Anggra Fiveriati - (original) (raw)

Papers by Anggra Fiveriati

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Analysis of Static Structure on the Floor Frame of the Medium Bus

Jurnal Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan, Jun 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Predictive Modelling On Machining Performance of ECDM Using Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization

Manufacturing Technology, Dec 6, 2023

The electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) process is developing into a potentially useful me... more The electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) process is developing into a potentially useful method of performing machining in conductive or non-conductive materials. The experiment was conducted utilizing full factorial design (2 4) with the 16 run test. The present study implemented artificial neural network (ANN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques to predict the Material Removal Rate (MRR) and surface roughness (SR), and the linear regression analysis were utilized for this purpose. The input parameters were adjusted with the objective of maximizing the MRR and minimizing the SR. The four selected process parameters are voltage, gap width, electrode type, and type of electrolyte, with each parameter has two levels, copper and brass were chosen as the electrodes in this particular technique. Linear regression (LR) modelling was calculated for comparison between the ANN model and LR. Artificial neural network (ANN) models have been developed to accurately predict SR and MRR, achieving a prediction accuracy of over 90%. The impacts of these findings have great significance for the future of machining tungsten carbide utilizing ECDM. Based on the results of R 2 , the modelling with ANN is closer to the actual value than the prediction using a linear regression model, the value of R 2 ANN greater than LR so that the prediction model of ANN is still the best model.

Research paper thumbnail of Visual and Pressure Signal Investigations on Bubble Produced by Ejector Bubble Generator

E3S web of conferences, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Study of Wave Angels and their Influence on Sail Boats

WAVE: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim

Sail boat is a type of sail boat with the main mover in the form of a sail that utilizes the wind... more Sail boat is a type of sail boat with the main mover in the form of a sail that utilizes the wind to generate thrust so that it can go according to the desired speed. Although the type of sail propulsion has been found since time immemorial, research on sails and their effects on sailboats is very rarely done. In general, research only focuses on calculating the size of the sail so that the sailboat is able to go at the desired speed without considering other things that might happen to the sailboat if the sail is used. Therefore, the researcher intends to analyze the force on the sail with variations of the sail and ring and its effect on the sailboat. Based on the results of the research conducted, taking into account the wind conditions in the coastal area of ​​Banyuwangi, the results of the data analysis are as follows, including the size of the main sailing vessel that is suitable for having a length of 5 meters, a width of 2 meters and a height of 1 meter and a water laden dep...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Mesin Pencacah Janggel Jagung Sebagai Campuran Nutrisi Pakan Ternak Kambing Ruminansia DI Kelurahan Sumberejo

Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Peternak kambing merupakan salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang mayoritas dilakukan oleh penduduk Bany... more Peternak kambing merupakan salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang mayoritas dilakukan oleh penduduk Banyuwangi. Nilai ekonomi beternak kambing cukup tinggi. Namun perkembangannya dalam merawat ternak sudah mengalami kesulitan dikeranakan biaya pakan yang tinggi serta keterbatasan rumput atu daun yang berkurang. Dampak ini mengakibatkan supply pakan ke hewan ternak berkurang dengan dampak tersebut peternak harus mengalokasikan waktu untuk mencari makan ternak (ramban/ruminasia) dengan mengambil tanaman hijau, sehingga sangat tidak efisien bagi masyarakat masa kini. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan pakan dari ramban maka harus ada inovasi baru untu menggantikan pakan wajib (ramban) dengan pakan alternatif. Dalam tahapan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimulai dari tahap awal yaitu tim pengabdian merancang alat pencacah janggel jagung, pada tahap kedua tim pengabdi mengadakan sosialisasi pemanfaatan limbah janggel jagung sebagai bahan dasar pakan ternak dengan cara silase, tahap selanjutnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Mesin Pengayak dan Pengaduk Bahan Pembuatan Baglog Jamur di Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Purwoharjo

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira)

