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Thesis Chapters by Alessandra Marabini
Il facilitatore linguistico è uno specialista delle lingue e culture straniere che interviene in ... more Il facilitatore linguistico è uno specialista delle lingue e culture straniere che interviene in progetti interculturali attivati da enti locali e/o istituti scolastici. La facilitazione opera come mediazione al fine di favorire l'integrazione di migranti neo-arrivati sul territorio italiano. Il presente lavoro descrive le fasi di un progetto di facilitazione linguistica svolto presso il Liceo Scientifico Statale "Lorenzo Mascheroni" di Bergamo. Le fasi sono: conoscenza personale con il migrante, condotta al fine di raccogliere informazioni sul profilo familiare, linguistico e sul contesto di migrazione; accoglienza iniziale attraverso un incontro informativo su regole istituzionali e informazioni essenziali; supporto alla lingua per la comunicazione quotidiana, alla lingua per le discipline scolastiche e all'apprendimento della grammatica italiana. Per ciascuna fase si è proceduto con una pratica di ricerca-azione, ovvero con l'individuazione delle problematiche dell'alunno, con la riflessione sull'apporto del facilitatore, con la documentazione sulle tecniche di traduzione di testi, sulle metodologie di didattica e di integrazione scolastica, con la raccolta di dati da precedenti progetti di facilitazione linguistica e con la selezione e successiva messa in atto di metodologie e tecniche opportune al caso.
Papers by Alessandra Marabini
Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2020
The article studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic... more The article studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic and discursive manifestations in Russian, French and Italian linguistic cultures. National discourse in correlation with linguistic thinking is studied based on interpretative analysis of phraseology. In the context of the anthropocentric paradigm, the authors carry out a linguistic interpretation of systemic toponymic phraseological means. Being an integral part of spiritual culture, toponymic phraseological units exhibit certain features of verbalization in different languages and cultures. These features are determined by the subjective way in which speakers interpret the environment, which is undoubtedly of interest to linguistics and, in particular, to discourse studies. The differentiation of the national and cultural component of the phraseological unit, which is marked by a toponym, allows one to study phraseological units in terms of finding information on national culture, discourse and linguistic thinking in their semantics. A hypothesis is put forward that the semantics of phraseological units with a toponymic component reflects the relationship between any linguistic culture and the fundamental concepts of being and thinking, and the ways of toponymic phraseological verbalization could be viewed as elements of a nation's linguistic self-identification.
Research result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2019
Expressive function and categorization uni Alessandra of Italian interjections___________________... more Expressive function and categorization uni Alessandra of Italian interjections_______________________________________
Research result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2020
The study on phraseology is wide and complex, since it examines different aspects of an entire l... more The study on phraseology is wide and complex, since it examines different aspects
of an entire linguistic branch. The current article takes into consideration the
typology proposed by the Italian linguist Federica Casadei, which will serve as a
basis for the authors‟ categorization of specific Russian expressions. The purpose of
this paper is to illustrate the full and partial correspondence of Italian and Russian
phraseological units through a new schematization, and, at the same time, to propose
a new categorization of the phraseological units applied to Russian expressions.
Italian and Russian theories on phraseology are examined and compared. Italian
theory is more focused on the classification of the phraseological units: idioms,
sayings, transparent locutions, opaque locutions and higher lexical units. Russian
studies are more oriented to cognitive aspects related to the metaphorization of
phraseological units. However, linguists agree that stability and reproducibility are
the two main criteria that combine all phraseological units.
The main issue when translating from one language into another is that of conveying
the source meaning through processes of paraphrase. The result is that some Russian
denominations of specific entities can be classified as monomorphemes and some do
not constitute part of non-autonomous group as they do in Italian.
