ANDIS ZILANS - (original) (raw)
Letonica, 2022
Daudzviet Eiropā notiekot pilsētu sarukšanai, urbānās vides kvalitātei ir svarīga loma iedzīvotāj... more Daudzviet Eiropā notiekot pilsētu sarukšanai, urbānās vides kvalitātei ir svarīga loma iedzīvotāju piesaistei vietai. Šī raksta mērķis ir identificēt pilsētvides kvalitātes un pārvaldības aspektus, kas ir nozīmīgi, lai iedzīvotāji apkaimē “justos kā mājās”. Rīgas iedzīvotāji piecās pieostas apkaimēs kā (ne)patīkamākos aspektus tajās ir izcēluši dabas teritorijas, gaisa kvalitāti, sociālo atmosfēru un pakalpojumus, tie analizēti, izmantojot kopējo resursu pieeju. Rezultāti rāda, ka patīkamāko apkaimju aspektu – dabas teritoriju daudzumu potenciāli samazinās plānotā dzīvojamā un industriālā apbūve. Savukārt atšķirīgi vides kvalitātes normatīvi dzīvojamās un rūpnieciskās teritorijās izraisa pretrunas gaisa kā kopējā resursa pārvaldībā. Pētījums rāda, ka pilsētas attīstības politika ir kopējo resursu galvenais ietekmējošais faktors. Vienlaikus iedzīvotājiem kā kopējo resursu lietotājiem ir mazākas iespējas ietekmēt lēmumus nekā industriālās puses pārstāvjiem, un lēmumu pieņemšana par kopējiem resursiem nenotiek apkaimju līmenī. Atslēgvārdi: dabas teritorijas, gaisa kvalitāte, iedzīvotāji, pārvaldība, teritoriju plānošana, indikatori
7 - Ietvara programmas atbalsts jūras transporta pētījumiem. Apskats izklāstītas 7-Ietvara Progra... more 7 - Ietvara programmas atbalsts jūras transporta pētījumiem. Apskats izklāstītas 7-Ietvara Programmas pētniecības prioritātes kontekstā ar jūras transportu saistītiem pētniecības un attīstības projektu rezultātiem no pirmā uzsaukuma, kā arī veikts ieskats otrā uzsaukuma prioritātēs. Izvērsti parādot pirmā uzsaukuma statistiku un partnerības sadalījumu, tai skaitā Latvijas pētnieku partnerību jūras transporta sektorā. Veicot īsu apskatu šībrīža izsludinātajam otrajam projektu uzsaukumam ieskicējot īpatnības un budžeta sadalījumu
Atbalsta pasākumu diferencēšana bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā, pamatojoties uz agro-ekol... more Atbalsta pasākumu diferencēšana bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā, pamatojoties uz agro-ekoloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses sarežģītību un agrovides pasākumu īstenošanas sekmēm Eiropas Savienības Horizonts 2020 pētniecības un inovāciju programma Granta līgums NR 773901 Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un piena produkcijas un kultūraugu ražības samazināšanos. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pieņēmuši tās bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses, ko stimulē Eiropas Savienības KLP un valsts atbalsta maksājumi, kas kompensē produktivitātes un saimniecības ienākumu samazināšanos pārejas laikā.
