evaluation. Among patients who received unneeded preventive medication during their hospital stay, 56.4% were released while still on therapy, and 46% continued to receive th e treatment three months later. Conclusions: There is excessive utilization of Antisecretory medications in patients who are admitted to the hospital. The majority of incorrect hospital prescriptions are to the administration of ulcer prevention in patients who have a low risk of developing ulcers. This over utilization may also encourage improper medication usage in the field of general medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев А. автореферат DSc

Aftoreferat, 2021

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: as a result of the scientific analysis of t... more The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
as a result of the scientific analysis of the Soviet system of public administration
in Karakalpakstan in 1924-1941, the meaning and content of the policy of the Soviet
system as Soviet colonialism was confirmed;
the main reasons for the entry of the Karakalpak Autonomous Region into the
Kazakh Autonomous Republic are revealed;
the consequences of the inappropriate transfer of Karakalpakstan to the RSFSR
are revealed and scientifically evaluated, and the excesses in the country's internal
political sphere are recorded;
it is proved that the inclusion of the Karakalpak ASSR in the Uzbek SSR in
1936 contributed to the ideological and organizational strengthening and opened the
prospect of further socio-economic development of the autonomous republic;
the essence and nature of the trials and political repressions of the 1930s, based
on the secret system of office work, are revealed;
the regularities and peculiarities of socio-political, socio-economic and cultural
transformations that occurred in Karakalpakstan as part of various union republics
(Kazakh ASSR, RSFSR, Uzbek SSR) are revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of Оазисы Шелкового пути

Research paper thumbnail of Djumashev

Research paper thumbnail of Erinnerungen an Zentralasien

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliograf... more Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet iiber abrufbar.

Research paper thumbnail of Вопросы истории

Аннотация. Статья посвящена определению особенностей образа жизни каракалпакского народа во время... more Аннотация. Статья посвящена определению особенностей образа жизни каракалпакского народа во время войны. Впервые в историографии проанализированы трансформационные процессы в повседневной жизни каракалпакского общества в рассматриваемый период в условиях войны. Сделан вывод о том, что повседневная жизнь каракалпакского общества изменялась в основном под влиянием строго контроля со стороны советской власти, а трудовые традиции времен Великой Отечественной войны, не теряя элементов и специфики жесткого администрирования, трансформировались в будущем в общую межнациональную политику советской власти.

Research paper thumbnail of Автореферат Джумашев

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник Бурятского гос.университета.2008-

Research paper thumbnail of Оазисы Шелкового пути

Research paper thumbnail of Djumashev Loy

Research paper thumbnail of Великая Россиская Революция в судьбах народов юга

Research paper thumbnail of Центральнозиатская Ассоция Корееведения

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев А Вестник ККОАНРУз 2019 №

