ASTRI GHINA - (original) (raw)
International Journal of Education and Practice
Entrepreneurship has become an important issue in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia... more Entrepreneurship has become an important issue in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia. For examples the high status towards entrepreneurs valued 81.4% in Indonesia, while entrepreneurship is a good career choice valued 74.4%. Becoming an entrepreneur is a popular career choice in Indonesia. It is possible because as one of efficiency-driven economies in Asia, most entrepreneurs operate in wholesale/retail industry where it is generally easier to enter as it only requires lower skills level and present fewer barriers (Kelley et al., 2016). In contrast with the innovation driven countries (the western countries), most of the entrepreneurs engaged in the ICT/Finance or the professional services activities which indicating a higher skill levels. There's the skills gap that needed to be enhanced through education entrepreneurship. Matlay (2008) showed that most students have improved both their general business knowledge and specific entrepreneurial skills after receiving entrepreneurship education program.
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM)
. Technology-based startup plays a vital role in improving the Indonesian economy. There are thou... more . Technology-based startup plays a vital role in improving the Indonesian economy. There are thousands of units of technology-based startups, though most of them are not adequately sustainable. The inadequacy is attributed to the fact that the products or services created are not in line with market needs and do not help understand business processes. Universities play an essential role in developing startups through business incubators to compete in the digital age. There is no conducive learning environment for business incubators in Indonesia, though the national standards are used. This research evaluates the learning process in a Technology Business Incubator in Bandung University using case study methods. Data is collected by performing in-depth interviews with three incubator managers and seven startup founders or tenants who have completed the incubation process. The business industry consists of education, design, printing, and fishery, while thehe interviews cover the process before, during, and after incubation, including the tenant's selection criteria and stages, learning processes in incubators and facilities, after graduation programs, and measurement of the impacts. The results show that the practices fit the ideal conditions, including training-focused and knowledge sharing session programs or skills, knowledge provisions, and expertise improvement programs for tenants, rental system facilities for graduates, and commercialization support. Furthermore, there are opportunities to improve several aspects, including developing tenant admission selection criteria, effective learning approaches, coaching, networking, and broader funding, graduation criteria, monitoring for graduates, and a more comprehensive range of impact measurement. This research helps guide business incubators to prioritize developing aspects of services. Moreover, evaluation using the mixed method is open for further investigation. Keywords: Business incubator, pre-incubation, main incubation, post-incubation, startup, learning evaluation
PARTY PARTNER berlokasi di kota Bandung merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang menjual berbagai perala... more PARTY PARTNER berlokasi di kota Bandung merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang menjual berbagai peralatan dan perlengkapan pesta, baik itu pesta perayaan ulang tahun, pernikahan, anniversary, bridal shower, wisuda, dan perayaan pesta-pesta lainnya. Bermula memasarkan produknya melalui media online yaitu jejaring sosial Instagram. Seiring berjalannya waktu PARTY PARTNER tidak hanya terfokus pada penjualan online, PARTY PARTNER mencoba penjualan secara offline. Penelitian ini menganalisa lingkungan internal dan external dan bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran jasa baru aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan PARTY PARTNER dan mengetahui tahapan implementasi pengembangan jasa baru aplikasi yang akan dikembangan PARTY PARTNER. Penelian ini termasuk dalam penelitian deskritif dengan pendekatan secara kualitatif dan tekniknya dengan triangulasi sumber, pengumpulan datannya dengan cara mewawancara kepada sumber yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil analisa terhadap pengembangan jasa baru di PARTY PARTNER yai...
Desa Cipacing merupakan pusat industri untuk wilayah Jatinangor. Berbagai kerajinan dihasilkan ol... more Desa Cipacing merupakan pusat industri untuk wilayah Jatinangor. Berbagai kerajinan dihasilkan oleh para industri kreatif di Cipacing, salah satunya pengrajin kursi sofa. Pengrajin kursi sofa Cipacing, Jatinangor sudah ada sejak tahun 1987. Beberapa produk kursi sofa Cipacing telah memenuhi pemasaran ke daerah Bandung, Jombang, hingga luar pulau Jawa. Lokasi Cipacing yang berada di jalur arteri provinsi menjadi sebuah potensi untuk dikenal masyarakat terutama dalam kondisi-kondisi tertentu seperti pada saat libur panjang. Selain itu berdirinya empat pusat pendidikan ternama di Indonesia di wilayah Jatinangor mendatangkan banyak peluang untuk meningkatkan produksi dan kemampuan tenaga kerja pengrajin. Namun keberadaan pengrajin kursi sofa Cipacing ini tidak begitu dikenal oleh masyarakat dan kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah daerah setempat. Selain itu keterbatasan kemampuan sumber daya manusia, keterbatasan modal, dan sistem pemasaran yang masih secara tradisional menyebabka...