How to produce environmentally sustainable and be profitable at the same time? → UNISECO approach... more How to produce environmentally sustainable and be profitable at the same time? → UNISECO approached this key dilemma with a focus on agro-ecological farming in the 15 case studies • from two different sides of the core dilemma: • Case studies with weak economic farm performance • Case studies with environmental issues (soil degradation, water pollution etc.) • from the perspective of various farm production types: livestock, arable, mixed, perennial systems across Europe 2 Main research focus 3 Governance Networks Type of practice (based on Wezel et al., 2014)
Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: www.uniseco-projec...[ more ](;)Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: This document was produced under the terms and conditions of Grant Agreement No. 773901 for the European Commission. It does not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union and in no way anticipates the Commission's future policy in this area. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This page is left blank deliberately. Annex-Deliverable 5.2 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. Annex-Deliverable 5.2 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. 4
Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz... more Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz zālājiem balstītas piensaimniecības pāriet no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi; tomēr ar to saistītais piena un kultūraugu ražas samazinājums par 25% ir šķērslis pārejai daudziem konvencionālajiem piensaimniekiem un nelabvēlīgi ietekmē bioloģisko piena saimniecību ekonomisko dzīvotspēju. Izprotot un uzlabojot agro-ekoloģiskās lauksaimniecības sistēmu ilgtspējību Eiropas Savienībā Eiropas Savienības Horizonts 2020 pētniecības un inovāciju programma Granta līgums NR 773901
Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: www.uniseco-projec...[ more ](;)Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: This document was produced under the terms and conditions of Grant Agreement No. 773901 for the European Commission. It does not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union and in no way anticipates the Commission's future policy in this area. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This page is left blank deliberately. Deliverable 5.2-Governance Networks supporting AEFS This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. 2
SummaryAgroecological transitions have the potential to deliver multiple environmental and social... more SummaryAgroecological transitions have the potential to deliver multiple environmental and social benefits. However socio‐economic barriers have prevented those transitions in many European contexts. This article aims to inform policymakers about policy instruments that can foster agroecological transitions in Europe, especially by removing key socio‐economic barriers. A multi‐step methodology was carried out over a two‐year period in 15 case studies across Europe. The case studies represent farming systems that are in the process of initiating or enhancing the transition. Data collection relied on a participatory process, involving a variety of transdisciplinary actors. Study findings identify three major themes of barriers to agroecological transitions, namely actor capacity, value chain and policy. To address these barriers, policy instruments should consider the farming system’s stage in the transition pathway to take account of the different priorities of local actors. At the s...
The overall aim of the UNISECO project is to provide recommendations on how the sustainability of... more The overall aim of the UNISECO project is to provide recommendations on how the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems (AEFS) in Europe can be promoted. These recommendations build upon multi-actor engagement and practice-validated strategies. The project explores both of these approaches in 15 case studies across Europe. Every case study reflects an AEFS at a certain point of transition towards agro-ecological farming systems. A first step in all of the case studies was to characterize the status quo of the farm systems. Along with other methods to describe the status quo, three decision support tools (DST) were applied in the case studies to provide information on the environmental, economic and social performance of current AEFS. The tools applied were COMPAS, an economic performance assessment tool, Cool Farm Tool, a greenhouse gas inventory tool, and SMART, a multidimensional sustainability tool. This deliverable presents the overall approach taken to assess the farm...
This database contains farm data (e.g. yields) and results (indicators) from assessments with the... more This database contains farm data (e.g. yields) and results (indicators) from assessments with the three decision support tools in the UNISECO case studies: SMART (, Cool Farm Tool ( and COMPAS ( This version (2.0) was developed as a benchmark for the assessment of exemplary cases of how the core dilemmas of agro-ecological transitions may be overcome at farm level and as an input to the modelling at territorial level in WP4. This database was created in the course of the H2020 project UNISECO. The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901.
Journal of Environmental Management, 2020
Excessive nutrient loadings into rivers are a well-known ecological problem. Implemented mitigati... more Excessive nutrient loadings into rivers are a well-known ecological problem. Implemented mitigation measures should ideally be cost-effective, but perfectly ranking alternative nutrient mitigation measures according to costeffectiveness is a difficult methodological challenge. Furthermore, a particularly practical challenge is that costeffective measures are not necessarily favoured by local stakeholders, and this may impede their successful implementation in practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures using a methodology that includes a participatory process and social learning to ensure their successful implementation. By combining cost data, hydrological modelling and a bottom-up approach for three different European catchment areas (the Latvian Berze, the Swedish Helge and the German Selke rivers), the costeffectiveness of 16 nutrient mitigation measures were analysed under current conditions as well as under selected scenarios for future climate and land-use changes. Fertiliser reduction, wetlands, contour ploughing and municipal wastewater treatment plants are the measures that remove nutrients with the highest costeffectiveness in the respective case study context. However, the results suggest that the cost-effectiveness of measures not only depends on their design, specific location and the conditions of the surrounding area, but is also affected by the future changes the area may be exposed to. Climate and land-use changes do not only affect the cost-effectiveness of measures, but also shape the overall nutrient loads and potential target levels in a catchment.
