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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan varietas dan teknologi sayuran utama dan indigenous untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan

Research paper thumbnail of Fase Perkembangan Bunga dan Kandungan Gula Endogen pada Pembungaan Hoya diversifolia Blume. Flower Developmental Phases and Endogenous Sugar Content of Hoya diversifolia Blume

ABSTRAK Hoya diversifolia Blume (Asclepiadaceae) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang... more ABSTRAK Hoya diversifolia Blume (Asclepiadaceae) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang potensial dikembangkan sebagai tanaman hias. Namun periode pembungaan yang singkat dalam satu tahun merupakan kendala dalam pengembangan Hoya sebagai tanaman hias. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi fase perkembangan bunga dan untuk mempelajari hubungan antara kandungan gula endogen dengan induksi pembungaan H. diversifolia Bl. Pengamatan morfologi dan anatomi menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan bunga H. diversifolia Bl. terdiri atas 6 fase, yaitu induksi, inisiasi awal, inisiasi lanjut, diferensiasi, pendewasaan bunga dan antesis. Kandungan gula total dan sukrosa tidak berbeda nyata antara pucuk yang terinduksi dengan pucuk yang tidak terinduksi, sedangkan kandungan gula pereduksi lebih tinggi pada pucuk yang terinduksi ke arah generatif (7.40 mg.g-1 bobot basah) dibandingkan dengan pucuk yang tidak terinduksi (4.14 mg.g-1 bobot basah). Kata kunci: Asclepiadaceae, tana...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Deep Sea Water..... 118

Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cul... more Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cultivation. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the application of DSW as a nutrient supplement for tomato cultivation in hydroponics system. Tomatoes were grown on 4 beds in nutrient film technique (NFT) system circulated with 1.5 dS m-1(control), 10 dS m-1 15 dS m-1 and 20 dS m-1 of nutrient solution, respectively. DSW was supplemented into nutrient solution of control to obtain high EC level. Fresh weight of fruits decreased varied from 10-20 % by increasing DSW concentration in nutrient solution, but the effect of the treatment was not found on size of 3rd truss fruits. The density of fruits increased as the DSW concentration increased in nutrient solution. Tomato stiffness of treated plants had almost the same value among EC levels although different among 3 trusses. Fruit quality parameters increased by increasing the DSW concentration in nutrient solution. Treated plants cir...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Volume dan Jenis Media Tanam pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa) dalam Teknologi Hidroponik Sistem Terapung

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2004

The objective of this study was to find out the effect of volume and source of growth media and l... more The objective of this study was to find out the effect of volume and source of growth media and lettuce growth and yield in Deep Pool Growing System (DPGS). The study was conducted from September to December 2003 at Deep Pool Growing System facility, Danasworo Hydro - Garden Ciapus, Bogor. The Study was arranged in randomized completely block design with two factors. First factor was volume of growth media ( 20 cm³ and 110 cm³). The second factor was source of growth media (synthetic foam, cocodust, rice-husk + OSF and rice-husk + cocodust). Medium volume of 20 cm³ with rockwool was used as a check. Nutrient compotion of the solution was as follows (ppm): Ca 117, Mg 24, K 210, NH4 25, NO3 233, SO4 113, and PO4 60, Fe 2.14, B 1.2, Zn 0.26, Cu 0.048, Mn 0.18, and Mo 0.046. Medium volume of 20 cm³ with synthetic foam obtained the best yield for all parameters. Therefore, this treatment could replace rockwool as medium for lettuce production in DPGS. Key words : Deep Pool Growing Syste...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Deep Sea Water (DSW) for Nutrient Supplement in Hydroponics Cultivation of Tomato : Effect of supplemented DSW at Different EC Levels on Fruit Properties

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2007

Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cul... more Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cultivation. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the application of DSW as a nutrient supplement for tomato cultivation in hydroponics system. Tomatoes were grown on 4 beds in nutrient film technique (NFT) system circulated with 1.5 dS m -1 (control), 10 dS m -1 15 dS m -1 and 20 dS m -1 of nutrient solution, respectively. DSW was supplemented into nutrient solution of control to obtain high EC level. Fresh weight of fruits decreased varied from 10-20% by increasing DSW concentration in nutrient solution, but the effect of the treatment was not found on size of 3 rd truss fruits. The density of fruits increased as the DSW concentration increased in nutrient solution. Tomato stiffness of treated plants had almost the same value among EC levels although different among 3 trusses. Fruit quality parameters increased by increasing the DSW concentration in nutrient solution. Treated pl...

