Abraham Bagbila - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Abraham Bagbila
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
Objectives Few studies addressed the efficacy of human insulin regimens (mostly premix insulin) u... more Objectives Few studies addressed the efficacy of human insulin regimens (mostly premix insulin) used in many low-and-middle income countries on glycemic control of children and adolescents with diabetes. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of the premix insulin on the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in comparison to the regular with NPH insulin scheme. Methods A retrospective study was carried out from January 2020 to September 2022 on patients with type 1 diabetes aged below 18 years followed in Burkina Life For A Child program. They were categorized into three groups, on regular with NPH insulin (Group A), on premix insulin (Group B) and on regular with premix insulin (Group C). Outcome was analyzed based on HbA1c level. Results Sixty-eight patients with a mean age of 15.38 ± 2.26 years and the sex ratio (M/W) 0.94 were studied. There were 14 in Group A, 20 in Group B, and 34 patients in Group C. The mean HbA1c value in the corresponding insulin regimen was 12.8 ± 1.39%, ...
Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques
Open Journal of Internal Medicine
Background: Diabetes mellitus and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors for stroke. Phy... more Background: Diabetes mellitus and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors for stroke. Physical activity is one of the pillars of type 2 diabetes management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness of a sample of type 2 diabetes patients at the CHU of Martinique (UHCM). Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, from 1st June to 30 th September 2018. It consisted of the exhaustive prospective collection of data on the usual physical activity and physical fitness of type 2 diabetic patients hospitalized in the Endocrinology department of the UHCM for a short stay. The physical fitness tests of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, validated on 13 April 2013, were used. Results: Thirty patients were included in the study. The mean age was 51.9 ± 11 years. The sex ratio was 1.5, and hypertension in 53% (n = 16) of patients was the most associated risk factor. The median duration of diabetes progression was 4 years with Q1 and Q2 quantiles of 2 and 10 years, respectively. The physical fitness evaluation noted a balance disorder with a risk of falling in 56.7% (n = 17) of patients, muscle stiffness in 20% (n = 6) of them, while 56.7% (n = 17) and 80% (n = 24) had a decrease in the muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs, respectively. The distance covered during the standard 6 min walking test was normal for 70% (n = 21) of the patients. Conclusion: The evaluation of the patient's physical fitness allows us to assess their deconditioning to physical activity and other obstacles to physical activity to plan appropriate
Annales Africaines de Medecine
Context and objective. Strokes risk increases with age. The most common one is ischemic stroke. O... more Context and objective. Strokes risk increases with age. The most common one is ischemic stroke. Our objective was to identify epidemiological, clinical features and the factors linked to the prognosis for survival of older patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke in Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso. Methods. This was an analytical historical study on older patients aged ≥ 65 years, hospitalized for ischemic stroke at Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso during the period from January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2019. Results. A total of 153 patients has been involved in this study. The intrahospital ischemic stroke frequency was 68. 61 % of all strokes in elderly. The average age was 73.98 years. The sex ratio M/F was 1.25. Chronic high blood pressure (61.43 %), alcoholism (21.56%), diabetes (14.37 %), and history of stroke (13.72 %) were the most frequent cerebrovascular risk factors in past medical history. The motor deficit represented the main reason f...
Medecine tropicale et sante internationale, Mar 31, 2022
Background: Envenomation by snakebite is a public health problem in developing countries. Neurova... more Background: Envenomation by snakebite is a public health problem in developing countries. Neurovascular complications are uncommon. We report two cases of hemorrhagic stroke at the Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, which complicate an envenomation. Clinical description: The first patient was a 60-year-old woman with no history, who had been admitted 2 hours after snakebite for gingivorrhagia and consciousness disorders. Clinical examination found coma (GCS 7/15) and tetraparesis. The second patient was a 50-year-old woman with no history, who had been admitted one week after snakebite with digestive bleeding. Clinical examination found right hemiplegia and meningeal syndrome. Both patients presented hemorrhagic stroke on brain CT-scan but hemostasis assessment was normal. They received polyvalent antivenom and symptomatic treatment. The outcome was favorable for survival but with sequelae like tetraparesis for first patient and hemiparesis for second patient. Discussion - conclusion: The hemorrhagic strokes are rare complications of snake envenomation. Venomous toxins can directly lead to the rupture of intracranial vessels apart of abnormalities of hemostasis. However, the morbidity and mortality related to envenomation by snake bite remains high in our environment.
