Abdul Azis Abdul Azis - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Abdul Azis Abdul Azis

Research paper thumbnail of Training Autonomous Vehicles in Carla model using Augmented Random Search Algorithm

Journal of Applied Data Sciences, 2021

Background, CARLA is an open source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been dev... more Background, CARLA is an open source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been developed from scratch to support the development, training and validation of autonomous driving systems. In addition to open source code and protocols, CARLA provides open digital assets (urban layouts, buildings, vehicles) that are created for this purpose and can be used freely. Methodology, Augmented Random Search (ARS) is a method that trains a one-layer perceptron on input data by adding and subtracting a series of random noise repeatedly to the weight, recording the total rewards generated by this modification in separate episodes, then making weighted modifications to weights based on these rewards in a specified number of episodes, scaled at a predetermined learning rate. Test the ability of the Augmented Random Search (ARS) algorithm to train driverless cars on data collected from the front cameras per car. Result, in this study, a framework that can be used to train driverless car policy using ARS in Carla will be built using it as the main algorithm and will provide a more realistic representation of how humans apply these controls. Novelty, this makes ARS a very lightweight method for studying complex control tasks, and the study authors found that ARS offered at least 15x more computational efficiency than the fastest competing learning methods. More consistent results from Autonomous Vehicle Training have been demonstrated using CARLA, this research has succeeded in opening up most of the opportunities for further study on the same topic, considering how many unique situations the workers in this study experienced in the Carla simulator during the exercise.

Research paper thumbnail of IOT-Based automated feeding fish system using : NodeMCU / Afandi Asqalani Abdul Azis

It has become our responsibility as a person to take care of a fish who keep it as a pet. As a fi... more It has become our responsibility as a person to take care of a fish who keep it as a pet. As a fish keeper, we must know and take care of the nutrition and diet of the fish where we must feed the fish on a daily basis. The problem occurs when a fish keeper cannot give proper care of the fish because they are too busy with their work and often forget to feed their fish. Because of this matter, there is an urgent need for innovation, so the aim of this paper is to assist fish keeper to feed the fish on schedule on the daily basis by using microcontroller Node MCU ESP8266. The result through this design, the Automated Feeding Fish System can help aquarist to feed the fish by controlling the servo motor via WIFI connection. Other than that, this design also helps the fish keeper check the measurement of the water to know the right quality of water for the fish by using a turbidity sensor. So, the fish keeper knows when to change the water in the aquarium so it can restore and maintain t...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Penerapan Sak Etap Terhadap Akses Umkm Dengan Lembaga Keuangan

Sustainable Competitive Advantage, 2015

This study want to examine influence of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Fi... more This study want to examine influence of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. The research use 31 respondent of SME’s throught questionairy survey in two region, Banyumas Regeency and Pemalang Regency. Analysis method in this research is simple regresssion analysis to prove the role of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. Result of this study show that there is no influence SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. It’s indicated that role of implementation Financial Accounting Standar in SME’s can not maximize Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. Key Word: SAK ETAP Implementantion, Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Entreprise

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Sistem Cerdas Guna Mendukung Dan Mempercepat Proses Pemilihan Kepala Desa Elektoronik Modern Pemilu (Empemilu) Studi Kasus DI Desa Beji Kecamatan Kedung Banteng Kab. Banyumas

The election of the Village Head was very directly highlighted by the surrounding community, from... more The election of the Village Head was very directly highlighted by the surrounding community, from the way of employment, budget use and so on. Pilkades in each region, especially in the Village of Beji Banyumas, will be held by a choice of the Village Head for choices in 2019 after the presidential election is held. The general election of the Village Head in Beji still uses the same paper as the general election, this makes a waste of budget because the unused paper will be discarded, the unused rooms will be kept for 5 years, the calculation of the election results is not fast enough. The Election Smart System is the solution where the workings of this System are done using sophisticated computers, including the Touch Screen Screen used to select Candidate Images, Face detection cameras are used for attendance attendance if it is going to the selection booth, DasHboard Diagrams are used to see the results of prospective candidates the winner will be directly displayed on the big s...