Research paper thumbnail of Varietas Non Hibrida Cabai Besar Anies IPB

The pepper is very important horticultural commodities. The purpose of this research was to study... more The pepper is very important horticultural commodities. The purpose of this research was to study the advantages of Anies IPB varieties and develop the description. Anies IPB was the result of the selection of segregating populations from the crosses of IPB C120 (as the female parent) and IPB C5 (as the male parent). The experiments were performed in four locations namely Boyolali (Central Java), Sumedang (West Java), and Bogor (West Java). The experimental used the randomized complete block design (RCBD) two factors with three replications. The replications nested within the locations. The first factor was 9 lines and 2 open pollinated varieties, and the second factor was the three locations. Each lines on each replicate in each location were planted 24 plants. The results showed that the superiority of Anies IPB varieties were (1) The productivity of Anies IPB was higher than the check varieties. Productivity can reach 18.6 tons ha-1. (2) Anies IPB has fruit that was longer than t...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbanyakan Tunas Mikro pada Beberapa Umur Simpan Umbi dan Pembentukan Umbi Mikro Bawang Merah pada Dua Suhu Ruang Kultur

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2017

Shallot bulb generally stored for several month before planted in the fi eld. Since explant age i... more Shallot bulb generally stored for several month before planted in the fi eld. Since explant age is one of important factors in tissue culture development, storage period of shallot bulb might alter the explant growth in vitro. Shoots of shallot formed in the in vitro culture should form bulbs before can be use as seedling, and temperature may affect micro bulb induction. Two experiments had been conducted to evaluate 1) the effect of storage period in the fi eld on the growth of shallot explant in vitro and 2) the effect of culture room temperature in microbulbs induction of shallot. In the fi rst experiment, shallot bulb had been stored for 1, 2, 3 and 4 months before used as explants. Storage period signifi cantly infl uenced the explant growth in vitro. Bulb with 2 months storage gave the best performance on number of micro shoot, number of leaves and roots, and less of vitrifi cation. Micro shoots on three weeks after planting (WAP) was feasible to use as propagule for shallot m...

Research paper thumbnail of Penilaian Kualitas Tanah pada Produksi Sayuran dengan Bahan Organik (Soil Quality Assessment for Vegetable Production with Organic Matter)

Soil organic matter content is determinant factor for soil quality. This study was conducted in U... more Soil organic matter content is determinant factor for soil quality. This study was conducted in Ultisol farmer field Nanggung Bogor. The objective of this research was to determine influence soil organic matter for vegetable production. Three replications Randomized Completely Design with organic matter of poultry manure 10 tonlha as a single factor and kangkong (Ipomoea sp.) as the sample plant. Soil quality observation were biology (soil respiration), physic (infiltration and bulk density), and soil chemistry (EC and pH soil) indicators. Soil quality assessment used Soil Quality Kit that developed by United State Departement of Agriculture. The result that organic matter treatment increased soil quality index for soil respiration, infiltration, and EC indicator. Adding organic matter significantly influence Ipomoea sp. yield. PENDAHULUAN Peningkatan produksi hasil tanaman adalah usaha yang dilakukan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehari hari. Teknologi produksi tanaman be...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Korelasi K pada Tanah Ultisol untuk Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Determination of soil nutrient contents requires an appropriate extraction method between the des... more Determination of soil nutrient contents requires an appropriate extraction method between the desired soil and plants. The objective of the study was to determine the best soil K extraction method for shallot in Ultisol with a single location approach. The study was carried out in Lebak, Banten Province during March 2015 until May 2016, with two stages, namely manufacture soil K nutrient status and K correlation test through planting in a greenhouse. The manufacture of soil K nutrient status consisted of very low to very high (0X, 1/4X, 1/2X, 3/4X, and X), the value of X represents the highest value of K nutrient absoprtion, equal to 509.6 kg K2O ha-1. On this stage, K fertilizer was incubated for three months, followed by taking soil samples in each plot to analyze the soil K contents. The soil K content was analyzed by using five types of extraction methods, namely Bray I (solution 0.025 N HCl + NH4F 0.03 N), Bray II (NH4F 0.03 N + HCl 0.10 N), Mechlich I (0.0125 M H2SO4 + 0.05 M ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sumber Sebagai Hara Pengganti AB mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun Secara Hidroponik

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2015

ABSTRACTIncreasing in fertilizer price has caused increase in hydroponic system cost. The obj... more ABSTRACTIncreasing in fertilizer price has caused increase in hydroponic system cost. The objective of the research was to determine the best fertilizer source that could replace AB mix by examining several sources of nutrients, i.e. NPK 15:15:15, NPK 12:14:12 for hydroponic cultivation of spinach, pakchoy, and lettuce. The research was conducted in the Green House Dramaga Field Unit, University Farm, IPB Bogor from February to April 2013. The treatments (AB mix, NPK 15:15:15, and NPK 12:14:12) were arranged in randomized completely blok design with 4 replications. The results showed that fertilizer treatments used did not affect the vegetative growth of spinach, pakchoy, and lettuce, but AB mix fertilizer treatment gave the highest yield in spinachplants, pakchoy, and lettuce in yield components i.e. an average weight/plant and weight ofmarketable yield, respectively at 21.65 g, 235.75 g spin...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Jenis Media Pembibitan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)