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne, Dec 29, 2020
Introduction : Le pied diabétique constitue un fardeau socioéconomique important, notamment dans ... more Introduction : Le pied diabétique constitue un fardeau socioéconomique important, notamment dans les pays en voie de développement. L'objectif de notre étude était de déterminer les caractéristiques cliniques, évolutives et pronostiques des lésions du pied chez le diabétique à Bobo-Dioulasso. Patients et méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique, réalisée du 01 janvier 2016 au 30 septembre 2018, incluant 69 patients diabétiques admis pour une lésion au pied dans les départements de Chirurgie et de Médecine du CHU de Bobo-Dioulasso. Résultats. Le sex-ratio H/F était de 0,68 et l'âge moyen de 54,8±13,4 ans. Avant leur admission à l'hôpital, 23,2% des patients avaient entrepris une tradithérapie. Les lésions siégeaient en majorité au membre pelvien droit (53,6%) et concernaient le plus souvent les orteils dans 44,9% des cas. Au total, 72,5% des lésions étaient classées au stade 3 de la classification de l'Université de Texas (UT). En unité hospitalisation, une amputation d'un segment de membre inférieur a été réalisée dans 53,6% des cas. L'évolution des lésions du pied non amputé a été jugée favorable dans 55,1% des cas. Cependant, 23 cas de décès ont été enregistrés, soit une mortalité de 33,3%. Les décès étaient liés à la gravité des lésions (classées au moins au stade 2 de la classification UT, p=0,03) et à l'hyperleucocytose (p=0,02). En analyse multivariée, seule l'hyperleucocytose demeurait un facteur associé aux décès (OR=7,84 [1,14-84,73], p=0,037). Conclusion. Le pied diabétique est marqué dans notre contexte par une létalité très élevée. Il requière une attention particulière incluant une bonne éducation thérapeutique et un suivi optimal des patients afin de prévenir, déceler et prendre précocement en charge ces lésions du pied. Mots-clés : Pied diabétique-évolutionpronostic-Bobo-Dioulasso. Summary Introduction. The objective of our study was to determine the clinical, progressive and prognostic characteristics of foot lesions in diabetics in Bobo-Dioulasso. Patients and methods. Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study, from January 01st, 2016 to September 30th, 2018, including 69 diabetic patients admitted for diabetic foot, in the departments of Surgery and Medicine of the University Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso. Results. The M/F sex ratio was 0.68 and the mean age of the patients was 54.8 ± 13.4 years. Before their admission to hospital, 23.2% of patients had started traditional therapy. Most of the lesions were in the right pelvic limb (53.6%) and most often involved the toes in 44.9% of cases. A total of 72.5% of the lesions were classified as stage 3 of the University of Texas classification. In the hospitalization unit, an amputation of a lower limb segment was performed in 53.6% of cases. The evolution of the lesions of the unamputated foot was considered favorable in 55.1% of cases. However, 23 deaths were recorded, representing a mortality of 33.3%. The deaths were related to the severity of the lesions (classified as at least stage 2 of the UT classification, p = 0.03) and hyperleukocytosis (p = 0.02). In multivariate analysis, only hyperleukocytosis remained a factor associated with death (OR = 7.84 [1.14-84.73], p = 0.037). Conclusion. The diabetic foot is marked in our context by a very high lethality. It requires special attention including good therapeutic education and optimal patient monitoring in order to prevent, detect and early manage these foot lesions.
Introduction . Les lesions du pied constituent une complication grave et un motif frequent d’hosp... more Introduction . Les lesions du pied constituent une complication grave et un motif frequent d’hospitalisation des sujets diabetiques. L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner les caracteristiques diagnostiques du pied diabetique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bobo- Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Patients et methodes . Il s' agissait d' une e tude transversale descriptive du 01 janvier 2016 au 30 septembre 2018 , incluant tous les patients hospitalises pour pied diabetique dans les departements de Medecine et de Chirurgie du CHU de Bobo - D ioulasso . La classification de l’Universite du Texas (UT) a ete utilisee pour l’evaluation des lesions du pied. Des criteres preetablis ont permis la definition des causes des lesions . Resultats . Au total, 69 patients ont ete inclus dans l’etude. Au nombre de 41 , les femmes etaient majoritaires. La classe modale etait celle de 41 a 50 ans . L ’echographie -doppler arterielle et la radiographie du pied , ont ete realisees chez env...
La maladie de Behcet est une vascularite «systemique» de cause inconnue. Elle est cosmopolite mai... more La maladie de Behcet est une vascularite «systemique» de cause inconnue. Elle est cosmopolite mais tres rare en Afrique subsaharienne. Nous rapportons dans ce travail un cas de maladie de Behcet avec une revue de la litterature sur l’etat actuel des connaissances concernant le diagnostic et le traitement de cette affection.
Resume Introduction: L’alimentation, en particulier quand elle est trop sucree ou trop grasse, es... more Resume Introduction: L’alimentation, en particulier quand elle est trop sucree ou trop grasse, est un determinant majeur des maladies chroniques non transmissibles. L’objectif de cette etude etait de determiner la frequence et les facteurs associes a la consommation excessive de boissons sucrees et d’aliments frits chez les eleves. Materiels et Methodes : Il s’est agi d’une etude transversale descriptive qui s’est deroulee du Mars a Avril 2016, aupres des eleves des classes de 6eme, 3eme et Terminale des lycees publics et prives de la ville de BoboDioulasso. Les methodes d’enquete alimentaire etaient le rappel des dernieres 24 heures associe au questionnaire de frequence de consommation. La consommation excessive de boissons sucrees etait definie par la consommation de plus de 3 sucreries (soda) ou jus sucrees par jour ( 33 cl x 3) ; celle d’aliments frits par la consommation de plus d’une ration d’aliments frits/cuits dans l’huile par jour. Resultats : Au total, 1993 eleves ont fa...
Le pheochromocytome est une tumeur neuroendocrine rare. Nous avons effectue une etude retrospecti... more Le pheochromocytome est une tumeur neuroendocrine rare. Nous avons effectue une etude retrospective sur six ans qui nous a permis de retrouver deux cas de pheochromocytomes, recus dans le service de Medecine interne du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo a Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. L’hormonologie et le scanner abdominal ont permis de poser le diagnostic d’un pheochromocytome unilateral a noradrenaline pour les deux, qui etaient apparentes au premier degre mais n’ont pas pu beneficier de la prise en charge chirurgicale. De plus la question d’un pheochromocytome familial est posee mais limitee par l’accessibilite a des examens plus specialises. Mots cles : pheochromocytome, HTA, diabete, Burkina Faso, Afrique de l’Ouest.
