Abdrahmane Wane - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Abdrahmane Wane
L'économie de l'élevage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre a connu de profondes mutat... more L'économie de l'élevage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre a connu de profondes mutations. La production essentiellement développée dans les zones sahéliennes s'est renforcée dans les zones sud pour profiter des complémentarités qu'offraient les activités cotonnières et céréalières. De plus, les camions utilisés pour transporter le coton sont venus renforcer un commerce transfrontalier de bétail déjà très ancien ayant aux productions des pays sahéliens de trouver des débouchés viables. En effet, pour ne pas retourner à vide, ces camions ont été utilisés pour transporter le bétail sans pour autant éliminer le convoyage à pied qui reste encore aujourd'hui très important. Traditionnellement confiné aux échanges de bovins sur-pieds et convoyés par camions selon un gradient intérieur littoral où le commerce de bétail satisfait une demande spécifique de viande et surtout d'abats telles que les peaux et les queues, le commerce transfrontalier de bétail est actuellement soumis à un questionnement important sur la compétitivité entre différentes options de commercialisation : exportation de bétail et/ou exportation de viandes/abats. En effet, dans la plupart des pays du CILSS, émerge une préférence pour la construction d'abattoirs aux fins d'exporter des carcasses de viandes. Les chantiers sont en cours, lorsqu'ils ne sont pas déjà achevés. C'est pour cette raison que le CILSS à travers le PRAPS a jugé nécessaire d'un côté, de regarder si les conditions sont réunies pour que ces investissements prospèrent, et de l'autre, d'analyser leurs répercussions sur le plan économique, social et même politique au niveau des pays visés par l'exportation de ces carcasses. C'est le travail qui a été confié à l'ILRI à qui le CILSS a demandé de se focaliser le long du corridor de commerce de bétail-viande Burkina Faso-Ghana
Competitive advantage and competitiveness are the very goals that any company is subject to havin... more Competitive advantage and competitiveness are the very goals that any company is subject to having to seek and overcome along the way of their productive or operational activities. With this study, we try to understand the elements of the competitive matrix of cities based on the local development strategy, taking into account an analysis of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in 2014. Thus, it became a case study based on a qualitative research in order to find solutions on the raised problem situation. Competitiveness is a key factor in defining the strategies of companies and the way she wants to beat the competition. Widely competitive markets recorded strong economic, social, political and environmental development. However, the matrix is not a static tool, but dynamic depending on the actions of their agents.
La remise en cause des modeles unitaires de la famille par la "New Home Economics" perm... more La remise en cause des modeles unitaires de la famille par la "New Home Economics" permet de reconsiderer la dynamique de fonctionnement des menages pastoraux du Ferio et egalement d'illustrer leur diversite interne et leur fonction de menage consommateur - producteur. S'appuyant sur l'observation d'un panel de marches de betail du Ferio, cette contribution montre qu'ils font preuve de discernement lors de la commercialisation de leur betail. Ils se fient davantage a leur environnement incertain et episodiquement aux opportunites de marches qu'ils n'exploitent pas efficacement du fait de l'existence de dysfonctionnements (type de rationalite, asymetrie d'information, contraintes sur l'entree - sortie dans l'activite). Dotes d'une rationalite contextuelle, ils usent de strategies adaptatives et interviennent sur les marches pour des motifs principalement de consommation, parfois d'investissement et de speculation. Ce compo...
Building on the analysis presented in chapter 3, this chapter provides a summary of the technolog... more Building on the analysis presented in chapter 3, this chapter provides a summary of the technology and policy options used to address the three determinants of vulnerability and resilience: exposure, sensitivity, and ability to cope. Thus, this chapter seeks to cast the most appropriate interventions in the framework of the overall study, with the long-term goal of reducing livestock owners’ vulnerability and emergency aid dependency and enhancing their resilience. While not meant to provide an exhaustive and comprehensive description of all options available (which anyway is not possible given the large variation in conditions across study countries), this chapter covers the proven and more promising interventions and presents good practices for each.1 The vision for the future is that in pure grassland areas (Aridity Index, AI = 0.05–0.20), priority attention is on reducing vulnerability by rebalancing the ratio of land/livestock/people and maintaining productivity at levels that ...