Agrovigor: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi, Mar 1, 2018

Cucumber is one of the Cucurbitaceae family that has important economic value. Qualified seeds is... more Cucumber is one of the Cucurbitaceae family that has important economic value. Qualified seeds is a sturdy seedlings, leafy green, healthy and have a good rooting. The purpose of this research was to know the appropriate media composition for the growth of cucumber seedlings. This research was held in Dramaga Bogor on 2013. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and seven treatments. The treatment were vermicompost, husk charcoal, organic fertilizer granules, vermicompost-husk charcoal, vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules, husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granules, vermicompost-charcoal husk-organic fertilizer granules. The results showed that all the characters of observation (seed germination, plant height, leaf number, leaf area, root length, root volume, root and shoot ratio) were significantly different. The highest shoot fresh weight was obtained from the medium vermicompost-husk charcoal (25.16 g), followed by vermicompost (24.70 g), vermicompost-husk charcoal, organic fertilizer granules (16.60 g), husk charcoal (12.28 g), husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granules (7.47 g), vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules (2.04 g) and organic fertilizer granules (0 g). While the highest root fresh weight was obtained from the medium vermicompost-husk charcoal (2.72 g), followed by vermicompost-husk charcoal (2.43 g), vermicompost (2.43 g), husk charcoal (1.37 g), vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules (1.07 g), husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granule (0.23 g), and organic fertilizer granules (0 g). In general it can be seen that the medium of cucumber seedling will give good growth if we use vermicompost as the major or partial component.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pupuk Organik pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) dan Katuk (Sauropus androgynus)

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumb... more Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen tanaman kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) dan katuk (Sauropus androgynus) yang dilaksanakan di Vegetable Garden, Unit Lapangan Darmaga, University Farm, Institut Pertanian Bogor mulai Juni 2008 hingga November 2008. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu rancangan acak kelompok faktor tunggal terdiri atas 6 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Perlakuan tersebut yaitu, dosis pupuk kandang sapi 0 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, 10 ton ha-1, 20 ton ha-1, dosis pupuk kandang sapi 20 ton ha-1 ditambah pupuk majemuk NPK dosis 100 kg ha-1 , dan dosis pupuk kandang sapi 20 ton ha-1 ditambah pupuk majemuk NPK dosis 200 kg ha-1. Pengamatan yang dilakukan pada tanaman kenikir yaitu, daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, dan jumlah daun, sedangkan pada tanaman katuk diamati daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anak daun, dan bobot panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dosis pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik.) melalui Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Pupuk Anorganik

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L) Medik.). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Agustus 2011 di Unit Lapang Cikabayan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia. Bahan tanam merupakan stek gedi yang berasal dari Sorong, Papua Barat. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor perlakuan yaitu dosis pupuk. Terdapat delapan taraf pupuk yang dicobakan 0, 20, 40, 60 ton.ha−1 pupuk organik dan 0, 20, 40, 60 ton.ha−1 pupuk organik + NPK. Pupuk organik yang dipakai adalah pupuk kandang ayam dan pupuk anorganik yang dipakai adalah NPK 15-15-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pupuk organik dengan dosis 30.39-34.04 ton.ha−1 akan memberikan hasil yang optimum. Dosis pupuk optimum pupuk organik + NPK belum dapat ditentukan. Namun, penambahan pupuk NPK pada pemupukan organik dapat meningkatkan ha...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Jenis Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil, Panen Tanaman Sayuran di dalam Nethouse

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Pupuk merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sayur... more Pupuk merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sayur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh beberapa sumber pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi hasil caisin, kangkung, pakcoi, dan selada. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara seri dengan empat tanaman sayur : caisin, kangkung, pakcoi, dan selada. Perlakuan menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak sebanyak tiga ulangan yang terdiri dari sumber pupuk organik (pupuk kandang ayam, pupuk kandang sapi, kompos 20 ton ha-1 dan kontrol/tanpa penggunaan pupuk organik). Pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman sayur berpengaruh sangat nyata oleh pemberian pupuk organik, Perlakuan pemberian pupuk kandang ayam menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun lebih banyak pada tanaman caisin, kangkung, dan selada. Pemberian pupuk kandang ayam juga menghasilkan berat batang dan berat akar tertinggi pada tanaman caisin, kangkung, dan pakcoi. Selain itu, pemberian pupuk kandang sapi memberika...

Research paper thumbnail of Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Dua Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentumMill.) secara Hidroponik dengan beberapa Komposisi Media Tanam

Buletin Agrohorti, 2013

The objectives of this researchwasto determine the effect of growing media composition on growth ... more The objectives of this researchwasto determine the effect of growing media composition on growth and production of two varieties of tomatoes in a hydroponic system. The research used Randomized Complate Block Design (RCBD) with two factors, they were tomato varieties and growing media composition. The tomato varieties were (Arthaloka, Permata) and growing media compotition were 100% husk (v/v), 75% husk + 25% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), 50% husks + 50% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), 25% husk + 75% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), and 100% bamboo leaves compost (v/v). Permata variety better than Arthaloka variety, based the higher number of flower and flower bunches, number of fruit, weight of fruit and grade of fruit. Bamboo leaves compost increased heigh of plant at 2-5 week after transplanting (WAT), number of leaves at 2-4 WAT, number of flower at 4-5 WAT, and 7-8 WAT, and number of flowers bunches at 5–11 WAT. The used of bamboo leaf compost 50% (v/v) and 75% (v/v) increased fruit nu...