This report presents the results of the compilation of an up-to-date inventory of examples of mar... more This report presents the results of the compilation of an up-to-date inventory of examples of market and policy incentives, implemented at different levels (EU, non-EU, national and local), that serve to support transition processes towards Agro-Ecological Farming Systems (AEFS). Policy support has been widely criticised for its failure to facilitate comprehensive, long-term and integrated approaches such as agro-ecology. Consequently, it is recognized that there is a need to improve and develop a policy and economic framework within agricultural policies that supports and enables farmers to implement agro-ecological practices and, more broadly, that facilitates the transition towards AEFS. In the context of this report, transition pathways are analysed by considering the continuum from conventional to agro-ecological (food) systems.<br> The market and policy incentives were identified by case area partners through a review of national agricultural policies and databases and consultations with stakeholders with knowledge of relevant national, regional and local market and policy incentives. The examples of market and policies tools included in the inventory were selected according two main criteria: (i) their "innovativeness" of the approach to stimulating the adoption of (more) sustainable practices at farm level; (ii) their potential for enabling a transformation of the entire food system, through their involvement of a broad range of rural and value chain actors in the design and implementation of the tools. The relevance and "innovativeness" of the tools, and their potential to stimulate transition, were assessed by the researchers and through semi-structured interviews with selected stakeholders both at the EU and national levels.<br> A total of 69 examples of policy and market incentives from European countries were included in the inventory. Of these, a similar number are policy instruments (30) and market instruments (27), and fewer mixed initiatives involving a joint participation of public and private s [...]
Latvijā tipiskās bioloģiskās piena saimniecības ir mazas, ar zemu produktivitāti un pamatā tās ba... more Latvijā tipiskās bioloģiskās piena saimniecības ir mazas, ar zemu produktivitāti un pamatā tās balstās uz zālāju resursiem. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pārgājuši uz bioloģisko piena ražošanu, ko stimulē KLP atbalsts. 10% no piena saimniecībām un kopējā saražotā piena ir bioloģisks, bet tikai 44% bioloģiskā piena tiek pārstrādāti bioloģiskos piena produktos. Turpmāka pāreja ir atkarīga no bioloģisko piensaimnieku pozīciju nostiprināšanas nozares vērtības ķēdē un pieprasījuma pēc bioloģiskiem piena produktiem veicināšanas. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This p...
Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un... more Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un piena produkcijas un kultūraugu ražības samazināšanos. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pieņēmuši tās bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses, ko stimulē Eiropas Savienības KLP un valsts atbalsta maksājumi, kas kompensē produktivitātes un saimniecības ienākumu samazināšanos pārejas laikā. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents the views of the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it conta...
Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz... more Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz zālājiem balstītas piensaimniecības pāriešanu no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi; tomēr ar to saistītais piena un kultūraugu ražas samazinājums par 25% ir šķērslis pārejai daudziem konvencionālajiem piensaimniekiem un nelabvēlīgi ietekmē bioloģisko piena saimniecību ekonomisko<br> dzīvotspēju. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents the views of the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use t...
In Latvia typical organic dairy farms are small and grassland-based with low productivity. Dairy ... more In Latvia typical organic dairy farms are small and grassland-based with low productivity. Dairy farmers have readily transitioned to organic dairy farming practices incentivized by CAP support. Organic dairy farms account for 10% of dairy farms and milk production, but less than 50% of organic milk processed as an organic dairy product. Continued transition is contingent on strengthening the position of organic dairy farmers in the value chain and stimulating demand for organic dairy products. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents th...