L'élevage, richesse des pauvres, 2009
This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic revi... more This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic review of over 18,000 articles. The goal was to identify solutions for small farms to adapt to climate change - we focused on water scarce environments. This analysis is under review at the academic journal Nature Sustainability. A link to the article will be provided once published. The manuscript's current citation is:<br>Ricciardi, V., Wane, A., Singh Sidhu, B., Goode, C., Solomon, D., McCullough, E., Diekmann, F., Porciello, J., Jain, M., Randall, N., Mehrabi, Z.Evidence synthesis: Funding research for small-scale farmers in water scarce regions to achieve SDG 2.3. In Review. Nature Sustainability.<br>We use manually coded abstracts to build a natural language processing (NLP) model to include or exclude abstracts to our study. A deep learning model was developed using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and a cross entropy function to classify ...
This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic revi... more This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic review of over 18,000 articles. The goal was to identify solutions for small farms to adapt to climate change - we focused on water scarce environments. This analysis is under review at the academic journal Nature Sustainability. A link to the article will be provided once published. The manuscript's current citation is:<br>Ricciardi, V., Wane, A., Singh Sidhu, B., Goode, C., Solomon, D., McCullough, E., Diekmann, F., Porciello, J., Jain, M., Randall, N., Mehrabi, Z.Evidence synthesis: Funding research for small-scale farmers in water scarce regions to achieve SDG 2.3. In Review. Nature Sustainability.<br>We use manually coded abstracts to build a natural language processing (NLP) model to include or exclude abstracts to our study. A deep learning model was developed using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and a cross entropy function to classify ...
Many research and development institutions advocate the integration of economic sectors to market... more Many research and development institutions advocate the integration of economic sectors to markets to benefit from them and reduce poverty. This is not so simple for Sahelian pastoralists living in uncertainty and absence of contingent markets. Sahelian pastoralists use livestock markets but these markets don't systematically influence their production and marketing decisions. Based on the case of Senegalese Sahel, we use a spatial panel model to estimate the magnitude impacts of spatial and time factors on pastoral income generation. Then, we extent discussions to show that Sahelian livestock keepers alternate homo oeconomicus and bounded behaviours vis-à-vis the markets that they know well even if markets don't know much about them - and that is one reason it can be hard for a real structural transition. The problems of pastoral marketing systems are still examined from the perspectives of infrastructure buildings while it is also necessary to reduce transaction costs and ...
Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imp... more The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) or the European Commission (EC) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by CIRAD, FAO or EC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CIRAD, FAO or EC.
A general framework to estimate loss sources and magnitudes in live ruminants Key messages • Ther... more A general framework to estimate loss sources and magnitudes in live ruminants Key messages • There are a dearth of consistent methods and applications to measure losses in livestock commodity value chains, in part due to the difficulty in defining and quantifying losses related to live animals.
L'elevage extensif mobile joue un role preponderant dans l'economie des pays de l'Afr... more L'elevage extensif mobile joue un role preponderant dans l'economie des pays de l'Afrique sahelienne. Pratique avec une grande diversification des especes elevees, il contribue a la securite alimentaire des menages ruraux et urbains. Ces interactions avec l'environnement sont nombreuses et ambivalentes. L'elevage induit des impacts negatifs comme des pressions de pâturage extremes ou des risques sanitaires du fait de la pollution des eaux. Il peut aussi induire des impacts positifs sur les ecosystemes, par exemple en assurant l'amelioration de la fertilite des sols par un meilleur recyclage de la matiere organique ou en augmentant la biodiversite herbacee et la variete des paysages. Ce systeme de production apparait comme la principale activite de valorisation durable d'une ressource naturelle fragile et eparse dans les zones seches saheliennes. Il affronte cependant de nombreux defis, lies notamment a la marginalite des populations pastorales, a la compe...
Global Food Security
Abstract Evidence-based livestock policies are needed to raise rural incomes and improve dietary ... more Abstract Evidence-based livestock policies are needed to raise rural incomes and improve dietary diversity in low-income countries where the majority of populations depend on livestock for their livelihoods. Yet these contexts exhibit unique challenges on both information supply and demand sides, which widen the gaps between research and policy-making. This paper reviews the constraints to evidence-based policy-making and identifies knowledge areas most suitable for building a persuasive narrative that capture the attention of busy decision-makers. These promising spaces for production of new data and methods focus on livestock contribution to the economy, trade, food security and resilience. The examples discussed show the potential of current and future research for leveraging synergistic interests from multiple actors and improving livestock policy interventions.