On the basis of the differences among categories, a hypothesis about the
categorization of some Russian phraseological units is proposed. Furthermore, we
underline the importance of metaphorization as a key element for understanding
phraseological units. Through metaphors, native speakers can express figurative
meanings and innate mental representations.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal. 1 (36) – 2020 , 2020
Collocations are idiosyncratic lexical combinations: they are neither predictable nor deducible f... more Collocations are idiosyncratic lexical combinations: they are neither predictable nor deducible from other linguistic signs or from general principles. They represent a category of the phraseological studies and here they are examined within the business discourse. The purpose of the current article is that of providing a wide range of combinatorial lemmas from the business sphere and adding morphosyntactic and semantic explanations with the aim of making reflections on the differences and similarities between the Russian and Italian co-occurrences. Collocation studies insert themselves into the frameworks of natural language generation (the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural language), computational lexicography (that automatically identifies the important collocations to be listed in a dictionary entry), parsing (the process of analyzing a string of symbols in natural languages), corpus linguistic research (the study of social phenomena like the reinforcement of cultural stereotypes through language) and teaching of foreign languages. Collocations constitute an open research field, which definition is at the same time controversial. Linguists usually propose two approaches: the first one is the open conception (Firth, 1975; Sinclair, 1966) that defines the collocations as syntactically and semantically compatible word bindings. The second one, the tight conception, examines instead the collocations as linguistic phenomena named phraseologisms that find themselves in the middle in the continuum between free combinations and idiomatic expressions, therefore they are often defined half-fixed expressions [Berišić 2017] At this point it is significant to provide a definition of phraseologism: it is a sequence of words called phraseological units, phraseologisms, word combinations, idioms, phrasemes, set phrases, lexical bundles, multiword expressions, lexical chunks that constitute the phraseology, the set of the "ready-to-use" phrases, "prefabs" of a language. However, this discipline has widened itself across the years: it does not study only the idiomatic expressions, but embraces also the word combinations and, consequently, the collocations [Ramusino Mollica 2019: 145-146].
South-West State University. Regional scientific methodical conference dedicated to the 55 anniversary of the South-West State University “Teaching a foreign language: modernity and prospectives”, 2019
С каждым годом расширяются интернациональные связи, и переписка между людьми из разных стран прио... more С каждым годом расширяются интернациональные связи, и переписка между людьми из разных стран приобретает все более массовый характер. Цель этой статьи-описать правила написания и оформления писем на итальянском. Порой эти нормы значительно отличаются от аналогичных вариантов оформления, существующих в других странах. Акцент будет на некоторые фразеологические единицы и междометия, свойственны итальянскому языку, и на особенности русского этикета. В статье рассматриваются некоторые черты эпистолярного стиля, которые помогают иностранцам овладеть навыками неформальной переписки. Эти особенности соответствуют нормам современного итальянского литературного языка. В статье также представляются работы студентов Белгородского Государственного Национального Исследовательского Университета. Студентам предлагалось привести примеры писем, написанных на итальянском языке.
Ключевые слова: переписка, стиль, черты, формулы, фразеологизмы, русский, итальянский.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal 2019. № 3 (34).
In the present article some peculiarities of the functioning of phraseologisms in the literary te... more In the present article some peculiarities of the functioning of phraseologisms in the literary text are examined. The material used for the research has been the literary expressiveness of Ugo Foscolo’s novel «The last letters of Jacopo Ortis», as one of the most prominent examples of the tradition of the Italian literature. The authors have noticed that the degree of figurativeness of the literary language, in which the work was written, permits to underline some universal aspects of formation and identification of phraseological units, including lexicalization, semantic complication, idiomatization, correlation with various parts of the speech and possibility of occasional transformations that influence the process of elaboration of idioms by an individual.
Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.5 (3), 2019 , 2019
The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language comp... more The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language components affects the sphere of their semantics, classification and structure. Their categorization permits to determine specific features unique to these linguistic phenomena. A hypothesis is put forward about the correlation of interjection locutions and phraseological units. A methodological approach to the study of interjections in Italian language is proposed along with a translation analysis carried out during some class activities. Interjections are a part of the speech very independent from the rest of the sentence, because they are inserted in any spoken conversation at the aim of expressing the speaker's inner feelings and emotive reactions. They have peculiar forms: they are either very short words, most of the times two-syllables, or single words taken from other grammar categories like adjectives or nouns. Primary and secondary interjections form phrasal elements, groups of words or propositions. Interjections share some features and functions with the pragmatic phraseological constructions, which can be used by translators to make the enunciation sound more natural. Interjections are not similar in all languages; the languages taken into consideration will be Italian and Russian. In particular, the current article lists a wide spectrum of interjections and related emotive reactions in the Italian language. However, all these emotive reactions are rather subjective and usually they refer to a specific context. Afterwards the research shifts on a class activity, a joint work with some students of the University of Belgorod, Russia. It consisted in reading two dialogues, giving an interpretation to the interjections and trying to implement what learnt. The article concludes with some observations about the linguistic differences between Italian and Russian, about the role of the intonation, a key element to figure out the exact meaning of a given interjection. The last but not the least is the students' personal approach to the interjections.