Research paper thumbnail of Kemiripan dan Potensi Produksi Aksesi Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) dari Beberapa Daerah di Jawa Barat

Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 2018

Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) is potential indigenous vegetable to be developed as a commerci... more Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) is potential indigenous vegetable to be developed as a commercial vegetables. The objectives of this research were to observe similarity and production potential of pohpohan landraces from several areas in West Java. Result based on cluster analysis at nine similarity scale, thirteen exploration pohpohan landraces were grouped into three clusters. Clusters I consisted of Warung Loa, Tugu Selatan, Palasari, Langensari, Kayu Ambon, Lebak Muncang, Situsari, Sukalilah and Lebaksiuh. Clusters II consisted of Curug Rendeng, Argalingga and Linggarjati and clusters III was Bobojong. Result from further test using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), Warung Loa is a leading landrace because showed the best result on plant height, primary branches number, leaf width, yield per plot and plant productivity. Keywords: Cluster analysis, exploration, indigenous vegetable

Research paper thumbnail of Sumber dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Larutan Hara sebagai Pengganti AB Mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun secara Hidroponik

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2015

ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to determine the frequency and source of nutrient applica... more ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to determine the frequency and source of nutrient applications on growth and yield of spinach (Ipomoea sp.), caisin (Brassica juncea), and kailan (Brassica oleraceaevar. acephala) in hydroponics. The experiment were arranged in a RCBD (Randomized Completely Block Design) with two factors, first factor source of nutrient (AB Mix, NPK 15:15:15, and NPK 12:14:12), and second factor is time of application (one time and two time) with four replications so there are 24 experimental units. The result showed NPK 15:15:15 had similar effect with AB Mix in spinach, caisin, and kailan. With one time frequency of application, the best source of fertilizer is NPK 15:15:15, while with two time application is AB Mix.Keywords: compound fertilizer, NPK 12:14:12, NPK 15:15:15, nutrient solution. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi aplikasi dan jenis sumber hara pada pertumbuhan dan produksi kangkung (Ipomoea sp.), ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Naungan Tegakan Pohon Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Beberapa Tanaman Sayuran Indigenous

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2014

ABSTRACTThe objectives of this research was to study the effect of shade on growth and productivi... more ABSTRACTThe objectives of this research was to study the effect of shade on growth and productivity of several indigenous vegetables. The research was conducted at Vegetable Garden, University Farm IPB, Darmaga from February until June 2009. This research was arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design, 1 factor with 2 treatments, shading (N1) and no shading (N0). Result of the research showed that shading increased plant height, length of branch, leaf length and width of Daun Ginseng (Talinum triangulare); leaf diameter, leaf length and width, petiole length of Sambung Nyawa (Gynura procumbens); leaf length and width of Katuk ( Sauropus androgynus); leaf number of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus), stem diameter of Kemangi (Ocimum americanum); plant height, length of branch, number of branch, leaf length and width of Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia). Shading also increased total fresh and dry weight/plant of Daun Ginseng; and total fresh/plant of Sambung Nyawa and Pohpohan plants. Productiv...

Research paper thumbnail of 542 Sulfur Source, Rate, and Method of Application for Polyethylene-mulched Tomato

HortScience, 2000

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was grown with polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation on a Mi... more Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was grown with polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation on a Millhopper fine sandy soil testing very high in P and low in organic matter during two season to evaluate the effect of S source, rate, and application methods on plant growth and yield of fruit. S rates of 34 and 68 kg S/ha were applied preplant (broadcast in the bed), by drip (10 weekly drip application), and by split applications (40% preplant and 60% drip). In split applications, S sources evaluated were ammonium sulfate and ammonium thiosulfate. Plant height was increased with S application from 0 to 68 kg S/ha in both studies. However, response on plant dry weight only occurred in Spring 1999. Total marketable yield was 17.9 tons/ha with 0 kg S/ha and was increased quadraticaly to 48.1 tons/ha with application of 68 kg S/ha in Spring 1999, but no response to S was obtained in the Spring 1998 study. Measured variable were not affected by S source and methods of application. Increasing...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Dosis Optimum Pemupukan Nitrogen pada Tanaman Kolesom (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Wild.)