L'économie de l'élevage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre a connu de profondes mutat... more L'économie de l'élevage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre a connu de profondes mutations. La production essentiellement développée dans les zones sahéliennes s'est renforcée dans les zones sud pour profiter des complémentarités qu'offraient les activités cotonnières et céréalières. De plus, les camions utilisés pour transporter le coton sont venus renforcer un commerce transfrontalier de bétail déjà très ancien ayant aux productions des pays sahéliens de trouver des débouchés viables. En effet, pour ne pas retourner à vide, ces camions ont été utilisés pour transporter le bétail sans pour autant éliminer le convoyage à pied qui reste encore aujourd'hui très important. Traditionnellement confiné aux échanges de bovins sur-pieds et convoyés par camions selon un gradient intérieur littoral où le commerce de bétail satisfait une demande spécifique de viande et surtout d'abats telles que les peaux et les queues, le commerce transfrontalier de bétail est actuellement soumis à un questionnement important sur la compétitivité entre différentes options de commercialisation : exportation de bétail et/ou exportation de viandes/abats. En effet, dans la plupart des pays du CILSS, émerge une préférence pour la construction d'abattoirs aux fins d'exporter des carcasses de viandes. Les chantiers sont en cours, lorsqu'ils ne sont pas déjà achevés. C'est pour cette raison que le CILSS à travers le PRAPS a jugé nécessaire d'un côté, de regarder si les conditions sont réunies pour que ces investissements prospèrent, et de l'autre, d'analyser leurs répercussions sur le plan économique, social et même politique au niveau des pays visés par l'exportation de ces carcasses. C'est le travail qui a été confié à l'ILRI à qui le CILSS a demandé de se focaliser le long du corridor de commerce de bétail-viande Burkina Faso-Ghana
Competitive advantage and competitiveness are the very goals that any company is subject to havin... more Competitive advantage and competitiveness are the very goals that any company is subject to having to seek and overcome along the way of their productive or operational activities. With this study, we try to understand the elements of the competitive matrix of cities based on the local development strategy, taking into account an analysis of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in 2014. Thus, it became a case study based on a qualitative research in order to find solutions on the raised problem situation. Competitiveness is a key factor in defining the strategies of companies and the way she wants to beat the competition. Widely competitive markets recorded strong economic, social, political and environmental development. However, the matrix is not a static tool, but dynamic depending on the actions of their agents.
La remise en cause des modeles unitaires de la famille par la "New Home Economics" perm... more La remise en cause des modeles unitaires de la famille par la "New Home Economics" permet de reconsiderer la dynamique de fonctionnement des menages pastoraux du Ferio et egalement d'illustrer leur diversite interne et leur fonction de menage consommateur - producteur. S'appuyant sur l'observation d'un panel de marches de betail du Ferio, cette contribution montre qu'ils font preuve de discernement lors de la commercialisation de leur betail. Ils se fient davantage a leur environnement incertain et episodiquement aux opportunites de marches qu'ils n'exploitent pas efficacement du fait de l'existence de dysfonctionnements (type de rationalite, asymetrie d'information, contraintes sur l'entree - sortie dans l'activite). Dotes d'une rationalite contextuelle, ils usent de strategies adaptatives et interviennent sur les marches pour des motifs principalement de consommation, parfois d'investissement et de speculation. Ce compo...
Building on the analysis presented in chapter 3, this chapter provides a summary of the technolog... more Building on the analysis presented in chapter 3, this chapter provides a summary of the technology and policy options used to address the three determinants of vulnerability and resilience: exposure, sensitivity, and ability to cope. Thus, this chapter seeks to cast the most appropriate interventions in the framework of the overall study, with the long-term goal of reducing livestock owners’ vulnerability and emergency aid dependency and enhancing their resilience. While not meant to provide an exhaustive and comprehensive description of all options available (which anyway is not possible given the large variation in conditions across study countries), this chapter covers the proven and more promising interventions and presents good practices for each.1 The vision for the future is that in pure grassland areas (Aridity Index, AI = 0.05–0.20), priority attention is on reducing vulnerability by rebalancing the ratio of land/livestock/people and maintaining productivity at levels that ...