Letonica, 2022
Daudzviet Eiropā notiekot pilsētu sarukšanai, urbānās vides kvalitātei ir svarīga loma iedzīvotāj... more Daudzviet Eiropā notiekot pilsētu sarukšanai, urbānās vides kvalitātei ir svarīga loma iedzīvotāju piesaistei vietai. Šī raksta mērķis ir identificēt pilsētvides kvalitātes un pārvaldības aspektus, kas ir nozīmīgi, lai iedzīvotāji apkaimē “justos kā mājās”. Rīgas iedzīvotāji piecās pieostas apkaimēs kā (ne)patīkamākos aspektus tajās ir izcēluši dabas teritorijas, gaisa kvalitāti, sociālo atmosfēru un pakalpojumus, tie analizēti, izmantojot kopējo resursu pieeju. Rezultāti rāda, ka patīkamāko apkaimju aspektu – dabas teritoriju daudzumu potenciāli samazinās plānotā dzīvojamā un industriālā apbūve. Savukārt atšķirīgi vides kvalitātes normatīvi dzīvojamās un rūpnieciskās teritorijās izraisa pretrunas gaisa kā kopējā resursa pārvaldībā. Pētījums rāda, ka pilsētas attīstības politika ir kopējo resursu galvenais ietekmējošais faktors. Vienlaikus iedzīvotājiem kā kopējo resursu lietotājiem ir mazākas iespējas ietekmēt lēmumus nekā industriālās puses pārstāvjiem, un lēmumu pieņemšana par kopējiem resursiem nenotiek apkaimju līmenī. Atslēgvārdi: dabas teritorijas, gaisa kvalitāte, iedzīvotāji, pārvaldība, teritoriju plānošana, indikatori
7 - Ietvara programmas atbalsts jūras transporta pētījumiem. Apskats izklāstītas 7-Ietvara Progra... more 7 - Ietvara programmas atbalsts jūras transporta pētījumiem. Apskats izklāstītas 7-Ietvara Programmas pētniecības prioritātes kontekstā ar jūras transportu saistītiem pētniecības un attīstības projektu rezultātiem no pirmā uzsaukuma, kā arī veikts ieskats otrā uzsaukuma prioritātēs. Izvērsti parādot pirmā uzsaukuma statistiku un partnerības sadalījumu, tai skaitā Latvijas pētnieku partnerību jūras transporta sektorā. Veicot īsu apskatu šībrīža izsludinātajam otrajam projektu uzsaukumam ieskicējot īpatnības un budžeta sadalījumu
Atbalsta pasākumu diferencēšana bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā, pamatojoties uz agro-ekol... more Atbalsta pasākumu diferencēšana bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā, pamatojoties uz agro-ekoloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses sarežģītību un agrovides pasākumu īstenošanas sekmēm Eiropas Savienības Horizonts 2020 pētniecības un inovāciju programma Granta līgums NR 773901 Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un piena produkcijas un kultūraugu ražības samazināšanos. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pieņēmuši tās bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses, ko stimulē Eiropas Savienības KLP un valsts atbalsta maksājumi, kas kompensē produktivitātes un saimniecības ienākumu samazināšanos pārejas laikā.