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев Аскар Мамбетович

Фан доктори (DSc) диссертацияси мавзуси Узбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар М ахкамаси хузуридаги Ол... more Фан доктори (DSc) диссертацияси мавзуси Узбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар М ахкамаси хузуридаги Олим аттестация комиссиясида B2020.2.DSc/Tar.6 ракам билян руйхатта олинган. Д и с с е р та ц и я У зб е к и ст о н Р есп у б л и к аси Ф а н л а р а к ад ем и яс и К о р ак ал п о ги с то н булим и К о р а к а л п о к гу м ан и та р ф ан л ар и л м и й-т ад к и к о т и н с ти т у ти д а баж ар и л ган. Д и сс ер та ц и я а в т о р е ф е р а т а уч т и л д а (у зб е к , р ус, и н гл и з (р езю м е)) И л м и й кен гаш веб с а х и ф а с и д а (w w w .k a rsu .u z) ва « Z iy o N E T » а х б о р о т-та ъ л и м п о р т ал и д а (w w w .z iy o n e t.u z) ж о й л а ш та р и л г а н. Илмий маслахатчи: Расмий оппонентлар: [Камалов С абы р Камаловнч| У зР Ф А ак а д с м и г и , та р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф ессо р Хасанов Бахтиер Вахаповнч т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р М ахкамова Надира Рахмановна т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р Сары баев М аман Ктайбекович т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , д о ц е н т Етакчи таш килот: Урганч давлат университети Д и сс ер та ц и я х и м о яс и К о р ак ал п о к д а в л а т у н и в е р с и т е т а х у зу р и д аги ил м и й д ар а ж а л а р б ерувчи P h D .0 3 /3 0 .1 2 .2 0 1 9.Т аг.20.05 рак ам л и и л м и й к с н га ш н и н г 2021 йил « 5 » ноябр соат 10.00 даги м а ж л и с и д а б у л и б)д а д и. (М ан зи л : 2 3 0 1 0 0 , Н у к у с ш а х р и , Ч .А б д и р о в к у ч аси , № 1. Т е л .: (9 9 3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9 ; Ф акс: (3 6 1) 22 3-6 0-4 9 ; e-m ail: k a rs u .in fo @ g m a .) Д о к т о р л и к д и с сер т ац и яс и б и л ан К о р а к а л п о к д а в л а т у н и в е р с и те ти н и н г А х б о р о т-р ес у р с м а р к а зи д а та н и ш и ш м у м к и н (№ О р ак ам б и л ан р у й х а т га о л и н ган). (М ан зи л : 2 3 0 1 0 0 , Н у ку с ш а х р и , Ч .А б д и р о в к у ч аси , № 1. Т е л .: (9 9 3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9 ; Ф акс: (3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9). к ен гаш к о ш и д аги и л м и й се м и н ар р аиси, т ари х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р 28 ноябрдаги ПК-4038-сон "Узбекистон Республикасида миллий маданиятни янада ривожлантириш концепциясини тасдиклаш тугрисида"ги Карори белгиланган вазифаларни амалга оширишда мазкур тадкикот муайян даражада хизмат килади. Тадкикотни республика фан ва технологияларн ривожланишининг устувор йуналишларига мослиги. Мазкур диссертация республика фан ва технологиялар ривожланишининг I. «Ахборотлашган жамият ва демократик давлатни ижтимоий, хукукий, иктисодий, маданий, маънавий-маърифий ривожлантиришда инновацион гоялар тизимини шакллантириш ва уларни амалга ошириш йуллари» устувор йуналишига мос келади. Диссертация мавзуси буйича хорижий илмий тадкикотлар шархи. Собик иттифокда советлар тузуми, хусусан, Узбекистонда совет бошкарув тизими муаммоларига багишланган илмий изланишлар жахоннинг етакчи илмий марказлари ва олий таълим муассасалари, жумладан,

Research paper thumbnail of 5za*KSTAN ReSMJBUKAsiJj

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2013 №

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2007 №

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2006. №3 (204)

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2006 №

Research paper thumbnail of To Evaluate the Prevalence of Antisecretory Medication Use Among Hospitalized Patients in Surgery Ward

EPRA international journal of research & development, Feb 15, 2024

Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is curren... more Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is currently limited knowledge on the comprehensive utilization of these treatments in the hospital environment. Aim: To assess the suitability of Antisecretory treatment in a major educational medical facility in western India, and the consequences of hospital prescriptions in primary care. Methods: The administration of antisecretory drugs was observed for a duration of one month in adult patients who were sequentially admitted to K.J Somaiya Medical College and Hospital. This was done by examining their medical records. Results: Out of the 800 patients that were admitted to the hospital, 46.8% of them were prescribed Antisecretory treatment. Ranitidine had the highest usage rate at 44.4%, followed by pantoprazole at 31.8% and omeprazole at 23.0%. Stress ulcer prophylaxis and prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcer were the reasons for usage in 60.4% of cases. In all, 68% of prescriptions were deemed inappropriate based on consensus evaluation. Among patients who received unneeded preventive medication during their hospital stay, 56.4% were released while still on therapy, and 46% continued to receive th e treatment three months later. Conclusions: There is excessive utilization of Antisecretory medications in patients who are admitted to the hospital. The majority of incorrect hospital prescriptions are to the administration of ulcer prevention in patients who have a low risk of developing ulcers. This over utilization may also encourage improper medication usage in the field of general medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of To Evaluate the Prevalence of Antisecretory Medication Use Among Hospitalized Patients in Surgery Ward