Revue du Rhumatisme, 2021
La thrombose de la veine ovarienne (TVO) est une pathologie rare survenant generalement dans le p... more La thrombose de la veine ovarienne (TVO) est une pathologie rare survenant generalement dans le post partum. Son incidence en dehors du post partum n’est pas connue. Nous avons rapporte un cas de TVO chez une patiente de 29 ans au CHU Sylvanus Olympio de Lome, sous oestroprogestatif depuis 8 ans. Il s’agit d’une TVO revelee par un syndrome subocclusif abdominal non febrile associe a un syndrome inflammatoire biologique. Devant une aerogrelie diffuse a l’abdomen sans preparation un ileus paralytique a ete evoque. La tomodensitometrie abdominale faite a la recherche d’un infarctus mesenterique a conduit a une decouverte fortuite d’une thrombose de la veine ovarienne droite. Le diagnostic de TVO avec ileus reflexe a ete retenu. Un traitement anticoagulant a permis une amelioration du tableau clinique. Mots cles : Thrombose, ovaire, douleur abdominale.
Les polymyosites(PM) et dermatomyosites(DM) sont des maladies auto-immunes rares. Au Burkina Faso... more Les polymyosites(PM) et dermatomyosites(DM) sont des maladies auto-immunes rares. Au Burkina Faso, le diagnostic et la prise en charge de ces myopathies ne sont pas aises. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiques et evolutifs de ces myopathies en milieu hospitalier. Il s’est agi d’une etude retrospective, descriptive, allant de 2006 a 2014. Les services de Medecine Interne et de Dermatologie-Venerologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo(CHUYO) ont servi de cadre d’etude. Les criteres de Bohan et Peter ont ete utilises pour la definition des cas. Au total 10 cas de dermatomyosites et 1 cas de polymyosite ont ete colliges. L’âge median etait de 35 ans. Le sex ratio etait de 0,37. Les atteintes musculaires (n= 11), cutanees (n= 10) etaient predominantes. Des arthralgies etaient retrouvees chez 2 patients. Un Bloc de Branche Droit (BBD) etait observe chez un patient. Une pneumopathie etait presente dans u...
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2018
Introduction: Nutrition, particularly when too sweet or too fatty, is a major determinant of chro... more Introduction: Nutrition, particularly when too sweet or too fatty, is a major determinant of chronic diseases. This study aims to determine the frequency and associate factors of the excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried food among secondary school pupils. Methods: It is cross-sectional study which was conducted from March to April 2016 among 1st, 4th and 7th form pupils of public and private schools in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Nutritional investigation methods consisted in a reminder of the last 24 hours associated with a questionnaire on food consumption frequency. Excessive consumption of sweet drinks was defined as a consumption of more than 3 sweet drinks (soda) or sugary juice per day (~33 cl × 3); and excessive consumption of fried food as a consumption of more than 1 intake of fried food per day. Results: In total, 1993 pupils were interviewed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and sex-ratio 0.7. Excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried food was recorded in 12.7% (n = 253) and 28.2% (n = 561) of pupils, respectively. The factors associated with excessive consumption of sweet drinks were: sex/female, sedentarily, desire to gain weight, lean or normal corpulence of the mother and breakfast intake; those associated with excessive consumption of fried food were: sex/female, being in 1st or 4th form, physical exercise practice and breakfast intake. But the fact to attend a private secondary school, to have a mother of normal corpulence and a concordance between self-image and actual weight status, were protective against excessive consumption of fried foods. Conclusion: This study has displayed prominently the fact that eating How to cite this paper:
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2018
Introduction: Diet is a determinant of chronic non transmissible diseases. The aim of this study ... more Introduction: Diet is a determinant of chronic non transmissible diseases. The aim of this study was to describe pupils' diet in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that took place from March to April 2016, among 1st, 4th and 7th form pupils of public and private schools in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Diet survey methods were a reminder of the last 24 hours and the questionnaire of consumption frequency. Results: A total of 1993 pupils were surveyed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and the sex ratio 0.7. The majority of pupils (90.5%) reported eating at least 3 meals a day. Dietary recommendations were different according to food groups. For example, vegetables (90.0%), fruits (75.4%) and dairy products (79.3%) were the least well consumed foods compared to recommendations. Protein and starch intake were inadequate among these pupils with 39.7% and 58.2% respectively. Almost 1/4 had a regular weekly alcohol consumption (23.4%) while an excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried foods was noted in 12.7% and 28.2% of them, respectively. Conclusion: This study has revealed a general insufficiency in the recommended dietary intakes of fruit, vegetables, proteins, starchy foods and dairy products among pupils, and on the other hand, a regular consumption of fatty, sugary and alcoholic foods for about a fifth of them. An intervention program such as "Communication for Continuous Behavior Change" would help improve these habits.
Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 2018
Several studies have shown the importance of therapeutic education in the management of diabetes.... more Several studies have shown the importance of therapeutic education in the management of diabetes. Its implementation requires a prior assessment of the level of patients' knowledge. The objective of this study was to assess the level of diabetics' knowledge about their disease. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between 2013 and 2015; consenting diabetics, followed for at least one year in medicine department of Souro Sanou Hospital, have been surveyed. The data were collected using a 51-item questionnaire, adapted from "Audit of Diabetes Knowledge" and administered by an interviewer. The level of knowledge was satisfactory/good if at least 80% of the set items or a topic were known. Results: A total of 268 diabetics were surveyed. Their mean age was 54.3 ± 1.4 years and the sex ratio 0.8. The majority (80.9%) lived in urban areas and half (50.4%) were uneducated. Type 2 diabetics accounted for 93.3% of the population; the average seniority was 6.0 ± 0.7 years. The level of knowledge was generally insufficient, with an average total score of 25.4 ± 1.0/51. The topics which were not well mastered related to diet (0.8%), glycated haemoglobin (4.5%), and signs of hypoglycemia (7.8%). The main relatively well-known topics related to the effect of physical exercise on glycemia = 37.7%, the effect of food on glycemia = 36.9% and glycemia target = 32.8%. Conclusion: This study revealed a lack of knowledge from diabetic patients who are followed in the medicine department of the Teaching Hospital Souro SANON (CHUSS). The implementation of a therapeutic education program for diabetics is necessary and urgent.
Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 2018
According to WHO, eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day at an early age is ... more According to WHO, eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day at an early age is protective against cancers, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to determine among secondary school pupils in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso, the level of observation of this recommendation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from March to April 2016, among secondary school pupils in 1 st Form, 4 th Form and 7 th Form of public and private secondary schools. The diet survey methods were the recalling of the last 24 hours associated with intake frequency questionnaire. An intake of less than one fruit (or a slice of a big fruit) per day and for vegetables, less than one portion of raw or cooked vegetables per day was considered insufficient. Results: A total of 1993 pupils were surveyed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and the sex ratio 0.7; 75.4% and 90.0% of pupils had insufficient daily intake of fruit and vegetables respectively. The determinants of this consumption deficiency were: Sex (male, OR = 1.7 (1.3-2.2)), secondary school (public, OR = 1.6 (1.3-2.0)), class (4 th Form, OR = 2.5 (1.5-4.2)/7 th Form, OR = 3.7 (2.7-5.1)), the mother (thin build, OR = 3.2 (2.0-5.3)/overweight/obesity, OR = 2.8 (1.6-4.7)) and physical inactivity (OR = 1.5 (1.2-2.0)). Conclusion: The promotion of a healthy diet among secondary school pupils should take into account the type of school, sex, educational level, physical activity and mothers' influence.
Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques, 2019
Introduction : Le diabète sucré constitue un véritable problème de santé publique dans le monde e... more Introduction : Le diabète sucré constitue un véritable problème de santé publique dans le monde entier et prend de l'ampleur dans les pays en voie de développement. Objectif : Déterminer les sujets à risque de diabète de type 2 (DT2) et facteurs de risque associés en milieu estudiantin. Matériel et Méthode : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive chez des volontaires étudiants recrutés de façon systématique, le 23 novembre 2013, dans la ville de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Le score finlandais de risque de diabète (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) a été utilisé. Chaque volontaire a été interviewé à l'aide d'une fiche individuelle, suivi d'un examen clinique et de la mesure de la glycémie capillaire. Résultats : Au total, 564 volontaires ont été inclus dans l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 25,2 ± 3,8 ans, et le sexe-ratio (hommes/femmes) de 3,9. Au niveau de l'hérédité, une histoire familiale de diabète et d'hypertension artérielle (HTA) était notée chez respectivement 2,1 % (n = 12) et 18,3 % (n = 103) des sujets enquêtés. Un évènement cardiovasculaire familial a été noté chez 2 % (n = 11) des sujets. Une HTA était connue chez 2,7 % (n = 15) d'entre eux. L'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) moyen était de 21,8 ± 2,9 kg/m 2. Un surpoids et une obésité androïde étaient notés chez 35 et 8 sujets, respectivement. Une obésité abdominale était notée chez 30 sujets. L'HTA était notée chez 15 sujets. Seuls 17 sujets ont rapporté la pratique d'une activité physique régulière. La glycémie capillaire moyenne était de 4,5 mmol/L ; 11 sujets avaient une hyperglycémie capillaire. Le risque de survenue de diabète a été sérié en risque faible (533 personnes ; 96,70 %), risque légèrement élevé (17 personnes ; 3,08 %), risque modéré et élevé chez une personne chacun (0,18 %). Conclusion : En milieu estudiantin à Ouagadougou, la fréquence des sujets ayant un risque modérément élevé à élevé de développer un DT2 était faible. La prévention du diabète et des facteurs de risque associés est la solution idoine afin de lutter contre le DT2. Le score clinique de risque de DT2 (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) offre une alternative d'évaluation de risque de survenue du DT2 dans une population particulière, ce qui permettra la mise en oeuvre de moyens de prévention. Mots-clés : Finnish Diabetes Risk Score-risque-diabète de type 2-étudiants-Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso.
Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2017
présente 45 %. Tous les patients ayant un trouble restrictif avaient une obésité morbide. Discuss... more présente 45 %. Tous les patients ayant un trouble restrictif avaient une obésité morbide. Discussion Les explorations fonctionnelles respiratoires permettent de différencier les syndromes obstructifs, restrictifs ou mixtes orientant ainsi l'enquête étiologique devant des troubles ventilatoires. L'obésité est décrite comme étant une des étiologies du syndrome restrictif. Cependant, la corrélation entre la gravité du syndrome restrictif et le degré d'obésité reste discutable. Déclaration de liens d'intérêts Les auteurs n'ont pas précisé leurs éventuels liens d'intérêts.