How to produce environmentally sustainable and be profitable at the same time? → UNISECO approach... more How to produce environmentally sustainable and be profitable at the same time? → UNISECO approached this key dilemma with a focus on agro-ecological farming in the 15 case studies • from two different sides of the core dilemma: • Case studies with weak economic farm performance • Case studies with environmental issues (soil degradation, water pollution etc.) • from the perspective of various farm production types: livestock, arable, mixed, perennial systems across Europe 2 Main research focus 3 Governance Networks Type of practice (based on Wezel et al., 2014)
Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: www.uniseco-projec...[ more ](;)Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: This document was produced under the terms and conditions of Grant Agreement No. 773901 for the European Commission. It does not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union and in no way anticipates the Commission's future policy in this area. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This page is left blank deliberately. Annex-Deliverable 5.2 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. Annex-Deliverable 5.2 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. 4
Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz... more Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz zālājiem balstītas piensaimniecības pāriet no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi; tomēr ar to saistītais piena un kultūraugu ražas samazinājums par 25% ir šķērslis pārejai daudziem konvencionālajiem piensaimniekiem un nelabvēlīgi ietekmē bioloģisko piena saimniecību ekonomisko dzīvotspēju. Izprotot un uzlabojot agro-ekoloģiskās lauksaimniecības sistēmu ilgtspējību Eiropas Savienībā Eiropas Savienības Horizonts 2020 pētniecības un inovāciju programma Granta līgums NR 773901
Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: www.uniseco-projec...[ more ](;)Socio-eco-economics-socio-economics in ecological approaches PROJECT WEB SITE: This document was produced under the terms and conditions of Grant Agreement No. 773901 for the European Commission. It does not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union and in no way anticipates the Commission's future policy in this area. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This page is left blank deliberately. Deliverable 5.2-Governance Networks supporting AEFS This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. 2
SummaryAgroecological transitions have the potential to deliver multiple environmental and social... more SummaryAgroecological transitions have the potential to deliver multiple environmental and social benefits. However socio‐economic barriers have prevented those transitions in many European contexts. This article aims to inform policymakers about policy instruments that can foster agroecological transitions in Europe, especially by removing key socio‐economic barriers. A multi‐step methodology was carried out over a two‐year period in 15 case studies across Europe. The case studies represent farming systems that are in the process of initiating or enhancing the transition. Data collection relied on a participatory process, involving a variety of transdisciplinary actors. Study findings identify three major themes of barriers to agroecological transitions, namely actor capacity, value chain and policy. To address these barriers, policy instruments should consider the farming system’s stage in the transition pathway to take account of the different priorities of local actors. At the s...
The overall aim of the UNISECO project is to provide recommendations on how the sustainability of... more The overall aim of the UNISECO project is to provide recommendations on how the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems (AEFS) in Europe can be promoted. These recommendations build upon multi-actor engagement and practice-validated strategies. The project explores both of these approaches in 15 case studies across Europe. Every case study reflects an AEFS at a certain point of transition towards agro-ecological farming systems. A first step in all of the case studies was to characterize the status quo of the farm systems. Along with other methods to describe the status quo, three decision support tools (DST) were applied in the case studies to provide information on the environmental, economic and social performance of current AEFS. The tools applied were COMPAS, an economic performance assessment tool, Cool Farm Tool, a greenhouse gas inventory tool, and SMART, a multidimensional sustainability tool. This deliverable presents the overall approach taken to assess the farm...
This database contains farm data (e.g. yields) and results (indicators) from assessments with the... more This database contains farm data (e.g. yields) and results (indicators) from assessments with the three decision support tools in the UNISECO case studies: SMART (, Cool Farm Tool ( and COMPAS ( This version (2.0) was developed as a benchmark for the assessment of exemplary cases of how the core dilemmas of agro-ecological transitions may be overcome at farm level and as an input to the modelling at territorial level in WP4. This database was created in the course of the H2020 project UNISECO. The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901.
Journal of Environmental Management, 2020
Excessive nutrient loadings into rivers are a well-known ecological problem. Implemented mitigati... more Excessive nutrient loadings into rivers are a well-known ecological problem. Implemented mitigation measures should ideally be cost-effective, but perfectly ranking alternative nutrient mitigation measures according to costeffectiveness is a difficult methodological challenge. Furthermore, a particularly practical challenge is that costeffective measures are not necessarily favoured by local stakeholders, and this may impede their successful implementation in practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures using a methodology that includes a participatory process and social learning to ensure their successful implementation. By combining cost data, hydrological modelling and a bottom-up approach for three different European catchment areas (the Latvian Berze, the Swedish Helge and the German Selke rivers), the costeffectiveness of 16 nutrient mitigation measures were analysed under current conditions as well as under selected scenarios for future climate and land-use changes. Fertiliser reduction, wetlands, contour ploughing and municipal wastewater treatment plants are the measures that remove nutrients with the highest costeffectiveness in the respective case study context. However, the results suggest that the cost-effectiveness of measures not only depends on their design, specific location and the conditions of the surrounding area, but is also affected by the future changes the area may be exposed to. Climate and land-use changes do not only affect the cost-effectiveness of measures, but also shape the overall nutrient loads and potential target levels in a catchment.
