Research paper thumbnail of Application of an Electronic Nose as a New Technology for Rapid Detection of Adulteration in Honey

Applied Sciences

This work demonstrates the application of an electronic nose (e-nose) for discrimination between ... more This work demonstrates the application of an electronic nose (e-nose) for discrimination between authentic and adulterated honey. The developed e-nose is based on electrodes covered with ionogel (ionic liquid + gelatin + Fe3O4 nanoparticle) films. Authentic and adulterated honey samples were submitted to e-nose analysis, and the capacity of the sensors for discrimination between authentic and adulterated honey was evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) based on average relative response data. From the PCA biplot, it was possible to note two well-defined clusters and no intersection was observed. To evaluate the relative response data as input for autonomous classification, different machine learning algorithms were evaluated, namely instance based (IBK), Kstar, Trees-J48 (J48), random forest (RF), multilayer perceptron (MLP), naive Bayes (NB), and sequential minimal optimization (SMO). Considering the average data, the highest accuracy was obtained for Kstar: 100% (k-fol...

Research paper thumbnail of Food handling in the domestic environment: an online questionnaire study with respondents from 24 of 26 Brazilian states

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science

Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food ... more Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food handling practices in the home environment. The questionnaire, containing questions about domestic behavior in terms of hygiene and food handling, was built and available through social media sites. Information about the participants’ profiles, their food pre-preparation, food preparation, and food post-preparation practices, and the occurrence of foodborne diseases (FBDs) was included in the questionnaire. A total of 701 responses were obtained. The interviewees included 78.31% female participants and 21.68% male participants, with an average age of 31.2 years. Nearly all (94.3%) had a complete or incomplete higher education. In the pre preparation stage, the participants evaluated the shelf life (97.28%) and storage temperature (44.79%) of the products while purchasing them. Regarding food handling practices, only a few participants washed the food packages before storing them (31.95%)...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação microbiológica de queijo minas padrão comercializado em Uberlândia e Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Products Commercialized in the Border Region of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay

Journal of Food Protection, 2022

The traffic in international animal products can become a public health hazard when legal import ... more The traffic in international animal products can become a public health hazard when legal import sanitary procedures are not followed. In Brazil, due to its extensive border area, the importation of animal products is a common practice in many areas, especially in Rio Grande do Sul, a state that borders Argentina and Uruguay. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of veterinary drug residues (antibiotics and antiparasitics) in animal products consumed in Rio Grande do Sul. The presence of residues of veterinary antibiotics and antiparasitics was assessed in 189 meat (beef, pork, and chicken), processed dairy, and meat product samples bought in Argentina (n = 90) and Uruguay (n = 99). Residues of these veterinary drugs were detected in 50 (26.45%) of the samples; 28 samples (14.81%) had antibiotic residues, and 22 samples (11.64%) had antiparasitic residues. Of the 50 positive samples, 40% (15 from Argentina and 5 from Uruguay) had residues above the maximum residue...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the microbiological quality of pattern minas cheese commercialized in Uberlândia and Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2021

Pattern minas cheese is a product developed with pasteurized milk, fermented with mesophilic cult... more Pattern minas cheese is a product developed with pasteurized milk, fermented with mesophilic cultures, and with the final addition of rennet. This cheese undergoes an artisanal maturation process and possesses a firm shell of yellowish color and striking and acidic flavor. Our study objective was to evaluate the microbiological quality of pattern minas cheese. We collected 40 samples from two micro regions (Uberlândia and Patos de Minas) of the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba mesor regions of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The microbiological test results were recorded as counts of enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, coliforms at 35°C, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp. In the Patos de Minas micro region, the results were 45%, 35%, 20%, and 20% higher than 103 CFU/g for the counts of enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, coliforms at 35°C, and Staphylococcus coagulase-positive, respectively. Five percent of the analyzed samples were positive for Salmonella spp....

Research paper thumbnail of Detection of adenovirus, rotavirus, and hepatitis E virus in meat cuts marketed in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

One Health, 2022

The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of adenovirus (AdV), rotavirus (RV), and he... more The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of adenovirus (AdV), rotavirus (RV), and hepatitis E virus (HEV) in beef, pork, and chicken meat cuts in retail trade in the city of Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil. A total of 131 meat products were collected (beef, n = 55; chicken, n = 47; pork, n = 29) from 18 commercial establishments (supermarkets, n = 7; butchers, n = 7; markets/grocery stores, n = 4). All samples were evaluated for AdV, RV, and HEV. The genomes of RV and AdV were identified in 29% (n = 38) and 5.34% (n = 7) of the samples, respectively. HEV was not identified in any of the samples. Chicken cuts had a higher frequency of AdV and RV isolates compared to beef and pork (P < 0.05). Among the categories of commercial establishments evaluated, all revealed at least one positive sample for AdV and RV; however, supermarkets showed a higher frequency of RV than others (P < 0.05). The genetic material of AdV and RV was identified simultaneously in 2.29% (n = 3) of samples from supermarkets (n = 2) and grocery stores (n = 1). This is the first report on detection of enteric viruses in meat cuts in the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and the presence of AdV and RV in these products may indicate flaws during the process of handling these foods, especially in places where commercialization provides important public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Manejo e Destinação Ambientalmente Adequados De Resíduos Da Suinocultura Revisão De Literatura