Banyuwangi is one of the regencies that has many small and medium businesses, one of which is oys... more Banyuwangi is one of the regencies that has many small and medium businesses, one of which is oyster mushroom cultivation, precisely in Sidorejo Village, Purwoharjo District. Oyster mushroom cultivation is chosen by the community because it does not require a lot of capital and is easy to maintain. In the process of making baglog of oyster mushrooms, the most important thing is the process of sifting sawdust and stirring the mixture of ingredients for making baglog of mushrooms because it greatly affects the growth of mycelia unevenly. In general, partners in the process of making mushroom baglogs still use a manual system so that it is less efficient, especially in the process of sieving sawdust and mixing materials, so it requires an appropriate machine. In this service activity, the team provided a sieving machine and a mixer for a mushroom baglog mixture with a motor power of 1 PK, dimensions of 100cmx60cmx120cm, and a capacity of 100 kg/hour to speed up production. In addition,...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penambahan Serat Jerami Terhadap Karakteristik Kuat Tarik Komposit FRP (Fiber Reinforcement Plastic)

This aims of this research is to determine the mechanical characteristics of composite materials ... more This aims of this research is to determine the mechanical characteristics of composite materials from one of organic fibers that have environmentally friendly properties and widely available in the territory of Indonesia. The organic fiber studied in this research was rice straw, the characteristics to be studied were tensile strength by tensile testing and adjusted to ASTM standard (American Standards of Test Materials). The composite / composite paneling is made by hand lay up and with manual emphasis using glass as a mold and press. Composition of the test material (composite) ie the volume of rice straw by 35%, 64.5% resin volume and 0.5% catalyst volume. The variables of this study are the length of fiber 15 mm, 20 mm and 25 mmm, the direction of fiber angle 00 ,450 and 900 . Another variable is the length of soaking fiber with alkali. Based on the mechanical characteristics of organic fibers, it is obtained that the rice straw fiber which has the best tensile strength characte...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Mixer Pengaduk Campuran Media Tanaman Jamur Tiram(Buglog) Menggunakan Poros Berulir Guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Dan Kuantitas Produksi DI Dusun Krajan Desa Tegalsari Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Plastik Daur Ulang (Papa Pulang) Menggunakan Teknologi Melter Dalam Upaya Pengurangan Sampah Plastik DI Desa Sumberberas Kecamatan Muncar

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Laju Pengerjaan Bahan Dan Kekasaran Permukaan Proses End Milling Assab XW-42 Menggunakan Metode Taguchi

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 5, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Diesel, Biodiesel Dan Ethanol Hydrous Dengan Penambahan Surfaktan HLB 6 Terhadap Performa Engine

Biodiesel dan ethanol merupakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan bila dibanding dengan bah... more Biodiesel dan ethanol merupakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan bila dibanding dengan bahan bakar diesel (solar), kelemahan biodiesel memiliki titik flash point yang tinggi sehingga tidak mudah terbakar membuat waktu ignation delay yang lama, jika biodiesel ditambahkan dengan ethanol mengakibatkan nilai flash pointnya menurun. Ethanol hydrous merupakan ethanol yang kadar kemurniannya 96%. Pada ethanol hydrous kandungan air yang 4% mengakibatkan sparasi, oleh sebab itu ditambahkan zat tambahan surfaktan agar dapat tercampur. Surfaktan memiliki kemampuan dapat mengemulsikan air dan minyak serta menurunkan tegangan permukaan bahan bakar, sehingga bahan bakar dapat lebih homogen yang menyebabkan bahan bakar teratomisasi menjadi droplet yang lebih kecil. Pada eksperimen ini terbagi menjadi tiga variasi, yaitu campuran bahan bakar diesel, biodiesel, etanol hydrous dan surfaktan dengan komposisi Biodiesel tetap 58%, Solar 10%,20% dan 30%, Etanol Hydrous 10%, 20% dan 30% dan surfakt...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Taguchi and Grey Relational Analysis for Parametric Optimization of End Milling Process of ASSAB-XW 42

Proceedings of the International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2020), 2020

The quality characteristics of surface roughness and MRR of the end mill process have been consid... more The quality characteristics of surface roughness and MRR of the end mill process have been considered to be optimized simultaneously. The input parameters that are considered are cutting fluid. cutting speed. feeding speed. and depth of cut. Optimization is carried out using the experimental design of the Taguchi method. the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio obtained from the Taguchi method is then used in GRA for multi-response optimization. Grey Relational Grade (GRG) results include the prediction of the optimum level of input parameters and their relative significance to several quality characteristics. Based on the results of the analysis of the variance of GRG, it was found that the percentage of contribution was obtained. The results of the process parameters that gave the greatest influence were the feeding speed of 39.8%. followed by a cutting depth of 30.52%, cutting fluid, 11.67%, and cutting speed of 5.13%.