EPRA international journal of research & development, Feb 15, 2024

Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is curren... more Antisecretory medicines are often administered to patients in hospitals. However, there is currently limited knowledge on the comprehensive utilization of these treatments in the hospital environment. Aim: To assess the suitability of Antisecretory treatment in a major educational medical facility in western India, and the consequences of hospital prescriptions in primary care. Methods: The administration of antisecretory drugs was observed for a duration of one month in adult patients who were sequentially admitted to K.J Somaiya Medical College and Hospital. This was done by examining their medical records. Results: Out of the 800 patients that were admitted to the hospital, 46.8% of them were prescribed Antisecretory treatment. Ranitidine had the highest usage rate at 44.4%, followed by pantoprazole at 31.8% and omeprazole at 23.0%. Stress ulcer prophylaxis and prevention of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcer were the reasons for usage in 60.4% of cases. In all, 68% of prescriptions were deemed inappropriate based on consensus evaluation. Among patients who received unneeded preventive medication during their hospital stay, 56.4% were released while still on therapy, and 46% continued to receive th e treatment three months later. Conclusions: There is excessive utilization of Antisecretory medications in patients who are admitted to the hospital. The majority of incorrect hospital prescriptions are to the administration of ulcer prevention in patients who have a low risk of developing ulcers. This over utilization may also encourage improper medication usage in the field of general medicine.

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев А. автореферат DSc

Aftoreferat, 2021

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: as a result of the scientific analysis of t... more The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
as a result of the scientific analysis of the Soviet system of public administration
in Karakalpakstan in 1924-1941, the meaning and content of the policy of the Soviet
system as Soviet colonialism was confirmed;
the main reasons for the entry of the Karakalpak Autonomous Region into the
Kazakh Autonomous Republic are revealed;
the consequences of the inappropriate transfer of Karakalpakstan to the RSFSR
are revealed and scientifically evaluated, and the excesses in the country's internal
political sphere are recorded;
it is proved that the inclusion of the Karakalpak ASSR in the Uzbek SSR in
1936 contributed to the ideological and organizational strengthening and opened the
prospect of further socio-economic development of the autonomous republic;
the essence and nature of the trials and political repressions of the 1930s, based
on the secret system of office work, are revealed;
the regularities and peculiarities of socio-political, socio-economic and cultural
transformations that occurred in Karakalpakstan as part of various union republics
(Kazakh ASSR, RSFSR, Uzbek SSR) are revealed.

Research paper thumbnail of Оазисы Шелкового пути

Research paper thumbnail of Djumashev

Research paper thumbnail of Erinnerungen an Zentralasien

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliograf... more Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet iiber abrufbar.

Research paper thumbnail of Вопросы истории

Аннотация. Статья посвящена определению особенностей образа жизни каракалпакского народа во время... more Аннотация. Статья посвящена определению особенностей образа жизни каракалпакского народа во время войны. Впервые в историографии проанализированы трансформационные процессы в повседневной жизни каракалпакского общества в рассматриваемый период в условиях войны. Сделан вывод о том, что повседневная жизнь каракалпакского общества изменялась в основном под влиянием строго контроля со стороны советской власти, а трудовые традиции времен Великой Отечественной войны, не теряя элементов и специфики жесткого администрирования, трансформировались в будущем в общую межнациональную политику советской власти.