O cenario mundial aponta para o continuo crescimento do consumo de alimentos, o que desperta a co... more O cenario mundial aponta para o continuo crescimento do consumo de alimentos, o que desperta a consciencia coletiva para a necessidade de esforcos que visem o aumento da producao com reducao dos impactos ao meio ambiente. Os impactos dos residuos gerados na suinocultura podem ser minimizados pela adocao de sistemas de armazenamento e tratamento de dejetos, os quais incluem o uso de compostagem, biodigestores, esterqueiras, sistemas de decantacao e uso de lagoas anaerobias e aerobias, podendo a destinacao de cadaveres e carcacas em granjas, ser realizada atraves de compostagem, fossas anaerobias, incineracao e enterramento. De modo geral no Brasil, legislacoes ambientais estaduais diferenciam-se pelo grau de severidade e complexidade, sendo aprimoradas em regioes altamente produtivas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos considerar os impactos dos residuos gerados na producao suinicola, sendo esta, atualmente representante de uma expressiva atividade primaria desenvolvida pelo set...

Research paper thumbnail of Presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in lamb meat commercialized in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The aim of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of lamb meat sold in the city... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of lamb meat sold in the city of Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) by counting the indicator microorganisms and detecting pathogens such as Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Thirty-nine lamb meat samples were collected from 10 commercial establishments in Uruguaiana. The samples were subjected to counts of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms and enterobacteria, and to the detection of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, all following standard methods. The average counts of mesophilic microorganisms and enterobacteria were 6.08 log CFU/g (minimum 4.07 and max 6.87) and 4.73 log CFU/g (minimum 0 and max 5.88), respectively. For pathogens, L. monocytogenes was isolated from five samples (12.82%), with three samples in the same location. Only two samples (5.13%) were positive for Salmonella spp. The results demonstrated unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions because high counts of pathogens such as Salmo...

Research paper thumbnail of Principais causas de condenação de carcaças de frangos de corte em abatedouros sob inspeção federal no estado do Paraná, Brasil

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação Da Contaminação De Equipamentos, Utensílios e Mãos De Manipuladores De Um Serviço De Nutrição e Dietética

Archives of Veterinary Science, 2020

O Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética (SND) é o setor de um hospital responsável por desenvolver ativ... more O Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética (SND) é o setor de um hospital responsável por desenvolver atividades relacionadas à alimentação e nutrição de pacientes, acompanhantes e colaboradores. O cuidado com a segurança dos alimentos no ambiente hospitalar é de importância fundamental, uma vez que os alimentos preparados neste local serão direcionados, na maioria das vezes, a pacientes imunocomprometidos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de superfícies de trabalho, equipamentos, utensílios e mãos de manipuladores de um SND de um hospital público do Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Por meio de swab superficial, foram colhidas amostras de 101 superfícies, equipamentos e utensílios e de 46 mãos de manipuladores. As amostras foram submetidas às contagens de micro-organismos mesófilos, coliformes e Escherichia coli e nas mãos de manipuladores realizou-se também a contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Foi observado que 51,4% das superfícies...

Research paper thumbnail of Laminite Crônica em Equino: Relato de Caso


A laminite crônica é uma enfermidade que se caracteriza pela inflamação das lâminas do casco, ten... more A laminite crônica é uma enfermidade que se caracteriza pela inflamação das lâminas do casco, tendo como consequência a degeneração das lâminas sensitivas primárias e secundárias, o que resulta na rotação ou afundamento da falange distal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar o caso de um equino, da raça quarto de milha, macho, com quatro anos de idade, utilizado para o esporte de laço comprido, o qual apresentava sinais de claudicação e dor, o animal alternava várias vezes os membros para descanso, e ocasionalmente deitava. Durante o exame específico do sistema locomotor se constatou nos membros anteriores dor ao teste utilizando a pinça de casco na região da pinça, aumento da temperatura do casco, presença de pulso e relutância ao se movimentar. O diagnóstico foi realizado mediante anamnese, sinais clínicos e confirmado através da radiografia. O tratamento instituído foi eficaz e com melhora satisfatória dos sinais clínicos apresentados. Palavras-chave: Casco. Inflamação. Lâ...

