Annisa Krisridwany - (original) (raw)
Papers by Annisa Krisridwany
Deleted Journal, Dec 30, 2023
Drugs are substances that can be used to cure disease. Synthetic drugs in the process of work usu... more Drugs are substances that can be used to cure disease. Synthetic drugs in the process of work usually cause unwanted side effects. Therefore, people usually switch to medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are alternatives to plants that are cultivated in the yard of the house and are used as a source of family medicine. The farmer women's group in Randusongo, Donokerto, Turi has already used their yard but has not yet been directed towards cultivating medicinal plants specifically. This is becoming the initial plan to empower farmer women's groups in the cultivation of medicinal plants. The purpose of this service is to increase the empowerment of women farmers in utilizing agricultural land through the cultivation of medicinal plants. The program implementation method was preceded by environmental observation, then the program implementation uses lecture/discussion methods, training, demonstrations, and cultivation assistance. Evaluation was carried out at the beginning and end of the activity through the Pre-Test and Post-test. The results of the service activities show that the service partners begin to understand the use of several family medicinal plants. Based on data from 13 KWT administrators, it is shown that there was an increase in the average pre-test and post-test scores from 46.2 to 85.4. Service partners have also begun to use medicinal plants such as emprit ginger, white turmeric, and black kencur. In the future, these three plants will become the main priority to be developed in the area.
Deleted Journal, Dec 30, 2023
Family medicinal plants (TOGA) are selected types of medicinal plants that can be planted in the ... more Family medicinal plants (TOGA) are selected types of medicinal plants that can be planted in the house's yard to improve family health. TOGA can be used as an alternative to traditional medicines that are easy to find, relatively inexpensive, and have lower side effects than chemical drugs. Some TOGA plants commonly used by the community are red ginger, basil, turmeric, turmeric, etc. This community service activity aims to provide counseling related to the use of TOGA for traditional medicine and training on how to make herbal medicine from TOGA. The method used is lectures for outreach to the community regarding TOGA and its use, as well as training on how to make herbal medicine properly and correctly. The resulting outputs are article publication in the mass media, video publication on YouTube, community service seminars, and publication in community service proceedings or journals.
Asian journal of pharmaceutical research and development, Oct 12, 2023
Colon cancer and cervical cancer are types of cancer with a high prevalence, contributing 10% and... more Colon cancer and cervical cancer are types of cancer with a high prevalence, contributing 10% and 3.1% respectively of the total new cancer cases. Nutrition and dietary factors play an important role in human carcinogenesis. Natural plants contain substances that can be beneficial to human health. One such plant is the pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). Pumpkin seeds are thought to have many biological activities for health, such as antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory effects. This study aimed to determine the cytotoxic activity of n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed against colon (WiDr) and cervical (HeLa) cancer cells using the MTT Assay method. The method used in this study consisted of the preparation of plant extracts, phytochemical screening, total content of metabolites. The results proved that the n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed was observed containing flavonoids, alkaloids, and steroids. The content of highest total content, namely flavonoid compounds as much as 616.46 mg/L. The n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed showed cytotoxic activity for WiDr cells and HeLa cells with an IC50 value of 193.44 µg/mL and 237.702 µg/mL, respectively. The results of this study can be concluded that n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed can be used as a chemopreventive agent, due to the moderate cytotoxic test results.