Belgorod State University. V International scientific conference «lexicography and communication - 2019» , 2019
L'emigrazione italiana iniziata nel 1870 ha portato conseguenze linguistiche all'estero. Il prese... more L'emigrazione italiana iniziata nel 1870 ha portato conseguenze linguistiche all'estero. Il presente articolo illustra i prestiti linguistici italiani conosciuti ancora oggi in tutto il mondo. Si tratta di locuzioni o costruzioni sintattiche che entrano nel sistema lessicale di un'altra lingua e ne diventano parte. Vengono analizzati due valori della lingua italiana, quello semantico e quello lessicale. L'impronta semantica riguarda la visibilità della lingua nello spazio urbano delle insegne e dei manifesti pubblicitari, mentre l'impronta lessicale concerne tutti i vocaboli che sono penetrati come prestiti e che sono il risultato di ciò che l'italiano ha rappresentato fuori d'Italia negli anni passati. Gli italianismi si sono diffusi sia nell'ambito della cultura alta (letteratura, musica, architettura, arti figurative) sia nell'ambito della cultura materiale (cucina, moda, arredamento, artigianato di qualità). In conclusione, si riporta un'esperienza di insegnamento presso l'Università Statale di Belgorod (Russia) e la conoscenza pregressa da parte degli studenti di alcune espressioni. A tal riguardo, vengono fatte alcune considerazioni circa l'assimilazione di alcuni italianismi.
The Italian migration, started in 1870, has brought linguistic consequences abroad. The present article illustrates the Italian linguistic loans still nowadays known throughout the world. They are syntactic constructions that penetrate the lexical system of another language and become part of it. Two values of the Italian language, the semantic and the lexical ones, will be analyzed. The semantic trace concerns the visibility of the language in the urban space of advertising billboards, while the lexical trace concerns all the terms that have penetrated as loan words and that are the result of what the Italian language has represented abroad throught the ages. The Italianisms have spread both in the sphere of the high culture (literature, music, architecture, figurative arts) and in the sphere of the material culture (cooking, fashion, furnishing, quality craftsmanship). In conclusion, a teaching experience at the Belgorod State University (Russia) is presented together with the students' previous knowledge of some expressions. At this point, some considerations about the assimilation of Italianism will be given.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal. 1 (28) - 2018, 2018
This article focuses first and foremost on the dissemination of the Italian language after migrat... more This article focuses first and foremost on the dissemination of the Italian language after migration flows, as well as on the motivational aspects that have led people to learn it. Reasons have been mainly cultural and commercial. Nowadays, it is specifically the multi-faceted 'Made in Italy' brand that gives uniqueness to products strongly associated with the image of Italy. From a merely linguistic perspective, every year several institutions launch programmes and initiatives for the promotion of the Italian language abroad. The concluding section suggests a political attitude that should be assumed in the future by institutions, society and politics in order to encourage the evolution of the Italian linguistic scenario in global and international contexts.
Данная статья посвящена анализу причин распространения и изучения итальянского языка вследствие миграционных процессов. Интерес к овладению итальянским языком, главным образом, связан со сферами культуры и торговли. В настоящее время всем известный слоган "Made in Italy" даёт уникальность продуктам, которые связаны с образом Италии. С точки зрения лингвстического продвижения итальянского языка за границей каждый год все больше государственных органов создают программы и платформы для его дальнейшего изучения. В заключительном разделе предлагается политическое отношение, которое должно быть принято в будущем институтами, обществом и политикой, чтобы стимулировать развитие итальянского языкового сценария в глобальном и международном контексте.
Belgorod State University. V International scientific conference «Lexicography and communication - 2019» , 2019
Italian is said to be the language of the music and it is legitimate wondering what makes it so f... more Italian is said to be the language of the music and it is legitimate wondering what makes it so fitting the idea of musicality. The present paper opens with the presentation of "The Italian of music, the music of Italian", an argument examined during the week of Italian in the world. The history of music tells us that operas have originated and developed in Italy, therefore it is not possible to split the concept of Italian as a musical language from the one of Italian as a language for the music. Moreover, the Italian language can be put in first place in the field of musicality also thanks to its rich linguistic musical baggage. Some words such as adagio, allegro, soprano and tenore have become loanwords for many languages and some phraseologic expressions such as dare il tono are used as idioms in the everyday conversation. Despite the brilliant success of the language in the musical scenario, the present paper will consider the linguistic traits and analyse what it means for a language to be more or less musical and which are the elements that can give to a language the connotation of musicality. The Italian language owes some characteristics, namely, from the point of view of phonetics, the abundance of vowels and vowel endings, the modulation of syllables, the double consonants and the linguistic phenomena of elision, truncation and apocope. The syntax gives as well tones of movements to the sounds of the language. A wide array of word order inversions permits in this sense to the Italian language to be flexible and more conceived as musical.
