Aleksandra Miloskovic - (original) (raw)

Papers by Aleksandra Miloskovic

Research paper thumbnail of Mogućnost konzervacije i održivog korišćenja plemenitog raka astacus astacus u Srbiji

Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju... more Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju važnu ekološku ulogu u pravilnom funkcionisanju slatkovodnih ekosistema. U svetu, trećini do polovini populacija slatkovodnih rakova preti smanjenje brojnosti, čak i iščezavanje. Isto se dešava i sa autohtonim populacijama plemenitog raka (Astacus astacus) širom Evrope, a posledica je klimatskih promena, zagađenja, degradacije staništa i račije kuge. Ni populacije ove vrste u slatkovodnim ekosistemima Srbije nisu izostavljene. Situacija je prilično ozbiljna kada se ima u vidu da im je brojnost opala: više od 65% u poslednjih 50 godina. Inače, plemeniti rak je jedna od tri vrste autohtonih, dekapodnih rakova koji naseljavaju slatkovodne ekosisteme Srbije. Nekada brojne populacije, sada su ograničene na fragmentisana staništa. Za razliku od drugih evropskih zemalja, u Srbiji ne postoji kultura konzumiranja ove vrste u ishrani, ne uzgaja se u akvakulturi i shodno tome izostaje ekonomski z...

Research paper thumbnail of Prisustvo cinka u mišićnom tkivu babuške i deverike u akumulacijama Gruža i Bovan

Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u po... more Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u poslednjih nekoliko decenija, ne samo zbog uticaj na vodosnabdevanje, već i zbog štete koju nanosi vodenim organizmima. Smatra se da su metali najvažniji oblik zagađenja voda zbog toksičnosti, perzistentnosti i akumulacije u vodenim organizmima. Vodeni organizmi su u širokoj upotrebi biološkog monitoringa promena nivoa antropogenih zagađujućih materija. Poznavanje koncentracije metala u ribama je važno kako za pravilno planiranje upravljanjа vodama tako i u pogledu ljudske ishrane. Zn je esencijalni metal i kao takav igra važnu ulogu u biološkim sistemima, ali takođe prekomernim unosom može proizvesti toksičan efekat. Akumulacije Gruža i Bovan su formirane osamdesetih godina za vodosnabdevanje, ali su danas i značajne ribolovne vode. Antropogeni uticaj na ove akumulacije je vrlo izražen. Konstantno je direktno ispuštanje neprečišćenih otpadnih voda, okolno zemljište se intenzivno obrađuje ...

Research paper thumbnail of Uzgoj linjaka (tinca tinca) u laboratorijskim uslovima

Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ u... more Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ uslovima sprovode se u proteklih 10 godina u okviru više istraživačkih projekata. Kao rezultat ovih istraživanja formirana je aplikaciono-informativna baza podataka pod nazivom: Biodiverzitet akvatičnih ekosistema Srbije-ex situ konzervacija „BAES ex situ”. Na osnovu podataka iz baze, „BAES ex situ”, sprovedena su istraživanja tokom 2008. godine sa ciljem izrade Programa za unapređenje ribarstva u slivu Velike, Zapadne i Južne Morave (i dela toka Dunava, Save, kanala hidrosistema DTD i voda Pančevačkog rita). Dobijeni podaci jasno ukazuju da je linjak (Tinca tinca) u odnosu na istraživanja od pre 10 i 20 godina znatno manje zastupljen u slivu Velike Morave. Svi nalazi linjaka južno od Save i Dunava tokom ovog istraživanja su iz hidroakumulacija Srbije (Vlasina, Ćelije) i uneseni su poribljavanjem iz uzgajališta ili prirodnih voda sa područja Vojvodine. Stanje populacija linjaka prema lite...

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos autohtonih i alohtonih ribljih vrsta u nekim akumulacijama Srbije

Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slu... more Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slučajno ili namerno, alohtone vrste najčešće uspevaju da opstanu u novom okruženju, u kojem zbog degradiranosti staništa i narušenih biocenoloških veza vremenom postaju dominantne. Alohtone vrste često imaju invazivan karakter jer se brzo i nekontrolisano šire u nove ekosisteme gde se ponašaju kao kompetitori za prostor i hranu autohtonim vrstama i polako ih potiskuju. Ovim radom prikazan je odnos u brojnosti i biomasi autohtonih i alohtonih ribljih vrsta u nekim akumulacijama u Srbiji. Tokom istraživanja obraćena je pažnja na veličinu i starost akumulacija u kojima je praćena ihtiocenoza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 akumulacija različite starosti, tipa postanka, morfometrijskih, fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Konstatovano je prisustvo 20 vrsta riba iz 9 familija, sa izrazitom dominacijom porodice Cyprinidae. Od ovog broja 8 vrsta su alohtone i pripadaju familijama Salmonidae (Oncorhynchu...