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
Objectives Few studies addressed the efficacy of human insulin regimens (mostly premix insulin) u... more Objectives Few studies addressed the efficacy of human insulin regimens (mostly premix insulin) used in many low-and-middle income countries on glycemic control of children and adolescents with diabetes. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of the premix insulin on the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in comparison to the regular with NPH insulin scheme. Methods A retrospective study was carried out from January 2020 to September 2022 on patients with type 1 diabetes aged below 18 years followed in Burkina Life For A Child program. They were categorized into three groups, on regular with NPH insulin (Group A), on premix insulin (Group B) and on regular with premix insulin (Group C). Outcome was analyzed based on HbA1c level. Results Sixty-eight patients with a mean age of 15.38 ± 2.26 years and the sex ratio (M/W) 0.94 were studied. There were 14 in Group A, 20 in Group B, and 34 patients in Group C. The mean HbA1c value in the corresponding insulin regimen was 12.8 ± 1.39%, ...
Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques
Open Journal of Internal Medicine
Background: Diabetes mellitus and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors for stroke. Phy... more Background: Diabetes mellitus and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors for stroke. Physical activity is one of the pillars of type 2 diabetes management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness of a sample of type 2 diabetes patients at the CHU of Martinique (UHCM). Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, from 1st June to 30 th September 2018. It consisted of the exhaustive prospective collection of data on the usual physical activity and physical fitness of type 2 diabetic patients hospitalized in the Endocrinology department of the UHCM for a short stay. The physical fitness tests of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, validated on 13 April 2013, were used. Results: Thirty patients were included in the study. The mean age was 51.9 ± 11 years. The sex ratio was 1.5, and hypertension in 53% (n = 16) of patients was the most associated risk factor. The median duration of diabetes progression was 4 years with Q1 and Q2 quantiles of 2 and 10 years, respectively. The physical fitness evaluation noted a balance disorder with a risk of falling in 56.7% (n = 17) of patients, muscle stiffness in 20% (n = 6) of them, while 56.7% (n = 17) and 80% (n = 24) had a decrease in the muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs, respectively. The distance covered during the standard 6 min walking test was normal for 70% (n = 21) of the patients. Conclusion: The evaluation of the patient's physical fitness allows us to assess their deconditioning to physical activity and other obstacles to physical activity to plan appropriate
Annales Africaines de Medecine
Context and objective. Strokes risk increases with age. The most common one is ischemic stroke. O... more Context and objective. Strokes risk increases with age. The most common one is ischemic stroke. Our objective was to identify epidemiological, clinical features and the factors linked to the prognosis for survival of older patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke in Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso. Methods. This was an analytical historical study on older patients aged ≥ 65 years, hospitalized for ischemic stroke at Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso during the period from January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2019. Results. A total of 153 patients has been involved in this study. The intrahospital ischemic stroke frequency was 68. 61 % of all strokes in elderly. The average age was 73.98 years. The sex ratio M/F was 1.25. Chronic high blood pressure (61.43 %), alcoholism (21.56%), diabetes (14.37 %), and history of stroke (13.72 %) were the most frequent cerebrovascular risk factors in past medical history. The motor deficit represented the main reason f...
Medecine tropicale et sante internationale, Mar 31, 2022
Background: Envenomation by snakebite is a public health problem in developing countries. Neurova... more Background: Envenomation by snakebite is a public health problem in developing countries. Neurovascular complications are uncommon. We report two cases of hemorrhagic stroke at the Sourô Sanou Teaching Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, which complicate an envenomation. Clinical description: The first patient was a 60-year-old woman with no history, who had been admitted 2 hours after snakebite for gingivorrhagia and consciousness disorders. Clinical examination found coma (GCS 7/15) and tetraparesis. The second patient was a 50-year-old woman with no history, who had been admitted one week after snakebite with digestive bleeding. Clinical examination found right hemiplegia and meningeal syndrome. Both patients presented hemorrhagic stroke on brain CT-scan but hemostasis assessment was normal. They received polyvalent antivenom and symptomatic treatment. The outcome was favorable for survival but with sequelae like tetraparesis for first patient and hemiparesis for second patient. Discussion - conclusion: The hemorrhagic strokes are rare complications of snake envenomation. Venomous toxins can directly lead to the rupture of intracranial vessels apart of abnormalities of hemostasis. However, the morbidity and mortality related to envenomation by snake bite remains high in our environment.