The current project work has been thought for the All News Channel Sky Tg24, a unique product on ... more The current project work has been thought for the All News Channel Sky Tg24, a unique product on the television market. It is a proposal of a new service rich of news programmes that will combine the world of job with the world of television. It will involve some job offers and traineeship opportunities and stages that will be shown on the channel with a communicative intent. The platform will operate both on national and international level. The main players on the markets will be Italian companies that will promote their products and services, as well as the opportunities to export abroad and the job offers. The potential end users have been classified in homogeneous groups according to a market segmentation business to consumer and are: young people, unemployed people and women. The business plan presents a Swot analysis in order to identify the external and internal factors, favorable or unfavorable to achieve the objectives of the service.
This article presents a morphological gender framework of two languages, Russian and Italian. In ... more This article presents a morphological gender framework of two languages, Russian and Italian. In morphology, gender is necessary to predict the choise of inflectional markers for a given stem. It opens with a theoretical explanation of the concepts of markedness, gender and formal and semantic criteria. In language studies, markedness is a contrast between two or more members of a category, in which one of them is called 'marked' if it contains some morphemes and thus if it is more distinctively identified, while the other is called 'unmarked' for the absence of any additional element. Gender appears to be an agreement class that can shed light on how the human mind categorizes the world. This statement is followed by an investigation of the semantic and grammatical criteria ruling the classes of nouns. In the second section the three genders of Russian nouns, namely the masculine, the feminine and the neuter are discussed. Afterwards, the paper draws evidence on the switching from Russian to Italian, a language that carries a two-gender system, that of masculine and feminine. The last part of this analysis takes into account several tests about the Italian gender categories given to learners of Italian. These data have revealed themselves driving example to demonstrate both the acquisition and the morphological development of this second target language in instructed adults within the framework of processability.
Conference Presentations by Alessandra Marabini
Филология и новое знание, 2021
Межкультурная коммуникация – это общение и взаимодействие между представителями разных культур. О... more Межкультурная коммуникация – это общение и взаимодействие между представителями
разных культур. Она является теорией, которая придаёт нормы общения и поведения в контексте
взаимодействия с иностранными собеседниками. Культура играет важную роль, поскольку в
процессе общения с иностранными собеседниками необходимо учитывать их культурные
особенности, чтобы не обижать или оскорблять собеседника. Межкультурная коммуникация
проявляется даже в общении между деловыми партнёрами. В этом направлении деловые партнёры
должны обладать устойчивыми и образными выражениями, свойственны деловому стилю. Целью
данной статьи является выявить образно-переносные фразеологические единицы делового стиля,
употребляемые в межкультурной коммуникации между партнёрами России и Италии. Объектом
анализа выступают некоторые терминологические фразеологические единицы делового дискурса
и их перевод на итальянский или русский языки.
Фразеологизмы являются явлениями повседневного общения. Именно в разговоре носители языка прибега... more Фразеологизмы являются явлениями повседневного общения. Именно в разговоре
носители языка прибегают к идиомам, крылатым словам, коллокациям и пословицам.
Однако, профессиональная коммуникация также характеризуется этими явлениями.
Входят в профессиональную коммуникацию экономический, юридический, медицинский,
политический и другие дискурсы, языки которых имеют среди них общие черты.
Рассматриваются фразеологизмы русского языка и их перевод на итальянский язык с
целью выявить различия и сходства между языками.
The main purpose of the current article is to examine the phraseological units considered sequenc... more The main purpose of the current article is to examine the phraseological units
considered sequences of words that position themselves in a lexical-syntacticcognitive
continuum. The main parameters that connect the phraseological units are:
polilexicality, stability and idiomaticity. Phraseological units were considered an
arbitrary phenomenon whose meanings are unpredictable in a language. In the past
the only way to learn them was to memorize them, but this way proved to be quite
tough for learners. Nowadays new insights to cognitive linguistics that consider the
language in more realistic terms constituted by complex units have made it more appealing.
The connection between the phraseology and the cognitive mechanisms is
discussed: the approach to phraseology has indeed recently materialized in a cognitive
perspective that studies the phraseologism as a product of mental operations. At
this regard, the concept of motivation is illustrated: it is related with the etymological
and historical traces of a given background. Being the phraseological units preconstructed
elements, stored in the speaker’s mental lexicon and being related to the
extra-linguistic context, they do not always have correspondent forms in two different
languages like Italian and Russian. The analysis of those two languages is the
background for the following observations.
В данной статье рассмартиваются направления в изучении фразеологических единиц и понятийно- терми... more В данной статье рассмартиваются направления в изучении фразеологических единиц и понятийно-
терминологический аппарат данной области исследований. В настоящее время развитие фразеологии как
одной из важных областей языкознания характеризуется разработкой методов и объектов исследования;
особое внимание здесь уделяется семантике фразеологизмов, её номинативную аспекту, мотивации, на
основе которой формируется внутренняя форма.