Research paper thumbnail of Cryopreservation of Danube barbel Barbus balcanicus sperm and its effects on sperm subpopulation structure

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2020

The objective of this study was to develop a successful freezing protocol for cryopreservation of... more The objective of this study was to develop a successful freezing protocol for cryopreservation of Danube barbel sperm, and to identify the presence of different spermatozoa subpopulations. By testing different concentrations of different cryoprotectants, we determined that the use of 5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) yielded the highest total motility of ~25%. Cooling rates influenced by frame height and cooling time in liquid nitrogen vapor showed that a frame height of 3 cm and cooling time of 2 min yielded the highest post-thaw motility. Supplementation of cryomedia with 0.1 M of sugars led to an increase in the total post-thaw motility by ~50%, while protein supplementation lowered post-thaw motility. Motile spermatozoa hierarchically clustered according to their motility parameters, displaying a four-subpopulation (SP1-SP4) structure. SP1 was defined by low values of velocity but high overall linearity; SP2 was comprised of fast non-linear spermatozoa, that had high velocity values ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of genotoxic potential in the Velika Morava River Basin in vitro and in situ

The Science of the total environment, Jan 19, 2017

The Velika Morava River is the greatest national Serbian river and the significant tributary of t... more The Velika Morava River is the greatest national Serbian river and the significant tributary of the Danube River. The major problems in the Velika Morava River Basin (VMRB) represent untreated industrial and municipal wastewaters. In this study, the level of genotoxic potential at the sites along the VMRB was evaluated by parallel in vitro and in situ approach. Within in vitro testing, genotoxicity of native water samples collected from the sites in VMRB was evaluated by SOS/umuC test on Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 and by the comet assay on HepG2 cells. DNA damage in situ was assessed in bleak (Alburnus alburnus) erythrocytes by the comet (alkaline and Fpg-modified comet) and micronucleus assays. Additionally, the concentration of heavy metals in fish tissue was measured and this data, compiled with the data of the physico-chemical parameters measured in water, was used as a measure of the pollution pressure at the sites. Results showed that applied in vitro tests with nat...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Genotoxic Pressure along the Sava River

PLOS ONE, 2016

In this study we have performed a comprehensive genotoxicological survey along the 900 rkm of the... more In this study we have performed a comprehensive genotoxicological survey along the 900 rkm of the Sava River. In total, 12 sites were chosen in compliance with the goals of GLO-BAQUA project dealing with the effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The genotoxic potential was assessed using a complex battery of bioassays performed in prokaryotes and aquatic eukaryotes (freshwater fish). Battery comprised evaluation of mutagenicity by SOS/umuC test in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/ pSK1002. The level of DNA damage as a biomarker of exposure (comet assay) and biomarker of effect (micronucleus assay) and the level of oxidative stress as well (Fpg-modified comet assay) was studied in blood cells of bleak and spirlin (Alburnus alburnus/ Alburnoides bipunctatus respectively). Result indicated differential sensitivity of applied bioassays in detection of genotoxic pressure. The standard and Fpg-modified comet assay showed higher potential in differentiation of the sites based on genotoxic potential in comparison with micronucleus assay and SOS/umuC test. Our data represent snapshot of the current status of the river which indicates the presence of genotoxic potential along the river which can be traced to the deterioration of quality of the Sava River by communal and industrial wastewaters. The major highlight of the study is that we have provided complex set of data obtained from a single source (homogeneity of analyses for all samples).