Pharmacy, Dec 31, 2021
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin ... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin and tannin. The antibacterial activity of them have been investigated for many years. However, the antibacterial activity has not been evaluated in oral formulations. This study aims to formulate chewable lozenges celery leaf ethanolic extract, evaluate physical characterized and antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges. Celery leaf ethanolic extract is formulated into chewable lozenges using molded method with concentration of 20 g and 25 g. This formulation was characterized for organoleptic test, weigh uniformity, dissolution testing, thickness testing and pH determination. Antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges was carried out by diffusion method using Streptococcus mutans. From the chewable lozenges formula there are no significant physical differences between formulas and can be organoleptically acceptable. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed the value of inhibition zone diameters of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in F1, F2, F3, F4, F6 respectively 8,8 mm, 9 mm, 8,16 mm, 9,33 mm, 8 mm dan 9,13 mm. Formulation F4 shown better antibacterial activity as compared to its other formulations.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, Apr 30, 2022
INTISARI Masyarakat Indonesia banyak memanfaatkan tanaman kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.... more INTISARI Masyarakat Indonesia banyak memanfaatkan tanaman kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) dan tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) sebagai makanan dan pengobatan tradisional. Kedua tanaman ini diketahui memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan senyawa antioksidan. Selain bagian daun, biji kelor dan biji kecipir juga banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Saat ini, sumber paparan radikal bebas di lingkungan semakin banyak sehingga diperlukan senyawa antioksidan untuk menangkap radikal bebas. Pada studi ini dilakukan pengujian untuk melihat perbedaan kadar total flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan biji kecipir dan biji kelor dari fraksi etil asetat secara in vitro. Ekstrak etanol diperoleh dari serbuk biji kelor dan biji kecipir yang masing-masing dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Pelarut n-heksana dan etil asetat digunakan dalam proses fraksinasi. Identifikasi senyawa flavonoid, saponin, dan alkaloid dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan reagen warna. Total flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat diukur dengan pembacaan absorbansi dengan pembanding yang digunakan adalah kuersetin. Metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl 2-picrilhidrazil) digunakan untuk menguji fraksi etil asetat masing-masing biji dengan vitamin C sebagai pembandingnya, kemudian diukur nilai IC50. Total flavonoid yang dihasilkan pada fraksi etil asetat biji kecipir sebesar 71.56 mgQE/g ekstrak, lebih besar daripada biji kelor yaitu 42.8 mgQE/g ekstrak. Sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan berdasarkan nilai IC50 pada biji kelor sebesar 134.34 ppm dan biji kecipir sebesar 179.57 ppm yang menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan fraksi etil asetat biji kelor lebih besar daripada biji kecipir. Total flavonoid fraksi etil asetat biji kecipir lebih besar namun aktivitas antioksidan pada fraksi etil asetat biji kelor lebih besar dari biji kecipir hal ini menunjukkan kemungkinan terdapat lebih banyak senyawa antioksidan selain flavonoid pada biji kelor.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jan 28, 2022
Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh terhadap perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut jug... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh terhadap perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga berdampak pada meningkatnya tingkat stres seseorang. Sementara itu, aromaterapi saat ini telah dikenal sebagai salah satu sediaan farmasi yang dapat memberikan efek relaksasi bagi tubuh sehingga membuat pikiran menjadi lebih jernih dan tubuh menjadi lebih rileks. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan bagi anggota Nasyiatul Aisyisyah Moyudan untuk dapat memanfaatkan bahan herbal menjadi bentuk sediaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai aromaterapi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan pemberian materi, diskusi, workshop pelatihan, dan kuesioner pretestt dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian, diketahui bahwa peserta kegiatan memiliki peningkatan pemahaman tentang aromaterapi dan pemanfaatannya melalui hasil pretest dan posttest.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Praktis
Infectious disease is a major health problem with a relatively high mortality rate. Indonesia is ... more Infectious disease is a major health problem with a relatively high mortality rate. Indonesia is rich in natural ingredients that have potential as antibacterials, one of which is the Karamunting plant (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa). Several studies on this plant have been conducted to observe its activity as an antibacterial. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of Karamunting plants using the literature review method. The literature search method uses journals from the Google Scholar, Pub Med and Elsevier databases. Each journal is determined based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Journals that meet the inclusion criteria are descriptive and explained in detail. From the journals obtained, there were 11 journals that met the criteria. Karamunting plants (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) contain secondary metabolites namely flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, steroids, acylphloroglucinol (rhodomyrtone, tomentosone, rhodomyrtosone) and meroterpenoids (rho...
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal)
Background: Yogurt, completed with lactic acid bacteria, can inhibit the growth of Escherichia co... more Background: Yogurt, completed with lactic acid bacteria, can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The flavonoids, tannin, and saponin of the Muntingia calabura L. plant showed antibacterial activity. The present study aims to observe the effect of the addition of Muntingia calabura L. fruit extract to yogurt on the activity of Escherichia coli. Objectives: The study was an experimental study with the treatment of addition of Muntingia fruit extract infusion with various concentrations (12.5 %, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% with three times replications) to the cow-milk-based yogurt. Material and Methods: The staining reagents were used for the phytochemical screening. The Mixed Muntingia Yogurt (MMY) was then centrifuged to obtain supernatant. The antibacterial activity was tested using the disc diffusion method by observing the diameter of the inhibition zone. Plain yogurt was used for the negative control and Cefotaxime for the positive control. Results: In Muntingia fruit extract, f...