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Rotary Dryer Coffe guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kopi Gombengsari sebagai Produk Unggulan Central Perkebunan Masyarakat Kabupaten Banyuwangi

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup menarik, salah s... more Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup menarik, salah satu objek wisata yang cukup dikenal adalah wisata kebun kopi Gombengsari yang terletak di kaki gunung Ijen. Para warga Gombengsari mengolah hasil panen kopi mereka secara mandiri, mulai dari tahap pemanenan biji kopi yang matang, pengupasan kulit, penjemuran, pematangan, proses penumbukan dan pengemasan, dalam proses tersebut masyarakat Gombengsari sudah menggunakan teknologi yang tepat namun ada satu proses yang masih menggunakan cara yang tradisional yaitu proses penjemuran biji kopi. Sehingga proses penjemuran inilah yang menjadi permasalahan petani kopi Gombengsari, mengingat cuaca di wilayah Gombengsari yang relatif dingin terutama pada musim hujan selain itu petani kopi Gombengsari mengalami permasalahan dalam memasarkan produk kopi bubuk hasil perkebunannya. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dihadapi petani kopi Gombengsari, maka tujuan dari pegabdian ini adalah membantu mengatasi per...

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Dan Manufaktur Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank Untuk Pengujian Prototype Kapal Guna Mengetahui Karakteristik Hidrodinamika Lambung Kapal Dan Perilaku Gerakan Kapal

Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2020

As a coastal area, Banyuwangi has a variety of marine potential that can be harness, both in term... more As a coastal area, Banyuwangi has a variety of marine potential that can be harness, both in terms of tourism and in terms of fishing. This certainly must be equipped with ships that the design are in accordance with the conditions of the Banyuwangi sea, and the special purpose of the ship. So it is become necessary to test hydrodynamic characteristic of the ship hull. Hydrodynamics testing is one of the engineering subject in the field of naval architecture technology. This field, studies the behavior of the object motion or ships hull that are in the water. The existence and movement of objects in water create a boundary layer where if the boundary layer is wider the consequence is resistance will increase, so that the ship's fuel consumption also increases. The hydrodynamic analysis in this study is based on the observation method of water flow generated by the ship's prototype, and the ship's maneuver conditions. For this reason, in this research, an experimental test equipment for fast boat (tourism) and fishing boat needs to be designed. The equipment is a Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank, this experimental device can help the design stages of fast boats and fishing boats before fabrication, so it is able to minimize design failure. Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank is designed with a length of about 3 meters and a height of 2 meters with a maximum flow speed of 4 m / s and in the upper position will be given a special suspension clamp to provide a feasible simulation of ships sailing on the high seas, so as to provide data accurate regarding the condition of the hull and the behavior of the ship's movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristic Biofuel Microalgae Chlorella sp. as Renewable Energy Source

E3S Web of Conferences, 2020

World consumption of energy is estimated to increase by 49 % from 2007 to 2035, which means avera... more World consumption of energy is estimated to increase by 49 % from 2007 to 2035, which means averagely 1.4 % yr–1. Many countries in the world began to develop alternative energy that can overcome the resources. Microalgae is one of the renewable energy that has excellent potential for making biodiesel because it contains much oil. Microalgae is the fastest organism in the photosynthesis, so it makes microalgae have high productivity. In this article, researchers use Chlorella sp. because these microalgae contain oil up to 28 % to 32 % from its dry weight, and on the other hand, this type of microalgae is easy to grow and easy to harvest. From the experimental results, the density characteristics of biodiesel Chlorella sp. have values from 0.84 g mL–1 to 0.848 g mL–1, and it is lower than the density of petroleum (diesel), and viscosity value from 2.5 cSt to 3.91 cSt, cetane numbers 51.17 to 53.72 also heating value 44.04 mJ kg–1 and Flashpoint 131 °C. The characteristic result shows...