International Journal of Science and Society
The performance of a college is very dependent on the performance of its employees. Therefore, Te... more The performance of a college is very dependent on the performance of its employees. Therefore, Telkom University must pay attention to the factors that affect the performance of its employees, including organizational culture and employee engagement. This study aims to determine how the organizational culture at Telkom University, how Employee engagement and employee performance at Telkom University, and to test and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance. The population in this study was 1247 permanent employees at Telkom University, obtained based on data from the Telkom University HR Directorate as of August 2020, the sampling technique used was Proportional Stratified Random Sampling by taking representatives from the Faculties and Directorates. Calculated using the Slovin formula, in order to obtain the number of respondents as many as 303 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for ...
Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as influencing the establishment of new bus... more Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as influencing the establishment of new businesses. Previous literature on the subject has reviewed the evaluation of entrepreneurship education within higher education institutions. However, the results of such reviews are unsystematic. Most literature focuses on main elements of entrepreneurship education consisting of courses, teaching methods, university facilities, and methods of measurement. This chapter proposes a systematic framework for promoting effective learning in entrepreneurship education within higher education institutions as a means of developing successful entrepreneurs.
Kondisi persaingan jasa laundry di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung semakin tinggi. Green Laundry m... more Kondisi persaingan jasa laundry di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung semakin tinggi. Green Laundry merupakan salah satu jasa laundry yang berada di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung. Semakin tingginya tingkat persaingan dan pangsa pasar yang semakin tumbuh membuat Green Laundry harus melakukan strategi untuk memenangkan persaingan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan menjangkau konsumen baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Kemudian analisisnya menggunakan Business Model Canvas yang setiap building block juga dianalisis dengan SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, diperoleh gambaran Sembilan blok bangunan Business Model Canvas saat ini dari Green Laundry. Evaluasi dari hasil kuesioner yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT menunjukan bahwa Green Laundry memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan. Selain itu, memiliki peluang rata – rata tinggi dan memiliki ancaman yang perlu dihadapi. Dari hasil evaluasi dengan anal...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembelajaran Pengembangan Usaha pada p... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembelajaran Pengembangan Usaha pada program studi Manajemen Bisinis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (MBTI) tahun ajaran 2016 Universitas Telkom. Penelitian ini melibatkan berbagai aspek seperti rencana pembelajaran semester (RPS), kompetensi kewirausahaan, dan pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Analisis kesenjangan digunakan untuk melihat kesenjangan antara persepsi (kurikulum) serta harapan (mahasiswa) dan dilakukan dengan menganalisis kompetensi kewirausahaan dari penurunan rencana pembelajaran semester (RPS) terhadap mahasiswa. Metode pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 105 responden (mahasiswa). Kuesioner yang dipakai memiliki beberapa pernyataan dengan skala likert 7 titik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-probability dengan convience sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan berada da...