Buletin Agrohorti, 2019

The aim of this research was to determine the optimum dosage of nitrogen fertilizer that can char... more The aim of this research was to determine the optimum dosage of nitrogen fertilizer that can characterize the maximum yield on ginseng crop production using irrigation system, spray Hose. The

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan varietas dan teknologi sayuran utama dan indigenous untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan

Research paper thumbnail of Fase Perkembangan Bunga dan Kandungan Gula Endogen pada Pembungaan Hoya diversifolia Blume. Flower Developmental Phases and Endogenous Sugar Content of Hoya diversifolia Blume

ABSTRAK Hoya diversifolia Blume (Asclepiadaceae) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang... more ABSTRAK Hoya diversifolia Blume (Asclepiadaceae) merupakan salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang potensial dikembangkan sebagai tanaman hias. Namun periode pembungaan yang singkat dalam satu tahun merupakan kendala dalam pengembangan Hoya sebagai tanaman hias. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi fase perkembangan bunga dan untuk mempelajari hubungan antara kandungan gula endogen dengan induksi pembungaan H. diversifolia Bl. Pengamatan morfologi dan anatomi menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan bunga H. diversifolia Bl. terdiri atas 6 fase, yaitu induksi, inisiasi awal, inisiasi lanjut, diferensiasi, pendewasaan bunga dan antesis. Kandungan gula total dan sukrosa tidak berbeda nyata antara pucuk yang terinduksi dengan pucuk yang tidak terinduksi, sedangkan kandungan gula pereduksi lebih tinggi pada pucuk yang terinduksi ke arah generatif (7.40 mg.g-1 bobot basah) dibandingkan dengan pucuk yang tidak terinduksi (4.14 mg.g-1 bobot basah). Kata kunci: Asclepiadaceae, tana...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Deep Sea Water..... 118

Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cul... more Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cultivation. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the application of DSW as a nutrient supplement for tomato cultivation in hydroponics system. Tomatoes were grown on 4 beds in nutrient film technique (NFT) system circulated with 1.5 dS m-1(control), 10 dS m-1 15 dS m-1 and 20 dS m-1 of nutrient solution, respectively. DSW was supplemented into nutrient solution of control to obtain high EC level. Fresh weight of fruits decreased varied from 10-20 % by increasing DSW concentration in nutrient solution, but the effect of the treatment was not found on size of 3rd truss fruits. The density of fruits increased as the DSW concentration increased in nutrient solution. Tomato stiffness of treated plants had almost the same value among EC levels although different among 3 trusses. Fruit quality parameters increased by increasing the DSW concentration in nutrient solution. Treated plants cir...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Volume dan Jenis Media Tanam pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa) dalam Teknologi Hidroponik Sistem Terapung

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2004

The objective of this study was to find out the effect of volume and source of growth media and l... more The objective of this study was to find out the effect of volume and source of growth media and lettuce growth and yield in Deep Pool Growing System (DPGS). The study was conducted from September to December 2003 at Deep Pool Growing System facility, Danasworo Hydro - Garden Ciapus, Bogor. The Study was arranged in randomized completely block design with two factors. First factor was volume of growth media ( 20 cm³ and 110 cm³). The second factor was source of growth media (synthetic foam, cocodust, rice-husk + OSF and rice-husk + cocodust). Medium volume of 20 cm³ with rockwool was used as a check. Nutrient compotion of the solution was as follows (ppm): Ca 117, Mg 24, K 210, NH4 25, NO3 233, SO4 113, and PO4 60, Fe 2.14, B 1.2, Zn 0.26, Cu 0.048, Mn 0.18, and Mo 0.046. Medium volume of 20 cm³ with synthetic foam obtained the best yield for all parameters. Therefore, this treatment could replace rockwool as medium for lettuce production in DPGS. Key words : Deep Pool Growing Syste...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Deep Sea Water (DSW) for Nutrient Supplement in Hydroponics Cultivation of Tomato : Effect of supplemented DSW at Different EC Levels on Fruit Properties

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2007

Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cul... more Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cultivation. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the application of DSW as a nutrient supplement for tomato cultivation in hydroponics system. Tomatoes were grown on 4 beds in nutrient film technique (NFT) system circulated with 1.5 dS m -1 (control), 10 dS m -1 15 dS m -1 and 20 dS m -1 of nutrient solution, respectively. DSW was supplemented into nutrient solution of control to obtain high EC level. Fresh weight of fruits decreased varied from 10-20% by increasing DSW concentration in nutrient solution, but the effect of the treatment was not found on size of 3 rd truss fruits. The density of fruits increased as the DSW concentration increased in nutrient solution. Tomato stiffness of treated plants had almost the same value among EC levels although different among 3 trusses. Fruit quality parameters increased by increasing the DSW concentration in nutrient solution. Treated pl...