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi
Dental caries requires operative techniques such as pulp devitalization, but pulp devitalization ... more Dental caries requires operative techniques such as pulp devitalization, but pulp devitalization materials that are often used by dentists have serious adverse effects that need to be considered, such as gingival injury and alveolar bone necrosis. Hence, the aim of the present study was to evaluate and formulation of herbal alternatives to pulp devitalization from a combination of Jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas L.) and red betel leaf extract (Piper crocatum) in the form of a paste and then conducting physical evaluation tests, Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) tests, and also histopathological picture tests to the sample. The formulation of the pasta sample was carried out by the trituration method. Formulation I (FI) contained 25% of Jatropha resin, 0.25% red betel leaf extract, and 25% Jatropha resin, 0.5% red betel leaf extract for Formulation II (FII). The paste produced was then evaluated for physical properties which consisted of organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreadability, adhesion, and in vivo anti-inflammatory effect (animal models). In the COX-2 expression test, FI has a COX-2 expression percentage value of 0.38% and a COX-2 suppression percentage value of 0.62%, while FII has a COX-2 expression percentage value of 0.59% and suppression of COX-2 of 0.41%. The optimal concentration of the paste formulation is the paste with a combination of 25% jatropha latex and 0.25% red betel leaf extract had been shown to have potential as an alternative to pulp devitalization. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh pada perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga be... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh pada perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga berdampak pada meningkatnya tingkat stress seseorang. Sementara itu, aromaterapi saat ini telah dikenal sebagai salah satu sediaan farmasi yang dapat memberikan efek relaksasi bagi tubuh sehingga membuat pikiran menjadi lebih jernih dan tubuh menjadi lebih rileks. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan bagi anggota Nasyiatul Aisyisyah moyudan untuk dapat memanfaatkan bahan herbal menjadi bentuk sediaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai aromaterapi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan pemberian materi, diskusi, workshop pelatihan dan kuesioner pretest post test. Berdasarkan hasil diketahui bahwa peserta kegiatan ini memiliki peningkatan pemahaman terkait aromaterapi dan manfaatnya dilihat melalui hasil pre test dan post test.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is widely used for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The high ... more Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is widely used for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The high lauric acid content is very beneficial in the pharmaceutical field, such as for antiviral and antibiotic. Also, this VCO is very useful for cosmetic formulation. VCO production can be done by several methods, which are chemical, physical, and enzymatic methods. By the increase of VCO demand at the national and international levels, this study proceeded with the production of VCO using an enzymatic way that was efficiently conducted and environmentally friendly. The purpose of this research is to study the enzymatic process of VCO production by using pineapple waste, including pineapple crowns, pineapple fruit skins, pineapple leaves, and pineapple trunks. The pineapple waste used contains the enzyme bromelain to break down protein emulator in coconut milk cream. From the number of experiments with variations in substrate volume and temperature, the optimal VCO formation was obtained at 5...
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) dan kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) banyak dimanfaat... more Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) dan kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai makanan dan pengobatan tradisional. Selain bagian daun, biji kelor dan biji kecipir juga banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kedua tanaman ini memiliki potensi sebagai antioksidan. Pada studi ini dilakukan pengukuran kadar total flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan pada fraksi etil asetat dari kedua biji secara in vitro. Studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi perbandingan kadar antioksidan antara kedua biji tersebut. Ekstrak etanol dari masing-masing biji dilakukan fraksinasi dengan n-hexan, etanol, dan etil asetat. Total flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat diukur dengan pembacaan absorbansi pada Panjang gelombang 446 nm dengan quercetin sebagai pembanding. Aktivitas antioksidan dari fraksi etil asetat dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (1,1- diphenyl 2-picrilhidrazil) dan pembacaan absorbandi pada 517 nm dengan vitamin C sebagai pembanding dan diukur nilai IC50. To...