Research paper thumbnail of Periode Kritis Tanaman Kedelai Terhadap Persaingan Gulma

The research was aimed at determining a critical period of soybean in competition with weeds. The... more The research was aimed at determining a critical period of soybean in competition with weeds. The experiment was conducted in Seunebok Baro Village, Sub-District Cot Girek, District Aceh Utara, from January to May 2013. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design. Factor evaluated was a period weed competition with 14 levels and three replications. Variables observed were growth plant component, yield component, and weed compositions. The results showed that period weed competition affected growth plant component and yield component. Critical period of soybean variety Kipas Merah in competition with weeds occurred at 2 - 6 weeks after planting. Dominant weed species were Dichrocephala integrifolia , Mimosa pudica , Ipomoea triloba , Ageratum conyzoides , Cleome rutidosperma , and Axsonopus compressus . Minimum scale of weed control for soybean variety Kipas Merah can be carried out from 2 until 6 weeks after planting for preventing yield loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Dalam Memanajemen Waktu Belajar Melalui Layanan Penguasaan Konten Dengan Media Mind Map Pada Siswa Kelas X-1 Sma 1 Mejobo Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1.Mendeskripsikan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanejemen waktu belajar se... more Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1.Mendeskripsikan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanejemen waktu belajar sebelum dan sesudah penerapan layanan penguasaan konten dengan peta pikiran (mind map )pada siswa kelas X-1 SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus tahun pelajaran 2014/2015, 2.Diperolehnya peningkatan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanajemen waktu belajar melalui layanan penguasaan konten dengan media mind map pada siswa kelas X-1 SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2014/ 2015. Kedisiplinan merupakan upaya mengendalikan diri dan sikap mental individu atau masyarakat dalam mengembangkan kepatuhan dan ketaatan terhadap peraturan dan tata tertib berdasarkan dorongan dan kesadaran yang muncul dari dalam hatinya.Memanajemen waktu adalah pengaturan kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan waktu sebaik mungkin supaya maksud dari kegiatan tersebut dapat tercapai dengan baik dan bisa selesai tepat pada waktunya. Belajar adalah suatu aktivitas atau suatu proses untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, meningkatkan ketrampilan, mempe...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Ketersediaan Daya Pada Pt. PLN (Persero) Gardu Induk Bungaran Palembang

Jurnal Ampere, 2018

Rugi-rugi daya adalah kehilangan daya listrik di jaringan dan beban dimana daya yang hilang terse... more Rugi-rugi daya adalah kehilangan daya listrik di jaringan dan beban dimana daya yang hilang tersebut tidak terpakai oleh beban, sehingga daya yang tersedia di jaringan akan berkurang. Rugi-rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi disebabkan oleh adanya tahanan pada penghantar. Daya yang hilang dapat berupa energi panas yang ditimbulkan pada saluran, dan energi panas yang tidak terpakai disebut sebagai rugi-rugi daya aktif. Rugi-rugi daya disetiap saluran sangatlah penting untuk diperhitungkan karena rugi-rugi daya di jaringan dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya energi listrik setelah sampai di beban. Kebutuhan daya yang harus disuplai oleh sumber ke beban tergantung pada penyerapan daya oleh beban dan rugi-rugi daya di jaringan. Besar kapasitas kebutuhan daya dipengaruhi oleh besarnya rugi-rugi daya, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kapasitas kebutuhan daya merupakan jumlah penyerapan daya oleh beban dan rugi-rugi daya di jaringan. Salah satu gardu induk di Kota Palembang adalah Gardu Induk Bungaran yang mempunyai fungsi menyalurkan energi listrik ke konsumen melalui sistem distribusi tegangan menengah. Untuk melayani kebutuhan energi listrik konsumen, saat ini Gardu Induk Bungaran Palembang mempunyai Transformator 1, 30 MVA 70/20 kV yang mempunyai beban empat buah penyulang, yaitu: Penyulang Akasia, Penyulang Sungkai, Penyulang Tembesu, dan Penyulang Cendana. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa Transformator 1 mempunyai kapasitas daya terpasang sebesar 30 MVA atau 255.000.000 Watt. Sedangkan kapasitas kebutuhan daya total dari empat penyulang adalah 18.786.167,4264 W. Jadi ketersediaan daya Transformator 1 masih mencukupi untuk melayani beban dari empat penyulang, karena hanya 7,3671 % dari kapasitas daya terpasang daya yang diserap oleh beban.