Il facilitatore linguistico è uno specialista delle lingue e culture straniere che interviene in ... more Il facilitatore linguistico è uno specialista delle lingue e culture straniere che interviene in progetti interculturali attivati da enti locali e/o istituti scolastici. La facilitazione opera come mediazione al fine di favorire l'integrazione di migranti neo-arrivati sul territorio italiano. Il presente lavoro descrive le fasi di un progetto di facilitazione linguistica svolto presso il Liceo Scientifico Statale "Lorenzo Mascheroni" di Bergamo. Le fasi sono: conoscenza personale con il migrante, condotta al fine di raccogliere informazioni sul profilo familiare, linguistico e sul contesto di migrazione; accoglienza iniziale attraverso un incontro informativo su regole istituzionali e informazioni essenziali; supporto alla lingua per la comunicazione quotidiana, alla lingua per le discipline scolastiche e all'apprendimento della grammatica italiana. Per ciascuna fase si è proceduto con una pratica di ricerca-azione, ovvero con l'individuazione delle problematiche dell'alunno, con la riflessione sull'apporto del facilitatore, con la documentazione sulle tecniche di traduzione di testi, sulle metodologie di didattica e di integrazione scolastica, con la raccolta di dati da precedenti progetti di facilitazione linguistica e con la selezione e successiva messa in atto di metodologie e tecniche opportune al caso.
Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2020
The article studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic... more The article studies phraseological units with a toponymic component on the material of linguistic and discursive manifestations in Russian, French and Italian linguistic cultures. National discourse in correlation with linguistic thinking is studied based on interpretative analysis of phraseology. In the context of the anthropocentric paradigm, the authors carry out a linguistic interpretation of systemic toponymic phraseological means. Being an integral part of spiritual culture, toponymic phraseological units exhibit certain features of verbalization in different languages and cultures. These features are determined by the subjective way in which speakers interpret the environment, which is undoubtedly of interest to linguistics and, in particular, to discourse studies. The differentiation of the national and cultural component of the phraseological unit, which is marked by a toponym, allows one to study phraseological units in terms of finding information on national culture, discourse and linguistic thinking in their semantics. A hypothesis is put forward that the semantics of phraseological units with a toponymic component reflects the relationship between any linguistic culture and the fundamental concepts of being and thinking, and the ways of toponymic phraseological verbalization could be viewed as elements of a nation's linguistic self-identification.
Research result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2019
Expressive function and categorization uni Alessandra of Italian interjections___________________... more Expressive function and categorization uni Alessandra of Italian interjections_______________________________________
Research result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2020
The study on phraseology is wide and complex, since it examines different aspects of an entire l... more The study on phraseology is wide and complex, since it examines different aspects
of an entire linguistic branch. The current article takes into consideration the
typology proposed by the Italian linguist Federica Casadei, which will serve as a
basis for the authors‟ categorization of specific Russian expressions. The purpose of
this paper is to illustrate the full and partial correspondence of Italian and Russian
phraseological units through a new schematization, and, at the same time, to propose
a new categorization of the phraseological units applied to Russian expressions.
Italian and Russian theories on phraseology are examined and compared. Italian
theory is more focused on the classification of the phraseological units: idioms,
sayings, transparent locutions, opaque locutions and higher lexical units. Russian
studies are more oriented to cognitive aspects related to the metaphorization of
phraseological units. However, linguists agree that stability and reproducibility are
the two main criteria that combine all phraseological units.
The main issue when translating from one language into another is that of conveying
the source meaning through processes of paraphrase. The result is that some Russian
denominations of specific entities can be classified as monomorphemes and some do
not constitute part of non-autonomous group as they do in Italian.