GO-JEK is one of the companies that offer motorcycle taxi transportation services that integrate ... more GO-JEK is one of the companies that offer motorcycle taxi transportation services that integrate with technology, by using booking taxis-based applications. As a pioneer in these business, GO-JEK get a good response from consumers and drivers. The systems that offered by GO-JEK attract many of drivers. GO-JEK driver number increased drastically from January 2015 through June 2015 with a total of nearly 11,000. With the rise in the highest driver occurs from April to May, with the increase in 2750. The increase in the number of drivers coupled with a high number of followers emerged that offer similar services at cheaper rates led to increased competition among the drivers. Therefore GO-JEK needs to make innovations in every aspect of its business. The purpose of this study is to Identify the Four Dimension Implementation Innovation by Joe Tidd in bussiness GO-JEK Namely Product Innovation, Process Innovation, Position innovation, Paradigm innovation. The method used is descriptive q...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kompetensi kewirausahaan yan dimiliki oleh mahasi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kompetensi kewirausahaan yan dimiliki oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen di Universitas Kristen Maranatha angkatan 2013 dengan variabel yang meliputi : identify and evaluate business opportunity, identify and solving problems, decision making, networking, communication, dan innovate thinking. Teknik pengambilan data adalah dengan wawancara secara mendalam, observasi, dan pengumpulan data secara sekunder. Fenomena dalam penelitian ini dieskplorasi dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil analisis dampak proses pembelajaran kewirausahaan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kompetensi kewirausahaan yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa memiliki level kompetensi yang berbeda – beda. Hal tersebut mengindikasi bahwa pengalaman berwirausaha sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kompetensi kewirausahaan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan evaluasi terhadap metode pengajaran kewirausahaan di perguruan tinggi khususnya di Manajemen Universitas Kristen Maran...
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2017
Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as having an important and positive impact ... more Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as having an important and positive impact on the launching of new commercial ventures. Although numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of university level entrepreneurship education, the results have been largely varied. Most studies focus on an inappropriately-designed systematic approach to entrepreneurship education that incorporates curricula, specific pedagogy, and institutional support and, to a limited extent, psychological assessment. Consequently, such research focuses on evaluating the level of entrepreneurship education’s effectiveness through the application of a more systematic framework and relating this to a set of competencies expected on the part of graduates. The expectation that most aspects of entrepreneurship education contained in the framework will prove effective leads all graduates’ demonstrable competencies to be deemed of a high standard. The study reported here, seeks to pr...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICoSMI 2020, 14-16 September 2020, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICoSMI 2020, 14-16 September 2020, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Tourism has become a leading sector in Indonesia. However, developing tourist destination still b... more Tourism has become a leading sector in Indonesia. However, developing tourist destination still becomes a problem, especially to maximize tourist satisfaction. To develop the tourist destination is necessary to evaluate the performance of competitive destination's attributes to provide high-quality tourism, thus will maximize tourist satisfaction. The research aims to measure tourist satisfaction based on its non-linear effect of destination attributes from user-generated content to provide credible information. Penalty-Reward Contrast Analysis and Kano Model were used to analyze the performance of destination attributes and measure tourist satisfaction. The research found that customized service and quality of shopping were destination attributes with the excitementlow performance will not affect tourist satisfaction. Furthermore, destination management with the performance category and low performing, as the determining factor of the rate of tourist satisfaction. The research is to function as an evaluation for taking an integrative approach as a reference for the development of tourist destinations.
There are thousands of digital-based startups in Indonesia, but only a few have sustainable busin... more There are thousands of digital-based startups in Indonesia, but only a few have sustainable business development. One of the reasons is the products created by startups are not under market needs. Fashion is one of the potential startups to develop in the digital age because it is the second-largest subsector that contributes to the Indonesian economy. In fashion, especially in customized clothing, business participants' main obstacle is low competitiveness against those who own a branded business. This situation is indicated by dissatisfaction with the quality of the service, which resulted in unfaithful users. This research aims to explore the interaction between custom clothing businesses and their users so that the concerns coming from both parties can be used as the basis for creating digital-based solutions. This research focused on exploring the interaction between tailors and sewing service users using a design thinking approach. The qualitative method is used in this re...
Jurnal Mitra Manajemen
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat tingkat kesenjangan harapan mahasiswa dengan persepsi ma... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat tingkat kesenjangan harapan mahasiswa dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan kurikulum kewirausahaan yang berdampak pada pengukuran kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa MBTI 2015 yang sudah menyelesaikan proses pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Hasil dari penelitian akan menjadi umpan balik untuk prodi MBTI. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 231 mahasiswa/responden. Kuesioner yang digunakan memiliki beberapa pernyataan dengan skala likert 7 titik. Teknik pada penelitian ini adalah teknik non-probability dengan convience sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran pendidikan kewirausahaan berada dalam kategori tinggi, yaitu sebesar 78%, ini menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa setuju memiliki kompetensi tersebut walapun terjadi kesenjangan pada kurikulum pendidikan kewirausahaan yaitu sebesar -0,370. Setiap d...