Research paper thumbnail of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Five Edible Fish Species in Relation to Fish Size and Weight and Potential Health Risks for Human Consumption

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015

The rapid development of industry and agriculture has resulted in an increase in pollution and, t... more The rapid development of industry and agriculture has resulted in an increase in pollution and, therefore, contamination of aquatic ecosystems (e.g. lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, etc.) has been receiving increased worldwide attention over the last few decades. Metals are considered to be the most important form of aquatic pollution because of their toxicity, long persistence, and accumulation by aquatic organisms [1-3]. In addition to toxic elements (arsenic, As), essential trace elements (aluminum, Al; cobalt, Co; iron, Fe; nickel, Ni; tin, Sn; and selenium, Se) become toxic to living organisms when subjected to high concentrations [4]. Fish are constantly exposed to chemicals in polluted waters, so they could be used as excellent biological markers of elements in aquatic ecosystem [5]. Elements differ in their accumulation levels and patterns depending on fish species, as well as fish tissue [6, 7]. Gills are the primary site of element uptake from water, especially if elements are

Research paper thumbnail of Uklija (alburnus alburnus) kao potencijalni bioindikator zagađenja teškim metalima

Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosiste... more Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosistemima usled nerazdvojive varijabilnosti rečnog toka i koncentracije zagađivača. Monitoring zagađenja ribljih tkiva ima važnu ulogu ranog alarma koji ukazuje na probleme kvaliteta vode i sedimenta, a takođe omogućava detekciju toksičnih materija u ribama koje dalje mogu da imaju negativan efekat na konzumente. Reka Sava je tipična nizijska reka i najveća desna pritoka Dunava koja protiče kroz tri zemlje: Sloveniju, Hrvatsku i Srbiju. Do 1990-ih je bila izložena zagađenju iz metalurgije, hemijske, kožne, tekstilne, prehrambene i industrije celuloze i papira, ali i usled poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Takođe je i glavni recipijent otpadnih voda mnogih gradova i zagađenih pritoka. Ciljevi ove studije su da se utvrde koncentracije Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn i Zn u kompostu uklije (Alburnus alburnus) kao potencijalne bioindikatorske vrste zagađenja teškim metalima reke Sa...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial monitoring of heavy metals in the inland waters of Serbia: a multispecies approach based on commercial fish

Environmental science and pollution research international, Jan 9, 2016

The study monitored the contamination of fish muscle tissue by elements Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F... more The study monitored the contamination of fish muscle tissue by elements Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn at 17 sampling sites, in order to assess the pollution status of the main rivers in Serbia. Of the six commercially important fish species included in the study (pikeperch Sander lucioperca, catfish Silurus glanis, bream Abramis brama, barbel Barbus barbus, chub Squalius cephalus, nase Chondrostoma nasus), the bioconcentration factor (BCF) indicated that benthivore bream and barbel and predatory catfish have the highest tendency toward the accumulation of elements. This study achieved its primary objective and produced a contamination map of Serbia as a basis for further research. The estimated metal pollution index (MPI) showed the Tisa River to be unaffected by direct pollution (with an MPI value of 0.31) and the West Morava and Pek rivers to be affected (with MPI values of 1.92 and 0.73 for the WM1 and WM2 sampling sites and 0.65 for the Pek sampling site). O...

Research paper thumbnail of The Accumulation and Distribution of Metals in Water, Sediment, Aquatic Macrophytes and Fishes of the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2013

The concentrations of iron, lead, cadmium, copper, manganese, mercury and arsenic were measured i... more The concentrations of iron, lead, cadmium, copper, manganese, mercury and arsenic were measured in water, sediment, five macrophytes (Typha angustifolia, Iris pseudacorus, Polygonum amphybium, Myriophyllum spicatum and Lemna gibba) and five fish species (Sander lucioperca, Abramis brama, Carassius gibelio, Silurus glanis and Arystichtys nobilis) in the Gruža Reservoir, used for water supply and recreational fishing. The concentrations of all examined elements were higher in sediment than in water. The values of the ratio between element concentrations in the sediment and those in the water were the highest for Fe and As. Among the five plant species, the highest concentrations of Pb and Mn were observed in T. angustifolia, while the highest concentrations of Fe, Cu and Hg were in L. gibba. I. pseudacorus and P. amphybium had the highest concentrations of Cd and As, respectively. Among the fish species, C. gibelio showed the highest tendency of element accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cu), followed by S. lucioperca (Pb, Hg), A. brama (Mn) and A. nobilis (As). The average concentrations of elements in fish muscle, except for As in A. nobilis (2.635 ± 0.241 mg kg(-1) ww), were below the limits that are considered safe for human consumption in accordance with the European Commission Regulation and Official Gazette of Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Mogućnost konzervacije i održivog korišćenja plemenitog raka astacus astacus u Srbiji

Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju... more Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju važnu ekološku ulogu u pravilnom funkcionisanju slatkovodnih ekosistema. U svetu, trećini do polovini populacija slatkovodnih rakova preti smanjenje brojnosti, čak i iščezavanje. Isto se dešava i sa autohtonim populacijama plemenitog raka (Astacus astacus) širom Evrope, a posledica je klimatskih promena, zagađenja, degradacije staništa i račije kuge. Ni populacije ove vrste u slatkovodnim ekosistemima Srbije nisu izostavljene. Situacija je prilično ozbiljna kada se ima u vidu da im je brojnost opala: više od 65% u poslednjih 50 godina. Inače, plemeniti rak je jedna od tri vrste autohtonih, dekapodnih rakova koji naseljavaju slatkovodne ekosisteme Srbije. Nekada brojne populacije, sada su ograničene na fragmentisana staništa. Za razliku od drugih evropskih zemalja, u Srbiji ne postoji kultura konzumiranja ove vrste u ishrani, ne uzgaja se u akvakulturi i shodno tome izostaje ekonomski z...

Research paper thumbnail of Prisustvo cinka u mišićnom tkivu babuške i deverike u akumulacijama Gruža i Bovan

Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u po... more Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u poslednjih nekoliko decenija, ne samo zbog uticaj na vodosnabdevanje, već i zbog štete koju nanosi vodenim organizmima. Smatra se da su metali najvažniji oblik zagađenja voda zbog toksičnosti, perzistentnosti i akumulacije u vodenim organizmima. Vodeni organizmi su u širokoj upotrebi biološkog monitoringa promena nivoa antropogenih zagađujućih materija. Poznavanje koncentracije metala u ribama je važno kako za pravilno planiranje upravljanjа vodama tako i u pogledu ljudske ishrane. Zn je esencijalni metal i kao takav igra važnu ulogu u biološkim sistemima, ali takođe prekomernim unosom može proizvesti toksičan efekat. Akumulacije Gruža i Bovan su formirane osamdesetih godina za vodosnabdevanje, ali su danas i značajne ribolovne vode. Antropogeni uticaj na ove akumulacije je vrlo izražen. Konstantno je direktno ispuštanje neprečišćenih otpadnih voda, okolno zemljište se intenzivno obrađuje ...

Research paper thumbnail of Uzgoj linjaka (tinca tinca) u laboratorijskim uslovima

Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ u... more Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ uslovima sprovode se u proteklih 10 godina u okviru više istraživačkih projekata. Kao rezultat ovih istraživanja formirana je aplikaciono-informativna baza podataka pod nazivom: Biodiverzitet akvatičnih ekosistema Srbije-ex situ konzervacija „BAES ex situ”. Na osnovu podataka iz baze, „BAES ex situ”, sprovedena su istraživanja tokom 2008. godine sa ciljem izrade Programa za unapređenje ribarstva u slivu Velike, Zapadne i Južne Morave (i dela toka Dunava, Save, kanala hidrosistema DTD i voda Pančevačkog rita). Dobijeni podaci jasno ukazuju da je linjak (Tinca tinca) u odnosu na istraživanja od pre 10 i 20 godina znatno manje zastupljen u slivu Velike Morave. Svi nalazi linjaka južno od Save i Dunava tokom ovog istraživanja su iz hidroakumulacija Srbije (Vlasina, Ćelije) i uneseni su poribljavanjem iz uzgajališta ili prirodnih voda sa područja Vojvodine. Stanje populacija linjaka prema lite...

Research paper thumbnail of Odnos autohtonih i alohtonih ribljih vrsta u nekim akumulacijama Srbije

Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slu... more Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slučajno ili namerno, alohtone vrste najčešće uspevaju da opstanu u novom okruženju, u kojem zbog degradiranosti staništa i narušenih biocenoloških veza vremenom postaju dominantne. Alohtone vrste često imaju invazivan karakter jer se brzo i nekontrolisano šire u nove ekosisteme gde se ponašaju kao kompetitori za prostor i hranu autohtonim vrstama i polako ih potiskuju. Ovim radom prikazan je odnos u brojnosti i biomasi autohtonih i alohtonih ribljih vrsta u nekim akumulacijama u Srbiji. Tokom istraživanja obraćena je pažnja na veličinu i starost akumulacija u kojima je praćena ihtiocenoza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 akumulacija različite starosti, tipa postanka, morfometrijskih, fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Konstatovano je prisustvo 20 vrsta riba iz 9 familija, sa izrazitom dominacijom porodice Cyprinidae. Od ovog broja 8 vrsta su alohtone i pripadaju familijama Salmonidae (Oncorhynchu...