Research paper thumbnail of Cuci tangan sebagai faktor risiko kejadian ventilator associated pneumonia di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2012

Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive, 2013

Abstrak: Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi nosokomial pada saluran napas ba... more Abstrak: Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi nosokomial pada saluran napas bawah pasien dengan ventilator >48 jam di ruang terapi intensif (RTI). Angka VAP di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2012 adalah sebesar 15,48 per 1000 hari pemakaian masih melebihi standar nasional 10 per 1000 hari pemakaian. Faktor risiko penjamu, pemakaian alat medis dan perilaku petugas, termasuk perilaku cuci tangan berperan dalam kejadian VAP. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus kontrol, dengan perbandingan 1:2 (27 kasus dan 54 kontrol). Kasus adalah yang didiagnosis dokter sebagai VAP, dan kontrol adalah yang didiagnosis selain VAP, yang dimiripkan berdasarkan umur dan jenis kelamin. Responden adalah dokter dan perawat yang paling sering merawat kasus dan kontrol. Data kasus, kontrol, serta responden bersumber dari rekam medik tahun 2012. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner terstruktur dan pengkajian rekam medis. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan...

Research paper thumbnail of Fabelsebagai Bahan Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia DI Sekolah Dasar

Paramasastra, 2014

Pembelajaran sastra cenderung kurang berani menggali teks dalam konteks yang lebih luas.... more Pembelajaran sastra cenderung kurang berani menggali teks dalam konteks yang lebih luas. Padahal sangatlah mungkin sebagai media pendidikan dan hiburan, membentuk kepribadian anak, serta menuntun kecerdasan emosi anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan cerita rakyat kategori Fabel untuk kepentingan pemilihan bahan ajar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di SD. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah cerita rakyat kategori Fabel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi dari 8 guru SD di 8 kecamatan di Kabupaten Maros Periode Maret-Mei 2014. Teknik analisis meliputi proses pengorganisasian dan pengurutan data tentang Fabel dan pemilihan bahan ajar cerita rakyat ke dalam pola kategori dan satuan uraian. Hasil analisis data dan temuan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata penilaian responden untuk cerita rakyat kategori Fabel sebesar 3,763...


Keruing pungguh (Dipterocarpus confertus SLOOT) merupakan salah satu spesies dari familia Diptero... more Keruing pungguh (Dipterocarpus confertus SLOOT) merupakan salah satu spesies dari familia Dipterocarpaceae yang terdapat di hutan tropis Asia terutama di wilayah Malesiana. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, familia Dipterocarpaceae mempunyai kandungan kimia yang memperlihatkan aktivitas antibakteri, antiinflamasi, sitotoksik, dan antifungi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak metanol kulit batang keruing pungguh terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli serta toksisitasnya terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach. Uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode dilusi padat. Seri konsentrasi ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus untuk uji antibakteri terhadap S. aureus adalah 4 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL, 0,5 mg/mL, sedangkan untuk E. coli adalah 5 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL. Uji toksisitas ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode BSLT menggunakan 7-15 ekor larva artemia berumur 48 jam dalam mikroplate. Jumlah larva yang mati dihitung setelah diinkubasi selama 24 jam. Kandungan kimia yang terdapat di dalam ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan kromatografi lapis tipis. Larutan sampel ditotolkan pada lempeng KLT, dielusi dengan fase gerak kloroform-metanol (9,5 : 0,5). Hasilnya diamati di bawah sinar UV 254 nm dan 366 nm dan disemprot dengan pereaksi semprot untuk mengidentifikasi kandungan senyawanya. Ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. aureus dengan KBM 0,3% dan terhadap E. coli sebesar 0,4%. Ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus toksik terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach dengan harga LC50 sebesar 88,91±0,053 µg/mL. Hasil KLT dari ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya senyawa flavonoid.