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne, Dec 29, 2020
Introduction : Le pied diabétique constitue un fardeau socioéconomique important, notamment dans ... more Introduction : Le pied diabétique constitue un fardeau socioéconomique important, notamment dans les pays en voie de développement. L'objectif de notre étude était de déterminer les caractéristiques cliniques, évolutives et pronostiques des lésions du pied chez le diabétique à Bobo-Dioulasso. Patients et méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique, réalisée du 01 janvier 2016 au 30 septembre 2018, incluant 69 patients diabétiques admis pour une lésion au pied dans les départements de Chirurgie et de Médecine du CHU de Bobo-Dioulasso. Résultats. Le sex-ratio H/F était de 0,68 et l'âge moyen de 54,8±13,4 ans. Avant leur admission à l'hôpital, 23,2% des patients avaient entrepris une tradithérapie. Les lésions siégeaient en majorité au membre pelvien droit (53,6%) et concernaient le plus souvent les orteils dans 44,9% des cas. Au total, 72,5% des lésions étaient classées au stade 3 de la classification de l'Université de Texas (UT). En unité hospitalisation, une amputation d'un segment de membre inférieur a été réalisée dans 53,6% des cas. L'évolution des lésions du pied non amputé a été jugée favorable dans 55,1% des cas. Cependant, 23 cas de décès ont été enregistrés, soit une mortalité de 33,3%. Les décès étaient liés à la gravité des lésions (classées au moins au stade 2 de la classification UT, p=0,03) et à l'hyperleucocytose (p=0,02). En analyse multivariée, seule l'hyperleucocytose demeurait un facteur associé aux décès (OR=7,84 [1,14-84,73], p=0,037). Conclusion. Le pied diabétique est marqué dans notre contexte par une létalité très élevée. Il requière une attention particulière incluant une bonne éducation thérapeutique et un suivi optimal des patients afin de prévenir, déceler et prendre précocement en charge ces lésions du pied. Mots-clés : Pied diabétique-évolutionpronostic-Bobo-Dioulasso. Summary Introduction. The objective of our study was to determine the clinical, progressive and prognostic characteristics of foot lesions in diabetics in Bobo-Dioulasso. Patients and methods. Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study, from January 01st, 2016 to September 30th, 2018, including 69 diabetic patients admitted for diabetic foot, in the departments of Surgery and Medicine of the University Hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso. Results. The M/F sex ratio was 0.68 and the mean age of the patients was 54.8 ± 13.4 years. Before their admission to hospital, 23.2% of patients had started traditional therapy. Most of the lesions were in the right pelvic limb (53.6%) and most often involved the toes in 44.9% of cases. A total of 72.5% of the lesions were classified as stage 3 of the University of Texas classification. In the hospitalization unit, an amputation of a lower limb segment was performed in 53.6% of cases. The evolution of the lesions of the unamputated foot was considered favorable in 55.1% of cases. However, 23 deaths were recorded, representing a mortality of 33.3%. The deaths were related to the severity of the lesions (classified as at least stage 2 of the UT classification, p = 0.03) and hyperleukocytosis (p = 0.02). In multivariate analysis, only hyperleukocytosis remained a factor associated with death (OR = 7.84 [1.14-84.73], p = 0.037). Conclusion. The diabetic foot is marked in our context by a very high lethality. It requires special attention including good therapeutic education and optimal patient monitoring in order to prevent, detect and early manage these foot lesions.
Introduction . Les lesions du pied constituent une complication grave et un motif frequent d’hosp... more Introduction . Les lesions du pied constituent une complication grave et un motif frequent d’hospitalisation des sujets diabetiques. L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner les caracteristiques diagnostiques du pied diabetique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bobo- Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Patients et methodes . Il s' agissait d' une e tude transversale descriptive du 01 janvier 2016 au 30 septembre 2018 , incluant tous les patients hospitalises pour pied diabetique dans les departements de Medecine et de Chirurgie du CHU de Bobo - D ioulasso . La classification de l’Universite du Texas (UT) a ete utilisee pour l’evaluation des lesions du pied. Des criteres preetablis ont permis la definition des causes des lesions . Resultats . Au total, 69 patients ont ete inclus dans l’etude. Au nombre de 41 , les femmes etaient majoritaires. La classe modale etait celle de 41 a 50 ans . L ’echographie -doppler arterielle et la radiographie du pied , ont ete realisees chez env...
La maladie de Behcet est une vascularite «systemique» de cause inconnue. Elle est cosmopolite mai... more La maladie de Behcet est une vascularite «systemique» de cause inconnue. Elle est cosmopolite mais tres rare en Afrique subsaharienne. Nous rapportons dans ce travail un cas de maladie de Behcet avec une revue de la litterature sur l’etat actuel des connaissances concernant le diagnostic et le traitement de cette affection.
Resume Introduction: L’alimentation, en particulier quand elle est trop sucree ou trop grasse, es... more Resume Introduction: L’alimentation, en particulier quand elle est trop sucree ou trop grasse, est un determinant majeur des maladies chroniques non transmissibles. L’objectif de cette etude etait de determiner la frequence et les facteurs associes a la consommation excessive de boissons sucrees et d’aliments frits chez les eleves. Materiels et Methodes : Il s’est agi d’une etude transversale descriptive qui s’est deroulee du Mars a Avril 2016, aupres des eleves des classes de 6eme, 3eme et Terminale des lycees publics et prives de la ville de BoboDioulasso. Les methodes d’enquete alimentaire etaient le rappel des dernieres 24 heures associe au questionnaire de frequence de consommation. La consommation excessive de boissons sucrees etait definie par la consommation de plus de 3 sucreries (soda) ou jus sucrees par jour ( 33 cl x 3) ; celle d’aliments frits par la consommation de plus d’une ration d’aliments frits/cuits dans l’huile par jour. Resultats : Au total, 1993 eleves ont fa...
Le pheochromocytome est une tumeur neuroendocrine rare. Nous avons effectue une etude retrospecti... more Le pheochromocytome est une tumeur neuroendocrine rare. Nous avons effectue une etude retrospective sur six ans qui nous a permis de retrouver deux cas de pheochromocytomes, recus dans le service de Medecine interne du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo a Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. L’hormonologie et le scanner abdominal ont permis de poser le diagnostic d’un pheochromocytome unilateral a noradrenaline pour les deux, qui etaient apparentes au premier degre mais n’ont pas pu beneficier de la prise en charge chirurgicale. De plus la question d’un pheochromocytome familial est posee mais limitee par l’accessibilite a des examens plus specialises. Mots cles : pheochromocytome, HTA, diabete, Burkina Faso, Afrique de l’Ouest.