Research paper thumbnail of A influência da pasteurização nos parâmetros físico-químicos do leite humano

Research paper thumbnail of Application of an Electronic Nose as a New Technology for Rapid Detection of Adulteration in Honey

Applied Sciences

This work demonstrates the application of an electronic nose (e-nose) for discrimination between ... more This work demonstrates the application of an electronic nose (e-nose) for discrimination between authentic and adulterated honey. The developed e-nose is based on electrodes covered with ionogel (ionic liquid + gelatin + Fe3O4 nanoparticle) films. Authentic and adulterated honey samples were submitted to e-nose analysis, and the capacity of the sensors for discrimination between authentic and adulterated honey was evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) based on average relative response data. From the PCA biplot, it was possible to note two well-defined clusters and no intersection was observed. To evaluate the relative response data as input for autonomous classification, different machine learning algorithms were evaluated, namely instance based (IBK), Kstar, Trees-J48 (J48), random forest (RF), multilayer perceptron (MLP), naive Bayes (NB), and sequential minimal optimization (SMO). Considering the average data, the highest accuracy was obtained for Kstar: 100% (k-fol...

Research paper thumbnail of Food handling in the domestic environment: an online questionnaire study with respondents from 24 of 26 Brazilian states

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science

Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food ... more Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food handling practices in the home environment. The questionnaire, containing questions about domestic behavior in terms of hygiene and food handling, was built and available through social media sites. Information about the participants’ profiles, their food pre-preparation, food preparation, and food post-preparation practices, and the occurrence of foodborne diseases (FBDs) was included in the questionnaire. A total of 701 responses were obtained. The interviewees included 78.31% female participants and 21.68% male participants, with an average age of 31.2 years. Nearly all (94.3%) had a complete or incomplete higher education. In the pre preparation stage, the participants evaluated the shelf life (97.28%) and storage temperature (44.79%) of the products while purchasing them. Regarding food handling practices, only a few participants washed the food packages before storing them (31.95%)...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação microbiológica de queijo minas padrão comercializado em Uberlândia e Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Products Commercialized in the Border Region of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay

Journal of Food Protection, 2022

The traffic in international animal products can become a public health hazard when legal import ... more The traffic in international animal products can become a public health hazard when legal import sanitary procedures are not followed. In Brazil, due to its extensive border area, the importation of animal products is a common practice in many areas, especially in Rio Grande do Sul, a state that borders Argentina and Uruguay. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of veterinary drug residues (antibiotics and antiparasitics) in animal products consumed in Rio Grande do Sul. The presence of residues of veterinary antibiotics and antiparasitics was assessed in 189 meat (beef, pork, and chicken), processed dairy, and meat product samples bought in Argentina (n = 90) and Uruguay (n = 99). Residues of these veterinary drugs were detected in 50 (26.45%) of the samples; 28 samples (14.81%) had antibiotic residues, and 22 samples (11.64%) had antiparasitic residues. Of the 50 positive samples, 40% (15 from Argentina and 5 from Uruguay) had residues above the maximum residue...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of the microbiological quality of pattern minas cheese commercialized in Uberlândia and Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2021

Pattern minas cheese is a product developed with pasteurized milk, fermented with mesophilic cult... more Pattern minas cheese is a product developed with pasteurized milk, fermented with mesophilic cultures, and with the final addition of rennet. This cheese undergoes an artisanal maturation process and possesses a firm shell of yellowish color and striking and acidic flavor. Our study objective was to evaluate the microbiological quality of pattern minas cheese. We collected 40 samples from two micro regions (Uberlândia and Patos de Minas) of the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba mesor regions of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The microbiological test results were recorded as counts of enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, coliforms at 35°C, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp. In the Patos de Minas micro region, the results were 45%, 35%, 20%, and 20% higher than 103 CFU/g for the counts of enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, coliforms at 35°C, and Staphylococcus coagulase-positive, respectively. Five percent of the analyzed samples were positive for Salmonella spp....

Research paper thumbnail of Detection of adenovirus, rotavirus, and hepatitis E virus in meat cuts marketed in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

One Health, 2022

The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of adenovirus (AdV), rotavirus (RV), and he... more The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of adenovirus (AdV), rotavirus (RV), and hepatitis E virus (HEV) in beef, pork, and chicken meat cuts in retail trade in the city of Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil. A total of 131 meat products were collected (beef, n = 55; chicken, n = 47; pork, n = 29) from 18 commercial establishments (supermarkets, n = 7; butchers, n = 7; markets/grocery stores, n = 4). All samples were evaluated for AdV, RV, and HEV. The genomes of RV and AdV were identified in 29% (n = 38) and 5.34% (n = 7) of the samples, respectively. HEV was not identified in any of the samples. Chicken cuts had a higher frequency of AdV and RV isolates compared to beef and pork (P < 0.05). Among the categories of commercial establishments evaluated, all revealed at least one positive sample for AdV and RV; however, supermarkets showed a higher frequency of RV than others (P < 0.05). The genetic material of AdV and RV was identified simultaneously in 2.29% (n = 3) of samples from supermarkets (n = 2) and grocery stores (n = 1). This is the first report on detection of enteric viruses in meat cuts in the western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and the presence of AdV and RV in these products may indicate flaws during the process of handling these foods, especially in places where commercialization provides important public health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Manejo e Destinação Ambientalmente Adequados De Resíduos Da Suinocultura Revisão De Literatura