Research paper thumbnail of Note-, phrase- and song-specific acoustic variables contributing to the individuality of male duet song in the Bornean southern gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis)

Primates, 2012

In this study, we examine acoustic individuality in male duet songs of wild, non-habituated Borne... more In this study, we examine acoustic individuality in male duet songs of wild, non-habituated Bornean southern gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis) and identify contributing acoustic variables. We recorded 174 male duet songs from nine groups in a rainforest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Each male portion of the duet was analysed for 14 acoustic variables at three levels of variation, including six note-specific variables (start frequency, end frequency, minimum frequency, maximum frequency, average frequency and duration), four phrase-specific variables (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, duration and number of syllables) and four song-specific variables (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, duration and number of syllables). Principal component analysis was performed to summarise each of these sets of variables into a total of six principal components (PCs). Strong acoustic individuality was found in all PCs and at all three levels: note, phrase and song (all p \ 0.001). Furthermore, a particularly high magnitude of individuality was found in PC 1 of the song-specific analysis, defined by the acoustic variables of duration and number of syllables. Due to the high levels of individuality, we suggest that these acoustic variables may be used by Bornean southern gibbons for individual discrimination. As well as furthering our biological understanding of male gibbon song with regards to individuality and associated conspecific recognition, these findings also have the potential to help improve population survey methods, such as the acoustic sampling method using listening points, by offering a more accurate method of individual recognition.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur

Hermeneutics was born and developed in the West, specifically in response to the theological prob... more Hermeneutics was born and developed in the West, specifically in response to the theological problem of Christianity, and always claimed to be an effective solution to the interpretation of Scripture. With existence of various schools, hermeneutics has also various shades and resulted different interpretations. Such as Schleiermacher, followed by Wilhelm Dilthey and Emilio Betti as initiators of hermeneutics methodology. Martin Heidegger and Gadamer followed with their ontological hermeneutics, and continued by Habermas with his critical hermeneutics. After that, the critical ontological hermeneutics initiated by either Paul Ricoeur, or Rudolf Bultman with his theological hermeneutics, and Derrida with his deconstructive hermeneutics. Among those schools, the writers interested in reviewing the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur which represents a distinctive theory of interpretation. His idea considered to be a bridge of the fierce debate between methodological traditions and philosophi...

Research paper thumbnail of Training Autonomous Vehicles in Carla model using Augmented Random Search Algorithm

Journal of Applied Data Sciences, 2021

Background, CARLA is an open source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been dev... more Background, CARLA is an open source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been developed from scratch to support the development, training and validation of autonomous driving systems. In addition to open source code and protocols, CARLA provides open digital assets (urban layouts, buildings, vehicles) that are created for this purpose and can be used freely. Methodology, Augmented Random Search (ARS) is a method that trains a one-layer perceptron on input data by adding and subtracting a series of random noise repeatedly to the weight, recording the total rewards generated by this modification in separate episodes, then making weighted modifications to weights based on these rewards in a specified number of episodes, scaled at a predetermined learning rate. Test the ability of the Augmented Random Search (ARS) algorithm to train driverless cars on data collected from the front cameras per car. Result, in this study, a framework that can be used to train driverless car policy using ARS in Carla will be built using it as the main algorithm and will provide a more realistic representation of how humans apply these controls. Novelty, this makes ARS a very lightweight method for studying complex control tasks, and the study authors found that ARS offered at least 15x more computational efficiency than the fastest competing learning methods. More consistent results from Autonomous Vehicle Training have been demonstrated using CARLA, this research has succeeded in opening up most of the opportunities for further study on the same topic, considering how many unique situations the workers in this study experienced in the Carla simulator during the exercise.

Research paper thumbnail of IOT-Based automated feeding fish system using : NodeMCU / Afandi Asqalani Abdul Azis

It has become our responsibility as a person to take care of a fish who keep it as a pet. As a fi... more It has become our responsibility as a person to take care of a fish who keep it as a pet. As a fish keeper, we must know and take care of the nutrition and diet of the fish where we must feed the fish on a daily basis. The problem occurs when a fish keeper cannot give proper care of the fish because they are too busy with their work and often forget to feed their fish. Because of this matter, there is an urgent need for innovation, so the aim of this paper is to assist fish keeper to feed the fish on schedule on the daily basis by using microcontroller Node MCU ESP8266. The result through this design, the Automated Feeding Fish System can help aquarist to feed the fish by controlling the servo motor via WIFI connection. Other than that, this design also helps the fish keeper check the measurement of the water to know the right quality of water for the fish by using a turbidity sensor. So, the fish keeper knows when to change the water in the aquarium so it can restore and maintain t...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Penerapan Sak Etap Terhadap Akses Umkm Dengan Lembaga Keuangan

