ANA TEREZA ŽELINSKI - (original) (raw)
Luka Lukić, a Croatian ethnographer, melograph and folklorist, created reliable records of cultur... more Luka Lukić, a Croatian ethnographer, melograph and folklorist, created reliable records of cultural heritage on the territory of Slavonia, between the late 19 th and mid 20 th century. During his 56-year-long career, he collected descriptions of life and customs of the inhabitants of Klakar and a wider Brod-Posavina area. His manuscripts contain over 10,000 pages. Although presented as a monograph, the manuscripts have not been sufficiently analysed in the context of psychology, sociology, politics, history, philology and other sciences. They contain folk chants, notes on social relationships, customs, beliefs, folk medicine, architecture, economy, the art of traditional clothing, folk songs, prayers, stories, short stories, incantations, fables, jokes and complex soldiers' poems which form the basis of the analysed corpus. As Lukić meticulously documented his materials and conveyed the atmosphere of his time, the soldiers' poems are an ideal indicator of a soldier's psychological microworld before and after WWI. It seems like the inhabitants of the Brod-Posavina region themselves speak through the poems honestly, as witnesses, about the events, feelings, and situations in the armed forces, and discipline and drills they had experienced before battles and during the war. They speak about relationships between the soldiers and their superiors, and soldiers' feelings and dissatisfaction caused by disrespect for human dignity. They mention fears, restlessness and uncertainty due to battles they were about to enter, and dissatisfaction with the relationships between them and their superiors. Soldiers' poems, therefore, speak for the first time about the main protagonists of WWI, from first-hand experience.
Univerzitetska misao, 2022
Analizirajući različite forme povezanosti distopije i utopijskih narativa, postavlja se nekoliko ... more Analizirajući različite forme povezanosti distopije i utopijskih narativa, postavlja se nekoliko pitanja, jedno od njih zasigurno je i ono mogu li se u okviru minimalističke vrste tražiti elementi utopijskog ili posebno distopijskog? Također, jedno od pitanja koje se nameće je i ono može li se ovakva analiza primijeniti na deseterački dvostih, koji ima specifičnu strukturu i sadržaj. Naime, on je između ostaloga, uvjetovan artefaktom te vjernim prikazom svakodnevnih društvenih zbivanja, kako onih na makro tako i onih na mikrorazini. Na tragu navedenoga cilj je rada analizirati može li se u ovoj minimalističkoj formi, kao što je bećarac iščitati pretpostavke o nadolazećim smjerovima dehumanizacije kao i očuvanja ljudskih sloboda i dostojanstva. Za tu svrhu u radu će se analizirati bećarci koji u sebi sadrže tematske okvire vezane uz aktualnu pandemiju uzrokovanu koronavirusom. Ključne riječi: bećarac, deseterac, distopijski narativ, analiza, pandemija CROATIAN BEĆARAC AS DYSTOPIAN NARRATIVE Apstract When analyzing different forms of correlation between utopian and dystopian narratives, several questions should be considered. One of the questions can be whether it is possible to look for utopian or especially dystopian elements within the framework of the minimalist form. Furthermore, another question that arises is whether this kind of analysis can be applied to the ten-verse couplet, which has a specific structure and content. Namely, it is, among other things, conditioned by an artifact and an accurate representation of everyday social events, both those on a macro level and a micro level. Considering this, the paper aims to analyze whether it is possible to read assumptions about the future directions of dehumanization as well as those about the preservation of human freedom and dignity in the minimalist form such as bećarac. For this purpose, the paper will analyze bećarac folk songs with thematic frameworks related to the current pandemic caused by the coronavirus.
Even though the tambura is not a native Croatian musical instrument, today it is considered as on... more Even though the tambura is not a native Croatian musical instrument, today it is considered as one of the traditional national treasures of Slavonia. Seeing how songs for the tambura represent a very dominant form of folk entertainment, and today they largely belong to popular culture, it seemed only appropriate to analyse these very songs because the tambura has always been an inescapable part of all social life domains of Slavonia. Therefore, this analysis will examine what the tambura means to both song authors and recipients, is it just a folk string instrument or much more? Seeing how through lyrics it often becomes a real personified narrator for the everyman, telling of many facets of his life in his name (and it does this as an excellent narrator would) it seemed appropriate to relate the tambura to a human being. To achieve this, the purpose of this paper is the realization of conceptual metaphor TAMBURA IS A HUMAN BEING. In the context of contemporary research of metaphor within cognitive linguistics as per the two-domain approach, cognitive-linguistic analysis will be employed to scrutinize the entities of target domain of tambura against the entities of the source domain of human being, colourful linguistic expressions will be highlighted, their prevalence will be explored and described, and it will be attempted to explore whether they dominate the corpus of conventional or innovative metaphor. The corpus researched in this paper is comprised of several Slavonian songs for the tambura from Slavonia, the Eastern part of Croatia.