L'élevage, richesse des pauvres, 2009
This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic revi... more This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic review of over 18,000 articles. The goal was to identify solutions for small farms to adapt to climate change - we focused on water scarce environments. This analysis is under review at the academic journal Nature Sustainability. A link to the article will be provided once published. The manuscript's current citation is:<br>Ricciardi, V., Wane, A., Singh Sidhu, B., Goode, C., Solomon, D., McCullough, E., Diekmann, F., Porciello, J., Jain, M., Randall, N., Mehrabi, Z.Evidence synthesis: Funding research for small-scale farmers in water scarce regions to achieve SDG 2.3. In Review. Nature Sustainability.<br>We use manually coded abstracts to build a natural language processing (NLP) model to include or exclude abstracts to our study. A deep learning model was developed using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and a cross entropy function to classify ...
This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic revi... more This dataset was created for the Ceres2030 Team 6, who conducted a semi-automatic systematic review of over 18,000 articles. The goal was to identify solutions for small farms to adapt to climate change - we focused on water scarce environments. This analysis is under review at the academic journal Nature Sustainability. A link to the article will be provided once published. The manuscript's current citation is:<br>Ricciardi, V., Wane, A., Singh Sidhu, B., Goode, C., Solomon, D., McCullough, E., Diekmann, F., Porciello, J., Jain, M., Randall, N., Mehrabi, Z.Evidence synthesis: Funding research for small-scale farmers in water scarce regions to achieve SDG 2.3. In Review. Nature Sustainability.<br>We use manually coded abstracts to build a natural language processing (NLP) model to include or exclude abstracts to our study. A deep learning model was developed using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and a cross entropy function to classify ...
Many research and development institutions advocate the integration of economic sectors to market... more Many research and development institutions advocate the integration of economic sectors to markets to benefit from them and reduce poverty. This is not so simple for Sahelian pastoralists living in uncertainty and absence of contingent markets. Sahelian pastoralists use livestock markets but these markets don't systematically influence their production and marketing decisions. Based on the case of Senegalese Sahel, we use a spatial panel model to estimate the magnitude impacts of spatial and time factors on pastoral income generation. Then, we extent discussions to show that Sahelian livestock keepers alternate homo oeconomicus and bounded behaviours vis-à-vis the markets that they know well even if markets don't know much about them - and that is one reason it can be hard for a real structural transition. The problems of pastoral marketing systems are still examined from the perspectives of infrastructure buildings while it is also necessary to reduce transaction costs and ...
Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imp... more The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) or the European Commission (EC) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by CIRAD, FAO or EC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CIRAD, FAO or EC.
A general framework to estimate loss sources and magnitudes in live ruminants Key messages • Ther... more A general framework to estimate loss sources and magnitudes in live ruminants Key messages • There are a dearth of consistent methods and applications to measure losses in livestock commodity value chains, in part due to the difficulty in defining and quantifying losses related to live animals.
L'elevage extensif mobile joue un role preponderant dans l'economie des pays de l'Afr... more L'elevage extensif mobile joue un role preponderant dans l'economie des pays de l'Afrique sahelienne. Pratique avec une grande diversification des especes elevees, il contribue a la securite alimentaire des menages ruraux et urbains. Ces interactions avec l'environnement sont nombreuses et ambivalentes. L'elevage induit des impacts negatifs comme des pressions de pâturage extremes ou des risques sanitaires du fait de la pollution des eaux. Il peut aussi induire des impacts positifs sur les ecosystemes, par exemple en assurant l'amelioration de la fertilite des sols par un meilleur recyclage de la matiere organique ou en augmentant la biodiversite herbacee et la variete des paysages. Ce systeme de production apparait comme la principale activite de valorisation durable d'une ressource naturelle fragile et eparse dans les zones seches saheliennes. Il affronte cependant de nombreux defis, lies notamment a la marginalite des populations pastorales, a la compe...
Global Food Security
Abstract Evidence-based livestock policies are needed to raise rural incomes and improve dietary ... more Abstract Evidence-based livestock policies are needed to raise rural incomes and improve dietary diversity in low-income countries where the majority of populations depend on livestock for their livelihoods. Yet these contexts exhibit unique challenges on both information supply and demand sides, which widen the gaps between research and policy-making. This paper reviews the constraints to evidence-based policy-making and identifies knowledge areas most suitable for building a persuasive narrative that capture the attention of busy decision-makers. These promising spaces for production of new data and methods focus on livestock contribution to the economy, trade, food security and resilience. The examples discussed show the potential of current and future research for leveraging synergistic interests from multiple actors and improving livestock policy interventions.