International Journal of Education and Practice
Entrepreneurship has become an important issue in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia... more Entrepreneurship has become an important issue in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia. For examples the high status towards entrepreneurs valued 81.4% in Indonesia, while entrepreneurship is a good career choice valued 74.4%. Becoming an entrepreneur is a popular career choice in Indonesia. It is possible because as one of efficiency-driven economies in Asia, most entrepreneurs operate in wholesale/retail industry where it is generally easier to enter as it only requires lower skills level and present fewer barriers (Kelley et al., 2016). In contrast with the innovation driven countries (the western countries), most of the entrepreneurs engaged in the ICT/Finance or the professional services activities which indicating a higher skill levels. There's the skills gap that needed to be enhanced through education entrepreneurship. Matlay (2008) showed that most students have improved both their general business knowledge and specific entrepreneurial skills after receiving entrepreneurship education program.
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM)
. Technology-based startup plays a vital role in improving the Indonesian economy. There are thou... more . Technology-based startup plays a vital role in improving the Indonesian economy. There are thousands of units of technology-based startups, though most of them are not adequately sustainable. The inadequacy is attributed to the fact that the products or services created are not in line with market needs and do not help understand business processes. Universities play an essential role in developing startups through business incubators to compete in the digital age. There is no conducive learning environment for business incubators in Indonesia, though the national standards are used. This research evaluates the learning process in a Technology Business Incubator in Bandung University using case study methods. Data is collected by performing in-depth interviews with three incubator managers and seven startup founders or tenants who have completed the incubation process. The business industry consists of education, design, printing, and fishery, while thehe interviews cover the process before, during, and after incubation, including the tenant's selection criteria and stages, learning processes in incubators and facilities, after graduation programs, and measurement of the impacts. The results show that the practices fit the ideal conditions, including training-focused and knowledge sharing session programs or skills, knowledge provisions, and expertise improvement programs for tenants, rental system facilities for graduates, and commercialization support. Furthermore, there are opportunities to improve several aspects, including developing tenant admission selection criteria, effective learning approaches, coaching, networking, and broader funding, graduation criteria, monitoring for graduates, and a more comprehensive range of impact measurement. This research helps guide business incubators to prioritize developing aspects of services. Moreover, evaluation using the mixed method is open for further investigation. Keywords: Business incubator, pre-incubation, main incubation, post-incubation, startup, learning evaluation
PARTY PARTNER berlokasi di kota Bandung merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang menjual berbagai perala... more PARTY PARTNER berlokasi di kota Bandung merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang menjual berbagai peralatan dan perlengkapan pesta, baik itu pesta perayaan ulang tahun, pernikahan, anniversary, bridal shower, wisuda, dan perayaan pesta-pesta lainnya. Bermula memasarkan produknya melalui media online yaitu jejaring sosial Instagram. Seiring berjalannya waktu PARTY PARTNER tidak hanya terfokus pada penjualan online, PARTY PARTNER mencoba penjualan secara offline. Penelitian ini menganalisa lingkungan internal dan external dan bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran jasa baru aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan PARTY PARTNER dan mengetahui tahapan implementasi pengembangan jasa baru aplikasi yang akan dikembangan PARTY PARTNER. Penelian ini termasuk dalam penelitian deskritif dengan pendekatan secara kualitatif dan tekniknya dengan triangulasi sumber, pengumpulan datannya dengan cara mewawancara kepada sumber yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil analisa terhadap pengembangan jasa baru di PARTY PARTNER yai...
Desa Cipacing merupakan pusat industri untuk wilayah Jatinangor. Berbagai kerajinan dihasilkan ol... more Desa Cipacing merupakan pusat industri untuk wilayah Jatinangor. Berbagai kerajinan dihasilkan oleh para industri kreatif di Cipacing, salah satunya pengrajin kursi sofa. Pengrajin kursi sofa Cipacing, Jatinangor sudah ada sejak tahun 1987. Beberapa produk kursi sofa Cipacing telah memenuhi pemasaran ke daerah Bandung, Jombang, hingga luar pulau Jawa. Lokasi Cipacing yang berada di jalur arteri provinsi menjadi sebuah potensi untuk dikenal masyarakat terutama dalam kondisi-kondisi tertentu seperti pada saat libur panjang. Selain itu berdirinya empat pusat pendidikan ternama di Indonesia di wilayah Jatinangor mendatangkan banyak peluang untuk meningkatkan produksi dan kemampuan tenaga kerja pengrajin. Namun keberadaan pengrajin kursi sofa Cipacing ini tidak begitu dikenal oleh masyarakat dan kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah daerah setempat. Selain itu keterbatasan kemampuan sumber daya manusia, keterbatasan modal, dan sistem pemasaran yang masih secara tradisional menyebabka...