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia)
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin ... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin and tannin. The antibacterial activity of them have been investigated for many years. However, the antibacterial activity has not been evaluated in oral formulations. This study aims to formulate chewable lozenges celery leaf ethanolic extract, evaluate physical characterized and antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges. Celery leaf ethanolic extract is formulated into chewable lozenges using molded method with concentration of 20 g and 25 g. This formulation was characterized for organoleptic test, weigh uniformity, dissolution testing, thickness testing and pH determination. Antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges was carried out by diffusion method using Streptococcus mutans. From the chewable lozenges formula there are no significant physical differences between formulas and can be organoleptically acceptable. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed the value of ...
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 2020
The COVID -19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life, one of which is in the field of educati... more The COVID -19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life, one of which is in the field of education. Transformation toward various e-learning process has been conducted in order to prevent transmission of the disease caused by massive gathering. Obstacles appear when trying to deliver and assess practical skills which are usually done face to face with the teachers or instructors. These obstacles are also seen in pharmacy schools where skills such as patient counselling, compounding and dispensing, etc. are important competencies for the students to achieve. In order to overcome these obstacles, we developed a method for conducting the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) through online process. This study was aimed to evaluate the new online OSCE method for pharmacy students to be conducted in the pandemic era. The evaluation of online OSCE trial was conducted using a simple Google form-based questionnaire which evaluated the platform used, the process of online OSCE an...
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat memengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Pertukaran info... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat memengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Pertukaran informasi yang sangat cepat dapat memberikan dampak yang baik dan buruk. Hal ini dapat memengaruhi sikap dan perilaku anak-anak. Adanya dampak tersebut kita dapat antisipasi dengan menerapkan pendidikan moral sejak dini. Selain orang tua, tempat pendidikan juga memegang peranan dalam membentuk karakter anak. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman orang tua dan pengelolaan stres pengasuhan dalam mendidik anak melaui program parenting dan Taman Pendidikan Alquran. Program ini dilakukan di Dusun Polowidi, Trimulyo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Metode pelaksanaan program didahului observasi, tahap perencanaan program, kemudian kegiatan pelaksanaan program menggunakan metode ceramah/diskusi, dan praktik langsung pelaksanaan kegiatan TPA. Pada akhir program, dilakukan evaluasi. Sasaran untuk kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu PKK dan anak-anak di Dusun Polowidi. Dari hasil evaluasi program parentin...
Peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of the plants used as an antibacterial ag... more Peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of the plants used as an antibacterial agent as it contains saponin triterpenoid compounds, flavonoid compounds, and alkaloid compounds which can have antibacterial activity. This research aims to determine the antibacterial effect of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol fraction of red dragon fruit’s peel against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by the concentration of 10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 40mg/ml, 80mg/ml dan 160mg/ml. This research was conducted by using laboratory experiments. The simplicia was macerated with 96% ethanol and fractionated by n-hexane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical screening of the fraction was n-hexane fraction containing saponin and alkaloid, while the ethyl acetate fraction contained saponin and flavonoid. Kanamycin was used as a positive control, while DMSO was used as a negative control. According to this research, the MIC value of ethanol fraction, n-hexane fraction, and ethyl acetate fract...
The ocean is abundant in organisms beneficial to living beings, including cyanobacteria that are ... more The ocean is abundant in organisms beneficial to living beings, including cyanobacteria that are widely studied for their bioactive compounds. This research was conducted to observe the compounds and concomitant cytotoxic activities of cyanobacteria in Udar Island waters, Sabah, Malaysia, against cancer cells. The samples were identified by the 16S DNA method, and a phylogenetic tree was built to check similarities in the genus. The samples were extracted using ethyl acetate and butanol. Afterward, the compounds were determined by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LCMS), while the cytotoxicity activities were examined by the MTT assay. Several known compounds in ethyl acetate crude extract, such as several types of Apratoxins, and possible new compounds were observed. The compounds examined were mainly peptide. The crude ethyl acetate extracts of Moorea sp. in Udar Island waters were found to contain cytotoxic compounds, with the IC 50 value of 0.072 µg/mL against the MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines, that were more potent compared to the butanol crude extract, whose IC 50 was 2.031 µg/mL. Further isolation and cytotoxic tests are necessary to confirm which compounds are responsible as cytotoxic agents. This finding provides an opportunity for the discovery of anticancer compounds from marine cyanobacteria.