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Produksi Superheater Tube Yoshimin Boiler H-3500 Tipe CAP120 T/H

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H. ... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H. Superheater tube merupakan sebuah komponen boiler subcritical yang berfungsi untuk memanaskan kembali uap saturated, pada tekanan kerja konstan, sehingga menjadi uap superheated. Teknologi superheater sudah digunakan sejak awal penggunaan mesin uap di sekitar awal abad 20. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan energi panas yang terkandung di dalam uap, sehingga efisiensi termal mesin ikut meningkat. Hingga saat ini penggunaan superheater masih sangat populer, terutama pada boiler-boiler pipa-air besar pembangkit listrik tenaga uap. Proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H di PT. Bromo Steel (PT. BOSTO) Indonesia melewati beberapa tahapan yaitu persiapan material, pembuatan mal, marking cutting, proses bending, proses fitting up, proses pengelasan, dan terakhir yaitu proses control product untuk menjamin kualitas pengerjaan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Modifikasi Screw Menjadi Belt Pada Gantry Conveyor Coal Ship Unloading Terhadap Frekuensi Gangguan Power Consumtion Dan Maintenance Cost

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan pengaruh modifikasi screw menjadi belt pada gantry conveyor coal ship unlo... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan pengaruh modifikasi screw menjadi belt pada gantry conveyor coal ship unloading terhadap frekuensi gangguan, power consumtion dan maintenance cost. Berdasarkan pengamatan, pengambilan dan pengerjaan data maka dihasilkan; frekuensi gangguan gantry conveyor menurun 90% dari 40 kali menjadi 4 kali, power consumtion dari yang sebelumnya 110 Kw menjadi 20 Kw sehingga menghemat biaya listrik sebesar Rp. 720.343.998-Rp. 130.971.636=Rp. 589.372.362 per tahun. Sedangkan untuk biaya perawatan/maintenance cost juga mengalami penghematan sebesar Rp. 1.441.242.413–Rp. 102.522.429 = Rp. 1.338.719.984 per 2 tahun Sehingga penghematan biaya pemeliharaan per tahunnya adalah Rp. 669.359.992. Sehingga total efisiensi biaya yaitu sebesar Rp. 589.372.362 per tahun + Rp. 669.359.992 = Rp. 1.258.732.354 per tahun.

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Produksi Body Upper Generating Drum Type CAP.120 T/H

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi body upper generating drum type CAP.120 T/H. Komponen uppe... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi body upper generating drum type CAP.120 T/H. Komponen upper generating drum adalah salah satu komponen pada boiler pipa air yang berfungsi sebagai reservoir campuran air dan uap air, dan juga berfungsi untuk memisahkan uap air dengan air pada proses pembentukan uap superheater. Namun tidak semua boiler pipa air (water tube) yang menggunakan upper generating drum ini. Boiler supercritical beroperasi pada tekanan sangat tinggi di atas tekanan kritis, sehingga tidak dimungkinkan terbentuk gelembung-gelembung uap air, karena itulah boiler supercritical tidak memerlukan upper generating drum untuk memisahkan air dengan uap air. Air feed water yang disupply oleh boiler feed water pump, masuk ke boiler menuju economiser dan selanjutnya masuk ke upper generating drum. Dari upper generating drum, air dipompa oleh pompa sirkulasi boiler menuju ke raiser tube/wall tube untuk dapat mencapai fase uap saturasi. Dari raiser tube air kembali masuk ke upper gen...

Research paper thumbnail of Mesin Pencacah Batang Buah Naga sebagai Alat Pembuat Pupuk Organik di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo Kecamatan Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur pulau Jawa, perkemba... more Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur pulau Jawa, perkembangan ekonomi khususnya sektor pertanian dan pariwisata di wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dari pada sektor lainnya, kabupaten ini dikenal sebagai sentra penghasil buah naga di Jawa Timur. Setelah proses panen tanaman buah naga akan dipangkas untuk mengurangi kebutuhan hara dan merangsang tumbuhnya bunga baru. Batang buah naga yang dipangkas seringkali hanya dibuang karena dianggap limbah. Petani di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo telah memanfaatkan limbah batang buah naga sebagai pupuk organic. Batang buah naga harus dicacah terlebih dahulu untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan. Selama ini petani mencacah batang dengan cara manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang banyak. Pembuatan mesin pencacah batang buah naga diharapkan dapat mengefisienkan waktu pencacahan dan dapat merangsang petani-petani untuk semakin giat menggunakan pupuk organik de...