Sustainable Competitive Advantage, 2015

This study want to examine influence of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Fi... more This study want to examine influence of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. The research use 31 respondent of SME’s throught questionairy survey in two region, Banyumas Regeency and Pemalang Regency. Analysis method in this research is simple regresssion analysis to prove the role of SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. Result of this study show that there is no influence SAK ETAP’s Implementation on Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. It’s indicated that role of implementation Financial Accounting Standar in SME’s can not maximize Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Enterprise. Key Word: SAK ETAP Implementantion, Accessibility of SME’s to Finance Entreprise

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Sistem Cerdas Guna Mendukung Dan Mempercepat Proses Pemilihan Kepala Desa Elektoronik Modern Pemilu (Empemilu) Studi Kasus DI Desa Beji Kecamatan Kedung Banteng Kab. Banyumas

The election of the Village Head was very directly highlighted by the surrounding community, from... more The election of the Village Head was very directly highlighted by the surrounding community, from the way of employment, budget use and so on. Pilkades in each region, especially in the Village of Beji Banyumas, will be held by a choice of the Village Head for choices in 2019 after the presidential election is held. The general election of the Village Head in Beji still uses the same paper as the general election, this makes a waste of budget because the unused paper will be discarded, the unused rooms will be kept for 5 years, the calculation of the election results is not fast enough. The Election Smart System is the solution where the workings of this System are done using sophisticated computers, including the Touch Screen Screen used to select Candidate Images, Face detection cameras are used for attendance attendance if it is going to the selection booth, DasHboard Diagrams are used to see the results of prospective candidates the winner will be directly displayed on the big s...

Research paper thumbnail of Periode Kritis Tanaman Kedelai Terhadap Persaingan Gulma

The research was aimed at determining a critical period of soybean in competition with weeds. The... more The research was aimed at determining a critical period of soybean in competition with weeds. The experiment was conducted in Seunebok Baro Village, Sub-District Cot Girek, District Aceh Utara, from January to May 2013. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design. Factor evaluated was a period weed competition with 14 levels and three replications. Variables observed were growth plant component, yield component, and weed compositions. The results showed that period weed competition affected growth plant component and yield component. Critical period of soybean variety Kipas Merah in competition with weeds occurred at 2 - 6 weeks after planting. Dominant weed species were Dichrocephala integrifolia , Mimosa pudica , Ipomoea triloba , Ageratum conyzoides , Cleome rutidosperma , and Axsonopus compressus . Minimum scale of weed control for soybean variety Kipas Merah can be carried out from 2 until 6 weeks after planting for preventing yield loss.

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Dalam Memanajemen Waktu Belajar Melalui Layanan Penguasaan Konten Dengan Media Mind Map Pada Siswa Kelas X-1 Sma 1 Mejobo Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1.Mendeskripsikan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanejemen waktu belajar se... more Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1.Mendeskripsikan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanejemen waktu belajar sebelum dan sesudah penerapan layanan penguasaan konten dengan peta pikiran (mind map )pada siswa kelas X-1 SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus tahun pelajaran 2014/2015, 2.Diperolehnya peningkatan kedisiplinan siswa dalam memanajemen waktu belajar melalui layanan penguasaan konten dengan media mind map pada siswa kelas X-1 SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2014/ 2015. Kedisiplinan merupakan upaya mengendalikan diri dan sikap mental individu atau masyarakat dalam mengembangkan kepatuhan dan ketaatan terhadap peraturan dan tata tertib berdasarkan dorongan dan kesadaran yang muncul dari dalam hatinya.Memanajemen waktu adalah pengaturan kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan waktu sebaik mungkin supaya maksud dari kegiatan tersebut dapat tercapai dengan baik dan bisa selesai tepat pada waktunya. Belajar adalah suatu aktivitas atau suatu proses untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, meningkatkan ketrampilan, mempe...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Ketersediaan Daya Pada Pt. PLN (Persero) Gardu Induk Bungaran Palembang