Research paper thumbnail of Cryopreservation of Danube barbel Barbus balcanicus sperm and its effects on sperm subpopulation structure

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2020

The objective of this study was to develop a successful freezing protocol for cryopreservation of... more The objective of this study was to develop a successful freezing protocol for cryopreservation of Danube barbel sperm, and to identify the presence of different spermatozoa subpopulations. By testing different concentrations of different cryoprotectants, we determined that the use of 5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) yielded the highest total motility of ~25%. Cooling rates influenced by frame height and cooling time in liquid nitrogen vapor showed that a frame height of 3 cm and cooling time of 2 min yielded the highest post-thaw motility. Supplementation of cryomedia with 0.1 M of sugars led to an increase in the total post-thaw motility by ~50%, while protein supplementation lowered post-thaw motility. Motile spermatozoa hierarchically clustered according to their motility parameters, displaying a four-subpopulation (SP1-SP4) structure. SP1 was defined by low values of velocity but high overall linearity; SP2 was comprised of fast non-linear spermatozoa, that had high velocity values ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of genotoxic potential in the Velika Morava River Basin in vitro and in situ

The Science of the total environment, Jan 19, 2017

The Velika Morava River is the greatest national Serbian river and the significant tributary of t... more The Velika Morava River is the greatest national Serbian river and the significant tributary of the Danube River. The major problems in the Velika Morava River Basin (VMRB) represent untreated industrial and municipal wastewaters. In this study, the level of genotoxic potential at the sites along the VMRB was evaluated by parallel in vitro and in situ approach. Within in vitro testing, genotoxicity of native water samples collected from the sites in VMRB was evaluated by SOS/umuC test on Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 and by the comet assay on HepG2 cells. DNA damage in situ was assessed in bleak (Alburnus alburnus) erythrocytes by the comet (alkaline and Fpg-modified comet) and micronucleus assays. Additionally, the concentration of heavy metals in fish tissue was measured and this data, compiled with the data of the physico-chemical parameters measured in water, was used as a measure of the pollution pressure at the sites. Results showed that applied in vitro tests with nat...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Genotoxic Pressure along the Sava River

PLOS ONE, 2016

In this study we have performed a comprehensive genotoxicological survey along the 900 rkm of the... more In this study we have performed a comprehensive genotoxicological survey along the 900 rkm of the Sava River. In total, 12 sites were chosen in compliance with the goals of GLO-BAQUA project dealing with the effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The genotoxic potential was assessed using a complex battery of bioassays performed in prokaryotes and aquatic eukaryotes (freshwater fish). Battery comprised evaluation of mutagenicity by SOS/umuC test in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/ pSK1002. The level of DNA damage as a biomarker of exposure (comet assay) and biomarker of effect (micronucleus assay) and the level of oxidative stress as well (Fpg-modified comet assay) was studied in blood cells of bleak and spirlin (Alburnus alburnus/ Alburnoides bipunctatus respectively). Result indicated differential sensitivity of applied bioassays in detection of genotoxic pressure. The standard and Fpg-modified comet assay showed higher potential in differentiation of the sites based on genotoxic potential in comparison with micronucleus assay and SOS/umuC test. Our data represent snapshot of the current status of the river which indicates the presence of genotoxic potential along the river which can be traced to the deterioration of quality of the Sava River by communal and industrial wastewaters. The major highlight of the study is that we have provided complex set of data obtained from a single source (homogeneity of analyses for all samples).