On the basis of the differences among categories, a hypothesis about the
categorization of some Russian phraseological units is proposed. Furthermore, we
underline the importance of metaphorization as a key element for understanding
phraseological units. Through metaphors, native speakers can express figurative
meanings and innate mental representations.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal. 1 (36) – 2020 , 2020
Collocations are idiosyncratic lexical combinations: they are neither predictable nor deducible f... more Collocations are idiosyncratic lexical combinations: they are neither predictable nor deducible from other linguistic signs or from general principles. They represent a category of the phraseological studies and here they are examined within the business discourse. The purpose of the current article is that of providing a wide range of combinatorial lemmas from the business sphere and adding morphosyntactic and semantic explanations with the aim of making reflections on the differences and similarities between the Russian and Italian co-occurrences. Collocation studies insert themselves into the frameworks of natural language generation (the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural language), computational lexicography (that automatically identifies the important collocations to be listed in a dictionary entry), parsing (the process of analyzing a string of symbols in natural languages), corpus linguistic research (the study of social phenomena like the reinforcement of cultural stereotypes through language) and teaching of foreign languages. Collocations constitute an open research field, which definition is at the same time controversial. Linguists usually propose two approaches: the first one is the open conception (Firth, 1975; Sinclair, 1966) that defines the collocations as syntactically and semantically compatible word bindings. The second one, the tight conception, examines instead the collocations as linguistic phenomena named phraseologisms that find themselves in the middle in the continuum between free combinations and idiomatic expressions, therefore they are often defined half-fixed expressions [Berišić 2017] At this point it is significant to provide a definition of phraseologism: it is a sequence of words called phraseological units, phraseologisms, word combinations, idioms, phrasemes, set phrases, lexical bundles, multiword expressions, lexical chunks that constitute the phraseology, the set of the "ready-to-use" phrases, "prefabs" of a language. However, this discipline has widened itself across the years: it does not study only the idiomatic expressions, but embraces also the word combinations and, consequently, the collocations [Ramusino Mollica 2019: 145-146].
South-West State University. Regional scientific methodical conference dedicated to the 55 anniversary of the South-West State University “Teaching a foreign language: modernity and prospectives”, 2019
С каждым годом расширяются интернациональные связи, и переписка между людьми из разных стран прио... more С каждым годом расширяются интернациональные связи, и переписка между людьми из разных стран приобретает все более массовый характер. Цель этой статьи-описать правила написания и оформления писем на итальянском. Порой эти нормы значительно отличаются от аналогичных вариантов оформления, существующих в других странах. Акцент будет на некоторые фразеологические единицы и междометия, свойственны итальянскому языку, и на особенности русского этикета. В статье рассматриваются некоторые черты эпистолярного стиля, которые помогают иностранцам овладеть навыками неформальной переписки. Эти особенности соответствуют нормам современного итальянского литературного языка. В статье также представляются работы студентов Белгородского Государственного Национального Исследовательского Университета. Студентам предлагалось привести примеры писем, написанных на итальянском языке.
Ключевые слова: переписка, стиль, черты, формулы, фразеологизмы, русский, итальянский.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal 2019. № 3 (34).
In the present article some peculiarities of the functioning of phraseologisms in the literary te... more In the present article some peculiarities of the functioning of phraseologisms in the literary text are examined. The material used for the research has been the literary expressiveness of Ugo Foscolo’s novel «The last letters of Jacopo Ortis», as one of the most prominent examples of the tradition of the Italian literature. The authors have noticed that the degree of figurativeness of the literary language, in which the work was written, permits to underline some universal aspects of formation and identification of phraseological units, including lexicalization, semantic complication, idiomatization, correlation with various parts of the speech and possibility of occasional transformations that influence the process of elaboration of idioms by an individual.
Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.5 (3), 2019 , 2019
The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language comp... more The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language components affects the sphere of their semantics, classification and structure. Their categorization permits to determine specific features unique to these linguistic phenomena. A hypothesis is put forward about the correlation of interjection locutions and phraseological units. A methodological approach to the study of interjections in Italian language is proposed along with a translation analysis carried out during some class activities. Interjections are a part of the speech very independent from the rest of the sentence, because they are inserted in any spoken conversation at the aim of expressing the speaker's inner feelings and emotive reactions. They have peculiar forms: they are either very short words, most of the times two-syllables, or single words taken from other grammar categories like adjectives or nouns. Primary and secondary interjections form phrasal elements, groups of words or propositions. Interjections share some features and functions with the pragmatic phraseological constructions, which can be used by translators to make the enunciation sound more natural. Interjections are not similar in all languages; the languages taken into consideration will be Italian and Russian. In particular, the current article lists a wide spectrum of interjections and related emotive reactions in the Italian language. However, all these emotive reactions are rather subjective and usually they refer to a specific context. Afterwards the research shifts on a class activity, a joint work with some students of the University of Belgorod, Russia. It consisted in reading two dialogues, giving an interpretation to the interjections and trying to implement what learnt. The article concludes with some observations about the linguistic differences between Italian and Russian, about the role of the intonation, a key element to figure out the exact meaning of a given interjection. The last but not the least is the students' personal approach to the interjections.