Jurnal Ampere, 2018

Rugi-rugi daya adalah kehilangan daya listrik di jaringan dan beban dimana daya yang hilang terse... more Rugi-rugi daya adalah kehilangan daya listrik di jaringan dan beban dimana daya yang hilang tersebut tidak terpakai oleh beban, sehingga daya yang tersedia di jaringan akan berkurang. Rugi-rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi disebabkan oleh adanya tahanan pada penghantar. Daya yang hilang dapat berupa energi panas yang ditimbulkan pada saluran, dan energi panas yang tidak terpakai disebut sebagai rugi-rugi daya aktif. Rugi-rugi daya disetiap saluran sangatlah penting untuk diperhitungkan karena rugi-rugi daya di jaringan dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya energi listrik setelah sampai di beban. Kebutuhan daya yang harus disuplai oleh sumber ke beban tergantung pada penyerapan daya oleh beban dan rugi-rugi daya di jaringan. Besar kapasitas kebutuhan daya dipengaruhi oleh besarnya rugi-rugi daya, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kapasitas kebutuhan daya merupakan jumlah penyerapan daya oleh beban dan rugi-rugi daya di jaringan. Salah satu gardu induk di Kota Palembang adalah Gardu Induk Bungaran yang mempunyai fungsi menyalurkan energi listrik ke konsumen melalui sistem distribusi tegangan menengah. Untuk melayani kebutuhan energi listrik konsumen, saat ini Gardu Induk Bungaran Palembang mempunyai Transformator 1, 30 MVA 70/20 kV yang mempunyai beban empat buah penyulang, yaitu: Penyulang Akasia, Penyulang Sungkai, Penyulang Tembesu, dan Penyulang Cendana. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa Transformator 1 mempunyai kapasitas daya terpasang sebesar 30 MVA atau 255.000.000 Watt. Sedangkan kapasitas kebutuhan daya total dari empat penyulang adalah 18.786.167,4264 W. Jadi ketersediaan daya Transformator 1 masih mencukupi untuk melayani beban dari empat penyulang, karena hanya 7,3671 % dari kapasitas daya terpasang daya yang diserap oleh beban.

Research paper thumbnail of Cuci tangan sebagai faktor risiko kejadian ventilator associated pneumonia di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2012

Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive, 2013

Abstrak: Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi nosokomial pada saluran napas ba... more Abstrak: Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi nosokomial pada saluran napas bawah pasien dengan ventilator >48 jam di ruang terapi intensif (RTI). Angka VAP di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar tahun 2012 adalah sebesar 15,48 per 1000 hari pemakaian masih melebihi standar nasional 10 per 1000 hari pemakaian. Faktor risiko penjamu, pemakaian alat medis dan perilaku petugas, termasuk perilaku cuci tangan berperan dalam kejadian VAP. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus kontrol, dengan perbandingan 1:2 (27 kasus dan 54 kontrol). Kasus adalah yang didiagnosis dokter sebagai VAP, dan kontrol adalah yang didiagnosis selain VAP, yang dimiripkan berdasarkan umur dan jenis kelamin. Responden adalah dokter dan perawat yang paling sering merawat kasus dan kontrol. Data kasus, kontrol, serta responden bersumber dari rekam medik tahun 2012. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner terstruktur dan pengkajian rekam medis. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan...

Research paper thumbnail of Fabelsebagai Bahan Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia DI Sekolah Dasar

Paramasastra, 2014

Pembelajaran sastra cenderung kurang berani menggali teks dalam konteks yang lebih luas.... more Pembelajaran sastra cenderung kurang berani menggali teks dalam konteks yang lebih luas. Padahal sangatlah mungkin sebagai media pendidikan dan hiburan, membentuk kepribadian anak, serta menuntun kecerdasan emosi anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan cerita rakyat kategori Fabel untuk kepentingan pemilihan bahan ajar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di SD. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah cerita rakyat kategori Fabel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi dari 8 guru SD di 8 kecamatan di Kabupaten Maros Periode Maret-Mei 2014. Teknik analisis meliputi proses pengorganisasian dan pengurutan data tentang Fabel dan pemilihan bahan ajar cerita rakyat ke dalam pola kategori dan satuan uraian. Hasil analisis data dan temuan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata penilaian responden untuk cerita rakyat kategori Fabel sebesar 3,763...