Research paper thumbnail of Автореферат Джумашев

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник Бурятского гос.университета.2008-

Research paper thumbnail of Оазисы Шелкового пути

Research paper thumbnail of Djumashev Loy

Research paper thumbnail of Великая Россиская Революция в судьбах народов юга

Research paper thumbnail of Центральнозиатская Ассоция Корееведения

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев А Вестник ККОАНРУз 2019 №

Research paper thumbnail of Джумашев Аскар Мамбетович

Фан доктори (DSc) диссертацияси мавзуси Узбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар М ахкамаси хузуридаги Ол... more Фан доктори (DSc) диссертацияси мавзуси Узбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар М ахкамаси хузуридаги Олим аттестация комиссиясида B2020.2.DSc/Tar.6 ракам билян руйхатта олинган. Д и с с е р та ц и я У зб е к и ст о н Р есп у б л и к аси Ф а н л а р а к ад ем и яс и К о р ак ал п о ги с то н булим и К о р а к а л п о к гу м ан и та р ф ан л ар и л м и й-т ад к и к о т и н с ти т у ти д а баж ар и л ган. Д и сс ер та ц и я а в т о р е ф е р а т а уч т и л д а (у зб е к , р ус, и н гл и з (р езю м е)) И л м и й кен гаш веб с а х и ф а с и д а (w w w .k a rsu .u z) ва « Z iy o N E T » а х б о р о т-та ъ л и м п о р т ал и д а (w w w .z iy o n e t.u z) ж о й л а ш та р и л г а н. Илмий маслахатчи: Расмий оппонентлар: [Камалов С абы р Камаловнч| У зР Ф А ак а д с м и г и , та р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф ессо р Хасанов Бахтиер Вахаповнч т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р М ахкамова Надира Рахмановна т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р Сары баев М аман Ктайбекович т а р и х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , д о ц е н т Етакчи таш килот: Урганч давлат университети Д и сс ер та ц и я х и м о яс и К о р ак ал п о к д а в л а т у н и в е р с и т е т а х у зу р и д аги ил м и й д ар а ж а л а р б ерувчи P h D .0 3 /3 0 .1 2 .2 0 1 9.Т аг.20.05 рак ам л и и л м и й к с н га ш н и н г 2021 йил « 5 » ноябр соат 10.00 даги м а ж л и с и д а б у л и б)д а д и. (М ан зи л : 2 3 0 1 0 0 , Н у к у с ш а х р и , Ч .А б д и р о в к у ч аси , № 1. Т е л .: (9 9 3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9 ; Ф акс: (3 6 1) 22 3-6 0-4 9 ; e-m ail: k a rs u .in fo @ g m a .) Д о к т о р л и к д и с сер т ац и яс и б и л ан К о р а к а л п о к д а в л а т у н и в е р с и те ти н и н г А х б о р о т-р ес у р с м а р к а зи д а та н и ш и ш м у м к и н (№ О р ак ам б и л ан р у й х а т га о л и н ган). (М ан зи л : 2 3 0 1 0 0 , Н у ку с ш а х р и , Ч .А б д и р о в к у ч аси , № 1. Т е л .: (9 9 3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9 ; Ф акс: (3 6 1) 2 2 3-6 0-4 9). к ен гаш к о ш и д аги и л м и й се м и н ар р аиси, т ари х ф ан л ар и д о к т о р и , п р о ф есс о р 28 ноябрдаги ПК-4038-сон "Узбекистон Республикасида миллий маданиятни янада ривожлантириш концепциясини тасдиклаш тугрисида"ги Карори белгиланган вазифаларни амалга оширишда мазкур тадкикот муайян даражада хизмат килади. Тадкикотни республика фан ва технологияларн ривожланишининг устувор йуналишларига мослиги. Мазкур диссертация республика фан ва технологиялар ривожланишининг I. «Ахборотлашган жамият ва демократик давлатни ижтимоий, хукукий, иктисодий, маданий, маънавий-маърифий ривожлантиришда инновацион гоялар тизимини шакллантириш ва уларни амалга ошириш йуллари» устувор йуналишига мос келади. Диссертация мавзуси буйича хорижий илмий тадкикотлар шархи. Собик иттифокда советлар тузуми, хусусан, Узбекистонда совет бошкарув тизими муаммоларига багишланган илмий изланишлар жахоннинг етакчи илмий марказлари ва олий таълим муассасалари, жумладан,

Research paper thumbnail of 5za*KSTAN ReSMJBUKAsiJj

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2013 №

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2007 №

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2006. №3 (204)

Research paper thumbnail of Вестник. 2006 №