Belgorod State University. V International scientific conference «lexicography and communication - 2019» , 2019
L'emigrazione italiana iniziata nel 1870 ha portato conseguenze linguistiche all'estero. Il prese... more L'emigrazione italiana iniziata nel 1870 ha portato conseguenze linguistiche all'estero. Il presente articolo illustra i prestiti linguistici italiani conosciuti ancora oggi in tutto il mondo. Si tratta di locuzioni o costruzioni sintattiche che entrano nel sistema lessicale di un'altra lingua e ne diventano parte. Vengono analizzati due valori della lingua italiana, quello semantico e quello lessicale. L'impronta semantica riguarda la visibilità della lingua nello spazio urbano delle insegne e dei manifesti pubblicitari, mentre l'impronta lessicale concerne tutti i vocaboli che sono penetrati come prestiti e che sono il risultato di ciò che l'italiano ha rappresentato fuori d'Italia negli anni passati. Gli italianismi si sono diffusi sia nell'ambito della cultura alta (letteratura, musica, architettura, arti figurative) sia nell'ambito della cultura materiale (cucina, moda, arredamento, artigianato di qualità). In conclusione, si riporta un'esperienza di insegnamento presso l'Università Statale di Belgorod (Russia) e la conoscenza pregressa da parte degli studenti di alcune espressioni. A tal riguardo, vengono fatte alcune considerazioni circa l'assimilazione di alcuni italianismi.
The Italian migration, started in 1870, has brought linguistic consequences abroad. The present article illustrates the Italian linguistic loans still nowadays known throughout the world. They are syntactic constructions that penetrate the lexical system of another language and become part of it. Two values of the Italian language, the semantic and the lexical ones, will be analyzed. The semantic trace concerns the visibility of the language in the urban space of advertising billboards, while the lexical trace concerns all the terms that have penetrated as loan words and that are the result of what the Italian language has represented abroad throught the ages. The Italianisms have spread both in the sphere of the high culture (literature, music, architecture, figurative arts) and in the sphere of the material culture (cooking, fashion, furnishing, quality craftsmanship). In conclusion, a teaching experience at the Belgorod State University (Russia) is presented together with the students' previous knowledge of some expressions. At this point, some considerations about the assimilation of Italianism will be given.
Theory of language and intercultural communication. Scientific peer-reviewed journal. 1 (28) - 2018, 2018
This article focuses first and foremost on the dissemination of the Italian language after migrat... more This article focuses first and foremost on the dissemination of the Italian language after migration flows, as well as on the motivational aspects that have led people to learn it. Reasons have been mainly cultural and commercial. Nowadays, it is specifically the multi-faceted 'Made in Italy' brand that gives uniqueness to products strongly associated with the image of Italy. From a merely linguistic perspective, every year several institutions launch programmes and initiatives for the promotion of the Italian language abroad. The concluding section suggests a political attitude that should be assumed in the future by institutions, society and politics in order to encourage the evolution of the Italian linguistic scenario in global and international contexts.
Данная статья посвящена анализу причин распространения и изучения итальянского языка вследствие миграционных процессов. Интерес к овладению итальянским языком, главным образом, связан со сферами культуры и торговли. В настоящее время всем известный слоган "Made in Italy" даёт уникальность продуктам, которые связаны с образом Италии. С точки зрения лингвстического продвижения итальянского языка за границей каждый год все больше государственных органов создают программы и платформы для его дальнейшего изучения. В заключительном разделе предлагается политическое отношение, которое должно быть принято в будущем институтами, обществом и политикой, чтобы стимулировать развитие итальянского языкового сценария в глобальном и международном контексте.
Belgorod State University. V International scientific conference «Lexicography and communication - 2019» , 2019
Italian is said to be the language of the music and it is legitimate wondering what makes it so f... more Italian is said to be the language of the music and it is legitimate wondering what makes it so fitting the idea of musicality. The present paper opens with the presentation of "The Italian of music, the music of Italian", an argument examined during the week of Italian in the world. The history of music tells us that operas have originated and developed in Italy, therefore it is not possible to split the concept of Italian as a musical language from the one of Italian as a language for the music. Moreover, the Italian language can be put in first place in the field of musicality also thanks to its rich linguistic musical baggage. Some words such as adagio, allegro, soprano and tenore have become loanwords for many languages and some phraseologic expressions such as dare il tono are used as idioms in the everyday conversation. Despite the brilliant success of the language in the musical scenario, the present paper will consider the linguistic traits and analyse what it means for a language to be more or less musical and which are the elements that can give to a language the connotation of musicality. The Italian language owes some characteristics, namely, from the point of view of phonetics, the abundance of vowels and vowel endings, the modulation of syllables, the double consonants and the linguistic phenomena of elision, truncation and apocope. The syntax gives as well tones of movements to the sounds of the language. A wide array of word order inversions permits in this sense to the Italian language to be flexible and more conceived as musical.