Research paper thumbnail of Varietas Non Hibrida Cabai Besar Anies IPB

The pepper is very important horticultural commodities. The purpose of this research was to study... more The pepper is very important horticultural commodities. The purpose of this research was to study the advantages of Anies IPB varieties and develop the description. Anies IPB was the result of the selection of segregating populations from the crosses of IPB C120 (as the female parent) and IPB C5 (as the male parent). The experiments were performed in four locations namely Boyolali (Central Java), Sumedang (West Java), and Bogor (West Java). The experimental used the randomized complete block design (RCBD) two factors with three replications. The replications nested within the locations. The first factor was 9 lines and 2 open pollinated varieties, and the second factor was the three locations. Each lines on each replicate in each location were planted 24 plants. The results showed that the superiority of Anies IPB varieties were (1) The productivity of Anies IPB was higher than the check varieties. Productivity can reach 18.6 tons ha-1. (2) Anies IPB has fruit that was longer than t...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbanyakan Tunas Mikro pada Beberapa Umur Simpan Umbi dan Pembentukan Umbi Mikro Bawang Merah pada Dua Suhu Ruang Kultur

Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 2017

Shallot bulb generally stored for several month before planted in the fi eld. Since explant age i... more Shallot bulb generally stored for several month before planted in the fi eld. Since explant age is one of important factors in tissue culture development, storage period of shallot bulb might alter the explant growth in vitro. Shoots of shallot formed in the in vitro culture should form bulbs before can be use as seedling, and temperature may affect micro bulb induction. Two experiments had been conducted to evaluate 1) the effect of storage period in the fi eld on the growth of shallot explant in vitro and 2) the effect of culture room temperature in microbulbs induction of shallot. In the fi rst experiment, shallot bulb had been stored for 1, 2, 3 and 4 months before used as explants. Storage period signifi cantly infl uenced the explant growth in vitro. Bulb with 2 months storage gave the best performance on number of micro shoot, number of leaves and roots, and less of vitrifi cation. Micro shoots on three weeks after planting (WAP) was feasible to use as propagule for shallot m...

Research paper thumbnail of Penilaian Kualitas Tanah pada Produksi Sayuran dengan Bahan Organik (Soil Quality Assessment for Vegetable Production with Organic Matter)

Soil organic matter content is determinant factor for soil quality. This study was conducted in U... more Soil organic matter content is determinant factor for soil quality. This study was conducted in Ultisol farmer field Nanggung Bogor. The objective of this research was to determine influence soil organic matter for vegetable production. Three replications Randomized Completely Design with organic matter of poultry manure 10 tonlha as a single factor and kangkong (Ipomoea sp.) as the sample plant. Soil quality observation were biology (soil respiration), physic (infiltration and bulk density), and soil chemistry (EC and pH soil) indicators. Soil quality assessment used Soil Quality Kit that developed by United State Departement of Agriculture. The result that organic matter treatment increased soil quality index for soil respiration, infiltration, and EC indicator. Adding organic matter significantly influence Ipomoea sp. yield. PENDAHULUAN Peningkatan produksi hasil tanaman adalah usaha yang dilakukan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehari hari. Teknologi produksi tanaman be...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Korelasi K pada Tanah Ultisol untuk Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Determination of soil nutrient contents requires an appropriate extraction method between the des... more Determination of soil nutrient contents requires an appropriate extraction method between the desired soil and plants. The objective of the study was to determine the best soil K extraction method for shallot in Ultisol with a single location approach. The study was carried out in Lebak, Banten Province during March 2015 until May 2016, with two stages, namely manufacture soil K nutrient status and K correlation test through planting in a greenhouse. The manufacture of soil K nutrient status consisted of very low to very high (0X, 1/4X, 1/2X, 3/4X, and X), the value of X represents the highest value of K nutrient absoprtion, equal to 509.6 kg K2O ha-1. On this stage, K fertilizer was incubated for three months, followed by taking soil samples in each plot to analyze the soil K contents. The soil K content was analyzed by using five types of extraction methods, namely Bray I (solution 0.025 N HCl + NH4F 0.03 N), Bray II (NH4F 0.03 N + HCl 0.10 N), Mechlich I (0.0125 M H2SO4 + 0.05 M ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sumber Sebagai Hara Pengganti AB mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun Secara Hidroponik

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2015

ABSTRACTIncreasing in fertilizer price has caused increase in hydroponic system cost. The obj... more ABSTRACTIncreasing in fertilizer price has caused increase in hydroponic system cost. The objective of the research was to determine the best fertilizer source that could replace AB mix by examining several sources of nutrients, i.e. NPK 15:15:15, NPK 12:14:12 for hydroponic cultivation of spinach, pakchoy, and lettuce. The research was conducted in the Green House Dramaga Field Unit, University Farm, IPB Bogor from February to April 2013. The treatments (AB mix, NPK 15:15:15, and NPK 12:14:12) were arranged in randomized completely blok design with 4 replications. The results showed that fertilizer treatments used did not affect the vegetative growth of spinach, pakchoy, and lettuce, but AB mix fertilizer treatment gave the highest yield in spinachplants, pakchoy, and lettuce in yield components i.e. an average weight/plant and weight ofmarketable yield, respectively at 21.65 g, 235.75 g spin...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Jenis Media Pembibitan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)