International Journal of Science and Society
The performance of a college is very dependent on the performance of its employees. Therefore, Te... more The performance of a college is very dependent on the performance of its employees. Therefore, Telkom University must pay attention to the factors that affect the performance of its employees, including organizational culture and employee engagement. This study aims to determine how the organizational culture at Telkom University, how Employee engagement and employee performance at Telkom University, and to test and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance. The population in this study was 1247 permanent employees at Telkom University, obtained based on data from the Telkom University HR Directorate as of August 2020, the sampling technique used was Proportional Stratified Random Sampling by taking representatives from the Faculties and Directorates. Calculated using the Slovin formula, in order to obtain the number of respondents as many as 303 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for ...
Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as influencing the establishment of new bus... more Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as influencing the establishment of new businesses. Previous literature on the subject has reviewed the evaluation of entrepreneurship education within higher education institutions. However, the results of such reviews are unsystematic. Most literature focuses on main elements of entrepreneurship education consisting of courses, teaching methods, university facilities, and methods of measurement. This chapter proposes a systematic framework for promoting effective learning in entrepreneurship education within higher education institutions as a means of developing successful entrepreneurs.
Kondisi persaingan jasa laundry di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung semakin tinggi. Green Laundry m... more Kondisi persaingan jasa laundry di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung semakin tinggi. Green Laundry merupakan salah satu jasa laundry yang berada di wilayah Sekelimus Kota Bandung. Semakin tingginya tingkat persaingan dan pangsa pasar yang semakin tumbuh membuat Green Laundry harus melakukan strategi untuk memenangkan persaingan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan menjangkau konsumen baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Kemudian analisisnya menggunakan Business Model Canvas yang setiap building block juga dianalisis dengan SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, diperoleh gambaran Sembilan blok bangunan Business Model Canvas saat ini dari Green Laundry. Evaluasi dari hasil kuesioner yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT menunjukan bahwa Green Laundry memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan. Selain itu, memiliki peluang rata – rata tinggi dan memiliki ancaman yang perlu dihadapi. Dari hasil evaluasi dengan anal...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembelajaran Pengembangan Usaha pada p... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembelajaran Pengembangan Usaha pada program studi Manajemen Bisinis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (MBTI) tahun ajaran 2016 Universitas Telkom. Penelitian ini melibatkan berbagai aspek seperti rencana pembelajaran semester (RPS), kompetensi kewirausahaan, dan pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Analisis kesenjangan digunakan untuk melihat kesenjangan antara persepsi (kurikulum) serta harapan (mahasiswa) dan dilakukan dengan menganalisis kompetensi kewirausahaan dari penurunan rencana pembelajaran semester (RPS) terhadap mahasiswa. Metode pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 105 responden (mahasiswa). Kuesioner yang dipakai memiliki beberapa pernyataan dengan skala likert 7 titik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-probability dengan convience sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan berada da...
GO-JEK is one of the companies that offer motorcycle taxi transportation services that integrate ... more GO-JEK is one of the companies that offer motorcycle taxi transportation services that integrate with technology, by using booking taxis-based applications. As a pioneer in these business, GO-JEK get a good response from consumers and drivers. The systems that offered by GO-JEK attract many of drivers. GO-JEK driver number increased drastically from January 2015 through June 2015 with a total of nearly 11,000. With the rise in the highest driver occurs from April to May, with the increase in 2750. The increase in the number of drivers coupled with a high number of followers emerged that offer similar services at cheaper rates led to increased competition among the drivers. Therefore GO-JEK needs to make innovations in every aspect of its business. The purpose of this study is to Identify the Four Dimension Implementation Innovation by Joe Tidd in bussiness GO-JEK Namely Product Innovation, Process Innovation, Position innovation, Paradigm innovation. The method used is descriptive q...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kompetensi kewirausahaan yan dimiliki oleh mahasi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kompetensi kewirausahaan yan dimiliki oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen di Universitas Kristen Maranatha angkatan 2013 dengan variabel yang meliputi : identify and evaluate business opportunity, identify and solving problems, decision making, networking, communication, dan innovate thinking. Teknik pengambilan data adalah dengan wawancara secara mendalam, observasi, dan pengumpulan data secara sekunder. Fenomena dalam penelitian ini dieskplorasi dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil analisis dampak proses pembelajaran kewirausahaan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kompetensi kewirausahaan yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa memiliki level kompetensi yang berbeda – beda. Hal tersebut mengindikasi bahwa pengalaman berwirausaha sangat berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kompetensi kewirausahaan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan evaluasi terhadap metode pengajaran kewirausahaan di perguruan tinggi khususnya di Manajemen Universitas Kristen Maran...