O cenario mundial aponta para o continuo crescimento do consumo de alimentos, o que desperta a co... more O cenario mundial aponta para o continuo crescimento do consumo de alimentos, o que desperta a consciencia coletiva para a necessidade de esforcos que visem o aumento da producao com reducao dos impactos ao meio ambiente. Os impactos dos residuos gerados na suinocultura podem ser minimizados pela adocao de sistemas de armazenamento e tratamento de dejetos, os quais incluem o uso de compostagem, biodigestores, esterqueiras, sistemas de decantacao e uso de lagoas anaerobias e aerobias, podendo a destinacao de cadaveres e carcacas em granjas, ser realizada atraves de compostagem, fossas anaerobias, incineracao e enterramento. De modo geral no Brasil, legislacoes ambientais estaduais diferenciam-se pelo grau de severidade e complexidade, sendo aprimoradas em regioes altamente produtivas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos considerar os impactos dos residuos gerados na producao suinicola, sendo esta, atualmente representante de uma expressiva atividade primaria desenvolvida pelo set...

Research paper thumbnail of Presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in lamb meat commercialized in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The aim of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of lamb meat sold in the city... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of lamb meat sold in the city of Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) by counting the indicator microorganisms and detecting pathogens such as Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Thirty-nine lamb meat samples were collected from 10 commercial establishments in Uruguaiana. The samples were subjected to counts of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms and enterobacteria, and to the detection of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, all following standard methods. The average counts of mesophilic microorganisms and enterobacteria were 6.08 log CFU/g (minimum 4.07 and max 6.87) and 4.73 log CFU/g (minimum 0 and max 5.88), respectively. For pathogens, L. monocytogenes was isolated from five samples (12.82%), with three samples in the same location. Only two samples (5.13%) were positive for Salmonella spp. The results demonstrated unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions because high counts of pathogens such as Salmo...

Research paper thumbnail of Principais causas de condenação de carcaças de frangos de corte em abatedouros sob inspeção federal no estado do Paraná, Brasil

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação Da Contaminação De Equipamentos, Utensílios e Mãos De Manipuladores De Um Serviço De Nutrição e Dietética

Archives of Veterinary Science, 2020

O Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética (SND) é o setor de um hospital responsável por desenvolver ativ... more O Serviço de Nutrição e Dietética (SND) é o setor de um hospital responsável por desenvolver atividades relacionadas à alimentação e nutrição de pacientes, acompanhantes e colaboradores. O cuidado com a segurança dos alimentos no ambiente hospitalar é de importância fundamental, uma vez que os alimentos preparados neste local serão direcionados, na maioria das vezes, a pacientes imunocomprometidos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de superfícies de trabalho, equipamentos, utensílios e mãos de manipuladores de um SND de um hospital público do Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Por meio de swab superficial, foram colhidas amostras de 101 superfícies, equipamentos e utensílios e de 46 mãos de manipuladores. As amostras foram submetidas às contagens de micro-organismos mesófilos, coliformes e Escherichia coli e nas mãos de manipuladores realizou-se também a contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Foi observado que 51,4% das superfícies...

Research paper thumbnail of Laminite Crônica em Equino: Relato de Caso


A laminite crônica é uma enfermidade que se caracteriza pela inflamação das lâminas do casco, ten... more A laminite crônica é uma enfermidade que se caracteriza pela inflamação das lâminas do casco, tendo como consequência a degeneração das lâminas sensitivas primárias e secundárias, o que resulta na rotação ou afundamento da falange distal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar o caso de um equino, da raça quarto de milha, macho, com quatro anos de idade, utilizado para o esporte de laço comprido, o qual apresentava sinais de claudicação e dor, o animal alternava várias vezes os membros para descanso, e ocasionalmente deitava. Durante o exame específico do sistema locomotor se constatou nos membros anteriores dor ao teste utilizando a pinça de casco na região da pinça, aumento da temperatura do casco, presença de pulso e relutância ao se movimentar. O diagnóstico foi realizado mediante anamnese, sinais clínicos e confirmado através da radiografia. O tratamento instituído foi eficaz e com melhora satisfatória dos sinais clínicos apresentados. Palavras-chave: Casco. Inflamação. Lâ...

Research paper thumbnail of A influência da pasteurização nos parâmetros físico-químicos do leite humano