Agrovigor: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi, Mar 1, 2018

Cucumber is one of the Cucurbitaceae family that has important economic value. Qualified seeds is... more Cucumber is one of the Cucurbitaceae family that has important economic value. Qualified seeds is a sturdy seedlings, leafy green, healthy and have a good rooting. The purpose of this research was to know the appropriate media composition for the growth of cucumber seedlings. This research was held in Dramaga Bogor on 2013. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and seven treatments. The treatment were vermicompost, husk charcoal, organic fertilizer granules, vermicompost-husk charcoal, vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules, husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granules, vermicompost-charcoal husk-organic fertilizer granules. The results showed that all the characters of observation (seed germination, plant height, leaf number, leaf area, root length, root volume, root and shoot ratio) were significantly different. The highest shoot fresh weight was obtained from the medium vermicompost-husk charcoal (25.16 g), followed by vermicompost (24.70 g), vermicompost-husk charcoal, organic fertilizer granules (16.60 g), husk charcoal (12.28 g), husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granules (7.47 g), vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules (2.04 g) and organic fertilizer granules (0 g). While the highest root fresh weight was obtained from the medium vermicompost-husk charcoal (2.72 g), followed by vermicompost-husk charcoal (2.43 g), vermicompost (2.43 g), husk charcoal (1.37 g), vermicompost-organic fertilizer granules (1.07 g), husk charcoal-organic fertilizer granule (0.23 g), and organic fertilizer granules (0 g). In general it can be seen that the medium of cucumber seedling will give good growth if we use vermicompost as the major or partial component.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pupuk Organik pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) dan Katuk (Sauropus androgynus)

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumb... more Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen tanaman kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) dan katuk (Sauropus androgynus) yang dilaksanakan di Vegetable Garden, Unit Lapangan Darmaga, University Farm, Institut Pertanian Bogor mulai Juni 2008 hingga November 2008. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu rancangan acak kelompok faktor tunggal terdiri atas 6 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Perlakuan tersebut yaitu, dosis pupuk kandang sapi 0 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, 10 ton ha-1, 20 ton ha-1, dosis pupuk kandang sapi 20 ton ha-1 ditambah pupuk majemuk NPK dosis 100 kg ha-1 , dan dosis pupuk kandang sapi 20 ton ha-1 ditambah pupuk majemuk NPK dosis 200 kg ha-1. Pengamatan yang dilakukan pada tanaman kenikir yaitu, daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, dan jumlah daun, sedangkan pada tanaman katuk diamati daya tumbuh, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anak daun, dan bobot panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dosis pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik.) melalui Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Pupuk Anorganik

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan pupuk organik dan pupuk anorganik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi gedi (Abelmoschus manihot (L) Medik.). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Agustus 2011 di Unit Lapang Cikabayan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia. Bahan tanam merupakan stek gedi yang berasal dari Sorong, Papua Barat. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor perlakuan yaitu dosis pupuk. Terdapat delapan taraf pupuk yang dicobakan 0, 20, 40, 60 ton.ha−1 pupuk organik dan 0, 20, 40, 60 ton.ha−1 pupuk organik + NPK. Pupuk organik yang dipakai adalah pupuk kandang ayam dan pupuk anorganik yang dipakai adalah NPK 15-15-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pupuk organik dengan dosis 30.39-34.04 ton.ha−1 akan memberikan hasil yang optimum. Dosis pupuk optimum pupuk organik + NPK belum dapat ditentukan. Namun, penambahan pupuk NPK pada pemupukan organik dapat meningkatkan ha...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Jenis Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil, Panen Tanaman Sayuran di dalam Nethouse

Buletin Agrohorti, 2015

Pupuk merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sayur... more Pupuk merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sayur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh beberapa sumber pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi hasil caisin, kangkung, pakcoi, dan selada. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara seri dengan empat tanaman sayur : caisin, kangkung, pakcoi, dan selada. Perlakuan menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak sebanyak tiga ulangan yang terdiri dari sumber pupuk organik (pupuk kandang ayam, pupuk kandang sapi, kompos 20 ton ha-1 dan kontrol/tanpa penggunaan pupuk organik). Pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi tanaman sayur berpengaruh sangat nyata oleh pemberian pupuk organik, Perlakuan pemberian pupuk kandang ayam menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun lebih banyak pada tanaman caisin, kangkung, dan selada. Pemberian pupuk kandang ayam juga menghasilkan berat batang dan berat akar tertinggi pada tanaman caisin, kangkung, dan pakcoi. Selain itu, pemberian pupuk kandang sapi memberika...

Research paper thumbnail of Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Dua Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentumMill.) secara Hidroponik dengan beberapa Komposisi Media Tanam

Buletin Agrohorti, 2013

The objectives of this researchwasto determine the effect of growing media composition on growth ... more The objectives of this researchwasto determine the effect of growing media composition on growth and production of two varieties of tomatoes in a hydroponic system. The research used Randomized Complate Block Design (RCBD) with two factors, they were tomato varieties and growing media composition. The tomato varieties were (Arthaloka, Permata) and growing media compotition were 100% husk (v/v), 75% husk + 25% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), 50% husks + 50% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), 25% husk + 75% bamboo leaves compost (v/v), and 100% bamboo leaves compost (v/v). Permata variety better than Arthaloka variety, based the higher number of flower and flower bunches, number of fruit, weight of fruit and grade of fruit. Bamboo leaves compost increased heigh of plant at 2-5 week after transplanting (WAT), number of leaves at 2-4 WAT, number of flower at 4-5 WAT, and 7-8 WAT, and number of flowers bunches at 5–11 WAT. The used of bamboo leaf compost 50% (v/v) and 75% (v/v) increased fruit nu...