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2017
Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as having an important and positive impact ... more Entrepreneurship education has been widely recognized as having an important and positive impact on the launching of new commercial ventures. Although numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of university level entrepreneurship education, the results have been largely varied. Most studies focus on an inappropriately-designed systematic approach to entrepreneurship education that incorporates curricula, specific pedagogy, and institutional support and, to a limited extent, psychological assessment. Consequently, such research focuses on evaluating the level of entrepreneurship education’s effectiveness through the application of a more systematic framework and relating this to a set of competencies expected on the part of graduates. The expectation that most aspects of entrepreneurship education contained in the framework will prove effective leads all graduates’ demonstrable competencies to be deemed of a high standard. The study reported here, seeks to pr...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICoSMI 2020, 14-16 September 2020, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICoSMI 2020, 14-16 September 2020, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Tourism has become a leading sector in Indonesia. However, developing tourist destination still b... more Tourism has become a leading sector in Indonesia. However, developing tourist destination still becomes a problem, especially to maximize tourist satisfaction. To develop the tourist destination is necessary to evaluate the performance of competitive destination's attributes to provide high-quality tourism, thus will maximize tourist satisfaction. The research aims to measure tourist satisfaction based on its non-linear effect of destination attributes from user-generated content to provide credible information. Penalty-Reward Contrast Analysis and Kano Model were used to analyze the performance of destination attributes and measure tourist satisfaction. The research found that customized service and quality of shopping were destination attributes with the excitementlow performance will not affect tourist satisfaction. Furthermore, destination management with the performance category and low performing, as the determining factor of the rate of tourist satisfaction. The research is to function as an evaluation for taking an integrative approach as a reference for the development of tourist destinations.
There are thousands of digital-based startups in Indonesia, but only a few have sustainable busin... more There are thousands of digital-based startups in Indonesia, but only a few have sustainable business development. One of the reasons is the products created by startups are not under market needs. Fashion is one of the potential startups to develop in the digital age because it is the second-largest subsector that contributes to the Indonesian economy. In fashion, especially in customized clothing, business participants' main obstacle is low competitiveness against those who own a branded business. This situation is indicated by dissatisfaction with the quality of the service, which resulted in unfaithful users. This research aims to explore the interaction between custom clothing businesses and their users so that the concerns coming from both parties can be used as the basis for creating digital-based solutions. This research focused on exploring the interaction between tailors and sewing service users using a design thinking approach. The qualitative method is used in this re...
Jurnal Mitra Manajemen
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat tingkat kesenjangan harapan mahasiswa dengan persepsi ma... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat tingkat kesenjangan harapan mahasiswa dengan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan kurikulum kewirausahaan yang berdampak pada pengukuran kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa MBTI 2015 yang sudah menyelesaikan proses pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Hasil dari penelitian akan menjadi umpan balik untuk prodi MBTI. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 231 mahasiswa/responden. Kuesioner yang digunakan memiliki beberapa pernyataan dengan skala likert 7 titik. Teknik pada penelitian ini adalah teknik non-probability dengan convience sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, kompetensi wirausaha mahasiswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran pendidikan kewirausahaan berada dalam kategori tinggi, yaitu sebesar 78%, ini menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa setuju memiliki kompetensi tersebut walapun terjadi kesenjangan pada kurikulum pendidikan kewirausahaan yaitu sebesar -0,370. Setiap d...