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical Analysis of Static Structure on the Floor Frame of the Medium Bus

Jurnal Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan, Jun 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Predictive Modelling On Machining Performance of ECDM Using Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization

Manufacturing Technology, Dec 6, 2023

The electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) process is developing into a potentially useful me... more The electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) process is developing into a potentially useful method of performing machining in conductive or non-conductive materials. The experiment was conducted utilizing full factorial design (2 4) with the 16 run test. The present study implemented artificial neural network (ANN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques to predict the Material Removal Rate (MRR) and surface roughness (SR), and the linear regression analysis were utilized for this purpose. The input parameters were adjusted with the objective of maximizing the MRR and minimizing the SR. The four selected process parameters are voltage, gap width, electrode type, and type of electrolyte, with each parameter has two levels, copper and brass were chosen as the electrodes in this particular technique. Linear regression (LR) modelling was calculated for comparison between the ANN model and LR. Artificial neural network (ANN) models have been developed to accurately predict SR and MRR, achieving a prediction accuracy of over 90%. The impacts of these findings have great significance for the future of machining tungsten carbide utilizing ECDM. Based on the results of R 2 , the modelling with ANN is closer to the actual value than the prediction using a linear regression model, the value of R 2 ANN greater than LR so that the prediction model of ANN is still the best model.

Research paper thumbnail of Visual and Pressure Signal Investigations on Bubble Produced by Ejector Bubble Generator

E3S web of conferences, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of A Comprehensive Study of Wave Angels and their Influence on Sail Boats

WAVE: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim

Sail boat is a type of sail boat with the main mover in the form of a sail that utilizes the wind... more Sail boat is a type of sail boat with the main mover in the form of a sail that utilizes the wind to generate thrust so that it can go according to the desired speed. Although the type of sail propulsion has been found since time immemorial, research on sails and their effects on sailboats is very rarely done. In general, research only focuses on calculating the size of the sail so that the sailboat is able to go at the desired speed without considering other things that might happen to the sailboat if the sail is used. Therefore, the researcher intends to analyze the force on the sail with variations of the sail and ring and its effect on the sailboat. Based on the results of the research conducted, taking into account the wind conditions in the coastal area of ​​Banyuwangi, the results of the data analysis are as follows, including the size of the main sailing vessel that is suitable for having a length of 5 meters, a width of 2 meters and a height of 1 meter and a water laden dep...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Mesin Pencacah Janggel Jagung Sebagai Campuran Nutrisi Pakan Ternak Kambing Ruminansia DI Kelurahan Sumberejo

Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Peternak kambing merupakan salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang mayoritas dilakukan oleh penduduk Bany... more Peternak kambing merupakan salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang mayoritas dilakukan oleh penduduk Banyuwangi. Nilai ekonomi beternak kambing cukup tinggi. Namun perkembangannya dalam merawat ternak sudah mengalami kesulitan dikeranakan biaya pakan yang tinggi serta keterbatasan rumput atu daun yang berkurang. Dampak ini mengakibatkan supply pakan ke hewan ternak berkurang dengan dampak tersebut peternak harus mengalokasikan waktu untuk mencari makan ternak (ramban/ruminasia) dengan mengambil tanaman hijau, sehingga sangat tidak efisien bagi masyarakat masa kini. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan pakan dari ramban maka harus ada inovasi baru untu menggantikan pakan wajib (ramban) dengan pakan alternatif. Dalam tahapan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimulai dari tahap awal yaitu tim pengabdian merancang alat pencacah janggel jagung, pada tahap kedua tim pengabdi mengadakan sosialisasi pemanfaatan limbah janggel jagung sebagai bahan dasar pakan ternak dengan cara silase, tahap selanjutnya ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Mesin Pengayak dan Pengaduk Bahan Pembuatan Baglog Jamur di Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Purwoharjo

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira)

Banyuwangi is one of the regencies that has many small and medium businesses, one of which is oys... more Banyuwangi is one of the regencies that has many small and medium businesses, one of which is oyster mushroom cultivation, precisely in Sidorejo Village, Purwoharjo District. Oyster mushroom cultivation is chosen by the community because it does not require a lot of capital and is easy to maintain. In the process of making baglog of oyster mushrooms, the most important thing is the process of sifting sawdust and stirring the mixture of ingredients for making baglog of mushrooms because it greatly affects the growth of mycelia unevenly. In general, partners in the process of making mushroom baglogs still use a manual system so that it is less efficient, especially in the process of sieving sawdust and mixing materials, so it requires an appropriate machine. In this service activity, the team provided a sieving machine and a mixer for a mushroom baglog mixture with a motor power of 1 PK, dimensions of 100cmx60cmx120cm, and a capacity of 100 kg/hour to speed up production. In addition,...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penambahan Serat Jerami Terhadap Karakteristik Kuat Tarik Komposit FRP (Fiber Reinforcement Plastic)