Research paper thumbnail of Kemiripan dan Potensi Produksi Aksesi Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) dari Beberapa Daerah di Jawa Barat

Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy), 2018

Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) is potential indigenous vegetable to be developed as a commerci... more Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight.) is potential indigenous vegetable to be developed as a commercial vegetables. The objectives of this research were to observe similarity and production potential of pohpohan landraces from several areas in West Java. Result based on cluster analysis at nine similarity scale, thirteen exploration pohpohan landraces were grouped into three clusters. Clusters I consisted of Warung Loa, Tugu Selatan, Palasari, Langensari, Kayu Ambon, Lebak Muncang, Situsari, Sukalilah and Lebaksiuh. Clusters II consisted of Curug Rendeng, Argalingga and Linggarjati and clusters III was Bobojong. Result from further test using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), Warung Loa is a leading landrace because showed the best result on plant height, primary branches number, leaf width, yield per plot and plant productivity. Keywords: Cluster analysis, exploration, indigenous vegetable

Research paper thumbnail of Sumber dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Larutan Hara sebagai Pengganti AB Mix pada Budidaya Sayuran Daun secara Hidroponik

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2015

ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to determine the frequency and source of nutrient applica... more ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to determine the frequency and source of nutrient applications on growth and yield of spinach (Ipomoea sp.), caisin (Brassica juncea), and kailan (Brassica oleraceaevar. acephala) in hydroponics. The experiment were arranged in a RCBD (Randomized Completely Block Design) with two factors, first factor source of nutrient (AB Mix, NPK 15:15:15, and NPK 12:14:12), and second factor is time of application (one time and two time) with four replications so there are 24 experimental units. The result showed NPK 15:15:15 had similar effect with AB Mix in spinach, caisin, and kailan. With one time frequency of application, the best source of fertilizer is NPK 15:15:15, while with two time application is AB Mix.Keywords: compound fertilizer, NPK 12:14:12, NPK 15:15:15, nutrient solution. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi aplikasi dan jenis sumber hara pada pertumbuhan dan produksi kangkung (Ipomoea sp.), ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Naungan Tegakan Pohon Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Beberapa Tanaman Sayuran Indigenous

Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 2014

ABSTRACTThe objectives of this research was to study the effect of shade on growth and productivi... more ABSTRACTThe objectives of this research was to study the effect of shade on growth and productivity of several indigenous vegetables. The research was conducted at Vegetable Garden, University Farm IPB, Darmaga from February until June 2009. This research was arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design, 1 factor with 2 treatments, shading (N1) and no shading (N0). Result of the research showed that shading increased plant height, length of branch, leaf length and width of Daun Ginseng (Talinum triangulare); leaf diameter, leaf length and width, petiole length of Sambung Nyawa (Gynura procumbens); leaf length and width of Katuk ( Sauropus androgynus); leaf number of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus), stem diameter of Kemangi (Ocimum americanum); plant height, length of branch, number of branch, leaf length and width of Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia). Shading also increased total fresh and dry weight/plant of Daun Ginseng; and total fresh/plant of Sambung Nyawa and Pohpohan plants. Productiv...

Research paper thumbnail of 542 Sulfur Source, Rate, and Method of Application for Polyethylene-mulched Tomato

HortScience, 2000

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was grown with polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation on a Mi... more Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was grown with polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation on a Millhopper fine sandy soil testing very high in P and low in organic matter during two season to evaluate the effect of S source, rate, and application methods on plant growth and yield of fruit. S rates of 34 and 68 kg S/ha were applied preplant (broadcast in the bed), by drip (10 weekly drip application), and by split applications (40% preplant and 60% drip). In split applications, S sources evaluated were ammonium sulfate and ammonium thiosulfate. Plant height was increased with S application from 0 to 68 kg S/ha in both studies. However, response on plant dry weight only occurred in Spring 1999. Total marketable yield was 17.9 tons/ha with 0 kg S/ha and was increased quadraticaly to 48.1 tons/ha with application of 68 kg S/ha in Spring 1999, but no response to S was obtained in the Spring 1998 study. Measured variable were not affected by S source and methods of application. Increasing...

Research paper thumbnail of Penentuan Dosis Optimum Pemupukan Nitrogen pada Tanaman Kolesom (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Wild.)

Buletin Agrohorti, 2019

The aim of this research was to determine the optimum dosage of nitrogen fertilizer that can char... more The aim of this research was to determine the optimum dosage of nitrogen fertilizer that can characterize the maximum yield on ginseng crop production using irrigation system, spray Hose. The