Deleted Journal, Dec 30, 2023
Drugs are substances that can be used to cure disease. Synthetic drugs in the process of work usu... more Drugs are substances that can be used to cure disease. Synthetic drugs in the process of work usually cause unwanted side effects. Therefore, people usually switch to medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are alternatives to plants that are cultivated in the yard of the house and are used as a source of family medicine. The farmer women's group in Randusongo, Donokerto, Turi has already used their yard but has not yet been directed towards cultivating medicinal plants specifically. This is becoming the initial plan to empower farmer women's groups in the cultivation of medicinal plants. The purpose of this service is to increase the empowerment of women farmers in utilizing agricultural land through the cultivation of medicinal plants. The program implementation method was preceded by environmental observation, then the program implementation uses lecture/discussion methods, training, demonstrations, and cultivation assistance. Evaluation was carried out at the beginning and end of the activity through the Pre-Test and Post-test. The results of the service activities show that the service partners begin to understand the use of several family medicinal plants. Based on data from 13 KWT administrators, it is shown that there was an increase in the average pre-test and post-test scores from 46.2 to 85.4. Service partners have also begun to use medicinal plants such as emprit ginger, white turmeric, and black kencur. In the future, these three plants will become the main priority to be developed in the area.
Deleted Journal, Dec 30, 2023
Family medicinal plants (TOGA) are selected types of medicinal plants that can be planted in the ... more Family medicinal plants (TOGA) are selected types of medicinal plants that can be planted in the house's yard to improve family health. TOGA can be used as an alternative to traditional medicines that are easy to find, relatively inexpensive, and have lower side effects than chemical drugs. Some TOGA plants commonly used by the community are red ginger, basil, turmeric, turmeric, etc. This community service activity aims to provide counseling related to the use of TOGA for traditional medicine and training on how to make herbal medicine from TOGA. The method used is lectures for outreach to the community regarding TOGA and its use, as well as training on how to make herbal medicine properly and correctly. The resulting outputs are article publication in the mass media, video publication on YouTube, community service seminars, and publication in community service proceedings or journals.
Asian journal of pharmaceutical research and development, Oct 12, 2023
Colon cancer and cervical cancer are types of cancer with a high prevalence, contributing 10% and... more Colon cancer and cervical cancer are types of cancer with a high prevalence, contributing 10% and 3.1% respectively of the total new cancer cases. Nutrition and dietary factors play an important role in human carcinogenesis. Natural plants contain substances that can be beneficial to human health. One such plant is the pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata). Pumpkin seeds are thought to have many biological activities for health, such as antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory effects. This study aimed to determine the cytotoxic activity of n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed against colon (WiDr) and cervical (HeLa) cancer cells using the MTT Assay method. The method used in this study consisted of the preparation of plant extracts, phytochemical screening, total content of metabolites. The results proved that the n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed was observed containing flavonoids, alkaloids, and steroids. The content of highest total content, namely flavonoid compounds as much as 616.46 mg/L. The n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed showed cytotoxic activity for WiDr cells and HeLa cells with an IC50 value of 193.44 µg/mL and 237.702 µg/mL, respectively. The results of this study can be concluded that n-hexane extract of pumpkin seed can be used as a chemopreventive agent, due to the moderate cytotoxic test results.