This aims of this research is to determine the mechanical characteristics of composite materials ... more This aims of this research is to determine the mechanical characteristics of composite materials from one of organic fibers that have environmentally friendly properties and widely available in the territory of Indonesia. The organic fiber studied in this research was rice straw, the characteristics to be studied were tensile strength by tensile testing and adjusted to ASTM standard (American Standards of Test Materials). The composite / composite paneling is made by hand lay up and with manual emphasis using glass as a mold and press. Composition of the test material (composite) ie the volume of rice straw by 35%, 64.5% resin volume and 0.5% catalyst volume. The variables of this study are the length of fiber 15 mm, 20 mm and 25 mmm, the direction of fiber angle 00 ,450 and 900 . Another variable is the length of soaking fiber with alkali. Based on the mechanical characteristics of organic fibers, it is obtained that the rice straw fiber which has the best tensile strength characte...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Mixer Pengaduk Campuran Media Tanaman Jamur Tiram(Buglog) Menggunakan Poros Berulir Guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Dan Kuantitas Produksi DI Dusun Krajan Desa Tegalsari Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Plastik Daur Ulang (Papa Pulang) Menggunakan Teknologi Melter Dalam Upaya Pengurangan Sampah Plastik DI Desa Sumberberas Kecamatan Muncar

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Optimasi Laju Pengerjaan Bahan Dan Kekasaran Permukaan Proses End Milling Assab XW-42 Menggunakan Metode Taguchi

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 5, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Diesel, Biodiesel Dan Ethanol Hydrous Dengan Penambahan Surfaktan HLB 6 Terhadap Performa Engine

Biodiesel dan ethanol merupakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan bila dibanding dengan bah... more Biodiesel dan ethanol merupakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan bila dibanding dengan bahan bakar diesel (solar), kelemahan biodiesel memiliki titik flash point yang tinggi sehingga tidak mudah terbakar membuat waktu ignation delay yang lama, jika biodiesel ditambahkan dengan ethanol mengakibatkan nilai flash pointnya menurun. Ethanol hydrous merupakan ethanol yang kadar kemurniannya 96%. Pada ethanol hydrous kandungan air yang 4% mengakibatkan sparasi, oleh sebab itu ditambahkan zat tambahan surfaktan agar dapat tercampur. Surfaktan memiliki kemampuan dapat mengemulsikan air dan minyak serta menurunkan tegangan permukaan bahan bakar, sehingga bahan bakar dapat lebih homogen yang menyebabkan bahan bakar teratomisasi menjadi droplet yang lebih kecil. Pada eksperimen ini terbagi menjadi tiga variasi, yaitu campuran bahan bakar diesel, biodiesel, etanol hydrous dan surfaktan dengan komposisi Biodiesel tetap 58%, Solar 10%,20% dan 30%, Etanol Hydrous 10%, 20% dan 30% dan surfakt...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Taguchi and Grey Relational Analysis for Parametric Optimization of End Milling Process of ASSAB-XW 42

Proceedings of the International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2020), 2020

The quality characteristics of surface roughness and MRR of the end mill process have been consid... more The quality characteristics of surface roughness and MRR of the end mill process have been considered to be optimized simultaneously. The input parameters that are considered are cutting fluid. cutting speed. feeding speed. and depth of cut. Optimization is carried out using the experimental design of the Taguchi method. the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio obtained from the Taguchi method is then used in GRA for multi-response optimization. Grey Relational Grade (GRG) results include the prediction of the optimum level of input parameters and their relative significance to several quality characteristics. Based on the results of the analysis of the variance of GRG, it was found that the percentage of contribution was obtained. The results of the process parameters that gave the greatest influence were the feeding speed of 39.8%. followed by a cutting depth of 30.52%, cutting fluid, 11.67%, and cutting speed of 5.13%.