Research paper thumbnail of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Five Edible Fish Species in Relation to Fish Size and Weight and Potential Health Risks for Human Consumption

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015

The rapid development of industry and agriculture has resulted in an increase in pollution and, t... more The rapid development of industry and agriculture has resulted in an increase in pollution and, therefore, contamination of aquatic ecosystems (e.g. lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, etc.) has been receiving increased worldwide attention over the last few decades. Metals are considered to be the most important form of aquatic pollution because of their toxicity, long persistence, and accumulation by aquatic organisms [1-3]. In addition to toxic elements (arsenic, As), essential trace elements (aluminum, Al; cobalt, Co; iron, Fe; nickel, Ni; tin, Sn; and selenium, Se) become toxic to living organisms when subjected to high concentrations [4]. Fish are constantly exposed to chemicals in polluted waters, so they could be used as excellent biological markers of elements in aquatic ecosystem [5]. Elements differ in their accumulation levels and patterns depending on fish species, as well as fish tissue [6, 7]. Gills are the primary site of element uptake from water, especially if elements are

Research paper thumbnail of Uklija (alburnus alburnus) kao potencijalni bioindikator zagađenja teškim metalima

Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosiste... more Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosistemima usled nerazdvojive varijabilnosti rečnog toka i koncentracije zagađivača. Monitoring zagađenja ribljih tkiva ima važnu ulogu ranog alarma koji ukazuje na probleme kvaliteta vode i sedimenta, a takođe omogućava detekciju toksičnih materija u ribama koje dalje mogu da imaju negativan efekat na konzumente. Reka Sava je tipična nizijska reka i najveća desna pritoka Dunava koja protiče kroz tri zemlje: Sloveniju, Hrvatsku i Srbiju. Do 1990-ih je bila izložena zagađenju iz metalurgije, hemijske, kožne, tekstilne, prehrambene i industrije celuloze i papira, ali i usled poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Takođe je i glavni recipijent otpadnih voda mnogih gradova i zagađenih pritoka. Ciljevi ove studije su da se utvrde koncentracije Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn i Zn u kompostu uklije (Alburnus alburnus) kao potencijalne bioindikatorske vrste zagađenja teškim metalima reke Sa...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial monitoring of heavy metals in the inland waters of Serbia: a multispecies approach based on commercial fish

Environmental science and pollution research international, Jan 9, 2016

The study monitored the contamination of fish muscle tissue by elements Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, F... more The study monitored the contamination of fish muscle tissue by elements Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn at 17 sampling sites, in order to assess the pollution status of the main rivers in Serbia. Of the six commercially important fish species included in the study (pikeperch Sander lucioperca, catfish Silurus glanis, bream Abramis brama, barbel Barbus barbus, chub Squalius cephalus, nase Chondrostoma nasus), the bioconcentration factor (BCF) indicated that benthivore bream and barbel and predatory catfish have the highest tendency toward the accumulation of elements. This study achieved its primary objective and produced a contamination map of Serbia as a basis for further research. The estimated metal pollution index (MPI) showed the Tisa River to be unaffected by direct pollution (with an MPI value of 0.31) and the West Morava and Pek rivers to be affected (with MPI values of 1.92 and 0.73 for the WM1 and WM2 sampling sites and 0.65 for the Pek sampling site). O...

Research paper thumbnail of The Accumulation and Distribution of Metals in Water, Sediment, Aquatic Macrophytes and Fishes of the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2013

The concentrations of iron, lead, cadmium, copper, manganese, mercury and arsenic were measured i... more The concentrations of iron, lead, cadmium, copper, manganese, mercury and arsenic were measured in water, sediment, five macrophytes (Typha angustifolia, Iris pseudacorus, Polygonum amphybium, Myriophyllum spicatum and Lemna gibba) and five fish species (Sander lucioperca, Abramis brama, Carassius gibelio, Silurus glanis and Arystichtys nobilis) in the Gruža Reservoir, used for water supply and recreational fishing. The concentrations of all examined elements were higher in sediment than in water. The values of the ratio between element concentrations in the sediment and those in the water were the highest for Fe and As. Among the five plant species, the highest concentrations of Pb and Mn were observed in T. angustifolia, while the highest concentrations of Fe, Cu and Hg were in L. gibba. I. pseudacorus and P. amphybium had the highest concentrations of Cd and As, respectively. Among the fish species, C. gibelio showed the highest tendency of element accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cu), followed by S. lucioperca (Pb, Hg), A. brama (Mn) and A. nobilis (As). The average concentrations of elements in fish muscle, except for As in A. nobilis (2.635 ± 0.241 mg kg(-1) ww), were below the limits that are considered safe for human consumption in accordance with the European Commission Regulation and Official Gazette of Serbia.