Pharmacy, Dec 31, 2021
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin ... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin and tannin. The antibacterial activity of them have been investigated for many years. However, the antibacterial activity has not been evaluated in oral formulations. This study aims to formulate chewable lozenges celery leaf ethanolic extract, evaluate physical characterized and antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges. Celery leaf ethanolic extract is formulated into chewable lozenges using molded method with concentration of 20 g and 25 g. This formulation was characterized for organoleptic test, weigh uniformity, dissolution testing, thickness testing and pH determination. Antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges was carried out by diffusion method using Streptococcus mutans. From the chewable lozenges formula there are no significant physical differences between formulas and can be organoleptically acceptable. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed the value of inhibition zone diameters of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in F1, F2, F3, F4, F6 respectively 8,8 mm, 9 mm, 8,16 mm, 9,33 mm, 8 mm dan 9,13 mm. Formulation F4 shown better antibacterial activity as compared to its other formulations.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, Apr 30, 2022
INTISARI Masyarakat Indonesia banyak memanfaatkan tanaman kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.... more INTISARI Masyarakat Indonesia banyak memanfaatkan tanaman kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) dan tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) sebagai makanan dan pengobatan tradisional. Kedua tanaman ini diketahui memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan senyawa antioksidan. Selain bagian daun, biji kelor dan biji kecipir juga banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Saat ini, sumber paparan radikal bebas di lingkungan semakin banyak sehingga diperlukan senyawa antioksidan untuk menangkap radikal bebas. Pada studi ini dilakukan pengujian untuk melihat perbedaan kadar total flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan biji kecipir dan biji kelor dari fraksi etil asetat secara in vitro. Ekstrak etanol diperoleh dari serbuk biji kelor dan biji kecipir yang masing-masing dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Pelarut n-heksana dan etil asetat digunakan dalam proses fraksinasi. Identifikasi senyawa flavonoid, saponin, dan alkaloid dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan reagen warna. Total flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat diukur dengan pembacaan absorbansi dengan pembanding yang digunakan adalah kuersetin. Metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl 2-picrilhidrazil) digunakan untuk menguji fraksi etil asetat masing-masing biji dengan vitamin C sebagai pembandingnya, kemudian diukur nilai IC50. Total flavonoid yang dihasilkan pada fraksi etil asetat biji kecipir sebesar 71.56 mgQE/g ekstrak, lebih besar daripada biji kelor yaitu 42.8 mgQE/g ekstrak. Sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan berdasarkan nilai IC50 pada biji kelor sebesar 134.34 ppm dan biji kecipir sebesar 179.57 ppm yang menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan fraksi etil asetat biji kelor lebih besar daripada biji kecipir. Total flavonoid fraksi etil asetat biji kecipir lebih besar namun aktivitas antioksidan pada fraksi etil asetat biji kelor lebih besar dari biji kecipir hal ini menunjukkan kemungkinan terdapat lebih banyak senyawa antioksidan selain flavonoid pada biji kelor.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jan 28, 2022
Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh terhadap perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut jug... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh terhadap perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga berdampak pada meningkatnya tingkat stres seseorang. Sementara itu, aromaterapi saat ini telah dikenal sebagai salah satu sediaan farmasi yang dapat memberikan efek relaksasi bagi tubuh sehingga membuat pikiran menjadi lebih jernih dan tubuh menjadi lebih rileks. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan bagi anggota Nasyiatul Aisyisyah Moyudan untuk dapat memanfaatkan bahan herbal menjadi bentuk sediaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai aromaterapi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan pemberian materi, diskusi, workshop pelatihan, dan kuesioner pretestt dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian, diketahui bahwa peserta kegiatan memiliki peningkatan pemahaman tentang aromaterapi dan pemanfaatannya melalui hasil pretest dan posttest.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Praktis
Infectious disease is a major health problem with a relatively high mortality rate. Indonesia is ... more Infectious disease is a major health problem with a relatively high mortality rate. Indonesia is rich in natural ingredients that have potential as antibacterials, one of which is the Karamunting plant (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa). Several studies on this plant have been conducted to observe its activity as an antibacterial. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of Karamunting plants using the literature review method. The literature search method uses journals from the Google Scholar, Pub Med and Elsevier databases. Each journal is determined based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Journals that meet the inclusion criteria are descriptive and explained in detail. From the journals obtained, there were 11 journals that met the criteria. Karamunting plants (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) contain secondary metabolites namely flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, steroids, acylphloroglucinol (rhodomyrtone, tomentosone, rhodomyrtosone) and meroterpenoids (rho...
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal)
Background: Yogurt, completed with lactic acid bacteria, can inhibit the growth of Escherichia co... more Background: Yogurt, completed with lactic acid bacteria, can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The flavonoids, tannin, and saponin of the Muntingia calabura L. plant showed antibacterial activity. The present study aims to observe the effect of the addition of Muntingia calabura L. fruit extract to yogurt on the activity of Escherichia coli. Objectives: The study was an experimental study with the treatment of addition of Muntingia fruit extract infusion with various concentrations (12.5 %, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% with three times replications) to the cow-milk-based yogurt. Material and Methods: The staining reagents were used for the phytochemical screening. The Mixed Muntingia Yogurt (MMY) was then centrifuged to obtain supernatant. The antibacterial activity was tested using the disc diffusion method by observing the diameter of the inhibition zone. Plain yogurt was used for the negative control and Cefotaxime for the positive control. Results: In Muntingia fruit extract, f...