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Rotary Dryer Coffe guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kopi Gombengsari sebagai Produk Unggulan Central Perkebunan Masyarakat Kabupaten Banyuwangi

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup menarik, salah s... more Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup menarik, salah satu objek wisata yang cukup dikenal adalah wisata kebun kopi Gombengsari yang terletak di kaki gunung Ijen. Para warga Gombengsari mengolah hasil panen kopi mereka secara mandiri, mulai dari tahap pemanenan biji kopi yang matang, pengupasan kulit, penjemuran, pematangan, proses penumbukan dan pengemasan, dalam proses tersebut masyarakat Gombengsari sudah menggunakan teknologi yang tepat namun ada satu proses yang masih menggunakan cara yang tradisional yaitu proses penjemuran biji kopi. Sehingga proses penjemuran inilah yang menjadi permasalahan petani kopi Gombengsari, mengingat cuaca di wilayah Gombengsari yang relatif dingin terutama pada musim hujan selain itu petani kopi Gombengsari mengalami permasalahan dalam memasarkan produk kopi bubuk hasil perkebunannya. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dihadapi petani kopi Gombengsari, maka tujuan dari pegabdian ini adalah membantu mengatasi per...

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Dan Manufaktur Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank Untuk Pengujian Prototype Kapal Guna Mengetahui Karakteristik Hidrodinamika Lambung Kapal Dan Perilaku Gerakan Kapal

Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2020

As a coastal area, Banyuwangi has a variety of marine potential that can be harness, both in term... more As a coastal area, Banyuwangi has a variety of marine potential that can be harness, both in terms of tourism and in terms of fishing. This certainly must be equipped with ships that the design are in accordance with the conditions of the Banyuwangi sea, and the special purpose of the ship. So it is become necessary to test hydrodynamic characteristic of the ship hull. Hydrodynamics testing is one of the engineering subject in the field of naval architecture technology. This field, studies the behavior of the object motion or ships hull that are in the water. The existence and movement of objects in water create a boundary layer where if the boundary layer is wider the consequence is resistance will increase, so that the ship's fuel consumption also increases. The hydrodynamic analysis in this study is based on the observation method of water flow generated by the ship's prototype, and the ship's maneuver conditions. For this reason, in this research, an experimental test equipment for fast boat (tourism) and fishing boat needs to be designed. The equipment is a Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank, this experimental device can help the design stages of fast boats and fishing boats before fabrication, so it is able to minimize design failure. Mini Circulating Water Channel Tank is designed with a length of about 3 meters and a height of 2 meters with a maximum flow speed of 4 m / s and in the upper position will be given a special suspension clamp to provide a feasible simulation of ships sailing on the high seas, so as to provide data accurate regarding the condition of the hull and the behavior of the ship's movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristic Biofuel Microalgae Chlorella sp. as Renewable Energy Source

E3S Web of Conferences, 2020

World consumption of energy is estimated to increase by 49 % from 2007 to 2035, which means avera... more World consumption of energy is estimated to increase by 49 % from 2007 to 2035, which means averagely 1.4 % yr–1. Many countries in the world began to develop alternative energy that can overcome the resources. Microalgae is one of the renewable energy that has excellent potential for making biodiesel because it contains much oil. Microalgae is the fastest organism in the photosynthesis, so it makes microalgae have high productivity. In this article, researchers use Chlorella sp. because these microalgae contain oil up to 28 % to 32 % from its dry weight, and on the other hand, this type of microalgae is easy to grow and easy to harvest. From the experimental results, the density characteristics of biodiesel Chlorella sp. have values from 0.84 g mL–1 to 0.848 g mL–1, and it is lower than the density of petroleum (diesel), and viscosity value from 2.5 cSt to 3.91 cSt, cetane numbers 51.17 to 53.72 also heating value 44.04 mJ kg–1 and Flashpoint 131 °C. The characteristic result shows...