Keruing pungguh (Dipterocarpus confertus SLOOT) merupakan salah satu spesies dari familia Diptero... more Keruing pungguh (Dipterocarpus confertus SLOOT) merupakan salah satu spesies dari familia Dipterocarpaceae yang terdapat di hutan tropis Asia terutama di wilayah Malesiana. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, familia Dipterocarpaceae mempunyai kandungan kimia yang memperlihatkan aktivitas antibakteri, antiinflamasi, sitotoksik, dan antifungi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak metanol kulit batang keruing pungguh terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli serta toksisitasnya terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach. Uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode dilusi padat. Seri konsentrasi ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus untuk uji antibakteri terhadap S. aureus adalah 4 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL, 0,5 mg/mL, sedangkan untuk E. coli adalah 5 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL. Uji toksisitas ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode BSLT menggunakan 7-15 ekor larva artemia berumur 48 jam dalam mikroplate. Jumlah larva yang mati dihitung setelah diinkubasi selama 24 jam. Kandungan kimia yang terdapat di dalam ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan kromatografi lapis tipis. Larutan sampel ditotolkan pada lempeng KLT, dielusi dengan fase gerak kloroform-metanol (9,5 : 0,5). Hasilnya diamati di bawah sinar UV 254 nm dan 366 nm dan disemprot dengan pereaksi semprot untuk mengidentifikasi kandungan senyawanya. Ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. aureus dengan KBM 0,3% dan terhadap E. coli sebesar 0,4%. Ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus toksik terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach dengan harga LC50 sebesar 88,91±0,053 µg/mL. Hasil KLT dari ekstrak metanol kulit batang D. confertus menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya senyawa flavonoid.

Research paper thumbnail of Note-, phrase- and song-specific acoustic variables contributing to the individuality of male duet song in the Bornean southern gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis)

Primates, 2012

In this study, we examine acoustic individuality in male duet songs of wild, non-habituated Borne... more In this study, we examine acoustic individuality in male duet songs of wild, non-habituated Bornean southern gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis) and identify contributing acoustic variables. We recorded 174 male duet songs from nine groups in a rainforest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Each male portion of the duet was analysed for 14 acoustic variables at three levels of variation, including six note-specific variables (start frequency, end frequency, minimum frequency, maximum frequency, average frequency and duration), four phrase-specific variables (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, duration and number of syllables) and four song-specific variables (minimum frequency, maximum frequency, duration and number of syllables). Principal component analysis was performed to summarise each of these sets of variables into a total of six principal components (PCs). Strong acoustic individuality was found in all PCs and at all three levels: note, phrase and song (all p \ 0.001). Furthermore, a particularly high magnitude of individuality was found in PC 1 of the song-specific analysis, defined by the acoustic variables of duration and number of syllables. Due to the high levels of individuality, we suggest that these acoustic variables may be used by Bornean southern gibbons for individual discrimination. As well as furthering our biological understanding of male gibbon song with regards to individuality and associated conspecific recognition, these findings also have the potential to help improve population survey methods, such as the acoustic sampling method using listening points, by offering a more accurate method of individual recognition.

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur

Hermeneutics was born and developed in the West, specifically in response to the theological prob... more Hermeneutics was born and developed in the West, specifically in response to the theological problem of Christianity, and always claimed to be an effective solution to the interpretation of Scripture. With existence of various schools, hermeneutics has also various shades and resulted different interpretations. Such as Schleiermacher, followed by Wilhelm Dilthey and Emilio Betti as initiators of hermeneutics methodology. Martin Heidegger and Gadamer followed with their ontological hermeneutics, and continued by Habermas with his critical hermeneutics. After that, the critical ontological hermeneutics initiated by either Paul Ricoeur, or Rudolf Bultman with his theological hermeneutics, and Derrida with his deconstructive hermeneutics. Among those schools, the writers interested in reviewing the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur which represents a distinctive theory of interpretation. His idea considered to be a bridge of the fierce debate between methodological traditions and philosophi...