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi
Dental caries requires operative techniques such as pulp devitalization, but pulp devitalization ... more Dental caries requires operative techniques such as pulp devitalization, but pulp devitalization materials that are often used by dentists have serious adverse effects that need to be considered, such as gingival injury and alveolar bone necrosis. Hence, the aim of the present study was to evaluate and formulation of herbal alternatives to pulp devitalization from a combination of Jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas L.) and red betel leaf extract (Piper crocatum) in the form of a paste and then conducting physical evaluation tests, Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) tests, and also histopathological picture tests to the sample. The formulation of the pasta sample was carried out by the trituration method. Formulation I (FI) contained 25% of Jatropha resin, 0.25% red betel leaf extract, and 25% Jatropha resin, 0.5% red betel leaf extract for Formulation II (FII). The paste produced was then evaluated for physical properties which consisted of organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreadability, adhesion, and in vivo anti-inflammatory effect (animal models). In the COX-2 expression test, FI has a COX-2 expression percentage value of 0.38% and a COX-2 suppression percentage value of 0.62%, while FII has a COX-2 expression percentage value of 0.59% and suppression of COX-2 of 0.41%. The optimal concentration of the paste formulation is the paste with a combination of 25% jatropha latex and 0.25% red betel leaf extract had been shown to have potential as an alternative to pulp devitalization. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh pada perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga be... more Pandemi Covid-19 telah berpengaruh pada perubahan tatanan kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut juga berdampak pada meningkatnya tingkat stress seseorang. Sementara itu, aromaterapi saat ini telah dikenal sebagai salah satu sediaan farmasi yang dapat memberikan efek relaksasi bagi tubuh sehingga membuat pikiran menjadi lebih jernih dan tubuh menjadi lebih rileks. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan bagi anggota Nasyiatul Aisyisyah moyudan untuk dapat memanfaatkan bahan herbal menjadi bentuk sediaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai aromaterapi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan pemberian materi, diskusi, workshop pelatihan dan kuesioner pretest post test. Berdasarkan hasil diketahui bahwa peserta kegiatan ini memiliki peningkatan pemahaman terkait aromaterapi dan manfaatnya dilihat melalui hasil pre test dan post test.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is widely used for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The high ... more Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is widely used for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The high lauric acid content is very beneficial in the pharmaceutical field, such as for antiviral and antibiotic. Also, this VCO is very useful for cosmetic formulation. VCO production can be done by several methods, which are chemical, physical, and enzymatic methods. By the increase of VCO demand at the national and international levels, this study proceeded with the production of VCO using an enzymatic way that was efficiently conducted and environmentally friendly. The purpose of this research is to study the enzymatic process of VCO production by using pineapple waste, including pineapple crowns, pineapple fruit skins, pineapple leaves, and pineapple trunks. The pineapple waste used contains the enzyme bromelain to break down protein emulator in coconut milk cream. From the number of experiments with variations in substrate volume and temperature, the optimal VCO formation was obtained at 5...
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia
Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) dan kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) banyak dimanfaat... more Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) dan kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai makanan dan pengobatan tradisional. Selain bagian daun, biji kelor dan biji kecipir juga banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kedua tanaman ini memiliki potensi sebagai antioksidan. Pada studi ini dilakukan pengukuran kadar total flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan pada fraksi etil asetat dari kedua biji secara in vitro. Studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi perbandingan kadar antioksidan antara kedua biji tersebut. Ekstrak etanol dari masing-masing biji dilakukan fraksinasi dengan n-hexan, etanol, dan etil asetat. Total flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat diukur dengan pembacaan absorbansi pada Panjang gelombang 446 nm dengan quercetin sebagai pembanding. Aktivitas antioksidan dari fraksi etil asetat dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (1,1- diphenyl 2-picrilhidrazil) dan pembacaan absorbandi pada 517 nm dengan vitamin C sebagai pembanding dan diukur nilai IC50. To...
PHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia)
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin ... more Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is an herbal plant that has the chemical content flavonoid, saponin and tannin. The antibacterial activity of them have been investigated for many years. However, the antibacterial activity has not been evaluated in oral formulations. This study aims to formulate chewable lozenges celery leaf ethanolic extract, evaluate physical characterized and antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges. Celery leaf ethanolic extract is formulated into chewable lozenges using molded method with concentration of 20 g and 25 g. This formulation was characterized for organoleptic test, weigh uniformity, dissolution testing, thickness testing and pH determination. Antibacterial activity of chewable lozenges was carried out by diffusion method using Streptococcus mutans. From the chewable lozenges formula there are no significant physical differences between formulas and can be organoleptically acceptable. The results of the antibacterial activity test showed the value of ...
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 2020
The COVID -19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life, one of which is in the field of educati... more The COVID -19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life, one of which is in the field of education. Transformation toward various e-learning process has been conducted in order to prevent transmission of the disease caused by massive gathering. Obstacles appear when trying to deliver and assess practical skills which are usually done face to face with the teachers or instructors. These obstacles are also seen in pharmacy schools where skills such as patient counselling, compounding and dispensing, etc. are important competencies for the students to achieve. In order to overcome these obstacles, we developed a method for conducting the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) through online process. This study was aimed to evaluate the new online OSCE method for pharmacy students to be conducted in the pandemic era. The evaluation of online OSCE trial was conducted using a simple Google form-based questionnaire which evaluated the platform used, the process of online OSCE an...
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat memengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Pertukaran info... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat memengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Pertukaran informasi yang sangat cepat dapat memberikan dampak yang baik dan buruk. Hal ini dapat memengaruhi sikap dan perilaku anak-anak. Adanya dampak tersebut kita dapat antisipasi dengan menerapkan pendidikan moral sejak dini. Selain orang tua, tempat pendidikan juga memegang peranan dalam membentuk karakter anak. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman orang tua dan pengelolaan stres pengasuhan dalam mendidik anak melaui program parenting dan Taman Pendidikan Alquran. Program ini dilakukan di Dusun Polowidi, Trimulyo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Metode pelaksanaan program didahului observasi, tahap perencanaan program, kemudian kegiatan pelaksanaan program menggunakan metode ceramah/diskusi, dan praktik langsung pelaksanaan kegiatan TPA. Pada akhir program, dilakukan evaluasi. Sasaran untuk kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu PKK dan anak-anak di Dusun Polowidi. Dari hasil evaluasi program parentin...
Peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of the plants used as an antibacterial ag... more Peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of the plants used as an antibacterial agent as it contains saponin triterpenoid compounds, flavonoid compounds, and alkaloid compounds which can have antibacterial activity. This research aims to determine the antibacterial effect of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol fraction of red dragon fruit’s peel against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by the concentration of 10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 40mg/ml, 80mg/ml dan 160mg/ml. This research was conducted by using laboratory experiments. The simplicia was macerated with 96% ethanol and fractionated by n-hexane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical screening of the fraction was n-hexane fraction containing saponin and alkaloid, while the ethyl acetate fraction contained saponin and flavonoid. Kanamycin was used as a positive control, while DMSO was used as a negative control. According to this research, the MIC value of ethanol fraction, n-hexane fraction, and ethyl acetate fract...
The ocean is abundant in organisms beneficial to living beings, including cyanobacteria that are ... more The ocean is abundant in organisms beneficial to living beings, including cyanobacteria that are widely studied for their bioactive compounds. This research was conducted to observe the compounds and concomitant cytotoxic activities of cyanobacteria in Udar Island waters, Sabah, Malaysia, against cancer cells. The samples were identified by the 16S DNA method, and a phylogenetic tree was built to check similarities in the genus. The samples were extracted using ethyl acetate and butanol. Afterward, the compounds were determined by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LCMS), while the cytotoxicity activities were examined by the MTT assay. Several known compounds in ethyl acetate crude extract, such as several types of Apratoxins, and possible new compounds were observed. The compounds examined were mainly peptide. The crude ethyl acetate extracts of Moorea sp. in Udar Island waters were found to contain cytotoxic compounds, with the IC 50 value of 0.072 µg/mL against the MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines, that were more potent compared to the butanol crude extract, whose IC 50 was 2.031 µg/mL. Further isolation and cytotoxic tests are necessary to confirm which compounds are responsible as cytotoxic agents. This finding provides an opportunity for the discovery of anticancer compounds from marine cyanobacteria.