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Produksi Superheater Tube Yoshimin Boiler H-3500 Tipe CAP120 T/H

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H. ... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H. Superheater tube merupakan sebuah komponen boiler subcritical yang berfungsi untuk memanaskan kembali uap saturated, pada tekanan kerja konstan, sehingga menjadi uap superheated. Teknologi superheater sudah digunakan sejak awal penggunaan mesin uap di sekitar awal abad 20. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan energi panas yang terkandung di dalam uap, sehingga efisiensi termal mesin ikut meningkat. Hingga saat ini penggunaan superheater masih sangat populer, terutama pada boiler-boiler pipa-air besar pembangkit listrik tenaga uap. Proses produksi superheater tube yoshimin boiler H-3500 tipe CAP.120 T/H di PT. Bromo Steel (PT. BOSTO) Indonesia melewati beberapa tahapan yaitu persiapan material, pembuatan mal, marking cutting, proses bending, proses fitting up, proses pengelasan, dan terakhir yaitu proses control product untuk menjamin kualitas pengerjaan.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Modifikasi Screw Menjadi Belt Pada Gantry Conveyor Coal Ship Unloading Terhadap Frekuensi Gangguan Power Consumtion Dan Maintenance Cost

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan pengaruh modifikasi screw menjadi belt pada gantry conveyor coal ship unlo... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan pengaruh modifikasi screw menjadi belt pada gantry conveyor coal ship unloading terhadap frekuensi gangguan, power consumtion dan maintenance cost. Berdasarkan pengamatan, pengambilan dan pengerjaan data maka dihasilkan; frekuensi gangguan gantry conveyor menurun 90% dari 40 kali menjadi 4 kali, power consumtion dari yang sebelumnya 110 Kw menjadi 20 Kw sehingga menghemat biaya listrik sebesar Rp. 720.343.998-Rp. 130.971.636=Rp. 589.372.362 per tahun. Sedangkan untuk biaya perawatan/maintenance cost juga mengalami penghematan sebesar Rp. 1.441.242.413–Rp. 102.522.429 = Rp. 1.338.719.984 per 2 tahun Sehingga penghematan biaya pemeliharaan per tahunnya adalah Rp. 669.359.992. Sehingga total efisiensi biaya yaitu sebesar Rp. 589.372.362 per tahun + Rp. 669.359.992 = Rp. 1.258.732.354 per tahun.

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Produksi Body Upper Generating Drum Type CAP.120 T/H

Otopro, 2019

Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi body upper generating drum type CAP.120 T/H. Komponen uppe... more Jurnal ini menjelaskan proses produksi body upper generating drum type CAP.120 T/H. Komponen upper generating drum adalah salah satu komponen pada boiler pipa air yang berfungsi sebagai reservoir campuran air dan uap air, dan juga berfungsi untuk memisahkan uap air dengan air pada proses pembentukan uap superheater. Namun tidak semua boiler pipa air (water tube) yang menggunakan upper generating drum ini. Boiler supercritical beroperasi pada tekanan sangat tinggi di atas tekanan kritis, sehingga tidak dimungkinkan terbentuk gelembung-gelembung uap air, karena itulah boiler supercritical tidak memerlukan upper generating drum untuk memisahkan air dengan uap air. Air feed water yang disupply oleh boiler feed water pump, masuk ke boiler menuju economiser dan selanjutnya masuk ke upper generating drum. Dari upper generating drum, air dipompa oleh pompa sirkulasi boiler menuju ke raiser tube/wall tube untuk dapat mencapai fase uap saturasi. Dari raiser tube air kembali masuk ke upper gen...

Research paper thumbnail of Mesin Pencacah Batang Buah Naga sebagai Alat Pembuat Pupuk Organik di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo Kecamatan Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur pulau Jawa, perkemba... more Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur pulau Jawa, perkembangan ekonomi khususnya sektor pertanian dan pariwisata di wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dari pada sektor lainnya, kabupaten ini dikenal sebagai sentra penghasil buah naga di Jawa Timur. Setelah proses panen tanaman buah naga akan dipangkas untuk mengurangi kebutuhan hara dan merangsang tumbuhnya bunga baru. Batang buah naga yang dipangkas seringkali hanya dibuang karena dianggap limbah. Petani di Dusun Wadungdolah Desa Kaligondo telah memanfaatkan limbah batang buah naga sebagai pupuk organic. Batang buah naga harus dicacah terlebih dahulu untuk mempercepat proses pembusukan. Selama ini petani mencacah batang dengan cara manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang banyak. Pembuatan mesin pencacah batang buah naga diharapkan dapat mengefisienkan waktu pencacahan dan dapat merangsang petani-petani untuk semakin giat menggunakan pupuk organik de...