Luka Lukić, a Croatian ethnographer, melograph and folklorist, created reliable records of cultur... more Luka Lukić, a Croatian ethnographer, melograph and folklorist, created reliable records of cultural heritage on the territory of Slavonia, between the late 19 th and mid 20 th century. During his 56-year-long career, he collected descriptions of life and customs of the inhabitants of Klakar and a wider Brod-Posavina area. His manuscripts contain over 10,000 pages. Although presented as a monograph, the manuscripts have not been sufficiently analysed in the context of psychology, sociology, politics, history, philology and other sciences. They contain folk chants, notes on social relationships, customs, beliefs, folk medicine, architecture, economy, the art of traditional clothing, folk songs, prayers, stories, short stories, incantations, fables, jokes and complex soldiers' poems which form the basis of the analysed corpus. As Lukić meticulously documented his materials and conveyed the atmosphere of his time, the soldiers' poems are an ideal indicator of a soldier's psychological microworld before and after WWI. It seems like the inhabitants of the Brod-Posavina region themselves speak through the poems honestly, as witnesses, about the events, feelings, and situations in the armed forces, and discipline and drills they had experienced before battles and during the war. They speak about relationships between the soldiers and their superiors, and soldiers' feelings and dissatisfaction caused by disrespect for human dignity. They mention fears, restlessness and uncertainty due to battles they were about to enter, and dissatisfaction with the relationships between them and their superiors. Soldiers' poems, therefore, speak for the first time about the main protagonists of WWI, from first-hand experience.
Univerzitetska misao, 2022
Analizirajući različite forme povezanosti distopije i utopijskih narativa, postavlja se nekoliko ... more Analizirajući različite forme povezanosti distopije i utopijskih narativa, postavlja se nekoliko pitanja, jedno od njih zasigurno je i ono mogu li se u okviru minimalističke vrste tražiti elementi utopijskog ili posebno distopijskog? Također, jedno od pitanja koje se nameće je i ono može li se ovakva analiza primijeniti na deseterački dvostih, koji ima specifičnu strukturu i sadržaj. Naime, on je između ostaloga, uvjetovan artefaktom te vjernim prikazom svakodnevnih društvenih zbivanja, kako onih na makro tako i onih na mikrorazini. Na tragu navedenoga cilj je rada analizirati može li se u ovoj minimalističkoj formi, kao što je bećarac iščitati pretpostavke o nadolazećim smjerovima dehumanizacije kao i očuvanja ljudskih sloboda i dostojanstva. Za tu svrhu u radu će se analizirati bećarci koji u sebi sadrže tematske okvire vezane uz aktualnu pandemiju uzrokovanu koronavirusom. Ključne riječi: bećarac, deseterac, distopijski narativ, analiza, pandemija CROATIAN BEĆARAC AS DYSTOPIAN NARRATIVE Apstract When analyzing different forms of correlation between utopian and dystopian narratives, several questions should be considered. One of the questions can be whether it is possible to look for utopian or especially dystopian elements within the framework of the minimalist form. Furthermore, another question that arises is whether this kind of analysis can be applied to the ten-verse couplet, which has a specific structure and content. Namely, it is, among other things, conditioned by an artifact and an accurate representation of everyday social events, both those on a macro level and a micro level. Considering this, the paper aims to analyze whether it is possible to read assumptions about the future directions of dehumanization as well as those about the preservation of human freedom and dignity in the minimalist form such as bećarac. For this purpose, the paper will analyze bećarac folk songs with thematic frameworks related to the current pandemic caused by the coronavirus.
Even though the tambura is not a native Croatian musical instrument, today it is considered as on... more Even though the tambura is not a native Croatian musical instrument, today it is considered as one of the traditional national treasures of Slavonia. Seeing how songs for the tambura represent a very dominant form of folk entertainment, and today they largely belong to popular culture, it seemed only appropriate to analyse these very songs because the tambura has always been an inescapable part of all social life domains of Slavonia. Therefore, this analysis will examine what the tambura means to both song authors and recipients, is it just a folk string instrument or much more? Seeing how through lyrics it often becomes a real personified narrator for the everyman, telling of many facets of his life in his name (and it does this as an excellent narrator would) it seemed appropriate to relate the tambura to a human being. To achieve this, the purpose of this paper is the realization of conceptual metaphor TAMBURA IS A HUMAN BEING. In the context of contemporary research of metaphor within cognitive linguistics as per the two-domain approach, cognitive-linguistic analysis will be employed to scrutinize the entities of target domain of tambura against the entities of the source domain of human being, colourful linguistic expressions will be highlighted, their prevalence will be explored and described, and it will be attempted to explore whether they dominate the corpus of conventional or innovative metaphor. The corpus researched in this paper is comprised of several Slavonian songs for the tambura from Slavonia, the Eastern part of Croatia.