Revue du Rhumatisme, 2021
La thrombose de la veine ovarienne (TVO) est une pathologie rare survenant generalement dans le p... more La thrombose de la veine ovarienne (TVO) est une pathologie rare survenant generalement dans le post partum. Son incidence en dehors du post partum n’est pas connue. Nous avons rapporte un cas de TVO chez une patiente de 29 ans au CHU Sylvanus Olympio de Lome, sous oestroprogestatif depuis 8 ans. Il s’agit d’une TVO revelee par un syndrome subocclusif abdominal non febrile associe a un syndrome inflammatoire biologique. Devant une aerogrelie diffuse a l’abdomen sans preparation un ileus paralytique a ete evoque. La tomodensitometrie abdominale faite a la recherche d’un infarctus mesenterique a conduit a une decouverte fortuite d’une thrombose de la veine ovarienne droite. Le diagnostic de TVO avec ileus reflexe a ete retenu. Un traitement anticoagulant a permis une amelioration du tableau clinique. Mots cles : Thrombose, ovaire, douleur abdominale.
Les polymyosites(PM) et dermatomyosites(DM) sont des maladies auto-immunes rares. Au Burkina Faso... more Les polymyosites(PM) et dermatomyosites(DM) sont des maladies auto-immunes rares. Au Burkina Faso, le diagnostic et la prise en charge de ces myopathies ne sont pas aises. L’objectif de ce travail etait d’etudier les aspects epidemiologiques, diagnostiques, therapeutiques et evolutifs de ces myopathies en milieu hospitalier. Il s’est agi d’une etude retrospective, descriptive, allant de 2006 a 2014. Les services de Medecine Interne et de Dermatologie-Venerologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo(CHUYO) ont servi de cadre d’etude. Les criteres de Bohan et Peter ont ete utilises pour la definition des cas. Au total 10 cas de dermatomyosites et 1 cas de polymyosite ont ete colliges. L’âge median etait de 35 ans. Le sex ratio etait de 0,37. Les atteintes musculaires (n= 11), cutanees (n= 10) etaient predominantes. Des arthralgies etaient retrouvees chez 2 patients. Un Bloc de Branche Droit (BBD) etait observe chez un patient. Une pneumopathie etait presente dans u...
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2018
Introduction: Nutrition, particularly when too sweet or too fatty, is a major determinant of chro... more Introduction: Nutrition, particularly when too sweet or too fatty, is a major determinant of chronic diseases. This study aims to determine the frequency and associate factors of the excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried food among secondary school pupils. Methods: It is cross-sectional study which was conducted from March to April 2016 among 1st, 4th and 7th form pupils of public and private schools in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Nutritional investigation methods consisted in a reminder of the last 24 hours associated with a questionnaire on food consumption frequency. Excessive consumption of sweet drinks was defined as a consumption of more than 3 sweet drinks (soda) or sugary juice per day (~33 cl × 3); and excessive consumption of fried food as a consumption of more than 1 intake of fried food per day. Results: In total, 1993 pupils were interviewed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and sex-ratio 0.7. Excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried food was recorded in 12.7% (n = 253) and 28.2% (n = 561) of pupils, respectively. The factors associated with excessive consumption of sweet drinks were: sex/female, sedentarily, desire to gain weight, lean or normal corpulence of the mother and breakfast intake; those associated with excessive consumption of fried food were: sex/female, being in 1st or 4th form, physical exercise practice and breakfast intake. But the fact to attend a private secondary school, to have a mother of normal corpulence and a concordance between self-image and actual weight status, were protective against excessive consumption of fried foods. Conclusion: This study has displayed prominently the fact that eating How to cite this paper:
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2018
Introduction: Diet is a determinant of chronic non transmissible diseases. The aim of this study ... more Introduction: Diet is a determinant of chronic non transmissible diseases. The aim of this study was to describe pupils' diet in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that took place from March to April 2016, among 1st, 4th and 7th form pupils of public and private schools in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Diet survey methods were a reminder of the last 24 hours and the questionnaire of consumption frequency. Results: A total of 1993 pupils were surveyed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and the sex ratio 0.7. The majority of pupils (90.5%) reported eating at least 3 meals a day. Dietary recommendations were different according to food groups. For example, vegetables (90.0%), fruits (75.4%) and dairy products (79.3%) were the least well consumed foods compared to recommendations. Protein and starch intake were inadequate among these pupils with 39.7% and 58.2% respectively. Almost 1/4 had a regular weekly alcohol consumption (23.4%) while an excessive consumption of sweet drinks and fried foods was noted in 12.7% and 28.2% of them, respectively. Conclusion: This study has revealed a general insufficiency in the recommended dietary intakes of fruit, vegetables, proteins, starchy foods and dairy products among pupils, and on the other hand, a regular consumption of fatty, sugary and alcoholic foods for about a fifth of them. An intervention program such as "Communication for Continuous Behavior Change" would help improve these habits.
Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 2018
Several studies have shown the importance of therapeutic education in the management of diabetes.... more Several studies have shown the importance of therapeutic education in the management of diabetes. Its implementation requires a prior assessment of the level of patients' knowledge. The objective of this study was to assess the level of diabetics' knowledge about their disease. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between 2013 and 2015; consenting diabetics, followed for at least one year in medicine department of Souro Sanou Hospital, have been surveyed. The data were collected using a 51-item questionnaire, adapted from "Audit of Diabetes Knowledge" and administered by an interviewer. The level of knowledge was satisfactory/good if at least 80% of the set items or a topic were known. Results: A total of 268 diabetics were surveyed. Their mean age was 54.3 ± 1.4 years and the sex ratio 0.8. The majority (80.9%) lived in urban areas and half (50.4%) were uneducated. Type 2 diabetics accounted for 93.3% of the population; the average seniority was 6.0 ± 0.7 years. The level of knowledge was generally insufficient, with an average total score of 25.4 ± 1.0/51. The topics which were not well mastered related to diet (0.8%), glycated haemoglobin (4.5%), and signs of hypoglycemia (7.8%). The main relatively well-known topics related to the effect of physical exercise on glycemia = 37.7%, the effect of food on glycemia = 36.9% and glycemia target = 32.8%. Conclusion: This study revealed a lack of knowledge from diabetic patients who are followed in the medicine department of the Teaching Hospital Souro SANON (CHUSS). The implementation of a therapeutic education program for diabetics is necessary and urgent.
Open Journal of Internal Medicine, 2018
According to WHO, eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day at an early age is ... more According to WHO, eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day at an early age is protective against cancers, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to determine among secondary school pupils in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso, the level of observation of this recommendation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from March to April 2016, among secondary school pupils in 1 st Form, 4 th Form and 7 th Form of public and private secondary schools. The diet survey methods were the recalling of the last 24 hours associated with intake frequency questionnaire. An intake of less than one fruit (or a slice of a big fruit) per day and for vegetables, less than one portion of raw or cooked vegetables per day was considered insufficient. Results: A total of 1993 pupils were surveyed. The mean age was 17.5 ± 3.6 years and the sex ratio 0.7; 75.4% and 90.0% of pupils had insufficient daily intake of fruit and vegetables respectively. The determinants of this consumption deficiency were: Sex (male, OR = 1.7 (1.3-2.2)), secondary school (public, OR = 1.6 (1.3-2.0)), class (4 th Form, OR = 2.5 (1.5-4.2)/7 th Form, OR = 3.7 (2.7-5.1)), the mother (thin build, OR = 3.2 (2.0-5.3)/overweight/obesity, OR = 2.8 (1.6-4.7)) and physical inactivity (OR = 1.5 (1.2-2.0)). Conclusion: The promotion of a healthy diet among secondary school pupils should take into account the type of school, sex, educational level, physical activity and mothers' influence.
Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques, 2019
Introduction : Le diabète sucré constitue un véritable problème de santé publique dans le monde e... more Introduction : Le diabète sucré constitue un véritable problème de santé publique dans le monde entier et prend de l'ampleur dans les pays en voie de développement. Objectif : Déterminer les sujets à risque de diabète de type 2 (DT2) et facteurs de risque associés en milieu estudiantin. Matériel et Méthode : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive chez des volontaires étudiants recrutés de façon systématique, le 23 novembre 2013, dans la ville de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Le score finlandais de risque de diabète (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) a été utilisé. Chaque volontaire a été interviewé à l'aide d'une fiche individuelle, suivi d'un examen clinique et de la mesure de la glycémie capillaire. Résultats : Au total, 564 volontaires ont été inclus dans l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 25,2 ± 3,8 ans, et le sexe-ratio (hommes/femmes) de 3,9. Au niveau de l'hérédité, une histoire familiale de diabète et d'hypertension artérielle (HTA) était notée chez respectivement 2,1 % (n = 12) et 18,3 % (n = 103) des sujets enquêtés. Un évènement cardiovasculaire familial a été noté chez 2 % (n = 11) des sujets. Une HTA était connue chez 2,7 % (n = 15) d'entre eux. L'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) moyen était de 21,8 ± 2,9 kg/m 2. Un surpoids et une obésité androïde étaient notés chez 35 et 8 sujets, respectivement. Une obésité abdominale était notée chez 30 sujets. L'HTA était notée chez 15 sujets. Seuls 17 sujets ont rapporté la pratique d'une activité physique régulière. La glycémie capillaire moyenne était de 4,5 mmol/L ; 11 sujets avaient une hyperglycémie capillaire. Le risque de survenue de diabète a été sérié en risque faible (533 personnes ; 96,70 %), risque légèrement élevé (17 personnes ; 3,08 %), risque modéré et élevé chez une personne chacun (0,18 %). Conclusion : En milieu estudiantin à Ouagadougou, la fréquence des sujets ayant un risque modérément élevé à élevé de développer un DT2 était faible. La prévention du diabète et des facteurs de risque associés est la solution idoine afin de lutter contre le DT2. Le score clinique de risque de DT2 (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) offre une alternative d'évaluation de risque de survenue du DT2 dans une population particulière, ce qui permettra la mise en oeuvre de moyens de prévention. Mots-clés : Finnish Diabetes Risk Score-risque-diabète de type 2-étudiants-Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso.
Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2017
présente 45 %. Tous les patients ayant un trouble restrictif avaient une obésité morbide. Discuss... more présente 45 %. Tous les patients ayant un trouble restrictif avaient une obésité morbide. Discussion Les explorations fonctionnelles respiratoires permettent de différencier les syndromes obstructifs, restrictifs ou mixtes orientant ainsi l'enquête étiologique devant des troubles ventilatoires. L'obésité est décrite comme étant une des étiologies du syndrome restrictif. Cependant, la corrélation entre la gravité du syndrome restrictif et le degré d'obésité reste discutable. Déclaration de liens d'intérêts Les auteurs n'ont pas précisé leurs éventuels liens d'intérêts.