The current project work has been thought for the All News Channel Sky Tg24, a unique product on ... more The current project work has been thought for the All News Channel Sky Tg24, a unique product on the television market. It is a proposal of a new service rich of news programmes that will combine the world of job with the world of television. It will involve some job offers and traineeship opportunities and stages that will be shown on the channel with a communicative intent. The platform will operate both on national and international level. The main players on the markets will be Italian companies that will promote their products and services, as well as the opportunities to export abroad and the job offers. The potential end users have been classified in homogeneous groups according to a market segmentation business to consumer and are: young people, unemployed people and women. The business plan presents a Swot analysis in order to identify the external and internal factors, favorable or unfavorable to achieve the objectives of the service.
This article presents a morphological gender framework of two languages, Russian and Italian. In ... more This article presents a morphological gender framework of two languages, Russian and Italian. In morphology, gender is necessary to predict the choise of inflectional markers for a given stem. It opens with a theoretical explanation of the concepts of markedness, gender and formal and semantic criteria. In language studies, markedness is a contrast between two or more members of a category, in which one of them is called 'marked' if it contains some morphemes and thus if it is more distinctively identified, while the other is called 'unmarked' for the absence of any additional element. Gender appears to be an agreement class that can shed light on how the human mind categorizes the world. This statement is followed by an investigation of the semantic and grammatical criteria ruling the classes of nouns. In the second section the three genders of Russian nouns, namely the masculine, the feminine and the neuter are discussed. Afterwards, the paper draws evidence on the switching from Russian to Italian, a language that carries a two-gender system, that of masculine and feminine. The last part of this analysis takes into account several tests about the Italian gender categories given to learners of Italian. These data have revealed themselves driving example to demonstrate both the acquisition and the morphological development of this second target language in instructed adults within the framework of processability.
Филология и новое знание, 2021
Межкультурная коммуникация – это общение и взаимодействие между представителями разных культур. О... more Межкультурная коммуникация – это общение и взаимодействие между представителями
разных культур. Она является теорией, которая придаёт нормы общения и поведения в контексте
взаимодействия с иностранными собеседниками. Культура играет важную роль, поскольку в
процессе общения с иностранными собеседниками необходимо учитывать их культурные
особенности, чтобы не обижать или оскорблять собеседника. Межкультурная коммуникация
проявляется даже в общении между деловыми партнёрами. В этом направлении деловые партнёры
должны обладать устойчивыми и образными выражениями, свойственны деловому стилю. Целью
данной статьи является выявить образно-переносные фразеологические единицы делового стиля,
употребляемые в межкультурной коммуникации между партнёрами России и Италии. Объектом
анализа выступают некоторые терминологические фразеологические единицы делового дискурса
и их перевод на итальянский или русский языки.
Фразеологизмы являются явлениями повседневного общения. Именно в разговоре носители языка прибега... more Фразеологизмы являются явлениями повседневного общения. Именно в разговоре
носители языка прибегают к идиомам, крылатым словам, коллокациям и пословицам.
Однако, профессиональная коммуникация также характеризуется этими явлениями.
Входят в профессиональную коммуникацию экономический, юридический, медицинский,
политический и другие дискурсы, языки которых имеют среди них общие черты.
Рассматриваются фразеологизмы русского языка и их перевод на итальянский язык с
целью выявить различия и сходства между языками.
The main purpose of the current article is to examine the phraseological units considered sequenc... more The main purpose of the current article is to examine the phraseological units
considered sequences of words that position themselves in a lexical-syntacticcognitive
continuum. The main parameters that connect the phraseological units are:
polilexicality, stability and idiomaticity. Phraseological units were considered an
arbitrary phenomenon whose meanings are unpredictable in a language. In the past
the only way to learn them was to memorize them, but this way proved to be quite
tough for learners. Nowadays new insights to cognitive linguistics that consider the
language in more realistic terms constituted by complex units have made it more appealing.
The connection between the phraseology and the cognitive mechanisms is
discussed: the approach to phraseology has indeed recently materialized in a cognitive
perspective that studies the phraseologism as a product of mental operations. At
this regard, the concept of motivation is illustrated: it is related with the etymological
and historical traces of a given background. Being the phraseological units preconstructed
elements, stored in the speaker’s mental lexicon and being related to the
extra-linguistic context, they do not always have correspondent forms in two different
languages like Italian and Russian. The analysis of those two languages is the
background for the following observations.
В данной статье рассмартиваются направления в изучении фразеологических единиц и понятийно- терми... more В данной статье рассмартиваются направления в изучении фразеологических единиц и понятийно-
терминологический аппарат данной области исследований. В настоящее время развитие фразеологии как
одной из важных областей языкознания характеризуется разработкой методов и объектов исследования;
особое внимание здесь уделяется семантике фразеологизмов, её номинативную аспекту, мотивации, на
основе которой формируется внутренняя форма.