This report presents the results of the compilation of an up-to-date inventory of examples of mar... more This report presents the results of the compilation of an up-to-date inventory of examples of market and policy incentives, implemented at different levels (EU, non-EU, national and local), that serve to support transition processes towards Agro-Ecological Farming Systems (AEFS). Policy support has been widely criticised for its failure to facilitate comprehensive, long-term and integrated approaches such as agro-ecology. Consequently, it is recognized that there is a need to improve and develop a policy and economic framework within agricultural policies that supports and enables farmers to implement agro-ecological practices and, more broadly, that facilitates the transition towards AEFS. In the context of this report, transition pathways are analysed by considering the continuum from conventional to agro-ecological (food) systems.<br> The market and policy incentives were identified by case area partners through a review of national agricultural policies and databases and consultations with stakeholders with knowledge of relevant national, regional and local market and policy incentives. The examples of market and policies tools included in the inventory were selected according two main criteria: (i) their "innovativeness" of the approach to stimulating the adoption of (more) sustainable practices at farm level; (ii) their potential for enabling a transformation of the entire food system, through their involvement of a broad range of rural and value chain actors in the design and implementation of the tools. The relevance and "innovativeness" of the tools, and their potential to stimulate transition, were assessed by the researchers and through semi-structured interviews with selected stakeholders both at the EU and national levels.<br> A total of 69 examples of policy and market incentives from European countries were included in the inventory. Of these, a similar number are policy instruments (30) and market instruments (27), and fewer mixed initiatives involving a joint participation of public and private s [...]
Latvijā tipiskās bioloģiskās piena saimniecības ir mazas, ar zemu produktivitāti un pamatā tās ba... more Latvijā tipiskās bioloģiskās piena saimniecības ir mazas, ar zemu produktivitāti un pamatā tās balstās uz zālāju resursiem. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pārgājuši uz bioloģisko piena ražošanu, ko stimulē KLP atbalsts. 10% no piena saimniecībām un kopējā saražotā piena ir bioloģisks, bet tikai 44% bioloģiskā piena tiek pārstrādāti bioloģiskos piena produktos. Turpmāka pāreja ir atkarīga no bioloģisko piensaimnieku pozīciju nostiprināšanas nozares vērtības ķēdē un pieprasījuma pēc bioloģiskiem piena produktiem veicināšanas. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This p...
Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un... more Pāreja no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi ir saistīta ar papildu izmaksām un piena produkcijas un kultūraugu ražības samazināšanos. Piensaimnieki labprāt ir pieņēmuši tās bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības prakses, ko stimulē Eiropas Savienības KLP un valsts atbalsta maksājumi, kas kompensē produktivitātes un saimniecības ienākumu samazināšanos pārejas laikā. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents the views of the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it conta...
Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz... more Latvijā Eiropas Savienības KLP II pīlāra atbalsts bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai ir veicinājis uz zālājiem balstītas piensaimniecības pāriešanu no konvencionālās uz bioloģisko piena lopkopības praksi; tomēr ar to saistītais piena un kultūraugu ražas samazinājums par 25% ir šķērslis pārejai daudziem konvencionālajiem piensaimniekiem un nelabvēlīgi ietekmē bioloģisko piena saimniecību ekonomisko<br> dzīvotspēju. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents the views of the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use t...
In Latvia typical organic dairy farms are small and grassland-based with low productivity. Dairy ... more In Latvia typical organic dairy farms are small and grassland-based with low productivity. Dairy farmers have readily transitioned to organic dairy farming practices incentivized by CAP support. Organic dairy farms account for 10% of dairy farms and milk production, but less than 50% of organic milk processed as an organic dairy product. Continued transition is contingent on strengthening the position of organic dairy farmers in the value chain and stimulating demand for organic dairy products. "UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about about the project: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. This publication represents th...